
Anna Semenovich breasts are natural or not. A photo of Anna Semenovich “without breasts” created a sensation on social networks

Anna Semenovich - my associations.

  1. Anna Semenovich has impressive twins. Just like my sister’s, it seems to me – one to one. My relative didn’t have enough when she was 15-17 years old, but then it was all over the place! So I willingly believe that Anna Semenovich has everything of her own - natural! Moreover, Anya’s mother has something similar! Anna Semenovich does not hide the fact that she considers her twins to be her main nurses.
  2. Anna Semenovich is a former figure skater. From the age of 3, Anechka was engaged in figure skating, and was very good at high hopes, but at the age of 20 she suffered a meniscus injury, after finishing her sports career she decided to become a singer.
  3. Anna Semenovich is a member of the group “Brilliant”. As part of this group, our heroine captivated audiences for only 4 years, but quickly realized that with such outstanding physical characteristics she could make her way in show business herself, as a solo singer.
  4. Anna Semenovich still has mediocre vocal abilities. Annushka’s singing abilities are not impressive, if you want to get a positive charge from her performance, then it’s worth watching, you don’t have to listen, but it’s best to turn off the sound, then you can feel the true joy of her efforts.
  5. At 39 years old, Anna Semenovich is still an unmarried lady. I have never seen photos of Anna Semenovich appearing online with at least one of her suitors. From which I conclude that her secret man is simply secret (he doesn’t want to come out, maybe because he’s married or isn’t serious), because I don’t believe that such an outstanding woman like Anya could be lonely, because she not only has her physical characteristics are excellent, she is pleasant in every way. Although most likely not an intellectual (to put it mildly) mental abilities this lady), but it seems to me that spending time in the same company with Anna is very interesting.

Anna Semenovich with her family, her parents and brother next to her. And pay attention to mom again!

Photo before the proportions suddenly began to change.

During her sports career, Anna Semenovich looked like this.

And once upon a time Anya was just such a raspberry, but very quickly she turned into a dense melon!

Judging by the phone model, it was a long time ago.

And in these two photos Anna Semenovich’s mother in her youth.

Every resident of our country knows Anna Semenovich, whose fame was brought not only by the vocal abilities of the singer, who began her career in the group “Brilliant,” but also by her outstanding figure features. At a young age, Anna took up figure skating and achieved considerable heights in this sport, but a serious meniscus injury forced the pop singer to leave the skating rink, which allowed her to try herself in a new role, which she liked. Let's remember what the singer looked like at the beginning of her career, and how her style has changed until today.

This is how Anna was at the height of her sports career - no makeup and blonde curls yet! But Semenovich’s eyebrows and lips are naturally such that no cosmetologist is needed.


And this is one of the first photographs from the time of “Brilliant”: Anna had already had a haircut that was fashionable at that time and for some reason plucked her luxurious eyebrows. By the way, the main advantage of the star, the famous bust, did not yet exist!


Well, that's it, let's go! Thick tone, pearlescent shadows, eyeliner along the lip contour - welcome to show business, Anya!

2005 - and here comes the bust. And what a... Together with him, the red waves and green shadows stuck together - all this was on the stage and working!


To be fair, we note that Semenovich’s makeup was always quite restrained, and this was in the mid-2000s, when most stars were already bathing in self-tanning.


Soon Anna completely abandoned her natural hair color and dyed her hair blonde. It seems to us that this yellowish tint has forgiven the “shiny” one.

Further - more. Anna's neckline became deeper, and thin eyebrows and sparkling lip gloss fully corresponded to the glamorous fashion of the “zeros”.


But straight hair and lipstick in warm shades always suited the star very well; in this image Anna Semenovich seems very cute.

Sometimes Semenovich remembered her sports past and came to the premieres in such a relaxed way. We just don’t understand why Anna wore these evening earrings under her sports jacket? We already guessed that she had diamonds!


But, “brown braid is a girl’s beauty” is definitely superfluous. Anna definitely shouldn’t flirt with looks in the “country chic” style.

Classic smokey eyes and a very dense tone, reminiscent of a mask: at some point, Semenovich became too passionate about evening makeup.


There are too many details in some of the star’s beauty looks! There are intricate braids on the head, earrings, and rhinestones on the dress - everything is so expensive and rich, but, alas, it smacks of bad taste...

Well, such laconic images suit Anna much better, everything ingenious is really simple.


But what is life without feathers and rhinestones? What is life without contouring and smokey eyes?

However, everything we have seen before is just flowers compared to this hairstyle in the form of a nest practically on the forehead.

But more dark shade hair with a shatush effect and a light tan really suit the star. If it weren't for the noticeable white concealer under the eyes and the again too heavy tone, we would call this look almost perfect!


Success follows failure: we have already found out that yellow blond is clearly not Semenovich’s story. And the bangs will somehow “forgive” the singer.

We would really like to discuss this makeup of Anna Semenovich, but somehow we couldn’t see it behind the magnificent bust...

Here it is, the color of the lipstick, warm, almost peach, which suits Anna perfectly. If we were her, we would ask the makeup artist for the shade number and use only that.


This exit of Anna was absolutely disastrous. We will not even discuss the green lace and the volumes contained in it, we will only note that the color of the lipstick added five years to the singer, and a thick layer of concealer and foundation created very noticeable " crow's feet"in the corners of the eyes. No, no and no again!


And again failure! If it’s red lipstick, then at least let it be without shimmer... And Anna should definitely give up such hairstyles in favor of more careless or simply loose hair.


In 2015, Anna Semenovich became a blonde again and fell in love with bright pink Barbie-style lipstick. I wonder what awaits us next?

Anna Semenovich was always proud of her enormous bust and claimed that everything was her own and natural. The press has received evidence that the singer’s lush breasts are inflated with silicone.

The former “brilliant”, recognized as one of the most busty stars in show business, declared to the envy of everyone that her appetizing forms were inherited from her mother, and in general in their family, where Ukrainian blood flows, there were no flat girls. The little secret of Semenovich’s large breasts was revealed unexpectedly, thanks to an oversight by the star herself.

Semenovich recently went to the hospital, where doctors diagnosed her with pneumonia moderate severity, Anna had a fluorography done at the clinic and was very worried that her pictures would not become public knowledge. The doctors assured the star that all this was confidential and gave the pictures to Semenovich personally.

The actress and singer was admitted to the infectious diseases department after filming the show “Ice Age” with suspected severe poisoning, which caused severe intoxication of the body. The star was brought to the clinic by ambulance from her home.

“There was no one at home. I thought I would just lie back in peace and quiet. I hoped it would get better, recalls Anna Semenovich. “Not having time to lie down, I felt weak throughout my body and almost fainted. Then I really got scared and called an ambulance.” The girl was released from the hospital on her own responsibility and with the condition that she return immediately if things get worse. At the singer’s request, her x-rays were given to her. Why Semenovich hid them so jealously became clear after the paparazzi managed to photograph them.

Photographers were waiting for the star to return from the clinic near her home. Anna was waylaid at the entrance. In the photographs of the newspaper “Your Day,” Anya Semenovich looks, to put it mildly, unimportant. Devoid of star shine, without hairstyle, makeup, beautiful clothes, she is not at all like the sexy star that we are used to seeing on TV screens and from the pages of glossy magazines. Faded and completely ordinary Semenovich, in a long, shapeless down coat and a hat with a pompom, clutched her X-ray photographs in her hands, and in this form she was photographed. The photographs of the original sizes clearly show silicone implants on x-rays stars.

Doctors forbid Semenovich any physical activity, but Anna is eager to fight. “The doctors told me that I had to stay in the hospital for a whole week! But I don't have that much time to rest. I'm not going to stop participating in Ice Age and I just need to rehearse a new dance. And I’m already eager to check out! The competition is very important to me! “I want to be discharged in 4 days,” Anna Semenovich told us. “I can’t afford to stay in the hospital any longer.” Otherwise, Lesha and I (her partner in the competition is Alexey Makarov) will not have the opportunity to test our program on ice. And you will have to withdraw from the competition. And this is in no way included in our plans. I feel in myself and in my partner the opportunity, if not to win, then to take a high place.”

Other former member"brilliant" Ksenia Novikova She can’t boast of a solo career yet, but for the second time the girl is selling a cast of her bust for decent money. A plaster bust of the singer, exactly repeating the singer’s form, will be exhibited as an exhibit in the famous Prado Museum in Madrid. Prior to this, her plaster breasts were sold at auction for a considerable sum to her admirer, who wished to remain anonymous. Ksyusha claims that she is upset by such increased attention to parts of her body.

Anna Semenovich is a Russian singer, figure skater, actress and TV presenter. From 2003 to 2007 she was a member of the group “Brilliant”. International master of sports in figure skating and ice dancing.


Anna Grigorievna Semenovich was born on March 1, 1980 in Moscow, USSR. Her father, Grigory Timofeevich Semenovich, worked as the director of a fur atelier. Her mother, Tatyana Dmitrievna, did gymnastics in her youth, but did not achieve much success and at the time of the girl’s birth she worked as an economist. The artist has a 7-year younger brother, Kirill.

From an early age, Anna Semenovich's life was complicated by a serious illness. In 1982, doctors diagnosed her with congenital rheumatoid arthritis. The girl spent six months in the infectious diseases department of the hospital, where relatives were not allowed. In order to see her daughter at least sometimes, Anya’s mother quit her job and got a job at a hospital as a cleaner and nurse.

Doctors advised to send the girl to sports section to strengthen bones. So Anya had to take up figure skating from the age of 3. She was fragile and short, so her coaches considered her an “ugly duckling” from the sport, from which nothing would ever come of it. But, possessing a strong character, within six months Anya became a leader. According to Semenovich, she had to train until she had bloody blisters, hiding her tears.

Her childhood was also marred by poor relationships with her peers. The young athlete earned huge amounts of money for her age, flew abroad, bought imported bags and outfits. All this caused the envy of other children. Anya was never taken into company or invited to go out after school. She changed 5 schools, but she had no friends in any of them.

The teachers also scolded her and called her parents to school, urging her to take the girl out of sports so that she could do well in her subjects. The algebra teacher failed her in exams and tests, despite the fact that Anya received additional training from a tutor. The girl was sensitive to bullying: she trained and studied from morning to night, while other children had fun after school, why was she constantly reproached?

She almost never went to discos, only before the weekend she could drop in for an hour and a half, and on the weekend she had to do homework for the week ahead. In addition, she was not allowed to date boys until she was 18. In one interview, Semenovich called herself “a child without childhood.”

Anya was helped to withstand all these difficulties by her strong character, which is evidenced not only by hard training, but also by a story from her childhood - Semenovich saved her friend’s life. In 1992, during the next training camp, Semenovich and her friend Tanya went swimming in the sea. It was deep near the shore, and then the shallows began. Tanya was a poor swimmer, but asked Anya to help her swim to the shallows.

Halfway through the journey, Semenovich asked her friend to turn over on her back. Tanya tried, but choked, got scared, and began to drown herself and drown Anya. To avoid drowning with her friend, Anya hit her hard and ran aground at breakneck speed. The guys on the shore noticed them and pulled Tanya out: exhausted, with blood gushing from her nose, but alive.

The next time the strong-willed character of the young figure skater manifested itself in 1993, when she and her partner went to junior competitions in Italy, where they fought for first place with local guys, although they knew that the jury would help their own. During training before the most important program, Anya, with banal support, fell and broke her chin. It started heavy bleeding, the girl was covered in blood. The coach said: “We need to withdraw from the competition.” Anya screamed: “What kind of filming?!” Now we will win first place!” And she ran straight to the first aid station on skates.

The doctor was Italian. Anya didn’t know Italian and didn’t speak English well, so she screamed in Russian for him to stitch her up quickly. Surprisingly, the doctor understood her, chipped her chin and put on braces. The girl took to the ice with a swollen chin, but she and her partner took first place.


Having received a certificate of secondary education, Anya entered the Moscow state academy physical culture(MGAFK). Since 1995, she has performed internationally in tandem with Vladimir Fedorov. In 1998, she left to live and train in the USA.

Since 1999, Anna's partner has been Roman Kostomarov. Their couple was considered the second in Russia after Ilya Averbukh and Irina Lobacheva. In 2000, the Semenovich-Kostomarov duo became the silver medalist of the Russian Championship.

Anna Semenovich and Roman Kostomarov (2000)

In America, Semenovich often spent weekends at the “Russian House” (Russian-language restaurant-bar) together with Tatyana Navka, Ilya Averbukh, Roman Kostomarov, Irina Lobacheva and Alexander Zhulin. Zhulin played the guitar, and Semenovich sang romances. During one of these meetings, Ilya Averbukh jokingly said that with her vocal abilities she could quit figure skating and become a singer.

In 2001, Anna Semenovich was returning from competitions, and girls from the group “Brilliant” were flying with her on the same plane: Zhanna Friske, Ksenia Novikova and Yulia Kovalchuk. The young figure skater looked at them with admiration: she immediately wanted to perform on stage, and specifically as part of the “Brilliant” group.

Soon she actually had to quit the sport due to a knee injury. The girl had her meniscus cut out, and for six months she took injections, hiding her tears. Semenovich knew that she would never achieve anything else in big sports.

Yes, she herself was already tired of figure skating, which she had to do due to circumstances - it was not her own choice, but a decision imposed by her parents.

She was tired of biased refereeing and corruption in this sport: in order to take prizes, she needed connections that she did not have. When she performed in a pair with Denis Samokhin, their opponents made serious mistakes, even fell on the ice, and the judges gave them first place, and Semenovich received second. She was tired of all this.


After leaving figure skating, Anna Semenovich fell into depression for six months. She was offered to work at the Igor Bobrin Ice Miniature Theater, but the girl refused. My common-law husband Daniil Mishin helped me get out of depression. Together they created the group "Charlie's Angels", which performed at venues in Moscow and recorded the album "Unintentional Murder", which consisted of 12 songs.

Charlie's Angels - Manslaughter

A video was shot for one of the songs, in which Maria Butyrskaya danced on ice, and Anna herself sang while skating. Unfortunately, television refused the video, and radio stations refused the group’s songs. The project had to be closed due to lack of funding.

Then Semenovich became a TV presenter on television. She hosted sports programs on Channel 3, on 7TV, and was a presenter in the “Morning” and “Night” programs on STS. In 2003, when Anna was working in the “Adrenaline Party” program, she was offered an interview with the “Brilliant” group. Semenovich looked very natural next to the girls, and producers Andrei Grozny and Andrei Shlykov just needed a replacement for Irina Lukyanova, who became pregnant. Anna was offered a casting, and two weeks later they called and said that she urgently needed to go to the studio to record - in two days the group was leaving on tour.

This is how Anna Semenovich became a member of the “Brilliant” group. With its composition, she recorded 2 albums: “Orange Paradise” (2003) and “Oriental Tales” (2006). According to Semenovich, she was paid less in show business than in sports. Until 2012, she lived in rented apartments because she could not afford to buy a home.

Anna remembered the life of a pop star with many stories: funny, cute and scary. For example, when Anna went on her first tour with “Brilliant,” she did not know that Siberian cities would be on the list and went on tour in a light dress and high-heeled shoes. Fortunately, the other participants collected some things for her so that the girl would not freeze on the road.

Anna Semenovich's debut as part of "Brilliant" took place at a corporate party in honor of the birthday of a major businessman. Some drunken oligarch tried to drag her off the stage, while the other girls shrugged their shoulders and continued singing. Semenovich thought that they were going to steal her, but the guards pulled the insolent one away.

The new member immediately became a crowd favorite. Fans wrote on the dusty glass of her car: “You are the most beautiful, charming,” and it was nice. But some of their messages were carved into the paint of her black Toyota jeep, so she had to constantly go to the car dealership for painting.

Brilliant – Oriental Tales

One fan frightened the singer for several weeks by regularly appearing near her house. Semenovich had to move; in total, she changed 3 apartments because of the fans.

Solo career

In 2007, Anna Semenovich left Blestyashchie. According to her, the group’s producers always did not care about the health of the singers. When Anya caught whooping cough in 2007, she was given a ridiculous three days to recover. This incident made her think. By all appearances, their paths diverged from the “Brilliant” ones.

After leaving the group, Semenovich took up a solo career. She released the single “War and Peace,” recorded in a duet with rapper Timati, and in August 2007 the song “Everything is so sudden” and the series of the same name were released, where she played together with Igor Vernik.

All this sudden Anna Semenovich. Episode 1

On December 11, 2008, the AMUSIC Records Company label released the singer’s first and so far only solo album, “Rumors.” The cover was made in Turkey. The booklet contained the lyrics, Anna Semenovich’s address to her fans, as well as exclusive photographs taken in Kyiv during the filming of the “Tyrolian Song” video.

In the period from 2013 to 2016, Semenovich rarely delighted fans with new work, releasing 2-3 singles a year, often in duets with other stars. So, in 2015 she sang with Dmitry Malikov (“25 Hours”) and Artem Pindyura from MBAND (“Boys”), and in 2016 with Denis Klyaver (“Habit”).

Semenovich ft Pindyura – Boys

Movies and TV shows

In 2004, the girl made her film debut, starring in a cameo role in the film “Night Watch”. She played herself there.

In the same year, the singer appeared in the series “Bachelors” and “Balzac's Age”, and in 2005 - in the series “Doomed to Become a Star”.

In July 2005, Semenovich appeared in a racy photo shoot on the pages of MAXIM magazine. She repeated a similar experience in May 2007 and October 2008.

In 2006, Anna was a participant in the show “Stars on Ice,” where she skated together with actor Vyacheslav Razbegaev. At the end of the season, the couple took 7th place.

Stars on Ice: Semenovich and Razbegaev

In September 2007, she appeared in the television show “Ice Age,” where she performed together with actor Alexei Makarov in the team of Ilya Averbukh.

In December 2007, the film “The Irony of Fate. Continuation". Anna Semenovich starred in the cameo role of a woman with a child at the airport.

In 2008, Semenovich took part in season 2 of Ice Age. At first, her partner was Alexey Kortnev, but he soon dropped out due to injury, and then Anna competed with fencer Pavel Kolobkov.

The girl also starred as radio operator Zinochka in the comedy “Hitler Kaput!” Her heroine helped fight the Wehrmacht Soviet intelligence officer Alexander Osechkin, played by Pavel Derevianko.

In 2009, the third season of Ice Age was released, bringing together the best participants from previous seasons. This time Anna Semenovich performed in tandem with actor Vadim Kolganov.

Semenovich and Kolganov in “Ice Age”

In 2010, Semenovich, together with Mikhail Plotnikov, hosted the TV show “The Young Lady and the Cook” on the TV Center channel. Plotnikov gave her lessons in cooking delicious and healthy food every week. The singer participated in the TV show until 2015, attracting male audiences to the cooking show with her spectacular cleavage.

In 2012, she starred in the film “Rzhevsky against Napoleon” in the minor role of Ostrozhskaya. Initially, she was supposed to play one of the main roles - Natasha Rostova, but in 2010 she was replaced by Svetlana Khodchenkova.

Personal life of Anna Semenovich

Anna Semenovich has always carefully hidden her personal life, so there is little information about her relationships with men in the public domain. It is known that in her youth the skater dated a much older man, but his identity remains a mystery.

From 1998 to 2000 she lived in civil marriage with businessman and producer Daniil Mishin, who financed her first group “Charlie’s Angels” and was 5 years older than the aspiring singer. According to Mishin, after the failure of Charlie's Angels, a crisis arose in their relationship. Quarrels, an empty refrigerator and the absence of intimate life. Semenovich herself claimed that Daniil did not accept her personality and interfered with her career.

One way or another, Semenovich soon left Mishin for a wealthier man, a businessman named Ruslan. They vacationed together in United Arab Emirates, her boyfriend bought her a car and an apartment and gave her jewelry.

Personal life of Anna Semenovich

Her next man in 2007 was the deputy chairman of Ugra Bank, Igor Akkuratov. According to some journalists, it was he who insisted that Anna Semenovich leave Blestyashchie, and the version about whooping cough was invented by the singer.

Since 2009, the singer had an affair with businessman Dmitry Kashintsev. They met at a party in Omsk, a few months after Semenovich’s pilgrimage to Murom to the holy relics of Peter and Fevronia, during which she asked the saints to send her a loved one.

Dmitry looked after her beautifully and gave flowers. At that time, Anna was busy filming Ice Age, and instead of gifts, Kashintsev brought her containers of food so that she could satisfy her hunger after grueling training. They scheduled the wedding for 2011, wanted to hold the ceremony in Thailand, but literally a week before the cherished date they broke up. The reason is still unknown.

Anna Semenovich. Man's destiny

In 2012, the singer met with a member of the board of directors of the Novoye Vremya bank, Ivan Stankevich. After breaking up, he gave her an apartment on Mira Avenue.

In 2018, Anna Semenovich admitted that she would not mind having children. The singer noted that at her age this may be a problem, but in this case she will resort to the services of a surrogate mother. The singer has a godson whom she adores.

There was an unpleasant incident in the singer’s life when she allegedly received a call from the hospital and was informed that she had suspected pneumonia and needed an urgent x-ray. Anna Semenovich and her mother spent the night in tears, and when she called the hospital the next morning, it turned out that no one had called her and she did not have any pneumonia. It turned out that it was a false call from journalists who, using the photo, tried to prove that Semenovich had breast implants.

In 2006, on the initiative of the magazine “Adult Games”, a cast of Anna Semenovich’s breast was made. According to the singer, it was a long and painful process. She was coated with oil and cement was applied from neck to navel. She had to stand in the heat for half an hour until the cement hardened. When the cast was removed from the body, Anna screamed in pain because small hairs were torn off along with it. The cast was subsequently sold at auction for $20,000.

In 2010, a crazy fan of the singer killed a man from Omsk who called Semenovich a “stupid prostitute.” The killer was declared insane and sent to compulsory treatment, but he soon escaped from the mental hospital.

Anna Semenovich now

On May 27, 2018, due to a hurricane in the Krasnodar Territory, Semenovich’s concert in the village of Starominskaya was in jeopardy. The singer nevertheless came out to her fans. She sang without a microphone, in the pouring rain, while the audience illuminated the stage with their mobile phones.

On November 1, 2018, on the eve of filming the New Year’s “Ogonyok”, the singer was hospitalized with acute viral infection. Anna Semenovich was connected to an IV, she was given antiviral drugs and prescribed bed rest. But the next day she went to filming.

In April 2019, the singer presented a video for the song “Do You Want,” in which she ironically played up her attempts to lose weight.

Anna Semenovich - Do you want

In September, she presented the first song after a long silence, “Sexybomb”. On October 2, 2019, Anna Semenovich took part in a concert in honor of the anniversary of the poet Mikhail Andreev, author of the songs “Why are the birches in Russia so noisy” and “Because you can’t be so beautiful.” The concert took place at the State Kremlin Palace. In addition to Semenovich, songs based on Andreev’s poems were performed by Dmitry Dyuzhev, the group “Factory” and many other Russian pop stars. Part of the proceeds from ticket sales went to the treatment of seriously ill children.

October 11, 2016

The luxurious bust of Anna Semenovich has been a subject of controversy for her fans for several years. Some accuse the artist of plastic surgery, while others never cease to admire the star’s outstanding charms and thank her for a worthy example to follow. Naturally, the celebrity did not always have such impressive data. In her youth, Semenovich was involved in figure skating professionally, and her figure was far from the forms that we see today. Ksenia Borodina's husband Kurban Omarov a clear example demonstrated that in adolescence the ex-soloist of the group “Brilliant” had practically no breasts. To prove this fact, he posted a retro photo of the singer. Most likely on her appearance strict sports standards and numerous training sessions had an effect.

Later, when Anna had already given up sports, her body took on completely different curves. Fans are still arguing about how natural Semenovich’s transformation was, and it is unlikely that the truth will be achieved in this discussion, although the singer previously claimed that she had never sought qualified help from plastic surgeons.

“When people see me, they think the same thing: “What size are her breasts and are they real?” That's all the public is interested in knowing about me. I don’t consider myself a sex symbol, I have a fairly rich inner world, and the male part of the country’s population views me exclusively as an object of desire. At the same time, no one cares that I read smart books, act in films and sing well. So I developed complexes. I began to tighten myself, even thinking, sinfully, if I shouldn’t reduce the forms I had inherited from nature. And a couple of years ago all these thoughts disappeared on their own. Now I walk with my head held high. In the end, why should I be ashamed?!” the singer lamented in an interview.