
Time-tested children's stories about good and evil.

Black and white? Good and evil?

There is a widespread position that there is no black and white in life, there is only gray, that good and evil are one and perform some kind of common mission, almost imposed by God. It is said about God: “God is light and there is no darkness in Him.” Let me make it clear right away that I am of the same opinion. For me, there IS goodness, and it is absolute, pure, unclouded, like some great power given to us from above. And good never flirts with evil, does not flirt.

Anton Chyzh has a wonderful work "Divine Poison". In it, the main character, the detective, is asked the question: what is the meaning of the struggle and all our work, if more often (almost always) evil on earth wins? I was shocked by the answer - its depth and simplicity:


Where good is born and evil ends

Two colleagues meet in the corridor. One of them says:

You know, my new boss is such a bastard ... - then he turns around and sees his boss, - ... in good sense this word.

To determine what is good and what is bad, what is good, and what evil, it is very important to understand where the border between them is. What is still good, and what is evil, from the point of view of scientific terminology?

Good- the concept of morality, meaning intentional aspiration to selfless help to one's neighbor, as well as to a stranger, animal and even plant. In the worldly sense, this term refers to everything that receives from people a positive evaluation, or is associated with happiness and joy.

Evil- concept of morality intentional, willful, conscious causing someone harm, damage, suffering. In the worldly sense, evil is attributed to everything that receives a negative assessment from people, is condemned by them, and contradicts the rules of morality.

opposites that negate each other. In the European tradition, good is usually associated with light, light, white. Evil - with darkness, dark, black. According to the tenets of some religions, good and evil are seen as autonomous forces leading the age-old struggle for the right to rule the world. Such a system of views in theology is called dualism.

problem of good and evil can be considered in a variety of areas, such as ethics, philosophy, religion, folklore, but we will focus on the topic of good and evil in modern world . This is the most common topic for discussion about what is still good and evil, from the point of view of modern society.

For each of us good and evil symbolizes completely different things. For some, getting a granny across the road is the only good thing in their whole life, and for some, building a free school for orphans is a fraction in the countless string of good deeds. Many consider the use of alcohol, smoking, and obscene language to be evil. Someone will consider this a way of life ... As Leo Tolstoy said:

We love people for the good we have done them, and we do not love them for the evil we have done to them!

For many people, the source of good is church. “Do not make an idol for yourself”, “Love your neighbor as yourself”, “Do not commit adultery” - each of us remembers by heart, the only question is that some, with the help of the church, prayer, communion and other church sacraments, are trying to “wash away from themselves the evil that they commit with enviable constancy. God, as they say, is good. He will forgive. And in general, if we talk about the church, then the majority go there only when there is trouble.

Concepts about good and evil should be formed in childhood. And it starts good just when the baby is born. Pure, bright, truly Kind creation of God. By educating children in simple everyday rules of behavior, we cultivate the moral code of the generation. In the future, the formation of good and evil in the mind of the child is greatly influenced by Kindergarten, then school, university. But it is in the family that the initial foundations of personality are laid. Sukhomlinsky argues that “children live by their ideas of good and evil, honor and dishonor, human dignity; they have their own criteria for beauty, they even have their own measurement of time. The whole question is how to preserve all this purity, the purity of a small heart.

It is necessary to direct positive energy to the destruction of evil as a phenomenon. Every day, every hour, every moment. A person will never become completely perfect, but that's another story, and everyone can minimize evil deeds. way myself search , myself improvement , myself disciplines , myself implementations. In every word there is a root “Self”, I am not just pointing it out to you, but with the goal of calling, and finally convincing you that no church, society, society, parents, fully will not affect your perception of good and evil, Besides yourself. It is here and ends evil. It is in you and me. In our work on ourselves! I wish you inexhaustible will and desire to act on the basis of good motives! Daria Schukina

Parable of good and evil

Anger had a son. They called him evil. Such that he himself was difficult with him. And he decided to marry him to some virtue. You look, he will soften a little, and in his old age it will be easier with him! He stole joy and married his evil to it.

That marriage was only short-lived. But he left a child - gloating. Indeed, there can be nothing in common between good and evil. And if it suddenly happens, then do not expect good from him!

  • Karpova Irina Igorevna, student
  • Arzamas branch of the National Research Nizhny Novgorod state university named after N.I. Lobachevsky
  • Chalkova Galina Valerievna, student
  • Nizhny Novgorod University N.I. Lobachevsky
  • POLL

The article is devoted to the formation of ideas of older preschoolers about good and evil as a condition social adaptation. Special attention given the importance of the formation of these concepts in children preparatory group. The article emphasizes that the communication of preschoolers at this age has a social orientation, but the system of values ​​in children is not yet fully formed.

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Every day a person faces the concepts of good and evil, finds himself in a situation of choice, commits good or evil deeds. We think we understand when a person does well and when he does bad. A system of values ​​is a concept denoting a complex of ideas formed in a person about the significance in their life of things and phenomena found in nature and society (“ social attitudes""). People rely on a value system to compare and make decisions.

From ancient times to the present stage of the development of society, the understanding of good and evil has been constantly explored and changed. Nevertheless, there are no exact, generally accepted definitions of the concepts of good and evil at the moment. problem of good and evil can be considered in a variety of areas, such as ethics, philosophy, religion, folklore, but we will focus on the formation of ideas about good and evil in preschool children in modern conditions of socio-economic development of society. We consider the formation of these ideas among preschoolers as one of the conditions for successful social adaptation.. A child who has a certain system of values ​​understands what is good and what is bad, focuses his behavior on this knowledge, can evaluate his actions, peers, tries to regulate his behavior.

The concepts of good and evil are spontaneously formed in children from childhood. After all goodness begins when a child is born. In the future, on the formation of ideas about good and evil in the mind of the child big influence renders social factor- family, kindergarten, school, university. In the family, the initial foundations of personality are laid. V.A. Sukhomlinsky argues that “children live by their ideas of good and evil, honor and dishonor, human dignity; they have their own criteria of beauty, they even have their own measurement of time.

At present, the problem of the formation of ideas about good and evil in preschool children has become the most relevant and significant, in connection with the requirements imposed by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the Federal State Educational Standards for education of the individual.

The problem of understanding, correlation and study of the concepts of good and evil has been of interest to people since ancient times. Many scientists dealt with the problem of studying, such as Aristippus, Epicurus, Bentham, Voltaire, Aristotle, Dewey, Peirce, Mill, Ayer, Russtell, Stevenson, Kant, Shestov, Berdyaev, Heidegger, Buber, Sartre, Marcel, Camus, Freud, Fromm, Horney and many others. All of them made a great contribution to the understanding of this problem.

In our work, we would like to study the formation of ideas about good and evil in older preschool children as one of the conditions for social adaptation. The main method in our work was an oral survey - one of the most common methods of obtaining information.

Given the specifics of our subjects - preschool children, we adhered to the following rules:

  • when compiling a survey, it is important that the questions are simple, understandable and at the same time not containing hints and indications of a specific type of answer;
  • before starting the survey, you need to let the child adapt to the new environment and win over the child with friendly facial expressions and kind words;
  • during the survey there should be no strangers, the researcher should be one on one with the respondent;
  • conversation with the child should be conducted informally and confidentially. It is advisable to offer easy questions at the beginning of the survey, then difficult ones;
  • if the child is having difficulty, then he needs to be encouraged. You can’t rush him, scold him for bad answers or their absence. Show dissatisfaction;
  • after each question it is necessary to praise the child for his answer;
  • the interview should last 5-15 minutes, no longer, because after this time, children's interest and attention span decrease;
  • when interviewing children, it is necessary to make sure that the child correctly understands the questions addressed to him and only after that interpret and discuss the answers given by him;
  • after the end of the survey, the diagnostician must give a positive assessment of the child's activity. (Well done! Excellent! Good, tried!)

Our study involved 17 children from the preparatory group. During the oral individual survey, the children were asked the following questions:

  • What is good. What is evil?
  • What kind of person do we call good, what evil?
  • Do you consider yourself evil or good? Why?

Let's turn to the analysis of the results.

To question 1, the children answered as follows: (see Appendix No. 1)

  • 24% said that, good - do not offend anyone, do not be greedy, share, give gifts;
  • 43% understand kindness as helping parents, good behavior, committing good deeds;
  • 33% of children understand kindness as friendship, play with others, fun;

Evil children understand as the opposite of the concept of good.

Analyzing the children's answers to the first question, we can conclude that for children the concepts being studied have a social orientation. 57% of the children surveyed believe that good and evil are concepts defined by communication with other people and socially acceptable behavior. 43% of children characterize these concepts by communicating with close adults. Based on the children's answers, one can be convinced that these concepts for children of older preschool age are primarily socially oriented.

Appendix #1 Evil is vice versa

To the second question, the children answered that a good / evil person is the one who: (see Appendix No. 2)

  • 31% of children answered that a good/evil person is one who helps others, plays with them, loves others, does not deceive anyone / harms the nature around him, laughs at others, offends others;
  • 23% of children answered that a kind/evil person is one who is friends with everyone, always comes to the rescue, honest and kind, shares with everyone / is greedy, fights, laughs at others, interferes with everyone;
  • 15% under good and an evil person understand the heroes of their native land - Ilya Muromets / Nightingale the Robber;
  • 7% said a good/evil person is one who shares toys with sweets / throws candy wrappers on the street, offends others;
  • 24% said a kind/evil person is someone who doesn't fight with anyone, helps mom and dad/fights, offends others, is greedy, doesn't help.

Application №2

The answers to the second question are also social character. The majority of the respondents give good man communicative qualities, heroism and generosity; evil - mockery, rudeness and disrespect for others. The rest of the children emphasize the importance of communication with their parents. The formation of ideas about a good or evil person - necessary condition social adaptation of children, since the baby must learn to understand people and find a common language with them.

To the last question, the children answered that they consider themselves kind, and explained this by the fact that: (see Appendix No. 3)

  • they help mom and dad (50% of responses);
  • they are honest, share toys, do not offend anyone, are not greedy (33% of responses);
  • they are quiet and obedient (8% of responses);
  • they are good and always praised (9% of responses);

Application №3

When answering the third question, 100% of the children we interviewed called themselves kind. It can be seen from the diagram that the most important are family values(50% of all respondents answered that they are kind because they help mom and dad), and communication with peers and personality traits children (honesty, obedience and exemplary behavior, generosity, etc.) go to the second. It is noteworthy that the children expressed their understanding of good and evil without much difficulty, they were happy to make contact with us, and were able to attribute themselves to one of the proposed categories.

Thus, after analyzing the results of all the children's answers to the questions we have compiled, we can conclude that the communication of preschoolers at this stage of development has a social orientation, but the system of values ​​in children has not yet been formed. We found that relationships with peers come to the fore for preschoolers, and relationships with parents gradually fade into the background. Older preschoolers do not yet have a well-established system of ideas about good and evil. Later, through conversations, personal experience and specialized literature, the teacher will help the child to form the full development of the system of concepts of good and evil and the system of social values, which in the future will help him adapt in society.


  1. Mukhina V.S. Child psychology: Proc. for students ped. in-tov / Ed. L. A. Vengera.-2nd ed., Revised. and additional .- M .: Education, 1985.-272 p., ill.
  2. Nemov R.S. Psychology Proc. for students of higher ped. textbook establishments. In 3 books. Book. 2. Psychology of education. - 2nd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1995.- 496s.
  3. Sukhomlinsky V.A. I give my heart to children. –– Kyiv: Radyansk school, 1974 - 288 p.
  4. Internet resource:

A parable is one of the most ancient varieties of an edifying story. Instructive allegories make it possible to briefly and succinctly give some kind of moral attitude, without resorting to direct persuasion. That is why parables about life with morals - short and allegorical - have at all times been a very popular tool for education, touching on a variety of problems of human existence.

The ability to distinguish between good and evil distinguishes a person from an animal. It is not surprising that the folklore of all nations keeps many parables on this topic. They tried to give their own definitions of good and evil, explore their interaction and explain the nature of human dualism in the Ancient East, and in Africa, and in Europe, and in both Americas. A large corpus of parables on this topic shows that for all the difference in cultures and traditions, the understanding of these fundamental concepts in different peoples general .

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed to his grandson one vital truth:

- In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies ... The other wolf represents goodness - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty ...

The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather's words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:

Which wolf wins at the end?

The old Indian smiled almost imperceptibly and replied:

The wolf you feed always wins.

Know and don't

The young man came to the sage with a request to accept him as a student.

- Can you lie? the sage asked.

- Of course not!

- What about stealing?

- What about killing?

“So go and know all this,” exclaimed the sage, “and having known, do not do it!”

black dot

One day the sage gathered his disciples and showed them an ordinary sheet of paper, where he drew a small black dot. He asked them:

– What do you see?

Everyone answered in chorus that a black dot. The answer was not correct. The sage said:

“Don’t you see this white sheet of paper – it is so huge, bigger than this black dot! This is how it is in life - we first see something bad in people, although there is much more good. And only a few see a "white sheet of paper" at once.

Wherever a person is born, whoever he is, whatever he does, in fact, he does one thing - he is looking for happiness. This inner quest continues from birth to death, even if it is not always conscious. And along the way, a lot of questions lie in wait for a person. What is happiness? Is it possible to be happy without having anything? Is it possible to get happiness ready-made or do you have to create it yourself?

The concept of happiness is as individual as DNA or fingerprints. For some people and the whole world is not enough to feel at least satisfied. For others, a little is enough - sunbeam, friendly smile. It seems that there can be no agreement between people about this ethical category. And yet, in different parables of happiness, points of contact are found.

piece of clay

God molded man from clay. He blinded the earth, the house, animals and birds for man. And he had an unused piece of clay.

- What else to blind you? God asked.

“Blind me happiness,” the man asked.

God did not answer, thought and put the remaining piece of clay in the man's palm.

Money can not buy happiness

The student asked the Master:

- How true are the words that happiness is not in money?

The master replied that they were completely correct.

- It's easy to prove. For money can buy a bed - but not sleep; food - but not appetite; medicines - but not health; servants - but not friends; women - but not love; dwelling - but not the hearth; entertainment - but not joy; teachers - but not the mind. And what is mentioned does not exhaust the list.

Khoja Nasreddin and traveler

One day Nasreddin met a gloomy man walking along the road to the city.

- What happened to you? Khoja Nasreddin asked the traveler.

The man showed him a battered travel bag and said plaintively:

- Oh, I'm unhappy! Everything that I own in an infinitely vast world will hardly fill this miserable, worthless bag!

“Your deeds are bad,” Nasreddin sympathized, snatched the bag from the traveler’s hands and ran away.

And the traveler continued on his way, shedding tears. In the meantime, Nasreddin ran ahead and put the sack right in the middle of the road. The traveler saw his bag lying on the way, laughed with joy and exclaimed:

Oh what happiness! And I thought I had lost everything!

“It is easy to make a man happy by teaching him to appreciate what he has,” thought Khoja Nasreddin, watching the traveler from the bushes.

The words "morality" and "morality" in Russian have different shades. Morality is more of a social attitude. Morality is internal, personal. However, the basic principles of morality and morality are largely the same.

Wise parables easily, but not superficially touch upon precisely these basic principles: the relationship of man to man, dignity and meanness, attitude towards the Motherland. Questions of the relationship between man and society are often embodied in a parable form.

Bucket of apples

The man bought new house- large, beautiful - and a garden with fruit trees near the house. And nearby, in an old house, lived an envious neighbor who constantly tried to spoil his mood: either he would throw garbage under the gate, or he would do some other nasty things.

One day a man woke up good mood, went out onto the porch, and there - a bucket of slop. The man took a bucket, poured out the slop, cleaned the bucket to a shine, collected the largest, ripest and most delicious apples into it and went to a neighbor. The neighbor opens the door in the hope of a scandal, and the man handed him a bucket of apples and said:

- Whoever is rich, he shares it!

low and worthy

One padishah sent three identical bronze figurines to the sage and ordered him to convey:

“Let him decide which of the three people whose statues we are sending is worthy, who is so-so and who is low.

No one could find any difference between the three figurines. But the sage noticed holes in his ears. He took a thin flexible stick and stuck it in the ear of the first figurine. The wand came out through the mouth. The second figurine's wand came out through the other ear. The third figurine has a wand stuck somewhere inside.

“A person who divulges everything he hears is certainly low,” the sage reasoned. “The one whose secret enters in one ear and exits through the other is a so-so person. Truly noble is he who keeps all secrets within himself.

So the sage decided and made the corresponding inscriptions on all the figurines.

change your voice

Dovewing saw an owl in the grove and asked:

Where are you from, owl?

I used to live in the east, and now I'm flying west.

So the owl answered and began to hoot and laugh angrily. The dove asked again:

- Why did you leave your home and fly to foreign lands?

“Because in the East they don’t like me because I have a nasty voice.

- In vain you left your native land, - said the dove. – You need to change not the land, but the voice. In the west, just as in the east, they do not tolerate evil hooting.

About parents

Attitude towards parents is a moral task that has long been solved by mankind. Biblical legends about Hama, Gospel commandments, numerous proverbs, fairy tales fully reflect people's ideas about the relationship between fathers and children. Yet there are so many contradictions between parents and children that modern man It is worth mentioning this from time to time.

The constant relevance of the topic "Parents and children" gives rise to more and more parables. Modern authors, following in the footsteps of their predecessors, find new words and metaphors to touch upon this issue again.


There lived an old man. His eyes were blind, his hearing dulled, and his knees trembled. He almost could not hold a spoon in his hands, spilled soup, and sometimes food fell out of his mouth.

The son and his wife looked at him with disgust and began to put the old man in a corner behind the stove while eating, and the food was served to him in an old saucer. One day, the old man's hands were shaking so much that he could not hold a saucer of food. It fell to the floor and broke. Then the young daughter-in-law began to scold the old man, and the son made a wooden feeder for his father. Now the old man had to eat from it.

Once, when the parents were sitting at the table, their little son entered the room with a piece of wood in his hands.

- What do you want to do? the father asked.

“Wooden feeder,” answered the kid. - When I grow up, my father and mother will eat from it.

Eagle and eagle

The old eagle flew over the abyss. He carried his son on his back. The eaglet was still too small and could not master this path. Flying over the abyss, the chick said:

- Father! Now you are carrying me across the abyss on your back, and when I become big and strong, I will carry you.

“No, son,” the old eagle answered sadly. “When you grow up, you will carry your son.

Suspension bridge

There was a deep gorge on the way between two high mountain villages. The inhabitants of these villages built a suspension bridge over it. People walked on its wooden boards, and two cables served as a railing. People were so accustomed to walking on this bridge that they could not hold on to this railing, and even children fearlessly ran across the gorge on the planks.

But one day the ropes-railings disappeared somewhere. Early in the morning people approached the bridge, but no one could take a step across it. While the cables were, it was possible not to hold on to them, but without them the bridge turned out to be impregnable.

It's the same with our parents. While they are alive, we think that we can do without them, but as soon as we lose them, life immediately begins to seem very difficult.

Worldly parables

Life stories are special category texts. In a person's life every moment there is a situation of choice. What role can seemingly insignificant trifles, inconspicuous little meanness, stupid provocations, ridiculous doubts play in fate? Parables answer this question unequivocally: huge.

For a parable, there is nothing insignificant and unimportant. She remembers strongly that "the flutter of a butterfly's wing echoes like thunder in the distant worlds." But the parable does not leave a person alone with the inexorable law of retribution. She always leaves the opportunity for the fallen to rise and continue on their way.

All in your hands

A sage lived in a Chinese village. From everywhere people came to him with their problems and illnesses, and no one left without receiving help. For this he was loved and respected.

Only one person said: “People! Who do you worship? After all, this is a charlatan and a swindler! One day he gathered a crowd around him and said:

Today I will prove to you that I was right. Let's go to your sage, I'll catch a butterfly, and when he comes out on the porch of his house, I'll ask: "Guess what I have in my hand?" He will say: “Butterfly”, because anyway one of you will let it slip. And then I will ask: “Is it alive or dead?” If he says that he is alive, I will squeeze his hand, and if he is dead, then I will release the butterfly to freedom. In any case, your sage will be fooled!

When they came to the house of the wise man, and he came out to meet them, the envious man asked his first question:

“Butterfly,” answered the sage.

- Is it alive or dead?

The old man, smiling through his beard, said:

Everything is in your hands, man.


A long time ago, a war broke out between the beast and the birds. The hardest thing was the old Bat. After all, she was both an animal and a bird at the same time. That is why she could not decide for herself who it would be more profitable for her to join. But then she decided to cheat. If the birds prevail over the beasts, then she will support the birds. Otherwise, she will quickly go over to the beasts. And so she did.

But when everyone noticed how she was behaving, they immediately suggested that she not run from one to the other, but once and for all choose one side. Then the old Bat said:

- Not! I will stay in the middle.

- Good! both sides said.

The battle began and the old Bat, caught in the middle of the battle, was crushed and died.

That is why he who tries to sit between two chairs will always end up on the rottenest part of the rope that hangs over the mouth of death.

The fall

One student asked his Sufi teacher:

“Master, what would you say if you knew about my fall?”

- Get up!

– And next time?

- Get up again!

- And how long can it go on - all fall and rise?

- Fall and get up while you're alive! After all, those who fell and did not rise are dead.

Orthodox parables about life

Another academician D.S. Likhachev noted that in Russia the parable as a genre "grew" from the Bible. The Bible itself is littered with parables. It was this form of preaching to the people that Solomon and Christ chose. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that with the advent of Christianity in Russia, the parable genre took root deeply in our land.

Folk faith has always been far from formalism and "bookish" complexity. Therefore, the best Orthodox preachers constantly turned to allegory, where they generally transformed the key ideas of Christianity into a fabulous form. Sometimes Orthodox parables about life could be concentrated into one phrase-aphorism. In other cases - in a short story.

Humility is a feat

Once, a woman came to Optina hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Zertsalov) and asked him for blessings for a spiritual feat: to live alone and fast, pray and sleep on bare boards without interference. The old man said to her:

- You know, the evil one does not eat, does not drink and does not sleep, but everything lives in the abyss, because he does not have humility. Submit in all the will of God - here is your feat; humble yourself before everyone, reproach yourself for everything, bear illness and sorrow with gratitude - this is beyond all feats!

your cross

One person seemed to have a very hard life. And one day he went to God, told about his misfortunes and asked Him:

– May I choose another cross for myself?

God looked at the man with a smile, led him into the vault, where there were crosses, and said:

- Choose.

A man walked around the store for a long time, looking for the smallest and lightest cross, and finally found a small, small, light, light cross, went up to God and said:

“God, can I have this one?”

“Yes, you can,” God replied. - This is your own.

About love with morals

Love moves the worlds and human souls. It would be strange if the parables ignored the problems of relations between a man and a woman. And here the authors of parables raise a great many questions. What is love? Can you define it? Where does it come from, and what destroys it? How to get it?

Parables also touch upon narrower aspects. Household relations between husband and wife - it would seem, what could be more banal? But here, too, the parable finds food for thought. After all, it is only in fairy tales that the wedding crown ends. And the parable knows: this is just the beginning. And keeping love is as important as finding it.

All or nothing

A man came to a wise man and asked, "What is love?" The wise man said: "Nothing."

The man was very surprised and began to tell him that he had read many books that describe that love can be different, sad and happy, eternal and fleeting.

Then the sage replied: "That's it."

The man again did not understand anything and asked: “How can I understand you? All or nothing?"

The sage smiled and said, “You yourself have just answered your own question: nothing or everything. There can be no middle ground!

Mind and heart

One person argued that the mind on the street of love is blind, and that the main thing in love is the heart. As evidence of this, he cited the story of a lover who many times swam across the Tigris River, bravely fighting the current to see his beloved.

But one day he suddenly noticed a speck on her face. After that, as he swam across the Tigris, he thought, "My beloved is not perfect." And at the same moment the love that kept him on the waves weakened, in the middle of the river his strength left him, and he drowned.

Repair, don't throw away

An elderly couple who had lived together for over 50 years was asked:

- Probably, you have never had a fight in half a century?

“They fought,” the husband and wife replied.

- Maybe you never had a need, there were ideal relatives and a house - a full bowl?

- No, it's like everyone else.

- But you never wanted to disperse?

– There were also such thoughts.

How did you manage to live together for so long?

– Apparently, we were born and raised in those times when it was customary to fix broken things, and not throw them away.

Don't demand

The teacher found out that one of his students was persistently seeking someone's love.

“Don’t ask for love, that way you won’t get it,” the teacher said.

- But why?

- Tell me, what do you do when uninvited guests are breaking at your door, when they knock, shout, demanding to open it, and tear their hair out because they are not opened?

“I lock her tighter.

- Do not break into the doors of other people's hearts, so they will close even more strongly in front of you. Become a welcome guest and any heart will open before you. Take an example from a flower that does not chase bees, but by giving them nectar, attracts them to itself.

Short parables about insult

The outside world is a harsh environment that constantly pushes people against each other, striking sparks. The situation of conflict, humiliation, insult received can permanently unsettle a person. The parable comes to the rescue here too, playing a psychotherapeutic role.

How to respond to an insult? Give vent to anger and respond to insolent? What to choose - the Old Testament "eye for an eye" or the gospel "turn the other cheek"? It is curious that of the entire corpus of parables about insults, Buddhist parables are the most popular today. The pre-Christian, but not the Old Testament, approach seems to be the most acceptable to our contemporary.

Go your own way

One of the disciples asked the Buddha:

- If someone insults me or hits me, what should I do?

- If a dry branch falls on you from a tree and hits you, what will you do? he asked in response:

- What will i do? It's a mere accident, a mere coincidence, that I was under a tree when a branch fell from it, - said the student.

Then the Buddha remarked:

- So do the same. Someone was mad, angry and hit you. It's like a branch from a tree has fallen on your head. Don't let it bother you, go your own way as if nothing happened.

Take it for yourself

One day, several people began to viciously insult the Buddha. He listened silently, very calmly. And so they became uncomfortable. One of these people addressed the Buddha:

“Are you not offended by our words?!

“It is up to you whether you insult me ​​or not,” said the Buddha. “And it is mine to accept your insults or not. I refuse to accept them. You can take them for yourself.

Socrates and the insolent

When some insolent man kicked Socrates, he endured without saying a word. And when someone expressed surprise why Socrates ignored such a brazen insult, the philosopher remarked:

- If a donkey kicked me, would I really begin to bring him to court?

About the meaning of life

Reflections on the meaning and purpose of being belong to the category of so-called "damned questions", and no one has a clear answer. However, a deep existential fear - "Why am I living if I'm going to die anyway?" - torments every person. And of course, the genre of the parable also concerns this issue.

Every nation has parables about the meaning of life. Most often, it is defined as follows: the meaning of life is in life itself, in its endless reproduction and development through subsequent generations. The brevity of the existence of each individual person is considered philosophically. Perhaps the most allegorical and transparent parable of this category was invented by the American Indians.

stone and bamboo

It is said that once stone and bamboo had a strong argument. Each of them wanted a person's life to be similar to his own.

Stone said:

- A person's life should be the same as mine. Then he will live forever.

Bamboo replied:

- No, no, a person's life should be like mine. I die, but immediately I am born again.

Stone objected:

- No, let it be different. Let be better man will be like me. I do not bow down to the wind or to the rain. Neither water nor heat nor cold can harm me. My life is endless. For me there is no pain, no worries. This is how a person's life should be.

Bamboo insisted:

- Not. A person's life should be like mine. I am dying, it is true, but I am reborn in my sons. Isn't it true? Look around me - my sons are everywhere. And they will also have their sons, and all will have smooth and white skin.

The stone failed to answer this. Bamboo won the argument. That is why human life is like the life of bamboo.

Good and evil… To learn to distinguish them, children need years and people from whom they can take an example. Morality is not always a concept characteristic of children, it is not laid down from birth.

The ball is rolling on the pavement. Four-year-old Misha runs after him. His six-year-old brother Dima barely has time to hold the baby - a car rushes by.
« Well done! Passers-by praised Dima. — Take good care of your brother
Dima replies unfriendly: “I’m watching, otherwise they won’t let me watch TV in the evening.”

It turns out that Dima is not a hero, but just a heartless imp? Is TV more important to him than his brother's life?

However, there is no contradiction here: surely Dima does not want something to happen to Misha, but he is much more interested in his own interests.
And that's perfectly normal for a kid his age.

Children think differently than adults. Our moral principles and an adult understanding of the topic of Good and Evil, children are not yet told about anything.
They are still learning the rules of behavior in society, such as courtesy, tolerance and willingness to help.
From the cradle, they learn only one thing: you need to do everything right so that your parents love you. Therefore good for small child- this is, first of all, what benefits him, or what his parents do not scold him for.

The extent to which children put their own interests above moral obligations is shown by the results of a study conducted by psychologists.

The preschool children were given a choice: to meet a friend with whom they had agreed in advance, or to go to the cinema.
Everyone chose cinema. Why? Cinema is more interesting. And the fact that they can offend a friend? This they did not understand.

Everything is logical: children under ten or twelve years old do not have the most important prerequisite for moral behavior - the ability to enter into the position of other people, to perceive their feelings as their own.

How does a child come to be able to distinguish good from evil?
What is right, and therefore good, the child begins to understand by watching adults, especially parents.

At an early age, kids perceive it like this:
kindness is what they allow me and for which mom and dad love me;
evil is something for which one scolds and punishes.
But to know is one thing, and to behave accordingly in life one must also study and study.

With her mother, three-year-old Anya scolds her girlfriend: “You can’t pull by the hair!” And as soon as her mother left the room, Anya grabs her friend by the braid.

Moral guideline - parental behavior
One thing is clear: we ourselves are a moral example for our children. Of course, we do not want to raise brawlers and car burglars, but we do not need any losers, or slobbers and cowards. We would like to have self-confident, active children. They must be decent, educated, but able to stand up for themselves. How to convey to children your understanding of moral values ​​and the rules of the game in communicating with other people? For this, adults should be an example for children.

Parents should treat their children the way they would like their children to treat them.

Willingness to help children learn from adults

If we want to instill friendliness and tolerance in children, we must invite all their friends to visit, even those who are not very nice to us, parents.

In order for children to learn to empathize with another, they must see how mother and father, for example, console someone else. crying baby, help the elderly when crossing the street, give way to the disabled on the bus. And, of course, be sure to tell the children how people helped you in trouble.
It seems that everything is simple and banal... But it is these everyday little things that will form an understanding of what Good is.
And children without parents, thanks to our media, learn about Evil (alas).

If we want to instill a sense of responsibility in children, we must first of all give them the opportunity to trust them, to give them tasks that they are obliged to perform, say, in the household or when caring for pets.

In order for children to learn to correctly, critically treat themselves and other people, they must be taken seriously and allowed to express their opinion frankly, to take part in a joint decision.
In order to instill in a child a sense of self-worth, self-worth, he needs such an atmosphere in the family when warmth, mutual understanding and a sense of security become something self-evident. Only in this way can kids join the moral values ​​of Good and Evil.

Since ancient times, people have been given the right to choose between "bad" and "good", good and evil. What is “good” and what is “bad”, where is the boundary between these concepts? These questions interest every person from early childhood.

It is important for parents to form concepts of good and evil along with the development of intelligence and creativity crumbs. It is in early childhood that it is easiest for a baby not only to learn to count, read, play musical instruments, but also once and for all to determine for himself a system of moral values. Later it will be difficult to correct the child's preconceived notions of "bad" and "good". Already one-year-old babies begin to think about their own personality and about other people. It is at this age that they try the limits of what is permitted, what is possible and what is not, for what they will praise and for what they will scold.

With early age form the correct ideas of the child about good and evil. For example, do not be touched when the baby pulls the cat's tail. It’s better to immediately calmly, but categorically show your attitude to the situation: “It hurts the cat, it’s not good to offend her. Let's play with her!"

A little fidget can be naughty, testing your patience. First of all, you need to remain calm, and in no case should you call the child bad or evil. This can program the baby for a negative character trait. Instead, tell the baby that you know that he is very kind and good. And you do not understand why the baby behaves like this, because kind and good children do not do this. The child will not wish to deceive your trust and will strive to be good.

By the way, be sure to express your joy when your child does good deeds, encourage him.

The brightest ideas about good and bad are formed by our own actions. You can tell your child as much as you like about the need to be generous or affectionate, but if you are greedy or rude, the baby will not believe you. Words must be backed up by action. Do not lie to the baby if you teach him to be truthful, do not yell at him if you teach him to be patient, etc. The child will have a hard time in the future if you instill contradictions in his soul. It is very important that by the beginning of visiting the kindergarten, the baby has learned to clearly draw the line between good and evil.

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf

The victory of good over evil should be unambiguous in the mind of the crumbs. It is a pity that modern reality with its new cartoons, books, programs blurs the line between good and bad. "Positive" heroes are often evil and ruthless, but the kids admire their bloodthirsty deeds. We still can’t protect kids from television and literature, so we need to have time to lay in them a true system of values ​​- from an early age to acquaint them with good fairy tales, films, performances, where Good deals with Evil once and for all.

In Russian fairy tales, the main character is often Ivan (Tsarevich, Fool, etc.) - a fearless and kind hero who will defeat all enemies. His companion is a beautiful, kind and intelligent woman - Vasilisa the Wise, Elena the Beautiful and others. Evil is most often personified by Baba Yaga, Koschei the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych. From our folk tales the child will draw the right conclusions, which actions are bad and which are good.

The character of the baby can be formed with the help of fairy tales. The upbringing of kindness, will, thinking, the fight against whims occur in an unobtrusive form, but sink deep into the soul of the crumbs. You tell him a story about himself, in which the child does good deeds. As a result, your son or daughter will want to emulate their fabulous image in life. And then the baby will not need to explain what is good and what is bad - he will be able to tell you about it himself!

We offer to tell your baby a parable about good and evil:

“One day, a wise old Indian - the leader of the tribe was talking to his little grandson.

Why are there bad people? - asked his inquisitive grandson.

There are no bad people, - the leader answered. - In every person there are two halves - light and dark. Bright side soul calls a person to love, kindness, responsiveness, peace, hope, sincerity. And the dark side personifies evil, selfishness, destruction, envy, lies, betrayal. It's like a fight between two wolves. Imagine that one wolf is light and the other is dark. Understand?

I understand, - said the kid, touched to the depths of his soul by the words of his grandfather. The boy thought for a while, and then asked: - But which wolf wins in the end?

The old Indian smiled faintly.

The wolf you feed always wins."