
How many eye colors are there in the world? The rarest eye color in the world

"The most beautiful eyes…". Everyone is pleased to hear this compliment. Imagine how many times this has been said to the people in the selection below.
These eyes are an amazing play of nature. These are one in a million. However, one of the guys in question even gets “hit” for the beauty of his incredible eyes at school.

People whose “mirror of the soul” does not require the use of contact lenses or Photoshop for brightness. Eyes you want to drown in. Enjoy!

The most beautiful eyes: 10 lucky people who were awarded by nature

Nature gave this girl silver eyes with a green tint. And the “cherry on the cake” was the charming dark edging of the iris, which makes her eyes look like they were painted on. The “anime” baby’s parents did not want to reveal her name – the photo is circulating anonymously on the Internet.

Afghanistan's Sharbat Gula made a global splash when she appeared on the cover of National Geographic magazine in 1985. Her incredible color and dramatic expression in her eyes seem to tell the whole story of her life.
The “Mona Lisa of the 20th Century,” as the press dubbed her, remained anonymous until reporters discovered her in 2002. The girl has changed a lot (time and hard life have affected her), but her eyes have remained the same - they look straight into the soul.

Sharbat Gula now

Brother and sister with perfect green eye. Only 4% of people on the planet are born with this color! And here there are two at once in one family. The boy, with a dark edging of the iris, looks like an alien (in a good way).

Dark skin and honey-green eyes, in which almost no pupils are visible. What a beauty this little girl will grow up to be.

This guy is often teased at school for his rare blue eyes. His name is Adrian and he lives in Africa. At first glance it may seem that he is wearing contact lenses, but Nature itself gave him the light blue color.

Turquoise is the rarest eye color in the world. It came from the fusion of blue and green. No Photoshop was used to color these eyes. This girl is from Sudan. If only a modeling agency would notice her and she would have a happy and prosperous life.

This lady is a professional belly dancer. She also has stunning amber eyes, the irises of which are “ringed” with a dark shell. Skillful makeup in oriental style emphasizes this beauty.

An incredible, but unfortunately unknown girl with “oceanic” eye color was captured in Australia. This child looks like a doll or an angel.

A little Japanese boy named Ping has no vision problems - he sees perfectly. However, there are almost no pupils visible in his amazingly green eyes. This rare natural anomaly does not interfere with his life, and distinguishes him favorably from other children. To his peers and numerous reporters, Ping is an alien.

An 11-year-old boy named Azu from Rajasthan loves magic tricks and tricks. The image of a wizard is best enhanced by the mesmerizing color of his eyes – green with yellow splashes. Rumor has it that he has a great future as an artist of the original genre!

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Brown eyes are among the most mysterious, rare and beautiful. However, many celebrities who supposedly have brown eyes actually wear contact lenses. We're looking at you, Rihanna!

So what is so special and unique about hazel eyes? If you're interested in knowing every detail about them, read today's list amazing facts about brown eyes!

1 They love art

2 Brown eyes can turn red

Yes, people with brown eyes can look (naturally, that is) like Count Dracula due to allergies. Seasonal allergies or any other allergies can change the color of brown eyes to red.

3 Bestseller

Walnut colored contact lenses are in great demand. Apparently, there are many people who want to have brown eyes.

4 Brown eyes are chameleons

Even scientists call brown eyes “chameleon.” This is the only eye color that is not specifically defined. They can even change color depending on their environment. This is a serious skill that even chameleons can envy.

5 Brown eyes at birth

For some of us, the eye color we are born with is the same color we die with. This is the norm, especially for people of African and Asian descent, due to high level melanin in their body.

A child of European descent may be born with blue eyes, which may later change to brown.

6 Brown eyes and changes in color intensity

Brown eyes can change color even throughout the day (usually for a few seconds) in response to various conditions. Drug or alcohol use, lighting conditions and clothing are just some of the contributing factors.

7 Brown eyes are rare

Not many people in the world are lucky enough to have brown eyes. In fact, only five percent of the world's population has brown eyes. Only violet and green eyes are even less common than brown ones.

8 They're Also Very Unique

The crazy fact about brown eyes is that each pair of them is truly unique. Some people have lighter shades of green, while others have darker shades brown colors. Finding 100% identical brown eyes is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

We have already mentioned various factors that affect the intensity of brown eye color. Although nothing contributes to this more than human emotions. Whether sad or happy, smiling or crying, a person with brown eyes seems to have different colour eye.

10 People with brown eyes are enterprising

Scientists have tried to figure out how eye color can affect a person's personality. The results showed that people with brown eyes tend to be adventurous and enjoy extreme sports.

11 They Have Wild Imaginations

People with brown eyes are also very creative, but at the same time they can be deep thinkers. They have no problem combining imagination with logic in a creative sense

15 More common in Caucasian countries

According to science, people of all races can have hazel eyes. However, brown eyes are found mainly in all Caucasian countries, especially in areas where people with blue, green and brown eyes mix.

The variety of eye colors in people is amazing, but the majority of the planet's inhabitants have gray, brown or blue irises. Much less common are blue, green, red, yellow eyes. Most rare color the eye is purple, however, it is not easy to encounter such an anomaly, and therefore most people are sure that it is just a myth. But this is reality, and such a phenomenon can be seen at least in the photo.

The rarest eye color in the world

Violet eyes. The violet tint of the iris is the result of a mixture of shades of red and blue colors, so genetically it is simply a variant of the iris with blue pigment. Blue pigment is not at all uncommon; all blue-eyed representatives of the Caucasian race have it. Unlike blue eyes, blue and blue-purple are much less common, but amethyst or purple are completely rare in the world. But, since genetics does not reject the possibility of the existence of lilac eyes, they can be seen.

Purple irises are found among representatives of one of the ethnic groups in the highlands of North Kashmir. The famous American actress, whose beauty captivated the whole world, had violet-colored eyes.

Doctors include lilac irises in the list of symptoms of Alexandria syndrome. The symptomatic picture of this genetic disease includes highly developed muscles, thick fingers, often absent in patients hairline on the body, but in women it is absent menstrual cycle, although fertility is normal.

Green eyes. A pure green tint of the iris is rare, as is violet, but variations of this tint in combination with light brown or gray meet often. These chameleon eyes change shade against the background of clothes of a certain color. Among the green iris options are bottle green, light green, emerald green, grassy, ​​jade, emerald brown, green foliage and sea green.

There is unconfirmed scientific research the opinion is that the gene for green eyes is adjacent to the gene for red hair, but in practice, green-eyed people are brunettes and brown-haired, and occasionally even blondes are found. Green tint irises without any admixture of another color are present in 2% of the world's inhabitants. Most of them are residents of Central Europe and Russia. Of interest are studies according to which the color of the iris is influenced by a person’s gender: among the adult population of Holland, there are fewer green-eyed men than green-eyed representatives of the fairer sex.

Red eyes. The red color of the iris is an exception to the rule, since it is found only in albinos, who have a lack of melanin in their tissues.

With such genetic feature the color of the iris is simply absent, and blood vessels are visible through the tissues and collagen fibers of the iris, which makes the eye color reddish. When blue pigment is present, the iris takes on a purple tint.

Golden or yellow eyes. Yellow iris is a special case brown color. Yellow eyes, depending on the amount and density of pigment, can be either rich yellow-brown, gold, amber, or light yellow, which looks exotic and resembles the color of the eyes of cats or wolves.

Often such eyes have a dark rim on the iris. So, despite light color, yellow eyes can be bright, attracting attention with their unusualness.

Black eye color. Brown eyes ranging from dark to light shades are the most common iris color on the planet, but the high concentration of melanin that makes eyes truly black is rare.

This feature is characteristic of the peoples of Africa who belong to the Negroid race, and the peoples of East, South and Southeast Asia, who are representatives of the Mongoloid race. Often, ebon-black eye color is combined with a grayish or yellowish tint. eyeball.

With congenital or acquired heterochromia, the color of a person's eyes varies. Heterochromia can be complete or partial. In the first case, the irises of a person's eyes will be different colors, both similar in shade and contrasting. With partial heterochromia, abnormal pigmentation can be central or sectoral, when one or more parts of the iris in one or both eyes are different in color.

Birth defect due to mutation, concerns only appearance eye and does not cause additional problems. Acquired due to injury or chronic diseases heterochromia is accompanied by all sorts of complications, such as organic or functional transformations in nervous system. Interestingly, congenital abnormal staining of the eye shell is more common in girls, whereas strong half humanity rarely demonstrates such a phenomenon.

Attitudes towards a person are often based on how they look. But there are things that have little to do with it. Eye color is given to us from birth, and there are those who have it the rarest. And sometimes they say a lot about the character of the owner, which is sometimes explained quite logically.

It turns out that the most rare color the eye on the ground is violet . There is hardly anyone who has seen the owner of such eyes. This color appears due to a rare mutation called "Alexandria origin". Immediately at birth, such a patient has the most common color. It changes after 6-10 months.

2nd place.

Red color very rare. It occurs in people and animals with a certain disease. Also included is White color hair.

3rd place.

Pure green color eyes are very rare. A population study was conducted in Iceland and Holland, which showed that they occur more often in women than in men. The softness of associations is understandable. There is a lot of it in nature - the foliage of plants, the color of some crawling animals, and the color of human organs.

4th place.

Rare are different colored eyes . Scientifically, this phenomenon is called heterochromia. The color may include splashes of other colors, or simply both eyes are colored differently. A rare phenomenon, but original looking.

5th place.

Blue color the eye is considered a variety of blue. But it is somewhat darker and is quite rare.

6th place.

Yellow considered a variety of brown, but is rare. It is generally accepted that such people are endowed with magical abilities. They are said to have telepathic abilities. They usually have an artistic nature. If you have no bad thoughts in your mind, then communicating with people with this eye color will bring real joy.

7th place.

Hazel eye color - this is the result of mixing. Lighting can affect its hue, and it can be golden, brown, or brownish-green. Hazel eyes are a common occurrence.

8th place.

Despite the fact that the owners blue eyes They consider themselves to be in the elite category of society; there are quite a lot of them in the world. They are especially common in Europe, in its northern part and the Baltic countries. Among the population of Estonia, owners of blue eyes are found in 99% of the population, in Germany - 75%. It is generally accepted that its owners are softer and less psychologically developed than, say, those with brown eyes. They are considered a variety gray, although the latter is much more common. In Russia it occurs in almost 50% of cases.

9th place.

Very common in the world black eye color . Its owners usually belong to the Mongoloid race, in South, Southeast and East Asia. Sometimes the color of the pupil and iris merge, which creates the feeling of a completely black eye. Given the prevalence of people living in these regions, black eyes are not uncommon. In this case, the black iris is characterized by a high concentration of the coloring pigment melanin. Accordingly, the color falling on it is absorbed. The color is also found among the Negroid race. The color of the eyeball sometimes has a grayish or yellowish tint.

10th place.

Most common brown eye color . His warm personality speaks volumes about his origins. It has a very large number of shades, ranging from light to dark brown. Its owners are found in the following countries:

  • Asia,
  • Oceania,
  • Africa,
  • South America,
  • Southern Europe.

Very bright and warm eye color. It has a sea of ​​shades from light to dark brown. It looks quite strange, and, undoubtedly, impressive.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. For thousands of years, romantics and poets tried to discern sensual images in them, and psychologists and philosophers tried to open the door to the hidden powers of the spirit. Deep brown, crystal blue or the rarest eye color in the world - green, have divided this world into three categories of personality types.

It is statistically known that black and brown are common in the middle and eastern parts of the African continent, but in cold Scandinavia, icy blue eyes predominate. But in fact, both colors are found throughout the face of the Earth, and in a wide variety of shades.

Researchers cannot decide which eye color is the rarest, although they agree that there are much fewer owners of green eyes in the population - only 2%. However, it is quite often confused with a combination of gray and green. But true emerald appears thanks to the combination of weak brown and blue. As you know, yellow and blue combine to form green.

Grey-green, amber, olive and other shades appear in countless quantities in photographic archives without a share of editorial editing. Nature itself took care of such diversity - scientists call a special pigment melanin, the presence or absence of which regulates the color of the organs of vision.

The processes occur in the iris, which is located on the cornea, on top of the black pupil. This important element is responsible for both the aesthetic component and the healthy amount of light that enters the retina. If the narrowing occurs slowly or incompletely, there is a risk of blindness and diseases of the visual apparatus. A lack of melanin is clearly noticeable in people with albinism, a complication of which is considered to be many ailments, including blindness.

What color the unborn child will have is judged by the eyes of parents and relatives, because this is a trait that is directly transmitted genetically. Without delving into biology, it is important to mention that brown dominates over recessive gray and blue, but cool shades “win” greenish ones.

Consequently, parents with light and brown eyes, in to a greater extent Chances are that children will be born with a dark iris color. This may be why the most common eye color on Earth is brown. There is also a hypothesis by geneticists that the first people had such a shade of the iris and already in the mutation of genes, others appeared.

From black to sky blue

The color that a child has at birth does not always remain with him for life. The iris often changes from gray or blue to other shades and even changes dramatically. There are also cases when colors change depending on the interior, clothing, nature and even mood.

Moreover, often dark spots one color fits perfectly next to another. This is how brown-green ones appear, Gray-green eyes, where the transition from the center to the edge of the iris is noticeable. But there are many examples in the world when only a few points or one sector differs in color, and the condition is not considered pathological.

Green eyes

There are not many green-eyed people in the world. Most of them are women, and mostly with red hair. Such a bright combination is dictated by nature itself - the specific amount of pigments in the body. However, there are countries in which more than three quarters of the population can boast of such unusual eyes. Not surprisingly, some countries of North-Western Europe, namely Holland and Iceland.

Blue Lake

This color is most common in northern Europe. Its bearers are the Balts, Germans, and Danes. But it is also often found to be predominant in percentage terms in the Middle East, as well as in Central Asia. Lebanese, Syrians, Tajiks and Iranians have blue eyes. In some parts of Eastern Europe and the north-west of the African continent (Israel, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey), people with gray irises predominate.

In America, the percentage fluctuates every year, since the country is home to cultural centers of many nationalities. As for the nationalities that have spread across the entire face of the Earth, the people with whom they were assimilated play a key role. For example, 54% of Ukrainian Jews have blue eyes.

Amber or gold

This color is characterized by a uniform light shade of brown. Unlike brown, it is easy to see all the subtleties of the structure of the iris, and in the light, like blue or green, it becomes brighter. Comes in two shades:

  • if reddish inclusions are visible, the color becomes copper-like;
  • if there is a lot of olive or green in it, it’s for gold.


There is no continent where this color was not common. Its carriers are found in any part of the planet and in almost every country they remain the predominant percentage of the rest of the population. But as for highest concentration, of course, these are the countries of Asia and Africa. Perhaps this fact is due to the fact that the people here are not inclined to enter into mixed marriages, and if this happens, the trait remains genetically dominant.

What is the rarest eye color?

Search engines on the Internet will give you results with all the colors of the rainbow, or even with it itself instead of the pupil. Obviously, this is the result of processing the photo in Photoshop. However, there is reliable evidence of the existence of a strange phenomenon - a red eye! But unfortunately, it is associated with terrible disease albinism.

But without any harm to health, it gives its beauty to the world like this unusual color eye like purple. This is definitely the rarest and most interesting shade that a person can have. This anomaly appears in people with a genetic mutation called “Alexandria origin.” A child is still born with blue eyes, but by six months the color begins to change. IN adolescence the tone stabilizes and the wearer becomes the happy owner of a deep or bluish purple for life.