
Deciphering your name vasilisa. Profession and work

Professional astrologers assure that the name is not just a set of letters, but a kind of code that can predetermine both the character and the fate of its owner. That is why it is extremely important to approach the choice of a name for the child as responsibly as possible. We invite you to find out everything about the meaning of the name Vasilisa, the character and fate of a girl, a woman.


Despite the fact that the name Vasilisa is quite common in Russian folklore and is perceived by most as Slavic, it has ancient Greek roots. And the meaning of the name Vasilisa, translated into Russian, is “queen”, “ruler”, “royal”.

Early childhood

The meaning of the name Vasilisa for a girl suggests that from early childhood she will manifest herself as a calm, balanced child. She doesn't really like to spend time in the company of other children. She enjoys quiet games at home much more. She can spend hours fiddling with her dolls, dressing them up, building houses for them.

The meaning of the name Vasilisa for a girl predetermines such positive character traits as good nature, peacefulness, and conflictlessness. She never gives her parents additional trouble, does not throw unreasonable tantrums, as most of her peers do. She shows respect for her elders. Any domestic conflict is the strongest stress for a girl.

The name Vasilisa: the meaning of the name and the fate of a teenager

Vasilisa - versatile developed child who demonstrates excellent performance in school. Despite the fact that she is a favorite of teachers, the girl goes to school without much pleasure. This is due to the fact that it is rather difficult for her to communicate with peers. The meaning of the name Vasilisa suggests that this girl will be shy, secretive. She can't stand ridicule. Even if one of her close friends unsuccessfully plays a trick on her, the girl will stop any communication with this person without hesitation.

Vasilisa is most interested in humanitarian subjects. She is very fond of history and literature. She also demonstrates good results in the exact sciences, takes part in school and city Olympiads in physics, chemistry, and mathematics. The meaning of the name Vasilisa predetermines the girl's penchant for theatrical art. She likes all kinds of performances, skits, however, as a rule, the girl does not take part in them. It's all about being overly shy.

The meaning of the name Vasilisa: the character and fate of an adult girl

Despite the fact that Vasilisa has a rather calm character, as she grows older she becomes incredibly stubborn and purposeful. She cannot be persuaded or dissuaded from any action. However, because of her stubbornness, she often suffers. This girl is a true optimist. Even the most serious life troubles are not able to knock the ground out from under her feet. She analyzes every situation, draws her conclusions and moves on. It is worth noting that the girl does not believe in chance, the secret of the name and fate at all.

The meaning of the name Vasilisa suggests that its owner throughout her life supports good relationship with own parents. As an adult, it is extremely important for her to achieve material stability and independence in order to be able to help her elderly father and mother. Despite the fact that the girl strives for well-being, wealth is not her goal. For her, other, more spiritual things are of value.

The meaning of the name Vasilisa predetermines the girl's tendency to self-sacrifice. This quality in her is appreciated by close relatives, friends, to whom she is always ready to help. It is worth noting that Vasilisa knows how to be friends. However, she does not have many real comrades.

The most pure-hearted girls named Vasilisa are those who were brought up in poor families. But even if Vasya grew up in luxury, she will never become arrogant, capricious, vain and selfish.

Relationships with the opposite sex

The owners of this name, as a rule, bathe in attention from the outside. strong half humanity. But despite this, they get married quite late. This is due to the fact that Vasilisa is very modest, shy, secretive. She is not used to showing her emotions, and also avoids large and noisy companies.

This girl is attracted to successful men with a good sense of humor and strong character. The meaning of the name Vasilisa suggests that by nature she is monogamous. As soon as some man manages to achieve her disposition and melt her heart, the girl will stop all signs of attention from other boyfriends in the bud. Also, the girl has enough feminine wisdom to achieve a similar attitude towards herself from her lover.

Marriage and family

Vasilisa marries much later than her peers. She usually manages to right choice, to build a strong and happy union. Her husband must have such character traits as courage, diligence, honesty and kindness. It is extremely important for her to feel protected in all plans. While the spouse works and provides for the family, Vasilisa does everything possible to maintain comfort at home, and also takes care of raising children.

Most often, Vasilina becomes a mother of many children. She does not have a soul in her children, in whom she tries to instill only good manners, to give a decent education. Vasilisa maintains a close relationship with her husband's parents, doing everything possible to achieve their location.


Despite the fact that Vasilisa has a pretty good character, she will not be able to build a strong alliance with every man. The most successful marriage will be with:

  • Dmitry;
  • Anatoly;
  • Vitaly;
  • Valentine;
  • Evgeny;
  • Boris;
  • Constantine;
  • Matvey;
  • Roman;
  • Bogdan;
  • Zakhar;
  • Edward;
  • Victor;
  • Daniel;
  • Nicholas;
  • Gleb;
  • Gennady.


Nothing good should be expected from an alliance with:

  • Denis;
  • Yuri;
  • Anton;
  • Oleg;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Arthur;
  • Ivan;
  • Vladimir.

Business and career

Vasilisa enjoys well-deserved prestige among her colleagues. People around appreciate the girl for her calm character, conflict-freeness and readiness for self-sacrifice. She will be able to achieve significant success in her career if she chooses one of the following professions:

  • teacher;
  • psychologist;
  • Researcher;
  • medical worker;
  • economist;
  • journalist;
  • financier;
  • manager;
  • educator.

Vasilisa is also able to succeed in business. She has an entrepreneurial streak and is good at developed intuition.

Mystery of the name

The meaning of the name Vasilisa and the fate of its owner are already known to us. We offer to look at the name from an astrological point of view:

  • patron planet - Jupiter;
  • favorable day of the week - Thursday;
  • favorable color - blue, raspberry;
  • the dominant element is air;
  • suitable metal - electrum, tin;
  • mascot plant - mint, violet, jasmine, apricot, oak, eucalyptus, lavender, cinnamon, basil;
  • animal mascot - elephant, dolphin, pelican, deer, peacock, swallow, partridge, sheep;
  • zodiac sign - Pisces, Sagittarius;
  • suitable mineral - hyacinth, sapphire.

name day

Vasilisa is a name that is present in the church calendar. The girls, named Vasilises, celebrate their name days several times a year. Red days of the calendar fall on:

  • 21.01;
  • 18.02;
  • 23.03;
  • 04.04;
  • 28.04;
  • 29.04;
  • 04.07;
  • 16.09.

Suitable middle name

Most often, fathers, whose names are Peter, Alexander, Alexei, Ivan, Dmitry, call their daughters Vasilisa.

Each name has some meaning and gives its owner certain traits character. Vasilisa is an unusual, rare and very beautiful name, so those who are thinking about choosing a name for their daughter should take a closer look at it. Most people associate this name with something fabulous and magical. Its owner appears to be a beautiful and modest girl.

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    Name origin

    The name Vasilisa comes from the male Vasily (literal translation "king"), they are both of ancient Greek origin. But today this name is recognized as primordially Russian, although such a name did not exist before the baptism of Russia. It has direct meaning- regal, militant. Now you can often meet girls with this name, but it has gained its popularity recently. Previously, Vasilisa could be "met" on the pages of books and fairy tales. Over time, the beauty of this name began to attract parents, and they began to call their girls that.

      This name has the following short forms: Vasya, Vasena, Vasyanya, Basilisk, Vasilka, Syura, Vasyuta, Vasyunya, Syuta, Vasyusha, Vasya, Vaska. Girls are named after Vasilisa at baptism, these people will celebrate the day of the angel twice a year: January 21 and September 16. By church calendar name days are celebrated 8 times a year: January 21, February 18, March 23, April 4, April 28, April 29, July 4 and September 16. If the girl was born on one of these days or close to them, it is advisable to call her Vasilisa. This name will bring the child happy life and health.

      Character features

      In childhood, the baby will be modest and calm, but when she grows up, she will be a confident woman and an interesting person. The formation of character will not be easy for little Vasya. AT adolescence she will understand that shyness interferes with her life, and her character will begin to change. During the school period, Vasilisa will find it difficult to give a speech to a large audience, she will be rather silent, but over time these character traits will disappear. Problems in communicating with peers will strengthen the spirit of Vasilisa.

      Vasilisa is the embodiment of beauty and wisdom, it was not for nothing that she was called Wise in fairy tales. The girl will fight with all her shortcomings. The more problems due to his shyness, Vasya will survive in school years, the more strong and independent personality it will turn out.

      In her student days, Vasilisa will become more confident, and it is then that the formation of her personality will begin. She will be able to defend her position, present a report in front of a group of people. Now she becomes a stubborn and persistent girl, these two qualities will be with her for the rest of her life.

      Girls who bear the proud name of Vasilisa have unique character traits, thanks to which they achieve great success in life. Parents who choose what to name their daughter should be familiar with:

  1. 1. People with the name Vasilisa have amazing abilities for musical and pictorial art. This hobby can become a simple hobby or a life's work.
  2. 2. The owner of this name has a clear idea of ​​​​what she wants from life. After studying, she will already have an awareness of what profession suits her.
  3. 3. Even with such a creative consciousness, this is a rather strong and independent personality. Vasya will not fly in the clouds, but will have a clear goal, on the way to which she will not stop at any problems.
  4. 4. Vasilisa has a high opinion of herself, and this a high self-evaluation fair. For her achievements, she put a lot of effort and effort.


Vasyuta at certain moments of his life makes great efforts to develop his personality. Therefore, she forms her own destiny in many ways. She will be a quiet girl who spends most of her time studying, extra classes rather than going to clubs and parties.

Vasilisa is tall moral principles, and at a more mature age, she boldly stands up for weak people. But in order for Vasya's personality to become strong and life happy, parents must support her in childhood.

Version 1. What does the name Vasilisa mean

Vasilisa - from the Greek queen; colloquial Vasyon; old Vasilisa.

Name derivatives: Basiliska, Cornflower, Vasya, Vasyonya, Vasenya, Vasyunya, Sunya, Vasyura, Vasyuta, Syuta, Vasyukha, Vasyusha, Vasyanya, Vasyata.

proverbs, sayings, folk omens.

Basilisk - nightingale day.

Aunt Vasilisa's hair curled on end.

On January 21, on Vasilisa, they observe the direction of the wind: if it is southwest, it will be thunderous.


Positive features Vasilisa's character sometimes turns negative. So, a keen sense of justice makes her completely intolerant of other people's shortcomings. True, she understands her own shortcomings, but admitting them is beyond her strength. She tries to hide them by helping other people. Sometimes she has an almost supernatural intuition, but this is of little use to her herself.

Vasilisa strives to establish a clear order in everything, she is businesslike and organized like a man. The mind is quick, the heart is warm, responsive.

4 version of the interpretation of the name Vasilisa

Translated from Greek name Vasilisa means "royal".

The positive character traits of Vasilisa sometimes turn into negative ones. So, a keen sense of justice makes her completely intolerant of other people's shortcomings.

True, she understands her own shortcomings, but admitting them is beyond her strength. She tries to hide them by helping other people. Strives to establish a clear order in everything, in a manly businesslike manner, organized. The mind is quick, the heart is warm, responsive.

Name color is blue.

Cherished plant - cornflower.

The patron of the name is a dove.

Talisman stone - amethyst.

In the numerology of the name
Vasilisa corresponds to the number "9"

5th version of the meaning of the name Vasilisa

The secret of the name Vasilisa - queen (Greek)

Name days: January 21 - The Holy Martyr Vasilisa, together with her husband, Martyr Julian, received the crown of martyrdom in the year 313.

September 16 - The Holy Martyr Vasilisa, nine years old, endured many torments for the faith of Christ, but remained unharmed; died in 309.

Zodiac sign - Virgo.

Planet - Mercury.

Color - blue.

Auspicious tree - ash.

Cherished plant - cornflower.

The patron of the name is a dove.

Talisman stone - amethyst.


Vasilisa's character is imperious, she does not tolerate objections, she is very intolerant of other people's shortcomings. At the same time, she has a highly developed sense of justice, so she always strives to restore order in everything, whether it is necessary or not. Her motives are noble, Vasilisa has a manly quick mind. Her heart is warm and responsive.

Vasilisa knows how to feel her shortcomings, but admitting them is beyond her strength, she tries to hide them by helping other people. Sometimes she has an almost supernatural intuition - but this does little good for her herself.

Name day Vasilisa

January 21, February 18, March 23, April 4, April 28, April 29, July 4, September 16,

There is only one name day for a person - these are either name days that fall on a birthday, or the first after a birthday

Numerology Of The Name Vasilisa

Name number: 4

Number 4 is characterized by such qualities as practicality and reliability. Fours are trustworthy in everything, especially relationships with people close to them. So, they really appreciate their friends and relatives, enjoy every minute spent with them.

Fours analyze everything that happens around them. For them, knowledge about the structure of mechanisms is important, they love science. Since Fours do not like to fantasize, their ideas are always realistic.

The meaning of the letters in the name Vasilisa

AT- sociability, optimism, love for nature and art. People with names that begin with "B" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite the passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their whole lives with one person.

BUT- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to take the initiative in everything and do not like routine.

With- Differ in stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. In their actions they are accustomed to rely on logic and common sense. They are overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Your partner may be overly demanding.

And- fine spiritual organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness.

The fair sex pays a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on personal traits. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. Very economic and prudent.

L- artistic and inventive personalities. In actions they prefer to be guided logical thinking. They know how to position themselves. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and treat other people with disdain. Parting with loved ones is extremely difficult. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

Name as a phrase

  • AT- Lead
  • BUT- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • With- Word
  • And- And (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
  • L- People

Name Vasilisa in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic with Latin letters and then the last name. You may need to write the name Vasilisa in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Vasilisa is female form male In translation from ancient Greek, it means "king." A similar meaning: “queen”, “royal”, “royal” has the name Vasilisa. She celebrates her birthday several times a year:

  • January 21;
  • 18th of Febuary;
  • March 23;
  • April 28;
  • April 29;
  • 16 of September;
  • April 04;
  • 04 July.

These days the church remembers the holy martyrs who lived in different time and bore the name Vasilisa.

Vasilisa of Rome (April 28)

Two close friends, Vasilisa and Anastasia, lived in Rome in the 1st century. During one of the sermons of the apostles Peter and Paul, they converted to Christianity and did not betray their faith until their death.

From 54 to 68 years in Rome, He ruled cruel persecution of Christians, tortured them to renounce their faith, and in case of disobedience, executed the martyrs. Vasilisa and Anastasia buried the bodies of the dead according to Christian canons. For this, the emperor ordered them to be imprisoned. Soon Vasilisa and Anastasia were tortured for their faith. But they were able to endure all the torment and kept their faith in Jesus Christ. For this, in 68, women were beheaded.

Memorial Day of the martyrs Vasilisa and Anastasia is celebrated on April 28. You can bow to their relics even today in the Church of Our Lady of the Peace, which is located in Rome.

Basil of Egypt (January 21)

The Holy Martyrs Julian and Vasilisa were from the Egyptian year Antinous. They both came from noble, wealthy families, and at the insistence of their parents soon became husband and wife.

Despite this, Julian and Vasilisa remained deeply religious people. They devoted themselves completely to the Lord, did not enter into an intimate relationship with each other, and maintained their innocence. After the death of their parents, Julian and Vasilisa founded the male and female cloisters and became their abbots, having accepted monasticism.

In the 3rd century, during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, believing spouses were captured and imprisoned. They were subjected to severe torture several times, but were able to endure all the torment. Julian was even able to convert the son of his tormentor Kelsius and his wife Marionilla, as well as several other pagans, to the Christian faith. Soon Julian, Vasilisa and other martyrs died by the sword.

Vasilisa's birthday is celebrated on January 21st. On this day, the church also commemorates Julian, Kelsius, Marionilla and other martyrs who were beheaded by the sword in 313.

Martyr Vasilisa: Orthodox name day on September 16

During the reign of Emperor Diocletian in Rome, terrible persecutions of Christians were carried out. But most of all innocent blood was shed in the ancient city of Nicomedia (Nicomedia). In just one month, more than 17,000 Christians were beheaded here with a sword. The tormentor did not pardon either adults or children.

Nine-year-old Vasilisa also suffered in Nicomedia. She was brought to court before Hegemon Alexander, who ruled at that time in the city. He invited Vasilisa to renounce her faith in the Lord, but the girl remained adamant. She even got into an argument with Alexander and talked about Jesus Christ as if she were not a child, but an adult.

Vasilisa was subjected to martyrdom several times. First, they beat her in the face, then with rods all over her body, and when it was completely covered with ulcers, the girl was hung upside down by her legs and a fire was lit under her body. But neither fire nor fierce beasts could kill Vasilisa. Then the ruler of Nicomedia fell at her feet and began to repent. After that, he believed in the Lord and was baptized.

Soon hegemon Alexander died, and Vasilisa left the city. One day she felt thirsty, stood on a rock and asked the Lord for water. At the same moment, a fountain began to beat from the stone. Vasilisa drank some water and immediately passed away. Near this stone, she was buried by the bishop who found her body.

The name day of Vasilisa of Nicomedia is celebrated on September 16th. On this day, the martyr gave her innocent soul to God.

Vasilisa's name day according to the church calendar March 23, April 29

During the reign of Emperor Decius (circa 251-258), severe persecution of Christians continued. They covered all ancient cities, including Corinth. Here the mission to exterminate Christians was entrusted to the commander Jason.

The tormentor was informed that the Christian Kondrat lives in the desert not far from the city, and hundreds of people come to listen to him. Among them was the young Vasilisa. For faith in the Lord, Kondrat and his disciples were martyred. First they were given to be eaten wild animals but they did not touch the believers. Then they were beheaded with a sword.

The name day of Vasilisa and the other martyrs of Corinth is celebrated on March 23 and April 29. On this day, the church remembers their names.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name:"Queen" (Greek)

Energy name and character: As you wish, but a girl with the name Vasya, and it is difficult to find another diminutive form for this name, one can hardly envy. Involuntarily, an episode from the film “Gentlemen of Fortune” comes to mind, when Savely Kramarov, dressed as a woman, when meeting a girl, joyfully announces that his name is Fedya, and in response he receives only a short: “Well, a fool.” In fact, a woman with a male name looks at least ridiculous. Of course, one can argue for a long time and refer to the image of Vasilisa the Beautiful from Russian fairy tales, proving that this is a good Russian name, but, firstly, despite all the good arguments, today almost no one is in a hurry to call their daughter that, and, secondly , hand on heart, tell me, does not a single scoffer come up with the idea of ​​teasing Vasilisa Vasya? And there's no getting away from it! What is not a reason for heightened self-esteem? Practice is full of cases where much less compelling reasons made a person feel inferior. For example, what's wrong with red hair? And how many teasers and insults about this?

In a word, we can safely say that Vasilisa will have heightened self-esteem, another question is how this will affect her behavior? It is most favorable if the mobile energy of the name is reflected in Vasilisa's sense of humor. This, by the way, is very likely and can perfectly smooth out dangerous moments sensitive pride, because when a person laughs at himself, then others lose their desire to mock. Otherwise, just the thought of the possibility of ridicule, especially during puberty, can deprive Vasilisa of self-confidence and spoil nervous system. Proudly ignoring ridicule doesn't help much either, as it suggests an internal conflict with society.

In a word, if it has already occurred to parents to reward their daughter with such an extraordinary name by today's standards, then it is worth making some efforts by teaching Vasilisa to look at things more fun and easy. Only in this way can they create conditions for a normal life for her and help reveal her talents, of which Vasilisa has a lot.

Communication secrets: Most often, Vasilisa's vulnerability does not prevent her from being a very kind and sympathetic person, on the contrary, it is her own emotional experiences that allow her to better understand other people. In general, when communicating with her, try to praise her more often, criticize less often and decorate the conversation more with good humor.

The trace of a name in history:

The legend of Vasilisa the Beautiful

In many Russian folk tales, songs and epics the heroine meets this nice name- Vasilisa. It is interesting that, as a rule, it is this character who is endowed with the most complete set of all kinds of virtues: beauty, intelligence, loyalty, courage. They call her that - either Vasilisa the Beautiful, or the Wise, as for those fairy tales where a girl has to fight for her love, she has no equal either in courage, or in cunning and quick wits - a kind of Russian woman who and "a horse on he will stop the gallop”, and “he will enter the burning hut”.

So, according to one of the epics, once the husband of Vasilisa Mikulishna, Stavr Godinovich, Prince Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko was imprisoned for immoderate boasting in the cellar, under lock and key. In response, the wife, without thinking twice, disguised herself as a man and, having arrived in the city, wooed Prince Vladimir's niece, Zabava Putyatichna. At first, Zabava was captivated by the beauty and courtesy of the young man, and in the city they already began to talk about the imminent wedding, until the girl suspected the true appearance of her fiancé ... Strange as it may seem, Vasilisa with honor managed not only to get out of such a delicate situation unharmed, but also to release her husband from prison: probably, the prince realized that, compared with Vasilisa's adventures, the innocent boasting of Stavr Godinovich was just childish babble.

In another legend, just like in the previous one, an interesting but more tragic story is associated with the name of Vasilisa, in which there are both love and revenge. According to this legend, Prince Vladimir of Kyiv fell in love with the beautiful Vasilisa Mikulishna and, wanting to make her his lawful wife, sent her husband, Danila Lovchanin, to the dangerous business. It is not difficult to guess that the prince's task was impossible and cost the beautiful husband's head.

After the death of Danila, the prince made a formal proposal to Vasilisa; she, pretending not to know about true reasons her widowhood, she answered the prince with consent, but with only one condition: before the wedding, she wants to go to her husband's grave to say goodbye. Vladimir yielded to her request and was left without a beautiful wife: having come to the grave, Vasilisa pierced herself with a dagger, just not to marry her husband's killer.

By Higiru

Name of ancient Greek origin (feminine form from male name Basil), it is translated as "queen".

Girls with this name are often born weak, grow up sickly, shy and timid - it seems that nothing foreshadows that these little ones will grow up to be imperious, brooking no objections.

In the character of Vasilisa, two features stand out most clearly: intolerance and an unusually developed sense of justice. The incompatibility of these qualities is especially noticeable when Vasilisa tries to restore order "in fairness" - as she understands it. Her motives are always noble, but the result is often deplorable - and not only in a figurative sense.

“Winter” women are especially conflicted. They have a very high opinion of themselves and want others to appreciate their person as dearly. Family life they are difficult to develop, the first marriage most often breaks up. They literally explode at the mere hint that it would not hurt to be more tolerant. These women like to go to visit to show off their outfits, and to host friends to show, for example, a service they have just bought.

Deep down, Vasilisa feels her shortcomings, but admitting them is beyond her strength. Vasilisa, born in September, is somewhat different from others: she is more diplomatic, softer, not touchy and will not “climb on her horns”, disagreeing with her husband about something. She is also not easy to get along with. strangers, but deeply experiences their alienation.

However, not everything is so bad in this woman. There is one invaluable quality in her: sincere, disinterested sympathy. Of course, even here it is not complete without teachings, but if Vasilisa already undertook to rescue a person from trouble, she will certainly do it. This woman simply has some kind of inner need to restore justice, but it can be very difficult to withstand her altruistic impulses.