
Pilates and yoga are two different types of fitness. Which system is better? Yoga as a practice of life, Pilates as a practice of movement

IN Lately it is yoga and Pilates that occupy the top lines of the charts in types physical activity for women. It’s fashionable, promising and simply useful: dedicate an hour of time to yourself and your body every day. All that remains is to choose what exactly to prefer: Pilates or yoga? This can be understood by learning more about each type of activity and understanding which one best suits your needs.

This teaching of the Eastern sages is considered the best way in order to relieve the stress accumulated by life in the city, nervous work and difficult relationships with family. Yoga is more than just fitness; it includes knowledge of the inner world, the development of harmony in the human soul. A lot of time in yoga is devoted not only to asanas (exercises), but also to meditation. Trainers warn that those who expect intense weight loss from yoga should better turn to other types of exercise, such as strength training or running.

However, yoga classes allow you to maintain your existing weight well, they perfectly develop joint flexibility, and allow you to cope with osteochondrosis. The most popular type of yoga in Russia is hatha yoga, it involves various groups muscles of the whole body, although from the outside it may seem that many of her poses are static and do not require much effort. Of course, the course for beginners looks lightweight, but even from the first lessons, according to scientists, the amount of stress hormone in the body sharply decreases and the flexibility of the body increases, and lightness appears in it.

This lightweight form of exercise was invented for wounded soldiers during the Second World War. world war George Pilates. The principle of the exercises is that all movements are performed slowly, without a large force load on the body. At the same time, regular Pilates classes perfectly strengthen the oblique and rectus muscles of the abs, hips and buttocks, which is especially important for those who are concerned appearance and the tone of your body.

Pilates also forms correct posture, which also has a beneficial effect on the figure, because with a straight back and straightened shoulders, the stomach is visually drawn in. At the same time, Pilates, like yoga, burns extra pounds in the body very slowly, its principle is leisurely and gradual. That is why Pilates classes are recommended even for those who are various reasons Regular aerobics, strength training and fitness are prohibited.

What to choose?

The advantages of both yoga and Pilates are that they can be practiced both in the gym under the guidance of a trainer, and at home, on your own, sitting down in front of the included video course. However, Pilates may require more equipment, such as a stability ball or elastic band.

Both of these types of activities are practiced correct breathing, however, with different goals. By breathing in a certain way, in Pilates you saturate your lungs with oxygen, and in yoga you try to achieve a state of peace. This is where the similarities between the two techniques probably end.

When choosing the type of exercise that suits you, try a couple of lessons of both yoga and Pilates. But first ask yourself: what result are you expecting? If you want to become more flexible and at the same time calmer, if you are interested in aerobics combined with philosophy, then yoga will be more to your liking.

If the goal is to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles, gradually develop physical endurance, and at the same time treat a sore back, your choice is Pilates. By the way, many people prefer to combine and alternate both of these activities: with moderate loads, there is no harm to the body in yoga and Pilates, there is only benefit.

Articles on the topic “Yoga or Pilates: what is the difference and what to choose? »

Pilates: secret development

Newbie or not, I welcome everyone to this blog with equal hospitality. I decided to finally express my subjective opinion about what is better: yoga or Pilates and what is the difference between them? I would like to note that further I will compare concepts that would logically not be compared, and I will justify my statement.

Yoga is ancient philosophical doctrine, which confirms its relevance for more than 2500 years. Pilates is modern technique healing, which does not have a spiritual component. Nevertheless, both ways can help a person achieve certain goals.

Similarities and differences between techniques

It is obvious that Pilates is based on various techniques, including yoga. Obviously this is because:

  • many Pilates exercises completely repeat yoga asanas;
  • in Pilates the emphasis is on correct breathing, and in yoga, breathing adjustment is just one of the eight stages of perfection (pranayama);
  • Pilates involves exceptional fluidity of movement, which has always been distinctive feature yoga;
  • while performing the Pilates complex, you need to concentrate your attention on what you are doing, without being distracted by extraneous thoughts; in yoga, all attention is directed inward, to your inner sensations and prompts.

But the creator of the Pilates method did not just borrow some points, he modified and adapted them to the capabilities of even the most physically weakened person.

Therefore, his method is different in that:

  • many exercises require additional equipment, and sometimes even exercise equipment, but yoga in most cases does not require any additional equipment;
  • breathing should be like this: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth; in yoga, breathing always occurs through the nose, with the exception of certain exercises;
  • it contains a lot of dynamic movements with repetitions; in yoga there are mainly static poses with a delay in them.

What effect do they have?

It is always easier to decide what to choose when you are pursuing a specific goal. For example, Pilates is more effective for weight loss, since it contains more dynamic exercises that train the abdominal and buttock muscles. Yoga also gives muscle definition, but this does not become noticeable immediately and only if you do yoga regularly. Here.

It’s difficult to say which is more beneficial for the back, because both methods have a special emphasis on the health of the spine. With osteochondrosis, both can help, the main thing is to do the exercises correctly. But in case of a hernia, I would advise you to first consult a doctor, and then start any physical exercises. read the blog articles.

Generally speaking, Pilates can provide the following results:

  • healing the body, especially the back;
  • increased muscle strength and size;
  • equalization of the emotional background;
  • increasing external attractiveness and self-esteem.

Almost all categories of people can do Pilates, as it has different programs that can help with a variety of health problems. But yoga has specific contraindications, read about them in

There is a fitness program that combines the techniques of both methods under consideration, and it is called.

In general, I can say that both yoga and Pilates are good in their effects. You just need to understand for yourself - are you striving to improve your physical body or is it important for you to develop spiritually?

If you chose the second, then I invite you to get acquainted with the practice of yoga under my careful guidance in yoga studio "Indigo", located in St. Petersburg. I wish the rest to learn to hear inner voice and don't be afraid to try new things! See you again! I look forward to your comments and pre-posts on social media. networks.

Yoga and Pilates are the most fashionable types of fitness among women. In many ways they are very similar, but in essence they are two fundamentally different types physical activity...

Many people believe that Pilates and yoga, if not the same thing, are at least very similar phenomena and, in general, it doesn’t matter what exactly you do. But this is not entirely true, and before you make a choice on what to go for, it’s worth understanding what the difference is between yoga and Pilates.

Pilates is very similar to yoga in some ways, but very different from it in others. First of all, Pilates and yoga are workouts aimed at healing and strengthening the body. During the training you will not have to do strength exercises and techniques. Also, neither Pilates nor yoga will help you quickly get rid of extra pounds for the beach season - both practices need to be done for a long time so that the result is noticeable.

Both of these practices do not involve fast movements and numerous repetitions, but at the same time they help to form relief, develop endurance, achieve mental balance, and raise self-esteem. Sometimes the movements in them are very similar.

The fact is that yoga and Pilates are similar in the technique of performing exercises and some poses. All exercises are performed slowly, during exercise it is very important to monitor your breathing, you do not need to do 40 repetitions in each approach, because it is important to do one exercise perfectly correctly and accurately. Neither Pilates nor yoga initial stage It is not recommended to practice on your own; it is better to start your practice under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

Despite the seeming static nature of both types of fitness, there are quite a lot of interesting exercises in both yoga and Pilates. Both of these workouts help remove extra pounds and create correct posture by working on the slow-twitch muscles that attach to the bones. Also, Pilates and yoga develop flexibility of muscles and joints, return the body to its natural strength and grace, and teach correct, measured breathing. The exercises are aimed at giving the body the necessary balance and improving coordination. Pilates and yoga instructors always emphasize the technique of performing exercises, accuracy and correctness of all movements.

At the same time, the fitness system separates these two workouts because they are not similar in essence and internal direction, as well as in the approach to organizing the lesson.

What is the difference

Yoga is a whole system that has been created for thousands of years. The practice of yoga is a spiritual tradition, history, experience and wisdom of many generations. This is a path that helps you to know yourself, penetrate your consciousness and make yourself better physically and spiritually. If you don’t go deep into the philosophical understanding of practice, then for ordinary person Yoga is about creating a balance between spiritual and physical well-being. It is an excellent tool in the fight against stress, helps reduce blood pressure, develop concentration and balance. Many people who choose yoga as a form of fitness often come to the philosophy of yoga and find their teacher who builds the practice.

Yoga exercises are poses (asanas) that are held for several minutes. The exercises themselves do not involve movement, only proper breathing. Asanas are aimed at stretching and strengthening muscles through static fixation of one body position. At the same time, in yoga a lot of attention is paid to the back and stretching of the spine, the ability to relax in a twisted position and concentrate on your sensations. In fact, each exercise requires reflection and understanding; the instructor constantly encourages you not to “have your head in the clouds,” but to concentrate on yourself.

There are a huge number of types of yoga practices, including hatha yoga, kundalini yoga, mantra yoga, raja yoga, anabhava yoga, ashtanga yoga and many others.

Pilates is a relatively young form of fitness. It was created by Joseph Pilates at the beginning of the 20th century. His system was originally designed to help soldiers wounded in war get into shape. Now Pilates is used to develop strength and endurance, and classes are mainly aimed at women. The basis of Pilates is precisely physical state person, work on this program is carried out on the abs and back muscles.

Pilates, like yoga, also stretches muscles, but not primarily, because strengthening them comes first. Pilates is, first of all, a healing system, it is aimed at creating a healthy and fit body. Simply put, Pilates puts bones and muscles in place.

The essence of Pilates exercises is to smoothly perform certain movements according to certain rules, almost always with repetition. Also, Pilates classes are often carried out using additional equipment - elastic bands, fitball, special exercise machine. There is no philosophy in Pilates.

Both yoga and Pilates are positioned as activities aimed at training the mind and body, but yoga is inherent in the former. When choosing yoga classes, you must be prepared to work on yourself, to the fact that you will need to learn to manage your strengths and emotions and try to achieve positive attitude and peace.

Also, the difference between yoga and Pilates is the breathing technique. In Pilates, breathing is used to supply muscles with oxygen, and in yoga, this is also added to the ability to control your body.

Both types of fitness are good in their own way, and both are useful for everyone, regardless of initial physical fitness. By exercising regularly, after a while you will not recognize your body as renewed, strong and graceful.

When choosing a practice, it is worth trying both, and giving preference to what your body and mind are more inclined to.

Pilates has long become a household name, although this method originally belonged to Joseph Pilates. This is not surprising, because the author managed to create an unprecedented method that allowed thousands of people around the world to get back on their feet, get rid of pain, strengthen the spine and create beautiful posture! In addition, Pilates is great for weight loss.

The basic principle of Pilates is strengthening the deep muscles of the back and abdominals. Due to this, the spine is unloaded and the muscle clamps, manages to relieve tension. The body gradually gets used to the correct position of the spine, due to which posture improves. Pilates exercises affect all muscle groups, which allows you not only to lose weight, but also to create a beautiful relief. That is, the body looks not just thin, but also toned.

My story started a long time ago. Since childhood I have suffered from serious problems with my spine. S-shaped scoliosis 3rd degree, osteochondrosis thoracic spine and a whole bunch of other diagnoses force me to spend my entire life searching for a cure for my back. In addition, problems of the musculoskeletal system cause neurological problems: vegetative-vascular dystonia, frequent headaches, weather sensitivity, anxiety, insomnia, neurosis.

Treatment of such problems requires integrated approach. The list of my main assistants includes: massage, swimming pool, nutrition, physiotherapy, medications to relieve neurological symptoms(Mexidol and Atarax), but this whole complex will be useless without the main element - high-quality physical activity.

I have come a long way before discovering Pilates. I visited many doctors and tried a bunch of complexes physical therapy, but none of them were truly effective. I've heard a lot about Pilates. positive feedback. I couldn’t believe that there was a method that suited everyone, including me. My spine problems suggest a large number of contraindications, therefore, when choosing new sets of exercises, I always adhere to the principle of “do no harm.”

I took another massage course. I came across a massage therapist who also happened to be a yoga trainer. She actively encouraged me to practice yoga, talked about its basic principles, and showed me basic exercises. Regarding Pilates, she said that it has certain similarities with yoga. But, in her opinion, yoga is more effective.

At a certain point I began to doubt what to choose: yoga or pilates . I chose Pilates for several reasons.

Firstly , Pilates for beginners is much easier than yoga. Many Pilates exercises are simplified, but no less effective yoga asanas. In my opinion, Pilates is easier for a beginner to learn at home than yoga.

Secondly , the Pilates exercise set is safe and has virtually no contraindications. All exercises are performed slowly and symmetrically, eliminating the possibility of injury.

Third, and for me the most important. Yoga is a whole philosophy. It is closely intertwined with something mystical, worship of the sun, nature. Each element of yoga has its own name in Sanskrit, as well as a specific spiritual meaning. As a non-religious person, but a believer, all this is alien to me. I have nothing against yoga philosophy in any way, it’s just not for me. Pilates is devoid of all this complex and unknown terminology and deep meaning. All names are either in Russian or in English. At least I understand what it means and what I'm doing.

My Pilates classes take place in the gym in group training. I also do Pilates at home. There are a lot of video lessons for beginners on the Internet, which helped me a lot at the initial stage. My home Pilates is somewhat different from what we are given in group classes, because... For example, I don’t have a fitball at home. But in my opinion, home Pilates is no less effective than Pilates classes with a trainer.

I've been doing it for almost a year now. During this time, my posture and coordination of movements have significantly improved, the muscles of my arms, legs, abs and buttocks have strengthened. Back pain decreased, lightness appeared. Classes help me relax, disconnect from problems, and take care of myself. The frequency of headaches has decreased. The general condition of the body and mood have improved. Despite the fact that I’m already quite slim and I didn’t set a goal for doing Pilates to lose weight, thanks to the exercises I managed to get rid of five extra pounds. All other kilograms are not unnecessary, but very necessary :)

My dear readers, I wish you good health!

P.S. And for those who suffer from pain due to osteochondrosis, my review is about a simple, cheap, but effective

Pilates and yoga are quite similar, they treat the body as a whole and unified. However, their origins and pedigrees point to significant differences in approach to practice and exercise. Pilates is a system physical exercise, developed in the early twentieth century by Dr. Joseph Pilates Neman, its goal was to stretch the muscles and make the body more flexible.

Recently, more and more often we hear about combining yoga and Pilates. This technique is called yogalates. Proponents of this connection believe that both methods have very similar elements and their connection is natural. Yoga helps the body gain flexibility; exercise also has a positive effect on the psyche of the practitioner.

Pilates guarantees strengthening of the abdominal muscles and has a beneficial effect on the spine.

Yogalates, with the right selection of exercises, provides not only a complete body workout, but also gives control over every movement made during exercise. According to the principles of Pilates, exercises promote:

  • strengthening muscles without excessive expansion;
  • lengthening of the spine;
  • improving posture;
  • body flexibility;
  • reduce stress levels;
  • improvement general condition people's health.

Sunrise vs West

Pilates is closer in nature to people from the West, as it was born in their culture. In practice, it combines elements of yoga, ballet movements and muscle tension. Yoga is a spiritual culture in India and is closely related to Hinduism, but not to any particular religion. It is a transnational and trans-religious system that is powerful and precise, which focuses on personal development, improving the body, mind and spirit.

All ancient knowledge was collected and systematized in the second century AD by Master Patanjali, the great sage of his time. His treatise “Yoga Sutra” is the main source describing the method of progressive development of human consciousness. Much later, developments and source texts appeared that described various yogic practices; there are many schools and traditional ways of transmitting information.

Pilates is stereotypically viewed as a purely physical activity, and yoga as part of a philosophical system.

Pilates mobilizes the joints, but in their natural, very safe range. Asanas are more demanding. Thus, the range of motion of the joints of the spine during backbending is much greater in yoga than in Pilates, which the video can clearly demonstrate.

Origin plays huge role V important issues disagreements and polemics over these two types physical activity. But it should be noted that Joseph Pilates, when developing his method, scrupulously studied the traditions of the East - it is based on yogic practices.

Yoga is a system of physical exercise and spiritual development.

Since Pilates has many elements of yoga, it is important to remember that yoga is complex system, involving not only physical exercises, but also (if not more importantly) spiritual exercises. It also changes your diet and lifestyle. Those who are not ready for this, but would only like to improve their figure, need to focus on the fitness aspect. And this will be the first step in the direction of yoga.

Pilates is viewed more pragmatically, as a form of rehabilitation, or rather re-education through movement. Classes consist of a series of medium-dynamic, systematic, responsive anatomical structure person exercises, which is very well demonstrated in the video. Goal: coordinate movements with breathing and perform this movement with the corresponding muscles.

Pilates is more dynamic because it is based on movement; in yoga, staticity is important - or being in one position for a long time.

But it all depends on the school, you can stay in one asana (Iyengar method) or perform a series of elements one at a time (Vinyasa), but rarely repeating the same movement. Breathing is also important here when moving from one position to another and while performing asanas. In yoga (the real one, going back to the source), exercise is a form of meditation. They have to:

  • to form the spirit of the body;
  • help control emotions, desires;
  • control the feelings that were presented in the process of spiritual development.

What is the difference

Despite many similarities, workouts can differ significantly from each other. True yoga is a way of life, harmony of body, mind and soul. This is essentially mental training.

Through daily practice, asanas, breath work, meditation, it can bring stability and calmness to life. Yoga is a constant crossing of the boundaries of body and mind that relaxes the muscles and mind. It teaches discipline, improves perception of the surrounding reality, helps fight stress, nerves, and fears. Yoga constantly surprises, both in terms of various tools for working with the body, and in its “infinity”. Each time, she offers thousands of other solutions.

Pilates does not consider such a far-reaching philosophy of life. It is more dynamic, burns more calories and makes muscles stronger.

But it would be wrong to say that yoga is only for those who strive for spiritual development, and Pilates is for those who are movement-oriented. Every body work can be a form of meditation if you are open to it.

What for whom

When faced with the choice of yoga or Pilates, which is better, you must ask yourself which you need most. If your goal is to lose weight, lose excess weight and cellulite, you should choose Pilates. The exercises can be performed by people of all ages and in different conditions.

Contraindications will be:

  • pregnancy;
  • postoperative period;
  • heart problems.

When your body and mind need silence, you are tense and anxious, you are not in the mood, then you should choose yoga. Asanas:

  • improve mood;
  • will give energy;
  • will help you calm down and concentrate;
  • teach patience;
  • improve body balance and coordination.

It is not contraindicated for women of all ages and pregnant women.

Or you can choose a hybrid of yoga and Pilates - Yogalates

As with everything, there are supporters and opponents of the new method.

  • Proponents argue that the combination is ideal and training guarantees rapid fat burning, unlike individual exercises. The work involves the main muscle groups.
  • Skeptics argue that yogalates is only suitable for beginners, and advanced training should begin directly with yoga.

The advantage of learning yogalates is that its exercises are not very difficult and foam mats are enough to perform them. Correct execution of the exercises is also very important for the teacher, as it will ensure not only the loss excess weight, but will also develop and maintain good general condition.

Yogalates training

The Yogalates training plan includes about 40 points, but their number varies depending on the time of training. Most of the points are based on yoga. At the beginning, they master warm-up exercises (20-minute stretching exercises).

In another part, the trainer conducts a course on traditional yoga positions. Each exercise contains elements of Pilates, and the time required to perform classical positions is extended, and the practitioner must stay in it longer. Then there are typical Pilates exercises to train the abdominal muscles. People who deal with this technique should notice the difference.

Yoga for beginners or exercises with Pilates and yoga may seem quite difficult, since a person does not know all the figures. But this is not the main thing, you must not only remember them and learn how to perform them mechanically, the correct mental attitude and knowledge of the philosophy of teaching. Teachers and instructors pay attention to the structure of the body, its movements, and also teach proper breathing.