
What is the duration of sleep in pregnant women. Insomnia in the first trimester of pregnancy: causes of insomnia in the early stages, what to do? Features of violations in different periods of pregnancy

Insomnia is a sleep disorder. With insomnia, there is a decrease in the duration of night sleep (normally 6-8 hours) or a person suffers from poor sleep quality (frequent night awakenings), a combination of these two symptoms is possible.

Insomnia during pregnancy is quite common. According to statistics, about 70-80% of women suffer from this disorder. Insomnia in pregnant women is usually observed in the first and third trimester.

Sleep disturbance in the first half

sleep physiology disorder early period often, some gynecologists consider this one of the signs of pregnancy. Why does insomnia occur in the first half of pregnancy?

The main cause of insomnia in the early stages are hormonal changes in the body of a woman (increased levels of a number of hormones) and psychological reasons. The latter in the early stages of pregnancy depend on many factors: a woman is married or not married, desired pregnancy or not, the state of general physical health and nervous system before and during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a psychologically and physiologically difficult period for a woman's life. Even if the child is very desirable and long-awaited, a woman has a fear of her future, whether she will be able to bear the pregnancy, what kind of child will be born, whether the baby will be healthy, whether she will be able to be a good mother for her unborn child and whether she will be able to provide him financially. All these anxious thoughts do not give the expectant mother peace during the day, they also cause insomnia at night on early dates pregnancy.

Insomnia can begin in a woman from the first weeks of pregnancy and continue until the very birth.

A woman understands that she is pregnant if she does not have her period, but sometimes the pregnancy test strips do not yet show positive result. This period for a woman is associated with a certain excitement (especially if the pregnancy is desired and long-awaited). In early pregnancy, many girls may experience nausea, vomiting, sleepiness during the day, and insomnia at night.

Insomnia during pregnancy is due to some physiological reasons. In the early stages, in many women, due to hormonal changes, the nasal mucosa swells, nasal breathing, there is snoring, which prevents her from sleeping.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in anticipation of a child, but for some pregnant women this important period of life turns into a real nightmare: with early toxicosis, with severe preeclampsia and insomnia for all 9 months.

Sleep disturbance in the second half

Usually in the second trimester of pregnancy night sleep normalizes, but sleep disturbance in the last three months before childbirth can be the cause of premature birth and pregnancy complications, nervous and mental exhaustion future mother. Insomnia is stressful for the body, and during sleep, the body needs to rest and recover. A pregnant woman has a close relationship with her child, if the physiology of sleep is disturbed, not only the expectant mother suffers, but also the baby.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, there are several physiological reasons that can disrupt a woman's normal nighttime sleep:

Psychological reasons:

  • Insomnia during pregnancy may be due to chronic fatigue women. At 38-39 weeks, it is already difficult for a woman to walk, dress, put on shoes, she quickly gets tired, it is difficult for her to do household chores;
  • permanent nervous tension, stress at work and in the family. The expectant mother experiences fear of the future, fear of financial problems, anxiety for the health of the child, fear of the upcoming birth or caesarean section;
  • A pregnant woman can be upset by the results of ultrasound, CTG, a visit to a gynecologist, the rude attitude of doctors in a antenatal clinic;
  • Nightmares. From 33 weeks, a woman can have very vivid and exciting dreams;
  • A pregnant woman may be upset because of the weight gained, because of the loss of her external attractiveness;
  • A pregnant woman is often worried due to the fact that during the day she did not feel the movement of the fetus.

During pregnancy, the level of the hormone progesterone rises, the hormonal and nervous systems begin to actively defend themselves against annoying factors, which contributes to the favorable course of pregnancy and gestation. The expectant mother slows down reactions to external stimuli She becomes calmer and more passive. On the other hand, her emotional manifestations come to the fore - she is more vulnerable, tearful.

In the last stages of pregnancy, a woman needs to get enough sleep, since no one knows when labor will begin.

Some scientists believe that sleep disturbance at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy prepares a woman for the role of a future nursing mother, who, immediately after childbirth, will be forced to adapt to the sleep and wakefulness of her child.

How will you cope?

When insomnia occurs in many pregnant women, a natural question arises: “What to do?” It is important to remember that pregnant women should not use sleeping pills.

You can try to overcome sleep disorders using the following methods:

Sleep is often disturbed during pregnancy. Why is this happening and how to deal with it?

Why is sleep needed?

All living beings on the planet sleep. Until now, none of the scientists has been able to accurately answer the question: “Why do we sleep?”, But the fact remains that it is impossible to live even a few days normally without sleep. Insomnia negatively affects general state person. Healthy sleep restores all body systems, relaxes as much as possible, energizes for a new day. Quality sleep is very important for pregnant women, but just during this period, getting a good night's sleep is not easy enough.

What sleep problems can occur in different trimesters of pregnancy?

While waiting for a baby, there are often problems with falling asleep and the quality of sleep.
On the early stage, a woman's body is being rebuilt to a new state, changing hormonal background. During this period, the expectant mother often experiences irritation, increased anxiety, a feeling severe hunger or nausea frequent urges to urination. At the same time, it is difficult to fall asleep at night and wants to sleep during the day all the time. By the way, daytime sleepiness is one of the signs of pregnancy.
The second trimester is more stable. Some women live it unnoticed. Gradually, the body gets used to its position, insomnia, toxicosis and other inherent troubles of pregnancy pass.
The third trimester is no longer the same as the first, but again brings a little discomfort. After the 30th week of pregnancy, sleep is disturbed, fatigue occurs more often, and sometimes shortness of breath appears. The stomach increases significantly in size and it becomes difficult to sleep on the back, not to mention the fact that the position on the stomach is not available at all. Again, the urea makes itself felt, because the pressure of the enlarged uterus is exerted on it, you have to get up several times a night. In addition, the baby moves quite noticeably.

Rules for healthy sleep during pregnancy

To sleep well while carrying a child, follow these rules:
  • The closer to childbirth, the less load yourself, more rest.
  • Try not to sleep during the day.
  • Solve problems as they arise, don't tackle everything at once.
  • As soon as trouble arises, discuss it with your family, do not keep it to yourself.
  • Before going to bed, do not watch a lot of TV, it is better to read a book, and sitting, not lying down.
  • Engage in feasible physical education, yoga for pregnant women. Relieves stress and improves overall health.
  • If not special contraindications, sex at night will help you fall asleep faster.
Sleeping pills at any stage of pregnancy are contraindicated, are used in extreme cases under the strict supervision of a doctor.

How to improve sleep during pregnancy?

Pregnant women can improve the quality of sleep in this way:
  • Transfer urgent matters to the morning, rest in the evening.
  • Take a warm shower shortly before bed.
  • At night, do not eat a lot of food, especially "heavy".
  • Drink less fluid in evening time, at night it is generally better to refuse, especially from strong tea and drinks containing caffeine. It is advisable to exclude them altogether during pregnancy.
  • Limit time spent at the computer and TV.
  • Listen to calm and pleasant music.
  • Purchase lavender essential oil and apply a little on your pillow. You can light an aroma candle for a short time or turn on the lamp.
  • Prepare loose, light clothing for sleep, preferably from natural materials.
  • Sleeping place make it as comfortable as possible - an orthopedic mattress, extra pillows.
There is no reason to worry about the lack of sleep during pregnancy, the body is preparing for the birth of the baby and caring for him. Try to accept any discomfort during this period as inevitable and temporary difficulties.

Unfortunately, poor sleep is a frequent companion of the first trimester. During this period, the mind and body may be at war with each other, trying to control the timing of your sleep. The body will force you to sleep when you do not want and do not plan. On the other hand, your mind may not allow you to sleep even when you are physically exhausted. The whole body is being rebuilt, preparing to become the perfect home for the little creature inside you, and this restructuring is not in the best way for well-being. What is worth only one morning sickness, which every day wakes up a little light, preventing you from feeling rested and sleeping.

There are in the first trimester and its advantages, compared with subsequent periods. You are not yet tormented by swelling and palpitations, your legs do not cramp and there is no need to ask yourself: “Can pregnant women sleep on their stomachs?”

Sleep in the second trimester of pregnancy

This period is perhaps the most comfortable time for normal sleep. The body has already rebuilt and lives in a new quality, early toxicosis has stopped, and the child inside you has not yet grown enough to cause you tangible problems.

Sleep in the third trimester of pregnancy

Insomnia in the third trimester is like training for expectant mothers for the sleepless nights ahead that childbirth will bring. make it difficult to find a comfortable position, overcrowded bladder serves as a nightly alarm clock, and leg cramps make you periodically jump out of bed with enviable agility. Sometimes women also start snoring during the last trimester. This normal phenomenon and usually disappears after childbirth.

Getting comfortable in bed is your biggest problem right now. It seems that there is no such position in which you could feel comfortable. The only way somehow alleviate your condition - this is the purchase of a special pillow for pregnant women, the position of which can be adjusted to fit your needs. Many pregnant women note a qualitative improvement in sleep associated with the acquisition and use of such pillows.

Did you know that poor sleep can be a consequence, which is experienced in the third trimester by 25% of pregnant women

  • Regular physical exercise, but not just before bedtime, will help make sleep deeper.
  • Try not to take food to bed, especially if heartburn is a problem for you.
  • Use pillows wherever possible: between the knees, under the hips, under the head, for support.
  • Let yourself rest whenever possible. Of course, this can be a daunting task if there are children at home, but try to find a way out. For example, you can take a nap on the couch while the child is playing nearby. Get family support if needed.
  • Go to bed early.
  • Try relaxation before bed. A warm bath or a warm glass of milk, quiet relaxing music and reading your favorite magazine, meditation and a light massage - choose for yourself the best way relaxation.
  • If you wake up in the middle of the night or have trouble falling asleep, don't just lie around waiting for sleep to come back. Stand up for a while and read or do something effortless.
  • If leg cramps wake you up at night, increase the amount of magnesium in your diet. As a rule, this helps to quickly get rid of cramps.
  • Try to avoid and negative emotions- this is very important condition in order to have restful sleep and a successful pregnancy.

During sleep, our body receives the most complete rest, while the working capacity of cells is restored. But the expectant mother does not always manage to fully relax. Increased susceptibility characteristic of women in " interesting position", too active movements of the baby, a growing belly that makes it difficult to take a comfortable position - all this can lead to disruption of sleep patterns, which, in turn, sometimes cause some complications of pregnancy, for example late. So the ability to organize your sleep is very important for future mom What are the "pitfalls" can meet on this path?

Shortness of breath usually appears in the supine position; to prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to lie on your side, placing an additional pillow under your head in order to top part the body was in an elevated position.

If the movements of the baby prevent you from falling asleep, try changing your position, as active ones may be associated with insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus caused by the woman’s uncomfortable position (on her back or on her left side). If the baby continues to actively move after that, you will have to wait for the moment when he calms down ...

It is best to sleep on your side with one pillow under your stomach, another under your head, and a third between your knees. You can put a roller under the lower back: in this position, the load is removed from the spine. In the supine position, many women feel dizzy because the pregnant uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, which reduces blood flow to the heart and brain.

Aromatherapy has also been successfully used to improve sleep in pregnant women. Make a sleeping pill by stuffing it with buckwheat husks or thyme, bay leaves or hazel (hazel), immortelle flowers, pine needles, hop cones, geranium grass, rose petals. Put it against your headboard and you will sleep soundly.

If you wake up at night, there is no more reliable means to drive away sleep than the annoying thought that you need to fall asleep at all costs. Therefore, you should not toss and turn in bed from side to side, it is better to get up and do something calm and pleasant, for example, insert photos into a photo album or knit. Sometimes it is useful to walk around the apartment, listening to calm music (preferably through headphones, so as not to disturb anyone). Remember that your peace and good mood- the key to a good sleep, and therefore - and health.

Elena Shamova
Gynecological hospital №2, Novosibirsk

Insomnia during pregnancy. It would seem that such a simple question, you don’t even need any medicines ... probably. I called my friend obstetrician-gynecologist Irina. And she says: with such questions it is better not to contact a doctor, but to sleep experts. So I set myself the task of finding a sleep expert. But she didn’t give up the idea of ​​getting a comment from the doctor either.

Armed with a notepad, I came to the specialists with the following questions:

Insomnia during early pregnancy or later dates may have Negative consequences for a baby?

How to deal with poor sleep early/late?

What to do with long-term insomnia?

Helped fight insomnia obstetrician-gynecologist of the Maternity Hospital on the street. Truth Merkulova Maria Dmitrievna, project manager for consultations on children's sleep Sleep Expert Olga Dobrovolskaya and pregnancy and motherhood coach, author and leader of the Mama Mira project Katya Matveeva.

Why does insomnia occur during different periods of pregnancy and how to deal with it?

“Expectant mothers often complain of insomnia, especially at the beginning and end of pregnancy. And this is primarily due to powerful hormonal changes in the body of a woman. After all, he devotes the first trimester, figuratively speaking, to the restructuring of his own functions and learns to live in a new way. And in the third, the body is already systematically preparing for childbirth, says Katya Matveeva. - Both of these most complex processes in the life of the mother's body are quite lengthy and complex. And insomnia can be tiring and cause additional anxiety.

It must be said here that sleep disorders are often provoked precisely increased anxiety which accompanies especially the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. It's no secret that when a woman learns that she will become a mother, one way or another, she is forced to think about a thousand moments related to the upcoming motherhood from the baby's health to "can I handle it." In the middle of pregnancy, everything settles down a bit, but in the third trimester, with the approach of childbirth, anxiety and fears increase again.

At the same time, you should not resort to pharmacological preparations and also get involved in herbs. This rule applies to any health problems of a pregnant woman, which is common knowledge.”

“Everyone knows that healthy and good sleep is of great importance in human life. Naturally, during pregnancy, it is doubly necessary, because nervous system with insomnia, it is depleted and wears out. And your future baby will experience absolutely the same emotions and experience the same discomfort! This condition will have a negative impact on health, so it is necessary to fight against insomnia, ”Maria Dmitrievna Merkulova shared with me.

“Try it,” she continues. - Change the daily routine and avoid overexertion, stress. Incorporate outdoor activities into your schedule, especially in the evening before bed. A warm shower or bath will help you relax, after which you can drink a glass of warm milk or chamomile tea. Do not forget that comfort should surround you everywhere: the bedroom should have Fresh air Pajamas should be comfortable and made from natural materials. If you're worried drawing pains in the legs, a light massage will help - it will relax tense muscles and help reduce and alleviate swelling. By the way, you can add a drop essential oil such as an orange.

If, despite your efforts, the problem with insomnia persists, contact a specialist. After all, the causes of insomnia and the methods of its correction can be different, and in your case it all depends on the duration of pregnancy. Therefore, your personal doctor - best helper and an ally in solving such problems.

So why is insomnia dangerous during pregnancy?

“A mother’s sleep pattern during pregnancy affects the baby’s sleep pattern when she is born. So mom has quite a lot of time to teach the baby that night is night and you need to go to bed early, and not after midnight, ”Katya Matveeva answers.
In addition, the baby in the tummy experiences the same emotions as the mother. Your stress is your baby's stress.

Insomnia in the first weeks of pregnancy

physiological (normal) loads. Insomnia is a frequent complaint of a future mother from an early date. Sleep disturbances in the first trimester are emotional in nature. If we talk about physiology, it just implies increased drowsiness: actively released progesterone protects pregnancy, forcing a woman to rest more often, ”says Olga Dobrovolskaya. - If already in the first weeks of pregnancy a woman complains of worsening sleep, she should evaluate her emotional background and the level of sleep hygiene. If it is sometimes difficult to cope with emotions, then general rules sleep is not difficult to observe:

1. Go to bed and (make sure) get up at the same time.

2. Be sure to start a bedtime ritual: showering, changing into pajamas, a paper book, meditating or writing a diary - anything that brings pleasure and helps to relax.

3. Watch your caffeine intake. If you have not yet abandoned its use, having learned about pregnancy (in small doses, it is acceptable - 1-2 cups per day), then in case of problems with sleep, you will have to do this.

4. Stop using gadgets and watching TV before bed - bright light modern screens stimulates our brain to stay awake.

5. Learn relaxing breathing techniques. Try the 3-6-9 technique (inhale for 3 counts, pause for 6 counts, exhale for 9 counts).

6. If frequent trips to the toilet, typical of your pregnancy, become a factor in poor sleep, limit fluids before bedtime, try not to turn on bright lights when visiting the toilet so as not to destroy the sleep hormone melatonin - this will make it easier to fall asleep again.

Insomnia in the second trimester of pregnancy

“The second trimester is the most favorable time for pregnancy, and this is no exception for sleep,” says Olga Dobrovolskaya. - Difficulties here are caused emotional background or some drugs. Tell your doctor about these side effects to give you another remedy."

Insomnia in the third trimester of pregnancy

“The third semester increases the load on the body,” says Olga Dobrovolskaya. - A growing baby puts pressure on all organs abdominal cavity, reduces the volume of the lungs and in some situations worsens the blood supply to the extremities. Recommendations for general sleep hygiene remain objective at this time, but now it is worth taking extra care of physiological comfort.

1. Sleep on your left side. This will help to fully supply nutrition and oxygen to both the baby and your organs, and will also reduce acid emissions from the stomach.

2. Try not to eat 2-3 hours before bed so that a full stomach does not secrete additional acid in the supine position - this will alleviate possible heartburn.

3. If your legs hurt, be sure to put a pillow under them - a slight rise will help the outflow venous blood and reduce swelling.

4. Feel free to ask your spouse to clear the bed for you alone. Habitual snoring that you didn't notice before can cause you to stay awake for many hours at night.

5. Take care of the darkness in the early morning - the first rays of the sun wake up human body and if you've been awake half the night, you'll want to sleep in the morning.

6. Abdominal pain can be a reflection of lower back pain - try placing a pillow under your stomach or lower back. If additional support does not provide relief, see a doctor!”

And two more important rules that will save you from insomnia during pregnancy:

Katya Matveeva shares:

1. “The first and most important thing for every pregnant woman to understand is that physical rest is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. Especially, given the fact that the volume of blood, body weight, and, accordingly, the load on the muscles and ligaments is growing, which most often leads to pain in the legs and lower abdomen. And it says that the best prevention and the treatment of sleep disorders associated with pain in the legs and lower abdomen is physical education!

2. With the growth of the uterus, you should try not to fall asleep on your back. The growing uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, which disrupts the circulation of venous blood in the legs and pelvic organs, and hence in the uterus. This causes hypoxia of the uterus, placenta and baby, which is really bad for both mom and baby and, of course, can provoke insomnia, pain and malaise at night.”