
Abstract: Lexical compatibility in the Russian language. Violation of lexical compatibility of words

A combinability dictionary is a dictionary containing material on lexical compatibility.

Semantic errors

Violation of lexical compatibility is caused by semantic errors of two types - logical and linguistic.

Logical errors are associated with failure to distinguish between concepts that are close in some respect. Often people do not distinguish between areas of activity, cause and effect, part and whole, and related phenomena.

Thus, in the sentence “Residents of a seaside town witnessed a large theatrical performance,” an error is found in the phrase “witnesses of the performance.” The word “witness” means “eyewitness” - this is the name given to a person who was at the scene of an incident. This word is associated with the field of judicial and legal activity. In the field of theatrical and concert activities, about which we're talking about in the sentence, the word “viewer” is used. This error associated with not distinguishing between areas of activity.

The erroneous combination “prices have become more expensive” is due to the failure to distinguish between the related concepts of “prices” and “products”: goods become more expensive, and prices rise. You can give examples of similar errors in sentences: “The timely launch of the plant raises concerns”; “There are 52 trees in the park”; “As a result of the plague epidemic, people left the city.” All these errors are not explained by distinguishing related phenomena: they fear not that the plant will be launched, but that it will not be launched on time; they are not laying trees, but a park; people leave the city not as a result, but because of the plague. Possible corrections in these cases: “There is concern that the plant will not be launched on time”; “52 trees were planted in the park”; “As a result of the plague, the city was deserted.”

Linguistic errors are associated with failure to distinguish between denoting words that have any semantic relationships. These are mainly synonyms and paronyms.

Failure to distinguish between synonyms, words that are close or have the same meaning, leads to errors in use. For example, the words “role” and “function” in the meaning of “work, circle of activity” are synonymous, but genetically they are associated with different signifiers: role - with the sphere of theater and cinema, and function - with logic. Hence the established lexical compatibility: the role is played (played), and the function is performed (performed). The words "brave" and "courageous" are synonymous, but "brave" is associated with external manifestation called quality, and “brave” - both external and internal, therefore a thought, decision, idea can only be bold, but not brave.

Not distinguishing between paronyms, i.e. words that partially match in sound also lead to errors in use; Most paronyms are words with the same root, differing in suffixes or prefixes and, as a result, shades of meaning, as well as stylistic coloring. For example, a misdemeanor (fault) is an act (an action committed by someone); guilty (who has committed a crime) - guilty (who has been guilty of something, who has violated the rules of morality, politeness, etc.); pay (for something) - pay (for something).

Paronyms can be associated with different options common root. For example, short (small in size, the opposite of long) - brief (stated briefly, in a few words). Therefore they say a short text, but brief retelling text. Borrowed words may also appear in paronymic relationships: parity (equality) - priority (superiority, advantage), dequalification (loss of qualifications) - disqualification (deprivation of qualifications), etc. To distinguish paronyms of foreign origin, it is necessary to refer to dictionaries of foreign words.

Below are frequency pairs of paronyms:

  • - fulfill - fulfill have general meaning“to carry out, to bring to life”, for example, to fulfill (fulfill) an order, but the second verb has a bookish character;
  • - long - long coincide in the meaning of “continuing, lengthy”, for example, a long (long) conversation, a long (long) pause, but “long” indicates an extension in time, and “long” emphasizes the procedural meaning of the noun; “long” is usually combined with the names of periods of time (long night, long winter), and “long” - with the names of actions and states designed for long term(long flight, long treatment);
  • - agreement - agreement differ in that “agreement” means a written or oral agreement, a condition of mutual obligations (agreement of friendship and cooperation), and “agreement” means an agreement reached through negotiations (an agreement to include an issue on the agenda);
  • - truth (truth, the actual state of affairs) - truth (correspondence to truth). For example, the desire for truth is the truth of the assumptions made;
  • - ordinary - ordinary differ in that the first word emphasizes inconspicuousness, unremarkability, and the second - typicality. For example, an ordinary person has an ordinary day.

To identify the specifics of words connected by paronymic relationships, it is necessary to correctly understand the morphological composition of the word and the method of its formation. For example, in pairs learn - master, complicate - complicate, make heavier - make heavier words with the prefix o- have a meaning of more high degree manifestations of action. In pairs hygienic - hygienic, logical - logical, practical - practical, economic - economical, distinguished by the suffixes -ichesk-/-n-, the second adjective denotes a feature that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent ( qualitative adjective). This implies compatibility: hygienic norm - hygienic fabric, logical laws - logical conclusion, practical application- practical clothes, economic policy- economical device.

Stylistic errors

Stylistic errors are a violation of the requirements of unity functional style, unjustified use of emotionally charged, stylistically marked means. Stylistic errors are associated with ignoring the restrictions that its stylistic coloring imposes on the use of a word.

The most common stylistic mistakes include:

  • 1. The use of clericalisms - words and phrases characteristic of an official business style. For example, “As the income portion of my budget increased, I decided to purchase for permanent use new car" - "I started getting a lot of money, so I decided to buy a new car."
  • 2. The use of words (expressions) of inappropriate stylistic coloring. Thus, in a literary context, the use of slang, colloquial, and abusive language is inappropriate; in a business text, colloquial and expressive words should be avoided. For example, “The trustee of charitable institutions is sucking up to the auditor” - “The trustee of charitable institutions is sucking up to the auditor.”
  • 3. Mixing styles - the unjustified use in one text of words and syntactic structures characteristic of different styles of the Russian language. For example, a mixture of scientific and conversational styles.
  • 4. Mixing vocabulary from different historical eras. For example, “The heroes wear chain mail, trousers, mittens” - “The heroes wear chain mail, armor, mittens.”
  • 5. Incorrect sentence construction. For example, “Despite his youth, he good man" There are several ways to fix these errors. First, change the order of words in the sentence: “There are many works that tell about the author’s childhood in world literature” - “In world literature there are many works that tell about the author’s childhood.”
  • 6. Secondly, remake the sentence: “Of other sporting events, let’s talk about the barbell” - “Of other sporting events, we should highlight the barbell competition.”
  • 7. Pleonasm - speech excess, the use of words that are unnecessary from a semantic point of view. In order to avoid pleonasm, you must do the following:
    • - replace the word with the same root, for example, monumental monument - monument;
    • - remove a word from a phrase, for example, the main point- essence, valuable treasures - treasures;
    • - remove a word from the text without reducing quality. For example, “Operation is the way in which an action is performed” - “Operation is the way in which an action is performed”; “Building a model in accordance with known rules” - “Building a model according to the rules.”
  • 8. Tautology - the use of words with the same root within the boundaries of one sentence. For example, “Tell a story”; "Ask a question." Ways to correct tautologies are:
    • - replace one of the words with a synonym. For example, “The heavy rain did not stop all day” - “The heavy rain did not stop all day”;
    • -remove one of the words. For example, “Along with these signs, there are a number of others” - “Along with these signs, there are others.”

Tautology is easily detected when reading the text aloud. Overused words usually include which, so, and can.

  • 9. Lexical repetitions in the text. For example, “In order to study well, students must pay more attention to their studies.” Words that are repeated must be replaced with synonyms, nouns can be replaced with pronouns, or the repeated word can be removed altogether if possible - “To achieve success, students must pay more attention to classes.”
  • 10. Substitution of the concept. This error occurs as a result of missing a word. For example, “Patients who have not visited the outpatient clinic for three years are placed in the archive” (we are talking about patient cards, and from the text of the sentence it follows that the patients themselves were taken to the outpatient clinic).
  • 11. This error, which arose as a result of the author’s stylistic negligence, can be easily corrected: it is necessary to insert an accidentally missed word or phrase. For example, “Farmers strive to increase the number of sheep on the farm” - “Farmers strive to increase the number of sheep on the farm.”
  • 12. Choice of singular or plural forms. Often there are problems with the use of singular or plural. Examples of correct use are combinations: two or more options, three or more forms, there are several options, there are some options.

For correct use, agreement in meaning is increasingly used: if a single whole is meant, then the singular is used, and if it is necessary to emphasize individual objects, the plural is used.

  • 13. Agreement of words in a sentence. Errors in word agreement in sentences often occur, especially when it comes to controlling verbs. For example, “This section talks about opening, working and saving a document” - “This section describes the procedures for opening and saving documents, as well as working with them.”
  • 14. Creation of verbal nouns. You should be careful when creating verbal nouns, because... many of the words created are not in the dictionary, and their use is considered illiterate (arrange - ordering, not ordering; collapse - folding, not collapsing).
  • 15. Stringing identical shapes. You should avoid stringing together identical case forms, for example with the words “so that” and “which”. For example, “In order to avoid the possibility of danger” - “To avoid the occurrence of danger.”
  • 16. Poverty and monotony of syntactic structures. For example, “The man was dressed in a burnt padded jacket. The padded jacket was roughly mended. The boots were almost new. Socks are moth-eaten” - “The man was dressed in a roughly darned, burnt padded jacket. Although the boots were almost new, the socks turned out to be moth-eaten.”

Stylistically unjustified use of tropes. The use of tropes can cause a variety of speech errors. Poor imagery of speech is a fairly common flaw in the style of authors who are poor at writing.

For example, “The judge was just as simple and modest.

Words in speech are not used in isolation, one at a time, but in combinations. Not all of them connect freely with each other. Lexical compatibility of words is their ability to connect with a certain range of other words. Sometimes, due to the complexity of such a choice, speech is allowed

In a sentence, words are related to each other both in meaning and grammatically. IN the latter case such a connection ensures grammatical Semantic connections ensure the correctness of the statement in content. The words used in speech must be consistent with others. This is expressed in two types of compatibility - lexical and semantic.

Lexical compatibility refers to the ability of words to combine only with a limited number (or units) of words.

Semantic is expressed in the ability of words to relate to whole classes of other words that are united general meaning. For example, a group of verbs that describe human states (think, laugh, etc.) can be combined with all words that denote people (doctor, passerby).

In a number of cases, when we are not talking about specific things, but about their relationships (abstract, abstract vocabulary), then lexical compatibility is conditional. For example, you can “give advice”, “carry out an inspection”, “provide resistance”, etc. All of the above verbs play the same role, they can be easily replaced with synonyms (“advise”, “inspect”, “resist”), but it is almost impossible to confuse them. A Russian-speaking person will never say, for example, “make advice.”

Some variants of incorrect compatibility are widespread (very often different people they are used in speech with the same errors): “the meeting has been convened” (need: “the meeting took place”), “develop your horizons” (need: “broaden your horizons”). This is due to the fact that in one situation different stable phrases can be used, and often replacing components leads to semantic inaccuracy. The traditional phrase “Allow me to raise a toast!” is also incorrect. You can either “raise a glass” or “make a toast.”

Also typical mistake, in which lexical compatibility is disrupted, is the phrase “the level of service has improved.” The level can increase, but the quality can improve.

The assessment of lexical compatibility in expressive speech cannot be approached stereotypically, since there are special laws of “attraction” of words to each other. In particular, in artistic and journalistic works the boundaries of lexical compatibility can be expanded. It has been noted that restrictions on semantic compatibility do not apply to figurative word usage: phrases are possible that seem meaningless if their constituent words are taken literally ( the sunset is burning, the years are flying, dark thoughts). Semantic incompatibility of words is not an obstacle to creating artistic images. It is the violation of the usual connections of words, giving them new shades of meaning, that underlies many classical images that have become textbook examples of epithets, metaphors, and metonymies: gray winter threat(A. Pushkin); The bell cries loudly, / And laughs and squeals(P. Vyazemsky); Sometimes he falls passionately in love / With his elegant sadness...(M. Lermontov); potbellied nut bureau(N. Gogol); mental and moral cleavage; bald syllogism(M. Saltykov-Shchedrin).

Violation of lexical compatibility can become effective means creating a comic sound of speech in a humorous context: From that day on, Evstigneika became famous(M. Gorky); apple with a mole; ebullient lazy person(I. Ilf and E. Petrov); based on a comprehensive and double-edged squabble(I. Ilf); single fox terrier(L. Lench). Violation of lexical compatibility as a striking stylistic device for creating a comic effect underlies various jokes and aphorisms that are usually published on the humorous pages of magazines and newspapers:

The genius was recognized alive; It is difficult to forgive other people's shortcomings, but even more difficult to forgive other people's virtues; our sworn friends; an inveterate leader; Finally, the government achieved a significant deterioration in the lives of the people; Despite the fall, she pulled herself together and took fifth place in the individual championship at the Sochi Olympics.

Inconsistency makes headlines catchy, for example: A genre destined for success (O parodies); Memories of the future(name of the movie); Alone with everyone(play by A. I. Gelman); Stalkers of the skies(about helicopter pilots working in areas of high radiation); Turn on the silence, What they were silent about in the subway; Long, multi-episode life; Bouquet of stars (stage).

Poets often violate lexical compatibility. The unusual combinations of words in the songs of V. S. Vysotsky are expressive:

Poets walk with their heels on the blade of a knife

And they cut their barefoot souls to blood.

In non-expressive, prosaic speech, phrases walking heels, barefoot souls would seem impossible, absurd, but in a poetic context they amaze with their artistic power. Another example from a song by the same author:

By morning they shot the hushed mountain echo -

And tears flowed like stones from the wounded rocks...

If the author does not strive to achieve a certain stylistic goal, a violation of lexical compatibility becomes speech error. This reflects characteristic feature dialectical nature of language: in one case, a phenomenon that represents a deviation from the linguistic norm turns out to be an effective means of creating speech expression, in another - evidence of the author’s negligence and inattentive attitude to the word. Involuntary violation of lexical compatibility is a very common speech error.

See for example: Although in these competitions our favorite skaters were defeated, the audience greets them standing, says the sports commentator (but: win, lose). Maybe insomnia has come to you, / And you’re lying there, not closing my eyes blue, writes the poet (but: you can close your eyes, and not sight). The basin produced cozy experience, – the journalist notes in the essay (you can produce pleasant impression and not cozy). This event was accepted village residents with joy and enthusiasm,– a schoolgirl notes in an essay about the upcoming restoration of a local temple (but: accept Can sick person etc., and event should still be perceive). Some words are often used in incorrect combinations ( the meeting is convened, the conversation is read, increase attention, give importance, increase horizons etc.).

Violation of lexical compatibility can be caused by contamination of outwardly similar phrases, for example: satisfy modern needs (mixing combinations satisfy requirements And meet needs); With this recovered material damage in favor of the victims (material damage May be refunded ; recovered there may be money); Improved art level exhibitions folk museums (level Maybe increase, increase; improve Can quality). More examples of contamination: take action (cf.: take action - take steps); deserved fame (gained fame - earned respect); unflagging help (constant helpunflagging attention); doesn't matter (doesn't matterdoesn't matter). The mixture of phrases was the reason for a joke:

Tastes differ:

Some people respect apricots in brine,

Others like jam with mustard.

But all this has no role

And besides, doesn't matter.

(E. Svistunov)

When using words that have extreme limited opportunities lexical connections, violation of lexical compatibility often becomes the reason for the comic sound of speech. See for example:

Serious problems collapsed for young entrepreneurs by surprise; Leaders paid serious attention to disadvantages achieved; They worked like the best notorious specialists; People came to us dejected by the experience.

The comedy in such cases arises because words that have limited lexical compatibility “suggest” variants of phrases, as a rule, with the exact opposite meaning (cf.: achieved successes, notorious swindlers, dejected by grief).

Let's look at examples of stylistic editing of sentences in which lexical compatibility is violated:

As you can see, stylistic editing mainly comes down to replacing words, the use of which led to a violation of lexical compatibility.

Verbosity, or speech redundancy

Unjustified repetition of words (tautology)

Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it.

Keep in mind that the most common vocabulary violations are the following.

Non-discrimination of paronymous words. Paronyms (from Greek. para"nearby" + Opota“name”) - words with the same root, similar in sound, but different in meaning: put on- put on, business trip- businessman, meaning- significance, warranty- guaranteed, economic-economical etc. For example: At this enterprise there are selective(instead of elective) positions. Registration of travel allowances(instead of business travelers) is carried out in the lobby.

Incorrect use of synonyms. At the same time, the writer demonstrates inattention to the shades of meaning of synonymous words, leading to semantic violations. For example: 1) It's time to sum up the results(instead of results) of the meeting. Flaws(instead of shortcomings) in the team’s training were revealed at the very first competitions.

The presence of pleonasms in the text. Pleonasm(Greek pleopastos- “excess”) - the use in speech of words that are close in meaning and therefore logically unnecessary. These errors are most often caused by ignorance of the meaning of the borrowed word (when combining words of Russian and foreign origin that mean the same thing). For example: price list(necessary: price list), autobiography of life(necessary: autobiography), reality(necessary: reality or actuality), professional colleague(necessary: colleague), vacancy(necessary: vacancy) etc.

This is repetition (Greek tauto - “the same” and 1оgos - “meaning”) within a sentence of the same word, cognates, making it difficult to perceive the phrase and making it dissonant. For example: The processing process lasts several hours.

The use of words and phrases that carry unnecessary information. For example: words are superfluous work, activity, event with a pretext By in the following phrases - work to implement(necessary: implementation), implementation activities(necessary: implementation), implementation event(necessary: implementation) etc.

Lexical compatibility is the ability of words to be combined with each other in speech: to pay a visit, to take action, to be of interest, to bring to attention, to be aware of. Typical mistakes: have a role(necessary: play a role), play a role(necessary: matter) etc.

5. Using a word without taking into account its stylistic affiliation

The stylistic coloring of a word is additional information to the lexical meaning of a word, phrase or sentence about the scope of their use (official - unofficial), about the attribution of a linguistic unit to the style of a literary language (official business, scientific, newspaper journalistic, colloquial, the language of fiction) , about belonging to the time series (obsolete - new) and to the expressive category (high - reduced; literary - non-literary) of linguistic means.

The use of words in speech with a stylistic coloring that is unusual for a given communication situation or a given text is perceived as a speech error.


Lexical compatibility is the ability of words to connect with each other. After all, in speech words are used not one at a time, not in isolation, but in phrases.At the same time, some words are freely combined with others if they suit their meaning, while others have limited lexical compatibility. Thus, very similar definitions - long, long, long, long - are attracted to nouns in different ways: you can say a long (long) period, but not a long (long) period.

Limitations of lexical compatibility for certain words are often explained by their use in special meanings. For example, the word round in its basic meaning - “one that resembles the shape of a circle, ring, ball” - is freely combined with words of the corresponding subject-thematic group: round table, round box; round window. But, speaking in the meaning of “whole, whole, without interruption” (about time), the word round is combined only with the nouns year, day, and in the meaning of “complete, perfect” - with such as an excellent student, an ignoramus.

In other cases, the reason for limiting lexical compatibility is the assignment of words to set expressions. For example, the velvet season is “the autumn months (September, October) in the south.” This expression has a stable character and the word “season” cannot be replaced by any other word, even the closest in meaning, for example, “velvet autumn.”

Violation of lexical compatibility is often explained by the combination of similar phrases. For example, they write: “meet modern requirements,” mixing the combinations “meet requirements” and “meet needs”; “the conversation was given” (“the lecture was given” and “the conversation was held”); “improve the level” (“improve quality” and “raise the level”).

1. Violation of lexical compatibility

Semantic errors

Violation of lexical compatibility is caused by semantic errors of two types - logical and linguistic.

Logical errors are associated with failure to distinguish between concepts that are close in some respect. Often people do not distinguish between areas of activity, cause and effect, part and whole, and related phenomena.

Thus, in the sentence “Residents of a seaside town witnessed a large theatrical performance,” an error is found in the phrase “witnesses of the performance.” The word “witness” means “eyewitness” - this is the name given to a person who was at the scene of an incident. This word is associated with the field of judicial and legal activity. In the field of theatrical and concert activity, which is discussed in the sentence, the word “spectator” is used. This error is associated with not distinguishing between areas of activity.

The erroneous combination “prices have become more expensive” is due to the failure to distinguish between the related concepts of “prices” and “products”: goods become more expensive, and prices rise.

Linguistic errors are associated with failure to distinguish between denoting words that are in any semantic relationship. These are mainly synonyms and paronyms.

Failure to distinguish between synonyms, words that are close or have the same meaning, leads to errors in use.For example, the words “role” and “function” in the meaning of “work, circle of activity” are synonymous, but genetically they are associated with different signifiers: role - with the sphere of theater and cinema, and function - with logic. Hence the established lexical compatibility: the role is played (played), and the function is performed (performed). The words “brave” and “brave” are synonyms, but “brave” is associated with the external manifestation of the called quality, and “brave” is associated with both external and internal, therefore a thought, decision, idea can only be courageous, but not brave.

Non-distinction of paronyms, i.e. words that partially match in sound also lead to errors in use; Most paronyms are words with the same root, differing in suffixes or prefixes and, as a result, shades of meaning, as well as stylistic coloring.For example, a misdemeanor (fault) is an act (an action committed by someone); guilty (who has committed a crime) - guilty (who has been guilty of something, who has violated the rules of morality, politeness, etc.); pay (for something) – pay (for something).

Stylistic errors

Stylistic errors are a violation of the requirements of the unity of a functional style, the unjustified use of emotionally charged, stylistically marked means. Stylistic errors are associated with ignoring the restrictions that its stylistic coloring imposes on the use of a word.

The most common stylistic mistakes include:

The use of clericalisms - words and phrases characteristic of an official business style.For example, “As the income portion of my budget increased, I decided to purchase a new car for permanent use” - “I began to receive a lot of money, so I decided to buy a new car.”

The use of words (expressions) of inappropriate stylistic coloring.Thus, in a literary context, the use of slang, colloquial, and abusive language is inappropriate; in a business text, colloquial and expressive words should be avoided. For example, “The trustee of charitable institutions is sucking up to the auditor” - “The trustee of charitable institutions is cozying up to the auditor.”

Mixing styles -unjustified use in one text of words and syntactic structures characteristic of different styles of the Russian language. For example, a mixture of scientific and conversational styles.

A mixture of vocabulary from different historical eras.For example, “The heroes wear chain mail, trousers, mittens” - “The heroes wear chain mail, armor, mittens.”

Incorrect sentence construction.For example, “Despite his youth, he is a good person.” There are several ways to fix these errors. First, change the order of words in the sentence: “There are many works that tell about the author’s childhood in world literature” - “In world literature there are many works that tell about the author’s childhood.”

Secondly, remake the sentence: “Of other sporting events, let’s talk about the barbell” - “Of other sporting events, we should highlight the barbell competition.”

Pleonasm - speech excess,the use of words that are unnecessary from a semantic point of view.

Tautology – the use of cognate words within the boundaries of one sentence. For example, “Tell a story”; "Ask a question."

Lexical repetitions in the text.For example, “In order to study well, students must pay more attention to their studies.” Words that are repeated must be replaced with synonyms, nouns can be replaced with pronouns, or the repeated word can be removed altogether if possible - “To achieve success, students must pay more attention to classes.”

Substitution of the concept.This error occurs as a result of missing a word. For example, “Patients who have not visited the outpatient clinic for three years are placed in the archive” (we are talking about patient cards, and from the text of the sentence it follows that the patients themselves were taken to the outpatient clinic).

Choice of singular or plural forms.Often there are problems with the use of singular or plural. Examples of correct use are combinations: two or more options, three or more forms, there are several options, there are some options.

Word agreement in a sentence. Errors in word agreement in sentences often occur, especially when it comes to controlling verbs. For example, “This section describes opening, working and saving a document” - “This section describes the procedures for opening and saving documents, as well as working with them.”

Poverty and monotony of syntactic structures. For example, “The man was dressed in a burnt padded jacket. The padded jacket was roughly mended. The boots were almost new. Socks are moth-eaten” – “The man was dressed in a roughly darned, burnt-out padded jacket. Although the boots were almost new, the socks turned out to be moth-eaten.”

Stylistically unjustified use of tropes.The use of tropes can cause a variety of speech errors. Poor imagery of speech is a fairly common flaw in the style of authors who are poor at writing.

For example, “The judge was just as simple and modest.

2. Errors in the use of borrowed words

In recent years, the Russian language has been intensively replenished with borrowed words. This is because the country has entered into a new socio-political formation, as well as free market relations. Language always responds quickly and flexibly to the needs of society. It is no exaggeration to say that a linguistic explosion has occurred. However, there is nothing wrong with this, because borrowed words are the result of contacts and relationships between peoples and states.

The presence in one language of words from other languages ​​and their use in speech is an objective reality. The number of such words is constantly increasing due to the penetration of new words and the expansion of the scope of old ones, which were used in a narrow meaning.

Unfortunately, when using borrowed words, many errors are made (spelling, orthoepic, grammatical, lexical), which are explained by the special position of foreign words: in a new language they have weak family ties (or do not have them at all), so their root for mostnative speakers are vague, the meaning is unclear, but their modernity is felt in comparison with familiar Russian or long-acquired borrowed words.

The most common type of error is associated with the unreasonable use of a foreign word, which does not introduce anything new in comparison with its Russian or long-acquired borrowed synonym.For example, “The perfume launch took place last Friday; The perfume sold well." If the word “perfume” has the meaning of a special type of perfume or denotes some class of perfumery products, which includes the perfume in question, it is necessary to give a comment; if the word “perfume” is used in its direct meaning“spirits”, then the necessity of its use in this text is very doubtful.

Among the borrowings there are special group words denoting concepts characteristic of a very specific country (a number of countries) or people. Such borrowings are called exoticisms. For example, prairies are flat steppe spaces in North America, and savannas are plains in South America and Africa, covered with herbaceous vegetation, among which groups of trees and shrubs are scattered. Exoticisms are quite appropriate in texts that describe the reality with which these words are correlated (here it is necessary to ensure that prairies do not end up in South America, and savannas in North America).

I would also like to note that the incorrect use of borrowed words leads to the following errors:

Violation of spelling norms.

This section includes errors in the pronunciation of borrowings, as well as incorrect stress placement in foreign words. For example, “expert” instead of “expert”, “kv”artal instead of “kvart”al, kat”alog instead of katal”og, “kil”meters instead of “kil”meters.

Violation of spelling norms.For example, the word “billiard” instead of “billiards”.

Violation of grammatical norms.For example, “two shampoos”, “two shoes” are the wrong gender.

Violation of word combination norms. For example, “Only here there were interesting nuances.”


Analyzing the above, we can highlight a number of features of the violation of lexical compatibility, namely:

Errors are distinguished by their predominant nature in relation to grammatical and stylistic norms themselves. The leading types of violations in the field of vocabulary are the use of words in an unusual meaning, failure to distinguish the meanings of synonyms and paronyms;

Characterized by “genre stability”;

They have “quality stability”. This is incorrect word usage and compatibility.

Subject to misuse to a greater extent words of certain parts of speech (primarily verbs that have specific features lexical meaning, as a rule, by the presence of a differential feature that specifies compatibility), words that are in certain systemic connections (a significant number of synonyms, a branched semantic structure, etc.).

The combination of words plays a special role important role in artistic speech. The expansion of the usual connections of words, giving them new shades of meaning, underlies many classic images of great masters of artistic speech: “gray winter threat” (A.S. Pushkin), “pot-bellied nut bureau” (N.V. Gogol), “rubber thought" (I. Ilf and E. Petrov). Humorists often resort to violation of lexical compatibility in order to give a comic tone to their speech. For example, “The population of the circulation ark fell asleep”; “apple with a mole” (I. Ilf and E. Petrov). This stylistic device underlies various jokes: “A genius was recognized alive; “He was appointed director of his own free will.”

In search of unexpected images and vivid speech expression, poets especially often expand their lexical compatibility. Suffice it to recall the classic lines of M.Yu. Lermontov: “Sometimes he falls passionately in love with his elegant sadness”; A.A. Feta: “September has died. And the dahlias were scorched by the breath of the night”; B. Pasternak: “February. Get some ink and cry! Write about February sobbingly.” Contemporary poets also appreciate this stylistic device: “A small forest asked for alms of snow from the greedy or beggarly skies” (B. Akhmadulina). When using words that have extremely limited possibilities of lexical connections, a violation of compatibility often becomes the reason for the comic sound of speech: “Students worked at their experimental site like the most notorious specialists”; “Guys came to the youth circle, dejected by their experience.” Lexical errors in such cases damage not only the style, but also the content of the phrase, because the associations that arise suggest the opposite meaning. In conclusion, we can say that attentive attitude By the way, the peculiarities of lexical compatibility in the Russian language will help to avoid such mistakes in speech, and in other cases, it will allow you to use unusual combinations of words to create vivid images or as a source of humor.

List of used literature

Bragina A.A. Neologisms in the Russian language. M. - 1995.

Fomenko Yu.V. Types of speech errors. Novosibirsk - 1994.

Tseytlin S.N. Speech errors and their warning. M. - 1982.