
Benefits of dental floss. Is flossing good for teeth or bad for gums? Should children use

The main function of the floss is removal of food particles in hard-to-reach areas of the teeth where it is impossible to clean effectively with a toothbrush. These are the proximal surfaces in contact with neighboring teeth one row.

Photo 1. Packaging of dental floss from the manufacturer Splat. The length of the floss in the picture is 30 meters.

Can it do harm

Dental flossing is harmful only when used incorrectly:

  • Too intense and frequent use. There is a risk of injuring the gum mucosa and provoking an inflammatory process. To prevent this from happening, before the first experience of use, it is better to consult a dentist or study the floss manufacturer's instructions.
  • Ignoring contraindications:
  1. periodontal disease (increased bleeding);
  2. caries (chips form);
  3. the presence of crowns or bridges on the teeth;
  4. any other inflammatory diseases oral cavity in the acute stage.

Should children use

Children, like adults, need to be taught the habit of regularly cleaning between their teeth.

About from 8-10 years old the child can floss independently.

First days better procedure under the supervision of an adult.

Getting started is easier from the front teeth.

Is there a special children's dental floss

Main manufacturers do not separate children's floss separately.

Suitable for children extra fine thread, for example, super-thin with silver fibers from Splat. A floss toothpick (with a holder) will also be convenient, for example, Plackers Kids.

Reference. A child, like a beginner, should choose waxed threads, which do not separate into fibers during application.

What does dental floss look like?

Traditionally, a roll of floss is placed in a plastic bag. small size.

On top under the cover there is a cutter for easily tearing off the thread.

There are also dental floss holder for easy one-handed cleaning.

The length of the floss is indicated on the package. The most profitable thread length 50 meters. Can also be found 25-30 m.

What is made of

Floss is made from natural ( silk) or artificial materials ( nylon, capron, acetate).

Attention! regular thread can't replace floss! It differs in that it has coarse fibers, which are not intended for contact with the delicate gum mucosa. Floss, on the other hand, has a special weaving of the thread and is impregnated in production. special composition.

There are flosses impregnated with chlorhexidine. They have an antibacterial effect during oral cleansing.

How to use correctly

  • Unwind the thread to a minimum length 20-30 cm.

  • Screw on the middle fingers and stretch between the thumbs and forefingers.
  • Post in the interdental space and carefully lower to the gums.
  • Produce 6-7 movements forward - backward.
  • For the next tooth use a clean area threads.
  • Thus go through all the teeth.

It is advisable to floss your teeth after every meal, but, at least once a day while brushing your teeth at night.

Important! Necessarily wash your hands with soap before using thread!

Alternative to floss

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Irrigator: what is it

Ideally, floss and irrigator do not replace each other, but complement. They do one thing, but they do it different ways.

Floss is a convenient and compact tool to carry with you and use throughout the day. Irrigator - home appliance for thorough care in the morning and evening.

Advantages irrigator:

  • Thoroughly removes food debris and plaque powerful jet of water.
  • The irrigator is useful in that in addition to cleansing, massages the gums.
  • Indispensable when wearing braces, crowns and bridges.

  • Effectively cleanses gum pockets without damaging the gums.
  • Able to remove old plaque over time.
  • Used for periodontitis and periodontitis as opposed to dental floss.
  • In addition to stationary There are portable which is convenient to take with you on trips, business trips.
  • You can adjust the water pressure, that is, the intensity of the feed.
  • Removes plaque in hard-to-reach places, where the floss does not reach.
  • Can be used by children from 6-7 years old(before floss).
  • There are various speed control modes.

Minuses irrigator.

Floss is a heavy-duty thread coated with a special polymer. The most widely used synthetic products made of viscose, acrylic, Teflon, nylon. Today, the range of threads with various impregnations: for fresh breath, strengthening enamel, reducing gum bleeding, disinfection, etc. The product is an addition to brushing and rinsing and in no way replaces these hygiene procedures.

Modern medicine has no evidence regarding the benefits of flossing. Moreover, there are many cases when this remedy caused chipping of tooth enamel, infection of the gums. However, many, having once tried this tool, buy dental floss again, claiming that only with it they gained confidence in their smile and got rid of bad breath.

Contraindications to the use of floss include:

  • periodontal disease;
  • caries.

If there is inflammation or soreness of the gums, severe bleeding, you suspect a carious lesion on the tooth, make an appointment with the dentist before using the floss. Based on the objective data obtained during the examination of the oral cavity, the doctor will report possible risks when using this tool. After appropriate treatment, it will be possible to perform a comprehensive cleaning of the teeth without fear.

Top 5 Flossing Mistakes

Dentists rightly note that problems in the oral cavity do not begin due to the use of dental floss, but because these manipulations are performed incorrectly. Among the typical mistakes:

  • cleaning the lateral surfaces of different teeth with the same interval of floss;
  • too frequent use. One or two times a day is enough;
  • flossing before brushing and not rinsing after flossing;
  • performing the procedure with unwashed hands.
  • too deep insertion of the thread into the gum. The floss should fall into the interdental space just below the gum line, but without fanaticism.

Remember, if your gums bleed a little after you start flossing, this is normal. However, if the bleeding does not go away after 2 to 5 days, you should make an appointment with your dentist.

How to properly floss your teeth

To complete this hygiene procedure perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Cut a piece about 30 - 50 cm long.
  2. Wrap both ends around your middle fingers.
  3. Between the fingers of two hands there should be a segment of approximately 3 - 6 cm. Fix it with your thumb and forefinger.
  4. Clean interdental spaces, starting with the central incisors of the upper jaw.

It is convenient to bend the contact surface of the thread in the form of the letter "C". You need to move from the lower border of the tooth up and down. On each surface of the tooth, at least 8 - 10 reciprocating movements should be made.

To properly brush your teeth with dental floss, we suggest watching the video:

How to choose the right dental floss

Depending on the goals and preferences, you can choose dental floss:

  • impregnated or not impregnated with wax. Waxed slips better without getting stuck. This is best option if braces are installed. Unwaxed removes food residue more effectively, as it does not slip off;
  • by type of section. Round is optimal if the interdental spaces are wide, flat - if narrow. irregular shape well increases in size, soaked in saliva;
  • by material. Natural (made of silk) has less strength than synthetic, but it acts more delicately;
  • according to the content of various kinds of special impregnations. For example, menthol, sodium fluoride, red pepper extract, antiseptics, chlorhexidine, etc.

WHO does not provide recommendations or any guidelines regarding floss. Dentists do not have a common opinion on this matter. However, in our opinion, one thing can be confidently stated: dental floss in skillful hands helps to remove more plaque from the enamel and food debris. Injury to the gums is also possible with the inept use of a toothbrush. To properly floss and benefit from it, watch a few video tutorials, read our article and make an appointment with a dentist who will explain everything in an accessible way and with examples.

Dental floss: good or bad?

Proper dental care is one of the the best remedy prevention of dental disease. However, despite the huge selection of dental care products, the number dental diseases is growing steadily. Systematic oral hygiene is one of the important preventive methods that will prevent the development of diseases such as caries, gingivitis, pulpitis, periodontal disease and others. As preventive measures must be used not only toothpaste and toothbrush, but also dental floss (floss - from English word"floss"), which will allow you to clean your teeth in hard-to-reach places.

There are several types of dental floss - they are made from natural or artificial material, have several types, different composition, cross-sectional shapes, and are used for certain type teeth. In order to choose the right dental floss, you need to consult a dentist who, after examining the oral cavity, will be able to give useful advice and tips.

The opinions of doctors and user reviews about dental floss have their differences. Some dentists claim that this method brushing teeth adversely affect the structure of the tooth, provoking the development of certain diseases of the oral cavity, while user reviews are the most positive.

"What is dental flossing for and how safe or harmful is it for teeth?" This question is asked by many patients. dental clinics who care about their teeth and health, because, as you know, the health of the whole organism depends on the condition of the teeth.

Benefits of flossing

Flossing cleans the gaps between teeth, in places where plaque and food debris accumulate, which prevents the growth of bacteria and the development of gum and tooth diseases. It should be noted that you can use dental floss only if there are no contraindications: you can not use dental floss in case of inflammation of the gums.

It will help to remove plaque and food debris in hard-to-reach places for a toothbrush - under the gum line and between the teeth.

Damage to dental floss

As a result of numerous studies, it has been proven that in some cases, the use of dental floss can lead to the development of inflammatory processes and, as a result, loss of teeth. The fact is that if the rules for using dental floss are not followed, the gums, which become susceptible to infections, can be damaged.

If your gums bleed while flossing, you should consult your dentist. It is possible that we are talking about periodontal disease and should be treated for this disease.

Dental floss. Benefit or harm? How to use and when? Dentists' advice on the choice and rules for the use of floss.

In addition to brushing your teeth with a brush and paste, dentists recommend using dental floss (floss). It penetrates into hard-to-reach places, helps to remove plaque where it is impossible to get with a regular brush. But what is it, how to use it correctly, what varieties are there. Let's take a look at these and other features below.

The benefits and harms of dental floss

It is used to clean the interdental space. But is it safe? Can it be harmed. This can only happen if applied incorrectly. Otherwise, this hygiene product has only a positive effect.
Attention! Under no circumstances should floss be replaced with regular thread or anything else. All such actions will lead to injury to the gums, oral cavity.
Benefits of flossing:
  • Deep cleaning of the interdental space, inaccessible to other means
  • Normalization of the level of acidity in the oral cavity
  • Prevents the appearance of caries
  • Helps to fight bad smell from mouth
However, there are a number of contraindications, such as bleeding gums, the presence of prostheses or bridges, caries. Therefore, before you start actively using this hygiene product, you should visit a dentist and consult.

How to properly floss your teeth

In order not to cause any injury to the gums, you need to know what this product is, how to use it correctly.
Let's look at a few simple rules.
  • First of all, you need to wash your hands
  • Next, you need to rewind the required amount of product. One-time cleaning takes about 40 centimeters
  • Then you need to wind the ends of the thread around the middle fingers. Pinch the middle between thumb and forefinger
  • Advice. Use a new piece of floss for each interdental gap. In this way, you can eliminate the possibility of transferring germs.
  • You need to floss gently so as not to damage the gums.
  • Interdental gaps are cleaned from top to bottom
  • To remove plaque, you need to stretch the thread behind the tooth in the shape of the letter "c", gently clean, without sudden movements
  • Repeat all steps for each interdental gap
Attention! It is important to brush the outermost teeth. Most of the dental diseases begin with them.

How often should you floss

Floss should be used daily. But how often should you use it during the day? Dentists recommend using it after every main meal. So you can get rid of food particles remaining in the interdental gaps. Therefore, it is an excellent prevention of caries and other dental diseases. It is also important to combine flossing, brushing with toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.

Floss should be used before or after brushing your teeth

With this hygiene product, you can clean all the hard-to-reach places that the bristles of a toothbrush cannot handle. On the question of when it is better to use dental floss: before or after brushing your teeth, the opinions of dentists differ. But in one thing they are exactly the same. It should be used regularly. Then the teeth and gums will be healthy. And when exactly to use floss is the choice of everyone. Based on your preferences and needs.

Which dental floss is better: waxed or unwaxed

There are several varieties of floss, among them are waxed and unwaxed. But which dental floss is best? Consider the positive and negative sides each.
Waxed. Pros.
  • Usually covered with wax, which contributes to good glide, penetration into hard-to-reach places
  • Cleans well even in the presence of fillings, as well as if the teeth are very close to each other
  • High strength. Almost impossible to break
  • The shape holds well, does not delaminate
  • Suitable for beginners. Convenient to use
Waxed. Minuses.
  • Wax may remain in the interdental spaces. Needs extra cleaning
  • Due to the fact that it glides easily, some of the plaque may remain
Unwaxed. Pros.
  • Good for cleaning interdental spaces. The thread fits snugly to the teeth
  • A creaking sound appears, indicating a quality cleaning
Unwaxed. Minuses.
  • Low strength. May break
  • It is difficult to clean interdental spaces if the teeth are not aligned or very close together. There is a risk of gum injury
Attention! If the floss is stuck between the teeth, do not pull it out with great force. There is a risk of injury to the gums. You need to carefully pull it out with tweezers. You can also try to get it with a thinner product. If none of the methods work, then you should contact your dentist.
So, the thread is waxed and unwaxed. Which one is better depends on individual characteristics, human needs and preferences.

Features of flossing with braces

Many people think that cleaning with this hygiene product with braces is impossible. However, if braces are installed, this does not mean that it is impossible to use floss. On the contrary, it is not only possible to use, but even necessary. Of course, the cleaning procedure will be somewhat more complicated, but, nevertheless, feasible.
Let's take a closer look at the cleaning process with braces.
  • You need to use a product that is coated with wax. So the glide will be better, the thread will not get stuck in the braces
  • The length of the floss must be at least 25 centimeters
  • First you need to thoroughly clean under the braces, and then the interdental space
  • Repeat this procedure with every tooth
Advice for parents. It may be difficult for the child to cope with this procedure on their own. Help him, at least at first, until he gets used to it. Later he will do everything himself.

How to use dental floss: video

In this video you will find tips and advice from a dentist on the use of floss, as well as step by step instructions on correct application this hygiene product.

Not all tooth surfaces can be cleaned effectively with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Often neglected are the contact surfaces of the teeth and interdental spaces. Dental floss is used to clean these surfaces. Our consultant dentist will tell you how to properly use dental floss in your daily oral care. Elena Sergeevna FILIMONOVA.

What is dental floss and what is it for?

Dental floss (floss) - This additional remedy oral hygiene, which is used to clean the interdental spaces and provides prevention of caries and periodontal diseases. Dental floss is made from natural silk or thin artificial fibers arranged parallel to each other. The entire thread is covered with a special polymer that facilitates its sliding in the interdental space.

Dental floss can be used not only to remove plaque and food debris from contact surfaces and interdental spaces, but also to effectively clean the oral cavity for people with fixed bridges, orthodontic structures and implants.

How to choose the right dental floss?

Currently produced dental floss can be divided into the following types:

  • 1. Waxed threads, which, due to wax impregnation, do not separate into individual fibers during use and easily penetrate even between densely spaced teeth.
  • 2. Unwaxed threads.

Unwaxed dental floss are defibrated into 2 strands or more and have a better cleaning power compared to waxed ones, as they provide a larger area of ​​contact with the tooth surface. Waxed dental floss dentists recommend "beginners" - those adults who are just learning to apply this remedy oral hygiene, and children. This type thread is safer for the gums and makes it possible to get used to the cleansing procedure.

The choice of a suitable dental floss also depends on the individual characteristics of the location of the teeth in the dentition. Therefore, when buying a thread, it is important to pay attention to its transverse section and use the following tips:

  • 1. Round floss is recommended for people with large interdental spaces.
  • 2. Flat dental floss is suitable for those who have very tight teeth, there is crowding of the teeth.
  • 3. Volumetric dental floss is recommended for periodontal diseases, when there is gum recession, exposure of the necks and roots of the teeth. It is convenient to insert such a thread, in the interdental space it increases in diameter (swells) and better removes food debris.
  • 4. Tape dental floss is recommended if there are tremies and diastemas (gaps) between the teeth.
  • There are also combined dental flosses. "superfloss" with sections of different diameters. This type of thread is intended for cleaning orthodontic and orthopedic constructions.

Dental floss can be impregnated with a therapeutic and prophylactic composition. Impregnation with fluorine used to prevent caries, however, they do not have a significant anti-caries effect compared to conventional threads. Therapeutic effect threads impregnated antiseptic, also small. This type of thread is not recommended for children, nor is it suitable for permanent use. Aromatic additives are harmless, make the floss pleasant to use and refresh the mouth.

Factory "Modum - our cosmetics" produces a widely used type of filament. waxed, but consists of two threads, which helps to better clean the interdental space. The thread has a pleasant refreshing taste and is resistant to tearing. There is a holder in the package, which makes it easier to use the thread, and the large length of the thread - 65 m - will allow the whole family to use it.

How to use dental floss correctly?

Dental floss must be used regularly. It should be used after every meal, or at least once a day during the evening brushing of teeth (before or after brushing, and then rinse the mouth).

Rules for using dental floss:

1. Tear off a piece of thread 20-40 cm long.

2. Wind the thread on index fingers(according to the "coil" principle - one finger more, the other less) and pull, leaving 3 cm of thread in the gap.

3. Carefully insert the floss between the teeth.

4. Gently, without pressure, start cleaning by moving the thread upwards with “sawing” movements.

5. Clean the next area between the teeth by unwinding a new clean part of the thread.

6. Thus, it is necessary to clean the contact surfaces between all teeth.

Note! The floss should not break when you remove it from the interdental space. This may be related to the following reasons:
- low-quality dental floss;
- caries on the contact surface of the teeth;
- poor quality bridge prosthesis, restoration, filling (rough surface, chipping), etc.

It is important to remember that the ideal dental floss is the one that is comfortable for you to use, and it cleans the interdental spaces well without injuring the gums!