
Yellow bruises around the eyes. Yellowness around the eyes: causes and treatment

worsen appearance and create a sore and tired effect. Before you start getting rid of them, you need to figure out what is the reason for their appearance. Most often, bruises occur due to an incorrect lifestyle, but it is possible that this is one of the symptoms of a disease. In any case, have pity on your body and listen to it.


Blue circles under the eyes, what are the reasons for their appearance?

Dark circles under the eyes of blue color – these are, most often, translucent blood vessels.

They appear for several reasons:

  • Thin skin around the eyelids. This may be a hereditary trait. It also appears with age, when a person’s fat layer becomes thinner. Blood vessels are visible through thin skin, which create blue circles under the eyes.
  • Stagnation of blood. Could be a sign of bad things cerebral circulation, broken pressure. Reason for deterioration venous outflow may be like diseases of cardio-vascular system, and in an uncomfortable head position during sleep (uncomfortable pillow) and a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Pregnancy and other hormonal changes.
  • Intolerance cosmetic products, allergies.
  • Stress, lack of sleep, working at a computer, alcohol and smoking.
  • Skin diseases.

Where do yellow circles under the eyes come from?

If you find yellow circles under your eyes, this is a serious reason to pay close attention to your health. Yellow circles can cause kidney, gallbladder or liver disease. Such diseases cause an increase in the content of bilirubin in the body, which gives a yellowish color to the integument. In this case, not only the area under the eyes changes color, but also the mucous membranes and whites of the eyes. First of all, pay attention to the whites of your eyes - if they have acquired a jaundiced tint, consult a doctor and get tested. Often such diseases are accompanied by deterioration in health, nausea, weakness and discomfort in the abdominal area.

There is also a more harmless cause of yellowing under the eyes - coloring with natural dyes. E If a person eats too many foods with yellow pigment (carrots, citrus fruits), this can cause partial staining of the skin. In this case, the mucous membrane may also turn yellow, but the whites of the eyes do not change their color.

Why do brown circles appear around the eyes?

The first reason why brown circles may appear under the eyes is pigmentation. Melanin, which colors our skin, can be distributed unevenly. Brown circles can appear in people with pigmentation disorders and in those who tan too much.

Another reason is a lack of vitamins and poor nutrition.

Brown circles, like yellow ones, can be a signal of internal diseases.

Also, brown circles can be caused by the same reasons as blue ones - unhealthy lifestyle, stress, lack of sleep, poor circulation and thin skin under the eyes.

Methods for treating circles under the eyes

So, if you have circles under your eyes, first of all pay attention to the condition of your body. If anything bothers you other than bruises, it is better to get examined.

If there are no serious abnormalities in the body, the most The best way eliminate circles under the eyes - take care of yourself:

improve your sleep schedule, eat healthy foods, try to avoid alcohol and smoking, take more walks and less screen time, do eye exercises and avoid excess sun exposure (protect the eye area with sunglasses, wide-brimmed hats and protective creams with SPF).

Except general advice there is also cosmetic methods getting rid of bruises:

  • Method 1. Compresses at home. They will help relieve swelling and slightly restore blood circulation in the area under the eyes. For such compresses, slices of potato and cucumber, lotions from tea bags, ice cubes with added lemon juice or herbal decoctions. You can also make curd masks, which will make the skin a little more elastic and whiten it a little.
  • Method 2. Pick up good cream around eyes. It will saturate the skin with nutrients, moisturize it, give it freshness and elasticity. Since the skin around the eyes thins and becomes wrinkled the fastest, because there is practically no fat layer underneath it and this area is often exposed to facial expressions, the area around the eyes needs good care.
  • Method 3. Carefully wash off makeup from your eyes, apply the cream along the massage lines and try not to rub your face with a towel, so as not to stretch or injure the delicate skin of your face.
  • Method 4. Contact a good cosmetologist. Modern professional methods will help solve almost any cosmetic problem.

There are several methods to get rid of dark circles.

Noticing yellowness under the eyes, many women immediately try to disguise this cosmetic defect. Meanwhile, a non-standard skin tone can be the first signal of disorders in the body and even a symptom serious illnesses. You will learn from our article what the dangers of yellow circles around the eyes are, what causes the change in eyelid color and how to deal with them.


  • High bilirubin. An increase in bilirubin levels is one of the most unpleasant and alarming options that cause yellowness of the skin. This is how liver and gallbladder diseases make themselves known. Pay attention to whether there is any yellowing of the whites of the eyes, tongue or palms. If the mucous membranes change color, nausea and weakness appear, consult a doctor immediately. This may be a symptom of viral hepatitis.
  • Abuse of yellow-pigmented products. Actively eating carrots or tangerines is not dangerous in itself (provided that you do not have allergies). The skin changes color for a short period of time, but the state of health remains good.
  • Genetics. There is nothing you can do about heredity. Typically, this feature manifests itself in childhood and remains with the person for life.
  • Violation of the daily routine. Stress and lack of sleep, an inactive lifestyle and bad habits can come back to haunt you in this “original” way.

If you have recently developed yellow circles around your eyes (and you haven’t indulged in oranges or other bright fruits), the first thing you should do is get tested for bilirubin and visit a therapist. Before correcting skin color, it is necessary to exclude serious diseases.

Fighting yellow circles

If medical reasons not found, you should seriously reconsider your lifestyle:

  • Allocate at least 7-8 hours of sleep (by the way, this measure will help in solving other cosmetic problems).
  • Try to limit yourself to smoking and drinking alcohol (the ideal is complete abstinence bad habits).
  • Beware of ultraviolet light. Do not bask in the sun without protecting your skin with a cream with a UV filter.
  • Stop experimenting with mono diets. Create a balanced diet and stick to your diet.
  • Walk more, preferably in a forest or park area.

Cosmetical tools

Whitening procedures can become an additional arsenal in the fight for a healthy complexion:

  • Lemon ice. Mix half a liter of Borjomi mineral water with 100 grams of lemon juice, freeze this mixture in ice cube trays. Use cubes for contrasting lotions - apply warm wipes and ice alternately to the area under the eyes.
  • Parsley plus cream. Mince 50 grams of parsley, squeeze out the juice and mix with a teaspoon of heavy cream. Keep the mask on for about half an hour.
  • Raw potatoes. Place the finely grated potatoes on a gauze napkin and apply to the skin under the eyes.

Use masks 2-3 times a week, alternating recipes.

To “urgently” disguise yellow circles, you can use a concealer with a lilac or lavender tint. It is better to choose a liquid texture - a dense one lays down in a thick layer, highlighting facial wrinkles.

It's no secret that our skin reflects the state of the body. And if you notice any spots on it, discoloration or yellow circles under the eyes, you should look for the reasons in your lifestyle. Let's figure out why unhealthy yellowness appears under the eyes and how to get rid of it.

Eating certain foods

In fact the real reason the appearance of circles may not be so scary. They can occur due to the fact that a person consumes excessive amounts of foods containing yellow pigments. Among them are carrots, oranges and tangerines.

There is nothing wrong with such a manifestation of pigmentation, and a person’s well-being will not change from the appearance of such spots. However, it’s worth reconsidering your diet a little, since it’s still not worth going overboard with any foods. general health body.

Pay attention to eye protection

But since the consumption of pigmenting products does not often contribute to the appearance of yellowness under the eyes, the reasons may be hidden in completely different factors.

The appearance of unwanted circles may indicate that your skin around your eyes is too sensitive to UV rays. There is nothing scary about this, but to remove unpleasant yellowness, on sunny days it is recommended to wear Sunglasses good quality.

If you often wear glasses, pay attention to the frame. The reason for the appearance of yellow circles may be the metal frame, which is known to oxidize in air. This causes the metal to turn green and cause unwanted circles under the eyes.

Wrong lifestyle

Yellowness under the eyes, the causes of which are often hidden in an unhealthy lifestyle, can appear due to smoking, poor nutrition and regular stress.

All this leads to liver diseases, which cannot cope with the loads placed on it. If you wish to remove by-effect your lifestyle, change your diet, eat more vegetables, fruits and greens, quit smoking.

The appearance of circles is also influenced by a sedentary lifestyle and lack of oxygen. This can be corrected by daily walks. fresh air, additional physical activity(biking, gymnastics, etc.).

Pay attention to your weight - it often causes yellowness under the eyes. The reasons usually lie in sudden weight loss, which is extremely unfavorable for the body. This symptom also signals the need to change your diet.

Physiological individualities

It happens that a person constantly asks the question: “What can cause yellow circles under the eyes?” And everything seems to be fine with food, nicotine addiction no, like other reasons, but the circles do not disappear.

In this case, the reason lies in physiology. It is known that between the skin and the fiber located under the skin there is a membrane. For some, it is quite dense, while others are “lucky” to have a fairly thin membrane, which is why the skin tone appears yellowish.

There is no need to worry here, but, unfortunately, the defect cannot be corrected. To remove circles, you can use cosmetics, for example, concealers, which will hide unwanted yellowness.

Liver diseases

Yellow circles under the eyes, the causes of which can be quite dangerous, often occur due to liver disease. One of these provoking factors is bilirubin, a pigment whose content in the body is close to 20.5 mmol/l. If this indicator is exceeded in the body, this indicates problems with the liver.

Moreover, in addition to the skin under the eyes, the whites of the eyes and the mucous membrane are present. Pain in the right side, malaise and nausea may also be noticed. To make sure there is a bilirubin problem, pull down the lower eyelid and examine the whites of the eyes. If you notice yellowness, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Adrenal insufficiency

There is another condition that causes yellow circles under and around the eyes. The reasons for the appearance of circles lie in bronze disease, which contributes to the appearance of unwanted color.

In addition to this symptom, with chronic adrenal insufficiency, abdominal pain, weight loss, apathy, fainting, and weakness are noted.

Bronze disease can only be overcome with the help of drug treatment, therefore, if such symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to treat?

You should remember that if you have diseases that cause yellowness under the eyes, the causes and treatment can only be determined and prescribed by a doctor. If the problem lies in something else, then you should try the following several methods of combating unwanted pigmentation.

Finger massage is one of the most simple methods fights yellowness, accelerates blood circulation, due to which the circles disappear. Lubricate your skin nourishing cream, after which neat circular movements massage the upper and lower eyelids. Repeat the procedure morning and evening, and you will notice a noticeable result after a week of such prevention.

Eye exercises also promote blood flow and improve skin condition. Here are a few exercises to help combat dark circles:

  • Blink your eyes quickly.
  • Move your gaze up and down several times, and then to the right and left.
  • Focus your gaze on an object that lies close to you. Then change the focus to a further object.
  • Rotate eyeballs clockwise and then counterclockwise.

These simple exercises can be done at any time when it is convenient for you.

Masks against pigmentation

If the real problem lies somewhere else, eye exercises may be useless; the yellowness under the eyes still remains. The reason for men and women may be the same - excessive pigmentation in older people. To combat it, you can make special masks and compresses.

  1. Grind 50 g of fresh parsley in a meat grinder or blender.
  2. Place the pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze out a small amount of juice.
  3. Take a tablespoon of high fat cream and pour the juice into it.
  4. Apply the mask under your eyes 2-3 times a week for half an hour.

It is necessary to wash off the mixture warm water. After a couple of weeks you will notice significant results.

It is also important to use potato compresses.

  • Grate a large potato.
  • Take small pieces of gauze and place the pulp into them.
  • Place compresses under the eyes for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week.

It has been noticed that these products really help reduce unwanted pigmentation not only under the eyes, but throughout the skin.

Additional procedures

An excellent way to combat yellow circles and puffiness are contrast procedures. To implement them you will need lemon juice and a bottle mineral water. Mix the ingredients and pour the mixture into special molds to freeze.

After this, cleanse your skin and rub an ice cube under your eyes for 30-40 seconds. After this, soak the gauze in warm water and apply it to your eyes. Repeat the contrast procedure 3-4 times.

These are the various ways you can overcome such an unpleasant thing as yellowness under the eyes. The reasons for the manifestation of this disease can be varied, but the most important thing is not to neglect treatment and be sure to take care of your body, then the skin will be healthy and beautiful.

In order to choose the optimal method of combating yellow circles under the eyes, it is necessary to identify the real reason their appearance. It is quite possible that they are not an independent problem, but a symptom of a serious illness.

Yellow circles may appear when there is an increase in bilirubin in the body. This is a substance that causes “jaundice” and is actively produced in pathologies of the gallbladder and liver. In this case, it is necessary to urgently visit doctors (gastroenterologist, immunologist, dermatologist), who are required to prescribe comprehensive examination. If signs of hepatitis are detected, yellow circles, as a cosmetic defect accompanying the disease, will go away on their own after a course of treatment prescribed by a specialist.

Less alarming reason There may be an excess of carotene in the body. In this case, it is enough to refuse products containing it, that is, tangerines, carrots and other orange fruits and vegetables. It is important to know that, in contrast to the manifestation of diseases, with an increased content of carotene in the body, increased pigmentation of only the skin will appear. The mucous membranes and whites of the eyes will retain their light, White color.

Another factor contributing to the appearance of yellowness around the eyes is intolerance to UV radiation. During the beach season, it is enough to simply protect yourself with sunglasses and special creams and serums with a high content of SPF filters.

Common cause, which caused the yellowness of the eyelids, can be considered an incorrect lifestyle. Smoking, stress, lack of sleep, decreased overall body resistance harmful effects the surrounding world - all this contributes to the appearance on the face various disadvantages. But it turns out to be easy to fix them. It is necessary to give up bad habits, walk in the fresh air more often to ensure oxygen exchange in the tissues, avoid alcohol and, if possible, get enough sleep, going to bed before midnight.

There are also a number cosmetics, helping to brighten the skin around the eyes and rejuvenate it. Various serums with a whitening effect can be found at the pharmacy. But you can make miraculous ice from green tea yourself and wipe your face with it at night, not forgetting the area around the eyes.

It is also recommended to wash your eyes with a decoction of chamomile or sage after removing makeup. Do not neglect masks made from natural ingredients. A mask of fresh cottage cheese with parsley juice, grated raw potatoes or a mixture of fresh cucumber with rich sour cream - each option will improve the health of your eyelids. You just need to apply the mask for 15 minutes every day for a week. This will give the area around the eyes necessary substances, the skin will smooth out, and the face will shine with beauty and freshness.

The main thing that reflects the soul and state of a person is, of course, the eyes. That is why most people experience some discomfort when such a common problem as yellow circles under the eyes appears.

This kind of problem is very common, because the skin in this area is quite thin and very susceptible to various types of influences. external influences or internal factors.

Why do bruises appear?

The answer to the question of why bruises appear in the eye area is quite simple. The fact is that the skin in this area is quite thin and the vessels are located very close. That is why the main ailments of the body are most often displayed in this zone.

The following factors can also cause bruising:

  • Bad weather conditions.
  • Mechanical damage to the skin.
  • The influence of sunlight.

Most men and women don't pay special attention for yellow circles around the eyes, however, this approach is completely wrong.

After all, this kind of phenomenon may indicate the development of significant problems in the body. That is why, if bruises appear, it is best to consult a specialist for advice.

The reasons that cause bruising in most cases vary greatly. But mostly they indicate the development serious problems in organism. The main reasons why bruises appear are as follows:

  • Liver diseases.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Development of chronic fatigue.
  • Stress.
  • The influence of bad habits.
  • Lack of oxygen in the body.

In some cases, the cause of this phenomenon, which is especially common in men, may be an excessive amount of carotene in the body. This situation can arise with significant consumption of yellow plant foods.

What do the yellow circles signal?

Yellow circles under the eyes cannot be considered healthy. Quite often, their occurrence indicates the development of serious problems with:

  • Liver.
  • Gallbladder.

Quite often, such ailments are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Fatigue.
  • Nausea.

Yellowing of areas of the body with sensitive skin. If such signs appear, you should immediately consult a specialist, since most likely the main cause is a serious illness.

The appearance of yellow-green circles may indicate the development of the same kind of problems. Their occurrence is mainly associated with individual characteristics body. However, this kind of phenomenon can occur in men and women due to wearing metal-framed glasses.

Iron can oxidize and stain skin covering, therefore, before visiting a specialist, you must stop wearing glasses for several days. If the bruises do not disappear, then their occurrence is due to internal factors, and in this case you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

Also, quite a large number of people, especially men, wonder why appear brown bruises. As a rule, in most cases, brown bruises are associated with circulatory problems.

If the liver does not fully cope with its main function and does not cleanse the blood, the vessels in the eye area begin to gradually expand. Blood accumulates in the thinnest areas, such as around the eyes.

Also, brown bruises in men and women may indicate problems with the functioning of the biliary system. A specialist will help determine the cause of their development and prescribe treatment.

How to remove circles under the eyes?

There is no clear answer to the question of how to remove yellow circles. Measures that will help get rid of them should be prescribed by a specialist on a purely individual basis. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will prescribe an examination aimed at identifying the cause of their occurrence.

As a rule, in order to get rid of them it is used drug therapy, aimed at maintaining or normalizing the functioning of the body. Saturating the body with vitamins and strengthening it will also help remove bruises.

It is also possible to use special protective creams for this area. But before using them, you need to consult a specialist.

To get rid of circles medications must be taken on the advice of a specialist. After treatment, it is necessary to refrain from overloading the gastrointestinal tract. If this phenomenon occurs again, you must immediately contact a specialist.

Yellow circles under the eyes are a rather unpleasant phenomenon. As a rule, it indicates the development of serious problems with the body. If such bruises appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. The specialist will determine the cause of their occurrence and select the optimal treatment.