
How to get a discounted voucher for a working person. How to get a ticket to a sanatorium (including for free)? Stages of registration, required documents

In some cases, labor veterans and other segments of the population are helped entirely by the state, and sometimes by the state, to purchase a voucher. partial support is provided. What can a pensioner count on?

Regulatory framework for providing free trips

Providing a social voucher for retired labor veterans to a sanatorium or other institution can be provided free of charge on the basis of a number of documents:

  • Chapter 2 Art. 16.

Is a labor veteran entitled to a free trip to a sanatorium? In addition to state legal documents, regional ones available in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation, based on the capabilities of the region’s budget, will also help in resolving the issue.

It is also important to remember that subsidies are not provided on the basis of regional title documents, and some segments of the population are entitled to them only once a year.

Who can receive a subsidy to visit a health facility?

Based on the current legislation of the Russian Federation, not every citizen has the right to a free referral to spa treatment. Among such persons it can be received by:

  1. Disabled pensioners who were injured during the Second World War.
  2. Elderly people who have worked their entire lives as military personnel, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other services, as well as citizens who took part in military operations during the USSR.
  3. Military personnel from the automobile troops taking part in military operations in Afghanistan.
  4. Persons with the status of “Resident of besieged Leningrad”.
  5. Elderly people with various groups disability.

One of the most important conditions receiving benefits at a discount is the absence of work for a pensioner.

List of health institutions

Referrals can only be obtained to specialized sanatoriums that:

  • entered into a cooperation agreement with the Social Insurance Fund;
  • located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

They may also be sent to a sanatorium, where the citizen needs to continue treatment begun in a hospital. If the person applying for the subsidy is a former employee of the department, then the benefit is issued only to a specialized health facility.

Requirements for those wishing to receive a ticket

In order to understand how to get a permit for a labor veteran to go to a sanatorium, you must initially meet the following requirements:

  • age (must be at least 55 years for women and 60 years for men);
  • recommendations from the treating specialist and honey. examination;
  • lack of official work;
  • belonging to one of the categories of beneficiaries;
  • monetization was not used for this subsidy - no.

Speaking about diseases for which pensioners and labor veterans can be issued a voucher, the list is quite extensive, and the leading role is played by the recommendation of a specialist, confirmed by documents.

Stages of registration, required documents

In order to find out how to get a free trip to a sanatorium for a retired labor veteran, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. First, visit your doctor, who will give you a referral for a medical examination. After passing it, the pensioner must receive a specialist’s opinion that sanatorium treatment is recommended.
  2. After receiving a certificate in form No. 070/u-04, an elderly citizen must visit the USZN or a military commissariat, where he writes an application in the prescribed form and submits documents: a copy and original of a passport; a paper confirming that the citizen has the right to this benefit; SNILS; medical report a specialist, and sometimes a paper confirming a medical and social examination.
  3. After this, the person wishing to receive the benefit is placed in a queue, and as the queue progresses, the pensioner receives a document for a trip to the boarding house.


After the citizen submits the papers, within 3 weeks he receives an answer whether he will be given a subsidy or not. If the answer is positive, the sanatorium voucher for the labor veteran will be transferred according to the priority order or will be processed.

Due to the fact that Crimea now belongs to the Russian Federation, the queue for benefits has begun to move faster. This became possible thanks to the Crimean boarding houses that accept citizens on discounted vouchers.

It is also important to take into account that after a free voucher to a sanatorium is received, a labor veteran can re-submit new papers for a similar subsidy next year.

Nuances of preferential travel for various categories of citizens

The issuance of subsidies of this type for different segments of the population is regulated by law. This difference is one of the main ones when applying for a subsidy.


Retired military personnel have the right to a subsidized voucher to a sanatorium in accordance with Article 7, where it is stated that a military pensioner can once a year become the owner of a voucher, of the full cost of which 25% must be paid. If adult family members of a military pensioner received the benefit, they can pay 50% of the cost. If a widow applies for a subsidy, she pays from personal funds the same amount as her husband would pay as a military pensioner.

Veterans of Labor

Preferential vouchers to a sanatorium for labor veterans are received and paid for on similar terms to military pensioners.

Disabled people

To obtain a document for a trip to a health facility for disabled people, the main document is a medical report. Disabled persons receive vouchers under the following conditions:

  • Groups 1 and 2 – full state. security;
  • Group 3 – make an additional payment from personal funds in the amount of 25% of the final price of the tour.

Other citizens

If a pensioner of another group decides to get a voucher, then the procedure for obtaining it is similar.

A trip to a sanatorium has an extremely positive effect on a person’s health, so you should be attentive to such an opportunity if it suddenly appears, and some people have the right to receive a trip completely free of charge. Let's take a closer look at the question: “Sanatorium and resort treatment - who is entitled to it for free?”

It is worth noting that even a working person can get a ticket to the sanatorium, the main thing is that he meets the requirements. Such trips are financed thanks to the Foundation social insurance(abbreviated as FSS), but more on that a little later.

It is worth figuring out which citizens can count on being given a free ticket. Here are the main groups of people whose treatment will be sponsored by the Social Insurance Fund:

  • WWII veterans;
  • people who received the sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • people who, during the Second World War, worked at facilities responsible for air defense, in the construction of various defensive structures, as well as military facilities located within the borders of the rear of the troops;
  • people who were included in the crew of transport vessels;
  • people who served from the very beginning of the Second World War until September 3, 1945, and the period must be at least 6 months;
  • people who were awarded medals or orders of the USSR for successful service, which was carried out during the period indicated in the previous paragraph;
  • disabled people.

This is where the list of people sponsored by the FSS ends, but those patients who have been discharged from the hospital but require continued treatment can qualify for a free trip to a sanatorium at the expense of the regional budget.

This opportunity is provided to every working person immediately after discharge to his place of residence. The list of diseases after which it is possible to get a free trip is always determined regulatory documents specific region.

Also for free spa treatment can be counted on by people who work (or who worked, but ended it upon retirement) in some departments, for example, in the Ministry of Defense or in the Mayor’s Office.

Will a person who receives such a voucher have to pay for anything on their own?

People often ask a question regarding additional payment for something when receiving a free voucher to a sanatorium. It is worth understanding that the sanatorium-resort voucher (possible period - 18-24 days) in the situations under consideration is paid in full by the mentioned authorities. The sanatorium must be located on the territory of Russia, the cost of travel in both directions will also be paid for you, but you should still check the details with the FSS office.

Pay attention! If you have any medications that you take regularly, you should take care of them yourself, since in the sanatorium there are no such medicines It might just not be there!

Which sanatorium will the voucher be provided to?

It is worth understanding that not all sanatoriums accept people with discounted vouchers. It is worth considering the situation based on the groups of people who have the right to free treatment in the sanatorium, here they are.

  1. People traveling at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund. Those who receive payment for a trip from the Social Insurance Fund must enter into an agreement with this fund, which will indicate the sanatorium where you will go. In such situations, they give a ticket to treatment taking place in various resort regions.
  2. Patients requiring follow-up care after discharge from hospital. Those people who receive travel funding from the regional budget need further treatment. Most often, they go to a sanatorium that provides just such services, and most importantly, is located close to the place of residence of people discharged from the hospital.
  3. Employees of departments and departments. With this option, everything is simple, since people can only go to the sanatorium that belongs to a specific department or department, and this issue is considered individually.

How to get a ticket?

To receive a free voucher, you must contact the attending physician of the medical institution at your place of residence, where the specialist will fill out a certificate indicating the name of the resort, as well as information about the sanatorium and the visiting season recommended by doctors (we are talking about form 070/u-04).
  • passport;
  • certificates confirming membership in a specific preferential category, that is, a certificate or, for example, an ITU certificate;
  • individual plan rehabilitation created by a specialist;
  • a certificate giving the patient the right to use the kit social services(This can be obtained from your Pension Fund branch).

You will receive a response within 2 weeks; both the treatment profile and the recommended season will be considered. After a positive answer, you will need to receive a special card; this can be done at the clinic where you received the initial certificate. When you return from the sanatorium, you will need to return the coupon to the clinic.

Get a free trip

At the expense of compulsory social insurance funds, full payment of the cost of vouchers to health resort institutions located on the territory Russian Federation, the cost of travel on intercity transport to the place of treatment carried out at the expense of the federal budget in sanatorium-resort and federal specialized medical institutions and back individual categories citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a corresponding social service provided for “On State Social Assistance”.

The duration of sanatorium-resort treatment as part of the set of social services provided to citizens in a sanatorium-resort institution is 18 days, for disabled children - 21 days, and for disabled people with diseases and consequences of spinal cord and brain injuries - from 24 to 42 days. ().

From January 1, 2011 in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 5 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2010 No. 334-FZ “On the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for 2011 and for the planning period of 2012 and 2013” ​​-

financial support for payment of the cost of vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation, 18 days, for disabled children - 21 days, for disabled people with diseases and consequences of spinal cord and brain injuries - from 24 to 42 days, long-distance travel costs transport to and from the place of treatment carried out at the expense of the federal budget in sanatorium-resort and federal specialized medical institutions and back to certain categories of citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of an appropriate social service provided for Federal law dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”, within the limits of interbudgetary transfers from the federal budget for these purposes.

From January 1, 2011 With cost of one day of stay in sanatorium-resort institutions determined

for disabled people, including disabled children, with diseases and injuries spinal cord in an amount not exceeding 1296.3 rubles;

for disabled people and other categories of citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services, as well as persons accompanying citizens with group I disabilities and disabled children in an amount not exceeding 828.5 rubles.

In 2010: for citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services, as well as persons accompanying citizens with limited ability to labor activity III degree, and disabled children, the cost of one day of stay in sanatorium-resort institutions from January 1, 2010 was set at an amount not exceeding 772 rubles; for disabled people, including disabled children, with diseases and injuries of the spinal cord - in an amount not exceeding 1207.4 rubles ().

The cost of one day of stay in sanatorium-resort institutions located in regions and localities in which regional coefficients are applied to wages in accordance with the established procedure is determined taking into account these regional coefficients.

Vouchers paid for at the expense of compulsory social insurance funds are provided to citizens of Russia, if available, in sanatorium and resort organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation and included in List of sanatorium and resort institutions, which provide vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment for citizens entitled to receive state social assistance, are approved annually based on the results of competitive selections, by order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF. ()

Disabled people and disabled children who have the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services are issued if there is a recommendation for sanatorium-resort treatment in the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled person. [“About approval of forms individual program rehabilitation of a disabled person, individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child, issued by federal government agencies].

To obtain a voucher, you need to contact the attending physician of a medical institution at your place of residence. Subject to availability medical indications and the absence of contraindications for spa treatment, the doctor will fill out (Form No. 070/u-04 in accordance with). must contain the following information: name of the resort, profile of the sanatorium, recommended season (valid for 6 months). With this certificate and an application for a voucher, you must contact the regional office of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. In addition, to receive a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment, it is necessary to submit: documents confirming the inclusion of a citizen in the appropriate preferential category (certificate, ITU certificate of disability, etc.); an individual rehabilitation plan for a disabled person, a certificate confirming the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services (issued at the department pension fund), passport. Within two weeks the Foundation will inform about the possibility of providing sanatorium-resort voucher corresponding to the declared treatment profile, indicating the date of arrival.

The sanatorium-resort voucher is issued in completed form with the seal of the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund and with the mark " Paid for from the federal budget and not subject to sale".

After receiving a sanatorium-resort voucher, but not earlier than 2 months before the start of its validity period, you must obtain it (for children - approved) at the clinic that issued it. After the end of the sanatorium-resort treatment (no later than 30 days), you need to return the return voucher to the clinic, and the sanatorium will return the tear-off voucher to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

The program for 2011 provides, as part of its implementation, basic program mandatory health insurance financing medical care provided in sanatoriums, including children's and for children with parents.

Sick leave extended in the sanatorium for the entire period of follow-up treatment, but not more than 24 calendar days.

IV. The procedure for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work for the period of sanatorium treatment.

32. When sending patients for further treatment to specialized sanatorium-resort institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation, immediately after inpatient treatment, the certificate of incapacity for work is extended medical worker by decision medical commission specialized sanatorium-resort institution for the entire period of follow-up treatment, but not more than 24 calendar days.

33. When sending persons injured in connection with an accident at work or occupational disease, for sanatorium-resort treatment during a period of temporary incapacity for work (before referral to MTU), a certificate of incapacity for work is issued for the entire period of treatment and travel in accordance with this Procedure.

26. Citizens sent medical organizations and health authorities for treatment in clinics of research institutions (institutes) of balneology, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued by a medical worker based on the decision of the medical commission for the duration of treatment and travel to the place of treatment and back.

* “On the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work by medical organizations” (as amended on December 18, 2008)

If you take constantly medications, paid for from the federal budget, they must be purchased at your place of residence before leaving for the sanatorium

Dear citizens!

From November 1, 2019 00.00 Moscow time
the sale of vouchers to sanatorium and resort organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense began
for the period of arrivals from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.

In connection with the planned major repairs branch of the sanatorium “Divnomorskoe” of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “SKK “Anapsky” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the sale of vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment in the specified branch will be carried out on a monthly basis.

From March 1, 2020, vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment at the Divnomorskoye sanatorium will be sold for May 2020.

The Main Military Medical Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense does not implement
sanatorium and resort vouchers.

Vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment to the Military Sanatorium "Gagra"
are not available to third parties or children.

The implementation of vouchers to sanatorium and resort organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense for 2019 began on October 25, 2018.

Dear citizens! When applying for spa treatment, do not use the services of intermediary companies. Current information on the issues of sanatorium and resort treatment in sanatorium and resort organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense is posted on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense and the official website of military health resorts.

You can find out about the procedure and rules for issuing vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment and recreational recreation on the page .

Sanatorium and resort organizations of District subordination:

You can submit your application through the official websites health resort organizations Russian Ministry of Defense.

To send an application to sanatorium and resort organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation via email [email protected]- Center (tourism and recreation), you must follow the instructions:

  • click on the link [email protected]: in case software If your computer supports the email application offered on the site, the creation page will open email;
  • if your computer software does not support the email application offered on the site, you must select from the proposed menu the email application that corresponds to your email;
  • In order to address the application to the sanatorium and resort organization of your choice, fill out the “Subject” field. To do this, copy and paste the name of the health resort organization from the List of short names (see below);
  • attach or attach scanned (photographed) Application and medical certificate in form 070/у and send your application (in format: pdf, doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tiff). Other formats are not supported.

List of short names of sanatorium and resort organizations:

Baikal b.o.
Barguzin d.o.
Betta d.o.
Borovoe b.o.
Gold Coast
Cosmodrome d.o.

Krasnaya Polyana b.o.
Cote d'Azur
Mozhaisky d.o.
Podmoskovye d.o.
Pyatigorsk children's

Sevastopol b.o.
Sokol d.o.
Sochi Recreation Center


The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reserves the right to clarify the accuracy of information about the sender of the application and the content of the data specified in the Application and medical certificate, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The official mail server ( is intended for electronic correspondence on official matters and is not automated system receiving and processing citizens' requests.

Applications sent to the email address of the official mail server may, for technical reasons, be processed longer than applications sent using specialized online booking forms.

Children who permanently reside in Moscow and belong to the following preferential categories are eligible to receive a discounted voucher:

  • orphans and children left without parental care, who, in accordance with the Federal Law of December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ “On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without parental care” are provided additional guarantees for social support and who have a place of residence in Moscow;
  • orphans and children left without parental care, who are under guardianship, trusteeship, including in a foster or foster family (from 7 to 17 years inclusive - for individual recreation, from 3 to 17 years inclusive - for joint outdoor recreation);
  • disabled children, children with disabilities health (from 7 to 15 years inclusive - for individual recreation, from 4 to 17 years inclusive - for joint outdoor recreation);
  • children from low-income families (from 3 to 7 years inclusive - for joint outings, from 7 to 15 years inclusive - for individual outings);
  • children of others
  • from low-income families;
  • victims of armed and ethnic conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters;
  • from families of refugees and internally displaced persons;
  • found themselves in extreme conditions;
  • victims of violence;
  • whose life activity is objectively disrupted as a result of current circumstances, and who cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of their family;
  • victims of terrorist attacks;
  • from the families of military personnel and persons equivalent to them who died or were injured (wounded, traumatized, concussed) while performing their duties military service or official duties;
  • from families in which both or one parent is disabled;
  • with behavioral problems.
">preferential categories (from 7 to 15 years inclusive - for individual outings) subject to receipt of a monthly child benefit in accordance with Moscow City Law No. 67 of November 3, 2004 (information on receipt of benefits must be provided).

2. What documents are needed to get a free trip?

  • child's identity document;
  • identification document of the applicant;
  • information about the identity document of the parent (legal representative) (when submitting an application by an authorized representative);
  • identification document of the accompanying person (in case of organizing a joint holiday);
  • a document containing information about the place of residence of a child, a person from among orphans and children left without parental care in the city of Moscow;
  • a document confirming the authority of the applicant as a parent (legal representative);
  • document confirming preferential category child;
  • a document confirming the preferential category of a person from among orphans and children left without parental care;
  • a document confirming the authority of the accompanying person for a joint holiday, including for an accompanying person by proxy;
  • a document confirming the authority to submit an application (if the application is submitted by an authorized representative);
  • insurance numbers of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) of the persons specified in the application;
  • a document confirming the change of full name of the persons indicated in the application (only in case of change).

3. When to apply?

As a rule, an application campaign for free trips to next year starts at the end of the current one. Thus, applications for free vacation trips for children in 2020 were accepted from November 2 to December 10, 2019.

At the second stage of the application campaign, which will take place from 10:00 a.m. on February 7 to 11:59 p.m. on February 21, 2020, you need to decide on the choice of a specific recreation and recreation organization. You can do this:

7. Is it possible to refuse a free trip?

You have the right to refuse the provided voucher in two cases:

  1. If there are at least 35 working days left before the arrival date. You can refuse by submitting a written application in person to the State Autonomous Institution “Mosgortur” (pre-registration is required).
  2. Subject to availability
  3. illness, injury of a child;
  4. illness, injury of an accompanying person (in the case of organizing a joint vacation);
  5. the need for an accompanying person to care for a sick family member (in the case of organizing a joint vacation);
  6. quarantine of a child or quarantine of a person living with the child, as well as, in the case of organizing a joint outing, quarantine of an accompanying person;
  7. death of a close relative (parent, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, uncle, aunt);
  8. children with disabilities and children with disabilities receiving sanatorium-resort treatment or rehabilitation at the same time as a free voucher for recreation and recovery.
  9. ">good reasons no later than 60 calendar days from the start date of the rest period specified in the voucher. You can refuse by submitting a written application in person to the State Autonomous Institution “Mosgortur” (pre-registration is required). Documents confirming the existence of valid reasons are attached to the application.

8. Can I get compensation if I bought the ticket myself?

The following have the right to payment of compensation for independently purchased travel vouchers:

  • residents of the city of Moscow who have taken in orphans and children without parental care who are under guardianship, trusteeship, including in a foster or foster family ( Compensation is paid in the amount of 100% of an independently purchased vacation and recreation voucher for each child and for each accompanying person at the rate of no more than one accompanying person per child, but not more than three times the subsistence level per capita established by the Moscow Government on the day of submission applications for payment of compensation for the purchased tour.">compensation in the amount of 100%);
  • residents of the city of Moscow receiving a monthly child benefit in accordance with the Moscow City Law of November 3, 2004 No. 67 “On monthly child benefit” ( 50% of the cost of the purchased vacation and recreation voucher is compensated, but not more than 5,000 rubles.">compensation in the amount of 50%);
  • residents of the city of Moscow, classified as orphans and children left without parental care ( Compensation is paid in the amount of 100% of the cost of an independently purchased voucher for recreation and recreation, but not more than three times the subsistence level per capita established by the Moscow Government on the day of filing an application for payment of compensation for the purchased voucher.">compensation in the amount of 100%)

A parent (legal representative) can submit an application for payment of compensation for an independently purchased voucher to the State Autonomous Institution “Mosgortur” at the address: Moscow, Ogorodnaya Sloboda lane, building 9, building 1. Opening hours: daily from 08:00 to 20:00. Other contacts of the Mosgortur can be found on its website. Applications are accepted by appointment only.

Please note in

  • the child does not have a place of residence in Moscow;
  • applying for payment of compensation after 60 calendar days from the end of the period of rest and recovery based on the purchased voucher;
  • loss of validity of submitted documents if the documents indicate their validity period or their validity period is established by law;
  • submission of an incomplete set of documents;
  • availability in relation to the same child, information about the provision free travel for recreation and recovery in the current calendar year;
  • availability in relation to the same child of information on the provision in the current calendar year of a certificate to receive payment for independent organization of recreation and recreation;
  • the presence in relation to the same child of information about the failure to carry out rest and recreation without good reason on the basis of a vacation and recreation voucher provided in the past and (or) current calendar year with payment of the cost of the vacation and recreation voucher from the budget of the city of Moscow;
  • availability in relation to the same child of information on the payment of compensation for a vacation and recreation voucher independently purchased by parents or other legal representatives in the current calendar year.
  • ">in a number of cases your application may be refused.

    9. I still have questions. Where to go?

    Another important information You can find it in the “Frequently Asked Questions” section on the Moscow City Tourism website and on the official website of the Moscow Mayor.

    You can also contact the State Autonomous Institution "Mosgortur" at the address: Moscow, Ogorodnaya Sloboda lane, building 9, building 1. Opening hours: daily from 08:00 to 20:00. Other contacts of the Mosgortur can be found on its website. Reception is by appointment only.