
What is the difference between the classic deadlift and the Romanian deadlift? Guide for girls. Deadlift for girls: with dumbbells and with a barbell

So simple and effective exercise, like deadlifts for girls, allows you to work out various groups muscles, including the gluteal, shoulder, and arms. Women performing this exercise can use equipment of different weights. Initially, athletes should use only those projectiles whose mass does not exceed 12-15 kg. Even when using such a small weight, you will be able to work very well large number muscles. By gaining experience, the athlete will eventually be able to pass the deadlift standards, independently selecting the working weight of the equipment. The main thing is not to forget about warming up. Also, girls should not think about such things as deadlift records. This usually applies to professional athletes.

Muscles worked during deadlift

Deadlifts for girls have a beneficial effect on the forearms and biceps, back extensor muscles, quadriceps and biceps hips, latissimus dorsi, buttocks, and trapezius. This exercise is included in women’s fitness for two reasons: thanks to it, the athlete’s weight is reduced, and the body is given a beautiful relief.

for girls

Performing the exercise on straight legs is the most effective technology for women. It is this technique that maximally loads the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Remember, in order for this exercise not to harm the body, you must strictly follow the technique of its implementation developed by professionals. Otherwise, you risk stretching or even tearing your muscles, thereby keeping you out of the sport for many weeks or even months. To perform a deadlift correctly, you must follow some simple but important rules.

Deadlift. How to do it?

Your back should always be kept straight. It is forbidden to tilt your torso back or, conversely, bend forward. The gaze should always be directed only forward. This way you will be able to perform the exercise easily and effectively, keeping your posture straight. When performing the exercise, you should feel the work of each muscle involved. This will make it easier for you to do the exercise correctly. The legs should be kept slightly bent, only at the end of the repetition should they be straightened.

Number of repetitions

The number of repetitions when performing this exercise depends, first of all, on how experienced the athlete is. So, for beginner athletes, an acceptable option for deadlifting with a barbell is two or three sets of ten repetitions. As for dumbbells, it is recommended for a beginner to perform four to five sets of twenty to thirty repetitions.

What mistakes do female athletes most often make?

One of the most common mistakes when performing deadlifts is lowering the pelvis down, when it should only be pulled back. The pelvis and back should form a straight line. When performing a deadlift, you should never lift your feet off the floor; you must rest on the entire area of ​​both feet. Otherwise, you risk serious injury. Beginner athletes should not use heavy weights when performing this exercise. For unprepared and weak muscles, heavy physical activity is extremely undesirable.

What are the differences in how men and women perform deadlifts?

The female version of the deadlift is significantly different from the male version. The main difference is the intensity of the exercise. As a rule, in men's training, heavy weights are used, and the number of repetitions per set does not exceed six to eight. Girls use lighter weights, but the number of repetitions in the approaches is no less than ten. This difference is due to the fact that for men, deadlifting is primarily a way to gain muscle mass. But in most cases, girls don’t need this at all; they, as a rule, want to work out their relief and strengthen their muscles. Other important difference- deadlift technique. Men are known to focus on pumping up their back muscles. For girls, on the contrary, the load falls not so much on the back, but on the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

For a beginning athlete, the first stage of performing a deadlift is working with an empty bar in the presence of a coach. The bar should be kept as close to the body as possible. When lifting the barbell, start the movement by straightening your back, only then can you engage your legs.


Breathing properly is also very important when performing deadlifts. Remember, when lowering the barbell down, you should exhale, and when lifting it, accordingly, inhale.


Of course, not everyone can afford to do such a difficult exercise as the deadlift. And first of all, this applies to people with spinal problems. Of course, like all other exercises, deadlifts should not be performed when elevated temperature. It is also recommended to consult with a doctor and trainer before classes.

Performing deadlifts with dumbbells

Many people associate the deadlift only with a barbell, but it can easily be replaced with dumbbells. It is worth noting that when performing the exercise, dumbbells can be placed not only in front, but also on the sides. This will make your task easier, since the weight of the projectiles will be close to the center of gravity of your body. Using dumbbells is perfect for inexperienced athletes. The disadvantage of this technique is that dumbbells weigh less than a barbell, which means the load on the muscles will be small. Although for many girls this is not important.

Using the stand

Deadlifts for girls in this case are performed similarly, but here the legs should already be on a low stand (no more than 10 cm). Thanks to this variation, you will increase the amplitude, and therefore the effectiveness of the exercise. This type of deadlift is quite difficult, so only experienced athletes can do it. It is worth noting that this type of exercise is extremely effective for strengthening the buttocks, so girls will simply be delighted with it. However, there is one caveat. You need to bend your legs strongly and lower your pelvis low.

This type of deadlift has an alternative. If you use a barbell with small-diameter discs in your workouts, you can do without a stand. You just need to lower the bar to the very surface of the floor. The effect of this will be similar.


This type of deadlift differs from the classic one only in the positioning of the legs. They should be located twice as wide as your shoulders. In this option, the main load is received by inner part thighs, while the buttocks are less tense as the range of motion is reduced.

Benefits of the Deadlift

No wonder this exercise is considered one of the most effective for strengthening muscle mass. Many girls are mistaken in believing that deadlifts (the weight can be many kilograms) expands the waist. In fact, this exercise does not involve the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles as much as, for example, pull-ups, bench presses, push-ups, and triceps extensions.

Deadlifts for girls also have a positive effect on the condition of the hip joints. In the future, such training and preparedness of the body will allow you to move on to more complex and difficult exercises. This primarily applies to crossfit, kettlebell lifting, jumping, and plyometric training. The main thing on initial stage- pass the deadlift standards. This way you will be able to develop your body very well. And over time, you may be able to break the deadlift record.

We hope you now understand what a deadlift is and how to do this exercise without making mistakes.

IN lately More and more representatives of the fair sex are paying attention to fitness. Many even begin to engage in strength sports. If a girl wants to strengthen the muscles of her body, she should do deadlifts. Yes, not only men can do such exercises. Moreover, they require very little sports equipment to complete.

Deadlifts for girls are a great way to pump up the muscles of the legs, back, arms and shoulders. How to choose the right exercise and what its advantages are, we will analyze in more detail in this article.


Deadlifts for girls have a positive effect on the entire body. What muscles does the deadlift work? First of all, these are the forearms, biceps, all the back muscles, muscles of the thighs, buttocks and trapezius.

This strength exercise was included in the women's fitness program for two reasons:

  1. Allows significant weight reduction.
  2. The body acquires a beautiful relief.

By performing deadlifts, a girl gets rid of excess fat deposits and cellulite, gaining beautiful waist and slender posture. The deadlift is an energy-intensive exercise that covers a large number of muscle groups.

Efficiency for girls

The deadlift is a compound exercise with dumbbells or a barbell. When performing it, a large number of muscles are involved. It was already mentioned above that deadlifts allow you to pump up your back, legs, abs and tighten your buttocks. The effectiveness of this exercise has been proven by many years of experience of many athletes.


Proper execution of deadlifts is very beneficial. When performing this set of exercises, the latissimus muscles, extensors and lower back are involved. This helps to significantly strengthen your back. As a result, the spine straightens and posture becomes more beautiful.

If you perform this exercise regularly, the girl will get a beautiful body contour. All fat rolls will disappear, and your figure will look more toned.


Great benefit brings exercise for the legs too. Helps strengthen the inner thighs and biceps. Various techniques help develop stretching.

By performing this strength exercise with straight legs, you can effectively develop the muscles in your legs. Moreover, the results will be much better than when performing a similar exercise on a conventional simulator.


Deadlift promotes the development of the gluteal muscles. Sumo and classical techniques are especially effective. The deadlift is an anaerobic exercise. Therefore, an increase in load is allowed, which contributes to better work muscles of the whole body.

If you compare regular cardio exercises with deadlifts, it becomes clear that in the latter case the result is achieved faster and lasts for a long time.

Execution technique

There are several types of deadlifts - classic, Romanian, sumo, with dumbbells, with dumbbells on one leg, using a stand. Which type to give preference depends on anatomical features bodies and individual characteristics girls.

There is also such a type as the Roman deadlift for girls. Its main difference from the deadlift is that the Roman deadlift involves working with a reduced working weight.

Well, now let’s look at each of the above types in more detail.


In the classic deadlift, the position of the squat will determine which muscles will be subject to greater stress. If your back is parallel to the floor, then this area bears more of the load. If the thighs are parallel to the floor, then they are subject to greater load.

How to do deadlifts correctly to achieve maximum results:

  1. Squat down and grab the barbell with an overhand grip, placing your palms slightly below your pelvis.
  2. The back should be straight, bring the shoulder blades together. A slight deflection is allowed in the lumbar area.
  3. Now you need to straighten up very slowly, avoiding sudden jerks. The back and spine should remain straight and the shoulder blades should be brought together.
  4. During straightening, your arms should not pull the barbell. They should work like cables.
  5. Lifting the bar must be done vertically. The bar itself should be as close to the hips and knees as possible.
  6. With your gaze directed forward, begin to lower the barbell by bending your knees and moving your pelvis back.


Now let's figure out how to do it Romanian deadlift with a barbell for women. This exercise has a good effect on the buttocks, back of the thighs, and back muscles. This is done as follows:

  1. In a standing position, grab the barbell with a straight grip, placing your palms slightly wider than your shoulders.
  2. The back should remain straight. The shoulder blades are brought together. A slight deflection in the lumbar region is allowed.
  3. While performing the exercise, you need to look in front of you all the time.
  4. The body should be lowered smoothly. First, the back bends, and then the pelvis moves back.
  5. Legs should remain straight. You can only bend them a little.
  6. The barbell should fall strictly vertically, remaining as close as possible to the knees and hips.
  7. The bar must be brought to the middle of the shin and returned to its original position.

Let us add that the Romanian deadlift is also known as the “dead deadlift” and “stiff-legged deadlift.” The difference between a deadlift and a deadlift is that the former is performed with straight legs, and the bar is lowered to a maximum of mid-calf. In a classic deadlift, the barbell is lowered directly to the floor.

You can see the technique of performing Romanian deadlifts with dumbbells for girls in the video at the end of the article and in the picture below.

With dumbbells

Rows with dumbbells or kettlebells can be performed as in the classic way, and Romanian. Dumbbells should be held in the same way as a barbell - in front of you or at your sides. The deadlift exercise with dumbbells is suitable for girls who exercise at home.

In the classic version, deadlifts with dumbbells are performed as follows:

  1. Feet shoulder width apart. Dumbbells near the feet.
  2. Look ahead. The chin is raised.
  3. To pick up the shells, you need to lean forward, bending your knees slightly.
  4. The back should remain straight, tense and fixed.
  5. The pelvis is pulled back and raised slightly.
  6. Now you can straighten up, sliding the dumbbells along your thighs.

What are the benefits of deadlifting with a kettlebell? This type of exercise is ideal for those who have injured wrists or forearms. Plus, this is the exercise that beginners are recommended to start with. Dumbbells are easier to lift than barbells.


Among all types of deadlifts, the Sumo deadlift technique for women is also popular. Do it as follows:

  1. The legs are placed much wider than the shoulders. Socks are spread to the sides at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. The back should remain straight. The shoulder blades are brought together. A slight deflection is allowed in the lumbar area.
  3. The barbell is taken with an overhand grip. Palms slightly wider than shoulders.
  4. The lowest point of the thighs is parallel to the floor. The knees are bent at a right angle.
  5. The lift off of the bar is performed with a push from the hips. The body straightens smoothly. The arms remain straight. Look ahead.
  6. We return to the starting position.

This exercise with a barbell is suitable for working the buttocks, leg muscles and thighs.

With dumbbells on one leg

To complete this exercise you need to do the following:

  1. Standing only on your right leg, rest your left hand on a wall or other vertical surface.
  2. IN right hand take a dumbbell.
  3. Keeping your back straight, slowly lower your body down, moving the thigh of your left leg back to a parallel position with the floor.
  4. Look straight ahead.
  5. We return to the starting position and change sides.

We would like to add that using a barbell while performing deadlifts on one leg is prohibited.

Using the stand

Deadlifts for girls using a stand are performed by analogy with the usual method. Only a low stand is placed under your feet. Using a stand allows you to increase the amplitude, and this makes the exercise more effective.

Performing such a deadlift is quite difficult. Only experienced athletes can cope with the task. The difficulty is that the pelvis must be lowered quite low, bending the knees strongly. At the same time, the exercise allows you to powerfully pump your buttocks.

The same effect can be achieved using a barbell with discs small sizes. Then there is no need to use a stand. You just need to lower the bar all the way to the floor.

How to choose the right weight

We have already figured out what the deadlift is for. Now let's pay attention to how to choose the optimal load.

For beginners, it is better to start performing exercises with an empty bar in order to properly work out the technique. Even experienced athletes are advised to first do a few reps with an empty bar to warm up. After warming up, you can lift the optimal weight.

How to understand that the weight is “optimal”? If after thirteen repetitions the girl does not feel tired, this means that the weight can be increased.

Do not be afraid that the muscles will “swell” to incredible sizes. Girls simply do not have hormones that would contribute to a sharp increase muscle tissue, like male athletes. The technique for performing deadlifts for men is almost identical, but differs in larger weights.

Common Mistakes

If the exercise is performed using the correct technique, it will not cause any harm. The most important thing is to comply with everything necessary rules.

However, beginners often make some mistakes that can cause injury:

  1. Neglecting warm-up. Any training must - this is the rule! Initially, minimal weight is used to prepare the muscles and joints. Only after this can you increase the load.
  2. The technique of performing deadlifts on straight legs with a barbell for girls involves the use of significant weight. However, it should not be excessive. Take the weight so that you can perform 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps. In this case, tension should be felt in the muscles, but not pain.
  3. Slouching and a rounded lower back are the main violations when performing deadlifts of any kind. If you can’t keep your back straight and your shoulder blades brought together, then you need to reduce the weight. It might be worth replacing the barbell with dumbbells.
  4. Another violation is the removal of the shoulders back and a strong arch at the top of the lower back. This is very dangerous for your back. Pulling your shoulders back is associated with injuries to joints, ligaments and muscles. Therefore, at the top point you need to stand straight, bringing your shoulder blades together. The knees should also be straight.
  5. When performing deadlifts, you should not bend your elbows. They should always remain straight, hanging down under the weight of the barbell or dumbbells. Only the hands and shoulders should work.
  6. Sudden movements when performing traction exercises are prohibited! All movements must be smooth. Sharp jumps are fraught with injury.


Deadlifts for the buttocks, like any exercise with dumbbells or a barbell, are quite difficult to perform. Therefore, not everyone can master it.

There are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account:

  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • protrusion;
  • compression;
  • disease of the wrist joints, elbows and shoulders;
  • problems with the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Do not deadlift at elevated temperatures. In any case, before starting training, you should consult a doctor and an experienced trainer.

If, when performing any type of deadlift, a feeling of discomfort occurs, the lower back, knees and hip joints, the training must be stopped immediately. People who have problems with the musculoskeletal system need to approach this type of training with caution. The same applies varicose veins, chronic fatigue and other diseases.

The heaviest load when performing deadlifts is subjected to lumbar region. Therefore, you cannot violate the recommended technique. For lower back pain, such exercises are generally contraindicated.

Particular attention is paid to breathing when performing deadlifts. When tense, you need to inhale. When relaxing, exhale. The breathing technique should be brought to automaticity.

Any deadlift exercise with dumbbells or a barbell for girls is traumatic. Therefore, the technique should be followed with special attention. In some cases, it is better to wear a belt to be on the safe side.


The deadlift technique for women is clearly demonstrated in this video.

Greetings, dear readers and, in particular, female readers! For girls, today's article will be doubly useful!

It so happens that most gym visitors associate basic exercises with great muscle mass and strength sports. What if I told you that they are also useful for the weaker sex!

Even the heaviest of the basic movements (the deadlift) can serve as a good tool in building a lean figure. Let's find out why deadlifts are so useful for girls.

To explain it in a very primitive way, deadlift is lifting a load from the ground. A movement that is often found in everyday life.

To explain it more scientifically, the deadlift is a combination of two movements: extension in the knee and hip joints. And the heavy barbell you hold in your hands prevents this extension.

The exercise in question has long been ingrained in the training regimens of athletes in many sports. Yes, yes, its application goes far beyond fitness and bodybuilding.

Deadlifting in different sports

Even in the program of the great strongman and bodybuilder Evgeniy Sandov, there were exercises reminiscent of the current deadlift. And this was more than 100 years ago!

And subsequently, many circus strongmen included lifting the barbell from the floor, both in their training and in the performance program.

Deadlifting gained worldwide popularity after the advent of weightlifting. Since then, it has been actively used in the training practice of athletes in almost all strength sports (powerlifting, weightlifting and even luge). This exercise has not gone unnoticed in CrossFit.

What muscles work

Since the main movement occurs in the hip joint, the gluteal and hamstring muscles receive the main load.

In the classic version of the deadlift, in addition to the hip joint, the knee joint also bends. The movement resembles a half squat. Therefore, you can’t do without working the quadriceps.

The back extensor muscles work in a static mode, that is, they do not change their length throughout the entire exercise.

But, I remember, I said that the deadlift affects almost the entire body. And this is true! To hold the barbell in your hands, you need to tense the muscles of your forearms. And to stabilize the shoulder girdle, the rhomboid and trapezius muscles are included in the work. You see, deadlifting will not let you relax!

Advantages and Disadvantages

This exercise is not ideal and has its drawbacks. But most of them are associated with the inability to do it correctly or the desire to lift heavy weights.

Let's start with the shortcomings. So:

  1. Places high demands on performance technique and the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, I do not advise completely inexperienced beginners and fragile girls to start with this exercise. First you have to strengthen your muscles through simple movements.
  2. Deadlifting is difficult to do at home, because the best weight for it is a barbell.

That's probably all. And now about the benefits.

Why do deadlifts

  1. The load is on almost the entire body. Imagine using 75% of the muscles in your body. During the period of mass gain, such a “global” effect will contribute to the release of anabolic hormones and, consequently, muscle growth. Girls shouldn't be afraid of this! After all, you will not get a pumped-up body, but a good one. physical fitness(especially legs and buttocks). And during the period of weight loss, exercise will allow you to burn more calories.
  2. Deadlifting with light weights will strengthen the lower back and the entire muscular corset of the spine (if done correctly!). And this will have a positive impact on everyday life. For example, when lifting any heavy objects in everyday life.
  3. This exercise teaches you to feel your back muscles and keep your lower back straight.
  4. Various types of deadlifts, such as Romanian, make it possible to specifically work the back of the thigh and buttocks. And single leg rows work the gluteus medius and minimus.

As you can see, there are more than enough reasons to include deadlifts in your workouts. The main thing is to master the correct technique.


Not everyone can do the deadlift. In some cases, even with the correct technique, an exercise can be harmful!

Who is at risk?

  1. People with hernias intervertebral discs and lower back pain. In sports, there are common cases where athletes train even despite this illness. But we are for health!
  2. In addition to intervertebral hernias, there are hernias of the abdominal wall - organs are pressed through the layer of abdominal muscles.
  3. Those who have diastasis - stretching of the fibers of the white line of the abdomen. The one that connects two vertical rows of abs. Often occurs in women after pregnancy.
  4. People with cardiovascular diseases.
  5. People with poor posture.

The main reasons for contraindications are that:

  1. The back muscles work in a static mode. The load from them is transferred to intervertebral discs squeezing them. Spine healthy person tolerates such a load well. What can't be said about an unhealthy back?
  2. When performing barbell lifts, you need to retract and tense your abdominal muscles. And this leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which increases blood pressure. This normal phenomenon For strength exercises, but it is dangerous for the above categories of people

Safety rules

To protect yourself from possible negative consequences, you need to approach your training wisely!

What is the danger?

Load on bone apparatus distributed evenly when the back maintains a natural arch, the shoulders are straightened, the stomach is slightly retracted and tense. If at least one of the criteria is not met, then the equipment collapses, and the risk of injury increases in geometric progression from repetition to repetition!

Violation of execution technique

How to track technical violations? It's easy to notice. The main “jamb” is a hunched back. Sometimes people bend almost into an arc. The reason for this disorder is too much weight or weakness of the muscle corset.

To learn the correct technique, film yourself from the side. Or ask an experienced athlete, or even better, a coach, to look at your technique.

Warming up is required

Never forget about warming up! It is the key to your sporting longevity. Moreover, it does not require much time. Usually 5-10 minutes are enough to “warm up” the ligaments and joints and prepare the muscles for training. This part of the warm-up is called general. The best option would be to perform a short cardio session and swing movements with your arms and legs.

This is followed by a special warm-up. I think you are familiar with her too. It consists of performing several warm-up approaches in the exercise that you are going to do.


Sneakers with hard soles are best for footwear.

The requirements for other elements of clothing are simple - they should not restrict movement and allow the skin to breathe.

Many athletes use a weightlifting belt worn around the waist. Its main task is to maintain intra-abdominal pressure. And as you remember, it is this that helps keep the lower back straight.

I advise you to use the belt only in working approaches. In other cases, try to keep your lower back straight on your own.

Another important piece of equipment is wrist straps. They are used when grip strength is not enough to hold the weight in your hands. Another reason for their use may be fatigue of the forearm muscles due to previous exercises.

Sometimes both coaches and experienced athletes suggest using a different grip instead of belts. That is, grab the barbell with one palm away from you and the other towards you. But this option can lead to injury. shoulder joint and imbalance in the development of the muscles of the back and arms!

Technique and types

Exercise in the classic form is unlikely to appeal to girls. After all, you need pumped buttocks and a thin waist.

Which deadlift is best for girls?

Since you need elastic buttocks and toned hips, then the emphasis should be on training them. The straight leg deadlift, also called the Romanian deadlift, will help us with this. The essence of the exercise is that the main movement occurs in the hip joint, which is extended by the gluteal muscles.

  • Romanian:

The correct deadlift technique corresponds to slightly bent knees and a straight back. Which should remain so throughout the entire exercise. Moreover, you should strive not to lean forward, but to move your butt back. As if you want to rest your buttocks against an imaginary wall behind you. Hands with weights should be directed vertically downwards. You should lower yourself until you feel a slight stretch on the back of your thigh.

  • On one leg:

It is another effective “female” exercise. Which, for some reason, is not popular. But in vain! After all, it uses not only the gluteus maximus muscle, but also its smaller neighbors - the gluteus medius and minimus.

In the starting position, step one leg back. And leave it in this position throughout the entire exercise. The rest of the technique resembles straight-legged deadlifts. To better understand how to do this type of deadlift, watch the video (!

  • Sumo:

In the starting position, you need to stand with your feet apart much wider than your shoulders and your toes turned out. You can use a barbell, dumbbells or a Smith machine as weights. By the way, this also applies to other exercises! Grab the bar with an overhand grip (palms facing you) at shoulder width or slightly narrower than shoulder width. The forward tilt of the torso should be slight, since the lion's share of the movement is the extension of the legs.

Deadlift from floor to knees on a stand:

It is performed only using the leg muscles. The stand is used to increase the depth of the squat. Squat down as far as flexibility allows. Then stand up using only leg extension and bring the barbell to knee level. Then return to the starting position.

Training program for girls

The deadlift can be included in your workout routine on the day you train your back or legs. Best option– put the exercise first or second in your program.

So a leg workout might look like this:

  1. Incline leg press – 3-4 sets of 15-12 reps.
  2. Straight-legged deadlift or sumo deadlift - 3-4 sets of 15-12 reps.
  3. Lunges – 2-3 sets of 15-12 reps.

If you include deadlifts on your back day:

  1. Vertical pull-down – 3-4 sets of 15-12 reps.
  2. Classic deadlift - 2-3 sets of 15-12 reps.
  3. Rows of a horizontal block to the stomach – 3-4 sets of 15-12 repetitions.

And after completing the complex, do not forget to stretch your muscles!

It is better for girls to perform the classic version of the deadlift from plinths, that is, not from ground level, but from knee level. To do this, you need to set the plinths so that the barbell passes just below the kneecaps.

Common mistakes

The most common errors include:

  1. Hunched back. The most traumatic technical violation
  2. Unsynchronized extension in the hip and knee joints
  3. Bringing the shoulders forward. Indicates weak trapezius and rhomboid muscles
  4. Hyperextension of the body after lifting with weights


Today we learned that deadlifting is an excellent way to develop muscles not only in men, but also in women. Or effective remedy for weight loss. But don't forget about the right diet!

With this I say goodbye to you. Subscribe to article updates, share information with friends on social networks. And if you have any questions, please contact me through the feedback form on the website. See you soon!

This type of exercise can be classified as a complex but highly effective type of training.

Those who have mastered this type of load always include it in their training complexes. This method of muscle training can be used wherever it is convenient for you - both in the gym and at home.

The use of dumbbells allows you to increase the efficiency of working the target muscles several times. Therefore, if you are faced with the task of properly pumping up and strengthening the main muscle groups, you can successfully use the deadlift exercise with dumbbells for girls.

What muscles work?

The main load falls on the muscles - hip flexors, gluteus maximus and back extensors. The additional muscles involved are the teres major, rhomboids, and trapezius, and many other muscle groups that help stabilize the body while performing the dumbbell forward bend exercise.

When executing various types traction the load on muscle groups is distributed as follows:

  • High – lower back, buttocks, ;
  • Middle - arms, forearms.
  • Other muscle groups and muscles are also involved, but to a lesser extent.

Having become familiar with this load distribution, you can clearly direct your efforts to the target muscle groups that need to be worked out. The load is distributed differently when using different types of exercise, although the same muscles are involved.

Standing on straight legs

The so-called deadlift with dumbbells for girls is suitable for those who want to pump up the gluteus maximus muscle, as well as strengthen the torso muscles and give them definition. Gym instructors note that this type of exercise is recommended for men at the beginning of training, when it is contraindicated to use heavy weights at once.

Be careful, this movement is quite dangerous, If you are a beginner, we recommend starting to work on your back extensors and gluteal muscles with. It is performed with your own weight, and therefore the risk of injury is much less.


  1. We stand straight, legs slightly apart. You can shift from foot to foot to relax your leg muscles. Place your hands with dumbbells on the sides of your hips, or you can place the dumbbell behind your back
  2. We bend our back at the lower back
  3. We lower the body forward without bending or bending the knees. The center of gravity naturally shifts forward. We compensate for this by moving our buttocks back. Place your hands with dumbbells freely exactly above your feet.
  4. Hands with dumbbells begin to slide down without reaching the floor. Don't forget! We make an effort while exhaling! Next we return to the starting position

For the first time, it is enough to do, on average, ten repetitions at a slow pace, smoothly, slowly, feeling how the buttocks and back of the thigh tighten. In the future, when the muscles become stronger and the stretching is good enough, we increase the number to three to four sets of twelve exercises.

This movement takes place of honor among, second only to, and.

Important information before you begin

Before performing the above movement, Be sure to read this information:

  • Load displacement. The peculiarity of this type of exercise is that when you bend your legs strongly, you will work out your gluteal muscles perfectly. If you straighten your legs more strongly, the load will go to the back of your thighs. Depending on your goal, you can shift the emphasis of the load on the muscles you are interested in in this way and achieve excellent training results.
  • Main mistake. A mistake when performing the Romanian deadlift is to fully extend the legs, as this can threaten to strain the tendons.
  • Useful advice. When performing a “deadlift”, do not forget that the main load will fall on the lower back muscles, so before performing this exercise you need to do good stretches. Warm muscles work much more efficiently, and the risk of injury becomes minimal.
  • Is it possible to perform the movement after injury? You can resume exercises during the recovery period after any injuries using the smallest weights and only after consulting a doctor.
Carefully! If you came to gym recently, then don’t immediately chase after heavy loads– increase the weight of dumbbells and the number of repetitions of exercises gradually. Major injuries occur precisely for these reasons and discourage training with dumbbells in the future.

On bent legs

This exercise is also called the Romanian dumbbell deadlift for girls. Why is it needed? The fact is that with poor stretching and insufficient flexibility, this movement with straight legs is very difficult to perform, so in such cases this variation is performed. The gluteal muscles receive the greatest load, followed by the thigh muscles.

Before training we do a warm-up, including exercises for target muscles.

How to do this movement correctly:

  1. We stand straight, knees slightly bent. Place your hands with dumbbells loosely on the sides of your hips.
  2. We bend our back at the lower back, so as not to disrupt the natural curve of the spine.
  3. We lower the body forward while bending your knees a little more. Hands with dumbbells slide freely along the front of the thighs, to the feet. We make an effort while exhaling!

Watch the video for more details:

Carefully! Some perform this exercise by squatting and almost touching the floor with their buttocks. This is not correct. By doing so, you put a lot of stress on your knee joints, putting them at risk of injury. Place your hips parallel to the floor, then a right angle will form at the knee joint! When performed correctly, the load is distributed evenly, which helps to work out the gluteal muscle group and hips.

Romanian single leg deadlift with dumbbells

This exercise is included in many training programs for the reason that it is capable of excellent exercise, which is not available for most other types of loads. Deadlifts on one leg with dumbbells are also aimed at developing the vestibular apparatus. With regular use they eliminate disharmony in the development of muscle groups.

Before you begin the exercise, you need to do a good warm-up, which is definitely recommended to include lunges.

  1. Take dumbbells from a low bench.
  2. Stand straight, legs slightly bent at the knees.
  3. Begin to lower your body parallel to the floor while raising your leg.
  4. Hands with dumbbells are perpendicular to the floor.
  5. At the end point of the lift, the leg and body should be on a straight line.
  6. We begin to return to the starting position. We perform the exercise very slowly, don't make sudden movements, since it is easier to maintain balance.
  7. We make the movement, alternating legs.

The amount for beginners is seven to eight repetitions for 3-4 approaches. It is necessary to gradually increase the amount only when you have perfectly learned to keep your balance.

This option is suitable for physically fit people. Those who have recently started training can start with easier options performing this type of training. This type of physical activity perfectly trains the sense of balance, perfectly loads the gluteal muscles, tightens the butt and makes the hips slender.

The exercise is difficult in terms of maintaining balance, but if you do it regularly, you will learn to do it automatically. Performing this type of movement does not involve the use of large weights. Remember that the load must be strictly dosed.

Carefully! You make a common mistake if you don't lift your leg high enough, as required by the technique. There is little benefit from performing this exercise, since the target muscles will not work.

And finally, we’ll give you 6 practical tips:

  1. If discomfort or pain occurs in the lumbar region, knee or hip joints, training must be stopped. In the future, you need to consult a doctor about the advisability of performing this type of exercise.
  2. Needed with treat with caution to perform this type of physical activity for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, varicose veins, chronic fatigue and other diseases.
  3. Lumbar region when performing various deadlifts with weights, it is subjected to the most serious load. Do not violate the recommended exercise technique. And if you have lower back pain, performing this movement is generally contraindicated. In this case, we recommend that you see Dr. Antipko.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to breathing. Tension - exhale, relaxation - inhale. To perform it correctly, the breathing technique must be brought to automaticity.
  5. If you learn to perform these exercises correctly, this will be an indicator of excellent movement coordination, as well as good development gluteal muscles and thighs.
  6. Any variety of deadlifts are, to one degree or another, traumatic, so strictly follow the execution technique. In some cases, to be on the safe side, you can wear a belt. If you are not suited to physical activity, start by doing exercises without weights.

Regular training, motivation and clearly defined goals give amazing results - slim figure, sculpted muscles and a good mood!

The most important of the five basic strength exercises – the deadlift – helps athletes gain weight and develop their core muscles. It engages many muscle groups and promotes their growth by increasing the level of hormones (testosterone) in the blood.

When performing, the muscles of the limbs, the gluteal-sacral-lumbar area of ​​the back, shoulders, the central nervous and respiratory systems are loaded. And also:

  • muscles grow and fat is burned;
  • appetite and libido increase;
  • muscle symmetry improves;
  • The “muscle-brain” connection is strengthened.

At the beginning of the exercise, the large ones help to straighten the pelvis, and the knees help the thigh muscles: biceps, vastus lateralis, semimembranosus and semitendinosus. The spinal erectors straighten the body at the end of the lift. He assumes a vertical position.

Stabilizing the arms and bringing them toward the body at the end of the exercise is performed by the latissimus major and teres major muscles. The shoulders and head are fixed by the rhomboid and trapezius muscles of the back. We wrote in detail about which muscles work when performing this exercise.

Important points for correctly performing deadlifts on straight legs:

  • the back is perfectly straight;
  • direction of view – forward;
  • knees - at the beginning of the pull - slightly bent, at the end - straight legs.

Mental concentration on contracting the muscles of the legs and buttocks will allow you to perform the deadlift correctly, and keep it straight - looking forward.

Technique for women

The main thing is to do everything right.

To perform deadlifts on straight legs, first use the minimum weight of the barbell:

  • stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart (or wider) and take a barbell (IP);
  • bend down (remember to keep your back straight and look forward), lowering the bar slightly below your knees (they are slightly bent!);
  • We return to IP, straighten our legs.

Analysis of possible errors

  1. You cannot lower your pelvis deeply (do a “squat”). It must be retracted, excluding upward retraction. When tilted, the pelvis continues with the back.
  2. You cannot transfer the entire load to the heel and lift your socks off the floor. Support is provided on the entire foot.

Deadlift with dumbbells - pros and cons

Logically, a deadlift is lifting a heavy eyelid off the floor and straightening it up. If you distribute the load incorrectly, you can overload the joints and injure them. When deadlifting with dumbbells, it is more difficult for the athlete to bend due to the fact that the dumbbells lie on the floor below the barbell. The back may bend at this moment, which is unacceptable. Then it is unrealistic to perform deadlifts with 50 kg dumbbells instead of a 100 kg barbell.

On the other hand, the dumbbells are pressed closer to the body, and the arms are turned at the seams. This further increases the safety of the lower back. Girls and male beginners work with dumbbells in the fight for a thin waist, starting with a small one and increasing to an acceptable weight (12-15-20 kg).

Exercise: We stand in the IP position, take dumbbells (A), bend over and slightly bend our knees (B). We lower the dumbbells 5-15 cm below the knees and return to IP.

Deadlifts should be performed 2-3 times a week and combined with other exercises that strengthen the limbs, buttocks, back and shoulders.

Technique for men

The maximum number of muscles works.
  1. Preparation. We stand up straight, place our feet at hip level, and toes slightly to the sides. We place the barbell on the floor closer to the legs. The bar of the bar should go through the center of the foot, not the toe. You can use your shoe lacing as a guide.
  2. Shoes with flat soles (sneakers) are suitable for traction to maintain balance and prevent back overload from painful sensations. Running shoes with air or gel cushions are not suitable.
  3. IP. We lower our body down (on straight knees) and grab the barbell, passing our knees between our hands.

We keep our arms straight and fix our elbows. They will begin to pull the load upward like belts. We round the back a little.

Moving up. Bend it a little knee joint, put your chest forward, move your pelvis back, straighten your back. We feel the muscles of the lower back and legs tense at the back. We can't transfer the weight to our socks! We rise, bringing the bar of the barbell closer to our feet. When the bar reaches the level of the knees (the first phase), the muscles of the thighs in the front work; in the second phase, the muscles of the thighs work in the back.

DO NOT lift weights solely using the strength of your back, but at the same time using the muscles of your buttocks and thighs at the back. At the top point, they do not perform steps or other movements, but simply stand.

Check before moving up. You need to lift the weight correctly, so before doing it we check how the foot is positioned and the bar at the feet. You don't need to squat very deeply. The shoulders are slightly ahead of the bar line, and the shoulder blades “cover” the bar. This is necessary for uniform loading of the shoulder joint. The head and neck are in a neutral position, in accordance with the direction of gaze - forward.

Downward movement. We begin to lower the weight to the knees, pushing the hips back to clear the way for the barbell and keep the knees safe. Now bend your knees and keep your back straight.

Not allowed:

  • arching your back up or down;
  • transfer the weight of the barbell to your shoulders and arms so as not to injure the joint;
  • lower your gaze to your lower limbs so as not to disturb your balance.

Video explaining the exercise technique:

Analysis of possible errors

At the top of the movement, DO NOT: arch your lower back, strain your shoulders, or strain your back muscles.

YOU CAN push your chest forward, but without connecting your shoulder blades and tensioning your shoulders, freeze for 1 second and lower (under control) the weight down.

A barbell with a small weight, like dumbbells, is lower on the floor than a barbell with a large weight (from 20 kg). It is more difficult for beginners to lift it from the floor, so it is better to place it on a stand. Beginners need to constantly monitor their back so that it does not bend upward, but is straight, otherwise it can be injured.

Do you need belts for insurance?

With straps you can lift heavier weights than with your hands. But belts are used only by athletes in competitions. To perform a deadlift, it is not the weight that is important, but the correct technique.

This also applies to the “multi-grip” technique, when one palm is directed downward, the other upward. A similar grip is used to facilitate the completion of the last sets of deadlifts when there is a lack of strength.

Types of deadlifts

Classic look

Classic version
  1. Place your feet parallel, no wider than your shoulders, to maximally engage your quadriceps. We place the hyphae of the barbell as close to ourselves as possible, until it touches the shin.
  2. Let's take a breath. We descend deep into. Keep your back straight, turn your shoulders, bend your knees at an angle of 45°, tense your abs.
  3. We grip at shoulder level, maintaining symmetry relative to the center. A different grip is more reliable than a straight grip, but it cannot eliminate the asymmetry of the body. Therefore, it is more necessary on the last approaches when increasing weight.
  4. We exhale and move upward. Raise the barbell evenly. There should be no distortions or jumps. We monitor the sliding of the barbell along the legs.
  5. When lifting the barbell above the knees, we fully straighten the body, but do not fall back.
  6. Moving down, we move our pelvis back and keep our back straight. The fingerboard slides along lower limbs. We do not move the bar forward from the body, we bring our shoulder blades together, we keep our head raised. We touch the floor gently, while relaxing the muscles only after establishing last time rods on the floor. Premature muscle relaxation is dangerous.

If it is impossible to keep your back straight while lowering the barbell, you need to lift it onto the supports. If the hip joints have good flexibility, stand on a low bench to increase the range of motion.

Romanian deadlift

In this type of deadlift, there is no low squat and the pelvis is more retracted, concentrating the load on the back of the thigh and buttocks. At the bottom, the body assumes an almost parallel position relative to the floor.

SUMO deadlift

The work involves the femoral surfaces: anterior and posterior with the inclusion of the adductor, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. We turn our feet at an angle of 30-40°, placing them at double shoulder width. We use a different grip, but change its order every workout to evenly distribute the load on the forearms and wrists.

Deadlift exercise

The straight-legged row develops the buttocks and posterior thighs. Quadriceps work little. We squat to the depth of the middle of the shins. We tilt the body by moving the pelvis back with minimal bending of the legs. We increase the weight of the barbell with caution.

Deadlift using crossed legs or one leg

With crossed legs, the surface of the thigh of the leg standing behind is specifically loaded. We do the same number of approaches on both legs. A barbell or dumbbells can serve as a weight. For an exercise on one leg, the weight must be acceptable so that the execution technique does not suffer.

The classic look is suitable for athletes with:

  • unpumped legs;
  • short arms;
  • weak lower back.

Deadlift with straight legs. This exercise has a maximum range of motion and a chance of injuring the spine. Deadlifts are not included in powerlifting competitions due to their low weight and the risk of injury. Therefore, you should not risk your health, but use a different type of traction.

"SUMO". Due to the fact that the feet are placed wide, the quadriceps will be involved in the work as much as possible, but the back muscles will work less. Therefore, the method is suitable for athletes with weak lumbosacral areas and long arms.

Conclusions. It is contraindicated to perform deadlifts with injuries or diseases of the spine. An exercise done correctly will develop strength and endurance in boys and girls, build muscle and prevent injury.