
Back pain causes and treatment. Causes of back pain

The state of the spine is reflected in any organ or system of the body, as it is a support for the entire human body. If your back hurts in the middle of the spine, or you feel some kind of discomfort in this area, this should alert you. You should undergo an examination, identify the causes of pain and eliminate them as quickly as possible. A lot of different factors can negatively affect the condition of the spine (injuries, excessive stress, poor nutrition). It is necessary to consult a specialist in time and establish a diagnosis.

Types of pain. Mechanical violations

First you need to determine what kind of back pain you are worried about. After all, the exact identification of the cause depends on the type of painful sensations. So, the pain can be sharp and sharp, throbbing, dull or pulling. The latter type may occur in the middle of the back due to sudden physical overload. She belongs to the category mechanical damage. There is a pulling pain after lifting heavy loads. It is because of this that the spine hurts in the middle of the back during pregnancy. It is difficult for a woman to carry a child, and therefore, from the load in the back appear drawing pains. After childbirth baby long time is on the hands, it also affects the health of the spine.

Any gravity provokes the occurrence of pain in the middle of the spine, most often with scoliosis. With this pathology, the vertebrae are displaced, the reason for this is an incorrect fit. Scoliosis is detected at the appointment by a therapist, neurologist or surgeon. When lifting weights, the vertebrae are easily removed from their normal state, which causes pain. Large loads lead to osteochondrosis. This disease is practically not cured, it develops into a chronic form.

All people leading a sedentary lifestyle, one way or another, suffer from pain in the spine in the middle of the back or in the lower back. With the help of gymnastics, pain conditions can be avoided. Get up from your computer more often and stretch your stagnant spine. This will help get rid of stiffness and discomfort, feel lightness in the muscles of the back.

Non-mechanical violations

Not always the cause of displacement of the joints is any mechanical stress, disturbance, injury. The internal organs have a significant impact on the health of the back. If the spine hurts in the middle of the back, this may indicate some kind of ailment inside your body. The causes of pain should be identified by competent highly qualified doctors. A timely diagnosis will allow you to get rid of the disease without any complications.

Also, pain, spasms in the muscles of the back can appear with some kind of stress, excitement, nervous tension. Acute resulting pain in this case appears as a result of a sharp contraction of the muscles, spasms occur in the middle of the back. Frequent stressful situations with frequent spasms, they can lead to the appearance of a stoop, as a result, an incorrect distribution of body weight along the spine. The mechanical effect on the spine decreases or increases, pain appears.

Sharpness of pain

If the spine hurts in the middle of the back after childbirth, listen to the nature of the pain. Cutting, sharp, sharp, which hinders the movements of the legs, arms, the whole body, provokes nerve endings? If the pain appeared unexpectedly, with a sharp tilt, rise (maybe they took the child in their arms), most likely, there was a pinched nerve between the vertebrae. Usually the nature of such pain is short-term, after being in calm state(preferably lying on a flat surface) she leaves. If the discomfort does not disappear for a long time, it is better to seek medical care. Persistent pain in the middle of the spine can be a sign of an illness that needs to be investigated. It could be a herniated disc. It can also manifest itself as a heart attack in heart disease. Persistent pain in the middle of the spine serious symptom, which must be contacted medical institution and get tested.


Pain that has a pulsating character that does not go away for a long time is lumbodynia, it has the following symptoms:

  • manifests itself after lifting weights;
  • severe pain when walking;
  • the manifestation of pain with a sharp movement;
  • shootings in the spine.

When the back hurts in the middle of the spine, it helps to identify the source of pain X-ray examination. With lumbalgia in the middle of the back, a throbbing, dull pain between the discs passes, it can occur after hypothermia of the body. If treatment is not started on time, the pain can spread throughout the spine. After suffering lumbodynia, osteochondrosis often occurs during exercise. And he, as you know, is the most common reason pain in back.


If the spine hurts in the middle of the back when pressed, this may be a manifestation of inflammatory processes in the muscles, such as myositis. Discomfort can occur both on the right and on the left, with pressure on the muscles or any movement.

Arthritis, which affects people of all ages, causes pain in the middle of the back, which makes it impossible to straighten the shoulders. The body gradually bends, and this leads to disruption of the work of all internal organs. There are both light and severe forms arthritis, and they all require treatment.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine gives impetus to the development of degenerative processes, which causes growths and destruction of the vertebrae. If there are sudden pain, this indicates that there is a pinching of the nerve fiber.

With diseases of the internal organs

Problems with internal organs (heart, kidneys) have a huge impact on the condition of the spine. Diseased heart always gives impulses to the shoulders, upper limbs. If the pain spreads to thoracic region, this may be a symptom of a heart attack.

In case of kidney diseases (inflammatory process), the body temperature rises, there are pains in the back area, edematous state takes parts of the body. Acute renal dysfunction is accompanied by a very high temperature.

In the middle of the back, pain also occurs with diseases of the gallbladder or gastrointestinal tract. If the back hurts to the left of the spine, in the middle, this may indicate a stomach ulcer. Pain in the upper abdomen, on the right, subsiding and intensifying, while accompanied by vomiting, speak of cholelithiasis.

Back pain in the middle can even be due to an infection in the body. Such pain is rare, but still worth mentioning. The blood flow can infect between the shoulder blades, which begins to cause pain to the most varying degrees. In this case, there will be an increased temperature.

Pain in the middle of the back. Treatment

If there is back pain, it is imperative to identify the causes of its occurrence. To do this, you need to undergo examinations that the doctor will prescribe. These include:

  • x-ray of the lumbar and thoracic spine;
  • ultrasound of the OBP;
  • MRI or CT of the central part of the spine;
  • general analysis of urine and blood.

The results will help physicians to put correct diagnosis and appoint on time necessary treatment. Methods of therapy can be different:

  • medical;
  • non-drug;
  • reflexology;
  • acupuncture;
  • manual therapy;
  • hardware and manual massages;
  • extraction method.

Massage is one of better ways in the fight against pain in the middle section of the back. Those who lead a passive lifestyle, spend a lot of time driving, experience physical exertion, very often complain of back pain. Massage helps relieve pain discomfort and even enjoyable. Therapeutic massage can be performed both in clinics and at home. Of course, it is better if it is performed by a knowledgeable massage therapist with experience.

Temporary pain in the spine helps to remove various ointments and poultices. Some can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, and some are available in pharmacies without a prescription. It is best to know the cause of your condition and follow the recommendations of doctors. It also helps to reduce pain hot tub or contrast shower.

Special bandages, corsets do not have a healing function, but only help to remove pain symptoms and alleviate suffering. If it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, of course, wearing a corset will help you at first. But if you wear it all the time, the disease threatens to develop into a chronic stage.

Back pain in the middle of the spine. First aid

In what cases do you need immediate help if your back hurts?

  • At the age of less than 50 years, persistent back pain is present.
  • After an injury, overexertion or a fall.
  • With ever-increasing pain syndrome.
  • For back pain and fever.
  • If the pain increases constantly with a change in body position.

If the spine hurts in the middle of the back, the doctor will tell you what to do. Only a few seek help, believing that everything will pass by itself. You should not start your illnesses, it is better to apply on time. Increasingly, there are cases where the intervention of medicine is very important. It helps to cure the disease early stages and do not develop into a chronic form.


What should I do if my back often hurts in the middle of the spine? What kind preventive measures help prevent pain?

  • If you avoid strong and frequent stress on the spine, the risk of pain will be significantly reduced.
  • Always choose a comfortable body position, both lying and sitting.
  • To maintain a healthy spine, you need to do gymnastics, swimming, and sports.
  • Go up and down the stairs more often. Do not use the elevator.
  • Regularly diagnose not only the spine, but also the state of the whole organism.
  • Morning exercises are useful at any age. It strengthens the ligaments, eliminates possible damage.
  • Try preventive massage. In this case, you can use aromatic oils and creams.

It can be easy enough to determine the cause of sudden back pain. Rearranging boxes. Difficult workout. Snow removal. If the pain is chronic, it can be much more difficult to understand its cause. Here are some unexpected factors that may be causing the discomfort.

Are you experiencing stress

Back and emotional condition strongly connected. If you are experiencing psychological overstrain, it may well manifest itself physiologically. When you stay in tension for a long time, tired muscles begin to hurt, spasms appear. Often, the neck and shoulders, as well as the lumbar region, suffer from tension. Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing Walk regularly, do yoga. This will help you stabilize your condition.

Your heels are too high

Perhaps the cause of discomfort is your collection of fashionable shoes. High heels break your center of gravity. They force you to lean forward when you walk, put extra stress on your legs, and don't allow you to fully stretch your calves. This creates additional tension in the lumbar region, which causes pain. If you must wear high heels to work, change at the office and wear comfortable walking shoes to work.

You have the wrong diet

Studies have shown that thirty-one percent of women and twenty-five percent of men suffering from back pain also complain about the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, pain in the lower abdomen or intolerance to certain foods. The relationship between nutrition and back pain is explained by the inflammatory process: foods rich in fat and sugar spur inflammation throughout the body, including lower part back. If you give up sugar and coffee, you can improve your condition. Try to choose whole foods with a minimum of processing, eat lean protein, whole grains and vegetables. This will help you improve your health.

Your pants are too tight

Tight jeans can be devastating to your back. Clothing that is too tight restricts movement and can lead to back, neck, and shoulder strain. Tight jeans and pencil skirts have the worst effect on your health. Choose things that fit your figure, but do not fit you like a second skin. Look for fabric with stretch that will stretch. You should be able to slip your finger through the belt with ease.

you sit all day

Lack of physical activity is one of the most dangerous situations for your body. Your muscles get used to the fact that you are constantly in a sitting position, and are constrained. To overcome muscle stiffness and tightness, stretch your muscles regularly when you wake up. When your leg muscles are stiff, you feel pain in your back. A little stretching can be done at lunchtime and before bed. It's also a good idea to get up and walk regularly throughout the day, and make sure your back has good support when you're sitting. Try never to be hunched over.

Do you smoke

Studies show that smokers are three times more likely to develop chronic back pain. Smoking affects how your brain responds to back pain, leading to less tolerance for discomfort. Smokers who quit bad habit as part of the experiment, note a decrease chronic pain. Previous research has shown that smoking can damage tissue in the lower back, slowing down blood circulation and thus reducing the supply of nutrients to the muscles.

You are not training your abs

Strong muscles can help you deal with back pain. If your abs are weak, your lower back has to work especially hard, which can lead to pain. Try plank or similar exercises that will strengthen your muscles and help keep your back straight. Pay attention to your spine throughout the day. Your muscles should never be too relaxed whether you are sitting or walking. This is what leads to the risk of developing discomfort.

you are dehydrated

Between the bones of the spine are discs, each of which is partly composed of a jelly-like substance that is ninety percent water. Your body needs a steady supply of fluid to help support your discs. If you are dehydrated, the discs become flat and less elastic, which causes pain. You can tell if you're drinking enough by looking at the color of your urine. It should be clear or light yellow. If it is dark, you need to drink more water.

you have crooked hips

Many people do not even notice that they have a curved pelvis, that is, one side of it is slightly higher than the other. This imbalance can cause lower back pain and is often noticeable when you are exercising. It affects how your body reacts to certain movements. For example, if your left hip is higher and you lunge with your left leg, you will notice that the muscles tighten more. If you notice constant pain in your back while exercising, you should contact your healthcare professional. Probably due to imbalance.

You have a urinary tract infection

Pain in the lower or upper back, as well as sharp cramps in the sides, may be a sign that a urinary tract infection has spread to the kidneys. If you notice other symptoms, such as pain when urinating, see your doctor immediately for treatment.

Earth. Moreover, in juvenile residents, this ailment is much less common and is mainly associated with a disease of the internal organs. In old age, almost every person complains of back pain. Unfortunately, only 30% of sick people turn to doctors for help with such a problem. Therefore, over time, back pain becomes chronic, which leads to a significant limitation in human performance. In most cases, severe back pain occurs due to damage to the joints, ligaments or discs of the spine due to excessive physical activity. However, this kind of pain can also occur as a result of diseases of the internal organs.

Causes of severe back pain

There are non-specific pain sensations in the back, which are associated with muscle tension arising from an uncomfortable position of the body. Very often, hypothermia of the body serves as a prerequisite for the appearance of data. In general, non-specific back pain resolves within a few months of onset. But in 10% of cases, pain accompanies a person for a year, which undoubtedly affects his quality of life.
Appearance sharp pains in the back serves as a reason for immediate appeal to a specialist. Do not self-medicate, as this can aggravate the situation.

The rise of a very strong pain syndrome in the spinal region may be due to the presence of serious illnesses such as arthritis, osteochondrosis, or hernia intervertebral discs that appear due to sprains or due to injuries. Also, excruciating back pain can indicate a disease of internal organs and systems. Thus, pain can be given to the back with damage to the heart, lungs, due to liver disease, kidney disease and pancreatic disease.

Treatment of severe back pain

As a rule, in order to cure a person from such pain, the underlying disease that caused the appearance of pain in the back should first be followed. simple pains in dorsal region It is recommended to treat with bed rest for several days. Further, it is advisable for the patient to gradually increase physical activity. It should be noted that physical exercises help prevent the transition of acute pain into a chronic form.
It must be remembered that wearing corsets and fixing belts is only a temporary way to treat back pain. Long-term use these drugs leads to chronic pain in the spinal region.

If it is impossible to contact a specialist for any reason, you can temporarily wear a fixing belt. Along with the treatment of the underlying disease in severe pain painkillers are used in the back, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments and gels.

Back pain is one of the most common patient complaints. It often happens that pain in or in the spine occurs against the background of diseases that are not directly related to the back. In this regard, with back pain is very important correct diagnosis based on the patient's testimony and special studies.

The causes of back pain can be:

The nature of the pain and the events leading up to its onset will help to make the correct diagnosis. Back pain can occur after a fall or injury. A common bruise is possible, which involves taking painkillers and self-observation for 12 hours. If the pain does not go away, you should consult a doctor. If at the same time the movements of the limbs are difficult, tingling or loss of sensitivity is felt in them, spontaneous urination or bowel movements have occurred - these are symptoms of spinal cord injury that require urgent hospitalization.

Lower back pain above the waist, accompanied by fever and general malaise, may indicate a kidney infection and requires urgent medical attention.

Back pain often increases with age, leading to inactivity. Possible causes are osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and protrusion of the discs, which reduce the elasticity of the cartilage. If the pain appeared after exercise, housework, lifting weights, the cause may be a stretch of the muscles or ligaments, as well as a displacement of the vertebral discs and a pinched nerve. Against the background of already existing diseases of the spine, the likelihood of such cases increases.

back pain treatment

Treatment of spinal pain is always a complex event that includes the following methods:

  • taking painkillers, suppressing inflammatory processes;
  • physiotherapy, manual therapy;
  • massage, physiotherapy;
  • ensuring healthy working and rest conditions;
  • a diet aimed at losing weight and obtaining the necessary nutrients to maintain the elasticity of muscles, ligaments, cartilage.

In some acute cases may be required surgical intervention.

Prevention of back pain

Preventing back pain requires keeping a number of factors under control. First of all, you should provide yourself with a comfortable place to sleep and work.

An uncomfortable bed or work chair leads to a constant incorrect load on the spine. Give preference to orthopedic mattresses, pillows and chairs. Avoid hypothermia, which can cause inflammatory processes.

If your work is related to physical activity, try to produce as much as possible fewer operations leaning forward. To lift weights, it is better to squat with a straight back. You should monitor your weight and try to keep it within the age norm so as not to overload the spine.

Be sure to do physical education, especially swimming, which forms a muscular corset without undue stress on the joints. Wear comfortable shoes with orthopedic insoles, which will prevent improper stress on the foot and the musculoskeletal system in general.

If you experience persistent back pain, be sure to consult a doctor. Remember that only comprehensive examination with the identification of current chronic diseases can give correct clinical picture and allow appropriate treatment to be prescribed. Compliance with the doctor's recommendations, timely medication and a course of special procedures will help you quickly return to normal life.

site figured out possible reasons back pain.

Back pain is such a “popular” problem that no one needs to talk about it. However, it is worth talking about what will have to be checked before it can be said with certainty that the back really hurts.

female organs

Fans of warming a sore back should know that their pain in reality can have a completely different origin and warming something in this case is not only useless, but sometimes dangerous. Back pain can be caused by problems in the pelvic organs. For example, in women, it is associated with both painful periods(who have their own reasons) and adhesions, as well as with ovarian cysts, with inflammation of the appendages, with endometriosis, and even with an ectopic pregnancy, which requires already emergency assistance. Warming up in all these cases is strictly prohibited.

You can find out if everything is in order in the pelvic organs with the help of ultrasound.

Where to go with back pain?

Traditionally, with back pain in our country, it is customary to go to a neurologist. This is not always correct and not necessary: ​​pain in the spine can be "showed" to any of these specialists - an exercise therapy doctor, a trauma surgeon, a vertebrologist or a chiropractor.


Men with the appearance of back pain should remember how long ago they checked the condition prostate. The fact is that the symptoms of chronic prostatitis can be pain not only in the lower abdomen and in the perineum, but also in the lower back - and often this happens simultaneously.

If the lower back hurts in an older man and the condition of the prostate gland is unknown, it is worth visiting a urologist.


Lower back pain may well have nothing to do with the back - kidney pain is often mistaken for it. This reason should be suspected if the back hurts on the sides, approximately in those places where the palms lie, if they rest against the back. Moreover, it is worth thinking about the kidneys if the lower back hurts on one side. But whatever the nature of the pain - it is pulling or, conversely, cutting - if it appears in the lumbar region, the kidneys must be checked in any case.

Whether the kidneys are in order will be shown by a urinalysis and ultrasound.

Don't brush it off!

You definitely need to see a doctor if:

Back pain doesn't go away when you lie down and your back hurts at night

When you are in pain, your body temperature is elevated

Pain in any part of the spine arose after an injury

You are under 18 and over 60 years old

You have recently had an infection

In addition to back pain, you note numbness of the limbs

Are you taking hormonal drugs?

You used to be treated for cancer

A heart

Pain in the thoracic spine (what people usually describe as "pain between the shoulder blades") can be associated with abnormalities in the work of the heart - up to a myocardial infarction. Especially alarm symptom: Pain accompanied by cough or any breathing problems. However, it does not increase, as in the case of intercostal neuralgia. An ambulance is also needed if the pain is diffuse and it is impossible to accurately show the most “painful” place, if its nature does not depend on the posture (pain in the spine usually reacts to the posture, it can subside or intensify with a change in body position), if it does not changes with rubbing or massage if the pain feels more like pain in the chest than in the back. All this speaks "in favor" of a heart attack.

At least in similar cases you need to do an ECG and a number of other cardiological tests, if the situation is not an emergency.

gastrointestinal tract

The back can also hurt due to problems with the digestive system. For example, a symptom acute pancreatitis are the so-called girdle pains, when not only the stomach hurts, but also the back approximately under the shoulder blades - as if the body in this place was tied with an iron hoop. Pains can also be given under the shoulder blade, which are actually associated with stones in gallbladder. Pain in the lower back sometimes gives and intestines. However, in such cases, in addition to pain, there are other symptoms - those by which you can guess where it really hurts. For example, with an ulcer, pain is always somehow tied to food intake - either occurs on an empty stomach, or after food enters it. Cholecystitis is often bitterness in the mouth. And it's the same with any other gastrointestinal disease: in addition to pain, there is usually something else specific.

To clarify whether back pain is actually a sign of gastrointestinal pathology, you can use the same methods that are used to diagnose digestive diseases - ultrasound, gastroscopy, blood tests, feces, etc.

How to understand what is wrong with the spine

Back pain has a universal explanation, which many calm down: it is osteochondrosis. In fact, this is not a disease and does not explain everything, but simply a statement of fact: degenerative processes occur in the spine, which with age can be found in almost any person. In reality, pain, even if not associated with damage to internal organs, can be explained by a lot of reasons: these can be problems with the vertebrae, with intervertebral discs, muscles, intervertebral nerves, spinal cord etc. As a rule, MRI can provide exhaustive information here, but doctors do not recommend that everyone undergo this study without a referral, trying to “check everything at once” for their own money. MRI is performed for each section of the spine - cervical, thoracic or lumbar, and only the doctor knows what exactly needs to be looked at (and whether it is necessary at all).

However, it should be borne in mind that it is not always possible to clarify the cause of back pain - sometimes the question of why it hurts remains unanswered.

It can lead to back pain

Lifting and carrying weights

Hours of car driving

Uncomfortable bed

Long standing and sitting work


Stress and depression

And this is prevention.

✔ Back and abdominal muscle training

✔ Comfortable chair with lumbar support

✔ Ability to customize the seat in the car

✔ Proper weight lifting

(with support on legs)

✔ Quality mattress and good pillow

✔ Normal weight