
Eye gouging. Parents of the Iron Maiden

Constantine IX Monomakh commanded blind 800 Russians captured V captivity after the battle of Varna in 1043

So after the victory in the battle of Belasitsa on July 29, 1014, when the troops of the Byzantine Emperor Vasily II attacked heavy defeat to the Bulgarian army, by order of the emperor, 14-15 thousand captured Bulgarians were blinded. They placed a one-eyed guide at the head of each hundred and sent them home to King Samuel. For this terrible feat, Emperor Vasily received the nickname Bulgarian Slayer.

In general, in Byzantium the use of blinding reached its apogee. They were used to punish many crimes. Thus, Manuel I Komnenos often gave orders faithful people to guard all exits from the camp at night, threatened the soldiers with blinding for desertion, but the stratiots still left the army. For seditious ideas, the 12th century poet was sentenced to execution, commuted to blinding. Mikhail Glika, although he assured the emperor that “he did not write insidious poems and fulfilled his duties.” Isaac II Angel demanded, for example, a report from the commander on the progress of the war with the Bulgarians. He answered briefly and added that the troops fighting a difficult war were poorly supplied. Isaac II ordered the daredevil to be blinded. Constantine VIII, after the uprising of the population of Naupactus against the self-interested strategist, ordered the blinding of the bishop of the city, citing the punishment by the fact that the bishop was unable to keep his flock from rebellion. About a hundred and fifty years later, under similar circumstances, Andronicus I Komnenos did the same thing with Bishop Lopadia.

Serious punishment (exile, blinding, execution) was usually preceded by general reproach. The criminal's hair, beard, eyebrows, even eyelashes were cut off, and he was then taken around the city and around the hippodrome on a donkey, camel or bull (face to tail). Sometimes a sack was thrown over him, a sleeveless shirt was put on him, “necklaces” of bull and sheep intestines were hung around his neck, and the same “crowns” were placed on his head. Ahead, for fun, walked the staff-bearers with mocking songs and praises. The daughters and wives of the kings came out onto the balconies to watch such a spectacle: its organization was sometimes entrusted to buffoons and mimes as experienced directors of entertainment. They were blinded using a red-hot iron rod, which was used to burn through the eyelid. Gross blindness sometimes resulted in death. Soon after the blinding, young Michael V died, as did the strong and strong warrior Romanus IV Diogenes. The arrested Konstantin was immediately blinded, and his eyes were cut out so cruelly that he died on the same day. Since the deceased emperor did not leave any male offspring, the throne was taken by his mother, Empress Irina. During fierce wars, the Byzantines carried out mass blinding of prisoners. Sometimes blinding was carried out without visible damage to the eyes, by repeatedly rotating white-hot metal in front of the open eyes - vision faded gradually. Sometimes only one eye was lost or vision was dulled - this was a special mercy. Mass punishments of state criminals along with their entire family are mentioned: the criminal himself was blinded, all women were forcibly tonsured into nuns, men, even children, were castrated.

Later in Western Europe, such punishment was repeatedly used in France, England, and Germany. During the confrontation between the Pope and the Antipope in the middle of the 12th century, Calixtus II, having taken possession of the Lateran Palace, gathered an army. He instructed one of the cardinals to besiege Gregory's residence in Sutri. Burning with impatience to quickly capture his competitor, Calixtus II himself joined the detachment and personally led the attack. After stubborn resistance, the Sutri garrison was forced to surrender. As soon as Gregory was in his hands, Calixtus the second ordered his eyes to be gouged out and castrated.

One of the French queens, having captured her husband's mistress, ordered the guards to rape the captive. After that, she personally gouged out the eyes of the unfortunate woman.

In Georgia, not far from us, in 1177 there was a conspiracy against George III, led by the Minister of War John Orbeli, who wanted to overthrow the king and elevate his nephew, Prince Demna, to the throne. The conspiracy was suppressed, Prince Demna was blinded and castrated, after which he soon died, John Orbeli was also blinded, almost all members of the Orbeli clan were executed, the women were drowned in the river.

One of the last manifestations of the monarch's anger was the case of Ludwig II of Bavaria in the 19th century. Tired of ruining the treasury by the insane spending of a half-crazed monarch, the indignant courtiers decided to secretly convene a council of the best psychiatrists in the country to declare the great “builder” insane and excommunicate him from the throne. But the spies reported, and the king arrested the conspirators, in anger ordering their eyes to be gouged out and their skins torn off - he was a hot-tempered man. True, as it turned out later, he was also easy-going, because on the day of execution he unexpectedly ordered everyone to be released. The high commission, including psychiatrists, screaming madly, ran without respite for several leagues in a row.

Click here to download a clip from the movie Evil Dead Trap , illustrating such punishment


As early as the 19th century, blinding was practiced as a form of legal punishment among some native tribes. According to George Reilly Scott:

On the Sandwich Islands (another name for the Hawaiian Islands), criminals sentenced to death are either clubbed to death or strangled with a noose. Punishment for those crimes that are not punishable by death takes the form of mutilation.

For example, an ordinary member of a tribe convicted of having an intimate relationship with the chief’s wife is sentenced to have his eyes removed. This procedure is described by Arago as follows: “I myself did not have a chance to observe it, but the unfortunate cripple, with whom Gaimard and I talked in the presence of M. Rives, told us how it was done to him. Two held him by his legs, two by his arms, and one by his hair. The sixth, the executioner, dealt him a strong blow to each eye and almost at the same moment plunged his index finger into the lacrimal sac and removed the eyeball. The second eye was removed in a similar way, but we managed to find a barely noticeable scar under the lower eyelid with great difficulty.”

Type of eyes, quality of vision - signs state of mind the dreamer, the intensity of his spiritual life of the dreamer, their health, illness. The dreamer's own organs of love, his sex, potency.

Have good eyesight, moving your eyes quickly means goodness, happiness, health.

It’s hard to see, it’s hard to open your eyes. They slowly toss and turn - loss, poverty, harm from sexual exhaustion.

Being nearsighted is a nuisance.

Feeling pain in the eyes, sand in them or something bothering you is an unpleasant self-knowledge, a bad conscience.

Having a thorn is a deception. You will have to take a lot of care for adult children; they will not go out into public life soon.

Losing one eye means complicated affairs, useless work, misfortunes with children.

The eye leaks in a dream - pangs of conscience.

Going blind in a dream means trouble, betrayal, death of loved ones: children or sister.

Rubbing your eyes is a tendency towards masturbation.

Seeing in the mirror that you have big beautiful eyes is happiness (happiness is in children).

That you have dull, sore eyes means misfortune (anxiety about children).

Seeing yourself in the mirror with colorless or white eyes means realizing the soullessness of your behavior.

With goggle-eyed eyes popping out of their sockets - petrification of the soul, callousness.

Seeing yourself in a mirror with holes instead of eyes means loyalty to intuition, deep insight, clairvoyance.

With burning eyes - to feel dangerous, demonic forces within yourself.

To see your eyes fall out means a wedding, children will begin an independent life.

Taking out and examining your eyes means a feeling of the falsity of your perceptions, a wrong idea of ​​the world. See your children from a new side, yours intimate life will become a topic of conversation.

Having a third eye in a dream means giving birth to a child. For a woman: pregnancy. There is a danger of destroying what you have created with your labors.

Use the light from your eyes to illuminate your path - to begin to perceive the world in a new way.

Seeing as if some creature is chasing you and trying to eat your eyes means experiencing inconvenience and trouble from other people's secrets. A warning against the dangerous development of spiritual powers, dangerous spiritual immaturity.

Seeing the human eye on a table, in a bowl, glass, etc. - shameful details of your life will be revealed, and you will feel fear of divine justice.

See a bunch human eyes- precious stones.

Seeing eyes with eyesores means enemies are closely watching you.

Seeing someone's evil gaze is a bad dream, foreshadowing a dangerous collapse of plans, deception, most likely occurring from relatives.

To see only someone's eyes in the darkness - the hard work of your conscience, hidden from you, will yield unexpected results; someone is watching you.

To see dull ghost eyes in daylight without a body is an unpleasant, painful split personality to experience.

Seeing a brightly sparkling eye in the clouds in the sky is a symbol of authority that should be obeyed.

To gouge out someone's eyes is to scare away and turn people against you, and you will suffer severely from jealousy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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When they say that an eye has leaked out, they can put different meanings into it.

In fact, the eye can leak due to traumatic destruction (scleral rupture, compression injury) or purulent melting under certain conditions. inflammatory diseases(endophthalmitis, panophthalmitis).

Leakage mechanism

The eyeball, due to the fact that it is 2/3 filled with vitreous, is very elastic. This helps him endure strong blows, whose kinetic energy will be transferred by the liquid filling deep into the skull. Unfortunately, with such an impact, the thin walls of the orbit (especially the bottom) take the blow and the contents of its cavity, that is, the eyeball, can descend into the maxillary cavity. However, the fatty body of the orbit allows in some cases to protect the eye from damage by bone fragments and preserve it from rupture.

If a damaging object gets into the eye small size, the eye first contracts, causing it to rise intraocular pressure. There is a posterior displacement of the iris and lens, as well as their rupture. Instantly the shock wave travels to the posterior pole of the eye and then returns forward. Such vibrations cause damage to internal structures. If the intraocular pressure was very strong (rupture of the sclera from the inside) or a traumatic object violated the integrity of the membranes of the eyeball, then its contents leak out. If the cornea is kept intact, you may notice its swelling and clouding. This intraocular fluid accumulates in the anterior chamber of the eye. In case of serious damage, a hyphema forms here - hemorrhage.

Traumatic damage to the retina leads to its ruptures, and the blood entering the vitreous saturates it, and hemophthalmos occurs.

With timely and correct medical care the hemorrhage may resolve, but the eye remains intact. However, when injuries cause optic nerve atrophy or other disorders leading to atrophy of the eyeball in humans, there is a need for surgical removal organ from the orbit. This operation (evisceration) allows you to eliminate a serious source possible infection for the whole body. The eye socket is also cleaned if the eye has leaked and cannot be restored.

Endophthalmitis caused by clostridia. Arrow points to opaque perforated cornea

With endophthalmitis, infection occurs in the internal structures of the eyeball - the membranes and vitreous. As a rule, infectious agents are introduced during penetrating trauma, failure to observe surgical asepsis, or a perforated corneal ulcer. Active inflammatory process covers the entire eyeball large quantities pus is formed, permeating its tissues, resulting in their complete melting.

Exudate leaking outward may be incorrectly interpreted as eye leakage. However, the disease has severe consequences– traction retinal detachment and subatrophy of the eyeball. As a result, such an eye must be surgically removed to prevent the development of an abscess and sepsis of the brain. That is, people lose an eye in the same way as if it leaked.

How to proceed

In case of an eye injury, especially if it was suffered by a child, the victim must be taken to a doctor as soon as possible. Often, a bruise can mask a tear in the sclera, posing a threat of leakage of the eye in the future. In addition, one should always be wary of the development of an infectious process, therefore, if possible, the injured organ should be covered with a sterile napkin and, in this form, wait for an ambulance.

All infectious and inflammatory eye diseases, including “harmless” conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, barley, and the like, must be treated under the supervision of a doctor in order to prevent the generalized development of infection visual organ.

Cover the eye with a sterile bandage and refer the victim to a doctor

Other cases

There are other conditions under which the eyeball can leave the orbit and still remain intact. Some people may also call this condition eye leakage.

Why this might happen.


A growth in the orbit or along the optic nerve physically increases pressure in the orbit and pushes the eyeball outward. The danger comes from both the tumor itself and the fact that the blood vessels and optic nerve in this case, they experience tension and tension, which can gradually lead to their atrophy, also oculomotor muscles find themselves disadvantaged and unable to perform their function. Without the ability to lubricate it with tear fluid, the covering of the eyeball will become inflamed and feel dry.

Treatment is carried out surgically, removing the tumor. If it is malignant, the operation is aimed at cleansing the entire contents of the orbit (removing the eye) down to the bone walls.


Peculiarity connective tissue In some people it makes the eyeball ligaments very elastic. They are likely to have an eyeball that “falls out” when intracranial pressure, sneezing, trying to exhale with open mouth. Shallow eye sockets and overly flexible eyelids also make it easier for the eyes to come out of their sockets. Some people can control this process and “roll out” their eyes on purpose.

Some people can push their eyes out of their sockets at will.

What to do if the eye is intact, but has come out of its orbit? Look down. Push and Pull upper eyelid big and index finger one hand. Use your second finger to push the eyeball, touching only the insensitive sclera (the white part of the eye), towards the back, while continuing to hold the eyelid. The eyeball should be back in place. Try looking up. If everything is done correctly, your eye will rotate normally in the socket under the eyelid.

In more severe cases, this manipulation is performed by a doctor, and the eyeball is secured in place using special staples or a suture.

The patient receives pain relievers, anti-inflammatory corticosteroids, antibiotics, and lubricating drops or gels to moisten the cornea.

Residents of Gomel are actively discussing the brutal crime committed by young people after consuming spice. On July 21, while visiting one of the suspects, three guys, after consuming spice, went into an inappropriate state - they ran naked, screamed songs, and then two of them.

The 23-year-old guy was left without eyes and with a disfigured face. He is now in intensive care, conscious, but has lost his sight forever - eyeballs are missing.

About the details of a noisy party that ended tragically, BelaPAN reported neighbors of one of the suspects - the son of the owner of the house in which the crime was committed.

The 29-year-old suspect quit the plant a few days before the incident and was planning to go to work in Moscow.

“He was a normal guy, polite, he always helped his father, he worked. They didn't notice anything like that about him. He and his father had a car. The three of them lived - father, Sasha and 23-year-old sister. But the sister went on vacation, the father was visiting his sick mother in the village, and that evening guests came to Sasha, some guy he didn’t know and his sister’s classmate - and then they disfigured him,”- the neighbors remember.

Another suspect, 21 years old, was expelled from the university in the spring and subsequently did not work or study anywhere.

According to neighbors, at about 11 p.m. on July 21, there was noise in the courtyard of a private house. One of the neighbors, an elderly woman, came out into the shared yard to see what was happening. But the 29-year-old guy shouted at her: "Go home!" and threw the frying pan. The pensioner called her son, who called the police. The guys, who were holed up in the house at that time and were yelling there, began throwing various objects at the police through the window.

When did the law enforcement officers enter the private house, then they saw a room covered in blood and a 23-year-old guy with no eyes and a cut-up face. He adequately answered the policemen’s questions, in particular, he gave his last name, address, and so on. To the question: "What do you see?", the young man replied: "White Light".

The victim was taken to intensive care, his comrades were taken to a temporary detention facility. When they came to their senses, they began to claim that they did not remember anything.

According to the USC, the actions of the suspects are qualified according to the elements of the crime provided for in paragraph 3, 9, part 2 of Art. 147 of the Criminal Code (intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, in a manner of torment or torment, by a group of persons).

When examining the scene of the incident, the investigative team seized fragments of wallpaper with a brown substance, a pointed wooden block, a broken glass thermometer, and two paper bags with a substance of plant origin.

The investigation of the criminal case has been placed under the personal control of the head of the Criminal Investigation Department for the Gomel Region. The preliminary investigation has been entrusted to a group of the most experienced investigators.

In Gomel at the beginning of July, a 30-year-old methodologist from one of the educational institutions was arrested. He is accused of being stabbed more than 20 times. According to preliminary information, the man used some psychotropic substances, possibly spice. According to him, he killed his mother at the behest of a certain voice, which ordered him: "Take a knife and kill your mother." An investigation is underway.

Over the six months of this year, 566 cases of drug users being delivered to medical institutions due to drug overdose. Among those delivered were 85 minors. The largest number of such facts is associated with the use of psychotropic substances - 378 cases. Nine were fatal.

Ukrainian punitive forces tortured two prisoners in the LPR to death in order to achieve obedience from the rest

In Ukraine - national holiday. After long, bloody and unsuccessful efforts, the Ukrainian military was able to capture a Russian soldier. This was reported by the BBC resource, citing sources in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Scans of the military ID and passport of Russian citizen Viktor Ageev are posted online.

But questions immediately arose.

What happened

The data is incomplete, so it is difficult to unambiguously reconstruct the picture of what happened.

According to reports released by the Ukrainian side, on June 24, near the village of Zhelobok, a military clash occurred between Ukrainian soldiers from the 93rd brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and a reconnaissance group of the 4th brigade of the 2nd corps of the LPR People's Militia. As a result, “four LPR fighters were captured, including 22-year-old Russian citizen Viktor Ageev.”

After capture Russian citizen was transferred to the Security Service of Ukraine.

As documentary evidence, photographs of Viktor Ageev’s passport and military ID were shown. According to data from these documents, Ageev served in military service in the city of Novocherkassk in 2015-2016 Rostov region. In March 2017, he signed a contract and remained in the army.

We will omit questions about this version for now and present the version of the other side - the LPR defense department. According to a statement by his official representative, Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Marochko, "On June 24, the Ukrainian sabotage group MTR (Force special operations– editor's note), who penetrated into the territory of the Lugansk People's Republic, on the Bakhmut highway an attack was carried out on a group of servicemen from the rear division who were delivering food to the personnel. As a result of the attack, two soldiers were brutally killed. Before their death, they were subjected to severe torture. An examination of the bodies showed that each had more than ten stab wounds."

Four others were, according to Marochko, kidnapped and placed in the dungeons of the Security Service of Ukraine, where they were subjected to "non-human psychological and physical pressure", so that they admit that they are Russian military personnel. At the same time, a representative of the People's Militia separately stated that the captured servicemen were residents of the LPR.

Andrei Marochko also said that “unidentified persons call the relatives of the kidnapped soldiers by phone and intimidate them, declaring that their only chance to save their loved ones is to come to the territory of Ukraine and publicly confirm that the captured soldiers are career military personnel Russian army".

There are questions here too

Let’s try to get an answer to everything at once.

First: the village of Zhelobok is located in the Slavyanoserbsky region of the LPR, that is, on territory not controlled by Kyiv. Kyiv saboteurs, therefore, penetrated onto the wrong side of the contact line, which is in no way consistent with any Minsk agreements or truces.

Second: what should a Russian contract soldier do near Zhelobok? Yes, there were battles there recently, but for the command of the Russian army (and by default it is assumed that since he is a contract soldier of the RF Armed Forces, he is subordinate to the command of the RF Armed Forces and carries out his tasks) - why should this place of local conflict be interesting? Maybe Kiev propaganda painted an ordinary Russian volunteer as a contract soldier? Hence the torture - to force him to confess exactly this?

Third: “Russian military personnel” on the territory of the people’s republics are stepping on the same rake with unenviable persistence. Namely, they go out “on reconnaissance”, taking with them a complete set Russian documents, including passport and military ID Russian Federation. With which documents they are caught and then presented to the press. It is strange that Russian intelligence officers do not take with them a driver’s license, certificates from the clinic, and receipts for payment for housing and communal services.

Fourth: how did the Ukrainian army know that in this case it was possible to capture a Russian military man? Was he being led? Where? From the personnel department of the People's Militia (PM) of the LPR? From Russia itself?

Fifth: why was this story revealed now, four days after the incident? At the same time, according to Marochko, Lugansk did everything possible to exchange the captured guys for Ukrainian prisoners - and there is a very valuable set of them in Lugansk, including active employees of the Ukrainian special services and saboteurs from the Special Forces. But no, Kyiv decided to sacrifice this opportunity in order to show the Russian private. Is it because the G20 summit is approaching, where it is important for the true masters of Ukraine (which is not included in the 20) to weaken Russia’s position through propaganda? And the fact that in the current episode in Donbass as information support immediately put forward by the BBC - it seems to be talking about just such a plan.

The eyes of prisoners were gouged out so that others would be more accommodating.

To comment on the situation and try to answer these questions, Tsargrad asked one of the most informed experts on the struggle of the special services in Donbass and Ukraine, the famous political scientist Yuri Pershikov.

"Yes, we were captured, - he confirmed . - Yes, they admitted it - and it was necessary to admit it. And now we need to save the guys."

Precisely to save, he emphasized, because the Ukrainian punitive forces acted towards the LPR military personnel with truly fascist cruelty.

“Today, few people focus on the fact that sadyugi from the Ukrainian troops, in front of the eyes of four detainees, so that they would be more accommodating, tortured the detained fighters to death,- said Pershikov. “They gouged out their eyes and then mocked them in front of their comrades.”

The political scientist is inclined to explain this cruelty by two factors. First, Kyiv really needed propaganda success, and for the sake of it, prisoners were cut alive in front of their comrades in order to extort from them a confession of belonging to Russia and the Russian troops.

“The Ukrainian side needs a Russian citizen exclusively for propaganda activities, - the expert is convinced. - It is known that more than one sabotage group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has received orders to find at least some Russian citizen in order to pass him off as a career military man. Suffice it to recall the case of Armen Bagiryan - "Buggy", - the command for the abduction of whom was received by the group of House - Vasily Sapronov. Buggy was killed and the Ukrainian saboteur was detained."

“In general, this is a definite success for the Ukrainian propaganda machine,” the expert concludes. “Moreover, today there are only a few Russian citizens among volunteers: due to the lack of active hostilities, many have simply gone home.”

The second factor of cruelty, according to Pershikov, is a disease of Ukrainian society itself. "The question is where does such cruelty come from? - the political scientist analyzes. - This is evidence that Ukrainian society is sick. Just look at how prisoners are treated on this side, in the people's republics. Once I had to talk with Ivanchuk, the detained commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and in my presence he dined on pancakes with condensed milk. Washed, shaved, wearing a new shirt. Waiting for his fate to be decided. And most likely, an exchange will be made..."

But on the Ukrainian side, after the exchange, people return to the republics beaten, broken, with signs of torture, women raped. There is a whole torture conveyor working there, as people involved in organizing such exchanges constantly testify. And this is what most of all, according to observers, indicates a truly extremely deep stage mental illness Ukrainian society itself.

“And it’s obvious that the guys need to be rescued from these sadists,” Yuri Pershikov emphasized.

Meanwhile, while this article was being written, the Russian Ministry of Defense denied media reports about the alleged capture of a “Russian serviceman” in Donbass.

Alexander Tsyganov