
How to hide acne with foundation. How to hide acne on the face with and without makeup

Hormonal disorders, stressful situations, unbalanced diet. All these factors lead to acne. This condition causes aesthetic discomfort. Women often resort in such cases to the help of decorative cosmetics. But to get the desired effect, you need to know how to cover up acne.

It's easy to learn this. But it is important to consider that first it is necessary to cure the skin, eliminate the provoking factor, and then hide the aesthetic defect. It is better to start treatment with a visit to a dermatologist and endocrinologist, necessary analyzes. If there are blackheads, you can not crush them. Can be infectious and spread inflammatory process. A scar may remain at the site of the pimple.

How to hide acne on the face? The easiest and fastest way to do this is with cosmetics.

Tone cream

Before you start using foundation, you need to clean the skin from fat and dirt. Without this, it will not be possible to qualitatively mask the rash. Oily skin shows all the imperfections. Lotion or tonic is suitable for cleansing. Then it is recommended to apply a cream with a light texture, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

How to properly mask defects skin only high-quality cosmetics can, the acne foundation with a mineral base has gained great popularity. When choosing a foundation, keep in mind that it should be a tone lighter than your skin.

Not everyone knows how to properly use foundation. Some girls use a sponge to apply cream. But this is uneconomical. Trying to save their money, the girls wash it and dry it. But inside the sponge, sebum accumulates, as well as bacteria and cosmetic residues. It ceases to be sterile. Covering acne with foundation with a brush is more hygienic and more economical. Its service life is longer.

Use foundation. It is advisable to choose a tone-on-tone cream for masking lighter color skin

Concealer is a firm but not hard brush, larger than an eyeshadow brush. Using a moisturizing foundation, with the help of a concealer, you can hide a pimple and skin defects. You will get a natural skin tone. This is the initial stage of how to hide acne. With acne, pink shades of the product will highlight the defect even more. Give preference to a cream with a liquid consistency.

How to cover acne with foundation:

  1. Apply a small amount of the product pointwise on the cheeks, forehead, as well as on the nose and chin. Spread over the entire face with a sponge or brush. Apply additional cream to the rashes and blend.
  2. Flaws are still hidden with powder. It is better to use a crumbly mineral-based variety. Its texture ensures even distribution, does not create a "waxy" face.
  3. When choosing blush, opt for light brown and bronze shades. Since peach or strawberry shades will not work to hide acne, temporarily discard them. These shades will only draw attention to skin defects. The same rule should be followed when choosing lipstick. Natural colors or colorless gloss are preferred.

How else can you hide flaws? Focus on the eyes. You can use eyeliner or make "smokyeyes". Bright eye makeup can not only divert attention from skin defects, but also arouse interest in the eyes of males.

The best option become mineral powder

Express makeup

Sometimes there is not enough time to carefully hide the defects of the skin. In such cases, express disguise will be useful. Since it is necessary to paint over the rash as inconspicuously as possible, the skin must first be cleaned. A cream with a light texture of a matte shade is the initial stage of the visual elimination of a defect. A bold tonalnik can hide many flaws, but the face will look unnatural and vulgar. And we do not need such an image. So how to cover acne with foundation most imperceptibly?

If, in addition to acne, there is a red area of ​​​​inflammation on the face (one or more), 10 minutes before applying makeup, apply concealer to these problem areas. It is applied pointwise to the center of the pimple without smearing. Green color neutralizes redness. You need to wait for the product to dry. The acne toner evens out the complexion. Only he can do it. But it is important to consider one point. The foundation should match the shade of the pencil and skin tone. The pink shade is the least concealing, but the flesh and ivory shades are the most popular. The tool is evenly distributed over the face, excluding areas of inflammation and rashes, on which the concealer is applied. With the help of a sponge, you can make the border between these areas not so noticeable. The last step is light dusting. This will give the skin a matte finish and fix the makeup.

It is best to use a special corrective tool - concealer (masking pencil)

There are many ways to make breakouts less noticeable. Reviews confirm a positive aesthetic result. But decorative cosmetics make the face cleaner only visually. Acne needs treatment. First you need to establish a provoking factor - a violation metabolic processes, stressful situations, hormonal disbalance. If acne is cured, the issue of masking acne will become irrelevant.

Debunking the Myths

Many girls worry that acne appears from foundation. In order to understand whether this is so, below are the most common foundation myths.

The main thing - you need to understand that the question should not be how to cover up acne on the face, but that they need to be cured

To summarize, the foundation not only hides rashes on the skin, but also protects it from dust and dirt that settle on it. It protects against frostbite and chapping.

Advantages and disadvantages

The tool has its advantages and disadvantages. The right tool good quality promotes hydration and nourishment of the skin, protective function from aggressive environment, helps moisturize dry skin and dries pimples in the oily area, protects against ultraviolet radiation.

The main drawback is that in the hot season the foundation begins to “float”, mixing with sweat. This condition can be accompanied by discomfort and rashes, promote the development of bacteria. The process of individual selection of funds is complicated, but possible. There are more pros to using toner than cons. The main thing is to do right choice and competently use a cosmetic product.

How to make a choice?

The choice of means should be carried out depending on the type of skin. With a problematic type, it is better to use cosmetics from pharmaceutical company. It contains ingredients that prevent acne. Before buying, it is better to use a sampler to make sure you choose the shade. For dry skin types, thick products with a moisturizing effect are preferred. For fatty type cosmetics should give a matting effect, it should not contain oils. To prevent the aging process, you can purchase a foundation with a lifting effect.

With pustules, the choice of cosmetics must be approached carefully. It shouldn't clog pores. The composition should not contain stearic acid, starch, titanium dioxide.

Pimples appear unexpectedly, spoil appearance and literally unsettle, especially if they are located on the face. But if you know some secrets, you can mask and make almost any pimple invisible.

How to make a pimple less noticeable?

There are several ways to mask acne, but all of them can be divided into two large groups. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

If there is no cosmetics

If you are a lover of everything natural, and there is not a single special concealer in your cosmetic bag, then you can do without cosmetics. Use improvised means and other methods. Here are some of them:

  1. Ice will help you. As you know, cold causes vasoconstriction. And if you consider that redness is a consequence of vasodilation, then the cold will come in handy. First, you can use a piece of ice. Apply it to the pimple for a few minutes. Secondly, you can put a piece of cotton wool soaked in water in the freezer and attach it to problem area. If there is no refrigerator nearby, then you can simply attach something cold.
  2. Vasoconstrictors, which are probably in everyone's first aid kit, will help to narrow the vessels. The first such tool is vasoconstrictor drops for the nose, such as "Naftizin", "Nazivin", "Xilen" and other similar ones. Soak a cotton pad in this product and apply it to the pimple for 10-15 minutes. The second remedy is eye drops with a vasoconstrictive effect (Stillavit, Octilia, Vizin). You need to deal with such a tool in the same way as with nasal drops. After 15 minutes, the vessels will begin to narrow, and the redness will become almost invisible.
  3. Try using , which is part of many anti-inflammatory cosmetics. Apply it to the problem area with a cotton swab. After about half an hour, the pimple will become less noticeable. If you have time to spare, then apply the oil every half hour for 5-6 hours to completely get rid of redness and inflammation.
  4. Perfectly removes redness. Dissolve half a teaspoon of the powder in a teaspoon of warm water. Apply the resulting slurry to the pimple for an hour, and then rinse with warm water. It will definitely reduce the redness.
  5. If your first aid kit has such a tool as "Streptocide", then use it. You can dilute a small amount of powder in warm water and apply to the problem area of ​​​​the skin for at least half an hour. After that, remove the composition with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide (peroxide also helps to eliminate inflammation and effectively fights microbes, which are often the main cause of acne).
  6. Many have probably heard about the use of masks based on "Aspirin". Its main component (acetylsalicylic acid) is an excellent peeling agent that not only exfoliates the top layer of the skin and removes dead skin cells of the epidermis, but also perfectly copes with inflammation. To eliminate redness, crush 2-3 Aspirin tablets, dissolve them in a small amount of warm water and apply the resulting composition directly to.
  7. A tincture of calendula may help. Soak a piece of cotton wool in it and apply it to the pimple for a few minutes. - a unique plant that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and relieves redness.
  8. One more remedy emergency assistance- This toothpaste. But to achieve the effect, you need to use the right paste. First, pay attention to the color. Give preference to regular white paste, as dyes will not only not get rid of redness, but can also cause unwanted reactions and only aggravate the situation. Secondly, pay attention to the composition. Anti-inflammatory components are zinc, soda, triclosan, fluorine, and hydrogen peroxide. To quickly eliminate a pimple, apply a small amount of paste on it for 15-30 minutes, then remove it by washing it off with warm water.
  9. Coffee can help you out (ordinary instant is also suitable). Make a coffee gruel by diluting a little coffee in warm water, and apply the mass on the pimple for half an hour, then remove it with water.

Cosmetics to help

How to hide acne on the face? The easiest and fastest way to do this is with cosmetics. But remember that this method will not eliminate the pimple, and even more so its cause, so it is better to use it in emergency cases. So here are a few ways to hide:

  1. Use . It is advisable to choose a cream for masking a tone lighter than the color of the skin. Do not use products with a pinkish tint, they will only aggravate the situation. Before application, degrease and cleanse the skin using a tonic (preferably with a pore-reducing and anti-inflammatory effect). Now point the cream on the pimple and lightly blend it with the pad of your finger or with a brush. It is not necessary to cover the entire face with cream, but it is desirable to powder it, this will help even out the complexion and hide the contrast between the inflamed area and healthy skin and also remove oily sheen. The best option would be mineral powder. Apply it with a large brush or puff, but not spreading it over the face, but as if driving it in (otherwise the makeup will not be persistent). To understand the essence of the application, you can watch the video. If there are a lot of acne, then spread the foundation all over, but not too thick, and then apply powder.
  2. It is best to use a special corrective tool - (masking pencil). Red pimples are best covered with a concealer. Green colour(Yes, yes, this shade neutralizes red). But to hide the contrast, on top of the green product, apply either a product that matches the tone of the skin color (or slightly lighter than it), or a light foundation, or. Slight redness will help to hide a beige concealer pencil.
  3. Another secret is a distraction. So, if the pimple is in the upper part of the face, for example, on the forehead, then select lower part by painting her lips with bright lipstick. If the inflammation is localized on the lower part (on the chin), then select the upper one. To do this, emphasize the eyes by choosing bright shadows. If the pimple is on the cheek, then prefer natural makeup, but still highlight the lips and eyes, choosing as close to natural and not too bright shades as possible.

Now you know how you can mask a pimple, so this problem will definitely not take you by surprise.

A woman wants to be beautiful 7 days a week and 24 hours a day in any weather and under any circumstances. Unfortunately, we are not always subject to the processes occurring in the body, and in fact they are sometimes fraught with an undesirable skin reaction. Improper nutrition, hormonal surge, stress and many other factors provoke inflammation, which significantly spoil the appearance. But in the morning you have to go to work, in the evening - to a banquet, on weekends - to visit ... and everywhere you want to be on top and look stunning.

But it can take a week to get rid of this scourge, and time is sorely lacking. Therefore, today we will consider the question of how to save such a situation, namely, how to mask acne on the face without the help of makeup artists, on our own.


The first thought that immediately comes to mind is to mask acne on the face with cosmetics, and this is a completely logical and correct solution to the problem. True, it is temporary, because after removing the makeup, the rashes will reveal themselves again. What means will help turn Cinderella into a beautiful princess?

Tone cream

The best and easiest way to mask acne on the faceif it is properly matched to the skin color. The tool should be a tone lighter. Do not use a pinkish tint, because it will significantly aggravate the situation.

Below is step-by-step instruction disguise that will allow your skin to shine at least outwardly with health and beauty:

  1. Wash your face with a cleansing gel for problem skin with an anti-inflammatory effect. You can advise Garnier Skin Naturals, Clean & Clea, Clearasil, Propeller.
  2. Degrease the skin with a tonic from the same cosmetic series as the gel.
  3. Apply a small amount of foundation to the pimple (dotted) and lightly blend with the pad of your finger.
  4. If there is only one (or two) pimples, do not apply foundation to the entire surface of the face.
  5. If there are a lot of acne, you will have to mask them with foundation all over the skin. The main rule is not to overdo it: the layer should be minimal.
  6. But to powder - you can hide an uneven complexion, remove oily sheen and mask the contrast between inflammation and a healthy area. It is better to use mineral powder (you can take Artdeco, Pupa, Max Factor, Tony Moly). Do not scatter shimmering particles over your face, but as if driving them into the skin. This will make your makeup last longer.

Not everyone succeeds in masking acne on the face with a foundation. This happens for several reasons. First, they can be too inflamed, large and purulent. In this case, treatment will generally be required, in which it is strictly forbidden to use. Secondly, the shade of the foundation is incorrectly selected, which will stand out ugly as a stain. Thirdly, the camouflage technique itself is violated.


The ideal cosmetic product that can be used to mask acne on the face is a concealer, in other words, a masking pencil.

If the rashes are bright burgundy and inflamed, you will need green tint, which perfectly neutralizes red. But on top it will be necessary to apply foundation or powder to match the skin tone or a little lighter. If the redness is slight and small, you can use a beige concealer.

From high-quality cosmetics, they will perfectly cope with the task:

  • artdeco;
  • Maybelline New York;
  • Max Factor;
  • Stop problems;
  • Revlon;
  • Holika Holika.

Creamy concealers in a convenient package with a brush and a dispenser allow you to very accurately retouch and cover up acne of any type - whether they are juvenile or postpartum.

Ultra-modern, moisture-resistant formulas infused with light-reflecting pigments visibly smooth and refresh skin.

And other cosmetics

With the help of other means of decorative cosmetics, you can carry out a distracting maneuver, which almost always works 100%. If the pimple is on the forehead, focus on the lips with bright lipstick.

On the same forehead, you can lower the bangs, mask the whiskey (if acne) by lowering strands of hair on the sides. If rashes cover the chin, switch attention to the eyes by creating bright makeup for them.

So, with the help of ordinary decorative cosmetics, you can easily and quickly mask acne on your face at home without the services of stylists and makeup artists. All you need is 10 minutes of free time, a mirror and an appropriate tool.

Well, if you have 3-4 hours before an important event where you should look amazing, you can try folk remedies, whose effectiveness will be more persistent and long lasting.

Folk remedies

It is possible to cover acne on your face without makeup yourself if you have a little more free time and if you prefer natural skin care products.

Their advantage is that they help to improve the condition of the inflamed epidermis. This so-called Ambulance. Of course, it will not work to completely remove the neoplasm in a few hours, but it is quite possible to make it less noticeable.

A pimple is an inflamed area of ​​the skin, the redness of which is caused by vasodilation. If you remove this unhealthy hyperemia, the rash will no longer be so noticeable. So, you need to narrow the blood vessels with the help of cold.

If there is already ready-made ice in the freezer - great, apply it to the pimple for 3-4 minutes. If not, soak a cotton pad in water and place in the freezer until set. If you are not at home at all, anything that smells cold will do.

  • Pharmacy preparations

And now you are in for a real surprise. After all, for sure, in the first-aid kit everyone has vasoconstrictors, which we just need to mask a pimple.

The best in this business are the usual drops from the common cold: Naphthyzin, Xilen, Nazivin and others. After them, in terms of effectiveness, there are eye drops that have the same effect on the vessels. It can be Stillavit, Octilia, Vizin. Soak a cotton pad in these medicinal solutions and for 15 minutes make a compress for the inflamed area on the face. The redness will disappear!

If you look at the compositions of anti-inflammatory cosmetics, in most of them you will see. This is unique remedy, which you should always have on hand if you have problem skin.

Want to cover up a pimple? Every half an hour until the final make-up is applied, point-burn the inflammation with ether diluted with water in equal proportions. After 4-5 hours (if you have them), the redness will disappear, and the neoplasm itself will become significantly smaller.

  • streptocide

Another not quite folk remedy, but rather a home-pharmaceutical one. Streptocid antibacterial and disinfectant powder is diluted in warm water and applied to the pimple for half an hour. Then remove the remnants of the dried preparation with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Inflammation will decrease significantly, and redness will disappear.

  • Coffee

This is the only situation when not only natural, but also instant coffee can be used as a cosmetic product. It doesn't even need to be diluted with water. Just sprinkle the powder on the pimple for 5 minutes and remove the grains with an anti-inflammatory tonic. The skin will acquire a beautiful bronze hue, against which the redness will not be noticeable at all.

In this way, you can mask very high quality, which also look very ugly on healthy skin.

  • Aspirin

Make a dot application of an aspirin mask. a pill acetylsalicylic acid(this is an excellent peeling agent) dilute with a few drops of warm water to make a thick paste. Whip it up and apply it on the inflamed area of ​​the skin for 5 minutes. This will calm her down in a few moments.

  • Calendula

Calendula is good because its tincture quickly relieves redness and eliminates inflammation for a while. Soak a piece of cotton wool in it and apply it to the pimple for 10 minutes.

  • Toothpaste

You can mask pimples by smearing them for 15 minutes with toothpaste. However, this tool has several requirements. First, it must be white, without dyes. Secondly, it must contain components such as fluorine, triclosan, soda or zinc.

In order for folk remedies to work, you still need to have a few hours left. If you need to urgently and quickly mask acne on your face, it is better to use decorative cosmetics.

And in order not to be disappointed in the result, take note of a few useful tips from a dermatologist - and then nothing can overshadow your beauty at any event.

You can put on a ton of makeup, and before that, sit for an hour all over your face, but by the time you leave the house, nothing has been achieved. In order for the acne masking operation to be successful, take note of a few useful advice from cosmetologists - and then the result will definitely not disappoint.

  1. In some sources, you can find information about the use of badyagi as a masking agent for acne. However, this pharmaceutical agent irritating substances enter, after which the skin can simply burn with fire. With such a flame on your face, it is unlikely that you will be able to do a festive make-up. So don't risk it.
  2. It is much easier to mask acne marks than inflammation itself. And all the same methods will help to do this: foundation (if there is no time) or folk remedies (if there are several hours free).
  3. Using for disguise essential oils, do not apply them to the skin in a concentrated form. Yes, they will burn out a pimple, but! First, it will cause severe redness. Secondly, it can form.
  4. To mask a pimple, sometimes you have to use quite aggressive means. Remember that coffee, aspirin, and even toothpaste, which at first glance seems so harmless, can provoke allergies and cause severe irritation. So it is better to find out in advance how your skin will react to a particular composition. The litmus test here can be the wrist.
  5. And, of course, the main advice - do not even try to squeeze out acne with your hands at home. After that, you definitely will not be able to disguise it. We will have to postpone the meeting and engage in a full and long-term treatment of inflamed skin.

Now you can quickly disguise acne on your face at home and save the day - look amazing at any event, despite these hateful rashes. And yet, it is worth remembering that this is just a temporary measure, and after washing before going to bed, the beautiful princess will again turn into Cinderella. To make such moments rare in your life, try not to hide the problem, but to eliminate it by any accessible ways.

And remember: clean, well-groomed skin never upsets this kind of misfortune.

How to hide acne on the face? This question has always worried women at any age. The appearance of an unaesthetic red growth in the most visible place can spoil the mood of the calmest person. Panic throwing around the apartment and calls to girlfriends are usually positive result won't give. You need to prepare for troubles morally, intellectually and financially. In other words, you need to know what, how, with what and when to do if your appearance was suddenly spoiled by some kind of eel.

Why do acne appear on the face

The appearance of acne causes many inconveniences.

There are many reasons for this phenomenon. They can be divided into two parts: internal and external influences.

Causes born inside the body include:

  • diseases digestive system and the appearance of toxins with improper digestion;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • bad habits;
  • metabolic disorders.

To the reasons external character should include:

  • unsanitary living conditions;
  • frequent contact of the skin of the face with dirty objects;
  • illiterate skin care;
  • uncomfortable environmental conditions;
  • viral, fungal or bacterial diseases skin.

Despite the division of factors into two parts, acne on the face often appears for mixed reasons. For example, poor nutrition can be combined with a poor quality of the ecological environment, microorganism contamination of the skin, etc.

Is it possible to do without cosmetics

Makeup can help hide imperfections

If a we are talking about how to hide acne on the face, and not get rid of them, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without cosmetics completely. It all depends on what your goal is: masking acne an hour before going to a festive event or eliminating rashes a few days before the need to appear in all its glory in front of the public.

In the first case, acne will simply have to be covered up, in the second - they can be eliminated or at least significantly reduced. outward manifestation negative processes in the skin.

How to cover up acne without makeup? This problem is quite serious and difficult to solve, so many women prefer to buy a variety of cosmetics, burdening the skin with a thick layer of concealers.

Usually the skin on which acne often appears is called problematic. She especially needs careful daily care. From the whole complex of care, the following main points can be distinguished:

  1. . This mandatory procedure should be done by both women and men. Acne is typical for everyone, it's just that women are more actively fighting with them.
  2. If you often find yourself in a polluted atmosphere or rarely manage to wash yourself, then you need to thoroughly wash your face and hands in the evening. laundry soap from 72% active substance. It not only washes dirt well, penetrating into all pores, but also activates blood circulation, making the face fresher and whiter. After that, you need to apply a moisturizer.
  3. Periodically, you can clean the pores. Its use depends on the sensitivity of the skin. With normal skin, you need to apply dry soda powder to a clean, damp surface of the face, which, upon contact with a wet surface, will stop crumbling and begin to be absorbed. Soda should be thoroughly rubbed over the entire surface of the face until all the skin begins to “burn”. After that, you should wait another 10 minutes. Then you need to wash off the soda, and apply a moisturizer on your face. If the skin is sensitive and such a scrub does not stand up, make a mask of honey and soda, mixing in proportions of 2 to 1. In this case, you do not need to rub the cleanser strongly, just hold the mask for about 15 minutes.
  4. If the rashes are accompanied by swelling, and this is common, you need to grate raw peeled potatoes on a fine grater, put them in a gauze bag, and then place it on your face. You can cover your entire face with potatoes, or you can only cover problem areas. After half an hour, all the swelling will come down, disappear or become not so bright redness.
  5. For rashes with fungal or bacterial causes, fit well tar soap. Its major drawback is the strong odor, but healing effect he has a good one.

Natural remedies and cosmetics: facets of combination

It will not be possible to make rashes on the face invisible without cosmetics, you still have to paint over outstanding acne with cosmetic tricks. All measures taken without special cosmetics are aimed at ensuring that big pimple became small, and the red spots disappeared or at least turned pale. With the help of the above means, you can remove swelling and give your face a healthy color.

If the funds listed above are not enough for you or they seem too rough, you can also use special gels, foams, antibacterial tonic, hydrophilic oil for regular washing.

The main commandment of a person who fights acne is that the face should always be clean. If the skin is uncleaned, then cosmetics cannot be used. There is another commandment - the skin should always be moderately moisturized. On dry and irritated skin, acne appears more often and they are more noticeable. Moisturizing is best done with special creams and lotions. For especially sensitive skin It is better to use a baby moisturizer.

How to reduce the visibility of a pimple

There are many remedies that will help make acne invisible.

Many are interested in ways to cover up acne and how to make them less noticeable. There is a big difference between them. Above, the means by which it will be possible to reduce redness of the skin and its swelling, which helps to reduce the brightness of pimples, have already been described.

However, you should pay attention to the following special purpose tools:

  1. Drops that constrict blood vessels. The red color of a pimple is due to blood flow to the site of inflammation. To remove redness, it is not necessary to prick special preparations. It is enough to take a cotton swab and moisten it with vasoconstrictor drops. This cotton wool should be held for five minutes on the problem area. After some time after such a compress, the redness will go away. For such a procedure, it is better to use special drops for eyes and nose: Vizin, Stillavit, Octilia, Nazivin, Xilen, Galazolin. Usually, these products have a mild effect on the skin and do not cause irritation. The vasoconstrictive effect can be enhanced if the moistened cotton wool is put in the freezer for several minutes. In this case, the vasoconstrictive effect of cooling will be added to the action of the drug.
  2. Tea tree oil. It has a good drying antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. If your face is covered with red pimples, you need to treat the affected areas with this oil every half an hour for 4-5 hours. The oil will relieve redness and swelling, while at the same time reducing the size of the pimple itself.
  3. Use of ice. Ice is very cold, so it shrinks blood vessels. However, this effect can be achieved with any cold object. To work with facial skin, it is best to use cosmetic ice, which includes decoctions of chamomile or calendula.
  4. . From bodyagi powder, it is necessary to prepare a mask that has a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect. The composition of such a mask: 0.5 tsp. powder, 1 tsp warm water. The powder must be mixed in water, getting a slurry, which is applied to problem areas. The duration of the mask is 1 hour. As a result, not only acne itself is eliminated, but also traces of their presence.
  5. Streptocide powder. It is better to buy a ready-made bag of powder in a pharmacy. The amount of streptocide depends on the area of ​​the skin lesion. You need to make a thick slurry in warm water, and then apply it on acne clusters, holding for 30 minutes. Streptocide should be removed with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
  6. Acetylsalicylic acid. This medicine in cosmetics is used to prepare a cleansing and anti-inflammatory agent. You need to take three aspirin tablets, grind them thoroughly, and then dilute them with a small amount of warm water. Treatment of the affected surface is carried out in the same way as with streptocide. Such procedures cleanse the skin, eliminate inflammation, and contribute to the rapid exfoliation of the epidermis.
  7. Calendula. You need to take an alcohol infusion of calendula, moisten a cotton swab with it and apply it to acne for a few minutes.
  8. Toothpaste. This is an emergency coloring agent. It dries fresh acne well, but you only need to use a white paste that contains fluorine, soda, zinc, triclosan and hydrogen peroxide. These ingredients are able to act on the inflamed areas as needed.
  9. . It is better to use it to fight purulent acne. It is necessary to cut a fresh leaf of the plant along, and put the cut part on acne for 3 hours. During this time, the pimple matures, breaks through itself or with with the help of a lung pressure.

All transferred funds are an example of how to do without foundation and other potent substances. However, all these funds have one drawback: they last a long time.

A quick effect is achieved, unfortunately, only with the help of makeup.

How to cover up acne with makeup

Foundation is the most popular remedy

The most popular remedy in this case is foundation. For these purposes, it is best to use hypoallergenic creams with liquid consistency. With their help, you can mask even the smallest deviations from the norm.

How to apply concealer to mask acne? To do this, you must first prepare the skin in the ways described above - laundry soap, soda and moisturizer. And only then we hide acne with foundation. This tool is applied with fingertips on the nose, forehead, cheeks, chin. In this case, the principle of uniformity of application must be observed. If you focus on skin imperfections, you will not be able to achieve an even tone. You just need to create a layer so that the acne merges with the rest of the skin.

It is best to use camouflage products such as concealer / proofreader. In this case, you can not do without a green camouflage pencil. It is he who will give acne a shade close to natural.

The concealer must be combined with a moisturizing foundation, which will allow you to early stages mask various skin defects.

With a pencil, you need to put a dot on a pimple, then slightly shade and apply a neutral tone with reverse side pencil. After treatment of each pimple, apply a light powder. This will give the skin a uniform texture.

Here are described general principles fight not with acne, but with their visibility. However, in order to always remain beautiful, you also need to become healthy. However, this is another topic.

Even if you properly care for your face, acne is not ruled out. But there are many ways to help mask skin defects at home.

The easiest way to hide them is with the help of special cosmetics, for example, tonal creams. In minutes, you can achieve a flawlessly clean face.

It is enough to be guided by the following tips:

Similar methods can mask scars and small scars.

If a woman does not use a tonal base, a corrective pencil is used. It will help hide a red pimple or other defect of the same color. The corrective pencil has two halves - green and beige. The first covers the redness, the second masks. It is worth noting that such drugs have a therapeutic effect at the same time.

How to quickly disguise acne: the use of concealer, powder

Concealer - a beige camouflage pencil will help to quickly hide inflammation even outside the home. The inflammation itself and the skin around it are covered with a pencil. It is better if there are two concealers - darker and lighter. In this case, the skin around is treated with dark, and acne itself is treated with light. After that, it is recommended to shade the product and powder.

You can also use powder. The pimple is first treated with the usual cream, then sprinkled with powder. The resulting slide is lightly shaded. It is recommended that you first apply foundation to the area to be treated.

Tonal mousse - the best way to remove dark circles under the eyes. It can also be used to mask imperfections on delicate skin. The tool must have a light structure, otherwise it will gather in folds. If you do not want to use decorative cosmetics, then only a good night's rest will help to eliminate bags under the eyes.

How to properly mask a pimple, scar and spot:

How to disguise acne without makeup at home?

Many refuse to use makeup, especially to mask inflamed skin. If you need to improve your appearance in just a few hours, you can use simple, but effective methods. Inflammation and redness, of course, will not completely go away, but will decrease significantly.

  • For example, acne is treated with toothpaste, eye drops Vizin or any antibiotic local action. These remedies help reduce redness.
  • Instead of "Vizin" you can take any vasoconstrictor drops. Drops are applied to cotton wool and left in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes. Then the cotton wool is applied to the pimple. If the latter is large and painful, the procedure is repeated several times.

Toothpaste dries the skin very much, so after spot treatment of acne and removal of the product, you need to generously lubricate your face with a moisturizer.

How to mask acne correctly if you have a whole night to spare?

When you have time, you can use natural remedies like aloe and lemon juice. These substances are applied to the face in turn. Such a simple method will soothe and brighten the skin, which will affect the redness - they will become almost invisible in the morning.