
What is professional dental hygiene. Stages of professional oral hygiene

Professional hygiene is a comprehensive procedure for removing soft and hard dental plaque, which is impossible to get rid of on your own, even with daily careful dental care.

The purpose of this procedure is not only cosmetic, it is also the prevention of caries and periodontal disease. For patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, the presence of fixed orthopedic structures, the physiological location of “crowding” of teeth, professional hygiene is the only way removing plaque from the surface of tooth enamel and interdental space. Professional hygiene must be carried out at least every 6 months.

Professional oral hygiene

The complex of professional hygiene includes:

  • Covering the teeth with a special indicator that determines the degree of contamination of the teeth (this is done so that the patient can see for himself the places where he cleans poorly, and the dentist can efficiently remove plaque everywhere;
  • Removing tartar using an EMS ultrasonic scaler.
  • Removing dental plaque using Clinpro (3M company) or KavoProfypearls cleaning technology (a special device that supplies air, water, and tiny abrasive powder particles under pressure).
  • Polishing the surface using individual brushes and polishing pastes.
  • Coating of teeth with protective and preventive varnish, remiralization.

On average, the procedure lasts 40-60 minutes (depending on the degree of contamination of the teeth).

Dental care after professional hygiene

After the procedure, you should not eat for at least 2 hours and refrain from smoking (to avoid staining the enamel). Observe for a few days white diet» - exclude products of bright, saturated colors that can stain the enamel (for example, bright berries, beets, red wine, chocolate, etc.). Must be replaced toothbrush, because pathogenic bacteria remain on it. Only a doctor can recommend a high-quality toothbrush and hygiene products for dental care at home.

Innovative procedure ClinproTM (ClinPro)

Dentistry clinic Prosmail.RU presents the innovative procedure ClinproTM (ClinPro) from the leader in the dental industry, 3M ESPE. ClinproTM (KlinPro) is a minimally invasive procedure for professional hygiene and prevention.

The ClinproTM procedure is especially effective for the following patients:

  • Orthodontic patients - when it is necessary to carry out professional hygiene quite often (once every 3 months)
  • Periodontal patients with pocket depths up to 5 mm
  • Patients with implants
  • Before filling composite restorations in one visit
  • Before teeth whitening procedure in one visit
  • Patients with hypersensitivity, for example, those who have undergone professional whitening procedures

A special feature of the ClinproTM procedure is its gentle effect on tooth tissue. ClinproTM materials allow you to choose individual system care for everyone clinical case, providing the best result. The complex uses an innovative remineralizing fluorine varnish, which has an aesthetic white And high efficiency against generalized tooth sensitivity. The technique allows you to relieve local hypersensitivity.

Our doctors

Make an appointment for a consultation and treatment of caries.

Professional oral hygiene is carried out by dental hygienists. The set of procedures lasts about 1–1.5 hours. As doctors assure, every person should undergo this procedure at least once every 6 months. In this article we will tell you what professional oral hygiene is and its stages.

What causes tooth and gum disease

The World Health Organization cites statistics according to which a third of the world's inhabitants lose all their teeth by the age of 65 - the reason for this is bacteria. The oral cavity normally contains about 300 species of microorganisms, most of which are opportunistic. This means that while the environment in the mouth is alkaline, they are not able to increase their colony. But as soon as the pH changes, they begin to multiply and have a negative effect on the enamel and gums.

Thus, when consuming sweet or carbohydrate foods, the acid-base balance is disturbed and plaque begins to form. It is a collection of bacteria that looks like a sticky film. This plaque consists of glycoproteins, living and dead bacteria and their waste products. This plaque, covering the tooth, softens the hardest tissue in the body and leads to caries.

Over time, the soft plaque mineralizes (calcium salts are present in the saliva) and becomes a stone. Hard deposits are a source of food for pathogenic bacteria, and their waste products release toxins that destroy enamel and lead to gum inflammation. At the same time, the synthesis of periodontal fluid increases, which contains a lot of proteins and mineral salts, and they are to the taste of microorganisms. And now the circle is closed: the more dentogingival fluid is released, the more intense the growth of deposits on the teeth.

Plaque forms within an hour after brushing your teeth. The bacteria are partially washed off with saliva or removed mechanically when eating solid foods (turnips, carrots, apples). A person must remove some of the soft plaque themselves during daily oral hygiene. But even high quality personal hygiene the oral cavity cannot clean hard-to-reach places, such as:

  • spaces between teeth;
  • cervical region;
  • chewing side of molars;
  • the surface of the molars from the cheek side of the upper dentition;
  • lingual side of mandibular molars.

Proof that it is impossible to completely remove bacteria from the mouth is the so-called physiological halitosis, which appears in the morning. The fact is that the bacteria remaining after the usual evening cleansing quickly multiplies at night, since saliva is almost not produced and does not destroy them.

The tooth is not completely visible to us; most of it is under the gum and cannot be seen by looking in the mirror. And the lifespan of the organ depends on the integrity of the root part, as well as the reliability of the dentogingival connection. The space between the tooth and the periodontium is called a pocket, and bacteria accumulate in it. Over time, tartar begins to form under the gum. It causes inflammation in the bone tissue and the formation of deep gum pockets; the tooth no longer holds in the socket. This disease is called periodontitis and its first sign is bleeding gums.

In order to prevent caries and all the complications that it can cause, periodontal inflammation and thinning of the enamel, it is necessary to periodically have your teeth professionally cleaned by a dental hygienist.

Professional hygiene: what is it for and its stages

Professional hygiene is a set of measures for the prevention of dental caries and periodontal inflammation, which consists of mechanical cleansing of subgingival and supragingival deposits from the surface of the enamel.

The main goal of professional oral hygiene is to completely clean the surface of the organ from all types of deposits, and whitening and gloss are already, so to speak, side effect.

The procedure is performed using professional equipment: ultrasonic and combined devices, dental pastes and brushes.

Stages of professional oral hygiene:

  1. Using an ultrasonic device, the dentist removes deposits that are located both under the gum and above the gum. The scaler attachment transmits ultrasonic vibrations and is simultaneously cooled with water. When the device comes into contact with the tooth, loosening and chipping of dental plaque occurs. Sometimes additional manual cleaning of subgingival stones is required. For these purposes, curettes are used - a special tool for curettage. Manual and ultrasonic devices tend to complement each other. Cleansing plaque does not negatively affect either the teeth or gums;
  2. soft plaque is removed from hard-to-reach places. Air abrasive devices are used for this. The technology is as follows: an air-water mixture is applied to the surface of the organ, where sodium bicarbonate powder is used as an abrasive. The abrasive particles are small and round, so they do not harm the enamel, perfectly clean the tooth and have a polishing effect. After the procedure, there is no yellow or brown plaque, they are cleaned to their natural color. As practice shows, on average, teeth whiten by two shades;
  3. polishing teeth and fillings using professional brushes and products. This is necessary to prevent the rapid formation of dental plaque again, since the smoother the surface of the tooth, the more difficult it is for bacteria to remain on it. Rubber caps filled with polishing paste are used to remove soft plaque and polish the tooth and its root. Rotating brushes are used to clean plaque in the area of ​​fissures, physiological depressions and pits. Both brushes and caps are driven by a micromotor.

Preventative polishing agent can be fine medium or coarse abrasive, with or without fluoride;

  1. treatment of tooth enamel with a special remineralizing composition containing calcium, phosphorus, fluorine. This is done to prevent the occurrence of tooth sensitivity and to enrich the tissue with the necessary microelements to strengthen the enamel. The dentist coats the teeth with fluoride-containing varnish, which stays on the teeth for several days and gradually saturates the tissue with the microelement. Sodium fluoride, tin fluoride, monofluorophosphates disrupt the absorption of pathogenic microorganisms on the enamel surface, and also to some extent interfere with glycolysis and glycogenolysis;
  2. teaching the patient cleaning techniques and recommendations on the choice of hygiene products. The doctor should indicate what the patient especially needs to pay attention to, for example, strengthening the enamel or preventing caries. It is better to select some hygiene products together with the dentist, for example, toothpaste (taking into account abrasiveness) or the size of dental brushes. The result of preventing oral diseases directly depends on how correctly and often the patient uses a brush, floss, irrigator, or brush.

The hygienist decides which cleaning methods are needed at the moment, so some steps may be skipped.

When is it necessary to have your teeth cleaned by a dentist?

People's enamel differs in its susceptibility to destructive factors and its ability to resist them. Typically, this ability decreases significantly with age. Therefore, the older a person is, the more time he needs to spend cleaning his teeth.

Professional cleaning teeth can be carried out as a prevention of periodontal diseases and caries or as the first stage of treatment. It must be done before any therapeutic, orthopedic, surgical or orthodontic treatment. Thanks to her oral cavity will be less susceptible to complications during tooth extraction or implant installation. In addition, the initial stages of caries are easier to detect on clean teeth than under a layer of plaque. Only after removing plaque can the natural color of the enamel be determined, which is important when performing tooth prosthetics or restoration.

Cleansing teeth from bacterial plaque has a beneficial effect on periodontal tissue, and the enamel begins to be enriched minerals coming from toothpastes.

How often to visit a hygienist

As a preventive measure, professional teeth cleaning should be carried out every six months. This will reduce the risk of stone formation and, as a result, the development of gum and tooth diseases. If you have it in your mouth metal structures, for example, braces or crowns, bridges, then the effectiveness of self-cleaning is significantly reduced. In this case, professional hygiene measures need to be carried out more often, that is, once a quarter. If the patient has medical conditions that affect plaque formation, the dentist may recommend a customized visit schedule. It depends:

  • on the condition of the oral cavity;
  • intensity of tooth destruction by caries;
  • do you have gingivitis (bleeding gums);
  • if there is periodontitis, then depending on the degree of its severity;
  • how far the baby's teeth have erupted.

Are there any complications after professional teeth cleaning?

You can hear negative reviews about professional cleaning on forums or among friends. People report that after the procedure their teeth became sensitive, their gums began to bleed, a filling fell out, or a crack appeared on the tooth. Similar consequences happen if a doctor who is not competent enough takes on the case.

The need for professional teeth cleaning, its frequency and stages are determined on an individual basis, and this should only be done by a qualified hygienist, taking into account the clinical picture.

Understanding the importance of oral hygiene in dentistry, there is no need to refuse the procedure and go to a well-equipped clinic with a doctor with a good reputation. As a rule, comprehensive oral hygiene does not cause painful sensations, but there are patients who have sensitive teeth and brushing them causes some discomfort. In this case, the doctor may suggest anesthesia in the form of a spray, gel or injection. Cleaning itself costs several times less than eliminating damage from caries, so with regular visits to the hygienist, your teeth will remain healthy and money will be saved.

Proper and constant dental care allows you to get rid of plaque on the surface of the enamel, thereby protecting yourself from caries, gum inflammation and unpleasant odor from the mouth.

According to dentists, main reason Oral diseases are caused by microbial activity. There are about 300 species of different microorganisms in the oral cavity. But in normal conditions When a person is healthy, this ecosystem is balanced. But if the balance is disturbed, growth begins certain types microbes that can cause pathological processes, causing diseases.

For example, regular consumption of carbohydrates, sweet food. Colonies of microbes, together with their metabolic products, which have an acid-base component, settle in the form of deposits throughout the oral cavity. They cover the gums, the surface of the tongue, the cheeks, as well as the outer and inner surfaces of the teeth.

Individual and professional oral hygiene is designed to combat dental plaque. Thus, hygiene procedures are the most important factor destroying bacteria and stopping their growth.

The rules of personal hygiene are known to everyone and consist of proper and regular brushing of teeth and gums at home. Most of us turn to professional hygiene when obvious signs bacterial damage. Well, others resort to professional hygiene to whiten their teeth. In addition, professional hygiene must be carried out at the beginning of all measures for sanitation of the oral cavity.

This type of hygiene procedure is performed by a special group of dentists called “hygienists.” They have an extensive range of hygiene products.

For example, in their arsenal there is always a set of professional toothbrushes with different bristles and various forms, special oral irrigators, ultrasonic and combined devices designed for cleaning teeth, whitening them and removing tartar. In addition, they use special therapeutic ointments, abrasive toothpastes, dental floss for cleaning braces, etc. for procedures.

The main objectives of professional hygiene procedures are:

Thorough mechanical cleaning of teeth and the entire oral cavity from soft bacterial plaque, removal of hard dental deposits (tartar), in order to prevent the development of major diseases - caries and periodontal disease.

Before the actual procedure, rinse your mouth with a special antiseptic solution. Then, during the procedure, if necessary, carry out local anesthesia. To do this, sprays, gels or injection anesthesia are used.

What does professional hygiene include?

The hygienist performs the procedure as follows:

Using a special toothpaste, soft plaque is removed;

Then, using the Airflow device, it removes supragingival soft and hard deposits. The device works using a strong jet of a mixture of water and a special soda solution, which are supplied simultaneously.

After which the subgingival plaque is removed. This procedure is called scaling and is performed using a special ultrasound machine.

After that, the enamel and existing restorations are polished. The procedure is carried out using special pastes;

The teeth are then coated with fluoride varnish or remineralizing agents.

The professional hygiene procedure must be carried out for several reasons:

Firstly, she is initial stage any complex of dental procedures.

Eliminating deposits on tooth enamel has a beneficial effect on the health of periodontal tissues. This happens accelerated process enrichment of enamel with minerals.

Secondly, removal of deposits allows you to more accurately identify hidden carious lesions that were not noticeable due to plaque. This also helps to more accurately determine the shade of the enamel, which is very important when carrying out tooth restoration or prosthetics.

How often should professional oral hygiene be performed?

You should visit a specialist in this area at least once every six months. If a braces system is installed in the oral cavity, the procedure should be carried out once every 3 months. If necessary, the doctor may schedule more frequent visits. But this is decided on an individual basis.

Also at the appointment, the specialist will teach you the rules of oral hygiene to prevent plaque. After conducting an examination, he, based on the condition of the patient’s teeth, will recommend the necessary toothbrush of a certain hardness and the right toothpaste. The doctor will teach you how to independently perform a finger massage, which is important for gum health.

You yourself should also not forget about simple, but important rules prevention dental diseases. Including: the need to brush your teeth after every meal, massage your gums. You should also remember that the brush needs to be replaced with a new one every 2-3 months, and be sure to use floss.

Remember that the presence of tartar on the teeth and bleeding gums are signs serious illnesses and demand urgent treatment at the dentist. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor at least twice a year. Be healthy!


The human oral cavity is home to a huge number of different microorganisms. They settle on the teeth, gums, tongue and buccal mucosa. Colonies of microbes and their metabolic products lead to a number of dental problems. In addition, when bacteria enter the body, they provoke the development of gastrointestinal pathology.

To balance the ecosystem and improve overall health, regular and high-quality oral hygiene is necessary. The high effectiveness of such a procedure depends on the correctness of its implementation and some other nuances.

The importance of oral hygiene lies in the prevention of major dental diseases, as well as maintaining an attractive appearance of a person. By following the rules for conducting events, you can achieve significant results, including:

  • formation of strong teeth;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • prevention of the development of caries and periodontal disease;
  • prevention infectious diseases oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract;
  • snow-white smile;
  • fresh breath;
  • savings on dental services.

As shown medical practice, people with weakened immune system and smokers.

Types of oral hygiene

To maintain the microflora of the oral cavity, in which the teeth and oral mucosa will always be healthy and aesthetically pleasing, there are a number of hygiene measures. They are divided into two main types: personal hygiene and professional procedures.

In the first case, oral care is carried out independently at home. According to the recommendations of dentists, the procedure must begin with early age when children have their first teeth.

If cleaning the mouth at home does not bring the desired result, the second method is used. Professional cleaning is carried out in medical institution dentist.

Each method requires compliance with a number of rules. Therefore, in order for the procedures to be highly effective, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Rules for carrying out hygiene procedures

In order for individual oral hygiene to ensure thorough cleaning and create an attractive smile, you must purchase special cleaning products in advance and then follow the rules of the event.

Oral care is usually carried out using special cleaning products, including:

  • Toothbrush for cleaning teeth, cheeks, tongue.
  • Toothpaste for the prevention and treatment of diseases.
  • Brushes for removing food residues in interdental crevices.
  • Rinse to complete the procedure.

When it is not possible to brush your teeth, dental floss is used. To eliminate bad breath and small food particles after eating, it is recommended to use chewing gum no sugar.

Rules for cleaning teeth

Oral hygiene rules depend on the choice of cleaning product. Using a toothbrush, the procedure is carried out as follows:

  • The cleaning attribute is rinsed with running water.
  • Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the bristly surface of the brush.
  • At an angle of 45 degrees relative to the gum, the attribute is located in the open mouth.

  • The upper teeth are smooth, in a circular motion cleaned from top to bottom.
  • The lower jaw is cleaned from bottom to top.

The above manipulations are carried out within 3 minutes. After this time, the toothbrush is turned over and the tongue is cleaned with a rubber nozzle. At the end of the procedure, the oral cavity is rinsed warm water, or a special rinsing solution.

When using dental floss, proper oral hygiene is carried out in the following order:

  • For a one-time procedure, dental floss 40-50 cm long is cut.
  • The thread seeps into the interdental crevices with smooth movements.
  • Having reached the surface of the gum, the thread is directed in the opposite direction in a similar way without sudden movements.

Having cleaned one interdental gap in this way, move on to another. In this case, the thread must be clean for each section.

If the above hygiene measures do not get rid of plaque deposits on the teeth, dentists recommend professional cleaning.

Carrying out professional cleaning

Oral hygiene with professional help is carried out to eliminate accumulations of soft plaque, which over time develops into tartar. When a hard stone forms, a person loses his attractive appearance. In addition, against the background of this pathology, concomitant diseases teeth.

To prevent these negative phenomena, the dental hygienist prescribes measures using medical instruments and special equipment.

Before proceeding with professional intervention, the dentist must first carefully examine the patient. Medical Oral hygiene methods depend on the following diagnostic indicators: caries intensity index, hygiene index, assessment of the condition of the mucous membrane, type of bite, presence of dental pathologies.

After assessing the condition of the oral cavity, the specialist must form a responsible attitude towards the prescribed procedure in the patient. It is important that a person understands that medical oral hygiene can completely get rid of periodontal disease and improve external condition teeth.

Carrying out procedures

A medical complex of measures to remove persistent dental tumors can be carried out therapeutically, orthodontically or surgical method. Each event is conducted by a dentist in a medical office.

In order for professional oral hygiene to go smoothly, before it begins, the patient is prescribed rinsing the nasopharynx with an antiseptic solution.

For major operations, anesthetic medications may be used, in the form of sprays or injections. The professional cleaning complex includes several stages.

Removing plaque and tartar. For this purpose it is used ultrasound machine. In some cases, manual mechanical cleaning with dental instruments is used.

Removing pigmented plaque. A popular device for cleaning teeth from soft plaque is the AirFlow device. As a result of the pressure of the emitted water, air and soda, the enamel becomes lighter by 2 shades.

Teeth polishing. This method uses professional products, which contain zirconium microparticles.

Fluoridation. This method involves strengthening the enamel with fluoride-containing gel trays. The procedure lasts only a minute, but during this time the enamel has time to become saturated with fluoride ions, due to which it becomes stronger.

Fissure sealing. This method involves using composite resins to fill the grooves of the teeth on the chewing side using a special tool.

Many patients neglect professional procedures, as well as the visit to the dentist itself. However, this position is fundamentally wrong.

By contacting a specialist in a timely manner, you can avoid dangerous pathologies of the oral cavity, as well as receive recommendations for daily care so that individual oral hygiene brings significant benefits.

In medical practice, there are certain rules for the technique of cleaning the mouth. Compliance with them does not require much effort or difficulty.

  • To maintain the microflora in the mouth and the strength of the teeth, it is necessary to follow a balanced diet of dairy and legumes.
  • To brush your teeth, it is better to choose a brush with synthetic bristles.
  • The cleaning attribute should be replaced every 3-4 months.
  • Clean your mouth with a toothbrush and toothpaste 2 times a day. The first procedure is carried out in the morning, the second before bedtime.

  • Various oral hygiene practices should include cleaning the tongue and gums. It will become good remedy periodontal prevention.
  • After each procedure, the toothbrush must be thoroughly rinsed with running water.
  • It is recommended to clean the spaces between teeth after every meal. To do this, you can use dental floss or special wooden sticks.

  • It is better to entrust the monitoring of the condition of the oral cavity to the dentist.
  • Professional hygiene should be carried out 1-2 times a year by a qualified specialist.
  • For hard-to-reach areas of the mouth, it is advisable to purchase specialized tools, such as a brush and floss.
  • Don't neglect mouthwashes either. Their regular use contributes not only to fresh breath, but also to the strength of the enamel structure.

Failure to comply with the rules of oral hygiene, in best case scenario, will lead to bad breath and the development of caries. But, as medical practice has shown, such neglect will have more serious consequences.

A large accumulation of harmful bacteria in the absence hygiene procedures or their incorrect implementation contributes to the development the following pathologies:

  • . This is an inflammatory process of the gums that affects the alveolar process of the jaw. The pathology is accompanied putrid smell from the mouth, bleeding gums when brushing teeth individually, itching and a negative perception of the taste of food.
  • Candidiasis. This inflammatory process develops when Candida bacteria enter the mouth. In pathology, swelling of the oropharynx and a white coating on the tongue are observed. In an advanced form of the disease, erosions may appear on the surface of the oral mucosa.

  • . This pathology affects periodontal tissue. Symptoms of periodontitis include the formation of hard stone, tooth mobility, and the presence of purulent or serous discharge.

  • . Such damage to the lining of the mouth occurs due to the proliferation of infectious microorganisms. When bacteria enter the human body, they destroy the surface structure of the gums, tongue and cheeks. Subsequently, ulcers appear on the affected areas.

As you can see, each pathology develops due to the entry of harmful bacteria into the oral cavity, where there is an optimal habitat for their growth and reproduction. Only careful daily oral care can correct this phenomenon.

Following the recommendations of specialists for individual procedures, as well as regular visits to the dentist will help maintain a clean and healthy mouth, as well as provide fresh breath and a snow-white smile.

A beautiful smile is every person's dream. However, due to some reasons (periodontal disease, inflammatory processes, drinking coffee and tea, smoking) such luxury can be unaffordable. Even if you try to carefully take care of your teeth at home, it is impossible to achieve perfect oral cleanliness. In order to get as close to this as possible, contact a specialist. Professional oral hygiene can ensure not only a beautiful smile, but also healthy teeth.

What is the procedure?

It consists of a large set of actions that are aimed at removing deposits on tooth enamel, both on the front part of the crowns and where it is difficult to reach with a brush. In addition, professional oral hygiene ensures the prevention of such common diseases as caries, periodontal disease, pulpitis, etc. That is, all measures taken are considered therapeutic.

The peculiarity of the procedure is that it is carried out only in dental office using special means and tools that are not used at home. Such measures are recognized as mandatory before installing dentures or braces. Brushing is also considered a necessary component of the gum healing process.

Advantages and disadvantages of the process

Professional oral hygiene has certain advantages:

1. Complete safety and hypoallergenicity of the products used for all events.

2. Restoration of the natural shade of enamel.

3. Elimination of deposits that can cause dental diseases (especially in the most inaccessible places).

4. No pain or discomfort during the cleaning process.

5. Fast recovery enamel and preserving the external beauty of crowns.

But professional oral hygiene is also characterized by certain disadvantages. For example, in the first time after events, teeth are very sensitive, so there are problems with nutrition. In addition, during cleaning, a specialist may injure the gums. However, these shortcomings are temporary.

Are there any contraindications to the procedure?

These actions are not always useful. There are a number of contraindications in which professional oral hygiene cannot be performed:

Dangerous infectious and viral pathologies (hepatitis C and B, AIDS, HIV).

Acute gum or dental diseases.

Pathologies of the respiratory system.

Any serious problems With internal organs and systems.

Problems with circulation and blood clotting.

Injuries to the oral cavity.

In other cases, professional oral hygiene, reviews of which are mostly positive, is permitted.

What methods are used in your work?

In principle, the choice here is not so wide. There are the following methods of professional oral hygiene:

1. Mechanical. To implement it, you need specialized medical equipment that does not directly come into contact with the surface being treated. This event is inexpensive, but can injure soft tissues.

2. Sandblasting. It consists of using water, very fine powder and air, which is supplied under pressure. This cleaning technique is very effective, but it is not recommended for those people who often suffer from respiratory diseases.

3. Ultrasonic. It is very effective and safe. During the cleaning process, pathogenic organisms are removed from the oral cavity, and the gums are also healed at the same time.

4. Laser. Carrying out such events requires special equipment, so they are not cheap.

What products are used during the cleaning process?

Before you decide on the method of carrying out the procedure, find out what exactly will be used in the work. So, a dentist can use the following professional oral hygiene products:

1. Special toothpastes.

2. Abrasive materials (sand, soda).

3. Preparations containing calcium and fluorine (to restore enamel).

4. Bleaching acids.

5. Brushes and abrasives.

6. Dental floss.

Most current products can be used during personal hygiene procedures. However, not all. Most dentists offer a whole range of professional oral hygiene. The use of such means is more preferable.

What are the stages of cleaning?

In order to for a long time To keep your teeth healthy and strong, you will need periodic professional oral hygiene. The stages of this procedure must be carried out in strict sequence:

1. Cleansing the enamel from soft plaque.

2. Removal of tartar and other hard deposits.

3. Grinding and gentle polishing of the surface of the teeth.

4. Application of a protective coating containing fluorine.

Features of the procedure

If you want to know how professional oral hygiene is performed, the stages of the process should be considered in more detail. Before performing any manipulations, the specialist must explain to the patient how to care for their teeth, how many times a year cleaning can be done, and how it will be done. So, first the doctor removes soft and hard deposits on the enamel. First of all, the patient should thoroughly brush his teeth with his own brush. After this, the enamel is covered special composition, capable of identifying all existing deposits.

Next, the oral cavity is processed disinfectant, plaque (soft and hard) is removed. After completing this procedure, grinding and polishing of the surface of the crowns is required. This will help protect the enamel from the reappearance of deposits.

The last step is to cover the surface of the teeth with a special solution containing microelements and fluoride. Thanks to this, the enamel is restored faster.

IN general procedure Cleaning takes no more than an hour. However, in order to do it less often, you need to follow normal dental hygiene rules. You should clean them daily morning and evening. It is important to use the right toothpaste, taking into account individual characteristics. Naturally, you should use rinses that help eliminate the maximum amount pathogens, which the brush cannot cope with. Use daily dental floss, which will ensure thorough cleansing of the area between the teeth.

Every person should visit the dentist twice a year. A specialist will be able to identify and eliminate emerging problems in a timely manner.

If you need professional oral hygiene, recommendations from a specialist will be very useful. After carrying out the measures described above, you should not eat dishes and foods that contain a lot of salt and natural acids (citrus fruits). The fact is that a few days after cleaning at the dentist, your teeth are still very sensitive. If you feel discomfort for a long time after the procedure, contact your doctor.