
Takmenev children. Vadim Takmenev: biography and his awards

08:40 / 08 Sep. 2014

There are not many programs on Russian television that can be truly interesting to the viewer. And there are not many authors and presenters capable of creating such programs. Of course, such a program is “Central Television” on NTV and such an author and presenter is Vadim Takmenev. By the way, he is a native of Anzhero-Sudzhensk.


Family: wife – Elena; daughters – Polina, Agata

Education: Faculty of Philology and Journalism of Kemerovo State University

  • at the age of 12 he came to work for the Anzhero-Sudzhensk newspaper “Our City”;
  • began his television career with State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Kuzbass";
  • in 1996 he moved to the Siberian bureau of the NTV television company;
  • in 1997, he headed the South Russian Bureau of NTV in Rostov-on-Don;
  • was a correspondent in the programs “Namedni”, “Profession – Reporter”;
  • presenter of the programs “You are a Superstar”, “Central Television”;
  • winner of the TEFI-2005 award in the category “Best Reporter” and TEFI-2014 in the category “Best News Program Presenter”.

About KemSU and friendship at work

Kuzbass resident Vadim Takmenev has long and successfully gone beyond the region and realized himself on a national scale. But the roots... His roots are still here. His parents Anatoly Stepanovich and Valentina Andreevna live in Anzhero-Sudzhensk. Here is his memory of how it all began and what was started and by whom.

– I go to Kemerovo extremely rarely, because in the city itself, except for friends whom I love very much, and the university, where I always go, there is nothing keeping me.

I would like to say something separately about Kemerovo State University. Many of those who work there are not just teachers, they are people very close to me. Some I still call from time to time. With the head of our department, Anatoly Vladimirovich Klishin, we were quite good relations, although he was principled and strict. But over time, I understand him, I myself manage a team of 60 people and I am sure that he had the right position: work and friendship are two different things.

I can be friends at work, but only outside Ostankino. There is no friendship for me here because it always ends with a huge burden on my neck. The fact is that when you try to make some concessions or discounts to your friends, it means that you yourself must do what they won’t do. Well, how can you punish an ordinary employee for some mistake, but not punish a friend? I think this is unfair and wrong. And in this regard, it’s easy for me. Because no matter how friendly I am with a person, in the editorial office our relationship is absolutely business-like, devoid of a friendly touch. It was the same with Klishin. Outside, we could communicate, but when it came to studying, he gave failures and endless absences. We were offended by him. But now I understand that it was all right. And for this I respect him very much.

And Nina Georgievna Gordeeva is generally a brilliant teacher. Thanks largely to her, I don’t have problems with the Russian language, which is, of course, very important in my work. And to this day, if I have any linguistic doubts, I can call Nina Georgievna.

About Moscow

Everyone has their own path from home. For Vadim, this is the path from the city newspaper of Anzhero-Sudzhensk to the federal television channel.

– I never had plans to move to the capital, but I had a desire to pursue this profession. If there were goals, they were short-term: to really work in a newspaper - that’s what happened. Do good material- that's what happened. Going to university - that's what happened. Study and work - that's what happened. It was a gradual process. Then I went to work in Rostov-on-Don, and then to the capital, where I have lived for 18 years.

All this is nonsense, that development can only be done in Moscow. Believe me, I have seen plenty of examples where a person, having achieved certain heights at home, vegetates here in some lower positions. That's all. Was it worth it? When moving to the capital is an end in itself, as a rule, nothing works out. When you are busy with business, and you have one goal - to leave, leave, leave - you will not achieve anything. Because you can’t put down roots in the profession. But you need to do the opposite: first you put down roots, and then you begin to grow. It doesn’t happen any other way in nature.

About women and journalism

Vadim’s wife and two daughters already give him the right to be considered an expert on the fairer sex. And just recently he really considered him weak. And journalism is the destiny of the strong. But everything flows, everything changes...

– Journalism today? I don’t know what to call this period. Maybe this is the effect of the law of waves: sometimes flourishing, sometimes stagnating... No, of course, the profession remains, and there are very good journalists. But everything is still different. I would say (even if it sounds oldish) that in our time there was a different kind of journalism. And then, of course, there were all sorts of subtleties and bad things. But I saw a time when journalism was a powerful mechanism. When you were in it, you were a cog, but you understood that you were a very important cog and you could hardly be taken out. It seems to me that now these gears are very often stamped and molded. Sometimes they can be pulled out and connected to others without any problems. And this is their main problem. Although there are people who refute the axiom “there are no irreplaceable people,” because journalism still rests on personalities.

Nowadays there are a lot of girls working in editorial offices. It’s a little more difficult with them, because you still treat them like girls, you feel sorry for putting them in danger and sending them on a business trip, say, to the Maidan. Here specific example from life: for several weeks in a row we have had a topic in Miami two days before the broadcast. And how can you manage to make sure that the correspondent flies (and it’s only a 13-hour flight one way), shoots a story, and manages to return during this time? Hard. Only girls can cope with such hell in our program. Maybe I'm getting older or wiser, but if I used to say that reporting work is not suitable for the weaker sex, I wouldn't make such harsh statements now. In our program, first of all, both planes and girls, because these girls build these planes and fly them. And I can’t imagine how to live and work in this program and profession without women.

In general, I work and enjoy it. No one forces me to do unnecessary or unloved things. I am very pleased with my profession in precisely the aspect of what I do: author and presenter of the Central Television program. I'm happy with everything.

About "Central Television"

There are a lot of shows on television: reality, music, and talk shows. But for now we only have one informational one. And I’m glad that it continues to grow, constantly offering the viewer something new.

– It’s good that we manage to offer the viewer both some entertaining and some serious things. This format turned out to be very productive, so “natural”. There is hard news, there are also certain touches of life that the reporters of our program deal with, and there is also a relationship to some topics through objects and props. Guests come to us. Sometimes music appears. This is an information show as we imagine it. And the beauty of this format is that there is not a single topic that would be inappropriate for the project, because, for example, the news cannot turn on a song that everyone has long forgotten, or invite guests. And with us everything is possible. There are practically no boundaries for form and content in our show.

As for our audience, there is a fairly large part of women 50+, there are girls with higher education. There are men. It’s unlikely that teenagers watch us all the time, but they appear sometimes. Each member of our team creates a story for the audience that interests him. He thinks: this will be interesting to my parents, and this will be interesting to the children. In one episode there is a story inspired by Facebook - and these are our friends and our generation. Next is a folk story - for a more mature audience. Then popular material. There is an exclusive that will interest everyone. We are also adding a highlight of the week for those interested in the social and cultural life of the country.

About Putin

Takmenev has many meetings with significant people: Dmitry Medvedev, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Naina Yeltsina, Philip Kirkorov, Joseph Kobzon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and these are very difficult personalities and very interesting interlocutors. But three days with the president stand apart in this list of journalistic successes.

– In 2012, the Central Television program managed to spend several days with Vladimir Putin and show him in everyday life. The idea was mine. Apparently, I was the first journalist who came to the president with such a proposal (the rest considered it simply impossible), and Vladimir Vladimirovich supported us.

I treated this, of course, status hero as to the common man, like anyone else with whom I would do an interview. Yes, of course, there is a protocol and standards of communication, but at the same time I felt ordinary human interest on the part of the president. Because many moments in the plot arose spontaneously; there was no approved script. Of course, some key points were planned (filming location, for example, or thematic focus). But what was inside happened thanks to the president himself and his press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

I can call this story a journalistic success. We didn’t want to talk about the president’s life in clerical language – and we succeeded. If I could repeat this story, I would do it exactly the same. Maybe a little more carefully at the final stage, because from the moment I sat down to write until the broadcast, I only had 10 hours. During this time, it was necessary to prepare 56 minutes of airtime. We made them with the help of people who transcribed, edited, and broadcast them. But I'm glad that everything worked out for us.

About victories

Victories can be perceived as a result, a takeoff, or they can be perceived as a step, a process. Everyone decides for themselves what is closer to them: to see only the final goal or to rejoice at every step taken. What does the TEFI award winner think about this...

– I probably have a non-standard idea of ​​victories. For me everything is a victory. For example, we wanted to find a girl who cried after the Olympics, but not because she was offended or made to cry, but because she was upset that the fairy tale was ending. We didn’t even know what to call the child, but we found her anyway, and she (her name is Ksyusha) is on our air, and it was a huge victory.

The mayor appears on our program Nizhny Novgorod, who is accused of having a huge fortune and several villas in France. You can ask him questions directly. How he answers them is his business, but the main thing is that he is in our studio and is ready to communicate. And this is also a big victory.

In general, victory is a concept that for me personally is exempt from status of any kind. There are no non-status heroes. In specific materials, even the smallest heroes whom no one knows can become the highest status people for this program. Therefore, all that we achieved were common victories and victories for each of us. Because, I hope, each of us lives and works so that the program does not look embarrassing. The discovery of a particular person results in the discovery of the entire team. Yes, I like victories, but they happen every day and for every person. And if there are no victories, you need to get up, leave, close the door behind you - and do something else.

Photo from the personal archive of Vadim Takmenev.

Vadim Takmenev is one of the permanent presenters of the NTV channel, but viewers of other “buttons” also know him as a bright journalist, an uncompromising TV presenter, but at the same time correct and sensitive to his interlocutor, a true patriot who knows how to distinguish lies from sincerity. But little is known about him as a person. So who is he - Vadim Takmenev, where was he born, how did he build his career, who surrounds him in his personal life?

Biography of TV presenter Vadim Takmenev

Vadim Anatolyevich Takmenev was born in Kemerovo region, in the city of Anzhero-Sudzhensk, in November 1974. His parents were average Soviet people, his father worked in construction, his mother was in charge of a kindergarten.

As a child, the boy decided on a profession - he decided to become a surgeon, following the example of his aunt, who often took little Vadim with her to work. He simply dreamed of healing and was even once able to make an accurate diagnosis to one of his classmates.

Vadim also “voraciously” watched all the programs of the VID television company without exception; he loved “Vzglyad” most of all. It was this passion that brought him to the editorial office of a small newspaper. hometown, where he received his first journalistic experience, and it fascinated him no less than medicine.

Career of Vadim Takmenev

Vadim finally decided on his profession in high school. In parallel with school, he attended journalism courses, and immediately after graduation, he applied for admission to the Faculty of Journalism at Kemerovo University. Already in his 4th year, the young man became an official correspondent for the NTV channel in its Kemerovo representative office. And after just two years of work, he was transferred to Rostov, where a young talented journalist headed the channel’s news bureau.

In 2000, Takmenev left his favorite channel, unable to find common language with new management. For three years he worked at TV-6 and collaborated with the German TV channel TVS. But after Leonid Parfenov came to NTV, he returned to the channel’s team. Now Vadim Takmenev is not only the permanent presenter of several programs at once, but also serves as a special correspondent.

Works of Vadim Takmenev

Vadim's creative victories are no less significant than his journalistic victories. He has produced several historical documentaries that tell the story of modern history Russia, made several mini-films about life famous people and stars.

Personal life of presenter Vadim Takmenev

Vadim is married to a fellow student - he and his future wife Elena studied together at Kemerovo University. They got married very young, back in 1995. The couple has two children – daughters Polina and Agatha.

Polina decided to make her dad’s childhood dream come true and become a doctor. The girl studies at medical university in Vienna. The youngest daughter of Vadim and Elena Takmenev chose a different path - she is mastering the tourism and hotel business in Singapore.

In 2014, Vadim Anatolyevich Takmenev was recognized as the best presenter of information programs on Russian television. A native of the Kemerovo region began his journalistic career while still a sixth-grader, and since then he has been constantly increasing his professional rating, in every possible way denying the role of luck in his own destiny.

Vadim Takmenev was born on November 14, 1974 in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, far from the capital. His parents were far from journalism. My father worked as a builder, and my mother ran a kindergarten. Vadim loved watching TV, but most of all the boy was attracted not by cartoons or action films, but by the information program “Time”. He really liked reports from the scene, interviews and stories from correspondents. There was no television studio in which Vadim could try his hand at Anzhero-Sudzhensk at that time, but the city newspaper “Fight for Coal”, or, in local terms, “borbushka” (which is still published under the completely neutral name “Our city"). One day, sixth-grader Vadik Tekmenev went to the editorial office of the “fight”, surprising all the employees with the statement that he wanted to write. The result of the negotiations was the note “We are going to the circus,” under which Vadik for the first time saw his last name printed in typographic font. However, medicine could become a serious rival to journalism in Vadim’s life. His aunt worked as a surgeon, and the boy often looked into her office and read with enthusiasm medical literature. He tormented those around him with increased demands for sanitation and hygiene, but one day appearance classmate was able to determine that he was starting to have hepatitis, and he called a doctor to see him. However, after finishing

school, Vadim became a student at the Faculty of Journalism at Kemerovo State University. In addition to university studies, he participated in many student events, in particular, he was a frequent visitor to the student theater "Lozha", which was directed by the famous playwright, and then a student of the philology department, Evgeniy Grishkovets. It was he who introduced Vadim to beautiful girl Elena, who also studied at the philology department. Since then, Vadim and Elena have been together all the time, they have two daughters growing up - Agata and Polina.

Even before receiving his diploma, Vadim Takmenev began reporting for radio and television, then became the author and presenter of the Kuzbass OTRK news block. By the time he graduated from university in 1996, the young journalist already had enough experience to join the Siberian branch of the NTV channel, cooperation with which launched his successful television career. In 1997, Takmenev was transferred to work in Rostov-on-Don, where he became the head of the South Russian branch of NTV. Although such an appointment should have been considered as a promotion, for Vadim it was, first of all, a period of very hard work. The South Russian bureau created 300 stories a year, and correspondents had to go on business trips several times a week. However, in 2001, after a change in the ownership of NTV, Takmenev, together with a group of colleagues, moved to TV-6, worked as a specialist

a national correspondent for TVS in Germany, created reports for the “Itogi” and “Now” programs. Vadim Takmenev's return to NTV occurred in the summer of 2003 after the closure of the TVS channel. He received a personal invitation from Leonid Parfenov and began working in his rating program “Namedni”. In the fall of 2004, after the closure of the Namedni program, Takmenev became part of the team working on the Profession Reporter program. This program became the second version of Leonid Parfenov’s project with the same name, and provided half-hour films of an information and entertainment nature. However, one of Vadim Takmenev’s first films, called “You’re welcome,” was far from the entertainment genre. He talked about real prisoners awaiting pardon. The professionalism and high moral level of this work brought the journalist his first award - “Symbol of Freedom”. Takmenev’s films “Electroshock” (dedicated to an accident in the capital’s power grids), “Black September” (about the Beslan tragedy), as well as “The Secret Life of the Pope,” “I’m Leaving,” dedicated to the death of Boris Yeltsin and other works also caused a great resonance. In 2005, Vadim Takmenev was awarded the TEFI Prize as the best reporter.

Although Takmenev has repeatedly stated that he was not created for the show genre, in February 2007 he became a participant in the program " Main character and regular author of the column "Big

musical adventure." The format of this section was a report about a performer or musical group, which ends with a previously unperformed concert number. From the same year, Takmenev began collaborating with the Superstar program, creating short films about the stars represented in the program, who were demonstrated before the start of their performances, then, together with the singer Lolita, he began to act as a presenter. In addition to his work in the show genre, Takmenev was the host of a live broadcast of Pugacheva and Galkin on the NTV channel in April 2012. In parallel with these projects, the famous reporter and TV presenter became. the author of a new program called "Central Television", which began airing in 2013 and included reports on the most significant and most interesting events of the past week, interviews with political leaders, others significant people. “Central Television” was called the best Sunday program, which could easily compete with Parfyonov’s “Namedni”, and Vadim Takmenev was awarded the TEFI award as the best TV presenter in 2014. Since the fall of 2014, Takmenev began a new project on NTV - the evening information show "Anatomy of the Day", which includes a number of main areas related to politics, economics, natural phenomena, new trends, etc., and is broadcast in live for different time zones.

Russian television journalist, multiple winner of TEFI awards.

Vadim Takmenev. Biography

Vadim Anatolyevich Takmenev born on November 14, 1974 in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region, into the family of a builder and the head of a kindergarten. Parents did not push their son to choose the profession of journalist. At a young age, he became seriously interested in the program “Vzglyad,” which was very popular among television audiences, and decided to write his first notes. So, as a sixth-grader, he began collaborating with the local “Fight for Coal” (later the newspaper changed its name to “Our City”).

At the same time, Vadim graduated from the school for young correspondents. Then in 1996 he received a diploma from Kemerovo state university, where he studied journalism and immediately began working on radio and television.

Vadim Takmenev. Career

Vadim Takmenev While still a student, he was the author and presenter of a news program on the Kuzbass State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company until 1995, and a year later he moved to the Siberian bureau of the NTV television company. In 1997, at the age of 23, he headed the South Russian regional bureau of the NTV television company in Rostov-on-Don.

Vadim Takmenev: “I’ve definitely never been lazy. I remember how we worked in Rostov. Our bureau produced up to 300 stories a year. Business trips were two or three times a week. This is not my workaholism, this is how the system was. They tore their claws for the sake of the NTV logo - the green ball, which was the standard of the profession.”

When the Gazprom corporation bought the NTV channel, Takmenev, in the company of colleagues, worked as a special correspondent on air for programs on TV-6 and TVS (in Germany). In 2003, at the invitation of Leonid Parfenov, the journalist returned to NTV, where he worked as a special correspondent both in the channel’s news programs and the program “Namedni”, and received the “Symbol of Freedom” badge for professional excellence and a high moral note of journalistic work after the premiere of his film “You are welcome” .

In the 2000s, the journalist created documentary films and programs within the NTV channel "Welcome" about prisoners "Electroshock" about disasters at power plants, "Black September" about the tragedy in Beslan. Particularly popular programs of Vadim Takmenev are the film "The Secret Life of the Pope" about the hidden work of the Vatican and " I'm leaving" about the last years of the life of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

Vadim Takmenev: “It seems to me that the crisis of the reporting genre on television is really big. I judge by the specific works of my colleagues in the regions. There are, of course, exceptions, but if you take almost any television company outside the Moscow Ring Road, you can see that people there have drowned in a swamp of unprofessionalism. Clumsy language, protocol layout, lack of structure and dramaturgy of the plot. You need to talk about the topic in a way that only a journalist can do, but they are trying to tell me about the event in the language of a fifth grader. Sometimes I have a sneaking suspicion that the women on the bench tell much more interesting stories than such journalists. I don't know what this is connected with. Maybe because now this profession is not prestigious financially.”

Vadim Takmenev- one of the authors of the series “Profession - Reporter” (since September 2004). Since 2007, he has appeared in the show “The Main Hero” on NTV as the author of the “Great Musical Adventure” column. Since August 2010, he began working as the presenter of the information and analytical program “Central Television,” which became the best program of the season according to the “Telepress Club” in 2011 and in 2016 was recognized as the best in its segment at the TEFI award ceremony. Vadim's co-host was Anna Kasterova.

Vadim Takmenev is a multiple winner of TEFI awards (2005, 2014 and 2016). In total, the journalist has five treasured figurines.

As part of the Central Television program, which mainly covered the political life of Russia and abroad, Vadim Takmenev had the opportunity to meet with Russian leader Vladimir Putin during the filming of a report for the Central Television program “A Day with the President.” The journalist also managed to talk with Alexander Lukashenko at the day of the meeting of the Belarusian president with representatives of the Russian media.

In addition, Vadim hosted the music show “Superstar” (2008) on the NTV channel, dedicated to pop figures of the not so distant past. Then the program began to air under the name “NTV Concert Hall”.

Vadim Takmenev: Some colleagues reproach me for going into showmanship! To such statements I would like to say: “Take it and try it yourself!” The first Superstar was gentle for me. Then the presenters were Zheleznyak and Zhigunov, and I improvised in separate monologues. But finding myself in the studio in front of the audience as a presenter with Lolita, I literally turned myself inside out. Showman is a separate profession. But you always need to develop. Moreover, there are a lot of opportunities to express yourself on TV. Both behind the scenes and on camera, in the studio. Why not expand your professional palette?

From September 2014 to the end of 2015, Takmenev was the author and director of the NTV news program “ Anatomy of the day", since September 2016 he took up " Results of the day».

At the end of 2014, the presenters of “Anatomy of the Day” and “Central Television” took part in conducting New Year's Eve NTV channel "Anatomy of the Year". In addition to holding the festive event, the presenters also took part in a number of creative numbers in the show program. For example, Vadim Takmenev sang a duet with Taisiya Povaliy.

In February 2017, Vadim Takmenev became the host and co-producer of the international children's vocal competition “You are super!” " - a social musical project in which children from orphanages from all over take part former USSR. On February 10, 2018, the second season of the project “You are super!” starts. "

Vadim Takmenev about the project “You are Super!”: “We announced the casting on air, and hundreds of orphanages responded to our call. We received about 800 applications in which managers social institutions they write that they have talented children who do not have the opportunity, including financial, to take part in talent shows, of which there are now plenty on modern TV. Children can expect not only filming of the program and rehearsals. We will organize training for them school curriculum and we will prepare a lot of surprises.”

Vadim Takmenev. Personal life

Vadim is married. He has two daughters - the eldest Polina and the youngest Agatha.

Takmenev owes his acquaintance with his future wife to a graduate of the philological department, Evgeniy Grishkovets. It was he who organized a party at the Lodge theater, where Kemerovo University students Vadim, who was then mastering the profession of a journalist, and Elena, who was studying to be a philologist, met. A year later, in 1995, they got married.

January 31, 2018

The TV presenter talks about how the show “You’re Super!” changed him, about his growing daughters, the value of a breath of country air on a day off, the secrets of a strong marriage and Ulyanovsk cadets.

On February 10, a new season of the vocal show “You are Super!” will begin on NTV. This is more than just a project for aspiring singers: it involves children from orphanages and foster families from the countries of the former USSR (and now also from Syria). Host and co-producer of “You’re Super!” told TV Program why it’s worth watching the program this time too.

— What is the difference between the second season and the first?

— I think, first of all, as a member of the jury. Mostly these will be new people (one of them is a singer. - Author). We will get completely new emotions within the project. New participants watched the first season and know the preferences of the members of that jury, their reactions, etc. But now the atmosphere will be completely unpredictable for them. For me, however, too.

— Was it easier to carry out the casting? Before the first season, you said that in some countries there were difficulties in relations with officials.

— In a certain number of countries, problems remain. For example, in those countries that are European - the same Baltic states. As for Russia, the CIS countries or, say, Syria, there were no problems. They know the project. People understand that it ingeniously combines a television product with all its laws - it must be watched, it must be of interest - and social function. Our goal is to lend a hand to children and give them the opportunity to look at life with completely different eyes. This function has developed to incredible proportions and covered any laws of the television business.

Saturday evenings Elena and Vadim while away the fireplace in their country house. Yorkshire
Shelley the terrier is always nearby. Photo: Personal archive

“Personally, I manage to communicate with many people, and the guys who make the documentary part of the project still communicate with everyone. We meet in Moscow with those who have entered the vocal department to study educational institutions. They come to me from time to time on the air of “Central Television” and talk about their successes. We also know about those who remained in their regions - who is in the family, and who, on the contrary, still does not communicate with the parents who abandoned them. We know everything about everyone.

— I saw Lera not so long ago. Her life didn’t just work out - it was enchanting! She goes on tour, in Abkhazia she is simply a folk hero. Busy from morning to evening. Thank God that she also has time to study general education subjects. There is no doubt that her career as a vocalist is one hundred percent successful. She stretched out and became much more mature. Now he lives in a family with his parents. They have a big beautiful apartment. She's doing great.

“I have never been shy about my emotions”

— When the final was shown, everyone cried - the jury members, the audience in the hall. What shocked you so much that you also couldn’t contain your emotions?

“I have never been shy about my emotions. I can't say that there was anything that shocked me more about this project than anything else in my television life. I will say one thing: I am always shocked when I don’t see artificiality; when natural emotions, feelings, experiences occur before my eyes. In "You're Super!" the concentration of natural emotions is off the charts, which is why I like this project so much. I love him madly.

A vacation on the ocean helps recharge your batteries after a long shift. Photo: Personal archive

— Can we say that this project made you different?

- It’s already difficult to change me. But this project still changed me! I live as a full-fledged family - with my beloved wife and two daughters. But life goes by at such a pace that we don’t spend much time with each other. And when I started working on this project, I realized that we were a little irresponsible towards our own family - believing that this was how it should be. The project changed both my children and my wife. Despite the fact that the daughters are far outside Russia, they followed the broadcasts. And since then we began to notice that we were calling each other not once every three days, but every day. We began to take an interest in the smallest events in each other's lives.

“We were incredibly happy on New Year’s Day”

— Since we’re talking about your daughters, how are they doing, are they getting married?

— U senior classes Medicine does not leave any time for personal life. But everything is great with her profession: she is now actively engaged in practice, working in medical institutions in Austria. The youngest daughter, who studies in Singapore, has a friend who lives in Moscow. But, thank God, there is social media: They are still in a relationship. Now she is going on a long internship in Asia and will go to work in some hotel.

— When your eldest daughter arrives, is she already treating you?

- Gives recommendations. But, I must admit, the European point of view on health is a little different than ours. She inspires us that we don’t need to self-medicate on every occasion. Every time he comes, he empties our medicine cabinet and throws it away.

Daughters Agata (left) and Polina have already fluttered out of their parents' nest, so every meeting with them is a big holiday. Photo: Personal archive

New Year celebrated together?

- Yes, it was great happiness. There were no strangers, not even close, beloved friends. By the way, probably “You are super!” also influenced this. For many years, the children enjoyed their independence - even when they came for the New Year, they celebrated it with their friends. And now no one forced them, it was very important for them to celebrate the New Year with their family.

— Does the thought that girls will sooner or later have their own families hurt you as a father?

- Oh no! Both my wife and I fled our family nests early. For us it really is absolutely natural course life. On the contrary, I don’t really understand families where daughters and sons are 26 years old, and they live with their parents. We are glad that our children are independent. The main thing is that the absolutely visible thread of communication between family members is never interrupted. Nowadays, it doesn’t matter how many thousands of kilometers you are. Every day we can turn on the phone, video broadcast, etc. We look at each other and joke. We can have dinner together with the phone on the table.

Photo: NTV

“Talk shows are not about digging through dirty laundry.”

- Last year you had another new project - the talk show “Special Issue”. An interesting attempt to do something shameless in a deliberately scandalous genre. Why did the experiment end so quickly?

- To my great regret, I did not calculate my strength. I proved to myself that I can exist in this format. Spiteful critics say that we have not achieved the numbers that other channels have in these formats. But in fact, we closed at the peak, the numbers were quite high. And this format, of course, does not take two to four weeks for the viewer to get used to it. I did not play the role of a presenter, but simply lived inside this project. Basically, I didn’t read the script plans. If the program ended with some result, for example, the publication of the results of a DNA test, from which it was clear who was right and who was wrong, I did not watch it all and demanded that no one tell me anything. I set myself the task, together with the viewer, to come to some conclusion through the experience. And then understand whether I was wrong or not. But there was one big mistake in this: this project exhausted me so much that I could not do any other projects. And considering that, in addition to Central Television, I still have a sufficient number of projects and a lot of administrative work, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to change the presenter. But in the end, a friendly decision was made: to close the project.

Vadim and his freshly caught tuna. What else is needed for happiness? Photo: Personal archive

— I understand that you will never speak publicly about your colleagues in your life. But aren't you surprised by where the daytime talk show format is heading in our country?

- These are all conversations of people who do not follow similar shows in other countries. Everywhere there are such formats when, with varying degrees of emotional degree, as they say, “digging into dirty laundry" But this is not digging through dirty laundry, this is an attempt to get to the truth. Yes, there are some laws for this format, sometimes they are strict. But to get to the truth, you have to do this too. After the “Special Issue” I will say one thing: I do not feel sorry for my colleagues, but I bow to them. To work in this format for a year, two, five, ten years - you need to have such strength! Such an inner core! And then, let's have some garlic. If the viewer watches it, it means he needs it.

— When it broke out before your eyes, did you experience professional joy? Fighting for ratings is a good thing, right?

- No no! At this moment I feel discomfort because I put one and the other in an awkward position. Perhaps that’s why I didn’t want to continue working in this format. I'm willing to dig into the details—yellow, white, miscellaneous—but I'm not really willing to embarrass people. So this job is not for me.

“You shouldn’t consider people stupid cattle”

- But for many years you have had “Central Television” - a program in some sense of a socio-political nature. And the year will be busy in terms of such events. Are you looking forward to the drive?

- Are you hinting at? I’ll tell you, I have enough drive every year, and it doesn’t matter what the focus is on the presidential elections in Russia, America, or any other event of the week. Saturday and “Central Television” are incredible adrenaline and drive. As soon as this passes, the program will be closed immediately.

“For so many years, you have probably developed a keen sense of events. In your opinion, why did the stupid video of the Ulyanovsk cadets receive such a response? You also noticed it in your program.

“The editor-in-chief comes to me and says: “Listen, everyone is discussing the video of the Ulyanovsk cadets.” And I: “What’s wrong with that? Well, we were fooling around." And live on Far East we left without this story. After that, I open social networks and see that a huge number of people are making videos in support of these cadets. There was no limit to my indignation when I saw that the prosecutor’s office was starting to check that the governor had reacted. And I realized that I wanted to say about this: “Friends, since you are worried about the honor of this cap, take better care of the conditions under which the representatives of this cap learn their profession.” A monstrous existence in a stable where the toilets look like a stable. This should have hooked you, and not that these cadets made a bad joke. I emphasize: perhaps unsuccessfully. But they were joking! And this topic has already appeared on Moscow air.

“Maybe the Ulyanovsk cadets were wrong, but what happened next was insanity,” the presenter believes. And he also danced a little, boldly throwing off his tie. Photo:, NTV

- And you danced too, but very modestly - you just took off your tie. And if they danced more dashingly, they would also become a YouTube hero.

— And I didn’t strive to be a YouTube hero. I don’t think the cadets wanted it either; it happened by accident. That's why I didn't take off my shirt or my entire host costume.

— And if the situation was favorable and it was artistically justified, would you take this radical step?

- Yes. If it was important, I would do it.

— Does the flurry of parodies in defense of the boys mean that our civil society has matured?

“This suggests that we shouldn’t call the majority of people in our country stupid cattle.” It is natural that everyone was divided into two halves. Someone began to write that with this video the cadets disgraced the honor of their uniform. Why don't people have the right to think like that? I believe that they have. And a huge part of people began filming their own videos in defense of these cadets. There would not have been these clips if there had not been a senile reaction from the official bodies. What the hell is a prosecutor's check?! What is the corpus delicti?! It was precisely this insanity that gave birth, in fact, to the response.

“Molecatchers are important people to me.”

— Some time ago you moved to the Takmenevs’ country estate. Has something changed in your life?

— There is no estate there, there is a small house. But for me everything is very comfortable there. If I don't spend at least a few hours outside the city, my next week will be very difficult. Now, if I am offered to meet on Saturday - to go to a karaoke club or restaurant, I always have another side of the scale in life: to spend this time in silence with my beloved wife and with my wonderful dog, with a cup of coffee or tea, fresh air. As a rule, the scale called “country weekend” tips the scales in 99% of cases. Now I know less and less about fashionable restaurants in Moscow. I generally don’t go to karaoke, which I used to really love.

Vadim Takmenev’s program “Central Television” has been broadcast on NTV for the eighth year in a row. Photo: Personal archive

From Monday to Saturday I am at work. I have an apartment next to the television center. It’s now eight o’clock in the evening, I still have a lot of things to do, I’m at Ostankino. I'll leave at about ten o'clock, half past eleven. I’ll get to the apartment and talk to my wife. I'll drink a cup of coffee and go to bed. In the morning, as soon as I wake up, I brush my teeth and go straight to work. I am not interested in either the renovation or whether trees were planted on the Garden Ring between the lanes. Because I know that when the week ends, I will find a window when there are no traffic jams and get to my house. My phone doesn't work very well there, so I'll disconnect from external life and spend time by the fireplace. That's all, actually.

— Are you planting radishes or digging in the ground?

- No, my wife does this. He is engaged in breeding some special carrots, dill, new types of pumpkin, raspberries, and strawberries. And I’m worried about the lawn, about the apple trees. I'm fighting moles. I now have friends who are written down in their phones: “Molecatchers.” For me they are very important people.

I generally don’t go to karaoke, which I used to really love. Country house outweighs!

— You and Elena have been together for 23 years, in two years you have a silver wedding. You are at work all the time, how can your wife put up with you all these years? And what is the happiness of your family based on? Sorry for the pretentious verb.

— Using your terminology, this is precisely what it is based on. I spend a huge amount of time at work. Lena used to take care of children. Now he takes care of himself and his home. And the house is now not only in Moscow, there are enough worries. And when we meet, we meet both for the first and last time. The amount of time allotted for our communication is so short that there are no minutes left for any scandals or disputes. We're just enjoying life.

— The last time you quarreled was probably when you were young?

- Come on, there are quarrels. But they are so insignificant! “Let me plant raspberries here.” - “Go with your raspberries, there will be a lawn here.” This is, in fact, the level of quarrels.

For the sake of his favorite channel, the TV presenter is ready to be fearless. Or even reckless. Photo: NTV

“This is more of an example of love rather than a quarrel.”

- No, for us this is a quarrel. But it is so trivial that after exactly five minutes there is no trace left.

—Are you a fit-for-life person? Are you trusted to nail something or wash dishes?

- What do you mean - trust? For me, order in everyday life is important. I do not tolerate chaos anywhere: neither in life nor in work. Therefore, if I really need to hammer a nail, hang a shelf or put away dirty dishes, then believe me, I don’t wait for a command. I always do this because chaos for me is tantamount to the destruction of my comfort.

— After so many years of marriage, are you still ready to surprise each other? Or is 23 years together a stage when the task of surprising is no longer there?

- Well, I don’t know who sets such tasks. But there is always the opportunity to surprise. And I always take advantage of this opportunity.

— Do you often give flowers?

- Often enough. Sometimes I can do it for no reason, just like that. So I stop by the store for groceries and see a stunning bouquet of flowers that I really like. And I want my wife to see this beauty. I buy this bouquet, bring it and give it as a gift.

— Last year, when you were 42, you said that you still feel like a youth. Something has changed? Maybe now you finally feel like a mature husband who has the right to teach young people, give advice, and speak in aphorisms?

“I don’t feel the need to teach young people.” This comes up naturally when I see a young employee nearby who just needs to explain something. But at the same time, I don’t transfer this process to myself in the form of the fact that I have become such a mature husband in every sense of the word that I have to do this on every corner with or without reason. And if there is an opportunity to feel like a youth, when a young man or girl - colleagues who work with me - decided to teach me something, I happily enjoy this process too.

Private bussiness

Vadim Takmenev was born in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region in 1974. Graduated from the journalism department of Kemerovo State University. In the structure of NTV since 1996. He made stories for the news programs “Today” and “Itogi”, participated in the projects “Profession - Reporter”, “Main Character”. Since 2007 - author and presenter of the information show "Central Television", since February 2017 he has been hosting the show "". Three-time winner of the TEFI award.

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