
Head lice treatment at home. Traditional methods of treating pediculosis at home

Lice are a shock to most parents who find them on their children. In addition to the unpleasant diagnosis, this phenomenon has also gained a reputation as a shameful phenomenon. People mistakenly associate this illness with the individual’s uncleanliness and, in general, with an asocial lifestyle. Panic, along with the embarrassment that is caused by such stereotypes, and, in addition, by the tactless behavior of teachers in children's institutions, forces parents to keep the fact of the disease a secret.

Pediculosis problem

Folk remedies for lice: is there a danger?

Some folk remedies that are used against lice pose a danger to human health, and sometimes to the life of the patient. Receipt chemical burns and poisoning to varying degrees severity can lead not only to short-term health problems, but also to disability.

Let's look at how you can quickly get rid of lice at home using alcohol.

Using alcohol for lice

Of course, this technique is based on blind faith in the disinfecting properties of alcohol, as well as on the stereotype that lice come from dirt. Alas, the antibacterial properties of alcohol apply exclusively to bacteria, and, in addition, microorganisms, to which lice are not related. But alcohol compresses are an excellent remedy for skin burns. The alcohol is rich in tannins. Thus, a solution in which the alcohol concentration is up to ninety percent can damage tissue, and, in addition, the structure of the hair. Inhalation of alcohol fumes may cause irritation and burns respiratory tract. To this it would not be superfluous to add the possible contact of alcohol with the mucous membrane of the eye. For all these reasons, using alcohol to combat lice is not only ineffective, but also dangerous for the hair and scalp.

Using Vinegar for Lice

How to get rid of lice at home using vinegar? You can wash your hair with this solution.

Traditional experts recommend diluting two tablespoons of the product in water, wetting the hair and scalp with the liquid. It is worth emphasizing that lice and nits are not killed by vinegar. But it is generally accepted that vinegar dissolves the adhesive substance by which it is held on the hair, which facilitates the combing procedure. In addition to the dubious effect of detaching nits from the hair, a person risks once again getting a skin burn, which in addition will be accompanied by dandruff and itching.

Application of kerosene

A kerosene compress has been a common method of combating lice since Soviet times. People were ashamed to go to doctors and carefully rubbed the child’s head with kerosene. Next, for safety reasons, the head was tightly wrapped in a towel so that the insects would certainly die from exposure to toxic fumes. Unfortunately, no one cared about how this could affect the child. It is worth recalling that kerosene is a product of petroleum distillation. This substance is included in rocket fuel and a number of other technical fluids. Kerosene is considered less toxic compared to other petroleum products, but still it is not intended for outdoor use, much less internal use for the purpose of treating certain human diseases. As you can see, getting rid of lice at home using traditional methods is quite difficult.

Using dichlorvos for lice

But treating lice with dichlorvos is extremely dangerous to health and life, especially if you treat lice in a child with such a brutal method. Considering the numerous side effects, currently in agriculture In order to combat insects, less toxic substances began to be used. Therefore, before you grab such a can, you should think about the consequences. Symptoms include vomiting, along with impaired motor skills, seizures, rash, loss of consciousness, etc.

How to get rid of lice at home (photo below) using more gentle methods?

Other folk remedies

Other folk remedies that are less dangerous and toxic include the following methods:

It is important to emphasize that everything listed methods Treatments for head lice are part of folklore. They are dangerous and can cause serious harm.

Let's look at how to get rid of bed lice at home below.

Harmless means

Among the folk remedies that are harmless, it is worth trying pomegranate juice. It needs to be mixed with mint leaves, then boil the mixture for several minutes. The resulting decoction is rubbed into the affected areas. In this case, the result will be as follows: the essential oil contained in mint will affect adult lice, and the acid of pomegranate, in turn, will affect mature lice and promote the peeling of nits from the hair.

Geranium oil

Of course, the most effective and reasonable measure in this case would be to see a doctor.

How to get rid of body lice at home?

Careful inspection of clothing folds is required to detect insects. They are most often located near the seams. All contaminated clothing should be washed in hot water(temperature above 85 degrees) or sent to dry cleaning, where it will be processed in a special chamber. This way you can destroy not only adult individuals, but also their larvae. Packing things and leaving them in the sun will also help; in the absence of food, linen lice will die.

How to get rid of linen lice at home is now clear.

There are many in pharmacies effective drugs for the treatment that they deserve positive reviews. They are produced in the form of body shampoos, ointments, sprays, creams, lotions, and emulsions. The drugs are based on components that poison lice such as permethrin; dimethicone; benzyl benzoate; piperonyl butoxide; malathion; Butadion.

We looked at how to get rid of lice at home.

Generally speaking, you can get rid of lice either in special reception centers operating under the control of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (SES) or at home. Considering the availability of free sale large quantity pediculicidal agents, getting rid of lice and nits at home turns out to be much easier than looking for a special detention center in your city and going there for treatment.

Therefore, let's figure out how to remove lice at home quickly, reliably and at the same time safe for health.

On a note

It is also not recommended to remove lice in special detention centers because the main audience of these institutions are homeless people and people living in unsanitary conditions. It is undesirable to visit such places not only because of their negative impact on the psyche in general (especially in children), but also because of the risk of contracting diseases there that are more serious than the lice themselves. Therefore, removing lice, for example, from a child at home is practically the only option for parents who really care about their child.

“It’s hard to describe in words how shocked I was when I discovered lice on my daughter. Immediately thoughts: where to run, what to do. On the nose New Year: Christmas trees, matinees, children everywhere... And why should we sit at home the whole holiday? I was ready to ask for help anywhere! Well, my husband persuaded me to read on the forums how to remove lice at home. I used anti-lice shampoo and a comb at the same time, and managed to cope with the problem in 3 days. True, for prevention I then combed my hair three or four more times.”

Victoria, Lubny

Methods for killing adult lice and larvae

Treatment for lice at home can be done in several ways:

  1. Shaving the infected parts of the body bald is the simplest and most versatile approach. It takes exactly the same amount of time to implement as it takes to shave your head. This method does not require serious expenses, is safe, easy to implement, and allows you to further improve the health of the scalp that tans under the sun in the spring and summer. But it is not suitable for those who are embarrassed to walk with a shaved head, and in the case of lice pubis - with a shaved pubis.

On a note

On a note

The easiest way to rid a child of lice in the warm season is to shave him. If you don’t want to remove your hair and the use of chemical insecticides and folk remedies is categorically unacceptable, in this case you should use special combs for combing out lice. If the baby does not have acute sensitivity to mild allergens, and you want to carry out the procedure for removing lice and nits as quickly as possible, then pediculicidal preparations are used at home.

The same is true for treating pubic lice at home. But removing body lice is much easier - it is enough to soak clothes infected with them for 24 hours in any insecticide or wash them at a temperature above 70°C.

All preparations for getting rid of lice and nits should be used in strict accordance with the instructions for use. This will ensure both the safety of the procedure and its effectiveness.

“You can’t imagine my horror when my daughter started complaining that her head was itching, and I found lice on her. Hair below the waist, he practices oriental dancing, there is no way to cut it. Even the proposal to shorten it a little was met with hostility. And the worst thing is that lice walked throughout the class. And after the first, seemingly successful attempt to eradicate the lice family special shampoo, it appeared again after visiting school. Use often chemicals It’s impossible, so they “pulled” our long hair with a comb - painfully, for a long time, but successfully.”

Anna, Rostov

Preparations for getting rid of lice

Products for treating lice at home vary in price, and also differ in effectiveness and safety.

Below are the names of several drugs that adults can use without fear of causing harm to health (it is only important to follow the instructions).


Spray, active substance which is dimethicone. This compound, by its chemical nature, is liquid silicone. The product does not poison lice, but leads to blockage of their respiratory tract.

Nuda allows you to remove lice at home without the risk of allergic reactions.


Medifox is pretty powerful drug, and is not recommended for use in children.

Only adults can get rid of lice and nits at home using Medifox.

Pediculen Ultra

Pediculen Ultra – relatively inexpensive drug domestically produced, it is known for the fact that it allows you to carry out not only nits, but also nits.

However, it may cause side effects.

Couple Plus

Pair Plus contains three powerful insecticides at once and allows you to use them quickly at home, often in one go.

Antiv comb

Combs for combing out lice, as well as pediculicidal preparations, have many analogues, so consumers today are practically unlimited in their choice. It is only important to select a product taking into account individual characteristics body and not violate the requirements for its use.

“It took us a long time to choose what to buy at home. My daughter brought them from school twice a year. We started with kerosene and ended with combs. After all, any home remedy Lice are definitely harmful - either it burns your head, or your hair, or it causes an allergy. Kerosene is especially dangerous - it causes natural burns. The child has already begun to be afraid of these procedures. And with a comb it’s convenient, it takes a few days to suffer, but nothing dangerous.”

Maria, Krivoy Rog

Folk remedies for killing lice

Folk remedies for getting rid of lice are always available, but they also have many disadvantages. The most effective of them - kerosene and vinegar - are dangerous because they can cause skin irritation and even serious burns and dry out hair.

Hellebore water and tar soap are less dangerous, but the first is sometimes difficult to buy, and the second has such a persistent odor that after treatment the head will smell like tar for several days. Finally, decoctions of various herbs and essential oils, safe and easy to use, practically do not work against lice: they are designed to repel insects, but it is impossible to scare off lice - they simply have nowhere to go from the head.

“Lice are the nightmare of my childhood. We visited three times: after a pioneer camp, a visit to the swimming pool, and school. Mom smeared kerosene on my head, it burned, my head itched, my eyes watered - it was terrible! Now I had to deal with these cute insects in the heads of children. It’s easier with my son - they cut his hair short, sprayed him with spray, and that’s it! I had to tinker with my daughter after spraying her curls, but it was tolerable. But when I discovered that I had lice, in addition to treating my head, I disinfected the entire apartment (especially the beds) and quartzed it. Until the bugs showed up again.”

Yana, Kaliningrad

We destroy lice and their larvae

Destruction of lice at home using an insecticidal preparation or a poisonous folk remedy is usually carried out according to the following general scheme:

The photo shows how treatment for lice proceeds at home:

If the insecticidal agent used does not have an ovicidal effect (that is, does not kill nits), the treatment must be repeated after a week.

This measure is due to the fact that most pediculicidal agents, generally speaking, do not kill nits. Accordingly, after a few days, young larvae emerge from the nits, capable of giving rise to a new population. Incubation period lice eggs in normal conditions is 6-8 days, and a week after the first treatment, almost all of the deposited and surviving nits will hatch into larvae.

Almost always, instead of secondary treatment, combing the hair with a special lice comb (for example, you can buy an AntiV comb) will be much more effective. This approach allows you to completely get rid of lice and nits, even in advanced cases when other options do not help.

On a note

Products such as kerosene, vinegar, alcohol, cranberry juice, Pediculen Ultra and some others soften the sticky secretion with which nits are attached to the hair. Accordingly, after treatment with these agents, loose nits should be removed using a comb.

“Girls, don’t be lazy and just to be safe, remove the lice again. Once when I was little (9 and 12 years old), I removed lice at home myself. It seems like I poisoned it, the shampoo was good, LysGard, but after a couple of months everything started all over again. It turned out that the lice died, but their eggs survived. I had to repeat everything two more times. Therefore, when you get rid of lice, poison them twice with a break of a week.”

Irina, Semipalatinsk

When using combs, some of the nits are combed out along with the lice. At the same time, newly hatched larvae are removed. Combing your hair for 5-6 days ensures almost complete removal of nits at home.

Prevention of re-infections

To reliably prevent lice infestation, you should:

  • Avoid places where there is a high likelihood of contact with another person's clothing or hair - public transport, children's groups, rallies.
  • Do not use other people's hair care products.
  • Avoid casual sex.
  • If possible, avoid interacting with homeless people.

Be healthy!

Useful video about effectively getting rid of lice and nits at home

- These are small parasitic insects that settle in human hair and feed on the blood of their host. There is an opinion that only low-income people living in unfavorable social conditions and who do not take care of themselves can become infected with lice. But in fact, anyone can get lice, this especially often happens to children attending school and kindergarten.

The main signs of lice are itching of the scalp, which gets worse at night, the presence of black crumbs between the hair roots (these are lice excrement) and oblong lumps. white on hairs that are difficult to comb out or remove with your fingers (nits). Such phenomena will upset every person, but there is no need to panic. You can get rid of lice in one go - if you do everything correctly, using folk or professional means to combat lice.

Helpful information : lice belong to the category of insects, sizes can vary from 4 to 12 mm, have 3 pairs of limbs, cannot fly, but crawl very quickly and are able to jump. An adult lays up to 40 eggs or nits per day; they require from 7 to 20 days to mature - you can imagine how quickly everything hairy part The head of a person infected with lice will be covered with lice and their larvae.

Sources of infection

It is impossible to become infected with lice from an animal - the carrier is always a person who is already suffering. Adults most often become infected with lice from their own children. As a rule, a child brings lice after a holiday in a children's camp or sanatorium, from school or kindergarten. Pediculosis can also be obtained in crowded places:

  • open beaches;
  • baths and saunas;
  • hairdressing salons.

Very often, infection occurs through personal hygiene and household items - towels, hats, combs.

Types of lice in humans

Depending on where exactly the lice have settled, the following types of lice are distinguished:

  • head;
  • pubic;
  • wardrobe

The first type of lice settles exclusively on the head. Pubic lice can live not only in the perineum, but also on the eyebrows, eyelashes, and any hair on the human face. Body or linen lice live in bedding and clothing; they begin to bite a person only upon direct contact.

How to detect lice?

Getting rid of lice is not so difficult, but the problem lies in the delayed recognition of the disease. Signal to start active actions The following symptoms should appear:

  1. Very severe itching on the scalp. When lice bite, they release their saliva, which contains substances that cause skin irritation, swelling, and redness.
  2. Bite marks look like punctures with a needle with a red halo; in some cases, small gray spots are found.
  3. Peeling of the skin behind the ears and on the crown of the head; if there are a lot of lice and they are not treated, wet ulcers form at the site of peeling.

Upon careful examination of the skin and hairline On the head, you can find living, quickly moving individuals and nits attached to the root part of the hair.

Removing lice and nits

Live lice and nits should be dealt with different ways and means, since the substance that will be destructive for an adult louse will not have any effect on the nit, it is more tenacious. The best, fastest and easiest method is to cut your hair bald. But it is not suitable for everyone; not all girls are ready to say goodbye to long hair. Therefore, this method of getting rid of lice can only be considered as the most radical for guys or very young children.

What you need to do at home to get rid of lice once and for all:

So, what should you use to treat the head of a person suffering from lice? There are two options: go to the pharmacy and buy professional product– lotion, spray or ointment. Or cook it yourself. At the same time, we must not forget that it is necessary to comb the hair for at least one month in order to accurately get rid of the young individuals that have hatched from the larvae.

The following folk recipe is considered very effective:

  • combine one tablespoon of shampoo in a glass or ceramic container and vegetable oil;
  • add two tablespoons of kerosene;
  • stir until a homogeneous emulsion is formed and distribute on the skin and hair of the head;
  • wrap your head in a plastic bag and leave for 40-80 minutes.

Thanks to the addition of vegetable oil and shampoo to the mixture, it will not burn the scalp, but, nevertheless, it should not be used to treat children under two years of age or to treat eyebrows and eyelashes. After the specified time, the hair should be washed with regular shampoo, then rinsed with a solution of water and vinegar (per liter warm water about two tablespoons of vinegar).

Then you need to thoroughly comb your hair with a fine-toothed comb and dry it with a hairdryer. A similar procedure should be repeated every 5-7 days for a month - if nits remain on the hair and new individuals hatch from them, they will certainly die.

What else is important to know?

If you don’t like kerosene, you can use professional ones to kill lice - these are a variety of lotions or sprays. But they cost a lot, and, as practice shows, they are not always effective. They are used in the same way as the mixture homemade or according to the instructions. After the procedure, you also need to comb your hair.

Lice are very nasty insects that live in hair and constantly bite a person, because of this he usually experiences severe discomfort. Mostly children suffer from this problem, as they can easily pick up lice on the street or in kindergartens, although adults also quite often suffer from this problem. Fortunately, getting rid of lice is not very difficult and can be done easily at home. Below we will tell you the most effective ways on how to get rid of lice at home quickly, and also provide a list of 12 inexpensive and effective means against lice and nits, which can be used at home.

All lice, as well as nits, can be combed out, but this will require a good comb, but if the child has very long hair, then this will be quite problematic. But if you wish, you can comb out lice even from long hair, although you will have to spend quite a lot of time on this.

Choosing a remedy for lice and nits: inexpensive but effective

Below are a few inexpensive but effective lice and nit treatments that will help you get rid of troublesome insects:

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Even in the last decade, this problem could be addressed to the appropriate institution, where the head was treated with special medications (often so-called dust soap). Now everything has changed somewhat - parents whose children are infected with head lice need to carry out treatment themselves. That is why the question of how to get rid of lice and nits is especially relevant today. This will be discussed further.

First of all, it should be noted that when treating head lice, inexperienced mothers face the following problems:

Signs of the disease

One of the very first manifestations of lice is itching, which appears due to insect bites, and it can be so severe that sometimes the patient scratches the skin almost until it bleeds. Similar discomfort appear as a result of the fact that when bitten, saliva is released from the insect's proboscis, which greatly irritates the skin.

One more is enough a clear sign lice are pathological changes skin. As you might guess, these are bite marks. The skin is usually slightly swollen and red in these areas. In more difficult cases When scratching causes pathogenic bacteria to enter the wound, wounds and ulcers may appear. To avoid such serious consequences, everyone should know how to get rid of lice and nits.

In the first days of the disease, when examining the head, it is very difficult to identify lice, since they are still very small, but their waste products are quite easy to find. Lice feces resemble small grains of brownish sand.

How to treat pediculosis

General rules for using anti-head lice products

One of important rules which must be followed is that repeated use of the drug after the time specified in the instructions is mandatory. Often, inexperienced parents, having treated the child’s head with emulsion, lotion or shampoo once, do not pay attention to the recommended re-etching, while such prevention of head lice is quite important. Quite often, such a decision leads to relapse of the disease.

It is worth remembering that lice repellents are quite harmful, and therefore you need to wear gloves when working with them. It is also necessary to prevent the composition from getting on the child’s face or mucous membranes.

What to do if lice are found

Often, the discovery of insects in the head plunges parents into some kind of shock, and not everyone can quickly figure out what to do in this situation. It is clear that you need to use some special solutions and means to kill lice, but should you talk about this problem to the parents of those children with whom the child had contact? For many, such a conversation is something shameful. However, you need to immediately notify teachers and educators educational institution which the child is visiting, about the presence of a problem, so that after the appropriate procedures are carried out, protect the baby from re-infection.

Traditional methods of treatment

So how to get rid folk remedies from lice? This question is asked by a huge number of parents. And it is folk remedies that are of great interest, since it is believed that the use pharmacological compounds quite harmful to health. For this, well-known products are most often used, such as salt, vinegar, cranberries, black cumin, mint and pomegranate. Also as medicine Kerosene, mercury ointment, geranium oil, burdock and angelica are used.

How to get rid of lice with vinegar and salt

Kerosene in the fight against lice

Treatment of lice with geranium oil

How to get rid of lice and nits at home using essential oil geraniums? In fact, the treatment process is quite simple. You need to add 8 drops of oil to your usual hair mask or balm, stir, rub evenly into the scalp, and then use a comb to distribute over the entire length of the hair. Afterwards, the hair should be wrapped in cellophane and left for an hour. Next, they should be rinsed with plenty of warm water, to which you should add 5 drops of the same oil and three teaspoons of table vinegar for each liter of water.

Black cumin in the treatment of head lice

To prepare the medicine, crushed black cumin seeds are mixed with apple or wine vinegar in a one-to-one ratio, and the resulting mixture is thoroughly coated with the entire length of the hair. Next, you need to leave the mixture until completely dry and do not wash it off for five hours. The procedure should be repeated daily for 7-10 days.

Mint and pomegranate juice if lice are found in the head

Herbs as a cure for lice

  1. The roots of white hellebore and angelica are mixed in equal proportions, and 4 parts of pork lard are added to one part of this mixture. The resulting ointment is rubbed into the scalp before going to bed, and the head is wrapped in a scarf. In the morning, you can wash your hair with shampoo. The procedure is repeated for several days in a row.
  2. A simple burdock can help in the fight against lice. To prepare the medicine, the plant, along with the leaves and stems, is poured with boiling water and left for about thirty minutes. Strain the broth and wash your hair with it.

What to do if lice appear, how to get rid of this rather unpleasant, and for many, even shameful disease using folk remedies? All the remedies here are good, the main thing is that the chosen medicine helps put your head in order in a short time. They will help you quickly cope with this task pharmacological agents, however, if time is not pressing, then traditional methods can also be quite effective, although the result will not be visible so quickly.

To ensure that there is no relapse after treatment, you should Special attention pay attention to clothes, combs and bed linen. The comb should be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water, and the clothes should be washed and ironed with a hot iron and steam.