
What should be in a first aid kit for adults and children: a list of necessary medicines, drugs, pills, herbs. What is the minimum that should be in a first aid kit at home, and what is the list of necessary medicines needed for a good first aid kit? Fitos

The popularity of herbal medicine does not fade with time. This is due to the fact that plants are really able to help in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Herbs for a home phyto-first aid kit can be purchased at a regular pharmacy, or you can collect them yourself. It is important to remember that plants absorb exhaust gases well and absorb all harmful substances from the soil, so they cannot be collected within the modern metropolis, and even more so near highways. Ideally, the place of their collection should be ecologically clean areas, a forest or your own garden will do if you are sure of their "environmental friendliness".

It is useful to have chamomile, nettle, linden, bird cherry, wild rose and a number of other herbal remedies in the home first aid kit.

Chamomile officinalis

An excellent antiseptic, relieves intestinal colic, helps with colds. Chamomile infusion is prepared in the same way as infusions of many herbs: 1 tablespoon of chopped chamomile is poured into 1 cup of boiling water, infused for 20 to 40 minutes and filtered. Chamomile is used both externally and internally.

With a cold, chamomile gargles the throat (4-5 times a day). Chamomile infusion is drunk for pain in the abdomen, stomach, given for colic in children.

In cosmetology, chamomile infusion is used for:

  • cleansing and toning the skin, improving complexion;
  • disinfection and healing of small wounds;
  • easy lightening of hair in blondes;
  • getting rid of bad smell(as a natural deodorant).

Stinging nettle

Contains many vitamins, improves immunity and blood clotting. Nettle infusion (prepared in the same way as chamomile infusion), if you are not allergic to it, it is useful to drink 1-2 glasses a day for a week to improve immunity. Then a week break is needed. Then you can repeat the course of vitaminization. Nettle tea is delicious and healthy to brew with leaves of strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, as well as rowan berries, both red and chokeberry.

bird cherry

Bird cherry, thanks high content phytoncides, an excellent antiseptic. Its decoction (1 tablespoon is poured into 1 glass of water, brought to a boil, infused for 40 minutes) is often used in folk medicine with conjunctivitis in the form of lotions for the eyes.

Bird cherry is a popular remedy in complex treatment diseases of the genital area in both men and women: fibroids, fibroids, chlamydial and other infections, prostatitis. With colpitis in women, an infusion of bird cherry is used for douching.

Bird cherry berries contain many vitamins and organic acids. They have an astringent property, so they are often used for gastrointestinal disorders.


Linden has medicinal properties only in the flowering phase, therefore, linden flowers with bracts are harvested.

Linden infusion (2 tablespoons of lime blossom per 1 cup of boiling water) - diaphoretic, antipyretic, expectorant, diuretic, bactericidal, depressant. It is used 2-3 glasses a day for:

  • a cold;
  • inflammation of the kidneys and bladder;
  • stomach cramps;
  • neuroses;
  • headaches;
  • convulsions.

Rose hip

Rose hips are a pantry of vitamins, especially vitamin C. An infusion of dried rose hips (1 tablespoon of rose hips per 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes in a sealed container, leave for a day) drink 1-2 glasses a day for:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels;
  • prevention of beriberi;
  • work stabilization nervous system.


Wormwood, collected in May (before flowering), effectively increases hemoglobin and stimulates appetite. Wormwood infusion (1 teaspoon of wormwood is poured with 1 glass of water, brought to a boil, boiled for 3-4 minutes on low heat, then infused for 40 minutes) is drunk before meals. But it is not recommended for use in diseases of the stomach.

Primrose spring (primrose officinalis)

The yellow flowers (“rams”) of primrose contain a whole complex of vitamins, so it is often included in many herbal preparations for the prevention of beriberi. It is also used as an expectorant.

Kirkazon clematis (aristolochia)

This plant is from the category of potent and slightly poisonous, good remedy with anemia, hypertension, influenza. Take an infusion of kirkazon (prepared in the same way as an infusion of wormwood) in a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Kirkazon is known as an antitumor agent. In folk medicine, it is used to treat diseases such as myoma, fibromyoma, endometriosis (and other benign tumors), combining ingestion with douching.

Measure is the key to successful treatment

When using herbal remedies, it is important to remember that they, like "real" medicines, if the rules for their use are not followed, can harm the body. Their overdose and the wrong combination of different herbs can be dangerous.

According to statistics, an adult gets a cold in different form 2 to 4 times a year, and children - 2 times more. Herbal remedies can be not only a help in the treatment, but also an excellent prevention of SARS.

Galina Filippova, general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences:“Treatment with medicinal plants should be prescribed by a phytotherapist who thoroughly knows all the features of your body. Only in this case can you be sure that the action medicinal herbs will be exactly as you expect."

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

The fact that it is necessary to be treated under the supervision of a doctor and with the implementation of all his recommendations, we have said more than once. Yes, and medicinal plants should also be used, following all the recommendations. But it will always benefit if, just as your home first aid kit has analgin and mustard plasters, there will also be medicinal plants. The fact that it is necessary to be treated under the supervision of a doctor and with the implementation of all his recommendations, we have said more than once. Yes, and medicinal plants should also be used, following all the recommendations. But it will always benefit if, just as your home first aid kit has analgin and mustard plasters, there will also be medicinal plants.

Stock up on some of them and do not rush to take pills for ailments, brew grass first. Medicinal plants can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared on their own, but always correctly, taking into account all the recommendations of experienced herbalists.

Peppermint, garden mint many breed. It is eaten as a spice, brewed as a tea and drunk as a medicine. Mint can help in many cases, for example, you have a stomach ache - make and drink a mint infusion: pour one teaspoon of dry mint with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes. The same infusion is used for nausea, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach.

Mint will relieve excitement in children and adults, just add a pinch of dry mint to tea. Even the smell that has spread throughout your apartment will have a beneficial effect. And in the morning, rinse your eyes with the remaining mint tea, wipe your face and neck, because mint increases the protective functions of the epidermis, evens out skin color.

Rose hip has long been considered the richest source of vitamins. It is recommended after, during, as well as for prevention. viral diseases. Rosehip normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, applied when hypertension, atherosclerosis, promotes bile secretion and improves general exchange substances. And, in addition, it increases efficiency and overall resistance to various infectious diseases, especially in the elderly and children. Rose hips choose bright red or orange, dry at room temperature. It is desirable to brew wild rose in a thermos, 5-7 berries per liter of water are enough, you need to insist for two hours. Drink rosehip drink intermittently throughout the fall, winter, and spring. You can diversify it with additives, for example, according to this recipe: brew five to seven rose hips, five to seven rowan berries and half a teaspoon of mint in a liter thermos. Drink such a drink during the day in a warm or cold form, you can with honey.

wonderful orange flowers marigolds (or calendula) very unpretentious, grow almost everywhere and bloom from spring to late autumn. Abroad, calendula is used to flavor and color cheeses, butter and its substitutes. In England and the United States, calendula is added to soups, salads, and stews. Calendula has strong bactericidal properties against certain pathogens, especially staphylococci and streptococci.

Infusion of calendula - one tablespoon of dry herbs per glass of boiling water (leave for at least half an hour) - is very effective for rinsing with sore throat, sore throat, stomatitis. Burns, scratches and torn knees can also be washed with calendula infusion. The same infusion, one tablespoon three times a day, will help with diarrhea. And, of course, do not forget to wash it in the morning - you will immediately see how calendula has a beneficial effect on the skin.

mountain ash should be harvested after the first frosts have passed. Berries can be dried at room temperature or frozen. Rowan is very useful in autumn and winter, when the lack of sun and vitamins weakens immune system and makes us vulnerable to viruses. It is enough to eat 5-7 berries a day or brew them with tea, and they will saturate you with vitamins, help with salt imbalance and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Medicinal herbs act on the body much milder than chemicals but they can also cause allergies. Marigolds without a doctor's recommendation are best used only externally. Do not store infusions of medicinal plants at room temperature for more than a day.

We continue to talk about medicinal plants that make up the most popular. In the second part, you will learn about two plants that are the basis of the famous. These are astragalus and pueraria.

This widespread perennial legume has been used in folk medicine for many hundreds of years. Its second name is grass of life. The most common and drugs with it - the prevention and treatment of colds, flu, SARS. Also, Chinese doctors prescribe it as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, tonic and antipyretic.

It is especially valued for its ability to easily combine with other medicinal plants, enhancing their effect.

The main action of astragalus is aimed at, as well as cleansing the body. The plant has a strong diuretic and antioxidant effect, relieves inflammation and can be used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines and kidneys. Astragalus root also contains many essential trace elements that can strengthen the body during colds and infectious diseases after a serious illness. Astragalus root is often prescribed for the elderly or in case of sharp decline performance and sleep disorders.

The plant is used to make pills, phytomixes and decoctions.

Another medicinal plant known for its power to restore and rejuvenate the body and has been part of the composition for more than two thousand years. Also, like ginseng, it is used in cooking and cosmetology.

The composition and quality of blood extends to the entire body, helping to fight problems such as increased blood pressure, circulatory disorders in the brain, allergies. The cleansing effect of pueraria helps relieve inflammation and fever, remove toxins after poisoning, and relieve intoxication after drinking alcohol. Cleansing the blood with the help of pueraria allows not only to awaken the body's defenses, but also significantly strengthen internal organs and prolong youth. Chinese doctors also prescribe for normalization menstrual cycle, removing unpleasant manifestations of menopause, as a natural sedative for insomnia and anxiety.

Pueraria contraindications

This medicinal plant has a fairly strong effect on the body, so taking drugs with pueraria must be approached with caution.

So, for example, it should not be taken during pregnancy due to its effect on uterine tone, or in the presence of tumors without additional diagnostics. They are also not recommended for young people under 30 and children. Of course, you can not use drugs with pueraria along with alcohol.

The choice of medicinal plants, their ratio may be different. Treatment for the same disease different people occurs with different mixtures. It is especially important to adhere to this rule: the brighter the signs of the body's struggle with the disease appear, the more carefully and in smaller doses herbal medicines should be given. The duration of treatment depends on the condition of the patient's body.

During the treatment period, it is recommended to follow a diet. At this time, it is desirable to consume easily digestible food, give up alcohol and spices. It is also necessary to exclude various smoked meats from the diet, sharply limit the consumption of meat, animal fats, etc. It is also advisable not to smoke. A diet that takes into account the course of the disease is one of the conditions for recovery.

Napara herbs must be mixed with natural juices: lemon, grape, apple and others. The best way cooking vegetable steaming is as follows: four to seven grams of a dry chopped mixture of herbs (a full tablespoon with a mountain) pour half a liter of boiling water. Boiling herbal mixtures is not worth it, because they lose their medicinal properties. The mixture should be steamed in a sealed container for half an hour, then strain through cheesecloth, squeeze the juice of one (or half) lemon into the strained liquid or add 100-200 grams of grape or other juice, one or two teaspoons of sugar, and preferably natural honey. Put the parka in a warm place or carefully wrap it in a cloth. Can be heated in a water bath.

Drink warm three times a day. - This is general principles preparations for the use of medicinal plants.

Often asked: what herbs should you have at home? How to collect them? How to prepare? Go to the woods or herb field on a warm, sunny, dry day. Collected do not mix, but keep in separate bags. In the house, lay out everything that you managed to prepare on clean boards or canvas (do not use newspapers for this, as printing ink will ruin the grass).

You need to dry herbs in the shade, if there is an attic, then the best thing is there. It is desirable that light drafts “walk” over the grass. Some people ask: Can I use a gas stove oven? Can. But you need to make a very weak light, stir the greens often, make sure that it does not dry out. Put each grass, leaves, roots in a separate bag, sewn from linen, sign what plant it is, when collected, hang it in a cool, dry place. Useful for human body substances are either in the whole plant, or in its individual parts - roots, stems, leaves, flowers, bark, buds. The number of such useful substances in different periods growth is not the same, so you need to collect plants at the time of the highest content of valuable components in them. If the whole plant or its flowers are needed for treatment, the collection is made at the beginning of flowering, in dry sunny weather. The leaves are harvested before flowering. Roots, rhizomes, tubers are harvested in autumn or early spring.

The periods for harvesting medicinal herbs are as follows: from the end of January to the end of March - the buds of trees and bushes, from the end of August until frost - the roots.

It's better to do it at night. Lean grasses absorb more moisture and nutrients from the soil, and remove unnecessary, absorbed during the day. The plant seems to cleanse itself at night. Seeds are harvested when they are fully mature and ready to fall off. Ripe fruits are also harvested.

During the collection, flowers, leaves, roots are folded separately. Do not stuff the collected plants tightly into bags - they will sop.

You need to dry the roots whole, after cleaning them from the ground and washing with clean water. cold water. Seeds are aired in the yard under cover so that they do not bloom. The fruits are dried in ovens, but in such a way that they do not burn, because they lose their properties from this.

What kind medicinal herbs must be at home:

- to relieve pain in the stomach, intestines, sedation.

- for treatment inflammatory processes, relieved pain, gargle.

- for the treatment of many internal diseases, kidneys.

(dog nettle) - sedative.

- a diuretic, as well as a component of tinctures that help with various diseases kidneys.

- two or three dried flowers are very useful to add to decoctions in the treatment of the stomach, liver, kidneys. ,

- to reduce bleeding, improve blood composition.

- for the treatment of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, ulcers.

- to regulate pressure, improve heart function.

- a remedy for calming the nervous system, improving heart function, relieving headaches.

What else do you need to have at home in order to inhale the healing aromas of a field, forest, or garden every day?

Dry leaves and shoots of currants, cherries, wild strawberries, raspberries, bird cherry, blueberries, lime blossom, rose petals, rose hips, viburnum. Dry the mints more, do not forget to prepare raspberries, sea buckthorn, black currants, and blueberries mashed with sugar.

Be healthy!
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