
What is more painful than a caesarean section or giving birth yourself? What is better - natural childbirth or cesarean section? Why? Preparatory process for birth

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Good day, my dear readers! I keep thinking about childbirth. After all, it’s time to give birth naturally not necessarily, and even if there is no indication for a caesarean section, the woman can insist on it. It turns out that the expectant mother has the right to choose. It’s just what’s better – cesarean or natural childbirth?

It is clear that if a caesarean section was prescribed for medical reasons ( chronic diseases mothers, multiple births, narrow pelvis, etc.) the question of choice is not even raised. But what if there are no contraindications to spontaneous childbirth? I propose to weigh all the pros and cons and understand what is better: giving birth yourself or resorting to the help of a “knife”.

In fact, expectant mothers decide to have a CS for a reason, because such an operation has its advantages:

  • During the process, the woman does not feel pain, because The CS is performed under anesthesia (natural childbirth often takes place without anesthesia, which is much more painful);
  • eliminates the possibility of genital rupture (the baby does not pass through birth canal, which means there is no need to put a suture on the perineum, urination after childbirth will be painless);
  • the process of giving birth to a child is much faster (this also happens during natural childbirth, but in the totality of all time - the CS passes more quickly);
  • due to the absence of passage through the birth canal, the likelihood of injury to the child is excluded (cases of asphyxia and other consequences have been observed in children born through spontaneous childbirth);
  • it is possible to set a due date (which is unrealistic with natural childbirth);
  • Caesarean section provides a certain “guarantee” of the result (the course of spontaneous labor is always unpredictable, neither the date of birth nor its duration is known).

However, of all the “pluses” caesarean section The favorite thing among expectant mothers is the fact of painless childbirth. This is why this operation is gaining popularity. Moreover, women tend to worry about their appearance and attractiveness - it is important for them to have a “guarantee” that their physical abilities will not fade.

In addition, giving birth in “a matter of minutes” is much more tempting than “writhing” in pain for an indefinite amount of time (and some people give birth for days).

2. Disadvantages of cesarean section

Despite the fact that a cesarean section has quite a few positive factors, there is a considerable list of negative aspects:

  • the procedure is accompanied by an anesthetic (such a drug can cause significant damage to the health of the expectant mother and newborn);
  • the adaptation period is noticeably worse (after an independent birth, the young mother “comes to her senses” faster);
  • breast-feeding comes later, the baby has to be supplemented, which affects the lactation of the young mother;
  • the woman needs time to recover, and since the incision on the abdomen prevents free movement, the ability to care for the baby is also difficult;
  • as a result of the operation, greater blood loss occurs than during independent childbirth;
  • At first, the child does not produce protein and hormones, which has an impact on the baby’s psyche;
  • after the operation, a stitch remains on the abdominal part of the body (moreover, the incision will torment the woman for more for a long time, and at first, you may need painkillers in order to at least somehow “dull” the pain);
  • in the postoperative period, the mother will need to be monitored and regularly visit the attending physician;
  • a scar forms on the uterus, which almost eliminates the possibility of having the same age (usually after a CS, a woman cannot give birth for about two to three years);
  • Physical labor is prohibited (you cannot lift weights, make sudden movements, strain your stomach, let alone ordinary exercises).

And no matter how wonderful and fleeting the process itself may seem, due to the use of anesthesia, there is a high probability of postoperative shock, pneumonia and even brain damage.

3. Benefits of natural childbirth

If you still want to control your body and the birth process, natural childbirth is right for you.

They have many advantages:

  • There are several techniques for natural childbirth, which greatly reduces the risks possible consequences(at a minimum, the penetration of foreign bodies into the female body is not required);
  • most women in labor receive satisfaction from independent childbirth, they are pleased to know that the child was born thanks to their efforts, and they experienced the whole process themselves, without the use of a “knife”;
  • during independent childbirth, a woman feels her body, can move and contribute to the birth of a child;
  • the woman in labor does not lose consciousness (during a CS, “cloudness of mind” often occurs; the woman does not understand what is happening around her and cannot control her thoughts);
  • movements are not constrained (unless we are talking about an IV);
  • But the most important— natural birth contributes to the establishment of a close psychological connection between mother and child, and for a baby, natural birth is the least stressful way of being born.

Moreover, childbirth itself can be made easier correct breathing, positive attitude or the presence of a loved one (partner birth). Mothers who gave birth on their own write reviews about how happy they are that they went through the same journey with their newborn - through pain and tears.

4. Disadvantages of natural childbirth

Unfortunately, independent childbirth also has its disadvantages. Sometimes the pain is so unbearable that a woman in labor is forced to resort to painkillers (for example, epidural anesthesia), which does not always have a beneficial effect on the health of the newborn.

There are also cases when, during the process of natural childbirth, a decision is made to immediately “caesarean” the woman. This happens due to too long labor, exhaustion female body, threats to the health of the baby or mother, as well as if the fetus is too large and cannot pass through the birth canal.

5. What to choose: cesarean or natural birth

Of course, the decision on how to give birth is made by the woman. However, doctors strongly recommend that the expectant mother opt for independent childbirth.

Psychologists, gynecologists and obstetricians do not understand why a woman insists on surgical intervention if there are no compelling reasons for this, because the risks of complications during natural childbirth are much lower than with a caesarean section. AND we're talking about not at all about pain during or after childbirth, but about the condition and health of the newborn.

6. Feedback from women in labor


I gave birth myself! It’s not for nothing that they say that the pain is quickly forgotten - this is true, but the child is completely healthy and I recovered within a week after giving birth. And my friend had a caesarean section - she has a disgusting scar all over her stomach! You see, they couldn’t get the child out. And this at 23 years old!


And I had a caesarean section after IVF, just to be on the safe side. And the doctors themselves said that after IVF, almost everyone undergoes Caesarean surgery - this increases the chances favorable outcome childbirth


I refused to even think about a caesarean section! In my family, everyone always gave birth themselves. And nothing, no one died, as they say. But things happen in life - my baby turned over at the last moment and I had a caesarean section. Girls, never agree to such an operation without medical indications! I writhed in pain for another three months. It's impossible to sleep!


I foolishly chose a caesarean section. There was little joy - I wanted to give birth to my second child myself, but no - due to the consequences of the previous birth, a caesarean section was prescribed. And they were completely forbidden to give birth to a third...

My dear readers, before making a decision, weigh all the pros and cons. This is a very important choice; your future life and the health of your baby may depend on it.

You can watch a video about the pros and cons of a cesarean section here:

And I will say goodbye to you. Subscribe to my updates - we still have something to discuss. Bye bye!


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    Natural childbirth is definitely superior to a c-section. As my obstetrician said, “Childbirth is a natural process, and caesarean section is only for indications.” The pain during contractions is forgotten over time, and the woman is ready to repeat her “feat” a second and even a third time. Thank God, I was lucky enough to become a mother twice. The second birth went so quickly that my husband did not have time to get to the maternity hospital (I wanted him to be present). And it’s unlikely that after a cesarean section there comes that surge of hormones and the feeling of boundless happiness when your child, who has just been sitting in your tummy, is applied to you!


    I'm for caesarean. I think this is better for both mother and baby. Childbirth takes place without stress and unbearable pain. And I can say that in my ward, mothers with caesarean sections had children born with high scores(my daughter is 8 points), higher than that of mothers who gave birth naturally. I had a planned caesarean section due to pelvic problems (curvature pelvic bones), I didn’t regret it for a second. They brought my daughter to feed me on the second day. The only trouble was that the stitches took a long time to heal, the body was weakened, but this can be survived. Yes, of course, I didn’t hear my baby’s first cry, but her health and well-being are more important than this moment.


    I gave birth to two by caesarean section. The first was an emergency, as I suffered from contractions labor activity didn't make any progress. But still, I am completely for natural childbirth. That’s why they are natural, that’s how nature intended and that’s how it should be. Natural birth is smoother for the child, but cesarean birth is a huge stress for the child, not to mention the mother. This is hellish pain in the first day and the inability to simply get out of bed, let alone take care of the child. And it’s very scary to carry a second one with a scar on the uterus; during my second pregnancy, I spent two months before giving birth because of the scar.

    • Olga

      Of course, it is always better to give birth naturally; many girls feel a much deeper connection with the child this way! Although the issue is controversial, a friend gave birth by cesarean section, and the relationship with her daughter is no worse (and maybe even better) than those who gave birth naturally. Yes, the scar is unpleasant, but the main thing is that both mother and child are fine!


      I am for natural childbirth, since this is provided by nature, and there is no need to interfere with the body, everything should go as usual, and the child should go all this way on his own. Natural childbirth is also necessary for the child himself, he decides for himself when to give birth, and tries to do it, he is ready to meet his mother, for him this is the first test that he must pass. And during a CS they simply take him out, I think this is a lot of stress for him. I gave birth myself, which I am very happy about, because it is such happiness, even if it is hellish pain during the first birth, it is an unforgettable experience from the process. And believe me, you will want to feel it again.

      Also, after EU, a woman recovers faster, and milk comes earlier than for those who gave birth by CS.

      I am for the EU, of course, if there is no contraindication and it is not dangerous for the woman.


      I gave birth myself, as people say, just as I went to the toilet, I can give birth to five more. Everything went quickly and relatively painlessly. A couple of hours later I was already walking around the room freely, I ate and the Baby was with me, and three days later we were home. But in the next room a girl was giving birth, screaming so hard that the walls shook for several hours. She begged to be cut through. I’m not a doctor, of course, but if there are any problems, it’s better to have a caesarean section, so as not to bore either the woman in labor or the baby.


      Study in medical college, so I can justify my comment. I can say for sure that a cesarean section is better because:

      1) There are much fewer opportunities to harm the newborn (mostly damage occurs due to the mistakes of the neonatologist).

      2) Easier for the mother.

      3) Safer for both parties: both for the family and for the medical team. personnel.

      Therefore, it is better to pay money and have a caesarean section than to suffer during childbirth and have the opportunity to get a disabled child.

      • Valeria

        Ilya, study better! In native perinatal center Even the child’s microflora is advised not to disturb the first day, and you are talking about the benefits of unnatural intervention! You will never know the delights of how a woman feels after surgical intervention within a month. After a calm, normal birth, the woman in labor recovers morally and partly physically on the first or second day (again, everyone has their own situation).

        • Albina

          Throughout almost the entire pregnancy, I was preparing for a natural birth, but for medical reasons I had a caesarean section.

          And I didn’t regret it at all. I believe that in the case of carrying twins (I have just such a case), a cesarean section is even safer. If the operation is planned, then there is an opportunity to mentally prepare for it, which is no less important. The procedure itself lasts no more than 15-20 minutes, unless there are force majeure events.

          In general, in such a matter, it is better to trust the doctors!


          I’m just getting ready to become a mother, so naturally I have doubts about whether to give birth myself or not. There is fear in any case. Initially, like many, I still planned a cesarean section. Painful sensations less, the process itself is shorter, and when everything goes according to plan, then stressful situations Not much arises. My friends who gave birth naturally all shout with one voice that I should under no circumstances give birth myself. But after reading the article, I began to think about natural childbirth. After all, this is inherent in nature, interference with outside minimal, and my husband will be there as support


          I gave birth to my first child on my own. The second by Caesarean. It's like heaven and earth. If not medical reasons, then I would prefer independent childbirth. Caesarean section is not so harmless. It’s better to endure the contractions for a while and give birth on your own than later whole month treat a scar on your stomach. And the child must overcome the path of birth, this is very important for proper development.


          It’s strange to read about the advantages of CS over natural childbirth. A CS is an operation performed for medical reasons. And natural childbirth is a process that exists for many centuries in a woman’s genetic memory.

          I had two caesarean sections. My children were no different from those born naturally, so about the fact that caesareans lack hormones or proteins, which affects the child’s psyche (as indicated in the article), I would like to see a link to Scientific research this statement, otherwise it looks like the author’s speculation.

          Why is it not written that in the first days after the operation the mother is given strong painkillers, antibiotics, and all this against the background breastfeeding child. This clearly does not favor cesarean section.

          Therefore, as a mother who gave birth to two children by cesarean, I will not shout about the advantages of surgery over natural childbirth. Any operation is carried out according to indications, and not at the request of the expectant mother with the argument “but it won’t hurt.”


          In a sense, I was lucky in that my children (two) were small - each 2.5 kg. Therefore, the birth process itself was not something terrible. Contractions are truly brutal! And for the first time they cut the perineum (sorry for the details), and then stitched it up for real. The ten days until the stitches were removed were pure hell; it’s good that the children were kept separately from their mothers. The problem is that the cuts and cuts take a very long time to heal, it was impossible to get out of bed, I had to endure this unbearable pain. The second time I gave birth without any problems and after this process I walked freely around the ward, helping other mothers who had either had a cesarean section or were sewn up. So it’s good to give birth naturally, of course, but as long as you don’t cut anything. And the doctors would not have been caught with cross-hairs: the first time I gave birth to a girl of about 18 years old, thin, and with a huge belly. She could not give birth for a long time, but for some reason they did not do a caesarean section. The daughter was born, weighing 5 kg, half-dead, and suffocated in her mother’s stomach. The girl had no reflexes, she just screamed all the time. I don’t know how her fate turned out, but I often remember this incident. They would have performed a caesarean section and the child would have been born normal.


          I gave birth myself, I prepared myself not to panic, not to scream. Still, this is coming to an end, and then it will be a big joy. I thought that I would give birth for 12 hours because it was my first birth, but it turned out to be 5 hours. I heard that during a natural process, a woman releases a hormone that makes it less painful for the child to pass through the birth canal. This will not happen with pain relief or CS. Of course, if there are indications for a CS, there is undoubtedly no need to take risks.

          I gave birth myself at 22 years old. 1.5 years have passed since the birth of the baby and I remember that day like yesterday. It's hard to forget the pain I suffered. Even if I decide to have another child, I would rather choose a CS. After giving birth, my roommate was a woman after a CS. Yes, it is difficult to move with a wound on your stomach. But she breastfed the baby without problems on the second day. And I had a friend who, after a CS, became pregnant again and a year later she also gave birth to her second child via cesarean section.


          Childbirth is a very individual and at the same time complex process. I hear different stories from my “mom” friends. Some say that cesarean is better, they cut it and took it out and that’s it. But for many, the healed scar periodically hurts when the weather changes.


          Of course, it is best for the baby to give birth naturally, because after the CS the woman in labor takes antibiotics for 5 days to prevent the wound from festering. Consequently, she does not breastfeed the baby, which can lead to a decrease in the newborn’s immunity. However, in both cases there are risks and Negative consequences, so it is better to first listen to the doctor’s recommendations, and not to your own desires.


          The natural way is certainly better than CS. Firstly, a caesarean section is an operation that is performed by cutting the abdominal wall and uterus to remove the child; such an operation is not always safe and without consequences. A child who is born naturally will be already prepared for an aggressive environment for him. Because the environment in which the child appears is not as comfortable as the mother’s. Therefore, a child born by cesarean section needs medicinal support and supervision by a pediatrician; he adapts less well to environment, has a weakened immune system, and is more likely to suffer from illness.


          Good afternoon I am still in the early stages of planning a pregnancy, so this article is very interesting to me. I will say right away that most likely I would like to give birth on my own, without resorting to outside help. Of course, there are pros and cons everywhere - this is not a disputable fact, but the process of having a child naturally is very pleasing and is the main thing for me. Of course, if there are health contraindications, then it is better to give birth as expected, so that your birth does not affect the health of the baby and mother.


          Good article! I am “for” natural childbirth, but if for some reason it is not possible, then there is only a caesarean section. I gave birth to my girls myself, and I am very proud of it. Steam births were not easy, but thanks to the team of doctors we managed, and the second one passed in one breath, although 8 years had passed since the first one. And if you think like that, then it doesn’t matter how the child was born, the main thing is that he is wanted and healthy!


          I'm for KS. With my first child, labor lasted 21 hours! Of which 11 hours the child was without water, because the kind aunt doctor wanted to puncture the bladder. Both the child and I suffered terribly. Later, of course, an emergency caesarean section was performed.

          Since our town is small, after the first CS, all other births are also by CS, regardless of the mother’s wishes.

          During my second pregnancy, I was admitted to the hospital at 38 weeks and immediately had surgery. Everything went perfectly. Without any pain. After 8 hours, the baby was brought in and transferred to the ward.

          There were no consequences for children from the CS. I recovered quickly from the operation. And many of those who gave birth on their own could not sit up for another month.


          I am for natural birth, because it’s great to understand that you yourself were able to not only bear, but also bring a child into this world. This mother-child relationship is something incredible and incomprehensible to the mind.

          I’m not saying to refuse a CS when you have direct indications, but when you have the opportunity to give birth yourself, why not take this chance?


          For medical reasons, my daughter gave birth to two girls via CS. But if it were possible to give birth naturally, I would give birth myself. First of all, this is due to the aesthetic condition of the skin. You can't get rid of deep scars. The girls were born healthy with normal weight and this is the most important thing. I also believe that giving birth should be natural.


          Throughout my pregnancy I prepared myself for the EP, and, in principle, there was no fear. Unfortunately, the circumstances were such that I had an emergency CS because there was a threat of losing the child. The postoperative period was difficult, there were many contraindications in exercise and movement, as well constant pain. I can say one thing - if everything is fine with your health - give birth yourself!


          We had a CS twice, not of our own accord; I really wanted to give birth myself, but it was not possible. Of course, the recovery period is long and difficult, if there are no contraindications to give birth yourself, then give birth to girls yourself))


          As a woman who has given birth to two, I am for natural childbirth. Of course, if there are no serious contraindications from the doctor. Because it is an incomparable feeling to see your baby and feed him. In my case, the pain was not so significant as to refuse this method of delivery.


          Hello! My opinion is definitely that natural childbirth is better for both mother and child. Firstly, it is in our nature. This is the norm for us, for all animals too. No matter how painful it is, we can bear it. Moreover, over time, all the pain is quickly forgotten. Secondly, since it is a natural process, it is healthier for both the woman and her baby. Indeed, as the article says, a psychological connection between mother and child is being established. I would also say that this is a thin invisible thread between them that exists throughout their entire future lives. Dear women, do not be afraid of pain during childbirth! Childbirth is work, you need to prepare for it. Having experienced this once, the second time you will be “all guns blazing”!) Preparation should be not only physical, but also psychological. I say this from my own experience.


          Currently, such a situation as incorrect fetal position and breech presentation is very common. In this case, natural childbirth is a very dangerous and labor-intensive process. I am for caesarean section only in objective and justified cases. when there is no way to get by with natural childbirth. It is extremely dangerous to endanger the life of mother and child.


          It seems to me that only a woman who has experienced both processes can understand for sure which is better: cesarean or natural childbirth. My friend is just one of those. The first birth was natural, but before the second she had eye surgery (retinal detachment) and the ophthalmologist did not allow her to give birth herself. According to her, the main difference is that during natural childbirth, all the pain occurs during the birth process itself, and after that there is a pleasant recovery. But during a caesarean section you don’t feel pain, but the recovery period is just hell. As with any operation, there are stitches, anesthesia, a scar, etc. And, by the way, a cesarean section did not protect her child from injury. The girl's collarbone was broken. According to doctors, they unsuccessfully pulled out the child during a contraction. I am of course and unconditionally for naturalness. And a caesarean section should remain an operation when necessary and according to indications.


          I have personally experienced both options. The first birth was natural and it was pure hell! The pain was simply unbearable, so I dreamed of having a caesarean section during my second pregnancy. That’s what happened later - it turned out that the baby was lying across and I was scheduled for surgery, which was much less traumatic for me.


          She gave birth to two naturally. I really wanted it myself, there were no contraindications. I’m glad that the babies were not taken away from me, they were immediately put to the breast. If cops were recommended, I would certainly agree. I don’t see anything wrong with this, only the kids were healthy. The only thing is that the recovery after a c-section is long, but sometimes after childbirth the ruptures heal much more painfully.


          She gave birth to two herself. If there were contraindications, I would definitely have had a cop, but I didn’t seem to be risking the health of the children and my own. The only thing that scares me is recovery after a c-section, but after my first birth I had terrible breaks, I think it’s even easier to recover from a c-section. Therefore, if possible, then it’s better not, but when doctors advise a CS, then you need to listen to the doctors.


          Hello, I gave birth to two children myself. I never intended to have a caesarean section, although it was scary the first time, but thanks to my husband and doctors. And she gave birth to her second child very quickly, since the difference between the children is only 2.5 years. I advise everyone who is healthy, without contraindications, to give birth on their own and not to invent illnesses for themselves, there are risks in any case and always, take your husband, mother or close friend who will give you confidence and help with their presence. There is also the opportunity to use the services of a doula. We wish everyone an easy birth and healthy children!


          I am a supporter of natural childbirth. It is not for nothing that nature has provided precisely such a physiological process. But, unfortunately, there are often situations in which the only correct solution is a caesarean section. I found myself in exactly this situation. Placenta previa was diagnosed (when the placenta blocks the exit from the uterus and the baby cannot be born on its own). They did a caesarean section. Everything went without complications - thanks to the doctors! But the dream of having a baby myself still remained. I will strive to implement it!


          It is completely incomprehensible that there is a fascination with caesarean sections without medical reasons. This is essentially a strip operation, high risks of bleeding, again anesthesia, with a high degree of probability unaesthetic scars, clearly visible later on the beach, not to mention the main priority - the health of the baby. If there are no clear indications, how high degree myopia or something more serious, then why resist nature, the process that allows a woman to strengthen the connection with the child, in full consciousness, hearing his first cry, taking him in her arms, feeling this moment of happiness.


          I gave birth for the first time at the age of 22 and my waters broke, but there were no contractions at all. Yes, and medicines in the maternity hospital too (this was more than 20 years ago). The next day the medications arrived and I was given a stimulating drip and painful, strong contractions began, otherwise the doctors said that we would do a cesarean section in another hour, but I categorically refused it. I saw how the girls suffered after it.


          As a mother who gave birth to two children naturally, I confidently say that pain during childbirth is bearable. With time, unpleasant moments and are completely forgotten. All that remains in my memory is happiness and a feeling of relief. Birth and everything connected with it were laid down by nature, and, of course, you shouldn’t go against them.


          She gave birth by emergency caesarean section. Initially I was set to natural, but something went wrong. As a result, labor was weak, the baby was “going up”, suffering for almost a day. Then the professor’s verdict (thanks to him for being in that maternity hospital at the right time) was a clinically narrow pelvis and an emergency cesarean section. It is unclear how other doctors examined him. The baby was born 4.3 and 60 cm. Doctors later said that she would not have given birth herself...

          I am for natural childbirth if it is safe for the baby and mother. If there are indications for a cesarean section or if something doesn’t go according to plan, you shouldn’t be afraid of surgery! Sometimes this is the only chance for survival for both the child and the mother! Recovery after surgery is quick - just follow the recommendations and get out of bed as soon as you are allowed to! On the 2nd day I walked calmly through the corridors, was discharged absolutely normally, the stitch did not bother me.


          I’m 29, by the standards of the Soviet school of gynecology, I would be considered an old-timer. Yes, such terms are not used now. But this does not change the essence of the matter. To say that the topic of childbirth worries me is putting it mildly. Those who have been in a similar situation will understand me. Thank you very much for the detailed article. It’s especially good that there are comments from living people. I learned some new nuances for myself. I decided to give birth on my own.


          I’m just about to plan a child, or rather, I’m already planning one. And since I always approach everything, especially in important issues, I try to approach it with careful preparation, I was very interested in reading the article, as well as the comments with stories. 

          For myself, at the moment, I have made a choice in favor of natural childbirth, because it is natural. I don’t want to plan the day when I think my baby will be born, let everything happen naturally, the way it should happen. I’d rather take a course for pregnant women, learn more about female physiology, the process of pregnancy and childbirth. I am very afraid of pain and I have low pain threshold

          , so natural childbirth scares me because of the pain that is possible during childbirth. But at the same time, I am fully aware that this pain can be something that can be endured. And I reserve the right to use epidural anesthesia. And also, it seems to me, the main thing is that your beloved husband and a good doctor are nearby during the birth.

          And if it turns out that I have to do a cesarean section, then there will be a cesarean section, but it probably won’t be my planned choice.


          Hello, I want to tell my story. First birth at 16 years old! Local doctors were afraid to accept him and sent him to the region. I wanted a caesarean section because I had heart problems. And when the time came to give birth, the old woman midwife said: “Give birth yourself, you’re still young.”

          And if it turns out that I have to do a cesarean section, then there will be a cesarean section, but it probably won’t be my planned choice.

          Everything went well) In the morning I was already “running” along the corridors. I saw how the girls suffered after a caesarean section, after an operation, and I didn’t regret one bit that I gave birth myself. The girls were very lucky who were able to forget the pain of labor pains. Unfortunately, I still remember every minute of my 29-hour labor, how at some point something got stuck in lumbar region


          I am for natural childbirth and gave birth myself. No, if the caesarean is due to any pathologies, then I have nothing against it, but if you have a choice, then why create an extra sore for yourself and then take longer to recover. In addition, after a caesarean section there can be adhesions and women’s diseases appear over time! And no matter how painful it may be, when you see your long-awaited happiness, all the pain is instantly forgotten. Personally, my opinion is that it is better to give birth yourself in order to experience the whole essence of motherhood to the end! And of course, the connection with the baby after a natural birth is really strong, I understand and feel my baby down to every hair, although she still can’t say a word other than aha.


          Of course, a natural birth is better, but sometimes the situation requires a cesarean section. I personally gave birth twice, and both times went naturally and smoothly. However, there was a girl in the hospital who had a caesarean section, which unfortunately led to some complications. Therefore, I can only say that you choose a high-quality blade with experienced doctors.


          I gave birth myself, but my friend had a caesarean section for medical reasons. Thank God everything went well. But then she annoyed everyone with the thesis that children who did not pass through the birth canal lag behind their peers. They say that nature intended it this way, and any interference is not good. Her husband almost killed her. Now a wonderful boy is growing up - strong and developed beyond his years. Girls, choose a competent doctor and save common sense in any situation!


          Good afternoon I had a CS as indicated and I can say with confidence that the negative consequences of a CS are greatly exaggerated. The stitch healed quickly and I moved more actively in the maternity hospital than many mothers who gave birth themselves. The positive aspects include the fact that my son was not injured during childbirth and did not catch thrush from me, which I could not get rid of during pregnancy. So, if a CS is performed according to indications, don’t be afraid of it and have a successful birth!


          As they say, two sides of the same coin. My friend gave birth to two by cesarean, due to health reasons. Both in the first pregnancy and in the second, the fetus was very large, and my friend herself looks like Thumbelina), for this reason she was not allowed to give birth naturally. However, she says that it would be better if the birth took place naturally, since after a cesarean section she then had to recover for a very long time, and the effect of anesthesia on headaches is also not good. I would also like to give birth naturally, but I am hypertensive and here again the question arises of whether I want it or not. In general, no matter how the birth goes, the main thing is that after it the mother and child are alive and healthy. I learned a lot of interesting things from this article!

          There is a myth that CS does not hurt. But you can’t even imagine what kind of pain it is after surgery. If you don’t straighten up, you won’t be able to lift the child. In general, a stupid question: which is better. As nature intended. Caesarean section only for serious medical indications.

          Ilya’s comment was very shocking. He himself is not going to cut his own stomach several times! And he advises everyone.


          I perfectly understand women who choose cesarean section even without medical indications. And it’s not just about the hellish pain, but also about the fear of the pain itself, the process of childbirth and possible complications. The most important thing is to fall into the hands of an experienced doctor, then there will be no disastrous consequences after the operation, and the “mother-child” connection can be established even after childbirth, after all, the baby has his whole life ahead of him, and you still have to raise and educate him. Personally, I decided a long time ago that when I have a child, I will only have a caesarean section.


          My mother always told and inspired my sister and me that a woman should give birth naturally. And this is true, I completely agree with her. Still, this is a process inherent in nature. Besides, my sister and I, as they say, simply “flew out”...Mom practically didn’t feel anything. He always laughs it off: “It’s good that we managed to catch it.” But I myself, despite such rosy stories, was always afraid to even think about the process of childbirth itself. And now, for medical reasons, I myself cannot give birth like this at all, only through cesarean section. But the Caesarean does not cause me either relief or inspiration. Some kind of vicious circle phobias. Each woman must independently decide for herself how to give birth. But, probably, as many people as there are, so many opinions.


          Of course, if there is a threat to the health of the mother or baby, a cesarean section is necessary. But doctors often play it safe and prescribe surgery without sufficient grounds. Nature is wiser than us, and it is advisable to give birth naturally without surgery or anesthesia. I am convinced that in many cases both cesarean and epidural can be avoided.


          Of course, nothing better than natural childbirth has yet been invented. But as someone who suffered in labor for almost 12 hours and had a Caesarean, I can say with confidence that a Caesarean is a royal birth))) The article greatly exaggerates the disadvantages of a Caesarean. She took the child to her home on the third day in the maternity hospital because it was necessary to develop her breasts, there were severe problems with the outflow. You don’t feel pain in the bandage, there were no problems with caring for the child, you didn’t need outside help at home either, you tied it with a diaper so that your stomach would fall into place and you wouldn’t feel pain from the incision. A friend was cut open during natural childbirth - this is truly hell. A small cesarean scar on your stomach cannot be compared with the fact that you can’t go to the toilet, excuse me. They also stitch it up live, and not with anesthesia as with a CS.

          About cloudiness during surgery - outdated data. Now anesthesia only disables the pelvis and legs. I was still shaking - like a side effect. But the brain worked as usual.

          the baby is still put to the breast.

          Yes, you can’t feed for the first day because of antibiotics, but I pumped. We still have problem-free breastfeeding (we’ll have 2 soon)


          I read the article and thought: what is really better? When I gave birth to my first child, the doctors almost killed him! Yes, they themselves admitted that according to the indications it was necessary to do a cesarean section. But for some reason they left everything to chance. My son and I barely made it out! After this birth, I thought that I would NEVER give birth again! But after 5 years everything was forgotten (however, it was forgotten much earlier!) and I already wanted a little one. I also suffered with my daughter for almost a day. And yet, I think that since Mother Nature created women to give birth, then we must give birth! Caesarean section only for medical reasons!

          Having given birth to three children, the last one already in adulthood, I only became stronger in the correctness of independent childbirth. Yes, if you could give birth painlessly, that would be great! Well, there’s no getting around it, it’s how nature intended it! This is probably the only injustice on Earth!)) Both children and mother go through this path together, they become one, this is important for the future development of the child. He will be surrounded by his mother's care and love, thanks to the hormones that are released into the blood during this sacrament. And the pain - it really is quickly forgotten!


          It's not so easy for us to make a choice ourselves. As a rule, no one will do a CS without indications.

          I had three natural births and I won’t say that this is some kind of terrible process, everything is physiological, everything is tolerable. But I got big health problems after natural childbirth, episiotomy, and ruptures. And I haven’t had any terrible complications during childbirth, everything is, so to speak, standard.

          As a result, I had to have surgery after 3 births and remove prolapse, prolapse, etc. etc. And I couldn’t restore anything until the end and I won’t be able to. The cost of natural childbirth is sometimes high.

          I wish everyone an easy birth!


          I believe that a caesarean section should only be done for medical reasons, and not at the whim of the mother. For example, a large fetus, a narrow pelvis, the age of the mother, genital tract infections, etc. There are, of course, cases when a caesarean section has to be done urgently, but still a natural birth - that’s why it’s called that, because everything goes naturally, the child himself gives a signal that he is ready to be born. Yes, there is a certain risk, but in surgery the risk is no less, again, anesthesia... It happens that during surgery Caesarean woman At the same time, the fibroid is removed - then yes, the operation is only a plus, as they say, two in one. And so, whether the children are Caesarians or naturalists, I don’t see any differences. Unless caesareans immediately have round, even heads, without deformation, the aesthetic part, so to speak. But even in babies born naturally, everything evens out over time. But for any mother, her baby is still the best - regardless of how she gave birth to him


          A very important topic, but the most important thing is that sometimes there is no choice whether or not to have a caesarean section. For example, according to indications. as, for example, in my case, there was an emergency caesarean section. there was no time to think


          I had a caesarean section by mistake. My husband and I have different Rh factors. The doctors conducted incorrect supervision and examination. As a result, when I began to give birth, intern doctors began to test me, who didn’t know much about childbirth at all. They gave me sleeping pills and I don’t remember anything else. In the morning they said that in the end it was not necessary to do this, and this was the doctors’ mistake

Children are increasingly being born by caesarean section. In Russia, the share of these surgical interventions is already 23%. The reasons for a cesarean section are not always medical—many women insist on the operation due to a strong fear of childbirth. A new concept has even appeared in the world - tokophobia. Why are women afraid of natural childbirth, and is caesarean section safe without indication?

How is a caesarean section better than a natural birth – the advantages of the method

It is the only choice if there are absolute medical indications. The operation helps the baby to be born if the mother has a narrow pelvis, discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the birth canal, placenta previa, etc.

Caesarean section without medical indications also has some advantages:

  • Pain relief makes the birth of the baby comfortable.
  • The fetus does not pass through the birth canal, which means there are no perineal ruptures.
  • Caesarean is much faster than natural childbirth.
  • The operation can be scheduled for a convenient time, day of the week.
  • The outcome of a caesarean section is much more predictable.
  • The child does not receive birth injuries during contractions and pushing.

Caesarean really relieves a woman from painful contractions . It is this advantage of the operation that makes it so fashionable.

A big plus for modern woman is and no perineal tears and weakening of the tone of the vaginal walls. Many women worry about whether they will maintain their sexual attractiveness after having a baby.

Faster delivery with the help of Caesarean section there is no doubt. After all, childbirth takes 12-20 hours, and surgery only takes 30-40 minutes. However, recovery period after surgical intervention significantly longer than after natural childbirth.

The predictability of the outcome of a cesarean section and the absence of birth injuries to the baby would attract most reasonable women. However, just these advantages are always in question. Oddly enough, children with trauma cervical region and postnatal encephalopathy after cesarean section is even greater than after normal childbirth.

In addition to some advantages, caesarean section without indications also has obvious disadvantages.

Video: Caesarean section - pros and cons

Why is caesarean section worse than ER?

C-section - major surgery, which carries certain risks for mother and baby. It is known that severe complications for the mother are 12 times more common during caesarean section than during natural childbirth.

Anesthesia is a big risk . can cause great harm to health.

In some cases, general anesthesia ends in shock, circulatory arrest, brain cell damage, pneumonia. Spinal and epidural anesthesia can be complicated by inflammation at the puncture site, inflammation of the membranes spinal cord, injury to the spine and nervous tissue.

Other disadvantages of cesarean are not related to anesthesia

  • Difficult recovery period.
  • Greater blood loss than during natural childbirth.
  • The need for bed rest and protective rest interferes with caring for the baby at first.
  • Soreness of the suture, pain syndrome.
  • Difficulties in establishing breastfeeding.
  • You cannot play sports or do abdominal exercises for several months.
  • Cosmetic stitch on the skin of the abdomen.
  • A scar on the uterus, complicating subsequent pregnancies and childbirths.
  • Adhesive process in abdominal cavity.
  • Danger to health and life in case of early pregnancy (sooner than 2-3 years).
  • The need for regular medical supervision in the postoperative period.
  • The effect of anesthesia on the baby.
  • At the moment of birth, a child does not produce proteins and hormones that affect mental activity and adaptation.

The recovery period after a cesarean section is quite difficult. Stress for the body is associated both with the operation itself and with the abrupt termination of pregnancy.

Hormonal imbalances manifest themselves in difficulties in starting breastfeeding . Milk appears much later than after natural childbirth. In some cases, the baby has to be fed additionally from the first days of life, which does not contribute to normal lactation.

A woman has to limit yourself in food, watch your digestion, move moderately . In the first months, it is not recommended to lift weights of more than 2 kg, play sports, swim in ponds, or be sexually active. Due to weakness and the danger of the suture breaking, the woman cannot fully care for the newborn.

Blood loss and inflammation after the intervention can lead to the development anemia, adhesions in the abdominal cavity, the occurrence of chronic pelvic pain syndrome .

Pain in the postoperative period continues for several days. Suture pain persists long time . Almost all women have to resort to painkillers in the first days after cesarean section.

The effect of a caesarean section on a child is discussed by pediatricians, teachers and psychologists. Research shows that Children born as a result of surgery adapt less well and are prone to developmental delays. As adults, they more often demonstrate immaturity and an inability to cope with stress.

Latest scientific works in this direction, they showed that during natural childbirth, the concentration of a special protein called thermogenin increases in the child’s body, affecting higher nervous activity and memory.

Which is better: caesarean section or natural childbirth: the opinion of specialists and patients

Obstetricians and pediatricians clearly believe undesirable caesarean section without medical indications . The operation carries too many risks and does not make the birth of a child comfortable for the mother.

Obstetricians consider caesarean section without indications undesirable, since all subsequent pregnancies will be burdened by this fact . After surgical delivery, it is necessary to carefully protect yourself for 2-3 years, since imminent birth and abortion is extremely dangerous for the suture on the uterus.

At the same time, you can’t delay too long with another baby: Less than 10 years should pass from the previous cesarean to the next pregnancy.

Pediatricians especially emphasize the negative impact of unindicated caesarean section on breastfeeding and further development baby. These problems can be overcome, but creating them for yourself unnecessarily is very short-sighted.

The opinion of pregnant women about caesarean section was studied. In Russia, every tenth woman insists on operative delivery, without having evidence. Those women who have encountered complications with the birth of their first child are most likely to be afraid of natural childbirth.

At some point, every girl has a desire to become a mother. Some people think about having a child at the age of 20, others only at 30 or even later. However, when looking at a baby, most women begin to smile tenderly. Motherhood is a great happiness. Being a mother is a gift from God!

On the other hand, the very word “childbirth” scares many people. This is a natural process, but it is associated with very severe pain and suffering. Therefore, even those women who are anxiously awaiting their first child are afraid to give birth on their own. It is not surprising that most pregnant women carefully study ways that will allow them to alleviate their suffering in the maternity hospital without harming the baby. Some begin to meditate, others calm down with classical music, others try to relax under a warm shower. The most sensitive young ladies are ready to use radical methods just to save themselves from pain. They are seriously considering an epidural or even a caesarean section. Everyone has their own story and everyone has the right to be!

Each of us has our own pain threshold and our own pregnancy story. I don’t judge anyone, I don’t try to impose my opinion. I'll just tell you how I gave birth to my three children. Perhaps someone will find my experience useful. I just want to tell you - without inclining anyone to anything.

Natural childbirth

I went through three births, after which three wonderful children were born. I gave birth both myself and through a caesarean section, so I have something to compare with. I see both options as having their advantages and disadvantages. Although, it would be more accurate to call them more or less pleasant features.

I'll start with natural childbirth. This phrase may make you grin. Some will think: “How can you call a natural process that brings such severe pain?. This is a rhetorical question, so I will not answer it. I’ll just describe in more detail how mine went physiological birth.

I won't lie. The sensations I experienced are far from those that can be experienced during a chocolate wrap in a SPA salon. To put it mildly, childbirth is an unpleasant procedure. However, it is difficult to describe the pain that a woman feels when a long-awaited baby is born. Personally, I didn't find it unbearable. Rather, it was tedious and exhausting.

During natural childbirth, it seemed to me that the muscles in my lower abdomen were literally bursting from the inside, but at the same time they were stretching from the outside. It was It's a dull pain, which radiated to the lower back. It seemed to me that I had become a participant in a crash test and was being tested for strength. For about a minute I was simultaneously stretched and compressed, twisted and inflated with such force, as if someone was testing the limits of nature’s capabilities.

I had to endure the pain, drawing in full lungs of air and counting down the seconds. It seemed to me that time had slowed down significantly. The seconds passed so slowly that thoughts arose: “That’s it, I can’t do it anymore!” However, it was precisely at such moments that I began to let go a little. This brought great relief; it seemed that there was finally an opportunity to rest and mentally prepare for the next “race.” Just think so - and a second later everything starts all over again, a whole bunch of unpleasant sensations are revealed.

Nausea occurs periodically during childbirth. I was shocked by this discovery, because I hadn’t eaten anything. However, that's not all. Suddenly I felt a terrible chill. And the windows in maternity ward They were tightly closed, and I put on socks, but it became so cold that I couldn’t touch my teeth. In general, as soon as you realize that you won’t be able to relax, a new wave rolls in - all the muscles below your stomach are so tense, as if they are preparing to burst.

At this time, all you can do is tell yourself: “Breathe! The main thing is to breathe correctly!” Your lungs also begin to work to the limit, pumping all the oxygen that is in the maternity hospital. You remember how you were taught to count: “Inhale - one, two, three. Exhale - one, two, three. Breathe again..." This simple math slightly distracts you from the pain - and suddenly relief comes once again. "God bless! Finally, the break I’ve been waiting for!” you think. However, this is another illusion. The doctor comes up, listens to the little heart, checks the dilatation and reports that the baby will be born very soon - you only have to wait 40 minutes, or at most an hour. This “good” news makes my eyes darken. This is 40 minutes for the doctor - nothing, because the birth has been going on for several hours. Only the expectant mother thinks that her strength remains for a maximum of 15 minutes. You lie there in shock, and the doctor seems to be mocking you, telling you to move, and not just lie down - you see, this way everything will end faster.

This is roughly how babies are born. You just need to make one amendment: the entire process of natural childbirth from contractions to the actual birth of the child takes from a couple of hours to a day - everything goes differently for each woman. It is not surprising that pregnant women often lose sleep and dream about powerful anesthesia or a caesarean section.


The operation certainly looks more attractive than physiological childbirth: they give you an injection, and then wait in peace. Instead of suffering from painful contractions for several hours, you can “read a magazine” or “listen to your favorite music.” Prescribing a caesarean section for medical reasons looks like a gift from heaven. You received anesthesia, went to bed - and then you just sleep or watch as doctors circle above you and discuss the weather, cat food, children's performance at school or a difficult shift. You wonder how it’s possible for someone to talk about some kind of bullshit at you, because you’re at such a crucial moment right now?! This is also possible, because modern methods Anesthesia even allows you to remain conscious during the operation.

And while you are carried away by your thoughts and worries, the cherished ten to fifteen minutes pass, and then you hear the first cry of your baby... and you cannot believe that it is all over. Now they are putting the baby to your chest and asking what its name will be. The doctors tell you that they only need 20 more minutes to stitch you up before they take you to the emergency room. It was all over and you didn’t even feel anything. How amazing! It's all behind!

To be honest, when I was given anesthesia, I prayed that by some miracle everything would work out and the need for surgery would no longer be necessary. I thought: “I’ve already given birth myself! Maybe wait a little and I can do it again?

Just 10 minutes later, my baby was loudly expressing his displeasure at being swaddled for the first time in his life. I couldn’t understand whether this was all happening in reality or if it was just a dream. After all, I carried a child under my breast for 9 whole months, felt him kicking, shared food and air with him. To experience all this and not even give birth? The child lies next to me - healthy and a handsome boy... He is my son, but I didn’t give birth to him! NO! SHE DID NOT GIVE BIRTH TO THE CHILD! We didn't do this together, and it felt like a betrayal.

Of course, the caesarean section was not a tragedy. They operated on me well and quickly, I completely trusted the doctor. I felt fine, and the baby was born healthy. I was just sad in my heart, because I had not planned a caesarean section at all. The doctor then understood my condition and encouraged me: “If you want another child, you can give birth to it yourself.”

Why is it better to give birth yourself?

Over time, I began to remember less and less about how I had a cesarean section. The main thing is that all my children are with me. They are healthy and cheerful. My husband and I wanted three children and fulfilled our program to the maximum. Only now I am haunted by the thought of giving birth again. It is to give birth - to go through the whole process.

I am not a masochist, I do not experience pleasure from pain, and I fully experienced all the “delights” of natural childbirth. I just remember well the moment when a newly born baby is put to your breast. He is so warm, gentle, dear. You kiss him and realize that you are finally not in pain - on the contrary, you feel very good and calm. Sleepless nights, diapers, infant illnesses, miracles of lactation and colic festivals - all this will happen later. Now you are simply enjoying the unity with your baby, feeling his timid breathing and weak instinctive movements in an attempt to get closer to your chest, and my eyes are glued to his wet head, slightly larger than a fist. At this moment you literally fall into euphoria, thanking the whole world for such a miracle.

Nothing compares to what a woman experiences maternity table in the first minutes after the birth of a child. With happiness, tears appear in your eyes, like the divine dew of happiness, you want to kiss the tiny face, hug, love this baby. What words are there! These are such strong sensations that they instantly erase all memories of pain. Torment is replaced by bliss and bursting happiness.

Dear girls, I personally believe that these few magical minutes are worth giving birth on your own and enduring the torment that nature has prepared for us. Of course, we are the weaker sex. However, each of us must temporarily become courageous and strong if a new life depends on it.

Today future mom Often faced with a choice: cesarean or natural birth. If previously a caesarean section was done only when necessary, now that the operation has become safer, the list of indications for it has expanded significantly, and the wishes of the woman in labor are also taken into account in many situations.

Many women consider a caesarean section to be more safe option than natural childbirth. Besides, everything remains fewer doctors who have experience of difficult vaginal births, for example, in breech presentation or with a suture in the uterus.

Which is better: cesarean or natural birth?

It is impossible to answer the question “which is better: cesarean or natural birth”? In each situation you need to decide individually, weighing the pros and cons. The priority should always be the life and health of the mother and child, therefore, in cases where natural childbirth threatens the life of the mother or baby, it is necessary to choose surgical intervention.

But in many situations, natural childbirth is safer for mother and child. If there are no indications for a caesarean section, then you should not do it on a whim or out of fear of labor pain. A caesarean section is a serious surgical procedure that can be accompanied by many complications.

Which is safer: cesarean or natural childbirth?

Again, this question is difficult to answer. If the woman and child are healthy and there are no complications, then natural childbirth is safer. In some conditions, such as complete placenta previa, natural childbirth is simply not possible.

In this case, a cesarean section is performed as planned several days before the expected birth, since even the onset of contractions can provoke bleeding.

Childbirth, for example, with a true breech presentation of the fetus can be safer than cesarean, but only if certain conditions are met: the gestational age is 38-40 weeks, the child’s condition is normal, and the birth is conducted by a doctor with such experience.

Although caesarean sections can be life-saving, they are often performed without medical necessity, putting women and their babies at risk for short- and long-term health problems. Increased risk of adverse outcomes after cesarean section: blood transfusion, anesthesia complications, injury internal organs, thromboembolism, infections, respiratory distress in a child with iatrogenic prematurity.

It is not known exactly how caesarean sections affect women's social and psychological well-being, mothers' ability to initiate breastfeeding, and what the consequences may be for future pregnancies. When a caesarean section is performed without indications, there is little benefit from it, and the harm is more obvious.

Unreasonable caesarean sections lead to an increase in the number of postpartum complications and disruption of the newborn’s adaptive capabilities.

To prevent maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with cesarean section, strict adherence to indications is necessary. Analysis of statistical data showed that if the rate of cesarean sections exceeds 10%, then there is no tendency to improve the health of mother and child.

Which is more painful: cesarean or natural childbirth?

It is difficult to say which is more painful and difficult for a woman, cesarean or natural childbirth. One thing we know for sure: during a caesarean section, a woman does not feel anything due to anesthesia, but postoperative period will always be accompanied by painful sensations.

For some this pain is tolerable, for others it is unbearable. The first days after surgery, of course, painkillers are used. However, the stitches may hurt for several weeks or longer. This depends on many factors: the individual sensitivity of the woman, the qualifications of the doctor, the type of suture, the method of pain relief, the presence or absence of postoperative complications.

The process of natural childbirth, compared to a cesarean section, is painful and can last 10-12 hours, sometimes longer. However, pain during childbirth is very individual; there are women who give birth almost painlessly or compare their sensations with discomfort during menstruation.

If the birth took place without ruptures, surgical interventions(vacuum, forceps), massive bleeding, and then postpartum period the woman usually feels well and recovers quickly. Of course, if there were complications during natural childbirth, stitches were placed on the perineum, anesthesia was used, the recovery period is more difficult, but it is still difficult to compare it with recovery after abdominal surgery.

The opinions of women who have experience of both cesarean section and natural childbirth are divided. Some mothers had very bad experiences with contractions and believe that natural childbirth is more painful than caesarean, others suffered greatly from postoperative pain and would not want to go through the operation again.

Many mothers also say that the pain of childbirth is quickly forgotten when you see your child, and after a caesarean section the pain can last for quite a long time. No one can know how your birth will go. It is impossible to predict what will be more painful for a particular woman, cesarean or natural birth.

In recent years, the rate of cesarean deliveries has increased in an unprecedented way. The reasons for the spread of CS are the fear of pain during childbirth, the convenience of planning the birth and the belief in the safety of the operation.

In fact, a caesarean section may be necessary if vaginal birth poses a risk to the mother or baby, but it can also cause serious complications, including death or disability.

If medical indications If there is no need for surgery, then there are no advantages of cesarean section over natural birth for mother and child. Unfortunately, doctors themselves, having financial gain or simply in a hurry to deliver a woman, often abuse cesarean sections.

When deciding whether to have a cesarean or natural birth, you should first of all ask your doctor whether there are strict indications for the operation and what complications such an intervention may entail.