
Achievements and problems of genetic engineering presentation. Presentation on the topic: Genetic engineering

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Genetic engineering is a set of methods that allow, through in vitro operations (in vitro, outside the body), to transfer genetic information from one organism to another.

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Target genetic engineering in obtaining cells (primarily bacterial) capable of producing some “human” proteins on an industrial scale; in the ability to overcome interspecies barriers and transfer individual hereditary characteristics of one organism to another (use in the selection of plants and animals)

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The formal date of birth of genetic engineering is considered to be 1972. Its founder was the American biochemist Paul Berg.

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A team of researchers led by Paul Berg, who worked at Stanford University, near San Francisco in California, reported the creation of the first recombinant (hybrid) DNA outside the body. The first recombinant DNA molecule consisted of fragments of Escherichia coli (Eschherihia coli), a group of genes from this bacterium itself and the complete DNA of the SV40 virus, causing development tumors in a monkey. Such a recombinant structure could theoretically have functional activity in both E. coli and monkey cells. She could “walk” like a shuttle between a bacterium and an animal. For this work, Paul Berg was awarded the Nobel Prize.

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SV40 virus

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    Basic methods of genetic engineering.

    The main methods of genetic engineering were developed in the early 70s of the 20th century. Their essence is the introduction of a new gene into the body. For this purpose, special genetic constructs are created - vectors, i.e. a device for delivering a new gene into a cell. Plasmids are used as a vector.

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    A plasmid is a circular double-stranded DNA molecule found in a bacterial cell.

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    GM potatoes

    The experimental creation of genetically modified organisms began in the 70s of the twentieth century. Pesticide-resistant tobacco has begun to be grown in China. In the USA appeared: GM tomatoes

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    Today in the United States there are more than 100 types of genetically modified products - “transgenes” - soybeans, corn, peas, sunflowers, rice, potatoes, tomatoes and others. Soybeans Sunflower Peas

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    Genetically modified animals:

    Bunny Glow in the Dark Salmon

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    GMIs are included in many food products:

    GM corn is added to confectionery and bakery products, soft drinks.

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    GM soybeans are included in refined oils, margarines, baking fats, salad sauces, mayonnaise, pasta, even baby food and other products.

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    GM potatoes are used to make chips

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    Whose products contain transgenic components:

    Nestle Hershey's Coca-Cola McDonald's

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    Historical background In 1953, J. Watson and F. Crick created a double-stranded DNA model; at the turn of the 50s and 60s of the 20th century, the properties of the genetic code were clarified. In 1970, G. Smith was the first to isolate a number of enzymes - restriction enzymes, suitable for genetic engineering purposes. The combination of DNA restriction enzymes (for cutting DNA molecules into specific fragments) and enzymes, DNA ligases, isolated back in 1967 (for “linking” fragments in an arbitrary sequence) can rightfully be considered the central link in genetic engineering technology. In 1972, P. Berg, S. Cohen, H. Boyer created the first recombinant DNA. Since the early 1980s. achievements of genetic engineering are beginning to be used in practice. Since 1996, genetically modified products have been used in agriculture. Watson and Crick

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    Objectives of genetic engineering: Conferring resistance to pesticides; Conferring resistance to pests and diseases; Increasing productivity; Conferring special qualities.

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    Technology 1. Obtaining an isolated gene. 2. Introduction of the gene into a vector for integration into the body. 3. Transfer of the vector with the construct into the modified recipient organism. 4. Molecular cloning. 5. GMO selection

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    The essence of the technology is the directed, according to a given program, construction of molecular genetic systems outside the body with the subsequent introduction of the created structures into a living organism. As a result, their inclusion and activity in given organism and his offspring. The possibilities of genetic engineering - genetic transformation, the transfer of foreign genes and other material carriers of heredity into the cells of plants, animals and microorganisms, the production of genetically engineered modified organisms with new unique genetic, biochemical and physiological properties and characteristics, make this direction strategic. Transgenic mouse

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    Practical achievements of modern genetic engineering Clonotheques have been created, which are collections of bacterial clones. Each of these clones contains fragments of DNA from a specific organism (Drosophila, human, and others). Based on transformed strains of viruses, bacteria and yeast, the industrial production of insulin, interferon, hormonal drugs. The production of proteins that help preserve blood clotting in hemophilia and others is at the testing stage. medicines. Transgenic higher organisms have been created in whose cells the genes of completely different organisms successfully function. Genetically protected genetically modified plants that are resistant to high doses of certain herbicides and pests are widely known. Among transgenic plants, the leading positions are occupied by: soybean, corn, cotton, and rapeseed. Dolly the Sheep

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    Ecological and genetic risks of GM technologies Genetic engineering is a technology high level. High biotechnologies are characterized by high science intensity. GM technologies are used both within conventional agricultural production and in other areas human activity: in healthcare, in industry, in various areas science, when planning and carrying out environmental activities. Any high-level technologies can be dangerous for humans and their environment, since the consequences of their use are unpredictable. To reduce the likelihood of adverse environmental and genetic consequences of the use of genetic engineering technologies, new approaches are constantly being developed. For example, transgenesis (the introduction of foreign genes into the genome of a genetically modified organism) may in the near future be replaced by cisgenesis (the introduction of genes from the same or closely related species into the genome of a genetically modified organism).

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    Biotechnology is the integration of natural and engineering sciences, which allows us to fully realize the capabilities of living organisms for the production of food, medicines, and for solving problems in the field of energy and environmental protection.

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    One type of biotechnology is genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is based on the production of hybrid DNA molecules and the introduction of these molecules into the cells of other organisms, as well as on molecular biological, immunochemical and bmochemical methods.

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    Genetic engineering began to develop in 1973, when American researchers Stanley Cohen and Anley Chang inserted a barterial plasmid into the DNA of a frog. This transformed plasmid was then returned to the bacterial cell, which began to synthesize frog proteins and also pass on frog DNA to its descendants. Thus, a method was found that makes it possible to integrate foreign genes into the genome of a certain organism.

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    Genetic engineering is widely used practical application in sectors of the national economy, such as the microbiological industry, pharmaceutical industry, food industry and agriculture.

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    One of the most significant industries in genetic engineering is the production of medicines. Modern technologies production various medications allow you to cure serious diseases, or at least slow down their development.

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    Genetic engineering is based on the technology of producing a recombinant DNA molecule.

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    The basic unit of inheritance in any organism is the gene. Information in genes encoding proteins is deciphered during two sequential processes: transcription (RNA synthesis) and translation (protein synthesis), which in turn ensure the correct translation of what is encrypted in DNA genetic information from the language of nucleotides to the language of amino acids.

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    With the development of genetic engineering, various experiments on animals increasingly began to be carried out, as a result of which scientists achieved a kind of mutation of organisms. For example, the Lifestyle Pets company created, using genetic engineering, a hypoallergenic cat named Ashera GD. A certain gene was introduced into the animal’s body, which allowed it to “avoid diseases.”

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    Using genetic engineering, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania presented new method vaccine production: using genetically engineered fungi. As a result, the vaccine production process has been sped up, which Pennsylvanians believe could be useful in the event of a bioterrorist attack or an outbreak of bird flu.

    History of development In the second half of the 20th century, several important discoveries and inventions were made that underlie genetic engineering. Many years of attempts to “read” the biological information that is “written” in genes have been successfully completed. This work was started by the English scientist F. Sanger and the American scientist W. Gilbert (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1980). Walter GilbertFrederick Sanger

    The main stages of solving a genetic engineering problem: 1. Obtaining an isolated gene. 1. Obtaining an isolated gene. 2. Introduction of the gene into a vector for transfer into the body. 2. Introduction of the gene into a vector for transfer into the body. 3. Transfer of the vector with the gene into the modified organism. 3. Transfer of the vector with the gene into the modified organism. 4. Transformation of body cells. 4. Transformation of body cells. 5. Selection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and elimination of those that have not been successfully modified. 5. Selection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and elimination of those that have not been successfully modified.

    With the help of gene therapy, it is possible in the future to change the human genome. Currently effective methods changes to the human genome are being developed and tested in primates. With the help of gene therapy, it is possible in the future to change the human genome. Currently, effective methods for modifying the human genome are at the stage of development and testing on primates. Although on a small scale, genetic engineering is already being used to give women with some types of infertility a chance to get pregnant. For this purpose, eggs from a healthy woman are used.

    The Human Genome Project In 1990, the Human Genome Project was launched in the United States, the goal of which was to determine the entire genetic year of a person. A project in which important role Russian geneticists also played a role, and was completed in 2003. As a result of the project, 99% of the genome was determined with an accuracy of 99.99%.

    Incredible examples of genetic engineering In 2007, a South Korean scientist altered the DNA of a cat to make it glow in the dark, and then took that DNA and cloned other cats from it, creating a whole group of furry, fluorescent felines Eco-pig, or as critics also call it Frankenspig - This is a pig that has been genetically modified to better digest and process phosphorus.

    Scientists at the University of Washington are working to develop poplar trees that can clean up contaminated areas by absorbing contaminants found in groundwater through their root systems. Scientists recently isolated the gene responsible for the venom in the scorpion's tail and began looking for ways to introduce it into cabbage. Scientists recently isolated the gene responsible for the venom in the scorpion's tail and began looking for ways to introduce it into cabbage.

    Web-spinning goats Researchers inserted the gene for the scaffolding thread of the web into the DNA of a goat so that the animal began to produce spider protein only in its milk. AquaBounty's genetically modified salmon grows twice as fast as regular salmon. AquaBounty's genetically modified salmon grows twice as fast as regular salmon.

    The Flavr Savr tomato was the first commercially grown and genetically engineered food to be licensed for human consumption. The Flavr Savr tomato was the first commercially grown and genetically engineered food to be licensed for human consumption. Banana vaccines When people eat a piece of a genetically engineered banana filled with viral proteins, they immune system creates antibodies to fight disease; the same thing happens with the regular vaccine.

    Trees are genetically modified to be more rapid growth, better wood and even to detect biological attacks. Cows produce milk identical to that produced by lactating women. Cows produce milk identical to that produced by lactating women.

    Dangers of genetic engineering: 1. As a result of the artificial addition of a foreign gene, dangerous substances may unexpectedly be formed. 1. As a result of the artificial addition of a foreign gene, hazardous substances may unexpectedly be formed. 2.New and dangerous viruses. 3.Knowledge about the effect on environment The genetically modified organisms introduced there are completely insufficient. 4. There are no completely reliable methods of testing for harmlessness. 5. Currently, genetic engineering is technically imperfect, since it is not able to control the process of inserting a new gene, so it is impossible to predict the results.

    Genetic Engineering
    The work was completed by a 10th grade student - Roman Kirillov.

    Genetic engineering
    Genetic engineering (genetic engineering) is a set of techniques, methods and technologies for obtaining recombinant RNA and DNA, isolating genes from an organism (cells), manipulating genes and introducing them into other organisms.

    Genetic engineering is not a science in a broad sense, but is a tool of biotechnology, using methods such biological sciences, both molecular and cell biology, cytology, genetics, microbiology, virology.
    Kenyans test how a new transgenic crop variety that is resistant to insect pests is growing.

    History of development and achieved level of technology
    In the second half of the 20th century, several important discoveries and inventions were made that underlie genetic engineering. Many years of attempts to “read” the biological information that is “written” in genes have been successfully completed. This work was started by the English scientist F. Sanger and the American scientist W. Gilbert (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1980). As is known, genes contain information-instructions for the synthesis of RNA molecules and proteins, including enzymes, in the body. To force a cell to synthesize new substances that are unusual for it, it is necessary that the corresponding sets of enzymes be synthesized in it. And for this it is necessary to either purposefully change the genes located in it, or introduce new, previously absent genes into it. Changes in genes in living cells are mutations. They occur under the influence, for example, of mutagens - chemical poisons or radiation.
    Frederick Sanger
    Walter Gilbert

    Human genetic engineering
    When applied to humans, genetic engineering could be used to treat inherited diseases. However, technically, there is a significant difference between treating the patient himself and changing the genome* of his descendants.
    *Genome is the totality of all genes of an organism; its complete chromosome set.
    Knockout mice

    Gene knockout. To study the function of a particular gene, gene knockout can be used. This is the name for the technique of removing one or more genes, which allows one to study the consequences of such a mutation. For knockout, the same gene or its fragment is synthesized, modified so that the gene product loses its function.

    Application in scientific research
    Artificial expression. A logical addition to knockout is artificial expression, that is, the addition of a gene to the body that it did not previously have. This genetic engineering technique can also be used to study gene function. In essence, the process of introducing additional genes is the same as with knockout, but existing genes are not replaced or damaged.

    Application in scientific research
    Visualization of gene products. Used when the task is to study the localization of a gene product. One of the tagging methods is to replace the normal gene with one fused with a reporter element, for example, with the green fluorescent protein gene
    Scheme of the structure of green fluorescent protein.