
Magic rituals for pets. How to make sure your livestock is never spoiled

Very often, people who move to a village for permanent residence first of all buy a cow. But you bought it, but what to do with it next? You are lucky if Burenka is 5 or 6 years old and has already been well milked, and if the first heifer was purchased from bad owners. In most cases, it all ends with the sale of livestock.

You need to be very careful when choosing a cow, because it is bought in order to receive milk, calves, and meat from it.
It is best to buy a purebred animal, because such a cow gives more milk and its quality is much higher. As a rule, their maternal qualities are very well developed.

If you have the opportunity to buy a purebred, then you need to choose from the following breeds: dairy - Kholmogory, black-and-white, red steppe, Yaroslavl; meat and dairy - Swiss and Simmental.

When choosing a nurse, you need to first of all pay attention to her appearance. Healthy - has a straight back, firm gait, smooth, even and soft hairline. You can buy this for your farm without a doubt.

If the hairline has a dull appearance, tousled and hard hairline, then this indicates a recent illness, or the animal is currently sick.

If we talk about high-yielding cows, then their belly should be voluminous, the udder should be large, and the bones should be strong. She should also have well developed gastrointestinal tract and lungs.

The main indicator for a dairy cow is the udder. Those who are just starting to engage in livestock farming are mistaken in believing that a large udder indicates some kind of disease. Large udder sizes indicate high productivity. Bottom part The udder of a cow with high milk production should be at the level of the hock joint.

Accordingly, when choosing a Burenka during the grazing period, you should pay attention to its fatness: if it is well-fed, then this indicates low productivity. This statement is appropriate if this period time it is not in startup.

If you purchased a first-calf, then the milk yield of such a cow is small, and in appearance it does not look like an adult cow. Experienced livestock breeders have noticed that the first heifer produces 70 percent of the volume of milk that she will produce in next years. Milk will increase with each calving until it reaches good level, which occurs when the cow is 5 years old.
When purchased, adult cows are more expensive than first-calf heifers, and you decide which one to buy yourself.

The animal must be bred so that calving occurs at the end of winter or the beginning of spring. Closer to calving, the cow's milk yield drops; after 40-60 days, the cow is let out, that is, they stop milking in order to let her rest and feed the future calf.

On average, a cow produces milk for 300 days a year. It is recommended to let a cow into mating 18 - 26 days after calving, because somewhere around this time the cow begins to estrus, and it lasts approximately 12 - 36 hours (each cow is different) and it is impossible not to notice it, this is good visible from external signs at the cow.

The fat content of milk increases very well after feeding the cow cakes, clover, and grain. In winter, in addition to hay, you need to give silage, fodder beets, potatoes, and wheat bran. There must be salt lick in the manger.

In summer you need to drink cool water, and in winter, on the contrary, warm water.
The room should be draft-free, clean, dry and well lit. It is better to make the floor wooden; in winter the cow will be warmer on it.

You will never meet a superstitious Turk chewing chewing gum at night, because it is believed that after midnight it turns into the flesh of dead people.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Folk signs about a cow - a nurse and a fortuneteller

Of all livestock, the cow has always been the most revered and beloved in Russian villages. Everything is quite understandable: a healthy cow provided any family with a relatively comfortable existence. It is not surprising that folk signs made cows very important animals - by their behavior, owners could judge the approach of happy or bad events.

What to expect from life - signs about cows

  • Is the animal worried without any reason, rushing around in the barn and screaming all night long? You can't go wrong here - expect problems.
  • She looked into the person’s face and hummed three times - she predicted illness or even death.
  • She licked the owner’s face - “washed” him from the evil eye, protected him from various ailments.
  • She broke the fence while returning from the pasture and “caused” all sorts of losses and damages to the owner of the estate.
  • I looked into the open window of a house where there was a sick person - most likely, he would soon die.

And yet, people remembered much more often about “applied” folk signs - the cow provided people with food, so they treated her precisely as a wet nurse. It was considered a very bad sign if someone outsider came into the barn - he could look at the cow “in the wrong way”, and then she stopped giving milk. When buying a cow, folk superstitions forbade asking the previous owners whether the milk yield was good - this led to the inevitable evil eye.

About the sale

In fact, there were very different signs when selling a cow.

  • Some people insisted that on the way to the fair, the cow must be milked, and then “milk crosses” should be applied to the skin in the back area - simply draw them with your finger to protect against the evil eye.
  • Others advised giving the milker as a load to the animal - and not charging a penny for it.
  • It was possible to sell a cow only in the morning, so as not to cause damage to the farm. At least it was no longer possible to take money for it after lunch.
  • The purchased cattle in the new yard were first fed bread from the home stove - in order to tie them to themselves with invisible bonds.

How to buy a cow - notes to take note

The old men knew the signs of a good cow very well. Nowadays they advise paying attention to the breed, but before they had never heard such words - so they looked at general state, proportional build and age (an old animal may not please you with its milk yield).

  • It is believed that after the first two years, each pregnancy leaves a pronounced ring-shaped seal on the horns.

Therefore, in order to select a good (young) cow, it is enough to simply count these marks.

Also folk signs of a dairy cow:

  • big bulging eyes;
  • thin ears;
  • chest “wheel”;
  • Long neck;
  • strong, powerful backbone.

If the animal has the listed signs, it will live a long time and will regularly please its owners with good milk yield.

Now the stars advise you to use one of the layouts suggested below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

Pre-conspiracy prayers

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Eternal Heavenly Father, You said with Your most pure lips that nothing can be done without You. I ask for your help! I begin every business with You, for Your glory and the salvation of my soul. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

“Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the road, and on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil.”

“Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be your name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

Conspiracy when buying livestock

Circle the purchased animal around you, hold the bridle or rope not with your bare hands, but with mittens, and say, turning to the brownie:

“Here is a furry animal for a rich yard, hostess. Sing, feed and pet with a mitten.”

Or say it this way:

“The breadwinner is father, just as I love these little cows (sheep, pigs, etc.), so do you love and celebrate them.”

When buying an animal, give money for it so that there is change, then there will be livestock. This change is hidden above the entrance to the barn. Or into the house if these are dogs or cats.

When they buy a cow, they say

“Lord bless our home with milk, butter, cheese and meat. Amen".

These words are said when giving money for livestock.

Before you bring the cow into the barn

Fan her with a birch broom and say:

“May your meat be smooth, your milk white and sweet, your sour cream fat and tasty. And you, brownie father, take her home to the barn. Guard me day and night, don’t let my little cow be jinxed. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Conspiracy when buying animal food

To ensure that the animals are safe and resilient, when buying food for them, do not forget to say:

“I buy it and bless it in the name of Christ. Amen".

Remove damage from animals

Take a cup of salt water, walk around the animal three times and say, splashing it on the animal:

« I cut and salt and don’t give it. I won’t let anyone spoil mine, someone else’s, or stupid people. Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of anger. My foot will stand forward, my hand will fall over, and the damage will disappear. Amen".

Speak to the festering eyes of animals

Look the animal straight in the eyes and say three times:

« Clean water, clean eyes, wash away disease, tears. Amen".

Remove lichen from animals

Cut the apple into two halves over the head of the sick animal. Rub the ringworm with one half of an apple. Put them together and take the apple to the bridge over the river. Place halves of apples on the bridge railing from different sides with the words:

« How this apple was whole, but became divided, how I put its two sides opposite each other, so that my cattle would not be deprived. Amen".

Speak fistula in animals

“There is a dry shalga in an open field. Just as on that shalga neither grass grows nor a flower blooms, so that my cattle would have no fistula, no wound, no bleeding, no ulcers, no diseased growths, no serious illness. I lock it with my strength, my will, my word. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Raise a fallen animal (horse, cow, etc.)

Before you go to treat an animal, light a candle or lamp in the house and open the window. Stand at the feet of the animal and say in a low voice 12 times without interruption:

« Rejoice and hello. The Lord gave you to us as food, but now is the time for you to expire, get up.”

So that animals do not get sick in winter.

« Frol and Laurus, come in winter to feed my cattle.”

Hide this hay, and on the day of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary you need to give this hay to the animals. The cattle will be strong and tenacious.

cure sore ear in an animal.

Stand next to the animal and whisper in its ear:

« The corner was cut and the cross of oaks was cut, so that the ear would not hurt or twirl, neither during the day, nor during the night, neither in the morning dawn, nor in the evening. Neither in the new, nor in the wind, nor in the calm. Forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracy to give birth to animals

You can give relief to animals during childbirth with this spell:

“Opening the golden gates, I relieve heavy labors, birth cramps, drive away torments - both original and all-born. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Amulet to prevent cattle from being stolen

When the cattle enter the pen, say:

« Thief, become a pillar. Just as a pillar does not see and as a pillar does not hear, so become deaf and blind and do not steal my cattle. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If the cattle did not return home

Take a knife, draw a circle in a field or forest and, poking the knife into the circle, read:

“I ask you, Yuri, Yegor, I ask you as God, calm down your field, forest and pine forest horts, clamp your teeth and lips. So that they do not see with their eyes, do not hear with their ears my cattle (name) in the field, in the forest and in every place. And place it, Lord, in such a place that my cattle (name) will seem to your horts like a dry stump, a rotten log.”

Then leave the knife stuck in the circle overnight until the cattle returns home.

Mandatory condition: no one should see or hear your actions. And in no case should one boast that the spell helped the cattle return unharmed.

So that not a single animal in the herd is lost

They take a whip to the full moon, hit it, walk counterclockwise around the herd and shout:

“Don’t fight wolves, don’t steal from people, don’t kill ticks, don’t suck blood. As he brought, so he took away, as he took, so he gave. Get, you are black, pockmarked, white, black, curly and whatever you are. God will let me count everyone. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To find lost cattle

Tear the red rag into three pieces. Then tie them together and throw them in the place where the missing cattle usually spend the night. After throwing the ties, say:

“As soon as I made three red knots, so soon I could find the lost cattle.”

If cattle are stolen from the pen

In the middle of the yard, light the bedding from under the stolen cattle and read the spell three times:

“As this place burns, so let the thief’s bone, brain, and blood burn. Let fear and forty diseases attack him. It pinches and breaks, gnaws and throws, shakes and crushes, ties the veins into knots. As this fire goes out, the thief will feel bad. Amen".

Amulet to prevent cattle from being stolen

As the cattle enter the pen, say:

“Thief, become a pillar. Just as a pillar does not see and as a pillar does not hear, so become deaf and blind and do not steal my cattle. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Amulet so that no one spoils the animal

On Maundy Thursday you need to wear your sheepskin coat backwards. Go one by one to all the cattle you have, shake the bucket and say:

“On the eastern side, in a distant country, Vlasiy and Theodosius walk. In their holy hands they have golden keys. Oh, you saints, close off my meat trucks and milk rivers, so that no one comes near these rivers, so that no one ruins my farm. Run, little milk, along the veins, from the veins straight into the milk pan, from the bag into the milk pan, from the milk pan into the milk pan. Find it, zhor, on my little beast, and you, zhor, go to the fat, shine, become meaty. Chur, to my deeds, amen to my words. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

So that your animals are never spoiled

During Holy Week, on Wednesday from twelve to one in the afternoon, when there is a service in the church, go around your household, holding a nail in one hand and a hammer in the other. Once you have gone around everything three times, drive a nail under your porch with the words:

“Just as a nail submits to a hammer, so all sorcerers bow to me. Just as a nail entered the board and as my eyes see it, so not a single sorcerer of my court will offend. Amen".


So that the goat gives more fluff

When you scratch the goat, say:

« The fluff is furious, fluffy. Just as the month changes and is reborn, so let the fluff on my goats grow and fluff. I comb, comb out, rake, talk, bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


To ensure that the cow stands still while milking.

« Remember, Lord, King David and all his meekness. Tame, O Lord, the cow with your fortresses. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

So that the cow doesn't kick

The spell is read using water used to wash the udder:

« Lord, God, bless. As I speak, so it will be. So my cow (the name of the cow) would not move from her place. God grant her no leg kicking, no tail wagging, no horn butting. Stands like a mountain - milk it like a river: a lake of sour cream, a river of milk. The key and the lock are in my words. Amen".

Words to say after calving

So that all animals are always healthy. As soon as the cow calves, you need to run your hand along the wall from bottom to top, and then along the cow’s spine with the words:

“The walls will stand, and you will give birth. As strong are the walls, so strong is your insides.”

For a calf so that it doesn’t run away from a cow

Dip the cow's tail in colostrum and read the spell three times:

“You will have the calf, and we will have your milk. Pleasers of Christ, give my little cow something to drink so that she can drink and feed us like you do her.”

Then feed this colostrum to the calf.

So that the cow has milk

“Black color (or another), for green arable land, for spring waters, for milky shores, for thick cheese, for thick sour cream, for fatty butter. Break away from your enemies with your horns, rake yourself off with your hooves, wave your tail, come with your milk and bring me all the benefits. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

For good milk yield

Buy a new milker on the full moon, in the first half of the day. When buying it, do not take change from the purchase, but overpay. Before milking the cow into this milk pan for the first time, do not forget to say while looking into it:

“On the Okiyan-Sea there is a golden Throne, on this Throne the Mother of God sits, looking at me with kind eyes. I will stand up, cross myself, and approach her, bowing low. Mother, Mother of God, wish my cow to give milk, three on top, three on top and three on top. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

In severe calving

Ask the cow to stand on her feet, run your hand clockwise over her belly and say three times:

“My word will win, the cow is about to give birth. Abraham, Panteleimon, Moses. Amen".

To do this, you need to stock up on rainwater from a thunderstorm in advance. This water is stored in cellars. To give a cow water during a difficult birth, collected immediately after thunder, during rain.

If the cow doesn't get up

Ask the shepherd who tends your cow for a whip. Go into the barn where the cow lies and holding the whip over the cow say:

« Pure field, free expanse. Go forty saints to that field, that free expanse. Find my cattle in the middle of the herd. Baptize her with your finger, drive her with this whip. Lift her up from bad luck. Cross of the Lord, shepherd's whip. Amen, amen, amen. This needs to be done three times.”

For full fat milk

Pour the cow’s very first milk onto the wall and say:

“Mother heifer, stand like a wall, milk like a river, so that the buckets of cream are full and the jars of sour cream are rich. The key to my words, the lock to my deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

If a cow runs out of milk

If a cow has lost milk, you need to take a strainer, put it in a pot, fill it with water blessed in the temple, put the pot in the oven and cook, stirring with a blessed palm tree sprig on Palm Sunday. When the water in the pot boils, the one who did the damage will come running to ask for forgiveness, the fire will burn so strongly in her chest, and the milk will return to your cow.

Amulet, h so as not to spoil the cow

“Just as a viper cannot take away a whale, a witch cannot take away milk from a cow. Just as a viper won’t bite an iron, so a witch won’t bite my cow.”

They read it when they drive the cattle out into the field.

Remove damage from a cow

If a cow has been spoiled and she does not give milk or her milk leaks completely onto the ground while she is walking home, you need to sprinkle the back of the cow with Thursday salt at sunset, saying:

“I forbid you, damned demon, unclean spirit, to be in this place. Go to your place, and your place is hell. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If a cow is jinxed

Take a piece of hay out of the mouth of a chewing cow, talk about it and immediately give it to her again. Then make sure the cow chews the hay completely. They say hay like this:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I, servant of God (name), unlock 77 veins, 77 veins, 77 roads, 77 paths. Go, little one, along these paths, these paths, to the cow’s udder. Just as water in a river runs, hurries, and does not linger, so my cow’s milk cannot be taken away and cannot be delayed now, forever and indefinitely. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

So that the cow goes home from the pasture

If you bought a cow from other owners, and it is reluctant to come to your home. And some cows are simply lascivious - they just don’t come to the yard! When you accompany a cow to the pasture, say after her:

“As ants go home, so would my cow go home.”


Before the horse's first ride

“King David, King Solomon, you were meek and humble. So my herd would not have waved its hooves at me, and would not have thrown me to the ground from behind. Lips, teeth, key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".


So that the rabbit does not crush the rabbits.

If the rabbits are constantly dying or are being crushed by the rabbit, then you need to do the following. Take a piece of bread, bite off three family members, and give the rest of the bread to the rabbits with the words:

« Just as it is true that three people ate from one piece, it is also true that not a single rabbit will die again. Amen".


So that the nutria don't die

They draw 12 crosses with a knife on the cages where the animals live and say:

« Just as the Christian world multiplies, so do you multiply. Just as the steel of a knife is strong, so you will be strong and tenacious. Twelve crosses, one knife, me and my prayer. Amen".


When buying a pig

You need to say this:

“When the pig comes home, there is meat on its bones, and lard on its meat. God bless you with your purchase."

You don’t have to be afraid that the piglet will suddenly die or get sick. He will be healthy, gluttonous, cheerful.

To prevent a pig from tearing up its piglets.

A pig chosen for breeding should not be beaten and scratch its belly as often as possible so that it gets used to tickling and does not drive away the piglets that will suck milk. The slander is read on the swill for three days at dawn three times, while holding the little finger on the little finger interlocked:

« Morning dawn Marya, evening dawn Daria. Zarya is a dawn, the pig is pigging. Just as the morning dawn does not catch up with the evening, so a pig will not touch its piglet with its teeth. Amen".

To make pigs gain weight quickly

In order for the pig to gain weight well, they tell her about food and drink:

“Just as people eat greedily after fasting, so would my pigs eat and gain weight every minute. My words are a mouth, my teeth are a lock, my tongue is a key. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

When you brew food for the pigs, throw in handfuls of what you are boiling and say this:

“Like a bad, crazy person eats and how it makes him sick, so my pig would eat and get fat. Amen".


Speak distemper to a dog

« Oh, Saint Joseph, you, who had a dog, were the one whom she saved from the Chaldeans in your dream. You, who have acquired holy rank and a holy crown. Save my dog ​​from death. One tear will resurrect him. Amen".

Speak to a dog's wound

First, read the plot to stop bleeding three times:

“A black raven flies through the waters of the sea, he carries a silk thread in his beak; You, the thread, break, and you, the blood, stop.”

Stop and blow on the wound or cut site.

Then read the wound healing plot for 3 evenings in a row:

“Two brothers are cutting a stone, two sisters are looking out the window, two mothers-in-law are standing at the gate. You, sister, turn away, and you, blood, calm down. You, brother, humble yourself, and you, blood, shut up. The brother runs, the sister screams, the mother-in-law grumbles. And be my word strong to calm the blood, to this hour, to this very minute. To close the wound, edge to edge, skin to skin, fur to fur, everything should heal. Amen".

From worms

As soon as the dog goes out the door in the morning, tell him after him:

« As you cross the threshold, let all the devils leave you. Just as it is true that you are about to piss, it is also true that the worms will leave you. Amen".


Conspiracy to plant bees in a hive

“Bees swarm, bees breed, bees humble themselves. I stand on the wax opposite the far side and hear the noise and hum of bees. I take a bee from the swarm, okarai, and put it in the hive. It’s not I who plant you, it’s the white stars, the horned moon, the red sun who plant you. They imprison you, shorten you. You, bee, swarm, sit near (such and such) around. I close all roads for you, mother, with a key and a lock. And I throw my keys into the ocean-sea, under a green bush. And in the green bush sits the eldest queen to all the queens, holds a sting, stings the disobedient bees; If you do not obey my words, I will send you to the ocean-sea, under the green bush where the womb sits, the eldest womb of all wombs. And for your disobedience he will sting you with stings. My word is strong. Amen".

Conspiracy to be with honey

Read in the spring at the hive, when the bees begin to swarm:

« In the church of heaven there is a crystal table, on the table there is a wedding cup, in this cup honey is poured. Whoever drinks it does not drink it to the bottom, the honey in the cup does not decrease, but more still comes. So the bees would carry honey into my hives, fill the honeycombs, and pour the cups. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


So that the fox and ferret do not carry birds

On a full moon, standing at the poultry house, say 3 times:

« Brownie, stand here, guard my birds from ferrets and foxes and wolves. Amen".

So that the kite does not steal chickens, goslings, etc.

Light a candle near the poultry house with the words:

« The enemy kite should fly by, St. Thomas will guard the chickens. Amen".


Buying pigeons.

When you go buy pigeons, take a handful of millet with you. Ask the pigeon owner to hold this millet in his hand. When you come home, give the pigeons this millet.

So that the pigeons are not lured away

On Easter, dedicate the millet and sprinkle it with a cross in the dovecote, saying:

« I cross myself with my finger and sprinkle with a cross. My pigeons cannot be lured, my words cannot be interrupted. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

So that the pigeons don't die

On the new moon, pour grain into the doves and say:

« Lord, watch with your eye the bird of God, my doves. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


So that the geese don't die

Hold the first gosling that hatches or the first one you buy with both hands and say:

« It breeds, it does not translate, it breeds and does not reproduce, as many feathers as your mother has, there are so many geese for me to pasture. Amen".


So that the rooster does not throw himself at people

When feeding the rooster, sprinkle wheat and peas from both hands at once and say:

« I, God's servant, feed the rooster. I forbid you, bird, to rush and rage. My word is strong and molding. Amen".

To prevent chickens from pecking each other

Before putting chickens in one cage, you need to say:

« Just as a chicken doesn’t peck at an egg, you won’t peck at each other either. Amen".

For a hen to hatch eggs

Place the chicken on the eggs and say:

« Just as you, mother hen, can’t fit back into the egg, so you won’t throw the eggs.”

So that chickens lay a lot of eggs

When the pullets begin to lay eggs, let the eldest in the family eat the thirteenth egg, while crossing himself:

« The chicken comes from the egg, and the egg comes from the chicken. Amen".


From diseases of cats and cats

At night, take some water and put it under Moonlight and say this:

“I will stand, blessing myself, crossing myself three times, spit over my left shoulder, and pour a pig’s duna onto the candle. I will go to the blue sea, on the blue sea there are gates, stone gates, carved gates, golden gates. Gold-silver glitters, below the white-flammable Alatyr stone stands, Praskovya sits on the Alatyr stone, holding a white cat-cat, a handsome cat-cat, in her white hands. Praskovya strokes and strokes the cat, and speaks cherished words. The catchphrases speak, the words speak. Fly into the sea, ocean, fly, don’t bother my cat: fire infections, fevers, fevers, all the ailments and sores. I came from the water - go to the water, then fall asleep. Sleep in both winter and summer. No troubles to come. The key word. The key is with Praskovya, the water maiden. Praskovya keeps that key and doesn’t tell anyone to take it. From century to century. From circle to circle. Now and forever. So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Give your pet some spoken water to drink.

For milk, say a spell:

“Go away from my cat, black, white, rash, blood, consumptive, eye, water, uterine, bone and meat diseases. There is no place for it either in the head, or in the tail, or in the paws, or in the body. Take the disease away. Amen".

Do this until complete recovery.

So that the cat doesn't run away

To prevent your beloved pet from running away, take him in your arms and, while stroking him, whisper the spell at him 7 times:

“I bind you with love and affection, I hold you with care. Don’t get lost, don’t run away, know your place and home. From a thief, from an enemy, from any misfortune, I speak to you, (nickname). Truly!

So that the animal can be found

“Get ready, my dear animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, cat, dog, other type of animal), to your home every night, just as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. How Ant's children serve and obey their ant king, and how honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And just as fast rivers, small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, name someone - cat, dog, other type of animal), flow towards my voice from all sides : from behind the lakes, from the shifting mosses, from the black swamps, because of the rivers, because of the streams, because of the forests, the night flowed into my house to spend the night, forever. Amen".

So that a cat or dog gets accustomed to a new home

1. Cut a few hairs from their head, back and tail, put them together and put them in some kind of crack, in the threshold or in the floor, next to the exit from the house. Then say these words:

“Just as the hair of a dog (cat) will stay on the threshold, so the dog (cat) will stay on this threshold. Let it be so"!

2. Lubricate your pet's paws butter. It’s good if the cat starts licking it. At this time, read the plot:

“Just as butter sticks to its paws, a cat will stick to the house. Just as a cat loves her paws, so will my house be dear and loved to her. Amen".

3. Place the animal in front of a large mirror so that it can see its reflection in it, and say:

“Just as the reflection of its master always finds, so this cat (dog) will always find its home. Truly."

4. You need to transfer the animal through a belt or strap placed across the entrance, removed from the clothes you often wear. This is done once, when the pet is first brought into your home. Also drive him around the pole so that he comes home well.

5. Speak to the water and wash your doors and threshold with it.

"You, God the Father Almighty,

I earnestly pray for this house,

Living in it, about all the property,

And about domestic creatures,

whom You created for us,

Bless, Lord, and sanctify,

By the power of Your Holy Cross,

God bless my house,

Cattle and domestic animals,

how you blessed the house of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

To make a wild animal tame and obedient

Take the animal to the intersection of two walking roads. Cut off a tuft of his wool there, throw this wool on the ground and say:

“Crossroads to crossroads, from corner to corner, path to path, all in different directions, and my dog ​​(cat) is with me. Amen".

To protect your pet from theft

Take him to an open place and walk around him three times clockwise, saying a spell and clapping your hands in time with your words and steps:

“Do not see with your eyes, do not hear with your ears, do not take with your hands, do not step out of the yard, do not greet strangers, only acknowledge me. Anyone who plans to steal should not open their hands, open their eyes, and go to someone else’s yard. The words are strong, spoken and fulfilled. Amen".

If the animal does not agree to stand in one place for a minute, then it is better to tie it.

If an animal is stolen

In the middle of the yard, light the bedding from under the stolen pet and read the spell three times:

“As this place burns, so let the thief’s bone, brain, and blood burn. Let fear and forty diseases attack him. It pinches it and breaks it, gnaws and throws it, shakes and crushes it, ties its veins into knots. As this fire goes out, the thief will feel bad. Amen".

Conspiracy to sell puppies or kittens

All offspring that are to be sold must have charmed strings or ribbons placed around their necks. This is especially true for puppies.
Attention! You cannot put strings on kittens! But you can read the conspiracy on them.
So, first, from a new skein of red thread or ribbon, unwind an arbitrary number of threads or ribbon and cut it off. Read the plot over the cut threads or ribbon three times:

“I cut it off, I cut it off, I gave it an unclean eye, I saved a living creature (for example, a puppy, a kitten), I protected it from damage.”

After this, place a charmed thread on the neck of each animal. When the buyer arrives, read over the animals three times, or when you take them to the market:

“Puppies - puppies, (pigs - piglets; seals - kittens..., that is, first you call your living creatures), dear guys, leave my hands, serve the new owner faithfully. They will pick you up beautifully and take you home. And I’ll make a profit, I won’t be sad about you anymore.”

When you need to sell but can't

Stand next to the kittens or others you want to sell, close your eyes and say:

“As easily as I closed my eyes, I could easily have (such and such) come true. The key to my words, the lock to my deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

To stroke the offspring in the evening dawn, say this:

“How my hands stroke and cherish you, so that after you every hand turns blue.
May you be well-fed, not know sorrow, kind hosts, or the warmth of home. Amen".

After this, try not to pet kittens or puppies or pick them up.

For quick sale

They read constantly while making the sign of the cross:

“I am a merchant, always great,

Our product

I'll sell it to you.

Money to money.

We need your money

When buying a cow, the future owner needs to decide the following questions:

1.What is better to buy: a heifer, a heifer, and if a cow, then what age?

2.What breed of animal should I buy?

3. How to predict the productivity of a cow?

It is impossible to give unambiguous advice to each specific question, but still, if there is no urgent need to immediately have milk from your own cow, then it is better to buy a heifer (pregnant heifer).

Firstly, essentially 2 animals are already purchased; secondly, in a few months it will be possible to have fresh milk. However, a heifer is more expensive than a heifer, and, in addition, existing zootechnical methods do not allow us to determine with absolute accuracy what productivity a new-calf cow will have.

The advantage of buying a cow is that you already know how much milk it produces, which you get immediately (if the cow is not in production). It is better to buy a cow no older than 4-5 calvings. After the 5th calving, as a rule, milk yield gradually decreases. True, there are cases when the highest productivity from a cow was obtained in the 7th-9th lactation, and total Lactation reaches 18-19 in some cows.

The age of a cow at calving can be determined by the presence of rings at the base of the horn. Each ring corresponds to a calving. If the distance between some rings is twice as large as in other cases, then the cow was barren in some year.

Regarding the breed, it should be said that it is better to purchase a cow of the breed that is bred in the given area and is well adapted to natural and climatic conditions. But this does not mean that you always need to do this. Adaptive capabilities modern breeds very big.

Almost all breeds can be bred for any climatic conditions, if you create normal conditions feeding and maintenance.
The most important and at the same time the most difficult question is how to determine the future productivity of a heifer or heifer. The same question arises when buying a cow if its milk yield is unknown.

Although there are no exact methods for determining the productivity of a dairy cow by external forms, it is still possible to some extent to establish the possible high milk production of a cow based on a number of signs.
A healthy heifer or cow has smooth, elastic and mobile skin over most of the body; the mucous membranes are evenly moistened and have a pink tint.

Signs of a healthy physique of an animal are a deep chest; straight line of the back; strong, well-developed bone structure with clearly defined, well-developed knobby joints; smooth, shiny, unbreakable, hoof horn; the general impression of the animal’s vivacity, energy and vitality.

The placement of the limbs should be such that when viewed from the front (or rear), when the animal is standing quietly, the front legs cover the hind legs. Front hooves and hind legs should be directed parallel to the middle axis of the body, without turning them in or out.

Signs of poor health are manifested in a nervous temperament, thinning of the skin and hair, shortening lower jaw, curvature or underdevelopment of the tail, the presence of a straight hock joint and interception behind the shoulder blades, pronounced defects in the placement of the limbs (Fig.)

In a dairy cow, the backside is more developed than the front. The body of a dairy cow has a characteristic wedge shape.

This shape is emphasized by a delicate, rather narrow head, light neck, with a slight dewlap, flat long chest, deep sides, wide and long back.
Meanwhile, it is known that outstanding dairy cows can have angular, ugly shapes and a disproportionate front-to-back ratio, while beautiful, well-built cows can have low milk production.

A good dairy cow should have a large udder, developed in length, width and depth. His skin should be thin, with clearly protruding veins. Nipples should be widely spaced, of medium thickness, length and firmness; milk veins are large, clearly protruding; milk wells (where the milk veins enter the abdominal cavity) extensive. The tail of a dairy cow is usually thin and long.

The udder should be wide and high forward (picture). Milk udder is usually glandular. When palpated, it appears grainy rather than fleshy; After milking, such an udder greatly decreases in volume. A high-mounted udder is more comfortable during milking and is not so often injured. The udder (picture) loosely attached to the body “settles” with age, which increases the risk of infection and injury; in addition, milking such a cow becomes more difficult.

You should also pay attention to the fact that on the milked udder, the skin covering it in the space between the hind limbs gathers into folds (“rear udder reserve”).
A cow of the combined breed, along with fairly clearly expressed milk characteristics, must have good muscles and strong limbs.

In heifers and heifers, milk traits are still poorly developed. In this case, it is especially important to have as much information as possible about the productivity of their mother, maternal and paternal grandmother. It is also useful to know what milk production the older sisters on the father and mother have. If the female ancestors and sisters of a heifer have high milk yield, you can be sure that she will grow into a good cow.

Choosing a good cow is very difficult, but nevertheless it is very important.

It is best to raise a cow for yourself from a calf, but if you have never kept cows before, it is easier to buy an adult one. There is a lot of trouble with a calf, and for a beginner in this business it will not be easy to raise a cow from a calf.

It is better to buy a cow at 2-3 calvings, since at this age the cow is still young, but you can already have an idea of ​​​​its milk qualities. She is accustomed to milking and stands calmly; at first, while the owner has not yet learned to milk quickly, this is an important point. Imagine that you yourself don’t really know how to approach a cow, and she’s still kicking.

First of all, you need to decide what breed you want to have in your yard. There are three types of cattle productivity - dairy, meat and dairy and meat.

Each region has its own breeds of cows, but the most popular is still the black-and-white breed.

Now you have decided on the breed and it comes to purchasing, what you need to pay attention to when choosing a cow:

The body of a cow looks like a truncated cone. The belly is large with a much larger rear part. The head is light, dry, muzzle slightly elongated.

The neck is not thick, the chest is wide. The bones are strong and dry.

The belly is large, but not sagging, the lower back is wide.

Look at the eyes, they should be clear, clean, the nose should be moist and cold.

The size and shape of the horns does not matter. But even a beginner can determine the age, or rather the number of calvings, by the horns. Look carefully and you will see rings on the horns, each ring is a calving, add three years to the number of rings - that’s the age of the cow.

The udder for a dairy cow is the most important thing to inspect. Good form The udder is round or cup-shaped, with even, moderately large nipples. if the back of the udder sags, then this is the so-called “goat udder”, this form of udder is not inherent in a dairy cow, such a cow is not worth buying. Veins are visible from under the belly to the udder.

Correct udder shape

The cow's coat should be smooth, preferably clean. If the cows are dirty, they will cause a lot of trouble in the future. Unfortunately, before selling, the owners wash the cow and it is extremely difficult to distinguish a dirty one from a clean one.

There are also such “folk” signs: the length of the tail is no shorter than the middle of the leg. The size between the ribs is at least three fingers.

I think this makes sense, since a long tail is better at swatting away insects, and the size between the ribs indicates a wide chest.

Is a cow right for you? Great, approach her, cows generally have a calm, phlegmatic character, but there are exceptions; a restive cow is definitely not suitable for a beginner, since if you don’t know how to handle it, you will not only not get the desired profit, but you can also ruin the animal.

A calm cow will sniff you and turn away or not react to you at all. Give her a treat, a piece of bread, scratch between the horns.

Have you met? Now we will milk her. This must be done in order to find out if she is slow-feeding. Milking a tight cow is difficult even for an experienced owner and a real pain for a beginner. If you don’t know how to milk, then still try to squeeze out at least a couple of streams to see if the cow will kick, and then watch how the owner milks. The streams of milk should be as thick as the refill of a fountain pen and tight; if the streams are thin, like a thread, and the owner stops every now and then to rest, the cow is tight - don’t buy it. The amount of milk per milking depends on many factors: this is the period of time since the last milking, the pregnancy of the cow and the number of calvings.

Try milk, sometimes milk is tasteless and low in fat.

If you liked everything, congratulations on your purchase!