
Basic concepts of human health. NOD in the preparatory group for life safety “I will save my health, I will help myself II

If one of the schoolchildren believes that taking care of their health is the business of parents and doctors, then he is mistaken. To be healthy, you must first of all take care of your health and lead a healthy lifestyle. It is more conducive to the preservation and promotion of health.

A healthy lifestyle is:

  • implementation of the daily routine;
  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • physical education and sports;
  • hardening;
  • proper and healthy nutrition;
  • friendly attitude towards others;
  • no bad habits. material from the site

Mode is the basis of health. And this is not only the lesson schedule that hangs on the wall, but also the diet, sleep and rest, as well as physical labor and assistance to parents. Everything that you have planned must be done during the day. Then your mood will be good and cheerful, and your parents will be happy.

If you want to be healthy, eat right. Food should be not only tasty, but also healthy. And one more thing: you have to sit down at the table at the same time - you know about it. So, sit down at the table on time, do not wait for an invitation several times.

If you are not yet friends with physical education and sports, then start doing them now - do some exercises - do not put it off until tomorrow or until next Monday. Waking up in the morning, do exercises, during the day play tennis, football, ride a bike, rollerblade, etc. And then you feel that your health will improve significantly.

Do you like to see a cheerful, smiling person? Answer the same - smile, be friendly and benevolent. Remember: it's also good for your health!

excessive infatuation computer games, long-term TV viewing, alcohol, drugs, smoking, even passive, spoil health.

So, the one who constantly takes care of his health - goes in for physical education, observes the daily routine and rules of personal hygiene, eats right, has no bad habits, benevolent and friendly - has good health. And those who do not care about their health, lead a sedentary lifestyle, have bad habits, gradually loses health and shortens his life.

Healthy lifestyle lifestyle of an individual, aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

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  • short essay on health

Human health, components of health.

The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) stated: “Nine-tenths of our happiness is based on health. With it, everything becomes a source of pleasure, while without it absolutely no external goods can give pleasure, even subjective goods: the quality of the mind, soul, temperament sick state weaken and freeze. It is by no means without reason that we first of all ask each other about health and wish it to each other: it is truly the main condition for human happiness.

If we accept that among life values human health is the main condition for human happiness, it is necessary to understand what we mean by this term.

Today there are a number of definitions of human health. The Constitution of the World Health Organization states that health - it is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

In summary, human health is its ability to maintain psychophysiological stability appropriate for age and sex in the face of constant changes in information (sensory and structural).

What is sensory and structural information?

Sensory Information - This is information perceived with the help of the senses - visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory. Sensory information can be positive or negative in quality and quantity.

Structural Information perceived at the cellular level, that is, we are talking about a structural protective reaction healthy body when a foreign agent (smallpox virus) enters the human body by producing special antibodies to destroy the virus. The more dangerous a foreign agent that has entered the body of a healthy person, the more powerful structural system protection is immunity.

So, nature took care of our health resource, providing us from birth with structural and sensory information systems that have the ability to self-regulate and maintain life.

From the definition of health, we can conclude that the components of health are:




Physical Component - the ability of the body to have reserves in case of unforeseen extreme and emergencies.

Psychological component - determines the state of the psyche, or mental balance of a person. Mental well-being correlates with the mind, intellect, emotions.

Social component - reflects connections within society, material support, interpersonal contacts, i.e., awareness of oneself as a person when interacting with others.

All three components are interconnected, I show on the board schematically, visually the three main components.

Health individual and public

Individual health is the health of each individual.

public health is the health of the whole society, is a socio-political and economic category that characterizes the viability of the whole society as a social organism.

Spiritual and physical health

Spiritual health is provided by the system of thinking, knowledge of the surrounding world and orientation in it. Achieved spiritual health the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with family, friends and society, the ability to predict and model events and draw up a program of one's actions.

Physical health, as one of the components of human health, is defined as the absence of diseases and physical defects of the body and largely depends on the work of the sensory and structural information systems. Physical health is primarily influenced by heredity and environment.

At the 20th minute of the lesson, perform motor exercises (2 minutes).

Spiritual and physical beginnings must always be in harmonious unity, for these are two inseparable parts of a person's overall individual health. Both of these parts - physical and spiritual - are so closely intertwined that it is impossible to separate them. Physical health affects the spiritual life, and spiritual control gives the necessary discipline to maintain physical health.

Factors affecting health.

What affects health?

This influence is expressed by two groups: internal and external.

Internal - this is the influence of heredity (genetic factor) - 20%

External - environment (20%), health care activities (10%)

Lifestyle affects our health by 50%! Everything will depend on how we dispose of the natural gift and, of course, on the conditions under which we will dispose of it.

Lifestyle is a system of relationships between a person and himself and factors external environment.

Environmental factors are:

physical (pressure, radiation, temperature);

chemical (food, water, toxic substances);

Biological (plants, microorganisms, animals);

Psychological (affecting emotional sphere through sight, touch, smell, taste, hearing and causing positive or backlash).

What is a relationship with oneself? This is a complex set of actions and experiences, the presence of useful habits that strengthen natural resource health, and the absence of harmful ones that destroy it.

To be healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. Nothing can replace them. A person is so perfect that it is possible to restore health from almost any point of its decline. Only the necessary efforts increase with age and the deepening of diseases. For this, it is necessary to a healthy lifestyle is an activity aimed at maintaining and strengthening health!

Basic health criteria

The main criterion for human health is its ability to maintain psychophysiological stability in an ever changing world.

In other words, it is a quick adaptation to new conditions of the surrounding world.

Adaptation - it's physiological adaptation of the structure and functions of the body, changing its organs and cells in accordance with the conditions environment.

By environmental conditions one must understand not only changes in the natural environment, but also changes in the psychological situation.

Target: creation of conditions for the formation of students' system of scientific knowledge about health and its varieties: individual and public.


  1. Educational - to master the basic concepts: individual and public health.
  2. Educational - to promote the formation of a positive "I-concept".
  3. Developing - to promote the development of creative abilities.

Equipment: a bright balloon, a computer, a lesson presentation, valeological audio recordings, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, a stencil of a student's health model, three colors of tokens (red, yellow, green).

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational stage - (1 min.)

II. Main stage.

  1. Actualization of the primary experience of students (5 min.)
  2. Learning new material (25-28 min.)
    2.1. Joint goal setting.
    2.2. Group work. Association task.
    2.3. Definition given to health in the WHO Constitution. Generalization of the concept of health.
    2.4. The relationship that exists between the physical, social and mental components of human health.
    2.5. Group work: compiling a model of student health.
    2.6. Presentation of student work.
    2.7. Physical break.
    2.8. Health individual and public.
  3. Consolidation of new material (5 min.)
  4. "Make your choice".
  5. Summing up (2-3 min.)
  6. Homework(2 minutes.)
  7. Reflection (2 min.)

During the classes

At the break before the lesson, a valeological melody sounds. The class is ventilated. The students are seated in groups.

I.organizational stage.

Greeting students. Creating a favorable psycho-emotional environment in the classroom.

II. Main stage.

1. Actualization of the primary experience of students.

Motivation. With the help of a balloon, which students throw to each other, find out what is most important in the life of each of the students in this class. ( Children's answers).

Without what can a person not achieve the above values? (Discussion of the problem). (Children's answers).

Decision-making.- Without health, it is very difficult to achieve anything, so it is one of the main human values.

2. Learning new material

2.1. Joint goal setting. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: What do you think about what will be discussed in today's lesson? (Children's answers).

Teacher: Today we will reveal the meaning of the concepts of individual health and public health, namely, health is a human value; Let's try to create a model of a schoolchild and find out how individual health differs from public health.

Teacher: Try to define health . (Children's answers).

Is health simply the absence of disease?

How would you define the concept of health? ( Children's answers).(Slide 2)

The first issue under study is Health - a human value. (Slide 3)

2.2. Group work. Association task.

For each letter of this word, write words related to what makes a person healthy.



Try to define health . (Children's answers).

Is health simply the absence of disease? (Children's answers).

How would you define the concept of health? (Children's answers).

2.3. Definition given to health in the WHO Constitution. Generalization of the concept of health.

As defined by the World Health Organization "health" - it is a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (write in notebook).(Slide 4)

Exercise: On the basis of the proposed drawings, name the manifestations of a student's health, according to the WHO definition of health. (Children's answers: physical, social, mental health).(Slide 5)

2.4. The relationship that exists between the physical, social and mental components of human health.(Slide 6)

The second issue under study is the creation of a schoolchildren's health model. The model can be represented as a triangle, the apex of which is the state of ideal health. Such a model shows the relationship that exists between the physical, social and mental components of human health.

physical health is the functioning of the body, the health of all its systems, physical activity, daily routine and rest, rational nutrition, hardening, etc.

Social- awareness of oneself as a male or female person, interaction with others, understanding and developing skills that help in communicating with people, prevention of social significant diseases. The social health of a person is formed on the basis of the physical. (Slide 7)

Mental- the ability to determine one's place in the world, understanding one's feelings and the ability to express them, the ability to predict various situations formation and development of the personality of high school students, their self-determination and self-realization. Mental health is formed on the basis of physical and social health. (Slide 8)

Each person aspires to his peak in the preservation and promotion of health. Each person reaches his peaks in the formation of health (physical, social, mental) by individual routes. General tasks of the route: 1 level- know; 2nd level - be able to warn 3 highest level - be able to help loved ones.

2.5. Group work: compiling a model of student health.(Slide 10)

These three components of health must constantly be in harmonious unity, complementing and influencing each other. Each person aspires to his peak in the preservation and promotion of health.

Task for groups: Using the concept of health, the general tasks of each route for a given general model are to create their own health models.

(A melody sounds during group work)

2.6. Presentation of student work.

In presentations, they have the opportunity to express their opinion, to show independence. (Protection of group models of health.)

The teacher summarizes the answers of the children and focuses on the purposeful desire to preserve and strengthen the health of everyone as a vital value.

Conclusion: “health” is understood as a whole, consisting of interrelated and mutually influencing aspects. Each of you will be able to create your own individual health model.

2.7. Physical break.

Exercises for physical education(to the sound of a valeological melody):

1) For improvement cerebral circulation: I.P. - sitting, standing, hands on the belt. At the expense of 1 - fell swoop left hand bring over the right shoulder, turn your head to the left, 2 - and. p., at the expense of 3-4, too right hand. Repeat 3-4 times.

2) To relieve fatigue from the shoulder girdle: "Octopus" - circular motions shoulders back and forth 3-4 times, raise and lower your shoulders (both together, then in turn) 3-4 times.

3) To relieve fatigue from the body: stretch for pleasure up to 10 sec. (Slide 10)

2.8. Health individual and public.

The third issue under study is individual and public health.

In the treatise of the ancient Roman politician Cicero(106-43 BC) "On Responsibilities" it says: “The duties of the wise are to take care of their property, health, without doing anything contrary to customs, laws and regulations ... not only for themselves, but also for the sake of children, relatives, friends, and especially for the sake of the state; after all, the wealth of the civil community is the wealth of individuals. ”(Slide 11)

The main wealth of any state is its people. Without human potential, any economic system will collapse and the most advanced and progressive "national idea" is powerless. (From Concept national security RF). (Slide 12)

Modern medicine defines both public and individual health (see diagram) (Slide 13)


Teacher: - What is meant by the term individual health? public health?

How are the concepts of public and individual health interrelated? (they are inextricably linked with each other, and one depends on the other).

Without a healthy individual person as a unit of society will not be healthy society Therefore, our state cares about the health of every person.

3. Fixing the material.(Slide 14)

task for each student.« Make your choice". With the help of multi-colored tokens, determine which level of the model, in your opinion, you think is the most developed.

Green - 1st place - very well developed.

Yellow - 2nd place - well developed.

Red - 3rd place - poorly developed.

On a pre-prepared stencil of the student's health model (see Slide 10), children place their tokens, determining the health development rating of this class.

Statements of prominent people about health. Arthur Schopenhauer “Aphorisms of worldly wisdom”: “... first of all, we must preserve good health. The means for this are simple: to avoid all excesses, excessive violent and unpleasant unrest, as well as too intense and prolonged mental labor, then increased movement on fresh air for at least two hours, frequent bathing in cold water and similar hygiene measures. (Slide 15).

4. Summing up


What conclusions can be drawn from today's lesson?

What is the place among life values ​​given to health? ( Pupils express their opinions.

(Analysis of the work in the lesson and grading.)(Slide 16)

5. Homework.

Think through your health models and propose them for discussion in the next lesson. (Slide 17)

6. Reflection.

Express your thoughts and feelings about today's lesson using only one sentence or phrase. (Slide 18)

(The teacher wishes everyone good health and thanks for the work in the lesson(Slide 19).)

List of valeological melodies:

  1. Orchestra P. Moriah "Atlantis".
  2. Orchestra P. Moria "El Bimo".
  3. Orchestra P. Moria "Minueto".

Svetlana Lesnichenko
GCD in preparatory group according to OBZH "I will save my health, I will help myself"

Synopsis of immediate educational activities V preparatory group on the topic: "I I will save my health,myself I will help myself».

Age group: children 6 years old.

Educational area: "Safety".

Integration with educational areas: "Knowledge",« Health» , "Socialization", "Communication", "Music", « Physical Culture» ,"Reading Fiction".

Conduct form: a game "Flower-seven-flower".

Target: the formation of preschoolers' ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of human life.



Continue to teach to consciously approach the preservation and strengthening of your health.

Clarify the importance of observing the rules of hygiene, nutrition, the use of vitamins, sports for health.

Learn to understand the meaning of proverbs and sayings about health.


Develop speech, cognitive interest, mental activity, children's imagination.


Encourage children to take care of themselves health, desire to lead healthy lifestyle.

Types of children's activities: cognitive, game, communicative, motor, reading fiction.

Methods: verbal, visual, gaming, problematic questions.

Dictionary activation: healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene items.

Game progress:

Sun: I welcome you to the game "Flower-seven-flower".

Why do you think our game is called that?

Now I will introduce you to the rules of the game. Numbers are written on each petal, which will correspond to the number of dots on the die. For example, if there are 5 dots on the die, then we are looking for a petal with the number 5. Each petal is a question from fairy tale characters, to which you will have to give a correct and clear answer. According to the rules of the game, the dice will be thrown by the captain of the team that we will pick from using a rhyme.

The game is dedicated to the theme « Health and healthy lifestyle» .

Be healthy is very important. Only healthy one can truly know the joy of life. Here's what it says in proverb: « Health is more valuable than wealth» .Therefore, everyone should remember their own health, protect and strengthen it, lead a healthy lifestyle. How do you understand it?

I present to you the participants of the game. So let's start our game.

Questions from Aibolit. They are dedicated to the structure of our body.

Name the organ of hearing (ears).

-Mystery: Two windows at night

Close themselves

And with the sunrise

open themselves (eyes)

Name the respiratory organ (nose).

The most top part body (head)

-Mystery: Olya cheerfully runs to the river along the path,

And for this we need our Olya (legs).

-What is superfluous: head, hands, doll, legs (doll)

-Mystery: Olya takes two or three berries,

And for this we need our Olya (pens)

Fizminutka "Repeat words and perform movements".

Questions from Little Red Riding Hood:

*Dear guys, keep going proverbs:

"Sun, air and water" (our best friends);

Health is fine(thanks to charging)»;

-"IN healthy body(healthy mind) »;

-Move more- (live longer)»;

- If you want to be healthy-(harden);

- "Movement- (that's life)»;

-Who does sports? (he gains strength)».

* Continue the lines from the poem by K. I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr":

“Nodo, you need to wash…”

"Long live fragrant soap..."

"Early morning at dawn."

Acupressure "Neboleyka".

Questions from Moidodyr.

Dear guys, you know that it is necessary to keep your body clean, and especially your hands.

Why should you wash your hands?

What should be done to prevent microbes from entering our body? (observe hygiene rules)

What hygiene rules do you follow at home and in kindergarten?

Moidodyr sent you a wonderful chest with riddles. We will find clues in the chest. After the game Moidodyr asks:

What are these items called? (personal hygiene items)

Why are they called that (only one person can use them)

Questions from Pinocchio.

Guys! You know that products are useful and harmful. Pinocchio sets question: what foods are good for health, and which are not?

A game "Useful and harmful products"(with a ball)

What are vitamins?

What vitamins do you know?

What are the benefits of vitamins "A", "IN", "WITH"(children read poetry)

Where are the most vitamins (in vegetables and fruits)

What vegetables and fruits contain vitamins "A", "IN", "WITH"?To answer this question, let's play a game "Vitamin Families".

All vegetables and fruits are healthy. But how important and necessary vegetables are, the guys will talk about this now.

Staged verse. "Vegetables".

Questions from Puss in Boots.

Dear guys! If a person goes in for sports, he will live longer. Who sports deals with diseases is not known.

What kind of sports do you know please?

Why do you need to play sports?

What must be done in the morning?

Why do you need a charger?

Exercise in the morning

Be strong, be brave.

I'll drive away the remnants of sleep

Blanket aside

I need gymnastics

Helps great.

So that we don't get sick

And don't catch a cold

We are charging with you

We'll be doing.

Get in order for fun exercises.

Charging with music.

Question from Cinderella.

Guys! I know that you are sympathetic, cheerful and kind children, you know how to rejoice and have fun. It depends on what mood a person has health. Cinderella sets question:

“Do not speak rude words, only give kind words!”

A game "Compliments"

Purple petal. Questions from the audience.

caregiver:- On this our game is over. What do you need to do in order to be healthy and beautiful(children's answers).Thank you for playing.

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Presentation on the topic: Human health

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

Health is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for the knowledge of the surrounding world, for self-affirmation and human happiness. An active long life is an important component of the human factor. Health is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for the knowledge of the surrounding world, for self-affirmation and human happiness. An active long life is an important component of the human factor. To main

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

Physical health is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the whole human body (self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly. Physical health is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the whole human body (self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly. · mental health depends on the state of the brain, it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, the development of volitional qualities. Moral health is determined by those moral principles, which are the basis social life person, i.e. life in a particular human society. hallmarks The moral health of a person is, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of the treasures of culture, an active rejection of mores and habits that are contrary to a normal way of life. To main

slide number 5

Description of the slide:

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, labor, hardening and, at the same time, protecting from adverse environmental influences, allowing to maintain moral, mental and physical health until old age. A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, labor, hardening and, at the same time, protecting from adverse environmental influences, allowing to maintain moral, mental and physical health until old age. To main

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

The next component healthy lifestyle life is a balanced diet. When about him in question, you should remember about two basic laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health. The next component of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet. When talking about it, one should remember two basic laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health. The first law is the balance of received and consumed energy. If the body receives more energy than it consumes, that is, if we receive more food than is necessary for normal development person, for work and wellness, - we are full. Now more than a third of our country, including children, has excess weight. And there is only one reason - overnutrition which eventually leads to atherosclerosis, coronary disease heart, hypertension, diabetes and a variety of other ailments. To main

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

Second law - conformity chemical composition diet to the physiological needs of the body in nutrients. Nutrition should be varied and meet the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable, since they are not formed in the body, but come only with food. The absence of even one of them, for example, vitamin C, leads to illness, and even death. We get B vitamins mainly from bread made from flour. coarse grinding, and the source of vitamin A and other fat-soluble vitamins are dairy products, fish fat, liver. The second law is the correspondence of the chemical composition of the diet to the physiological needs of the body for nutrients. Nutrition should be varied and meet the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable, since they are not formed in the body, but come only with food. The absence of even one of them, for example, vitamin C, leads to illness, and even death. We get B vitamins mainly from wholemeal bread, and the source of vitamin A and other fat-soluble vitamins are dairy products, fish oil, and liver. To main

slide number 8

Description of the slide:

The state of the environment plays an important role in health: The state of the environment also plays an important role in the health of malignant tumors air pollution on the state respiratory tract water pollution - on digestion, sharply worsens general state health of mankind, reduces life expectancy on the main

slide number 9

Description of the slide:

Hardening is a powerful healing tool. It allows you to avoid many diseases, prolong life by long years to maintain high performance. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases tone nervous system improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism. Hardening is a powerful healing tool. It allows you to avoid many diseases, prolong life for many years, maintain high performance. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the nervous system, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism. To main

slide number 10

Description of the slide:

It is important to observe the following daily routine: It is important to observe the following daily routine: get up every day at the same time, do morning exercises regularly, eat at set hours, alternate mental work with exercise, observe the rules of personal hygiene, monitor the cleanliness of the body, clothes, shoes, work and sleep in a well-ventilated room, go to bed at the same time! To main