
Creation of a separate division. Creating a separate division How to create a structural division in 1s 8.3

We bring to your attention an article about reflecting enterprise divisions in the 1C: Trade Management 8 program (rev. 11.3). As an example, a demo base in the standard delivery was used.


The use of departments in the program can be enabled or disabled using a flag in the enterprise settings:

Master data and administration – Setting up master data and sections – Enterprise

If the use of departments is disabled, the corresponding directory will not be available. There will be no “Division” field in documents and directories.

Where are units used?

Direct maintenance of separate accounting is included in the form of the unit itself.

Directory "Enterprise structure"

Filling out the directory

Divisions are entered into a directory called “Enterprise Structure”:

Master data and administration – Master data – Enterprise structure

This reference book implements a hierarchy of elements. This means that one division can be created directly "inside" another, without the use of groups. For example, in the image below you can see that the trade sales department includes other departments:

When creating a department, you must enter its name. If this unit is included in a higher one, it is also indicated in the corresponding field. It is possible to specify the head of the department (optional parameter):

Important. In the 1C: Trade Management program, divisions are not tied to an organization (individual entrepreneur or legal entity), but relate to the entire enterprise.

Separate accounting of goods

To do this, the appropriate setting must be installed in the program (see paragraph 2 of this article).

Features of reflecting holding divisions

If an enterprise is a holding company that includes several organizations, the question arises: how to enter the divisions of these organizations into the information database?

The holding includes two legal entities, each of which has an administration, a sales department and a purchasing department.

The reflection of such divisions in the directory depends on the situation at the enterprise. There are two options:

If you decide to keep payroll records in the 1C 8.3 Accounting program, then starting from version it supports division into separate divisions. Please note that this functionality is only available if the organization has up to sixty employees. The basic version of 1C does not support such accounting.

In this article we will look at how to configure separate divisions in 1C 8.3 using an example. We will also show the possibility of submitting tax reports separately to different Federal Tax Service Inspectors.

Setting up the program and adding a new unit

First of all, you need to make some preliminary settings. They are located in the “Administration” - “Accounting Settings” section.

In the window that opens, select the “Salary Settings” item.

If you are just starting to keep track of payroll in this program, you need to indicate this in the “General Settings” section. Otherwise, you will not have access to the relevant documents.

In the "Payroll" section, check the box as shown in the image below. It is he who is responsible for the capabilities of payroll accounting for separate divisions.

Now we can begin to create and configure separate units.

Let’s assume that the Kopleksny trading house has a separate division in the city of Klin. To reflect this in the program, we need to set a flag on the item of the same name in the card of this unit.

In the “Tax Inspectorate” section, we can create another Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, to which reports from this division will be submitted. Let's indicate that its number will be 5099. In the future, we will look at how this will look using the example of a personal income tax certificate.

Personal income tax reporting for separate divisions

Before forming any amount on employee wages, it must be accrued. This can be done in the “Salaries and Personnel” - “All Accruals” section.

First, we created a payroll document for August 2017 for the Kompleksny trading house, indicating a separate division in the city of Klin.

Only one employee was included in the tabular section - Vasily Stepanovich Petrov. He worked the entire month, for which he was paid a salary of 60,000 rubles.

Let’s assume that this employee also works in the head division of the Kompleksny trading house, which is not separate. In August 2017, he also worked the entire month and received a salary of 80,000 rubles.

It turns out that employee Vasily Stepanovich Petrov worked simultaneously in both the head office and a separate unit. Let's consider how these data will be reflected in the 2-NDFL certificate, which can also be found in the “Salaries and Personnel” section.

In the form of generating a certificate, we need to select which Federal Tax Service it is intended for. In the “OKTMO/KPP” field we will indicate the data of the inspection that we indicated earlier in the separate unit card. We will generate a report for 2017, in which the above accrual was made.

As you can see in the figure below, this certificate contains only one line with information about the employee - V.S. Petrov. At the same time, please note that the amount is only 60,000 rubles. The fact is that even though two accruals were made for him, separate reporting is submitted to another tax office.

The printed form of this certificate will also reflect the Federal Tax Service code – 5099.

When selecting other OKTMO/KPP for which there were accruals, our employee will also appear in the tabular section, but with an amount of 80,000 rubles. This data was downloaded from the head office payroll.

Thus, the 1C: Accounting program allows us to keep records and submit tax reports for separate divisions to different tax inspectorates. This mechanism fully complies with the requirements of current legislation.

Before you start setting up the directory of 1C divisions of the PPP (Manufacturing Enterprise Management) configuration, you need to understand the following.

There are two directories describing the divisions of an enterprise in 1C UPP - “Divisions of organizations” and “Divisions”. If you have not yet managed to redo the appearance of the program menu, then “Divisions of Organizations” is located in the menu “Directories/Organizations/Divisions of Organizations”, and the second, respectively, in “Directories/Enterprise/Divisions”.

In my opinion, this is complete idiocy. Programmers should not be allowed to make user interfaces. That’s why 1C UPP users “go crazy” because it’s impossible for a normal person to understand such logic. However, ABBY (the author of the Ukrainian version of Manufacturing Enterprise Management) is hardly interested in this...

Filling out the "Divisions" directory

So, The “main thing” in this situation is the “Divisions” directory. It is in it that you must reflect the actual (managerial) structure of the organization. That is, one that actually exists, informally.

In addition to the name, each unit has parameters. How the records will be kept in relation to a specific unit will depend on what specific parameters will be specified in the future.

Props "View" can take values:

  • Primary production
  • Auxiliary production
  • Other

This classification shows whether it is necessary to take into account the costs that will accumulate in the department directly in the cost of production (production), to take into account in order to distribute them to the cost at the end of the period (auxiliary production), or to consider these costs as period costs (other).

Props "Type of Central Federal District" is used for budgeting processes, so the field can be left blank until budgeting is started.

Filling out the directory "Divisions of organizations"

After you have reflected on the factual side of the issue, we need to think about what our organization looks like from a legal point of view. After all, we may have several legal entities, each of them employs people, they have entries in work books, etc. That's why at the second stage we begin to fill out the directory "Divisions of organizations". That is, for each organization we indicate the legally correct structure, such as it looks in accounting.

Props "Leader" the program will be used to automatically generate documents that require the signature of the head of the department. Please note that the selection of a manager comes from the “Individuals” directory.

Props "View" filled out in the same way as described above in the “Divisions” directory.

Details "Tax purpose" necessary for official accounting (regulated) accounting operations. Typically, if an enterprise is engaged in operations with different tax regimes, then they are separated into different divisions. Thus, when writing off costs for a division, the program “knows” how to take into account the result of such an operation in the future when calculating VAT (and, accordingly, profit).

We connect the management structure of the enterprise with the formal

The third step is to begin “linking” the divisions that we have “formally” in the directory of organizational divisions to the general directory “Divisions”. Thus, we can “gather” all the accountants who are registered in different legal entities into one accounting department, which we actually have.

Of course, if you have one and only organization, then the connection can be “one to one”, or it can be carried out on the basis of the manager’s (owner’s) understanding of the role of each formal position in the informal structure. But this is at your discretion.

In 1C 8.3 Accounting in the latest releases ( and later), it became possible to keep records by separate divisions. First of all, this concerns salary calculation. Now you can prepare and submit personal income tax reports to various tax offices.

Important! This feature is only supported for organizations with fewer than 60 employees.

How to create a separate division in 1C

The necessary settings are specified in the “ ” section (Fig. 1).

In the window that opens, check the desired box (Fig. 3).

After this, in the “Divisions” directory it will be possible to add the details of the corresponding tax office (Fig. 4). In our example, this is inspection code 5031.

Personal income tax reporting for separate divisions

Let's take a closer look at preparing data for generating reporting.

Suppose the Progress organization has two divisions:

  • Basics
  • Separate division

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We will hire two employees. Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov will work in the main division, and Petrov Petrovich will work in a separate one.

We will generate and post two payroll documents for each department separately.

Let's check the date, amount and place of income for I.I. Ivanov (Fig. 5).

Similar data appeared for Petrov P.P. (Fig. 6).

Now you can generate certificates. There are special items in the “Salaries and Personnel” section (Fig. 7).

Figure 8 shows the 2-NDFL certificate form, in which you can select an inspection for OKTMO and checkpoint. It presents data on a separate division (IFTS No. 5031).

If there are no errors when calculating wages, the tabular part is filled in automatically.

In Fig. 9 we see a document for submission to the Federal Tax Service No. 5032.

Thus, two different certificates were generated for different tax authorities.

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One of the constituent elements of the structure of an enterprise of an economic entity is a division of the organization. In the 1C Enterprise Accounting program 8.3. The Division directory is used in all sections of accounting and acts as analytics. It is used as a place for recording fixed assets, a place for the production of finished products or semi-finished products, and as a place of work for employees.

And in this article we will look at how to create a division in 1C accounting.

Divisions are created immediately with reference to a specific organization, therefore, to enter a new element in the Divisions directory, you need to open the organization card, it is available in the Main section. In the card that opens, follow the Divisions link.

The department directory maintains a hierarchical structure. In it, elements can be divided into many groups to which the elements are subordinated, and the directory groups themselves can also subordinate other groups, thereby creating a multi-level hierarchical structure.

You can open a list of all units entered into the 1C database without an established selection by organization through the All functions menu.

To enter a new directory element, use the Create command. In the input window that opens, the fields Name and Organization are required to be filled in (its value is filled in by default with the one from the card from which the transition to the list of departments was made).

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Here you can specify the group to which the created unit will belong. This group is essentially the same element of the directory of divisions, but selected as a superior or general parent element in the created structure. Therefore, it is more convenient to create a higher-level division first. And then enter units at a lower level and indicate the previously created group.

You can change the hierarchy after the divisions have been created. This can be done using the movement buttons located in the command panel (icons in the form of arrows) or by selecting a structure element and dragging it to the desired group. To conveniently view the complete structure of an organization’s divisions, you can use the Tree view mode (menu More → View mode).

In order for one of the divisions in 1C accounting to be inserted into documents when they are created by default, you must designate it as the main one. To do this, you need to select it in the list and use the Use as main command.

If the department is listed as separate, you will need to set the Separate Department flag on the card.

In this case, the form will display additional fields for entering information about such a division. These include data such as: contact details, information about the tax office, statistics codes and signatures of responsible persons. Also, for such divisions, it is possible to enter data into the information register Cash Balance Limits, which is intended to reflect data on the limits of cash balances established by the bank.