
House mouse. Mice in the house

House mice are rodents that live in people's homes. On the picture house mouse looks like ordinary mice. Is there a difference between them?

Because house mice were so well adapted to living with people, they were able to spread throughout the world, thus becoming one of the most widespread mammals. Mice are also pets and model organisms for laboratory research.

Appearance of a house mouse

The house mouse is a long-tailed small rodent with a body length of 6.5 to 9.5 cm. In relation to the body length, the tail is less than 60%.

The top of the tail is covered with ring-shaped horny scales and short sparse hairs. Weight adult– from 12 to 30 grams. The ears are small and rounded. The skin has a brownish-gray or dark color. The color of the abdomen ranges from white to ash-gray. Desert mice have a light yellowish-sandy color and a white belly.

Domesticated mice are variegated, blue-gray, yellow, black or white. Females have five pairs of nipples. In the house mouse, sexual dimorphism is not pronounced.

Distribution of the house mouse and its subspecies

The house mouse is a cosmopolitan species and lives almost everywhere. It is only absent high in the mountains, Antarctica and the Far North. The main factors that limit the spread of house mice are high humidity and low temperatures. On the territory of Russia, the house mouse is not found in the mountain tundras, in the area between the Lena and Yenisei rivers, in Taimyr, and in most of northeastern Siberia.

Presumably the homeland of the house mouse is North Africa, Western Asia or North India. In Western Asia, the house mouse is known in fossil form. The house mouse has spread throughout the world along with humans.

Currently, about one hundred and thirty subspecies of the house mouse have been described. They are grouped into four main subspecies.
1. M.m. castaneus - lives in Southeast Asia;
2. M.m. bactrianus – lives in Asia with the exception of the Southeast region;
3. M.m. domestic - distributed in Australia, America, Europe and most of Africa;
4. M.m. musculus - lives in eastern Europe starting from Poland and further to east direction occupying most of Russia.

It was long believed that the Japanese subspecies M.m. molossinus is the fifth "major" subspecies, but according to recent research it is a hybrid between M.m. castaneus and M. m musculus.
Interestingly, in ancient Rome, mice and rats were considered the same species, so rats were simply called a large mouse.

Lifestyle of a house mouse

House mice live in a wide variety of biotopes and landscapes, including anthropogenic ones. In general, it can be argued that house mice are very closely related to humans and are a synanthropic species. The house mouse often lives in outbuildings and residential buildings. In the north of their range, mice migrate seasonally. At the end of the summer or at the beginning of autumn, animals begin to migrate en masse to the so-called “feeding places”, which include warehouses, grain and vegetable storage facilities, as well as residential buildings. In autumn, the migration range can reach up to five kilometers. House mice often spend the winter in stacks, haystacks and forest belts.

In the spring, house mice leave their wintering grounds and return to their natural habitat, gardens, orchards and fields. In the south of the range, in semi-deserts and deserts, they often live outside human habitation throughout the year. In such conditions, house mice gravitate towards various bodies of water and oases.

In its natural habitat, the house mouse prefers soft, not too dry soils. They dig in them small size holes with simple device. The length of the hole reaches one meter, and the nesting chamber is located at a depth of 20-30 centimeters and has from one to three entrances. In winter, mice often deepen their holes to 50-60 centimeters. The diameter of the nesting chamber ranges from ten to twenty-five centimeters. Inside the chamber, the animals arrange bedding using soft plant rags. House mice often occupy burrows belonging to other rodents: gerbils, mole rats, voles. Cracks in the ground and natural voids are also used for housing.

House mice that settle near people set up their homes in the most protected and secluded places. They most often live in attics, in household waste, trash heaps and under floors. To make nests, house mice use any available material: artificial fibers, feathers, scraps of fabric, paper.

Under natural conditions, house mice lead a nocturnal and crepuscular lifestyle. But living next to a person, they adjust the daily routine depending on the nature of the person’s activity. Under artificial lighting, a house mouse can remain active around the clock, reducing it only during those periods when people themselves are active. The activity of a house mouse in this case is polyphasic in nature: during one day there may be fifteen to twenty periods of wakefulness lasting from twenty-five minutes to one and a half hours. Like many other members of the mouse family, house mice tend to follow regular routes when moving.

Such routes are easy to follow thanks to noticeable piles of dust and droppings, which are held together by urine.

The house mouse is a very nimble, agile animal. They run quite fast, reaching speeds of up to 13 km/h, jump well, climb well and are good swimmers. However, they rarely move away from their nest. Under natural conditions, each mouse has its own individual area. In males it reaches 1200 sq.m, and in females – up to 900 sq.m. However, if the population is dense enough, mice prefer to settle in family groups, which consist of one dominant male, as well as several females with their offspring or small colonies.

Relations within the colony are hierarchical. Adult males are quite aggressive towards each other. In contrast, females show aggression much less frequently. Clashes within a family group are rare and, as a rule, they boil down to expelling grown-up offspring.

House mouse nutrition

In natural habitats, the house mouse is a typical seed eater. The seeds of cultivated and wild plants serve as food. Preference is given to seeds of Asteraceae, legumes and cereals.

The house mouse's diet also includes carrion, insects and their larvae. Green parts of plants are also eaten, which, depending on how accessible it is drinking water can account for up to a third of food intake. Every day a house mouse consumes up to three milliliters of water. If the relative air humidity was about thirty percent, and the food was exclusively dry, then during the experiment, laboratory mice died from dehydration on days 15-16.

Mice readily eat dairy products, chocolate, meat or grain. Under natural conditions, if there is an excess of food, reserves are made.

House Mouse Reproduction

The house mouse is extremely fertile. If conditions are favorable (for example, in stacks and heated rooms), then it can reproduce throughout the year. Under natural conditions, the breeding season lasts from March to November. Re-entry into estrus is observed in females 12-18 hours after the birth of offspring. Over the course of a year, a house mouse can bear from five to fourteen litters. Each litter contains from three to twelve cubs.

The duration of pregnancy is about twenty days (19-21). The cubs are born naked and blind. After about ten days, their bodies are completely covered with fur. After two weeks of life, their eyes open, and at the age of three weeks they become independent and capable of settling. The house mouse reaches sexual maturity in the fifth to seventh week of life.

It should be noted that males, trying to attract a female, emit ultrasonic calls of 30 - 110 kHz. In their complexity, these calls are comparable to the singing of birds. The house mouse easily interbreeds with the Kurganchik mouse, which lives, for example, in the Black Sea region.

The offspring from such crosses are quite normal and viable. A number of zoologists consider the Kurganchik mouse to be a subspecies of the house mouse.

Enemies of the house mouse

The house mouse has many enemies, primarily predators. This predator birds, snakes, large lizards, mongooses, small representatives of the mustelid family, foxes, cats, crows and even.

House mice are serious competition for house mice, which often kill and even partially eat their small relatives.

At the same time, mice themselves can act as predators, which is generally unusual for them.

Once upon a time, mice were accidentally brought to Gough Island in the South Atlantic and took root there. Since they had no natural enemies on the island, they multiplied very quickly and now their population is estimated at 0.7 million individuals. It should also be noted that these island mice are three times larger than their mainland counterparts. They form groups and attack bird nests with them, eating the chicks.

It must be said that Gough Island is the most important colony of sea birds, among which we can mention such birds as Schlegel's typhoon and. These birds do not nest anywhere else. However, despite the fact that albatross chicks can reach a height of one meter and weigh 250 times more than the mice of this island, they practically do not move and are unable to defend themselves.

As a result, mice literally gnaw through the bodies of the chicks and inflict deep wounds on them. According to scientists, mice destroy over a million chicks on this island every year.

Lifespan of a house mouse

Under natural conditions, the life expectancy of these rodents is one to one and a half years. However, in captivity they can live up to three years. The life expectancy record is almost five years (1819 days).

Sense organs of a house mouse

The sense organs of these rodents are very well developed. True, the house mouse's eyesight is quite weak.

Like most other rodents, they are characterized by farsightedness. At the same time, they have very acute hearing. The range of frequencies they perceive is very wide - up to 100 kHz. For comparison, the upper threshold for humans is 20 kHz. In low light conditions, the house mouse can navigate perfectly using its whiskers. The role of smell is extremely important in the life of mice, necessary both for searching for food and for recognizing relatives.

Every mouse has sweat glands on its paws, which they use to automatically mark their territory. If the mouse is very frightened, then a substance is released into the urine, causing fear and flight in other animals. Moreover, the smell is quite stable and persists for up to a quarter of a day, informing other mice that the given place is unsafe.

Moreover, if the signal substance was left by a male, then all individuals react to it, while only females react to a female’s mark, while males ignore it.

House mouse and man

House mice are pests and carriers of a number of dangerous infections, such as plague, etc. At the same time, mice perform very important role as laboratory animals. On July 1, 2013, a monument to a laboratory mouse was even erected in Novosibirsk for its contribution to experimental medicine and genetics.

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Which spread throughout the planet, becoming one of the most common mammals. This happened due to their ability to coexist next to humans.


The house mouse, the photo of which is presented in this article, is actually a wild animal. It got its name for living near humans. House mice live everywhere in the world, with the exception of permafrost areas, Antarctica and high mountains. Latin name animal - Mus musculus, while a 3rd word is added to it, demonstrating the habitat area, for example, house mice that live in southeast Asia are Mus musculus castaneus. In our country, house mice also live almost everywhere: in the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Astrakhan, etc. The only exceptions are the regions of the far north.


The house mouse lives in various biotopes and landscapes, including anthropogenic landscapes. It is very closely associated with people and often inhabits outbuildings and residential buildings. In the north they carry out seasonal migrations. For example, at the end of summer, animals begin to move en masse to warm places: grain and vegetable storage facilities, residential buildings, and warehouses. The range of such migrations can reach 5 km. They often overwinter in stacks, stacks and forest belts. In the spring they leave their “winter apartments”, returning to gardens, orchards, and fields. In the south of the range they often live all year round without human habitation. In this place, house mice are attached to various reservoirs and oases.

In nature, they are nocturnal and crepuscular animals, but in human habitation they adapt their daily routine to the life of people. Sometimes, under artificial lighting, they remain active around the clock, reducing it only during active work of people. At the same time, the activity of animals is polyphasic; there are up to 20 periods of wakefulness per day, which last up to 90 minutes. Like many other mice, they adhere to constant specific routes when moving, creating noticeable paths with small piles of dust and droppings, held together by urine.

House mice are very nimble, active animals; They run, jump, climb, and even swim well. But they do not often move far from their nest. Each mouse in nature has an individual area: for males up to 1200 m2 and for females up to 900 m2. But when large, animals settle in small family groups or colonies, consisting of a main male, several females with their children. Hierarchical relationships are always established among the members of this colony. Males are quite aggressive relative to each other, females show aggression much less often. Clashes within family groups are very rare; they mainly involve the expulsion of offspring who have already grown up.


House mice are long-tailed, small rodents with a body oval shape, small head, beady eyes and round ears. The tail is covered with sparse hairs and ring-shaped scales. Animals that live in nature have a zonal type of color, in this case the hair at the base of their tail is brownish-brown, the middle is fawn, and the tip is painted a pale gray shade. The abdomen is colored much lighter - to white. At the same time, which were bred by selective breeding, have a huge range of colors: black, white, gray-blue, yellow, as well as colors that combine several shades. White mice are albinos, since they practically do not synthesize melanin, which is responsible for the color of tissues. Breeders also bred tailless, long-haired, short-tailed, hairless, satin and curly mice.


House mice are curious, lively, cunning, intelligent, but very timid animals. Unexpected noise or sharp sounds frighten them. They don't like loneliness either. Without communication and attention, house mice become sad and begin to run wild. Females are excellent mothers, and males show paternal feelings towards their offspring only if there are no other males in the cage.

Relationships with other pets

House mice are pets that can be dangerous to dogs, cats, rats and birds.

Attitude towards children

They can be started in those families in which the children are 10 years old. They want to have their “own” animal, although they have no experience in caring for one. Many people are interested in the question: “Do house mice bite or not?” It is worth noting that they are not aggressive, although they can bite until they have had time to adapt to the owners and the environment, therefore, first it is necessary to help children get acquainted with the animal, as well as tame it. Very young children should not be left alone with these miniature, yet nimble and dexterous creatures.


House mice are pets that are among the smartest animals among rodents, while decorative varieties quickly get used to their owners and are perfectly tamed if they are given enough attention, while speaking affectionately and softly. They are able to remember their nickname. Mice quickly begin to recognize the scent of the person who brings food, and will greet him with a cheerful squeak. Animals can be trained to respond to various whistles and various commands, for example, “Come to me!”, “Serve!”, “Home!”

It is worth noting that scientists have been studying house mice for a long time. Kotenkova E.V. (doctor biological sciences), for example, devoted a lot of time to this issue, writing several scientific works about their behavior, as well as their role in ancient mythology.


House mice have a main diet of grains and seeds. They happily eat wheat, oats and millet, as well as unroasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds. They can also be given dairy products, white bread, pieces of egg white and cooked meat. The green parts of various plants can make up a third of the animal’s diet with a normal amount of water. At the same time, among succulent foods, mice prefer cabbage and dandelion leaves, slices of cucumber, beets and carrots, green grass. Mice need up to three milliliters of water during the day. In summer they can feed on insects and their larvae. Mice have a very high metabolism, therefore, they should always have food in their feeder.

You can keep a mouse at home in a fine-mesh metal cage, as well as in a special organic glass container with a lid. It is necessary because mice are excellent jumpers. The terrarium or cage must be spacious enough, since animals are very active and need movement. Strips of unpainted paper or shavings are used as bedding. A house (a jar, a box, a pot, etc.) is installed in the cage, in which the mice will arrange a nest, a drinking bowl, a feeder, a piece of chalk, as well as other devices for games. Ladders, levels, shelters, branches are suitable for this; it is also advisable to install a running wheel.

The terrarium or cage is placed as far as possible from windows, radiators, air conditioners and doors, since animals do not like temperature fluctuations, direct sun rays and drafts. Best temperature air 20°C with air humidity of 55%. Every day, garbage and leftover food are removed from the cage, and the feeders and drinking bowl are washed. The bedding is changed three times a week, at least once a month it is necessary to disinfect and completely clean the terrarium or cage. Mice feces have an unpleasant, pungent odor. At the same time, females smell much weaker than males.

In the terrarium, it is advisable to install pieces of large tree branches directly with the bark (birch, willow, rowan) so that the animals can grind their incisors on them. It must be taken into account that lilac is poisonous to these animals. You can also put wooden toys in the cage, with which the animal will play, grinding down its incisors. With well-organized housing, house mice do not need walks. If the animal does go out for a walk, then the place for its walks must be limited to the owner’s hands or a table. It must be remembered that various house plants are poisonous to mice, including aralia, yucca, kala, etc.

Such mice are evening and nocturnal animals; they can disturb sleep with the noise and various sounds they create, although they generally adapt to the human regime.

The destruction of such mice is caused by the damage they cause to human supplies, as well as equipment and household appliances.

Wild house mice, which have been fought by humans for centuries, are capable of eating almost anything. As a result, food, candles and soap, wiring, etc. become eaten away in the house.

Animals in warehouses gnaw grain, destroy crops of various root crops, eat cereal reserves, and, in addition, significantly pollute the house with the products of their vital activity. They actively excrete their waste, so even a small population can cause enormous harm. Thus, the animals do not eat the bulk of the grain, but rather pollute it.

In addition, brownies (we will learn below) are carriers of a huge number of pathogens various diseases. They can transmit E. coli, helminth eggs to a person, cause plague and blood-sucking insects very often live on them, including fleas and ticks, which happily spread to humans.

Consequently, house mice can cause significant harm. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to get rid of them. Professional extermination of animals is becoming the main activity for suburban areas, private houses, organizations Catering, and different types institutions. This service can be ordered from specialized companies, or you can use a mousetrap the old fashioned way.

A little history

Mice are born periodically in nature. white- albinos, for whom it is almost impossible to survive, since they are very noticeable and also instantly become prey. But in ancient times in Crete they were kept in the form of living amulets that bring good luck. They were also kept in temples, where they were specially looked after by ministers. 4,000 years ago, mice were bred and kept in Ancient Egypt, paying close attention to colored species. The Egyptians attributed supernatural abilities to them, and also depicted them on their clay vessels.

During Ancient Rome and in the Middle Ages, healers used mice and rats for medicinal potions, while in Asia today they are specially bred for such purposes. With the development of veterinary medicine and experimental medicine, mice and rats began to be used for various studies as laboratory animals. It is believed that decorative and laboratory mice originate from white, spotted and black fighting mice, described in a book published in 1787. It talks about the animals that were used for fighting at that time. English merchants brought them from Japan. Subsequently, the mice formed a special line of house mice, and decorative breeds began to be bred as pets.

Today, in various countries of Western Europe and America, there are Clubs for mouse lovers, the main goal of which is to breed new varieties of these animals. Most often, individuals of different colors are obtained: gray, white, red, brown, lilac or pinkish, with spots. Special exhibitions with expert assessments are held there.

But in our country decorative mice are less known than in America and Europe, but among animal fans they are becoming more and more popular every year. Special sections have been created in clubs for lovers of various rodents decorative mice, nurseries are opened that engage in selection and breeding work, and exhibitions are also held where house decorative mice are exhibited along with other small animals.

Almost every person has acquired a pet at least once in their life. Some prefer common types of pets such as cats and dogs. Some people like exotic reptile species. Well, some owners keep a white mouse as a pet.

It is worth noting that white mouse for many years now considered a pet. The origin of these cute animals is controversial. Some sources indicate that the decorative mouse existed before our era. But the more familiar description of the origin of these mice points to the breeding decorative species rodents in laboratories for experiments.

Previously, in many countries there was a belief that if there is a white mouse in the house, it will protect the house from other rodents that can leave the owners without food supplies in a short time. Our ancestors also associated these cute animals with joy. To this day, many people have a favorable attitude towards this decorative animal.

Character and size

According to its size white mouse similar to its brothers. Their weight is about 30 grams. The length of the body and tail is no more than 11 centimeters.

Absolutely all mice of this species are active. Despite their excessive activity, they are absolutely harmless both to their owners and to other decorative rodents in the house. To have several individuals of this species, the owner does not have to acquire several cells. Mice will live in harmony and harmony even in the same territory, provided that they were placed in a cage of the same age. When a newcomer moves in, the mice will show him with all their appearance that this is their territory and he is clearly a stranger here. Often such settlements end in tears for a new mouse. But this case may be the only act of aggression on the part of ornamental rodents.

In addition to its activity and kindness, the white mouse differs from its relatives in its strong parental love. In addition to the female, the male also takes care of the newborn mouse. This phenomenon is rarely seen among animals.

How to breed decorative mice

Pregnancy in a female lasts no more than 21 days. One litter can have up to 7 mice, weighing about 1.5 grams. Like many newborn animals, children of the decorative rodent are born not only blind and deaf, but also completely bald. After a few days of age, little mice develop a small fluff on their backs. After a week after birth, their bodies are completely covered with hair.

The female feeds the offspring for 4 weeks. But, despite this, already two hours after the female has given birth, she is ready for another fertilization.

Upon reaching one month old , decorative mice can take care of themselves without the intervention of their parents. Three months after birth, rodents are able to have offspring themselves.

The average lifespan of rodents is 2-3 years. There have been cases where a white mouse has crossed the threshold at 5 years.

This decorative rodent from the white mouse family is very easy to train. Once the mouse gets used to its owner, it will not hesitate to come to its owner's arms. When letting a mouse go for a walk from its cage, it is better to keep an eye on it with both eyes. Because if she hides somewhere, then finding her will be a difficult task.

House for a decorative mouse

Although these pets are not particularly picky in terms of their maintenance , it is worth knowing some mandatory things regarding housing:

Some owners believe that an ornamental pet can be placed in an aquarium. This idea is not the best, since glass walls tend to fog up quickly. And cleaning such a home will take much longer than a cage. Even if the owner decides to place his pet in such housing, then he should purchase a metal mesh with small holes. This will allow the pet to breathe full breasts and will protect the owner from escaping his little friend.

What must be present in the cell?

  • Small pieces of chalk. If there is a shortage of chalk, then you can place parts from branches in the cage. A rusty piece of bread also works well. These things are necessary for the rodent to sharpen its teeth and to prevent further growth of the incisors and add the necessary food to the diet. minerals For healthy growth mice.
  • Litter. The most common bedding materials for rodents are paper and sawdust. A good alternative to these materials is hay.
  • Wheel. This is perhaps one of the important attributes for the health of a rodent. Due to their activity, mice will not be able to sit still. And it is the running wheel that will remove all the accumulated energy from it.

White mouse food

To keep your pet healthy, the owner should remember that the diet must be balanced. Daily norm consumption is 50 grams of food feed. For food you can use:

To summarize, we can say that these peaceful and active animals do not require excessive care, living as pet. Periodic change of bedding, arrangement of the house and balanced diet, this is all you need for the healthy growth of a decorative mouse. If you do not neglect these rules, then a happy animal will, without a doubt, thank its owner with love and curiosity, and will become a best friend who will not only be a pet, but also part of the family.

Decorative pet mice are an ideal option for those who have decided to have their own animal or teach a child to take care of the weak, but are limited by time, funds and square meters.

You can squeeze the mouse

Unlike phlegmatic fish - other inhabitants that do not take up much space - rodents are able to respond to affection: you can stroke them, feel the warmth of a small body in a fur coat, they are quite affectionate and enjoy sitting in your arms.

Varieties: mouse and mouse are different

Oddly enough, tamed and domesticated mice are divided into only two types. The first species is the albino mouse, also known as the white laboratory mouse. The decorative house mouse is an animal weighing on average 30 grams. with a body 7-12 cm, a tail of the same length, hard, medium-length fur, often one-color: black, brown, gray, sandy color. The lifespan of this miniature animal is on average 2-3 years.

White mouse

The white mouse stands apart - the ancestor of the entire mouse movement. Bred before our era, this creature was a frequent guest in the homes of Chinese emperors, and later, brought to England, quickly won the sympathy of all pet lovers.

In the 19th century, they were attracted to participate in laboratory experiments, as a result of which a separate species appeared - the laboratory mouse. She was bred to participate in laboratory experiments to study models social behavior, testing medicines and many other things that directly benefit humanity. For pet lovers, this species is not so attractive, although albino mice can still be found in city apartments.

Contents: every mouse has its own hole

Each animal needs its own special space, which it will consider “its place” - sacred and inviolable. Therefore, before you bring mice home, you should take care of where they will live. It was before, not after. Because banks and carton boxes absolutely not adapted for the life of rodents. And any move is always stressful.

Avoid aquariums as well. They are cramped, stuffy, hot, the mouse will not be able to move normally in them and arrange a secluded corner for itself. The best solution would be a spacious cage with metal bars.

Rodent cage

Be sure to make it yourself or buy a small house - a hole where the mouse will spend all day long.

Place the wheel to provide your pet with physical exercise and realize his need for movement. For the same purpose, take care of shelves, ladders and ropes. The animal will be happy to show you its dexterity, and you will also have fun watching its amusing movements.

Sawdust for rodents

Litter is a very important element. The layer should be quite impressive - at least 5 mm. Animals use it not only for its intended purpose, but also to decorate their house, and when there are drafts or low temperatures, they burrow into it to keep warm.

The material should be natural and preferably inexpensive: sawdust, dry peat crumbs, shavings, hay. Avoid cotton wool and sand - the first absorbs odors too well and gets tangled between your fingers, and the second can become a breeding ground for lice. But something tells us that you don’t want such neighbors.

Care: mouse by mouse, and cleaning on a schedule

In fact, the house mouse does not need any special care. But taking care of the cleanliness of the cell is the most important condition. And not only for the animal, but also for the owner. Life cycle The infestation of these rodents is so intense that the cage needs to be cleaned at least twice a week. Otherwise, you are guaranteed to have a mouse smell in your apartment.

Cage cleaner

By “cleaning the cage” we mean changing the bedding and wiping special means or soapy water all items in the cage. If you take the trouble and purchase a cage with a retractable tray, the cleaning process will be greatly simplified and will not take much time.


Domestic mice, like their wild relatives, are omnivores. But in natural conditions the mouse age is short and marked various diseases. It is in your power to avoid trouble and make sure that your pet eats well, does not get sick and does not cause trouble throughout its mouse life.

The mouse eats

The main rule is the same as for humans: a balanced diet. For you this means a combination of dry and succulent food:

  • Dry: grains and seeds, as well as bread, crackers, mixed feed. Mice also happily eat budgie formula and even dry cat and dog food;
  • Juicy: apple pieces, sprouted grains, green beans, not very juicy herbs. It is useful to offer insects in the diet from time to time: flies, butterflies and even cockroaches;
  • Supplementing with vitamins and minerals once a month will also not be superfluous.

But what you absolutely cannot do is feed rodents with leftover food from your own table: nutritional supplements, spices and excess salt can harm your pet. If only occasionally you pamper yourself with a piece of cheese or other natural product, but not as the main diet.

Be sure to respect the feeding area. Food is only in the feeder. Otherwise, the mice will dirty your cage so much that you will get tired of cleaning it.


Get ready for the fact that mice are nocturnal creatures, which means that most of your waking hours they will sleep or hide in their house or nest of litter, and rustle at night. But even with this way of life, a mouse, like any living creature, needs communication. At the same time, a lonely mouse needs much more of it than a family of mice. If you devote too little time to the rodent, it will soon become gloomy, withdrawn, quickly run wild and will hide when a person appears.

Don't let the mouse run wild

To make your pet active and friendly, talk to him, sit him in your palm, and play more often. It won’t take much time and won’t require excessive effort, but the return will not be long in coming and will be like in that cartoon: you come home, and he is happy with you.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

House mouse, intelligence and playfulness
