
Money tree talisman in Feng Shui. Where should the money tree be?

Evergreen, which is popular due to its unpretentiousness and decorativeness, will decorate an apartment, country house, or office. It is believed that it cleanses the surrounding space of negative energy, gives positive emotions, but most importantly, it can bring monetary well-being and happiness to the one who raised him.

Is this really so, you can verify by planting it at home, using instructions and tips on how to plant correctly Money Tree, as well as observing Feng Shui rituals.

Money tree: description of the flower

It belongs to the genus of succulents and has more than 350 species. Its botanical name is Crassula (lat. Crassula). Translated, “crassus” means “thick,” which is why the flower is also called Crassula.

  • The appearance corresponds to the name: a thick short trunk holds a lush green mass consisting of fragile branches and fleshy dense leaf plates oval shape, located at right angles to each other. Glossy emerald green leaves measuring 3-7 cm resemble coins.
  • While the tree is young, it has a grassy green trunk. As it matures, it develops bark. gray, it becomes powerful, stable, able to hold a large number of crown branches.
  • In nature, the Money Tree grows in South Africa, Madagascar and other places in the Southern Hemisphere. Under natural conditions it reaches a height of 3 m; at home - its dimensions range from a few cm to 1.5 m.
  • It blooms very rarely, but profusely. This usually happens at 5-7 years of age with careful care, compliance with certain temperature and humidity conditions and lighting. tender, small, white, yellow or pink, collected in inflorescences, exude a sweetish cloying aroma. It is believed that if Crassula blooms, it will bring the owners enormous material abundance and the fulfillment of their cherished desires.

Money tree as a talisman to attract money

Crassula is grown not only as a beautiful ornamental plant, many believe that it brings wealth. It’s not for nothing that they call it the Money Tree.

In order for happy hopes to come true, you must follow the rules:

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

How to plant a money tree at home?

Although the Money Tree is unpretentious, takes root well, grows quickly, and is easy to care for, it still needs help with proper agricultural technology. By choosing the right soil, container, planting time, knowing the features of watering, you get a healthy and beautiful plant.

Selection of planting material

To propagate the Money Tree, cuttings, leaves and seeds are used. Propagation by seeds is a very labor-intensive process, so it is not used in amateur floriculture.

The most common way is:

A type of propagation by leaf is the method of sprouting “babies”. These are leaves with thin roots-layers, formed on an adult bush. They fall to the ground and take root on their own. You need to carefully take the rooted leaf along with a small lump of earth or pick it from the mother plant and plant it in a separate container.

Soil selection

The money tree grows well in any soil. You can buy ready-made soil in the store. Any universal soil will do, most the best option- mixture for cacti and succulents.

must have the following properties:

  • loose, light, porous;
  • slightly sour, close to neutral (ph 6.3-6.8);
  • should not contain water-retaining components such as peat, moss.

If it is not possible to buy ready-made soil, then it is easy to make it yourself.

To do this you will need:

  • turf land (1 part);
  • calcined coarse sand (1 part);
  • leaf soil (3 parts);
  • a handful of humus, broken bricks, ash.

Mix all components thoroughly.

Which pot should I plant the Money Tree in?

Housewives who begin to replant a tree sprout are wondering - what pot should it be replanted into?

Young Fat Women on initial stage development is planted in small pots with a diameter of 5-7 cm. They can be either ceramic or plastic. As it develops, the trunk thickens and the green ground part grows.

The Money Tree's root system is superficial and its crown is massive, so when choosing a pot it is important to ensure stability for the plant. A plastic pot for a large bush is not the best option; it is too light and can tip over.

Starting from the age of 3, low, wide pots made of clay or ceramics are most suitable. These containers are heavy enough to hold a powerful plant. The roots breathe better in them, excess moisture does not stagnate and evaporates through the pores. The diameter of the pot should be approximately the same as the diameter of the crown.

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“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they yielded more than usual. And they did not suffer from late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth to garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the number of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

When to plant Crassula?

In autumn and winter, the Money Tree’s growth slows down and it “hibernates”.Therefore, January and February are not the best months for planting.IN In spring, life processes begin to intensify, and from late April to August it can be planted in the soil.

Folk signs attach great importance to planting in accordance with lunar calendar. This affects the survival rate, rooting and development of the plant. After the new moon, days come favorable for planting. Early in the morning on the “growing” moon, Crassula is planted in the ground.

How to plant a money tree?

The money tree is usually planted in a separate pot, gradually forming a trunk and crown. To create original compositions, several trunks are sometimes placed in one wide container.

The main thing is to place them at such a distance that the roots do not intertwine, and during the formation process, trim the branches so that they do not interfere with each other.

When planting, you must follow certain rules:

How to plant a Money Tree according to Feng Shui?

In order for the Money Tree to bestow wealth on its owner, the rules of Feng Shui require a special ritual to be observed when planting, which attracts the energy of money.

To do this you need:

How to care for the Money Tree to attract money?

The Money Tree needs to be carefully looked after, you need to talk to it, and decorate it. Then this living talisman will thank its owner. If the flower looks healthy, it means that the financial condition of the house will soon begin to improve.

Here are some rules of care:

  • The tree should grow in a calm, friendly environment.
  • You need to take care of him with pleasure and love. Do not entrust care to anyone; the plant must know one owner to whom it owes its life and to whom it must thank.
  • You need to talk to him, ask for help to improve well-being, turn in different parts to the light.
  • The room should be clean and quiet. There should be no rubbish, garbage, or unnecessary things near the Crassula.
  • Leaves need to be dusted regularly wet wipe , this allows energy to circulate better.
  • Do not place the Money Tree next to a cactus. This prickly guardian will not allow any energies into his territory, even those promising wealth.
  • When it grows up, decorate its branches with oriental coins with holes, in which a red ribbon is threaded, beads, beads. You can also put paper money, but not curled, but new and straightened.
  • Do not place near water, such as an aquarium. Water extinguishes the fiery energy of money.
  • When the money starts coming in, A dragon should be placed near the tree to protect well-being.

Transplanting a money tree

Over time, the pot in which the Money Tree grows becomes too small for the roots, the soil becomes depleted, loses nutrients, and the need for replanting arises. The first three years during the period of intensive growth is necessary every year. After three years - once every 3 years.

If the Money Tree was purchased in a store and is in a shipping container, then it is replanted 2-3 weeks after purchase. During this time, it adapts to new conditions, microclimate, lighting and can easily transfer to a stationary container.

The pot for replanting should not be too large. In a disproportionate container, the root system will develop to the detriment of the above-ground part. It is advisable to transplant into a pot that is 2 cm in diameter larger than the previous one. This should be done in spring or summer, when the plant is in the active phase of development.

Instructions on how to transplant a Money Tree:

Particular attention should be paid to transplanting a large Money Tree. This is done by transshipment, preserving the earthen lump as much as possible. Large branches are supported to avoid damage. The stems and leaves of Crassula are fragile, so you need to handle it very carefully.

What to do if the Money Tree is broken?

A sprout that is too large should not be torn off, as the tree itself can be damaged. If you are afraid to harm the grass after a break, the place where the tree broke should be sprinkled with charcoal.

In addition, it is imperative to comply with all the conditions for planting the plant so that the tree will take root and contribute to the improvement of the well-being of its owner.

Planting and growing a Money Tree is not difficult and anyone can do it. You just need to know certain rules, rituals and follow them. Then it will bring material stability to its owner, delight with its appearance and decorate the interior of any room.

The money tree can often be found in home flower beds, on window sills and balconies. It has several names - Crassula and Crassula. This tree-like succulent plant is native to Africa and therefore all its parts are able to accumulate moisture in order to survive drought.

This plant is called money because its leaves resemble coins, and for centuries many signs and superstitions have been associated with it. The theory of Feng Shui, which has become quite popular in Russia, describes its properties especially widely. It is often used when choosing a place for plants. It is believed to help attract money and wealth.

But for this it must be in the right place. Therefore, plant owners often face the question of where to place it so that it brings wealth. Those who adhere to Feng Shui can place Crassula in accordance with its rules, for example, it can be placed in the bedroom, but the plant must be in comfortable conditions for it.

Then not only a spectacular interior element will appear in the room, but also a living talisman to attract money to the family.

Choosing a place for a tree

The money tree prefers well-lit, warm rooms, but does not tolerate direct exposure. sun rays. In an apartment, you can keep the plant not on the windowsill, but on a floor stand near the window. If there is such an opportunity, you can place the flower in a room located on the southeast side.

The plant does well on the south or southwest side. But in this case, you need to place the plant not right under the window, but a little to the side, and shade the glass for spring and summer. Compliance with these rules is biological need plants.

But besides this, many are interested in Feng Shui, and in this theory, the money tree is a very popular subject. Therefore, in order for the family to receive wealth and for the plant to be comfortable, the place for it needs to be selected more carefully. Guided by the following rules.

Wealth Zone

First, you need to determine the wealth zone in your home. It is determined using the Bagua grid. It is a square divided into nine parts. The central square, which is responsible for health, is taken as the main landmark.

The wealth zone will be in the lower right corner of it. The grid is superimposed on a pre-drawn floor plan, with certain cardinal directions. The wealth zone is on the southeast side. But sometimes it turns out that the room where this zone is located is not suitable for keeping a flower there.

Then you can choose another room in the apartment that suits the parameters. If the bedroom is located in a place favorable for the money flower, in the southeast, then this means that there is a wealth zone in the bedroom. This tree can be kept in the bedroom, according to Feng Shui, and it will feel comfortable.

At the same time, it is advisable to make the right color scheme in the bedroom. Under no circumstances should you use red; shades of green, lilac and violet are suitable. The money tree in this case is the main item in the room and will bring not only wealth.

Fresh air

In addition to good lighting, the money tree loves clean, fresh air. Therefore, the room where they plan to place it should be well ventilated. The plant tolerates drafts well, but heat and stuffiness in the room affect it much worse.

Crassula does not do well in dusty rooms, so it should be removed to a place where the minimum amount of dust accumulates. Access to the flower should be open so that it is easy to care for.


A location near an aquarium will be an excellent interior solution and will benefit the plant. The flower can be kept near water and evaporation from the aquarium will create the necessary air humidity.


You can put a money tree in the bathroom. But before that you need to fix the faulty and running taps, then according to the sign, money will not flow away.


Temperature conditions also play an important role in the question of where to place the flower. In private homes, the temperature in different rooms usually varies slightly, and there may be drafts here and there. Therefore, it is better to keep the tree in a room where there are no strong drafts and the temperature is from +19 to +24 degrees. The plant tolerates sudden changes in temperature, but poorly, and this affects its condition.

In an apartment, such a problem usually does not exist, but in such a room the disadvantage is dry air, which also affects the well-being of the plant. You should not place the flower near radiators, there heat, dry air and more dust is attracted to this place.

Signs about the money tree

There is a lot associated with this plant different signs, most of them, of course, relate to material well-being, but besides that, .

  1. A bad sign is the leaves falling from the tree. It is believed that a place where it has bad energy can sometimes cause leaves to fall due to poor maintenance, but in some cases the problem comes out of nowhere. Then you need to put the tree in another place. According to the sign, such a phenomenon can mean a quick loss of money, a reduction in income and financial difficulties.
  2. Not all signs are related to money. The plant is also considered medicinal. According to signs, the plant, with the help of its fleshy leaves, promotes the production vital energy and in a house where there is such a flower, all family members feel full of energy and more efficient.
  3. The condition of the plant in the house is considered to reflect the financial condition of the family. The more leaves on the plant, the more money there is in the family.
  4. It is recommended to plant a tree in a red pot, and put a few coins at the bottom. Some people place a saucer with coins near the pot, constantly adding them there.
  5. If there are bills hanging on the money tree, which many place there to attract wealth, then in order for money to be kept in the house, these bills must be changed periodically. Waste the old ones and hang up the new ones.

Where to put the plant if you want not only to create comfortable conditions for keeping the money tree, but also to take advantage of its magical properties and increase the well-being in the house.

Then the money tree should be placed in a well-lit, ventilated place where optimal temperature conditions are created for it, and at the same time. If these placement rules are followed, happiness and material wealth will definitely increase in the house.

Where to put the money tree (crassula) according to Feng Shui? Is it possible to keep a ficus in the house: folk signs and superstitions Houseplant money tree (crassula): useful, medicinal and medicinal properties How to properly prune a money tree at home

Crassula is popularly called the money tree. However, not all of its types are talismans for attracting money, but only tree-like ones. Usually these include the oval fatty, which is also called ovoid (C. ovata). In the literature it can often be found under the names silver (C. argentea) and purslane (C. portulacea).

This type of plant in cultivation has many varieties, which indicates its popularity. The most common ones include Hummel's sunset, Variegata and Variegata Tricolor, Gollum, Coral, Hobbit, as well as Monstrosa and Gandalf. Most often, the money tree is called the tree-shaped Crassula, which is similar to the ovoid one, but is larger in size.

Crassula - money tree

The plant is distinguished by fleshy stems and leaves, which are associated with wealth and prosperity. Having a tree-like shape, it is often attributed not only the epithet “money”, but also “happiness”, “with silver dollars”, “African bread” or simply “dollar”. Each name is associated with abundance and financial wealth.

An exception to the above list, which is associated with prosperity, is the “jade plant”. You might think that it received such a name for its juicy green color leaves. But if we remember that jade in China refers to the stone of happiness, power and authority, then this name is quite natural for the jade.

Why should Crassula grow in every home?

Crassula has leaves whose shape resembles coins, causing an association with monetary wealth. In Chinese philosophy, this plant is endowed with many magical properties, thanks to which you can attract money to your home, and, therefore, become happy.

Currently, the money tree is widely used as a houseplant. In almost every home you can find a fat woman. However, it does not bring the expected luck to everyone, since this requires special care. It is worth noting that the plant is not an ordinary one, and, therefore, needs a non-standard approach to its maintenance.

Unlike other plants, the “money tree” can live quite a long time indoors and easily tolerates indoor conditions, but it does not want to bloom in “captivity”, and if this happens, it is very rare.

Money tree - a talisman of prosperity

The plant fully reveals its decorative and “magical” properties only with proper maintenance. It is important to remember here that it must completely belong to its owner. To prevent it from absorbing someone else’s energy, which can be negative, you need to take not an adult specimen, but a small shoot. This, according to superstitions, allows you to establish a connection between the owner and the green pet.

If a money tree is grown solely to attract wealth, it is better not to purchase it, but to take it from a house where successful people live. Thus, you can be absolutely sure that the fat woman has absorbed positive energy and will attract money and good luck even in a new home.

Having brought the shoot into the house, it must be transplanted into a new flowerpot. It is better to take a red pot. This color symbolizes activity, development, movement, and encourages Crassula to grow strong and healthy. People who believe in superstitions should place a coin under the root.

Where is the best place to place a pot of Crassula?

Whether a person adheres to the principles of Feng Shui when placing a money tree in the house or not, the plant should be allocated the brightest place in the room. If a home is being furnished according to Feng Shui, then a zone of wealth is certainly determined in the room, for which a special corner is allocated, located in the southeastern part, where a pot with a plant is placed. Everyone should follow this advice so that the money tree is provided with appropriate conditions, since this is how the plant will receive enough light.

It is best to place the fatty on a stand so that the corner can be easily wiped. This area should always be kept clean so that dust does not clog the pores of the leaves and the plant gets enough access to moisture. The money tree should be positioned in such a way that you can reach any point and wipe the crown with a damp cloth. It is better to place care equipment nearby. A watering can, sponge, spray bottle and other plant care items should always be at hand.

Color matters

The color design of the corner is an important detail. Adherents of the principles of Feng Shui are better off choosing wall decor in green, black or dark blue shades. Red objects should be moved further away or removed from the corner completely.

This is also true in cases where such principles are not adhered to, since the money tree looks best on a dark form. Red elements distract all attention to themselves, and the tree becomes invisible.

Is it possible to place a money tree next to an aquarium?

If there is an aquarium next to the crassula, then this solution will be the most successful. In this case, the color scheme and humidity regime will complement each other and will benefit the plant.

The water evaporating from the surface of the aquarium will provide the plant with the amount of humidity at which it will feel most comfortable. Feng Shui adherents can highlight a wealth zone in any room of the house: living room, bedroom, nursery and even kitchen.


Crassula belongs to plants that can coexist in close proximity to a person without affecting him negative impacts. The main thing is to provide the money tree with sufficient light and clean air. If you follow all the recommendations for caring for the Crassula - money tree, the financial flow may not flow like a river, but you will have a healthy and well-groomed plant in the house, which will decorate the interior of any room, as it looks respectable in itself.

Oh, how I wish the chickens didn’t peck at the money. Buy yourself a car, a yacht, go on vacation to exotic countries. In the meantime, it’s not even possible to raise money for an apartment. The issue of big earnings remains relevant all the time. What if you try to attract big money with the help of Feng Shui talismans, namely the money tree?

The money tree, also known as Crassula and Crassula, is the only small tree that can affect cash flow. Crassula arborescens can change your life financially. And for this it is not enough to buy it and place a pot with a plant on the window. You need to learn more about Crassula if you want the luck of the money tree to open up for you.

Feng Shui experts do not recommend purchasing an adult money tree from a flower shop. It cannot be purchased for money at all. In order for the tree to absorb your energy and feel your care, you need to plant it yourself.

A stalk or leaf needs to be broken off from a large tree secretly. And there is no need to ask about this. You can break off a cutting from a tree that grows with friends or in the office. And it is desirable that rich people live in these places. This guarantees good growth the plant itself and your budget.

Before planting the tree in a pot, you need to keep it in a glass of water for several days. During this time it will take root.

While the plant is taking root, prepare the pot. It should not be deep and wide. The color of the pot is very important. In Feng Shui, money is attracted by the colors of the Earth element and the Metal element. The pot can be brown, black, red or burgundy. You can choose silver or gold.

Before planting the plant, the pot needs to be activated. You need to put coins at the bottom of the pot. Coins must be used from the country in which you live. And you need six of them. This will awaken the magic of numbers.

The soil also needs to be prepared in advance. Cactus soil is suitable for this plant. Feng Shui experts recommend making the soil yourself. It is necessary to mix sand, turf soil, and leaf soil one to one. The peat portion should be half as much.

Crassula unpretentious plant, which is easy to care for. The trunk of the plant looks like a tree, and the fleshy leaves look like coins. All monetary energy accumulates in these leaves. And the larger the tree, the better your financial situation will be.

Moreover, this plant cleanses the air in the room from negative energy and makes it harmonious. Crassula fits perfectly into the interior, decorates it and monitors the health of all residents.

How to care for a money tree

After planting the plant in a pot, it should be left alone. It should grow, and you water it and pinch off the side leaves. And when the plant reaches twenty centimeters in height, the top will need to be pinched. This will allow you to form a beautiful crown.

To prevent the tree from becoming pale and the leaves falling off, it must stand in the sun. In winter, it is better to place the plant in a cool place where the temperature can be five degrees. The plant needs to be watered once every three weeks. And starting in spring, you need to water once or twice a week and take a warm shower once a month.

This plant does not like a lot of water. Therefore, you need to water it when the soil is completely dry. And it’s better to do this in the evening.

The money tree needs to be fed. He will really like cactus food. Fertilizer should be added to the pot after each watering of the plant.

The plant does not like heat, cold or draft. It needs to be placed where there will be ideal comfortable conditions for a person. Keep the pot away from hot radiators and cold glass.

The money tree thrives in humid climates. If the air in the room is dry, place a container of water nearby or simply spray the plant frequently with a spray bottle.

As we have already said, the plant loves the sun. But it will not survive the scorching rays. It will grow best under indirect light. If there is little light on the window, you can put a lamp. And do not forget to constantly turn the plant towards the light in different directions.

Where to place the money tree according to Feng Shui?

The southeastern zone is responsible for financial well-being. This is the wealth sector. In Feng Shui, not only the entire house, but also a separate room can be divided into sectors. Therefore, feel free to look for this side of the world in the room where you plan to place the plant. To accurately determine the direction, you can use a compass.

The place where the talisman will stand to attract money must be properly designed.

First of all, clear this area of ​​excess. Unnecessary things will only interfere with the circulation of monetary energy. After that, do the color design. Green, purple, and blue shades should predominate in this zone.

In this sector it is necessary to place an object that will relate to the element of Wood. The pot can be placed on a wooden stand or table.

Items that belong to the element of Water revitalize cash flow. It can also be an image of water streams, rivers, streams. If possible, place a small fountain in this sector. A constantly circulating water stream will attract and increase cash flow. An aquarium with goldfish, which also attract money, is also suitable.

If you decide to simply place a picture depicting water, then the flow on it should not be aggressive. A typhoon, a flood, a powerful waterfall will wash away the entire stream. That is, the cash flow will pass you by.

To cash flows strengthened, updated, it is necessary to ensure air movement. To do this, it is necessary to place elements of the Wind element in this sector. The best option is to hang wind chimes. Only this item should not contain metal parts. By the way, it is also not recommended to keep metal elements in the wealth sector.

And since we have already begun to design the place where the pot with the tree will be located, then this must be done thoroughly. Cash flow can be enhanced using a red napkin with special hieroglyphs. Place the pot on it. The tree itself can be decorated with red ribbons. In addition, special Chinese coins with holes can be tied to the trunk and branches.

Cash flow does not tolerate dust. Therefore, in this sector we need to get rid of it more often. You also need to get rid of old things. If there is little lighting in this sector, then you can hang a beautiful lamp.

It is very important that the plant feels your care and love. Gently touch the leaves, stroke them, talk to the tree. You can tell him what happened to you during the day. And in this way many problems can be solved. When you talk about her, her solution comes to mind. Crassula feels all emotions. And if you approach her in an irritated state, she will wither.

Healing properties of money tree

Scientists have been able to prove that the fat plant helps in the treatment of many diseases. The juice of the leaves contains substances that have anti-inflammatory properties, disinfect and kill harmful microbes.

If you need to quickly cure a sore throat, pick ten leaves from a tree, squeeze the juice out of them and mix with water. You need to gargle with this solution at least four times a day.

Tea made from Crassula leaves helps cure cystitis and pyelonephritis. Five leaves must be crushed and poured with a cup of boiling water. The tea should steep for at least an hour. After this, you will need to strain it and take a tablespoon before meals.

A cold on the lips can simply be lubricated with the juice of a freshly picked leaf. Drip it onto a cotton pad and attach it with a band-aid for a while.

The juice of the leaves of the Crassula helps to heal cuts, wounds, and burns faster. Make a paste from the leaves and apply as a compress.

And a piece of paper cut and applied to the sore spot will help get rid of hemorrhoids.

And always thank the tree for its help.

If you treat this plant with care, then after a while you will feel its reaction to you. If there is a decline, it will wither a little. But when it grows wildly, then expect cash flows. And if Crassula blooms, which happens very rarely, then we should expect a sharp turn of events in monetary terms, in good side, of course.

Do not think that wealth finds only a select few. The money channel can be opened to anyone. And Crassula can help with this. Place it where you need it, surround it the necessary items and cash flows will not pass you by.

To green indoor plant with round leaves that look like coins, it pleased the eyes of the owners with its freshness and vitality, it is important to choose the right place. Crassula prefers well-lit, warm rooms.

Important! Crassula does not tolerate direct sunlight. The money tree dies from the burn!

In summer, shade the flower, and in winter, place it closer to the light. To make the fat plant feel free, do not place other plants close together. And if there is such a need, make sure that your neighbors are well hydrated. Moist air has a beneficial effect on Crassula.

Observe the temperature regime: in spring and summer the range is 20-25 degrees, and in winter - 15-18 degrees. The fat woman loves air. Therefore, choose a place where there is air flow: windows and the balcony should have a “ventilation” function. Compliance with these rules is the key to health!

Where is the best place to place a flower in an apartment and can it be kept in the bedroom?

  • Where is it better to place the plant in the apartment and where will Crassula feel comfortable? It is better to place the pot with the plant on windows facing southeast. If the windows are located on the south or southwest side, then this is also acceptable. In this case, shade the window glass for spring and summer.
  • IN warm time year Crassula feels great on fresh air. It is worth taking it out to the balcony and placing it on the floor. But where is the best place to keep Crassula? Can it be placed on the floor or is it better on a windowsill? The answer is simple. It is important to consider the size: a window sill will suit a small tree, a floor stand will suit a large tree.
  • A good solution is to place the plant in the bedroom. The plant purifies the air and absorbs odors. Crassula is often called a filter plant. Contraindications: - individual intolerance, allergic reactions on the money tree.

    When placing a plant in the bedroom, remember the basic principles for choosing a place. If the bedroom is a dark room, then the Crassula will die due to lack of light.

Is it possible or not to take it out into the yard if the fat plant grows in a country house?

The money tree feels at ease in a spacious house. If you grow Crassula in a country house, then be sure to use the opportunity: take the pot of Crassula into the yard in the summer! Crassula loves ventilation. Just don't plant in open ground, Is it dangerous! The soil at the dacha is not suitable for Crassula!

Principles for soil selection: light and loose structure, saturated with moisture and air. Good drainage is necessary. Expanded clay, pebbles, and brick chips are suitable. The drainage layer is 4-5 cm. Place the plant under diffused light, in the shade of trees, avoiding sunlight. In winter, keep cool near a window facing east or southwest.

How to position the fat woman to prevent its diseases?

Crassula is an unpretentious plant and rarely gets sick. But illnesses happen. If the location for the money tree is chosen incorrectly, the Crassula leaves will turn red, wither and fall off, black spots and spots will appear, and the plant will become sick. More often than not, plants get sick due to the wrong location!

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. This principle is also relevant for Crassula. The plant loves moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Select the soil intended for Crassula, create acceptable light conditions, carefully selecting the location. Let the money tree take air baths! And then diseases will pass by.

The money tree lives for half a century. With good care and patience, the plant is viable for decades. Summarizing the above, a brief reminder to the gardener:

  • place the Crassula on windows facing east or southwest; the flower loves diffused light;
  • keeping it in the bedroom is a good solution, it is a filter plant;
  • if the tree is large, place the green friend on the floor near the window;
  • keep a small Crassula on the windowsill;
  • avoid drafts, but maintain ventilation;
  • Shade south-facing windows in summer;
  • In winter, keep the crassula in a cool place;
  • Avoid direct sunlight on the leaves;
  • in the warm season, take it out to the balcony or area near the house.

Choose the right place for your green friend and he will delight you for the rest of his life!