
layer of the cell membrane. What is the function of the outer cell membrane? The structure of the outer cell membrane

The basic structural unit of a living organism is a cell, which is a differentiated section of the cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane. In view of the fact that the cell performs many important functions, such as reproduction, nutrition, movement, the shell must be plastic and dense.

History of the discovery and research of the cell membrane

In 1925, Grendel and Gorder staged successful experiment to identify the "shadows" of erythrocytes, or empty shells. Despite several gross mistakes made, scientists discovered the lipid bilayer. Their work was continued by Danielli, Dawson in 1935, Robertson in 1960. As a result of many years of work and the accumulation of arguments in 1972, Singer and Nicholson created a fluid mosaic model of the structure of the membrane. Further experiments and studies confirmed the works of scientists.


What is a cell membrane? This word began to be used more than a hundred years ago, translated from Latin it means "film", "skin". So designate the border of the cell, which is a natural barrier between the internal contents and the external environment. The structure of the cell membrane suggests semi-permeability, due to which moisture and nutrients and decay products can freely pass through it. This shell can be called the main structural component of the organization of the cell.

Consider the main functions of the cell membrane

1. Separates the internal contents of the cell and the components of the external environment.

2. Helps maintain a constant chemical composition of the cell.

3. Regulates the correct metabolism.

4. Provides interconnection between cells.

5. Recognizes signals.

6. Protection function.

"Plasma Shell"

The outer cell membrane, also called the plasma membrane, is an ultramicroscopic film that is five to seven nanometers thick. It consists mainly of protein compounds, phospholide, water. The film is elastic, easily absorbs water, and also quickly restores its integrity after damage.

Differs in a universal structure. This membrane occupies a boundary position, participates in the process of selective permeability, excretion of decay products, synthesizes them. relationship with neighbors and reliable protection internal contents from damage makes it an important component in such a matter as the structure of the cell. The cell membrane of animal organisms is sometimes covered thinnest layer- glycocalyx, which includes proteins and polysaccharides. Plant cells outside the membrane are protected by a cell wall that acts as a support and maintains shape. The main component of its composition is fiber (cellulose) - a polysaccharide that is insoluble in water.

Thus, the outer cell membrane performs the function of repair, protection and interaction with other cells.

The structure of the cell membrane

The thickness of this movable shell varies from six to ten nanometers. The cell membrane of a cell has a special composition, the basis of which is the lipid bilayer. Hydrophobic tails, inert to water, placed with inside, while hydrophilic heads interacting with water face outwards. Each lipid is a phospholipid, which is the result of the interaction of substances such as glycerol and sphingosine. The lipid scaffold is closely surrounded by proteins, which are located in a non-continuous layer. Some of them are immersed in the lipid layer, the rest pass through it. As a result, water-permeable areas are formed. The functions performed by these proteins are different. Some of them are enzymes, the rest are transport proteins that carry various substances from the environment to the cytoplasm and vice versa.

The cell membrane is permeated through and closely connected with integral proteins, while the connection with peripheral ones is less strong. These proteins perform an important function, which is to maintain the structure of the membrane, receive and convert signals from the environment, transport substances, and catalyze reactions that occur on membranes.


basis cell membrane represents a bimolecular layer. Due to its continuity, the cell has barrier and mechanical properties. On the different stages this bilayer may be disrupted in its vital functions. As a result, structural defects of through hydrophilic pores are formed. In this case, absolutely all functions of such a component as a cell membrane can change. In this case, the nucleus may suffer from external influences.


The cell membrane of a cell has interesting features. Due to its fluidity, this shell is not a rigid structure, and the main part of the proteins and lipids that make up its composition freely moves on the plane of the membrane.

In general, the cell membrane is asymmetric, so the composition of the protein and lipid layers is different. Plasma membranes in animal cells have a glycoprotein layer on their outer side, which performs receptor and signal functions, and also plays an important role in the process of combining cells into tissue. The cell membrane is polar outside the charge is positive, and on the inside it is negative. In addition to all of the above, the cell membrane has selective insight.

This means that in addition to water, only a certain group of molecules and ions of dissolved substances are allowed into the cell. The concentration of a substance such as sodium in most cells is much lower than in the external environment. For potassium ions, a different ratio is characteristic: their number in the cell is much higher than in environment. In this regard, sodium ions tend to penetrate the cell membrane, and potassium ions tend to be released outside. Under these circumstances, the membrane activates a special system that performs a “pumping” role, leveling the concentration of substances: sodium ions are pumped out to the cell surface, and potassium ions are pumped inward. This feature part of the most important functions of the cell membrane.

This tendency of sodium and potassium ions to move inward from the surface plays a large role in the transport of sugar and amino acids into the cell. In the process of actively removing sodium ions from the cell, the membrane creates conditions for new inflows of glucose and amino acids inside. On the contrary, in the process of transferring potassium ions into the cell, the number of "transporters" of decay products from inside the cell to external environment.

How is the cell nourished through the cell membrane?

Many cells take in substances through processes such as phagocytosis and pinocytosis. In the first variant, a small recess is created by a flexible outer membrane, in which the captured particle is located. Then the diameter of the recess becomes larger until the surrounded particle enters the cell cytoplasm. Through phagocytosis, some protozoa, such as amoeba, as well as blood cells - leukocytes and phagocytes, are fed. Similarly, cells absorb fluid that contains the necessary useful material. This phenomenon is called pinocytosis.

The outer membrane is closely connected to the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell.

In many types of basic tissue components, protrusions, folds, and microvilli are located on the surface of the membrane. Plant cells on the outside of this shell are covered with another one, thick and clearly visible under a microscope. The fiber they're made of helps support tissues. plant origin, for example, wood. Animal cells also have a number of external structures that sit on top of the cell membrane. They are exclusively protective in nature, an example of this is the chitin contained in the integumentary cells of insects.

In addition to the cell membrane, there is an intracellular membrane. Its function is to divide the cell into several specialized closed compartments - compartments or organelles, where a certain environment must be maintained.

Thus, it is impossible to overestimate the role of such a component of the basic unit of a living organism as a cell membrane. The structure and functions suggest significant expansion total area cell surface, improvement metabolic processes. This molecular structure consists of proteins and lipids. Separating the cell from the external environment, the membrane ensures its integrity. With its help, intercellular bonds are maintained at a sufficiently strong level, forming tissues. In this regard, we can conclude that one of the most important roles in the cell is played by the cell membrane. The structure and functions performed by it are radically different in different cells, depending on their purpose. Through these features, a variety of physiological activity is achieved. cell membranes and their roles in the existence of cells and tissues.

In 1972, the theory was put forward that a partially permeable membrane surrounds the cell and performs a number of vital tasks, and the structure and function of cell membranes are significant issues regarding the proper functioning of all cells in the body. became widespread in the 17th century, along with the invention of the microscope. It became known that plant and animal tissues are composed of cells, but due to the low resolution of the device, it was impossible to see any barriers around animal cell. In the 20th century, the chemical nature of the membrane was studied in more detail, it was found that lipids are its basis.

The structure and functions of cell membranes

The cell membrane surrounds the cytoplasm of living cells, physically separating intracellular components from the external environment. Fungi, bacteria and plants also have cell walls that provide protection and prevent the passage of large molecules. Cell membranes also play a role in the development of the cytoskeleton and the attachment of other vital particles to the extracellular matrix. This is necessary in order to hold them together, forming the tissues and organs of the body. Structural features of the cell membrane include permeability. The main function is protection. The membrane consists of a phospholipid layer with embedded proteins. This part is involved in processes such as cell adhesion, ionic conduction, and signaling systems and serves as an attachment surface for several extracellular structures, including the wall, glycocalyx, and internal cytoskeleton. The membrane also maintains the potential of the cell by acting as a selective filter. It is selectively permeable to ions and organic molecules and controls the movement of particles.

Biological mechanisms involving the cell membrane

1. Passive diffusion: some substances (small molecules, ions), such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2), can penetrate the plasma membrane by diffusion. The shell acts as a barrier to certain molecules and ions that can be concentrated on either side.

2. Transmembrane protein channels and transporters: Nutrients such as glucose or amino acids must enter the cell, and some metabolic products must leave it.

3. Endocytosis is the process by which molecules are taken up. A slight deformation (invagination) is created in the plasma membrane, in which the substance to be transported is swallowed. It requires energy and is thus a form of active transport.

4. Exocytosis: occurs in various cells for removal undigested residues substances brought by endocytosis to secrete substances such as hormones and enzymes and transport the substance completely across the cell barrier.

molecular structure

The cell membrane is a biological membrane, consisting mainly of phospholipids and separating the contents of the entire cell from the external environment. The process of formation occurs spontaneously with normal conditions. In order to understand this process and correctly describe the structure and functions of cell membranes, as well as properties, it is necessary to assess the nature of phospholipid structures, which are characterized by structural polarization. When phospholipids are aquatic environment cytoplasms reach a critical concentration, they combine into micelles, which are more stable in an aqueous medium.

Membrane properties

  • Stability. This means that after the formation of the membrane is unlikely to disintegrate.
  • Strength. The lipid membrane is sufficiently reliable to prevent the passage of a polar substance; both dissolved substances (ions, glucose, amino acids) and much larger molecules (proteins) cannot pass through the formed boundary.
  • dynamic nature. This is perhaps the most important property when considering the structure of the cell. The cell membrane can be subjected to various deformations, it can fold and bend without collapsing. Under special circumstances, such as the fusion of vesicles or budding, it can be broken, but only temporarily. At room temperature, its lipid components are in constant, chaotic motion, forming a stable fluid boundary.

Liquid mosaic model

Speaking about the structure and functions of cell membranes, it is important to note that in modern view The membrane as a liquid mosaic model was considered in 1972 by scientists Singer and Nicholson. Their theory reflects three main features of the membrane structure. The integrals provide a mosaic template for the membrane, and they are capable of lateral in-plane movement due to the variable nature of lipid organization. Transmembrane proteins are also potentially mobile. An important feature structure of the membrane is its asymmetry. What is the structure of a cell? Cell membrane, nucleus, proteins and so on. The cell is the basic unit of life, and all organisms are made up of one or more cells, each with a natural barrier separating it from its environment. This outer border of the cell is also called the plasma membrane. It consists of four various types molecules: phospholipids, cholesterol, proteins and carbohydrates. The liquid mosaic model describes the structure of the cell membrane as follows: flexible and elastic, similar in consistency to vegetable oil, so that all individual molecules simply float in the liquid medium, and they are all able to move sideways within this shell. A mosaic is something that contains many different details. In the plasma membrane, it is represented by phospholipids, cholesterol molecules, proteins and carbohydrates.


Phospholipids make up the basic structure of the cell membrane. These molecules have two distinct ends: a head and a tail. The head end contains a phosphate group and is hydrophilic. This means that it is attracted to water molecules. The tail is made up of hydrogen and carbon atoms called fatty acid chains. These chains are hydrophobic, they do not like to mix with water molecules. This process is similar to what happens when you pour vegetable oil into water, that is, it does not dissolve in it. The structural features of the cell membrane are associated with the so-called lipid bilayer, which consists of phospholipids. Hydrophilic phosphate heads are always located where there is water in the form of intracellular and extracellular fluid. The hydrophobic tails of phospholipids in the membrane are organized in such a way that they keep them away from water.

Cholesterol, proteins and carbohydrates

When people hear the word "cholesterol", people usually think it's bad. However, cholesterol is actually a very important component of cell membranes. Its molecules consist of four rings of hydrogen and carbon atoms. They are hydrophobic and occur among the hydrophobic tails in the lipid bilayer. Their importance lies in maintaining consistency, they strengthen the membranes, preventing crossover. Cholesterol molecules also keep the phospholipid tails from coming into contact and hardening. This guarantees fluidity and flexibility. Membrane proteins act as enzymes to accelerate chemical reactions, act as receptors for specific molecules or transport substances across the cell membrane.

Carbohydrates, or saccharides, are found only on the extracellular side of the cell membrane. Together they form the glycocalyx. It provides cushioning and protection to the plasma membrane. Based on the structure and type of carbohydrates in the glycocalyx, the body can recognize the cells and determine if they should be there or not.

Membrane proteins

The structure of the cell membrane cannot be imagined without such a significant component as protein. Despite this, they can be significantly inferior in size to another important component - lipids. There are three main types of membrane proteins.

  • Integral. They completely cover the bi-layer, cytoplasm and extracellular environment. They perform a transport and signaling function.
  • Peripheral. Proteins are attached to the membrane by electrostatic or hydrogen bonds at their cytoplasmic or extracellular surfaces. They are involved mainly as a means of attachment for integral proteins.
  • Transmembrane. They perform enzymatic and signaling functions, and also modulate the basic structure of the lipid bilayer of the membrane.

Functions of biological membranes

The hydrophobic effect, which regulates the behavior of hydrocarbons in water, controls structures formed by membrane lipids and membrane proteins. Many properties of membranes are conferred by carriers of lipid bilayers, which form the basic structure for all biological membranes. Integral membrane proteins are partially hidden in the lipid bilayer. Transmembrane proteins have a specialized organization of amino acids in their primary sequence.

Peripheral membrane proteins are very similar to soluble proteins, but they are also membrane bound. Specialized cell membranes have specialized cell functions. How do the structure and functions of cell membranes affect the body? The functionality of the whole organism depends on how biological membranes are arranged. From intracellular organelles, extracellular and intercellular interactions of membranes, the structures necessary for the organization and performance of biological functions are created. Many structural and functional features are common to bacteria and enveloped viruses. All biological membranes are built on a lipid bilayer, which determines the presence of a number of general characteristics. Membrane proteins have many specific functions.

  • Controlling. Plasma membranes of cells determine the boundaries of the interaction of the cell with the environment.
  • Transport. The intracellular membranes of cells are divided into several functional blocks with different internal composition, each of which is supported by the necessary transport function in combination with control permeability.
  • signal transduction. Membrane fusion provides a mechanism for intracellular vesicular notification and preventing various kinds of viruses from freely entering the cell.

Significance and conclusions

The structure of the outer cell membrane affects the entire body. She plays important role in integrity protection, allowing penetration of only selected substances. It is also a good base for anchoring the cytoskeleton and cell wall which helps in maintaining the shape of the cell. Lipids make up about 50% of the membrane mass of most cells, although this varies depending on the type of membrane. The structure of the outer cell membrane of mammals is more complex, it contains four main phospholipids. An important property of lipid bilayers is that they behave like a two-dimensional fluid in which individual molecules can freely rotate and move laterally. Such fluidity is an important property of membranes, which is determined depending on temperature and lipid composition. Due to the hydrocarbon ring structure, cholesterol plays a role in determining the fluidity of membranes. biological membranes for small molecules allows the cell to control and maintain its internal structure.

Considering the structure of the cell (cell membrane, nucleus, and so on), we can conclude that the body is a self-regulating system that cannot harm itself without outside help and will always look for ways to restore, protect and properly function each cell.

Outside, the cell is covered with a plasma membrane (or outer cell membrane) about 6-10 nm thick.

The cell membrane is a dense film of proteins and lipids (mainly phospholipids). Lipid molecules are arranged in an orderly manner - perpendicular to the surface, in two layers, so that their parts that interact intensively with water (hydrophilic) are directed outward, and the parts that are inert to water (hydrophobic) are directed inward.

Protein molecules are located in a non-continuous layer on the surface of the lipid framework on both sides. Some of them are immersed in the lipid layer, and some pass through it, forming areas permeable to water. These proteins do various functions- some of them are enzymes, others are transport proteins involved in the transfer of certain substances from the environment to the cytoplasm and vice versa.

Basic Functions of the Cell Membrane

One of the main properties of biological membranes is selective permeability (semipermeability)- some substances pass through them with difficulty, others easily and even towards a higher concentration. Thus, for most cells, the concentration of Na ions inside is much lower than in the environment. For K ions, the reverse ratio is characteristic: their concentration inside the cell is higher than outside. Therefore, Na ions always tend to enter the cell, and K ions - to go outside. The equalization of the concentrations of these ions is prevented by the presence in the membrane of a special system that plays the role of a pump that pumps Na ions out of the cell and simultaneously pumps K ions inside.

The desire of Na ions to move from outside to inside is used to transport sugars and amino acids into the cell. With the active removal of Na ions from the cell, conditions are created for the entry of glucose and amino acids into it.

In many cells, absorption of substances also occurs by phagocytosis and pinocytosis. At phagocytosis the flexible outer membrane forms a small depression where the captured particle enters. This recess increases, and, surrounded by a portion of the outer membrane, the particle is immersed in the cytoplasm of the cell. The phenomenon of phagocytosis is characteristic of amoeba and some other protozoa, as well as leukocytes (phagocytes). Similarly, there is an absorption by cells of liquids containing needed by the cell substances. This phenomenon has been called pinocytosis.

The outer membranes of different cells differ significantly in both chemical composition their proteins and lipids, and by their relative content. It is these features that determine the diversity in the physiological activity of the membranes of various cells and their role in the life of cells and tissues.

The endoplasmic reticulum of the cell is connected to the outer membrane. With the help of outer membranes, various types of intercellular contacts are carried out, i.e. communication between individual cells.

Many types of cells are characterized by the presence on their surface a large number protrusions, folds, microvilli. They contribute both to a significant increase in the surface area of ​​cells and an improvement in metabolism, as well as to stronger bonds between individual cells.

On the outside of the cell membrane, plant cells have thick membranes that are clearly visible in an optical microscope, consisting of cellulose (cellulose). They create a strong support for plant tissues (wood).

Some cells of animal origin also have a number of external structures that are located on top of the cell membrane and have a protective character. An example is the chitin of the integumentary cells of insects.

Functions of the cell membrane (briefly)

protective barrierSeparates the internal organelles of the cell from the external environment
RegulatoryIt regulates the exchange of substances between the internal contents of the cell and the external environment.
Delimiting (compartmentalization)Separation of the internal space of the cell into independent blocks (compartments)
Energy- Accumulation and transformation of energy;
- light reactions of photosynthesis in chloroplasts;
- Absorption and secretion.
Receptor (information)Participates in the formation of excitation and its conduct.
MotorCarries out the movement of the cell or its individual parts.

cell membrane is the cell membrane that following features: separation of the contents of the cell and the external environment, selective transport of substances (exchange with the external environment for the cell), the site of the occurrence of some biochemical reactions, the association of cells into tissues and reception.

Cell membranes are divided into plasma (intracellular) and outer. The main property of any membrane is semi-permeability, that is, the ability to pass only certain substances. This allows selective exchange between the cell and the external environment, or exchange between compartments of the cell.

Plasma membranes are lipoprotein structures. Lipids spontaneously form a bilayer (double layer), and membrane proteins "swim" in it. There are several thousand different proteins in the membranes: structural, carriers, enzymes, etc. Between the protein molecules there are pores through which hydrophilic substances pass (the lipid bilayer prevents their direct penetration into the cell). Glycosyl groups (monosaccharides and polysaccharides) are attached to some molecules on the membrane surface, which are involved in the process of cell recognition during tissue formation.

The membranes differ in their thickness, usually between 5 and 10 nm. The thickness is determined by the size of the amphiphilic lipid molecule and is 5.3 nm. A further increase in the thickness of the membrane is due to the size of the membrane protein complexes. Depending on external conditions (cholesterol is the regulator), the structure of the bilayer can change so that it becomes more dense or liquid - the speed of movement of substances along the membranes depends on this.

Cell membranes include: plasmalemma, karyolemma, membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, peroxisomes, mitochondria, inclusions, etc.

Lipids are insoluble in water (hydrophobicity), but readily soluble in organic solvents and fats (lipophilicity). The composition of lipids in different membranes is not the same. For example, plasma membrane contains a lot of cholesterol. Of the lipids in the membrane, the most common are phospholipids (glycerophosphatides), sphingomyelins (sphingolipids), glycolipids, and cholesterol.

Phospholipids, sphingomyelins, glycolipids consist of two functionally different parts: hydrophobic non-polar, which does not carry charges - "tails" consisting of fatty acids, and hydrophilic, containing charged polar "heads" - alcohol groups (for example, glycerol).

The hydrophobic part of the molecule usually consists of two fatty acids. One of the acids is limiting, and the second is unsaturated. This determines the ability of lipids to spontaneously form two-layer (bilipid) membrane structures. Membrane lipids perform the following functions: barrier, transport, microenvironment of proteins, electrical resistance of the membrane.

Membranes differ from each other by a set of protein molecules. Many membrane proteins consist of regions rich in polar (charge-carrying) amino acids and regions with non-polar amino acids (glycine, alanine, valine, leucine). Such proteins in the lipid layers of membranes are located in such a way that their non-polar regions are, as it were, immersed in the "fat" part of the membrane, where the hydrophobic regions of lipids are located. The polar (hydrophilic) part of these proteins interacts with the lipid heads and is turned towards the aqueous phase.

Biological membranes have common properties:

membranes are closed systems that do not allow the contents of the cell and its compartments to mix. Violation of the integrity of the membrane can lead to cell death;

superficial (planar, lateral) mobility. In membranes, there is a continuous movement of substances over the surface;

membrane asymmetry. The structure of the outer and surface layers is chemically, structurally and functionally heterogeneous.

The study of the structure of organisms, as well as plants, animals and humans, is the branch of biology called cytology. Scientists have found that the contents of the cell, which is inside it, is quite complex. It is surrounded by the so-called surface apparatus, which includes the outer cell membrane, supra-membrane structures: glycocalyx and microfilaments, pelicule and microtubules that form its submembrane complex.

In this article, we will study the structure and functions of the outer cell membrane, which is part of the surface apparatus various kinds cells.

What are the functions of the outer cell membrane?

As described earlier, the outer membrane is part of the surface apparatus of each cell, which successfully separates its internal contents and protects cell organelles from adverse conditions external environment. Another function is to ensure the exchange of substances between the cell contents and the tissue fluid, therefore, the outer cell membrane transports molecules and ions entering the cytoplasm, and also helps to remove toxins and excess toxic substances from the cell.

The structure of the cell membrane

Membranes, or plasmalemmas, of different types of cells are very different from each other. Mainly, chemical structure, as well as the relative content of lipids, glycoproteins, proteins in them and, accordingly, the nature of the receptors located in them. Outer which are determined primarily individual composition glycoproteins, takes part in the recognition of environmental stimuli and in the reactions of the cell itself to their actions. Some types of viruses can interact with proteins and glycolipids of cell membranes, as a result of which they penetrate into the cell. Herpes and influenza viruses can use to build their protective shell.

And viruses and bacteria, the so-called bacteriophages, attach to the cell membrane and dissolve it at the point of contact with the help of a special enzyme. Then a molecule of viral DNA passes into the hole formed.

Features of the structure of the plasma membrane of eukaryotes

Recall that the outer cell membrane performs the function of transport, that is, the transfer of substances into and out of it into the external environment. To carry out such a process, a special structure is required. Indeed, the plasmalemma is a constant, universal system of the surface apparatus for all. This is a thin (2-10 Nm), but fairly dense multilayer film that covers the entire cell. Its structure was studied in 1972 by such scientists as D. Singer and G. Nicholson, they also created a fluid-mosaic model of the cell membrane.

The main chemical compounds that form it are ordered molecules of proteins and certain phospholipids, which are interspersed in a liquid lipid environment and resemble a mosaic. Thus, the cell membrane consists of two layers of lipids, the nonpolar hydrophobic "tails" of which are inside the membrane, and the polar hydrophilic heads face the cytoplasm of the cell and the interstitial fluid.

The lipid layer is penetrated by large protein molecules that form hydrophilic pores. It is through them that aqueous solutions glucose and mineral salts. Some protein molecules are located both on the outer and inner surfaces of the plasmalemma. Thus, on the outer cell membrane in the cells of all organisms with nuclei, there are carbohydrate molecules bound by covalent bonds with glycolipids and glycoproteins. The content of carbohydrates in cell membranes ranges from 2 to 10%.

The structure of the plasmalemma of prokaryotic organisms

The outer cell membrane in prokaryotes performs similar functions to the plasma membranes of cells of nuclear organisms, namely: the perception and transmission of information coming from the external environment, the transport of ions and solutions into and out of the cell, and the protection of the cytoplasm from foreign reagents from the outside. It can form mesosomes - structures that arise when the plasmalemma protrudes into the cell. They may contain enzymes involved in the metabolic reactions of prokaryotes, for example, in DNA replication, protein synthesis.

Mesosomes also contain redox enzymes, while photosynthetics contain bacteriochlorophyll (in bacteria) and phycobilin (in cyanobacteria).

The role of outer membranes in intercellular contacts

Continuing to answer the question of what functions the outer cell membrane performs, let us dwell on its role in plant cells. In plant cells, pores are formed in the walls of the outer cell membrane, passing into the cellulose layer. Through them, the exit of the cytoplasm of the cell to the outside is possible; such thin channels are called plasmodesmata.

Thanks to them, the connection between neighboring plant cells is very strong. In human and animal cells, the sites of contact between adjacent cell membranes are called desmosomes. They are characteristic of endothelial and epithelial cells, and are also found in cardiomyocytes.

Auxiliary formations of the plasmalemma

Understand what is different plant cells from animals, it helps to study the structural features of their plasma membranes, which depend on what functions the outer cell membrane performs. Above it in animal cells is a layer of glycocalyx. It is formed by polysaccharide molecules associated with proteins and lipids of the outer cell membrane. Thanks to the glycocalyx, adhesion (sticking) occurs between cells, leading to the formation of tissues, therefore it takes part in the signaling function of the plasmalemma - the recognition of environmental stimuli.

How is the passive transport of certain substances across cell membranes

As mentioned earlier, the outer cell membrane is involved in the process of transporting substances between the cell and the external environment. There are two types of transport through the plasmalemma: passive (diffusion) and active transport. The first includes diffusion, facilitated diffusion and osmosis. The movement of substances along the concentration gradient depends primarily on the mass and size of the molecules passing through the cell membrane. For example, small non-polar molecules easily dissolve in the middle lipid layer of the plasmalemma, move through it and end up in the cytoplasm.

Large molecules of organic substances penetrate into the cytoplasm with the help of special carrier proteins. They are species-specific and, when combined with a particle or ion, passively transport them across the membrane along a concentration gradient (passive transport) without expending energy. This process underlies such property of the plasmalemma as selective permeability. In the process, the energy of ATP molecules is not used, and the cell saves it for other metabolic reactions.

Active transport of chemical compounds across the plasmalemma

Since the outer cell membrane ensures the transfer of molecules and ions from the external environment into the cell and back, it becomes possible to remove the products of dissimilation, which are toxins, to the outside, that is, to the intercellular fluid. occurs against a concentration gradient and requires the use of energy in the form of ATP molecules. It also involves carrier proteins called ATPases, which are also enzymes.

An example of such transport is the sodium-potassium pump (sodium ions pass from the cytoplasm to the external environment, and potassium ions are pumped into the cytoplasm). The epithelial cells of the intestine and kidneys are capable of it. Varieties of this method of transfer are the processes of pinocytosis and phagocytosis. Thus, having studied what functions the outer cell membrane performs, it can be established that heterotrophic protists, as well as cells of higher animal organisms, for example, leukocytes, are capable of pino- and phagocytosis.

Bioelectric processes in cell membranes

It has been established that there is a potential difference between outer surface plasmalemma (it is positively charged) and parietal layer of the cytoplasm, negatively charged. It was called the resting potential, and it is inherent in all living cells. BUT nervous tissue has not only a resting potential, but is also capable of conducting weak biocurrents, which is called the process of excitation. The outer membranes of nerve cells-neurons, receiving irritation from receptors, begin to change charges: sodium ions massively enter the cell and the surface of the plasmalemma becomes electronegative. And the parietal layer of the cytoplasm, due to an excess of cations, receives a positive charge. This explains why the outer cell membrane of the neuron is recharged, which causes conduction. nerve impulses underlying the excitation process.