
Is a sauna a profitable business? Which tax system to choose for a commercial bathhouse

A business plan is a document required when opening any enterprise. The business plan details all upcoming events, general idea of ​​the project, finances, organization, estimated costs and income.

Before as opening your own sauna, it makes sense, which will help minimize money and time costs.

You can draw up a business plan for a sauna or steam bath yourself, or order it from specialists.

What services are provided in the sauna

Opening a sauna as a business that is guaranteed to generate income is possible if you understand what services will be provided. The standard set of procedures includes:

  • various spa treatments;
  • rental of steam rooms and rooms (both hourly and daily);
  • all types of massages, as well as relaxing programs;
  • aromatherapy, salt inhalations, etc.

Clients are accepted by appointment. If the client does not show up or is very late, the reservation may be canceled, since most often no prepayment is provided.

Sauna room

The premises are either rented (from 60 m2) or arranged on your own land. Typically, a sauna has two sectors - separate rooms, as well as a shared steam room.

Premises that should be in a sauna

  1. Steam room;
  2. Locker room;
  3. Toilet;
  4. Rest room;
  5. Pool;
  6. Utility rooms.

If you plan to provide massage services or hold spa events, then additional rooms must be allocated for this.

Basic rules for arranging saunas

  1. The room must have a separate entrance.
  2. You cannot set up a sauna in the basement.
  3. A fire protection system must be present.
  4. The size of the steam room should not exceed 24 m3 or be less than 8 m3.
  5. The door should not be completely flush with the floor.
  6. The operation of the heater must be completed every 8 hours.
  7. When installing an electric stove, it is important to maintain a gap (from 20cm) between it and the wall.
  8. When setting up a steam room, you need a device designed to extinguish fires.
  9. Installation of furniture containing flammable materials is prohibited.
  10. A thermometer is required (the temperature in the steam room should not be higher than 110 degrees).

How to open a bathhouse on your own site from scratch

Many entrepreneurs, not wanting to spend money on expensive rent, are wondering whether it is possible to open a sauna in a residential building. Before obtaining permits from the relevant government institutions, you should carefully review the requirements for GOST R 52493“Household services. Services of baths and showers. General technical conditions". If you can meet all the requirements and equip the room according to the rules, then you can already start opening your own sauna on your own site.

Requirements for saunas and baths

  1. It is necessary to have a sewerage system, running water, a good ventilation system, and heating.
  2. Free entry is provided for vehicles, including firefighters and police.
  3. Water quality must comply with GOST R 51232"Drinking water. General requirements to organization and quality methods."

When deciding how to open a sauna in a private house, certain difficulties may arise related to both obtaining permits and a constant supply of water.

Therefore, at the very beginning, when planning a sauna in a residential building, it is recommended to order your own well for an uninterrupted water supply.

Sauna equipment

A bathhouse is a fire-hazardous facility, therefore, when deciding how to open a small sauna, you will have to purchase special finishing materials.

You need to buy a stove heated with wood or electricity. If you are thinking about what you need to open a sauna with a swimming pool, then, among other things, you will need to purchase special equipment for the pool - pumps, filters, etc.

Required equipment for interior furnishings

  • Tables and chairs (about $200)
  • Hangers ($20)
  • 2 sofas ($400)
  • Music center and everything you need for karaoke (about $400)
  • TV ($200)
  • Kettles, coffee maker ($40-50)
  • 2 billiard tables (from $400)
  • Refrigerator (from $400)
  • Benches (about $100)
  • Water cooler (about $30)
  • Towels, sheets ($100)

How to open a Russian bathhouse

In a Russian bath the temperature ranges from 50 to 90 degrees. At this temperature, it is recommended to stay in the steam room for no more than half an hour.

The Russian bathhouse is one of the most frequently visited places, so the income can be corresponding if everything is organized correctly.

Nuances when opening a Russian bathhouse

How to open a commercial bathhouse and get a guaranteed income? There are several recommendations that will help you with high profitability and minimal investment.

What is needed for a private bath

  1. For sheathing, do not choose coniferous wood, since coniferous trees ignite quickly. Best option– linden or alder.
  2. Filling a stove-stove in the form of granite is undesirable, since granite “shoots” when steam is generated. The best filler is crimson quartzite or soapstone.
  3. When deciding how to open a small bathhouse, you should not forget about the fire resistance of the building. It is best if the steam room is built of concrete or brick (fire-resistant materials) and is also equipped with waterproofing.
  4. The foundation must be damaged by at least one meter.

A small business like a bathhouse can generate additional income. You can make extra money by selling brooms.

What documents are needed when opening a sauna or bathhouse?

When opening any enterprise, it is necessary to register it. You can register as an individual entrepreneur or register an LLC.

If an alcohol bar will be located in the sauna or bathhouse, then an LLC should be opened, since it will be necessary to obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages.

The tax office submits registration applications, and selects the appropriate taxation system (UTII or simplified).

The monthly net income of a small bathhouse or sauna can be about $2500-3500.

The sauna has long ceased to be a place where people come exclusively for “light steam.” Modern saunas have become entire complexes that combine both a bathhouse and a full-service spa cosmetic procedures, and a place to meet friends, where you can celebrate a birthday and even have a corporate party. These services are in demand - many people now want to relax with health benefits, so if, when planning new business, you are wondering how to open a sauna - you are on the right track.

Let's start with registration

The first thing you need to do is register your business. The sauna can be opened individual entrepreneur, however, if you plan to sell to visitors alcoholic drinks, the only one possible variant– , only in this case you will be able to obtain the appropriate licenses.

You need to submit all the documents necessary for registration to the tax office, and notify it of the transition to a special regime, in the case of a sauna the most suitable regime will become or . This must be done in established by law term.

Additional documents

To open a bathhouse, you will need to collect a whole package of documents and obtain permits:

  • permits for the premises from the SES and fire service;
  • industrial sanitary control program;
  • agreement with a laundry for washing bath accessories;
  • a contract for the maintenance of the ventilation system, including its disinfection;
  • contracts for disinfection, disinfestation, deratization;
  • contracts for waste removal and recycling of fluorescent lamps.

Choosing a room for a sauna

When choosing a room for a future sauna, you can (with rare exceptions) not particularly worry about its location. Still, a bathhouse is not a place where people can accidentally “drop in” while walking nearby. They usually go there purposefully. So it makes sense to focus on the size and rental price of the space, as well as its functionality.

The minimum area required for a sauna is from 100 square meters. meters. Here you can easily arrange everything you need: a locker room, a relaxation room, a shower room, a steam room, a small swimming pool and utility rooms. For any additional services (massage, spa treatments) you will need separate rooms.

And first you should decide on the range of services that you plan to provide: if you do not plan this in advance, an unpleasant situation may arise when there is simply not enough space for something important. It is better if there is “extra” space left - it will be much easier to deal with it by organizing, for example, a small cafe or beauty salon or subletting additional meters.

An important point: refurbishing a former bathhouse and converting any other room into a sauna will require approximately the same costs. Another option that may be more profitable is the construction of a bathhouse building from scratch - modern technologies and the materials allow this to be done quickly and not particularly expensive.

Setting up the room

As you know, a sauna is a fire hazard, and for the future owner this means that he will have to spend a lot of money on finishing the room with special materials before opening the sauna.

To equip a steam room, you need to purchase a heater - wood-burning or electric, or, as an option, the now popular infrared sauna.

The remaining rooms will need furniture (tables, chairs, hangers, sofas for relaxation, etc.), as well as Appliances(music center, TV panel, kettle, coffee maker). Even a small sauna should be equipped with a swimming pool; it will require filters, pumps, etc.

Fire safety and sanitary and hygienic requirements for the premises

To ensure that the operation of the sauna does not raise questions and objections from the concerned services, certain (rather strict) requirements must be met:

  1. The sauna must be equipped in a separate building or in a public building, provided there is a separate entrance. If you open a sauna in a residential building, you will need to provide sound, thermal and vapor barrier.
  2. It is prohibited to locate saunas in basements and in rooms adjacent to those containing more than 100 people.
  3. All bathhouse premises must be equipped with fire detectors.
  4. It is prohibited to use resinous materials in the cladding.
  5. The windows in the sauna should have opening transoms.
  6. The furniture is made from chemical resistant detergents materials. Installation of upholstered furniture is not allowed (here we're talking about about the sauna itself, in the relaxation room there may be chairs and sofas, of course). In areas of high humidity (swimming pool, shower) you should use rubber mats.
  7. The volume of the steam room can be from 8 to 24 cubic meters, and the ceiling height must be at least 1.9 m.
  8. The stove in the steam room must be installed at a distance of at least 20 cm from the walls. Its permissible power will depend on the size of the room, but the maximum is 15 kW. After 8 hours of continuous operation, the oven should automatically turn off. The cable protection must withstand the maximum possible temperature in sauna.
  9. A shield made of fireproof material with thermal insulation properties is installed above the stove - the distance from the ceiling should be 5 cm or a little more.
  10. It is necessary to ensure air circulation in the steam room; for this there must be a ventilation system and gaps (at least 3 cm) under the door.
  11. The air temperature in the steam room should not rise above 110°C (there should be automatic control of excess). It is necessary to install a thermometer in the room.
  12. The steam room requires a fire extinguishing device; its sprinkler heads must be open, and the device itself must be connected to the water supply. The control panel is located outside the steam room.
  13. All washing equipment is made from materials that are resistant to high temperatures and disinfection.

Sauna business plan: expenses and income

In addition to one-time expenses for starting a business and equipping the premises, the sauna owner also faces ongoing costs.

To work in the establishment you will need administrators, a bathhouse attendant, a stoker, cleaners, and a security guard. If the sauna provides an expanded range of services, you need to add a massage therapist, cosmetologist, bartender, etc.

You also need to purchase consumables: disposable slippers, brooms, special bath caps, towels - all this can be provided for a fee or included in the cost of the service.

How much it will cost to open a sauna depends on its size and level. However, even according to the most conservative estimates, you will need to invest at least one and a half million rubles - approximately the same amount will be the cost of equipment and personnel, without taking into account the cost of rent or construction of your own building.

If we take into account the construction or re-equipment of the finished premises, utility bills for the year (about 5 million), personnel and advertising costs (another 1 million), you need to prepare about 6-7 million rubles as starting capital.

At a cost of services of 1,500 rubles/hour, income will be about 300 thousand per month, i.e. up to 3.6 million per year, which will allow the sauna as a business to pay for itself in 2–3 years.

To the expenditure side of the budget in mandatory you need to factor in the possible costs of finishing work in the steam room and shower room. Because of high temperature and humidity in these rooms, they may need repairs even before the sauna has fully paid for itself.

To attract visitors to the sauna, a variety of advertising events are suitable: commercials on TV and radio, advertising blocks in newspapers, distribution of flyers, business cards, navigation, promotions and prizes.

Today, many are looking for a place to vacation via the Internet, so having your own website with vivid photographs and good description services, and most importantly - with the possibility of online booking will be a definite plus.

At first, the main task is to develop regular customers: sauna lovers, as a rule, make a choice in favor of one establishment and remain faithful to it. So, by creating the most comfortable conditions for relaxation, you will provide yourself with a continuous flow of visitors and, as a result, constant profit.

The bathhouse has been very popular in our country since ancient times. Previously, when people did not have access to such amenities of civilization as their own bathroom and shower, it served as a place to maintain cleanliness. Today, the functional purpose of this institution has changed somewhat; it serves as a place of rest, is a kind of folk hospital, where you can relax, take a steam bath, restore strength, improve your health, and get rid of many ailments.

Baths as a business are interesting due to the relative simplicity of organization, high demand for services and good opportunities for development. Thus, a classic Russian steam room, designed for family vacations, can over time grow into a bath complex that provides wide range related and additional services in the field of beauty and health. How to organize a bath business and what format of activity is best to choose, read on.

How to open a bath business, choosing a direction

Advantages and disadvantages of private bath complexes

pros private bath as a business:

  • demand. This plus can be called common to all types of steam rooms, since any format of their performance was, is and will be a favorite place for Russian people to relax and undergo medical treatment. health treatments. It is also worth noting its versatility, since among lovers of scalding steam there are both women and men. For business, this feature is extremely important and always “plays into the hands” of the owners;
  • ease of execution. If large public bath structures require a large area (and preferably outside the city), then such a problem does not exist for private baths, which is why they are most often built in densely populated areas, near houses, country complexes and cottages;
  • availability. In order to open your own business, you do not need to have a very large budget, and a well-designed bathhouse project for a business will help an entrepreneur take out a loan on favorable terms, which, as practice shows, can be repaid on average in 5 years (see).

Disadvantages include too high payment costs utilities and quite long term return on investment.

Features of public bathing establishments

IN Lately The fashion for public baths is returning, but now completely different requirements are placed on such establishments than in previous times. A modern public bath is a relaxation space that includes a spacious steam room, a washing area equipped with separate showers, massage and beauty rooms, swimming pools and much more. Often such establishments have their own kitchens and offer clients a variety of dishes and drinks, including light alcohol.

Learn how to save on mandatory payments, read. Transparent schemes used by Russian businessmen in practice.

A mandatory step is to obtain confirmation of the compliance of the building you have chosen with established hygiene and fire safety standards. You will need to contact the local Rospotrebnadzor authority, prepare the premises in accordance with the provisions of the “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Location, Equipment, Maintenance and Operating Mode of Baths and Saunas” (SanPiN, develop a production control program and successfully pass the inspection. As a result, you will be issued a positive sanitary and epidemiological certificate.

To obtain a permit document confirming compliance with fire safety requirements, you should contact your local department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The design standards for such premises are specified in SNiP 31-05-2003 “Public buildings for administrative purposes”. Having prepared everything Required documents, you can begin the actual activities.

How profitable is it to engage in bathing business?

Considering a bathhouse as a business, let's try to find out whether it is profitable: reviews from entrepreneurs and approximate calculations economic efficiency. As an example, let’s take a private traditional bathhouse made of rounded logs, opened in a residential area (population approximately 20,000 people) of an average Russian city.

The start-up costs for such a project will be approximately 2,000,000 rubles. This amount will include the purchase land plot within the city, purchasing a ready-made building made of rounded logs in disassembled form and installing it on the territory of the entrepreneur, connecting communications, purchasing and installing equipment, etc.

The current expenses of the enterprise will be approximately 150,000 rubles. This will include utility bills, advertising costs, wages for administrators and bathhouse attendants, and taxes.

In addition to the bath services themselves, clients will be offered various accessories for health procedures (robes, brooms, shaving sets, hygiene products), hookah, and barbecue rental. With an average load, such an enterprise will be able to bring in about 220,000 rubles. monthly revenue, of which 70,000 is net profit. Thus, the overall profitability of a bathhouse as a business will be about 145%, which, according to reviews from experienced businessmen, is quite realistic. The return on investment will be achieved in 2-2.5 years.

In this material:

A business plan for a sauna with a swimming pool (detailed) will help you understand how profitable this business is and what costs await you in the process of opening it. The sauna is a universal place for relaxation and healing. Some come there to relax after a hard work week, some gather in the sauna with a group of friends, and some visit it for the purpose of recovery. When opening your own sauna, you need to provide a wide range of services offered.

Before starting your own business, you need to decide on the format of the future establishment. There are several types of saunas - Finnish sauna, Russian bath, hammam, Japanese ofuro. The most difficult thing is to open a hammam, so when constructing a building for such a bathhouse, it is necessary to use stone. A sauna business plan may include the provision of additional services. But this will require the opening of a large bath complex, which is unprofitable to build in small towns. The following types of saunas can be distinguished: a small bathhouse in the private sector, a large bathhouse complex, a classic sauna within the city.

Where to start opening a sauna?

I love it entrepreneurial activity it is necessary to start with the registration of the enterprise. IN tax office a sauna can be registered as an LLC or an individual entrepreneur, depending on its size, investments in opening the enterprise and the preferences of the owner. When opening an enterprise from scratch as an individual entrepreneur, you can choose UTII. You will also need to obtain a work permit from the fire inspectorate and the sanitary-epidemiological service.

It is believed that it is better to build a building for a sauna with a swimming pool yourself than to remodel a ready-made room. It is also unprofitable to renovate former sauna buildings - unexpected problems may arise during the renovation process. The area of ​​the room depends on the scale of your project. If you are a novice entrepreneur, you can limit yourself to opening a sauna for 3-5 visitors. If you decide to take this business seriously, you will need a room of at least 100 square meters. m, of which 15 sq. m is allocated for a sauna, the remaining area for a swimming pool and rooms.

In order for the sauna to be designed for a wide range of visitors, the rooms should be divided according to the level of comfort into suites and junior suites. Luxury rooms must have a swimming pool and a relaxation room. You can also install an infrared sauna here. A sauna business plan should also include the purchase of equipment. Costs for these purposes can be divided into one-time and regular. One-time purchases include furniture, sauna stoves, interior items, and pool equipment. Consumable materials are considered to be towels, disposable slippers, scoops, brooms, and bath caps. All equipment will cost 50 thousand rubles.

When opening a sauna with a swimming pool, you should be responsible when purchasing transformers, heating elements, filters, pumps and lamps.

Do not forget that the pool requires the organization of sewerage and ventilation systems.

No such establishment can function without specially trained staff. First you need to hire an administrator, a bathhouse attendant, a cleaner, a handyman and a security guard. The wider the range of services provided, the more specialists you will need. The ideal is a 24-hour work schedule, in which case your profit will increase several times. It is best to search for workers using recruitment agency

. If you decide to take on these responsibilities yourself, then start by posting ads on the Internet.

Usually the client signs up for the sauna for the time he requires; he must arrive 10-15 minutes earlier in order for the room to be assigned to him. Otherwise, the administrator has the right to provide the number to another visitor. Slightly different rules apply to regular customers, but when opening a sauna from scratch, you need to adhere to the above tips.

Calculation of business profitability

The main part of current expenses is payment for electricity, followed by water costs. The water in the pool is not replaced daily, and one visitor spends no more than 100 liters of water on a shower. Saving on creating an interior helps reduce costs. Income consists of the cost of services provided. 1 hour in the sauna costs about 500 rubles. per person, daily room rental costs a client 3-6 thousand. A medium-sized sauna can accommodate up to 8 clients at a time.

The average monthly profit in this case is 150 thousand. The profitability of the business is estimated at 120%. If you run your business correctly, your income can exceed 200 thousand per month. The initial investment pays off in about 2 years. The risks when opening a sauna can be assessed as moderate.

Such a business has significant disadvantages. This is rapid wear and tear of the building and equipment. High humidity contributes to wear and tear on equipment and building walls. The wooden lining of the sauna will have to be replaced at least once every 2 years, and the chimney pipes will need to be replaced once a year. About a third of the starting capital will have to be spent on repairs. Major renovation It is recommended to carry out every 5 years.