
Folk medicine, medicinal herbs, green pharmacy. The umbilical is dyeing. Medicinal properties and application.

Let's remember childhood. Then we were fond of weaving wreaths of daisies. Yellow and white flowers are like little suns that delight the eye and cheer up even in the most inclement weather.

Medieval Egyptians called chamomile the flower of the sun god RA. In all likelihood, this attitude to the wild flower was associated not only with its external beauty. Dyeing navel is a botanical name, and among the people the plant is better known as field marigold or yellow chamomile.

Traditional medicine does not use a dye umbilical. Unfortunately, it is not very popular among the people. And the thing is that, despite the wide distribution and attractive appearance of the flower, neither chemists nor pharmacologists are interested in the plant, which is why there is very little information about the content of biological active substances and medicinal properties.

Botanical description of the dye umbilical

Dye navel (lat. Anthemis tinctiria L.) is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Compositae family, reaches a height of up to 70 cm, has several branched stems. Inflorescence baskets are very similar in structure to medicinal chamomile.

But still, they differ not only from chamomile, but also from three other types of umbilical cords that grow in central Russia (Russian umbilical, dog and field umbilical), having white marginal petals (flowers), they are yellow in dyed umbilical.

The dye navel can be found in almost the entire territory of Russia, its European part, with the exception of the Far North. It prefers to grow on fallow lands, dry meadows, roadsides, in the steppes, on the edges of forests. Occurs only in small groups, never forms thickets.

Medicinal properties of the dye umbilicus and use in traditional medicine

The yellow pigment xanthophylls, flavonoids, glycosides and essential oil were found in the inflorescences of the navel. The population of some regions of Russia use a decoction of the inflorescences of the plant as a diuretic, choleretic and hemostatic agent, as well as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant for colds.

Powdered inflorescences of the umbilicus are used to treat helminthiases (as an antihelminthic). With pain and bloating, inflammation of the intestines, diarrhea, the navel is brewed and drunk like regular tea.

An infusion of the plant is used for baths and compresses for fungal infections, inflammation and pustules on the skin, diaper rash. An infusion based on umbilical flowers tints and strengthens hair well.

Well-known herbalists and healers of Russia, despite the lack of scientific confirmation of the medicinal properties of the dye umbilicus, successfully use the plant (they consider it the best and most effective) for treatment cholelithiasis, diseases of the liver and pancreas, hepatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and cholangitis.

To treat the diseases listed above, you need to prepare alcohol tincture or infusion of inflorescences of a medicinal plant.

Tincture of flowers (inflorescences) 1:10. Pour 50 g of crushed dried raw materials with 500 ml of high-quality vodka, put in a dark corner (cabinet) for two weeks, then filter. We accept 1 tsp. a day three times with half a glass of warm water before a meal for 20-30 minutes. We continue the treatment for thirty days, but if necessary, several more courses can be taken, but 10-15 day breaks must be taken.

Infusion of inflorescences. A glass of boiling water (200 ml) pour 2 tsp. crushed raw materials, leave to infuse until cool and immediately filter. We drink ⅓ cup of water infusion three times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes. The duration of treatment is the same as in the previous prescription.

Be healthy, God bless you!

Pupavka dyeing is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Aster family of the genus Pupavka. This grass is quite tall - it has several upright branching stems, reaching a height of seventy centimeters to one meter. The leaves of the navel are arranged alternately, have a gray-green color, a wrinkled surface and a pinnate shape. On leaf plates, pubescence of small soft hairs is clearly visible. The flowers of the plant are bright yellow in color, similar in shape to flowers. medicinal chamomile. The flowering period begins in June and ends in early August. The fruit of the umbilicus is a smooth, flattened, tetrahedral achene. The plant has a special, specific smell.

There is a dyeing navel throughout Western Europe, in Western Asia and European Russia. The grass grows in dry meadows, along roads and on cultivated soils (as a weed). The umbilical dye is used only in folk medicine.

The chemical composition of the medicinal plant

Since the umbilicus is not used in official medicine, no large-scale studies of its composition have been carried out. According to the results of a few studies in the plant, it was possible to isolate: flavonoids, essential oils, glycosides, quercetin, xanthophyll, coloring compounds and alkaloids. Undoubtedly, if the plant were studied in more detail, many more substances valuable for human health would be revealed in it.

What does the dye umbilical treat

Traditional healers prescribe medicines based on the plant as a highly effective: anti-febrile, choleretic, diuretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic, hemostatic and diaphoretic.

With cholelithiasis, when the size of the fractions still allows them to come out naturally, medicines from the dyeing umbilical cord will be simply irreplaceable. By activating the production of bile and its outflow, the plant helps to wash the stones and relieve the inflammation caused by them.

In diseases of the liver, the plant is also very useful. It stimulates the cleansing of the body of toxins and promotes the restoration of affected cells. As an additional therapy, a dye umbilical is used even with cirrhosis. This action has no scientific confirmation, but has been proven by the experience of many generations.

Indigestion or colic caused by inflammation gastrointestinal tract, a dyeing umbilical will be very handy. Having an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, the herb solves the problem in a short time.

For people suffering from various diseases nervous system and migraines, the plant will be an excellent remedy. Possessing pronounced soothing and antispasmodic action, navel quickly helps to cope with ailments.

Grass promotes recovery menstrual cycle in women and delivering them from neurosis and hysteria caused by disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries. It has been noticed that after one week of taking medicines from the plant, the patients notice a significant improvement in their well-being.

It is useful to use a dye navel in the treatment of bronchitis and colds. Significantly strengthening immune system and facilitating the removal of sputum, the plant significantly accelerates recovery. In addition, helping to relieve fever, the herb can improve general state sick.

At various wounds the navel helps not only to stop the blood, but also to prevent infection of the damaged area. Plant-based preparations can heal not only fresh wounds, but also purulent ulcers.

Contraindications for taking umbilical dye

To date, there are no contraindications to treatment with this medicinal plant not found. The only exception is allergic reaction. In addition, due to the lack of accurate data on the effect on the fetus, you should still beware of taking drugs from the dye umbilical cord during pregnancy. Consultation with the attending physician before starting the use of this herb is required in the presence of severe chronic diseases.

Medicines based on umbilicus dye

For medicinal purposes in folk medicine, flowers and the upper part of the stem of the plant are used.

Infusion for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver

Two teaspoons of crushed flowers of the plant (together with pedicels) are poured into one glass of freshly boiled water. Next, the dishes with the medicine are covered with a lid and, wrapped in a blanket, insist for four hours. After this time, the medicine must be drained. Use the infusion for two large spoons four times a day, without tying to a meal. The course of treatment is selected individually.

In the people, the dyeing navel is called yellow chamomile, field saffron, blossom. scientific name plants - dye anthemis. The plant is magnificent in bouquets, pleases with a riot of colors, unpretentious. With its planting, you can get an original and beautiful flower garden.

Description of the species

Umbilical dyer is a herbaceous perennial flower from the Asteraceae family. This is a profusely branching plant with large pinnately dissected pubescent bluish-green leaves. Blooming in the middle of summer, the inflorescences are a yellow complex-tongued basket with a diameter of about 4 cm.

Outwardly, the dye navel is similar to medicinal chamomile, only its flowers are yellow or orange. A flower with a specific aroma and a fruit-achene in the form of a tetrahedral box.

In nature, the dye navel grows on sunny wastelands, along roadsides and quarries, and is found in the forest and forest-steppe zone throughout Europe and the Caucasus. Among gardeners, the dye navel is valued for its decorative effect, unpretentiousness and long flowering.

The most common types in flower culture:

  1. Anthemis of Bieberstein is a light yellow navel, low.
  2. At Anthemis, mountain inflorescences are similar to white chamomile: petals are white, a large yellow center.
  3. Anthemis Transhelya is a tall plant, litsya bluish needle-shaped, the flower looks like a field chamomile.
  4. Anthemis noble is a low-growing plant with white inflorescences.
  5. Anthemis varieties "Hollandaise" - pale cream inflorescences.
  6. Anthemis "Buxton" - yakri lemon-cream inflorescences.
  7. "Grellag Gold" - bright, rich yellow inflorescences.


Growing a plant in the garden is not difficult even for a novice gardener.

Pupavka dyer loves light and tolerates drought well. It is undemanding to soils, can grow even on poor soils. But for lush and long flowering, the plant is best planted in fertile, well-drained soil. Ideal Condition- Sunny, well-ventilated glade.

Unpretentious weed umbilical well tolerates even a transplant in adult form. For a gardener, this is a great opportunity every year, without the risk of changing the layout of the flower garden.

To maintain the decorativeness of the bushes, faded twigs need to be cut well enough. This will make it possible to accelerate the growth of side shoots, on which many new peduncles will grow.

The plant is propagated by dividing the bush in autumn, from seeds in early spring and by green cuttings during the summer. Growing from seeds in open ground can be collected or purchased toothed achenes before winter.

For spring planting in early spring seeds are sown in a specially prepared container with peat-sandy soil. After sowing the seeds, the container is covered with a film or glass and left in a warm, slightly shaded place.

After the first sprouts appear from the seeds, the container should be placed on a bright windowsill. At the end of spring, seedlings are planted in open ground in a permanent place with a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.

In early autumn, the plant can be propagated by dividing the bush. Young bushes should be planted in pre-prepared holes, at the bottom of which the soil is mixed with organic fertilizers.


The pupavka can grow and feel good on any soil. But in order for the plant to be healthy and bloom well, it needs to be watered and fed on time.

The plant tolerates drought well, but if the summer is dry, it is better to water it abundantly. It is important to drain the soil. In stagnant water, the root system can rot and die.

After watering, the soil should be well loosened to allow oxygen to reach the root system.

Further care of the plant consists in regular pruning to stimulate growth and the formation of new inflorescences. If the cultivation and care are favorable, the dye navel may bloom again. Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil once, during forcing. Further feeding is carried out at will.

If there is a desire, the navel can be transplanted. It is better to do this twice a season: the umbilical cord tolerates a transplant well before autumn or early spring. Tall bushes that can decay require a garter for decoration.

Dye Anthemis is a frost-resistant plant, so it only covers itself when severe frosts are expected.

Hello dear reader!

Another chamomile that is not a chamomile at all. It does not belong to this glorious genus of Compositae. Dye umbilical, which is also called yellow chamomile. Other names: navels, umbilical, yellow flower.

Yellow chamomile is called for the similarity of inflorescences. Only at the umbilical dye, the marginal flowers are not white, but yellow. The plant contains dyes and has been used to dye fabrics.

You can meet the dye navel in the forest zone of European Russia, in many European countries, in the Caucasus. It tolerates a lack of moisture quite easily, therefore it often grows on dry sandy soils. Its habitats are wastelands, roadsides, quarries. It also occurs in crops, like a weed.

It is a perennial with an underground rhizome. In the first year, only a rosette of leaves will appear. The stems, bearing flower baskets at the top, grow only from the second year of life.

The dye umbilical can reach a height of 50 - 60 cm. But more often it is not very high. The leaves are very peculiar, and do not look like leaves at all. They are strongly dissected, but the leaf lobes are not narrow, pointed, but wider, with a rounded top. In addition, the color of the leaves is gray-green due to the abundance of small hairs. The pubescence reduces the evaporation of moisture and helps conserve water.

On the tops of erect, occasionally weakly branched stems, inflorescences-baskets appear. Marginal flowers are yellow or orange, pseudolingual. These are female flowers, they have only a pistil. In the center of the basket - bisexual yellow tubular flowers. The dyeing navel blossoms in June - July, by the fall the seeds ripen.

Being beveled, yellow chamomile is able to form new inflorescences in the same season, bloom and bear fruit. By the way, this is exactly the umbilical dye in my picture. She caught my eye already in early October on a mowed clover field.

The plant has a very peculiar smell. True, you can’t call him unpleasant - not like that of another umbilical, called smelly. But it doesn't smell like a scent either.

The chemical composition of the plant is poorly understood. It is known that there is an essential oil, quercetin (which is actually debated whether it is medicinal or not), vitamin C, carotene.

How is a dye navel used?

The dyeing umbilical is used in folk medicine. It is known about the hemostatic effect of the plant, its diuretic and choleretic properties. It is used for colds, malaria and even jaundice.

I would like to express a somewhat critical opinion about the latter. It has long been known that often a cure for the disease was sought by outward signs(principle “like cures like”). However, this principle does not always work.

They tried, for example, once to treat diseases of the liver (coppice) on the sole basis that its leaves are similar in shape to a human liver.

The main form of application of the plant is infusion.

Take two teaspoons of dry grass and umbilical flower baskets. They are poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 4 hours in a wrapped dish, filtered.

Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

The hemostatic properties of the dye umbilicus are used to stop blood from small wounds. You can attach freshly picked grass to the wound. You can sprinkle the wound with dry grass powder. Infusion of inflorescences is drunk with internal bleeding.

That's just as an excellent hemostatic agent has long been known. And the properties have been verified, and it is found more often than dyeing umbilicals.
And as a choleretic herbal remedy better to apply.

The recipes on the blog are given only to familiarize yourself with the properties of the plant. If you need to treat diseases, please follow the doctor's recommendations.

The smell of a dye umbilicus is unpleasant (possibly fatal) for many unwanted insects that can settle in our house. Bunches of fresh and dried umbilical cord help to expel flies, bedbugs, fleas from our homes. At the same time, the plant can help get rid of rodents. In this, as you, I hope, remember, tansy also helps.

And of course, the dyeing navel is a wonderful ornamental plant, a decoration for the garden. Used for this as a wild form yellow chamomile, and garden varieties derived from it.

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The dye umbilical is known under numerous folk names: bull's eye, bodki, carnations of the field, yellow flowers, muffin, ox, yellow flower, papavka, pupilka, ramen, forest pupilka, ramon, wild mountain ash, field saffron, field chamomile and field hats. The dye navel is a perennial herbaceous plant, the height of which will fluctuate between thirty and sixty centimeters. Such a plant will be endowed with a spindle-shaped branched rhizome. The stem of this plant can be either ascending or straight, branched at the top or simple, and such a stem is painted in gray-greenish tones and is covered along with the leaves by means of fine hairy pubescence. The leaves of the umbilical dyer are double-pinnate, they are endowed with a toothed rod, sharp lobules and comb-separated segments. At the same time, the flower baskets of this plant are painted in yellow tones, they are quite large in size, located on long pedicels. Such umbilical flowers will consist of marginal female false-lingual and median tubular flowers. The fruits of this plant are ribbed achenes, the length of which will be about five millimeters.
The flowering of the dye umbilical falls on the period starting from June and ending with the month of July. IN natural conditions this plant is found in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Belarus, Ukraine, Western and Eastern Siberia, as well as all regions of the European part of Russia, with the exception of only the Nizhnevolzhsky region. For growth, this plant prefers fields, dry meadows and garbage places.

Description of the medicinal properties of the dye umbilical

The dyeing navel is endowed with very valuable healing properties, while therapeutic purpose it is recommended to use flower baskets and grass of this plant. The concept of grass includes stems and leaves. The presence of such valuable healing properties it is recommended to explain the content in the composition of this plant essential oil, rubber, glycosides, polyacetylene compounds, coloring pigment and quercetin, which in turn belongs to the vitamin P group.
Scientific medicine recommends the use of this plant for rheumatism, prevention and treatment of vitamin P deficiency and hypovitaminosis, allergic diseases, typhus, measles, scarlet fever, hemorrhagic diathesis, radiation sickness, thrombocytopenic purpura, capillary toxicosis, septic endocarditis, and is also used in the treatment and prevention of capillaries, which are associated with the use of arsenic compounds, anticoagulants and salicylates.
The dye navel is endowed with a very effective antihelminthic, hemostatic, diuretic, antimalarial, diaphoretic and choleretic effect.
A decoction prepared on the basis of the herb of this plant, together with flower baskets, is indicated for use in uterine bleeding, gastralgia, diathesis, various colds, jaundice, and is also used as a choleretic agent.
A decoction based on the inflorescences of the dye umbilical cord is used for diathesis, malaria, acute respiratory diseases, amenorrhea, and externally such a healing agent is used for baths and compresses. The powder of the inflorescences of this plant is taken orally for helminthiasis.