
There will be knowledge of the language even if. Do you need to know English in the USA? Knowledge of a foreign language increases the ability to concentrate

Knowledge foreign languages is the key to success in modern world, where communication in foreign languages ​​and processing of huge volumes of information acquires everything higher value. Interest in learning languages ​​is traditionally great, therefore, to paraphrase a well-known expression, we can say that those who speak languages ​​control the world.

IN general person A person who speaks languages ​​is a well-rounded person, has better abilities to learn new things, is freer and more confident in communicating with people.

Therefore, they are classified as text. As can easily be concluded, such breadth and diversity makes reading comprehension work also varied and comprehensive. It is necessary to keep in mind the fact that partial goals are related to general goals related to understanding, expression and interaction, that is, communicative competence.

The role that texts play in teaching and learning; the relevance of using authentic texts; the need for students to process and create texts. The document explains that Council members can determine the space that texts should occupy in educational programs, as well as which didactic activities are most appropriate with each teaching and learning situation. That is, this reinforces the non-dogmatic nature of the document.

More recently, scientists from the University of London, through a large statistical and scientific research came to the conclusion that people who learn foreign languages ​​have more flexible and original thinking. This conclusion is based on the fact that scientists have scientifically confirmed a direct connection between gray matter activity and knowledge of several languages.

If, on the one hand, this is a positive aspect, on the other hand, it can lead to the repetition of models that think about reading superficially, that is, emphasizing only lexical or grammatical issues and ignoring other elements that allow a deep understanding of the text, i.e. . there is a risk of leaving aside the development of reading comprehension in in a broad sense and therefore communicative competence.

However, despite the freedom of teachers to accept their principles and use them pragmatically, due to general characteristics document and its use, the importance of the Council, including outside the Council, cannot be ignored. Europe. Reading in national curriculum parameters.

An old saying goes: “The number of languages ​​you know, the more you are human.” That is, the more you know today, the better. After all, every language is a key that opens the door to something unique and new.

So, for example, English language- This official language international business and trade, Internet and technology, science and the arts. It occupies 80% of the business language space. Each of us increasingly encounters it in communication with partners at work and on vacation. English is used when filling out questionnaires, writing resumes, and in business and private correspondence.

Reading comprehension in elementary school. According to the new Law on the Principles and Fundamentals of National Education, the study of a modern foreign language becomes compulsory starting in the 5th grade, noting that the choice of language should be based on the needs and capabilities of the community. The national curriculum parameters, as well as the Framework, are not dogmatic: they should, above all, provoke reflection and discussion about teaching practice.

In primary education, learning another language should promote intercultural understanding, in terms of knowledge of other cultures and therefore "recognition of differences in modes of expression and behavior", helping to overcome ethnocentric and xenophobic attitudes. It also suggests an interdisciplinary function, emphasizing the idea that learning another language allows you to access more information in various areas: language, codes and their technologies; natural sciences, mathematics and their technologies; and society, culture and technology.

Speaking English is no longer a wonderful habit, but a necessity. Now it is taught in kindergartens, schools, universities, not to mention numerous courses and trainings. And in some countries even mathematics and some other subjects school curriculum taught in English.

German is the language of technology and finance. Over the past five years, demand for it has grown significantly, many German partners and investors have appeared. Goods from Germany are intensively imported, for example, plumbing fixtures, furniture, electronics, cars. This means we need people who can communicate with these importers. Knowledge of the German language is also welcome in the representative offices of German banks.

Based on a socio-interactionist perspective, language is understood as a social practice. In this way, the student can “understand and express opinions, values, feelings, information, orally and in writing.” Classes with exclusive exercises on copying and translation, repetition and decontextualized texts should take the time to design activities that explore various resources and sources according to the school's capabilities so that the student is aware of the connections between what is learned and their social environment.

The focus should be on the meaning and relevance of the activity rather than on learning the learner's language system, although this is not discarded. This interactive nature is evident in the process of reading comprehension, in which the recipient looks to signs left by the sender to understand the written text. To do this, world knowledge, textual organization and language system. The document provides a general understanding of a specific text in the third cycle and a general and detailed understanding in the fourth cycle.

To learn German in an accelerated mode and in a short time to purchase large number knowledge, our German Language School “Meine Kurse” offers an intensive German language course. This module allows you to learn one course in one to two months, and in order to rise from the initial level A1 to intermediate B1 and effectively learn the German language, it takes three to six months, depending on the number of days of training chosen. This pace of daily classes guarantees the rapid assimilation of new material and the consolidation of new topics.

In addition, the world and textual knowledge that the student already has in his mother tongue should be privileged and then, step by step, it is important to strive for the development of systemic knowledge. There are three phases proposed in reading comprehension activities: pre-reading, reading and post-reading. At the first stage, the student is sensitized through the activation of his knowledge about the world, text organization and text identification. At the second stage, “the student must project his knowledge of the world and text organization into the systemic elements of the text.”

At this stage, inference strategies are put into practice to avoid the learner being tied to the need to know all the lexical items. It is important to distinguish central information and details according to previously established levels of understanding. At the last stage, after reading, students critically evaluate the author's ideas. It is obvious that during the reading process a person thinks and reflects on the text.

At the same time, it is difficult to say what role Italian business plays in the world. It has become fashionable to wear clothes and shoes from Italian designers, swim in Italian Jacuzzis and dine at a table made in Italy. Thanks to those who were able to find common language with foreign partners, Italian culture has penetrated our country for a long time.

It is also obvious that the relevance of the Japanese and Chinese languages ​​is rapidly gaining momentum. Many eastern companies open branches in other countries and are looking for specialists with good command of the language. But finding such people is not yet easy. Besides the fact that learning Japanese (as well as Chinese) is an incredibly complex and time-consuming process, it is useless to do it without perfect pitch and good visual memory.

Assessing written comprehension should be a comprehensive and ongoing process. Therefore, the teacher must “advise, coordinate, guide, guide, encourage, encourage, encourage, share, accept, listen, respect and understand the student.” As in the table, it can be concluded that the reading process is broad and comprehensive and does not involve lexical decoding or knowledge of grammatical rules. Systemic knowledge is developed gradually and thoughtfully through the reading process, but it is worth noting that this is not the exclusive focus of language lessons.

It is also worth mentioning French. It is unlikely that you will need it unless you work for a French company. But if there is an opportunity to use it, French will help you easily gain the sympathy and eternal friendship of the French.

Polish, Bulgarian and Scandinavian languages ​​have slightly fewer fans, but the work of a translator is always waiting for such people.

Reading in high school. Since the proposal of this work is not an exhaustive study of documents, it is necessary to limit consideration general information on the treatment attributed to reading comprehension in modern foreign language teaching.

The idea is clear in this document general education in place of maintenance and academic education. Two words stand out: contextualization and interdisciplinarity. The content to be developed in high school should always be contextualized and should strive to establish relationships with other areas of knowledge. Priorities are reasoning and the ability to learn and use knowledge to solve everyday problems.

The Arabic language is also not particularly relevant, especially for women, because Arabs often prefer to hire men. Girls who speak Arabic are more willing to be hired as teachers or private tutors, which is also quite good. In Turkey, there is no such discrimination at all; speaking Turkish gives excellent income in trading companies and, especially, in travel agencies.

The skills and abilities that must be developed in a modern foreign language have been grouped for purely didactic purposes, since they must be developed as interrelated and interrelated components in three directions: presentation and communication; research and understanding; and sociocultural contextualization. In the document they look like this:

Understand how statements reflect the way of being, thinking, acting and feeling of those who make them. No prioritization skills. According to the document, general principle- “lead the student to proper communication in different situations everyday life" The material used in the classroom should be varied, consisting of news, comics, texts, films, dialogues, etc. In addition to grammatical competence, at the end of three years of secondary education, it is also necessary to ensure the development of other components of communicative competence, namely sociolinguistic, discursive and strategic competence.

Along with the increasing role of foreign languages, the number of people wishing to master the profession of translator is also increasing. But learning a foreign language is not easy; it requires a serious incentive. Why do they want to become professionals in the field of translation from foreign languages? So do they get any benefit from this knowledge in everyday life? What motivates them to learn foreign languages? Do they plan to work in the specialty they have acquired, or do they simply need this knowledge for life? And most importantly, what does this knowledge mean for them: is it a sign of prestige, a necessity of the present?

Skills and abilities are also structured in three dimensions: presentation and communication; research and understanding; and sociocultural contextualization. Before describing and commenting on skills and competencies in detail, the meanings associated with some open context terms are explicitly explained.

Regarding the choice of content in a modern foreign language, due to the reduction in the number of classes, usually two classes per week and the heterogeneity of classes? in relation to various stages Learning development work is offered on three fronts: reading and interpretation of texts, acquisition of a vocabulary repertoire and linguistic structure.

The answer to these questions is given by a survey conducted among students of different courses at Sumsky state university specialty "Translation". According to this survey, 15% of respondents chose the profession of translator because it is prestigious. 10% of respondents decided to become translators, since knowledge of foreign languages ​​is necessary today. And 75% of respondents have the ability to study foreign languages ​​and they like this profession, which influenced their choice.

In particular, in English there is a list of contents related to language structure, which should develop "in accordance with the progressive degree of complexity of the texts." Similarly, a list of topics related to the work of acquiring a vocabulary repertoire is provided. Therefore, an interdisciplinary perspective is proposed. Regarding the reading and interpretation of texts, the teacher should use a variety of material in the classroom: "publicity, journalism, storytelling, dissertation, poetry, literary, scientific."

Working with texts involves clearly defined steps regarding the gradation of difficulties and the choice of activities associated with interpretation, acquisition and fixation of vocabulary, as well as linguistic structure. In particular, when studying the text, the following premises are highlighted.

As for the confidence that after receiving their education they will actually work as translators, only 45% of respondents are confident, the remaining 55% are not confident.

It is striking that 100% of respondents believe that even if they do not work as translators in the future, knowledge of foreign languages ​​will still be useful to them in life.

The teacher’s task is to guide the student: - identifying the main ideas; - keyword survey; - identifying a topic or topic; - work with instrumental words and so-called “transparent words”. Although the linguistic monopoly no longer exists, since the legal text provides for the possibility of choosing a modern foreign language according to the differences and needs of each learning situation, it is noted that this document is more directly oriented? and one might say, almost exclusively? English, especially in predicting and determining the specific content of linguistic structure.

95% enjoy the opportunity to read books and watch films in the original, and only 5% are not attracted to such activities.

It is quite interesting that 100% of respondents believe that knowledge of foreign languages ​​gives them a better chance of getting a well-paid, prestigious job.

95% benefit from knowing foreign languages ​​in everyday life, namely: the ability to communicate with foreigners, the ability to understand the content of foreign songs, viewing and reading books in the original, the possibility of additional income, the ability to understand medical instructions and techniques that are written in a foreign language , facilitated use of the Internet.

The teacher is expected to develop text work from a new perspective using a variety of materials and explore reading strategies to lead to adequate development of reading comprehension and the role it plays in communicative competence.

Reading competence and linguistic competence: entrance examinations. Due to the increasing prevalence of this language in educational and socio-economic settings, several higher educational institutions began to offer it as an option for entrance exam to the university, ending the monolingualism of tests, and then established in most higher education institutions. To develop these exams, the various institutions have autonomy so that one can find various types evidence depending on the proposed goals and defended concepts.

So, we clearly see that nowadays there are more and more people who want to know foreign languages. They understand the importance of studying them. They do not consider this desire just a tribute to fashion, but think about the advantages that knowledge of foreign languages ​​gives to any cultured person.

Studying any foreign language opens up new opportunities for us, makes our spiritual world. Having a foreign language, a person automatically moves to a higher social level, since he becomes a competitive applicant for a highly paid position. After all, as you know, prestigious organizations, as a rule, are either themselves representatives of foreign companies or conduct active partnerships with them. And there you cannot do without knowledge of a foreign language! Foreign languages ​​improve the quality of our lives in all areas.

The most common models are questions with multiple choice, although there is evidence based on the sum of correct answers and evidence with discourse answer questions. In almost all tests? Regardless of the question pattern proposed, there is a text that must be understood, interpreted, or simply figured as an excuse to evaluate the domain of grammar rules or vocabulary recognition.

If we proceed from the assumptions that... The question that arises is: to what extent do the vast majority of vestibular tests measure what they are supposed to measure? Such evidence, based on written text, was expected to be consistent with broader principles underlying reading comprehension and is presented in the four documents mentioned or at least in the three national documents. Doesn't it seem appropriate for many of the exam examples discussed to focus on grammatical knowledge? normative? foreign language.

Hello dear readers. Before moving directly to the advantages of English, I would like to talk about the reasons why we put off learning a foreign language. There may be hundreds of them, or even more. The most common ones are: I don’t have time, I don’t have the ability, I don’t need it. Believe me, if you have the desire, you will find the time, the ability, and the incentive.
Advantages of knowing English

First, it’s worth talking about the incentive, because before every task, no matter what it is, you need to find an incentive from the beginning. Cooking at home is an incentive to eat. After all, you find motivation everywhere before you do anything. So in learning English, you need to understand why you need it, what it will give you.

Advantages of speaking English

Let's consider all the advantages:

  1. The initial plus is general development. Enriching your mental potential and erudition.
  2. English is an international language, it is spoken in almost all countries of the world, knowledge of English gives you unlimited opportunities at work, on vacation, and travel. This is the second significant plus
  3. The third advantage of the job: if you speak English fluently, you can easily find a job in most countries of the world, and quite a rewarding one at that. Without knowing the language, you won’t even be able to try to get a job, because they simply won’t understand you.
  4. Another significant plus on vacation: knowing an international language, you can easily go on vacation wherever you want, you will be sure that you will not be deceived, you can easily communicate with the local population (learn about the sights, find out the way to your destination, etc.) . Yes, you can relax without knowledge, there are international-class vacation spots where for an nth amount of money I will speak your language, but the list of such places is limited, you won’t be able to try what you wanted because you are being driven into a pattern.
  5. An undeniable plus when traveling: again, let’s return to communicating with the local population (getting information about the road, attractions, hotels, etc.).
  6. Another advantage is that you will improve your qualifications, you will be more competitive in employment, you will be able to compete with younger colleagues (you will not be fired after 50). The employer also looks at general erudition.
  7. You will be able to attract international clients for your company. And then promotion is just around the corner!
  8. You can easily find friends on the Internet, friends from different countries. Again, develop by communicating with them.

And so, we found an incentive. Now let's discuss how to find time. Once you have found an incentive, you set a goal, and for the goal you do everything in your power. If you are busy and working, remember that knowing the language will give you a better salary, job, etc., give yourself time for your goal, cutting back on other activities, remember your goal is at stake and better life.

This, in general, is all I wanted to say in this article. I hope you have chosen your incentive and your approach.

Remember, English is a door that will open up many opportunities for you.

Do you need to know English in the USA?