
Long-haired mini dachshund: description, care and photos of dogs. Rabbit dachshund (photo): A faithful companion with a sound mind Long-haired black dachshund

Russian classic A.P. Chekhov said about dachshunds: “The legs are crooked, the bodies are long, but they have an extraordinary mind.” Smart and cunning, independent and courageous, these dogs, once used as hunting dogs, are now increasingly acting as companions for city dwellers. The long-haired dachshund, an elegant and dignified dog with thick, beautiful hair, is loved by many dog ​​breeders. We will tell you about the types and characteristics of long-haired representatives of this popular breed, the features of their maintenance and care in this article.

History of origin

According to many experts, the dachshund is a typical German breed, bred for highly specialized activities, namely for searching and pursuing game in burrows. The club of German dog breeders - lovers of dachshunds - was created in 1888, and since then the standards for this breed have been set there. Originally, the longhaired dachshund was bred to work in the harsh conditions of the north.

The first mention of dogs of this breed with long hair was found in 1820. They were obtained by crossing spaniels and certain types of pointers. The first officially recognized representative of the breed is the long-haired female Schniepp of the breeder von Bünau, who received a prize in Hanover in 1882 and served as a model for the development of the standard for long-haired dachshunds.

Dogs of this breed became very popular in Europe in the thirties of the 20th century. The long-haired dachshund continued to be popular in the West until the second half of the 70s of the last century.

Dachshunds in Russia

This breed has been known in Russia since the 18th century, but did not become popular. They are smooth-haired and were kept in most cases as decorative companion dogs and family pets. Dogs of this long-haired breed appeared in the Soviet Union immediately after World War II, all of them were exported from European countries. The long-haired dachshund, the photo of which is presented in the article, is not widely used as a hunting dog, but it has become popular as an ornamental breed.

Modern views

Today, among modern dachshunds, it is customary to distinguish the following varieties: smooth-haired, wire-haired and long-haired dogs of standard or dwarf size. Animals differ only in the type of fur and size. There is an opinion among experts that the long-haired rabbit or dwarf dachshund was obtained by crossing pinschers and terriers with the smallest representatives of dachshunds.

Features of long-haired dachshunds

Dogs of this breed are characterized by a rather late development of the final color and coat length, usually at 2-4 years of age. Long-haired cats are born with fluff on their body, which bears little resemblance to wool.

Subsequently, as a result of several molts, the fluff changes first to teenage fur, and only by the second year of life an adult “fur coat” is formed, tightly fitting to the dog’s body and well protecting from moisture, cold and wind.

The long-haired dachshund comes in black and tan, red and coffee colors. The red color is represented quite richly: it can be golden chestnut, light red, cherry brown, but always rich and bright.

Rabbit dachshund

Later than all others, such a breed of dachshund as the rabbit or dwarf appeared. It was obtained as a result of selective selection and was intended for burrow hunting of rabbits.

Today, few dog breeders use these dogs as hunting dogs; most keep such dachshunds as decorative pets and companions. It differs from all other representatives of its breed in its miniature size: the height at the withers varies from 10 to 15 cm, and its weight is about three kg, and its character is calmer. These dogs love to communicate and are happy to find mutual language with all family members. Just like standard-sized dachshunds, miniatures come in three types: short-haired, wire-haired and long-haired. These active dogs can quite easily do without walks on the street, as they are easily accustomed to the tray. The long-haired miniature dachshund can have almost any color, both single-color and several colors.

How to care for long-haired dachshunds?

The coat of any long-haired dog requires special care, and dachshunds are no exception. Experts recommend weekly brushing of this breed's fur with special brushes and washing the dog twice a year. special shampoos. It should be noted that dachshunds are quite clean and do not require frequent washing. Dachshund paws with any coat also need care. First of all, a dog returning from a walk needs to wipe its pads with a damp cloth, removing dirt, dust, and, in winter, chemicals. It is very important from an early puppyhood to accustom your pet to trimming its nails, as well as trimming the fur between the pads. If you have never done such procedures, ask for help from professionals: veterinarians, breeders or more experienced owners. As a rule, a few lessons are enough for a novice dog breeder to be able to do this on their own.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their lively, active long-haired, photo of which is presented below, and will be happy to walk and frolic with children.

Long walks over rough terrain and swimming help strengthen the rather weak muscles of the back and legs. WITH early age You need to train your Dachshund puppy to walk wearing a collar and with a tight leash, which helps develop correct posture, as well as the development of an obedient character and the habit of discipline.

The long-haired dachshund is an object of fascination for a wide variety of people.

For some, she is a comrade and assistant in hunting matters, for others, she is a friend who brightens up their leisure time.

Some people value the breed's exterior, while others see the breeding of dachshunds as a subject of practical interest.

But everyone who has encountered this wonderful dog in their life notes its extraordinary intelligence, strength, devotion, courage and affection.

An adult long-haired dachshund looks different from its relatives.

She has luxurious, rich feathering on her paws and flowing, slightly wavy hair on her ears; The dog's tail is decorated with a beautiful woolen pendant.

Representatives of this line have their own distinctive features in character: dogs are calm and balanced.

In the field the dachshund shows high level working qualities; She is characterized by consistency and greater persistence in her search.

Along with a lively passion for hunting, longhairs show outstanding companionship: even as companions, adult animals are diligent helpers.

With the role of affectionate pet these beautiful animals cope just as well.

Like most representatives of decorative breeds, dachshunds are distinguished and classified by size.

The long-haired dachshund retains all the properties and characteristics of a special breed of burrowing dogs: a long, elongated body with short legs with wide fingers, strong muscles, wide bones.

Her head is set straight and proud. Eyes – expressive, attentive; The bridge of the nose is elongated, slightly tapering towards the lobe.

Two features in the classification of this species:

  • First: The initial parameter is not the height at the withers, but the chest circumference. If this value is more than 35 cm, the dog is standard. Dachshunds are considered rabbits, girth chest which are less than 30 cm. Individuals that fall under intermediate parameters are classified as miniature.
  • Second: All dogs are hunting and working dogs. This is evidenced by the name of the subspecies (rabbits) and: representatives of the breed are allowed to all types of burrow hunting competitions.

The weight of a standard dachshund should not exceed 9 kg, the weight of others corresponds to their size.

Cynologists note that it is more common among smaller species - rabbits, dwarfs.

Puppies of the same breed are more preferable as pets.

When choosing a dog with high decorative qualities as a family companion, you need to have an idea of ​​the standard requirements for a representative of the breed.

Long-haired, made of wool that fits tightly to the body.

On the back along the croup, the clothing is smoothed and slightly shortened.

On the chest and sides the cover falls in beautiful folds, and a slightly wavy fringe descends from the ears.

Under the belly, the fur lengthens and reaches its maximum size on the tail.

Disadvantages of the coat:

  • "flares" on the paws. Excessive feathering between the toes and on the metatarsus is unacceptable;
  • curly, shaggy, equally long hair all over the body;
  • excessively short hair;
  • lack of cover on the ears, tail, and underbelly;
  • clearly defined parting along the croup;
  • black without tan fur all over the body;
  • dullness, lack of shine.

Acceptable colors of the breed:

  • The color of a dog can be one color, if it is fawn, reddish, yellow. The long-haired red dachshund is especially prized. Black hair is allowed; significant white spots may disqualify the dog. Dogs with a black nose and claws are considered more preferable in the eyes of experts; an admixture of yellow and brown is allowed.
  • Bi-colored dachshunds can be black or tan, brown with tan along the sternum, under the belly, on the paws, on the first third of the tail. The nose and claws should match the color of the coat.
  • Moiré and marbled dogs are distinguished by the presence of dark stripes randomly scattered throughout the coat.

The representative of the long-haired breed differs from its fellows in one more feature.

Her expressive appearance is formed by the age of 15 – 24 months.

According to experts, changes in cover can last up to four years.

In the first months of life, puppies are covered with fluff, in which it is difficult to guess both the color and length of the coat.

The first changes occur by five to eight months: the puppy is covered with delicate fur, and the color of the future color is already visible in its color.

Dogs of this breed need regular care behind the fur. It needs to be combed and trimmed regularly.

Dog handlers say: the chemically active reagents that cover sidewalks - salt, oxidized emissions of petroleum products, sulfur - are absent in suburban conditions.

In nature, the puppy gets rid of unwanted substances in its fur during play; in cities he only acquires them.

Therefore, dachshund owners need to pay regular, at least minimal, attention to caring for their small pets.

During hygienic treatment with one month old For puppies, the hair is trimmed between the toes, on the inside of the ears, and in the groin area.

If a dog moves relatively little, it needs to have its nails trimmed regularly.

Puppies need regular physical exercise. Dogs' interest in games and jogging must be constantly maintained.

With the advent of adulthood, a recent puppy may become a chair sloth, prone to obesity.

Both the physical qualities of the dog and the exterior largely depend on the owner.

Long-haired puppies are trained just like... Basic grooming requirements are standard for all dachshunds.

Puppies need to be trained - to instill in them the skills of obedience and social discipline.

When training with a dog, you need to remember that the weak point of the breed is the spine.

And, of course, we should not forget that harsh training is not for dachshunds.

This breed boasts high degree aristocracy, and it seems that every puppy retains this knowledge in its genes.

Photo gallery

In our small selection of photos we invite you to enjoy the natural beauty and grace of these wonderful animals.

Dachshunds are cute, active animals with a surprisingly long body and floppy ears. Not every person knows that rabbit dachshunds exist; they are even smaller. Despite their size, these animals can not only be pets, but also help in hunting. Below, the article discusses the characteristics of this breed, maintenance, care, feeding and much more.

Origin story

It is believed that the rabbit dachshund first appeared in Germany. After being withdrawn standard breed, breeders decided to improve some of its qualities. The main idea was to reduce the size of the animal to miniature so that the animal could be of greater benefit.

The rabbit dachshund is a good companion

For your information! The rabbit mini-dachshund became famous at the end of the 19th century. in Europe. The reason was that the burrows of hares had rather narrow passages, and not every hunting dog was able to climb into them. She received the nickname “rabbit” precisely because of her abilities. The dimensions of the animal made it possible to perfectly cope with the task.

The work of breeding this type of breed was far from easy. Breeders tried to achieve miniature sizes, while maintaining the basic instincts and qualities of the animal. The result met their expectations, and now miniature dachshunds are known in all corners of the world.

Description of the breed

The smallest dachshund, as a representative of the breed, can be:

  • long-haired;
  • smooth-haired;
  • Wire-haired.

Long-haired look

As for the description of appearance, it looks like this:

  • weight adult from 3 to 4 kg;
  • grew to 12-16 cm;
  • the head is elongated, the muzzle is narrowed;
  • large black nose;
  • the ears are not docked and are in a drooping state;
  • the back is straight and long;
  • wide chest, developed muscles, strong paws;
  • the tail is long.

Wool can have different colors. Most often it is black and brown, which are accompanied by small tan marks. The shade can be marble or plain.

Note! Even if there are several shades of fur, the spots should not be very large. The colors mix harmoniously with each other different parts bodies. Usually the spots are black, red, chocolate or golden.

Difference with other species

If we talk about character, the little dachshund is not much different from other representatives of its species. The main differences lie primarily in appearance. In addition, the mini-dachshund is approximately 2-3 times lighter than other representatives. Growth, accordingly, is also less.

Character and behavioral characteristics

This breed is distinguished by a calm and balanced disposition, which, however, does not prevent them from running, jumping and exercising with gusto. active games. Dwarf dachshund sociable, treats strangers well and is not afraid of them at all.

A devoted friend is hospitable to everyone except hamsters

The main character traits are best revealed during the hunt. The animal shows its determination, natural qualities and intelligence. The pet is also quite hardy and can easily endure long trips.

Important! Good for home care. He gets along well with both children and other pets, but it is recommended to keep hamsters and mice in a cage.

Raising and training a dachshund

When you bring a puppy into your home, you should first teach it the basics. He must remember and respond to given name, learn the rules of walking on a leash, know your place and the word “no”.

When the baby grows up, you can begin to learn basic commands, such as “sit”, “lie down”, “come to me”, etc. Training for hunting is carried out separately.

If a person is not sure about own strength, it is recommended to seek the help of an experienced specialist.

Basic rules of care

The smooth-haired type of dachshund needs regular brushing, especially during the shedding period. However this procedure will not cause big problems for the owner.

If you have chosen a curly-haired dachshund, then in addition to brushing, you will need to do regular haircuts. The long-haired rabbit dachshund is trimmed at least 2 times a year. Wire-haired dogs do not need a haircut; it is replaced by trimming.

In addition to the fur, the animal's eyes and ears also need care. They must be inspected regularly and cleaned if dirty. Nails are also trimmed if necessary. For this, special scissors are used.

Particular attention should be paid to the animal's teeth. Your dachshund must have chew toys. It is recommended to periodically give your pet special treats to clean plaque from the teeth or clean the mouth with a special brush and paste.

Bathing a dachshund

Necessary grooming

As already mentioned, the curly-haired dachshund is trimmed regularly. Smooth-haired animals do not need this. Grooming is necessary specifically for wire-haired species. The thing is that this species does not shed. Hairs reach a certain length, and then begin to interfere with the growth of new ones.

In this case, you should remove the hair manually. The owner can do this himself or contact a salon.

How to feed

Dachshunds are not picky when it comes to food. In fact, the animal will eat anything, so the owner needs to make sure that his pet gets essential vitamins and useful substances.

Note! If the owner decides to feed the dog store-bought food, then he should give preference to premium or super-premium food. Royal Canin is good for small dog breeds.

Your home diet must include the following products:

  • lean meat;
  • fish (at least once a week);
  • porridge, pasta;
  • boiled eggs (once a week);
  • dairy products;
  • boiled and fresh vegetables;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • bread (no more than once every 2-3 weeks).

List of prohibited products:

  • pork;
  • fried and smoked meat;
  • sweets and confectionery;
  • pickles;
  • tubular bones.


Like any other dog, the dachshund needs daily walks. Regardless of size, your pet must be kept on a leash.

Important! The dwarf dachshund also loves to run and frolic, so it is worth at least sometimes taking it out into nature or to a special dog park.

Walks must be on a leash

Life expectancy, illness and health

The average life expectancy of mini-dachshunds reaches 13-14 years, depending on care and genetic predisposition. This breed has fairly good health, but is prone to a number of ailments:

  • diseases of the spine;
  • dental problems;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • skin diseases;
  • cataract;
  • obesity.

Note! Due to their small size, dachshunds are most susceptible to various types of injuries. For this reason, they should not be allowed to jump from heights. It is best to go down the stairs in the arms of the owner.


When choosing a partner for mating, it is recommended to first study his pedigree and health. Otherwise, the puppies may end up weak and sick. You should also study the physical characteristics in advance and take into account the color color in order to avoid marriage in the future.

Mating is carried out no more than 3 times with a significant break. Mating takes place on the boy's territory.

How to choose a puppy

This breed is currently quite popular, and puppies are available in most nurseries. It is recommended to contact an official establishment or a trusted breeder.

The main difficulty is that dwarf puppies are not much different from ordinary dachshunds until they grow up. Therefore, you should not take the animal from your hands.

What you should pay attention to? The baby should be active and lively, playful, and should not be sleepy. Ears, eyes and nose should be clean.

For your information! Suitable name options for a future pet: Funtik, Mixi, Rex, Butler, Milana, Rocket.

Puppies should be taken from trusted breeders

Price range and choice of nursery

The price range is quite wide. It all depends on the pedigree, age and shade of the baby’s coat. The average cost varies from 20 to 150 thousand rubles.* There are official nurseries where dachshund rabbits are sold in:

  • Moscow;
  • Omsk;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Smolensk;
  • Krasnodar region;
  • Thule.

Pros and cons of the breed

To decide whether you should take a mini dachshund home or not, you should consider the pros and cons of the breed. Benefits include:

  • friendliness;
  • high intelligence;
  • fun and playfulness;
  • long lifespan;
  • love for children;
  • endurance;
  • energy.

The disadvantages of the breed include:

  • tendency to diseases of the spine;
  • predisposition to obesity;
  • often dig in the ground, which is why plantings suffer;
  • cockiness towards other dogs.

Whether or not to take a mini-dachshund into the house is up to everyone to decide for themselves. These animals are really very cute and funny, with their own facial expressions, which they demonstrate with pleasure. In addition, these are not only lap dogs, but also irreplaceable assistants in hunting.

*Prices are as of December 2019.

Which external features must have, according to the standard, a long-haired dachshund, as well as its character. Rules for keeping and feeding a pet. Features of choosing a healthy puppy.

Dachshunds are one of the oldest hunting dog breeds, the selective formation of which began in the 16th century.

Their ancestors were hounds, which were culled according to the length of their paws. Short-legged dogs were not able to catch up with the beast, but due to the pronounced hunting instinct that they retained, they turned out to be convenient for use in burrow hunting. As the popularity of the breed increased, in addition to working varieties, several more decorative ones were bred, which include the majority of long-haired dachshunds. They were obtained by crossing a classic smooth-haired dachshund and a spaniel.

The breed has 3 varieties that differ in size. Long-haired dachshund, the general description of the breed is similar for all varieties.

  1. Head. Wedge-shaped, with a well-developed occiput and almost non-protruding brow ridges. The transition from forehead to muzzle is noticeable.
  2. Nose. Black or brown color. The lobe is oval. The nostrils are well developed.
  3. Mouth. Lips are not wet, tightly fitting. Complete set of teeth. They are strong and quite large, closing tightly.
  4. Eyes. Oval shape, small, moderately deep planting. The color of the iris is often brown, but in blue merle dogs, amber and blue are not a fault.
  5. Ears. Hanging, triangular in shape, located on the sides of the head. Seat at eye level. The end is rounded. If desired, the dog can actively move them.
  6. Body. It is strong, has developed muscles, and an elongated body. The scruff is pronounced, the withers are visible. The chest is oval, of medium width. Her line is down below elbow joints. The loin is elongated. The croup is strongly sloping. The stomach is taut.
  7. Paws. Strong, short, with wide, pronounced joints. The placement of the carpal joints creates the impression of curvature of the forelimbs. Staging hind legs wide, not pulling back. The fingers are strong, tightly packed, with long claws. The pads should be dark in color.
  8. Tail. Hanging or crescent-shaped. The fit is slightly lower than the back line. Should not lie on his back or stand upright according to breed standards. At the moment of excitement, the tail rises and the dog wags it vigorously.

For each variety of long-haired dachshunds, the standards provide acceptable limits of minimum and maximum size, which, like external characteristics, affect exhibition scores and initial admission to competitions.

Size and weight

When classifying varieties of long-haired dachshunds, it is not the length of their body or the height at the withers that is taken into account, but the girth of the chest. All dogs, including decorative rabbits, are allowed to exhibitions as working dogs.

The longhaired standard dachshund has chest circumference more than 35 cm. Dogs with a girth of 30 to 35 cm are classified as miniature. Dachshunds with an indicator of less than 30 cm are considered rabbits, which are mainly kept as decorative pets. Weight dogs standard size it should be no more than 9 kg, miniature dachshunds should not gain more than 7 kg, and rabbit ones should be heavier than 5 kg.

Color and coat type

The breed has a silky soft coat that flows beautifully along the body. It is especially long inside ears, belly, paws and tail. The undercoat is well expressed. It is dense, thick, and reliably protects the dog from the cold. These shaggy dachshunds have a particularly sophisticated appearance.

The standard provides the following color options: plain, two-color, brindle and marbled. In the first case, the most popular is red. Fawn and beige are allowed. The presence of black hairs makes the color fawn-like.

Bi-colored dachshunds often have a base color of black or dark brown, adjacent to reddish, cream or fawn. Small white spots are allowed on the neck and chest.

With a brindle color, there are black stripes with somewhat blurred boundaries on a dark red background. It doesn't happen often.

Marbled dachshunds are also rare and are particularly decorative. The main background of their coat is dark red, brown or black, and light spots of arbitrary shape are distributed over it. They can be silver, fawn or white.

Important! The price of dogs with a rare color is much higher than those with a classic color.

Species and subspecies

The standards distinguish three subspecies of long-haired dachshunds - standard, mini and rabbit. The division into three sizes is also typical for the smooth-haired and wire-haired varieties.

The most popular is the rabbit dachshund, which has a very decorative appearance and small sizes. Despite the fact that the dog has not lost its working qualities, it is more often used as a companion.

Less active than classic smooth-haired pets, rabbit dachshunds feel good in even a small apartment, but only with regular walks lasting at least 1 hour.

Large long-haired dachshunds are mainly bred by hunting enthusiasts as working dogs. The number of representatives of this subspecies is much smaller, and finding such a pet will be more difficult. The same applies to the mini variety, although it is also in demand as a decorative one.

Health and illness

The peculiarity of the body structure, which gives the dog significant advantages in burrow hunting, predisposes it to a number of diseases associated with the spine. When breeding decorative dachshunds, some pathologies become hereditary, appearing due to inbreeding and selection of animals only for external indicators. When starting a dachshund, you should take into account that the breed is most susceptible to a number of pathologies.

  1. Swimmer's syndrome - most often appears in dogs after injury or obesity, but can also occur as hereditary disease. Its symptoms are quite similar to osteoporosis. With a genetic predisposition, the disease is detected in puppies. In especially severe cases, they may completely lose the ability to stand on their paws and will be forced to crawl.
  2. Discopathy. This disease causes damage to the intervertebral discs. They may be deformed, misaligned, or damaged by excessive pressure. The pathology is more typical of old dachshunds, but can also develop in young ones due to injuries and improper maintenance, when the animal lacks physical activity and the muscular skeleton turns out to be poorly trained.
  3. Acanthosis nigricas. This pathology is classified as non-hazardous and is associated with a malfunction sebaceous glands. When it occurs in certain areas of the skin, thickening and excessive pigmentation appear. This disorder is genetic and does not require treatment.
  4. Epilepsy. As a rule, it is hereditary and begins to appear in puppies. The frequency of attacks depends on individual characteristics dogs. Treatment, carried out correctly and started in a timely manner, in most cases leads to stable remission.
  5. Eye diseases. IN to a greater extent these pathologies are characteristic of the rabbit variety. The most common occurrence is atrophy optic nerve, retinal dissection, glaucoma and cataracts. Due to its small size, the dog can suffer traumatic eye injuries.
  6. Enteritis. Also, owners of the rabbit variety have a rather big problem. A sick dog experiences inflammation of the intestinal walls, which is caused by inappropriate nutrition or a viral infection. With timely regular vaccination, the disease manifests itself due to poor diet. The vaccine protects against viral form enteritis.

Important! When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the close relationship of its parents. Offspring from inbreeding should not be purchased.


Life expectancy of longhaired dachshunds from 12 to 15 years. It is influenced by the type of dog, its health, living conditions and whether it is used for hunting. Domestic dogs, medium or mini, that do not participate in hunting and do not receive wounds in a fight with an animal, live longer than their counterparts, who are regularly injured. A pet that has the ability to move quite a lot fresh air, stronger than a dachshund, spending most of its time in the apartment.

The rabbit variety, which is actively bred as an ornamental animal, is characterized by less good health, since often when selecting dogs for mating, it is the appearance indicator that is taken into account first.

Advice! If you want to prolong the life of your pet and keep his health longer, you should visit veterinarian V for preventive purposes once every 6 months, for timely detection of pathologies if they begin to develop.

Character and intelligence

The long-haired dachshund is curious and high activity. She is constantly on the move, taking part in everything that happens in the house, regardless of whether she was called or not. The dachshund constantly needs the attention of its owner, and leaving it alone for a long time is unacceptable.

The dog's intellectual abilities are high and it trains well. The pet masters even complex skills in a short time. This feature makes it easy to socialize the animal.

Attitude towards children and others

A long-haired dachshund easily gets along with children, but only if it is not offended. In response to rudeness, the pet will use its teeth, which cause serious damage. Dachshunds communicate easily with other pets, establishing friendly connections. The exception is small animals such as rats and hamsters, which in most cases are perceived as being hunted.

The dog is moderately aggressive or indifferent to strangers. She does not have the desire to bite a stranger in the house or on the street unless absolutely necessary. The pet will not impose its company on guests and will show great desire to communicate with them, even when called.

Training and education

Training of dogs that will be used as hunting dogs is carried out in specially equipped areas under the supervision of an experienced trainer. In other cases, the pet is socialized and raised independently. From an early age, he is taught two vital commands during walks - “Come to me!” and "Ew." By the first walk, the dog should already perform them accurately.

During training, harshness or physical punishment should not be used against your dachshund. This will make the dog nervous, distrustful and cause disturbances in its behavior. The optimal method is training in short lessons in the form of a game, when the dog receives encouragement for correctly executing a command.

Pros and cons of the breed

A dog can only live in a house. She should be provided with her own bed with a blanket and toys. Every day your dachshund will need at least 2 walks lasting 1 hour or more. Your pet needs to be brushed every day. Nail trimming is carried out, as is washing, as needed. Ears and eyes are wiped once a week. General care is the same as that required for any long-haired dog.

Important! You can only let your dog into bed if you always plan to sleep next to it. It will no longer be possible to wean a dachshund from such rest.

The feeding regimen changes according to age, as with dogs of other breeds. The water in the drinking bowl should be constant and changed 2 times a day. The diet should include lean meat, boiled lean sea fish, buckwheat and rice porridge, vegetables and fruits. You should not give your dog flour, sweet, fried or smoked foods.

Features of grooming

Professional grooming is required for participating dogs. In other cases, you can cut your pet’s hair yourself so that dirt does not collect on the long fur in wet weather. You can also dress your dog in overalls. For the dachshund itself, clipped wool is more comfortable.

How to choose a puppy

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to its appearance. A healthy dog ​​should have clean eyes and nose, be active and inquisitive. The puppy should be free of fleas and signs of worms, as well as an overly bloated abdomen, which indicates intestinal problems. An animal older than 2 months must have a veterinary passport, which contains notes on vaccinations already done.

Long-haired dachshunds are lively and active dogs that require a lot of time from their owners for communication and cannot stand being alone. You should not get them if you are not sure that you will be able to keep your pet correctly.

Video about the breed

A decorative dog that loves to play with children and adults, and that is capable of chasing a fox or a hare, winning in a tight tunnel and throwing a carcass at the owner’s feet if it happens during a hunt. This versatility and cute appearance have made the dachshund one of the most popular dogs for a long time. And of the varieties of dachshunds, of which there are only nine, it is the long-haired dachshund that has conquered great love public. In particular, the long-haired mini dachshund remains popular breed among decorative dogs. The standard longhaired dachshund is a little less common.

How are they different? different types dachshunds? For example, the Miniature Longhaired Dachshund and the Longhaired Marbled Dachshund? Sounds very similar, with a few exceptions. The fact is that initially there was one breed of dachshund - standard. She was only smooth-haired, and keeping her was the exclusive prerogative of the hunters. The color of the dog then, as now, could be different - marbled, red and tan (thus, there were 3 subspecies of the standard dachshund). Later, other subspecies appeared, distinguished by the type of coat color. They were wirehaired and longhaired dachshunds. In terms of color, the most common are red and black long-haired dachshunds.

Standard longhaired dachshund. Photo:

Miniature longhaired dachshund. Photo:

Longhaired dachshund puppies. Photo:

Temperament of a long-haired dachshund

If you visit the owners of a long-haired dachshund, you will probably get only good reviews about it, as a loyal and cheerful friend. The long-haired dachshund is a dog, although it is a hunting dog, but still the hunter's instinct is less manifested in it than in its relative, the wire-haired dachshund. Because of its long hair, it is less adapted to climbing burrows and tunnels. But it’s nice to play with her and stroke her silky fur. Some owners tie beautiful ribbons and bows to their pets, and also arrange photo sessions with their long-haired dachshund. Thanks to its good-natured character and irrepressible activity, the long-haired dachshund invariably becomes the center of attention, giving people joy. She herself also sincerely enjoys communicating with a person and can be offended by a lack of attention. You should never physically punish your dachshund; it is better to just leave it alone.

The long-haired dachshund shows an amazing interest in the world around it and will happily accompany a person on the street. As a result, an ordinary 20-minute walk can turn into a multi-hour walk. You need to take your dachshund outside in the morning, afternoon and evening. During walks, especially while the puppy is small, it is recommended to use a leash, because the addictive nature of the dachshund can force it to headlong in pursuit of some cat. Another feature of this breed is its tendency to dig tunnels, which should be taken into account by owners living in private houses.

What do you need to know about long-haired dachshunds to feed them correctly? It is important to know that increased mobility requires large quantity energy. It is preferable to feed with products of natural origin, but the option of using dry food is also possible. Of course, it is up to the owners what to feed their long-haired dachshund; the main thing is that the food provides the dog’s body with the necessary microelements. A dachshund should eat before walking, not after. If you decide to buy a long-haired dachshund puppy, you need to remember that you cannot pamper or overfeed it; additional meals outside of the regime are especially harmful. As a result, the dachshund can quickly gain excess weight and will become less mobile.

Grooming Requirements for a Longhaired Dachshund

Every pet needs care. Long-haired dachshunds are no exception. Caring for them includes several mandatory items:

  • If a smooth-haired dachshund is enough to be lightly combed every day and sometimes stroked with a brush, then a long-haired dachshund is much more demanding. In addition to regular brushing and frequent bathing, they need regular treatments, such as grooming for long-haired dachshunds, which is carried out by specialists in dog beauty salons.
  • Regular nail trimming – 2 times a month.
  • Ear cleaning should be thorough, using special hygiene products.
  • You need to brush your teeth once a week.

Buying a longhaired dachshund

If you decide to get a dog and the choice falls on a long-haired dachshund, you should decide on this: will it be a standard long-haired dachshund, a miniature or a rabbit one. Prices for longhaired dachshund puppies vary depending on the specific breed. Thus, prices for miniature long-haired dachshund puppies will be higher than standard ones.

It is better to make a purchase in specialized nurseries. For example, if you need to buy a long-haired dachshund puppy in Moscow, you can recommend contacting miniature and rabbit long-haired dachshunds.

The longhaired dachshund will be happy to join the family and become a member of it. These dogs live for about 15 years, so having one small child, they will grow and play together. Finally, it is worth emphasizing that the long-haired dachshund is a friendly and sociable breed, so when getting this dog, you need to provide it with comfortable conditions, care and a lot, a lot of attention.