
Causes of brown bruises on a child’s body. Bruises on the body for no reason. Symptoms in the form of bruises in autoimmune diseases.

Why do bruises appear on the body for no reason? important question, because behind a seemingly completely harmless situation there may be serious problems, without solving which a person can not only get sick, but also lose his life. There are several reasons why the body periodically becomes covered with bruises or hematomas. They are a must-know for anyone who has encountered this problem at least once.

It contains acids that act as antioxidants and it helps reduce certain types of cancer. Broccoli. It is very rich in vitamin C and flavonoids with anti-cancer properties. The condition should be consumed in a solid or slightly vaporized state.

Clotting factor deficiency

Garlic. Its sulfur compounds stimulate the immune system. Some studies show that they reduce tumor growth if they are consumed raw or very little cooked. Nuka Brazil. It is very rich in selenium. Protects cells from free radical oxidation, thereby reducing the risk of cancer.

The formation of bruises on any part of the body, when a person has no idea where they came from, is a reason to undergo an examination at the clinic, which cannot be postponed.

Where do bruises come from?

Usually hematomas occur as a result of falls or blows; in any case, if this happens, it means that pressure was applied to the muscle - slow or sharp. This phenomenon has been familiar to everyone since childhood. Who didn't fall? What boy didn't fight? Everyone knows that the bruise that occurs in this case is the result of damage to the blood vessels. Most often, no one pays attention to bruises.

Reducing the risk of colon cancer. Researchers observed a lower incidence of colon cancer in people with high content calcium. Explanation: Cheeses contain minerals that interfere with the development of cancer cells in the colon. Capsaicin. This compound has been well studied. Although it was initially suspected to be a carcinogen, studies have shown that it has chemoprotective effects. More specifically, it is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimutagenic.

A healthy lifestyle can reduce your risk of cancer

Doesn't exist in a safe way cancer prevention, but doctors have identified several ways to reduce risks, including. Stop smoking by avoiding prolonged exposure to solar radiation, reducing the amount of alcohol consumed, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, avoiding sedentary activities. In the past, doctors left the premise that cancer had genetics. However, in recent years, experts have concluded that the risk of developing cancer can be significantly reduced by healthy image life.

Therefore, when someone one fine day discovers a bruise on his body, he does not attach much importance to it, thinking that due to his carelessness he forgot where he could have hit himself. But in fact, the problem can be hidden very deeply, and hematomas are its visible manifestation. It remains to find out where the epicenter of the pathology is.

The appearance of bruises on the body has several serious reasons, which you should pay attention to.

Thrombocytopenia is a condition in which the levels of platelets in the blood are uncontrolled. The causes of thrombocytopenia are divided into 3 parent groups. Decreased platelet production in bone marrow. Intravascular thrombocytopenia is an increase in the number of blood platelets.

Extravascular thrombocytopenia is increased platelet hyperplasia in the liver and in the liver. In mild cases, thrombocytopenia may not cause any symptoms. Moderate thrombocytopenia leads to blood clotting problems. These include bleeding from the nose and gums, and bruising of the skin, characterized by a rash called petechiae. In severe cases, it may occur life-threatening bleeding in the brain or other internal organs. In case of severe, uncontrolled bleeding, unexplained bleeding at origin, or unexplained bleeding, seek immediate medical attention.

These may be reasons such as:

  • taking certain medications, including analgesics, antidepressants, anti-inflammatory and anti-asthma drugs;
  • varicose veins;
  • insufficient elasticity of the vascular walls;
  • low platelet count;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • oncological disease.

A symptom of bruising in the brain is severe headache, internal bleeding It can be suspected when it occurs in the blood, stool, or urine. Your doctor diagnoses thrombocytopenia based on. Survey data. Physical examination data. Laboratory tests.

Some tests are done to evaluate blood clotting. Ultrasound examination can be performed on the spleen. Mild thrombocytopenia is usually not treated. Treatment for moderate thrombocytopenia depends on the cause. Sometimes, when thrombocytopenia is caused by drugs, it is enough to stop the drug and the platelet count becomes normal. If you need medications that increase the number of platelets in your blood.

Age is no barrier to bruising. Young and very young people may also experience bruising.

As a rule, they most often occur in areas of the body such as:

  • stomach;
  • hands;
  • legs;
  • back.

The main thing is to identify the cause in time and immediately begin to fight it.

Glucocorticosteroids - inhibits platelet depletion. Immunoglobulins - increases platelet production. Severe thrombocytopenia, when the drug is not effective, is treated. Blood transplant if the patient has lost large number. Splenectomy, when platelets are severely degraded in the spleen.

Avoid drinking alcohol as it slows platelet production. Avoid contact with toxic chemicals. Use medications that can reduce your platelet count responsibly. Lay out against infectious diseases which can lead to thrombocytopenia.

Treatment is the first solution

Many try to deal with the problem on their own, approaching this issue like amateurs. They struggle with the bruise and forget (or don’t know) that this is a consequence, and the cause must be treated. The second reason why people ignore doctor’s consultations is ignorance of which specialist deals with these pathologies.

Porphyria is a group of diseases characterized by a defect in the enzyme sequence of the chemical reaction sequence of chemical synthesis. Cheme is one of the porphyrin compounds, which contains an iron molecule that binds to the protein globin and forms hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the part of red blood cells that bind and carry oxygen throughout the body. Hemp is synthesized in the bone marrow and liver.

Patients with porphyria have an increased risk of developing cancer from cancer, especially if they are over 50 years old, have had the disease for more than 10 years, or drink a lot of alcohol and have cirrhosis of the liver. Varicose porphyria is hereditary disease porphyrin synthesis, characterized by skin lesions identical to porphyria tarda and increased porphyrin expression. Inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. The disease is aggravated by the use of barbiturates, anticonvulsants: phenytoin, hydantoin derivatives, carbamazepine and others; antimicrobials: chloramphenicol, griseofulvin, sulfonamides, novobiocin and others; hormones: estrogens, progesterone; internal contraceptives, minor tranquilizers: diazepam and others; phenylbutazone; theophylline and others, as well as during menstruation and pregnancy with alcohol.

Most often, in such cases, you should consult a therapist, and he will refer you to a highly specialized doctor for treatment.

But it’s better to immediately visit a hematologist, who will advise you to do:

  • clinical blood test;
  • coagulogram.

Thrombocytopathy and thrombocytopenia

Increased cytochrome P450 and increased excretion of porphyrins when exposed to the drugs listed in the body and in the presence of an enzyme defect. Porphyria of late skin is an acquired or inherited disorder of porphyrin synthesis in the liver, manifested by the formation of blisters or blisters in exposed areas of the body, with increased skin rash after hardening. The most common porphyry of the skin is caused by alcohol or chemicals such as medicines, such as estrogens, hexachlorobenzene, high doses of chloroquine, chlorinated phenol and others.

The test results will indicate the organ or system that is malfunctioning, resulting in bruises appearing on the body.

If the reason is only a lack of vitamins, then the treatment in this case is the most pleasant: good nutrition.

To do this, you need to balance your daily diet, namely:

  • increase consumption of chicken eggs;
  • regularly consume seaweed;
  • add fresh herbs to food (dill, parsley, celery, cilantro);
  • try to use seasonal fruits as much as possible;
  • take fish oil.

It is useful to take multivitamins, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

The cause of inherited skin porphyria tarda is a deficiency of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase in red blood cells and in the liver. In cases of porphyria tarda, bruising and fluid or blood-filled blisters appear when the skin is touched. Skin, small white cysts may also appear, and the skin sometimes becomes thick and hard.

Typically, porphyria is a vulnerable area of ​​the skin exposed to sunlight, although this connection is not found by all porphyria patients. Skin damage is caused by visible, not ultraviolet, rays from the sun, so the sun is dangerous for patients with porphyry not only in the summer, but throughout the year.

A decrease in vascular elasticity, for example, is often associated with age-related changes. In this case, the doctor will prescribe a set of drugs aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels. In women in menopause bruising may appear spontaneously due to hormonal changes (lack of estrogen).

Varicose porphyria. On exposed areas of the body, a flat blister appears on the face, back of the arms, and legs, followed by erysipelas, scabs, scars, mold, hardening, or darkening of the skin. She is fragile, just weak, easily damaged. General: Exacerbation affects abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness or mental symptoms, and less often - peripheral neuropathy.

When a few drops of 10% hydrochloric acid are added to urine, an orange glow appears under the light of a Wood's lamp. In corpores, the amount of isocoproporphyrin and 7-carboxypolyporphyrin increases. The increase in porfibilinogen increases as a result of the increase, and in the case of remission it is normal. The stool contains a lot of protoporphyrin.

  • The content of uroropyrinin increases in urine and plasma.
  • An increase in iron levels is observed in the blood, liver and Kupffer cells.
  • Histopathology.
Porphyria cutis tarda is associated with excessive iron accumulation in the liver, so one treatment therapy that can be very effective is regular blood thinning, similar to blood donation.

Estrogen has great influence on circulatory system, therefore, disruptions in its production lead to the walls of the capillaries thinning and becoming vulnerable and brittle. These women are shown hormones that improve general condition representatives of the fair half of humanity.

Also subject to treatment. Traditional medicine products and remedies will help increase this indicator.

Porphyria of late skin should avoid toxic effects of the liver or other chemicals. It is highly recommended that you stop drinking alcohol and consult your doctor before taking any medications. If these treatments aren't enough, your doctor may recommend chloroquine, commonly used to treat malaria, or hydroxychloroquine, which can help reduce the amount of iron in your body. While the Venezuelan treatment or oral drug will produce results, it may take several months, and it is advisable to avoid sunlight until late porphyria skin.

Significant benefits can come from foods that contain large amounts of vitamin K, such as:

  • cabbage (white cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower);
  • spinach;
  • oats;
  • rose hip;
  • wheat porridge;
  • rye bread.

A sufficient amount of vitamin K ensures normal bone formation in at a young age and protects older people from osteoporosis. From folk remedies Nettle decoction will be beneficial.

Wear wide-hanging hats, long-lasting clothing and gloves on special light days to apply special creams that protect against visible sun exposure. If porphyria is caused by drinking alcohol or taking medications, then porphyria tarda may go away by stopping them.

Porphyria late skin should avoid the toxic effects of the liver or other chemicals. It is highly recommended that you stop drinking alcohol and consult your doctor before taking any medications. If these treatments aren't enough, your doctor may recommend chloroquine, commonly used to treat malaria, or hydroxychloroquine, which can help reduce the amount of iron in your body. While the Venezuelan treatment or oral medication will produce results, it may take several months, and it is advisable to avoid sunlight until porphyria skin tarda.

If you have hypertension, then each point of treatment must be coordinated with your doctor to avoid blood clots.

Problems with blood clotting may be hidden in bad work liver, because it produces enzymes that facilitate this process.

Therefore, it would be useful to check how this organ works.

How to protect yourself from bruises?

To prevent further bruising, you need to monitor your health and consult a doctor. Self-medication in this situation is very dangerous, because you yourself are not able to diagnose your body and determine what treatment you need.

The following rules will help you protect yourself:

  • monitor your diet, providing your body with everything essential vitamins and microelements;
  • periodically take tests for tumor markers;
  • monitor liver function;
  • treat varicose veins in a timely manner;

  • take medications carefully, carefully study their properties and contraindications;
  • play sports, take walks;
  • avoid hypothermia and overheating;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • take a contrast shower.

TO preventive measures Helping to prevent the appearance of a hematoma in any part of the body also includes paying attention to the shoes you wear. The fact is that tight shoes, high heels, and narrow toes in shoes provoke the manifestation of varicose veins.

A sedentary (so-called office) lifestyle also does not have the best effect on the condition of the veins in the legs. Therefore, every hour of sedentary work should end with a short warm-up.

Even simple walking will improve blood circulation in the legs and avoid problems with veins. But this is only if you are wearing comfortable, comfortable shoes.

But if varicose veins are a given that you have to live with, buy compression stockings, reducing the load on the veins.

We should not forget that a seemingly harmless bruise is a harbinger or already an indicator of an existing pathology. The most dangerous diseases, leading to the appearance of bruises, are oncology or vasculitis, in which the human immune system begins to fight against its own blood vessels, seeing them as an enemy. What can we say about oncology, which is the scourge of the 21st century?

Svetlana Fedorova

At one time in my life I gave up eggs altogether and noticed that bruises began to appear on my skin more often. I introduced them back into my diet and now I have no bruises at all.

Bruises on the human body usually appear as a result of a contusion or blow. IN medical practice hematoma is an accumulation of blood in a certain area, formed due to open or closed injuries. The appearance of blue-green spots on the body due to mechanical impact is a common and understandable phenomenon; from this article you will learn why bruises appear on people’s skin for no reason.

Hematomas on the skin and the factors that form them

Subcutaneous bruising occurs immediately after physical contact with any object, which results in capillary rupture. The leaking blood fills the tissue surrounding the bruise and a bruise begins to appear. In the first minutes it has a purplish-red hue, because it contains unprocessed hemoglobin. During the destruction of hemoglobin, the bruise changes color three times, and only when the hemoglobin completely “evaporates” from the tissues surrounding the damaged capillary does it disappear.

Many are confident that the appearance of bruises for no reason should not cause much concern. However, are causeless bruises on the skin as harmless as most people think, or is this a serious reason to seek treatment? medical care. Most prone to bruising female body due to estrogen deficiency in the body.

The main reason for the occurrence of an unreasonable bruise is the fragility of the blood vessels, and this is why the vessels have lost their elasticity and need to be fixed.

If bruises appear on the body on their own, the reasons for this phenomenon lie in the following diseases:

  • fragility of blood vessels. Capillaries lose their elasticity due to lack of ascorbic acid and routine. A deficiency of these vitamins leads to a failure in the production of collagen, and as a result, subcutaneous bruising occurs;
  • pathological processes in the liver. The dysfunction of this is vital important body leads to a failure in the formation of special elements in the blood responsible for its clotting. Bruises due to liver diseases appear from the slightest impact on the skin and do not go away for a long time;
  • taking certain blood thinning medications. The most important on the list of such drugs are Aspirin, Plavix ( Latin name Plavix) and Curantil 25 and 75;
  • varicose veins Dilated veins lose their original elasticity and become fragile, therefore, as a result of the slightest mechanical impact on the skin, they rupture and a bruise appears, as it seems from the outside, just like that;
  • vasculitis This autoimmune disease contributes to the development of vascular fragility. Immune system a person begins to produce immunoglobulins aimed at fighting blood vessels, considering them as foreign. As a result of the confrontation, bruises appear for seemingly no reason. poses a threat to the patient's life and is the most dangerous cause the appearance of bruises on the body;
  • iron deficiency anemia. A decrease in the intensity of hemoglobin in the blood caused by iron deficiency is another factor why bruises appear for no apparent reason;
  • diseases of the heart, brain and lungs can also cause causeless bruises;
  • thrombocytopenia. Bruises that appear when the intensity of platelets in the blood decreases signal pathological change composition of biological fluid. The formation of this process is facilitated by disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, hemangioma, hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • coagulopathy. Genetic pathologies leading to blood clotting disorders. Typical for representatives of the stronger sex. Its presence in the body is manifested by large-scale hematomas spreading throughout the human body. A striking representative of the disease is hemophilia;
  • breast cancer. In this case, subcutaneous bruises are localized in the chest area for no apparent reason.

More often, hematoma for no reason occurs in older people. Which is a natural reaction of blood vessels losing their elasticity over time. If bruises form on the skin for no reason early age, should be given special attention food entering the body. To prevent and treat causeless hematomas that occur due to a deficiency of vitamins C and P, it is necessary to increase the consumption of foods containing them.

Classification of hematomas on the skin

The unreasonable appearance of bruises on the body is considered an individual symptom of a number of pathologies. Depending on the type and location of the hematoma, the attending physician draws conclusions about the reasons for their formation.

In medical practice there are the following types causeless bruises:

  1. Hematoma. This type is characterized by large-scale bruising both in the subcutaneous layer and in muscle tissue and joints. Causes pathological bone fractures, muscle necrosis, and changes in articular cartilage.
  2. Microcirculatory vessels. May appear on the lower and upper limbs and even on the mucous membrane of the nose and gums, causing bleeding from them.
  3. Mixed type. Characterized by manifestations of hematoma and microcirculatory types. There are few bruises on him, but they are of impressive size. Their formation is facilitated by DIC syndrome, overdose of anticoagulant drugs and classical hemophilia. To prevent bruises from appearing without a reason, it is necessary to undergo an examination and full course treatment.
  4. The vasculitic purpuric appearance is manifested by inflamed hematomas with an itchy rash.

If it appears, Heparin ointment will help cope with the problem. The product has long established itself as the most effective in the fight against bruises. of various nature. The ointment must be applied pointwise to the area of ​​the hematoma.

Troxevasin gel will help strengthen fragile blood vessels and reduce the likelihood of hematomas occurring for no reason.

Important! In case of inconsistency skin and in case of deep vein thrombosis, the use of ointments is strictly prohibited. Remember, any self-medication can turn into an irreparable tragedy. The treatment of bruises that appear on the skin for no reason is carried out by a local physician, a phlebologist, or a hematologist.

Let's sum it up

Bruises on a person’s body can appear on their own for no reason at any age. The main thing is to understand in time what triggered their occurrence. And for this, without careful medical examination can't get by. Upon discovery of the causes that provoke the appearance of hematomas, the attending physician will prescribe therapeutic measures aimed at solving the problem. Taking good care of your body will help you avoid disastrous consequences. Stay healthy.