
Characteristics of a student with satisfactory academic performance. Pedagogical characteristics per student

Title: “Characteristics of a student” - a selection of psychological and pedagogical characteristics (more than 50 pieces), as well as instructions and recommendations for writing your own characteristics.
Year of publication: 2009 - 12
Format: doc to rar. archive
Number of pages: many
Size: 5.2 MB
Quality: good

Characteristics of the student- one of the most popular documents in work class teacher, head teacher, educational psychologist or social educator.

The characteristics used in educational practice are divided into three main types - psychological, pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical. In this collection we have collected all three types of characteristics, as well as samples, templates and recommendations for writing them.

In the archive, which is available for download via the link located at the end of this article, you will find examples of ready-made characteristics for students of different classes, examples of positive characteristics for successful students and negative ones for weak ones, recommendations and templates for independently writing ha-ki of any type.

Total included in the selection more than 70 ready-made characteristics + forms, templates and recommendations for writing them.

In most cases, the specification includes the following sections:

1. General information about the student. (Last name, first name, patronymic, age, what grade he is in, nationality, information about parents, etc.).
2. State of health and physical development.
3. Conditions of family education.
4. Student interests.
5. Intellectual development.
6. Features of temperament.
7. Strong-willed qualities.
8. Communication skills in relation to the class staff and teachers.
9. Level of aspirations and self-esteem
10. Moral and ethical qualities

  • Pedagogical and psychological characteristics (more than 70 pcs.)
  • Article “How to correctly write a profile for a student (school, college, university)? "
  • Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student’s personality. Guidelines. (21 pages)
  • Scheme for compiling the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child for admission to school
  • Template “Characteristics of a schoolchild”
  • Brief description of a “difficult” child
  • Scheme for compiling psychological and pedagogical characteristics.
  • Map of psychological characteristics of personal development of a teenager
  • Blank diagram “Student Characteristics”.

In total more than 100 documents!

Sample characteristics:

Sample psychological characteristics first grader:

Characteristics of a 1st grade student

General information about the student:
Full name student: Mikhail K.
Date of birth: 09.19.2003

Child's family:
Family composition: social orphan, orphanage resident

Health status: normal

Complaints from the class teacher: during lessons he is involved in extraneous matters, wandering around the class. The main time of the educational process can be running around the class, crawling under tables, climbing into boxes. Behavior is often inappropriate: screams without visible reasons. Does not assimilate program material, does not keep up with the overall pace of the class, and has difficulty learning.

During the psychological examination of K.M., the following features were noted:
Makes contact with difficulty; isolation and passivity are observed. Shows no interest in communication, contact is superficial. Cognitive interest in the tasks presented is unstable, the scope of sustainable performance is narrowed. The reaction to comments is present, but expressed in a weak form. Study skills are developed to a very low degree. Reading technique is also very poor. Questions regarding awareness of the surrounding world are often answered incorrectly (the amount of knowledge about the surrounding world does not correspond to the age norm; this knowledge is fragmentary and unsystematic).

Characteristics of verbal intelligence:
Needs simplification of questions and assignment instructions. Dialogue speech poorly developed. Conceptual vocabulary is poor; has difficulty explaining abstract concepts. The general outlook is limited, knowledge about the world around us is fragmentary and unsystematic. The skill of performing simple counting operations is poorly developed, and it is difficult to perform arithmetic tasks involving addition and subtraction.

Emotionally – volitional sphere : active, active, motor disinhibition observed.

Attention: attention is superficial, quickly depleted.

Memory: the level of memory development is low (the volume of short-term RAM is narrowed), but no gross memory impairments have been identified.

Thinking: visually effective. A psychological examination revealed low level verbal-logical and visual-figurative thinking. Experiences difficulties in establishing logical connections.

Performance: low

Nature of activity: activity is unstable. In the situation of conducting an examination, inhibition is noted (slowness, rigidity mental processes; does not complete some tasks or completes them slowly, thinks for a long time, is silent, refused to do the “graphic dictation”, then started doing it); in other individual situations (the educational process and during breaks), disinhibition is observed (the child is active).

Learning ability: low, does not use enough help.

In order to provide comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical support for the child, K. Mikhail is sent to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Teacher-psychologists MOU secondary school No.


Sample: pedagogical characteristics for an average student

Pupils of 10 “G” school No. 192, Minsk
Kharchuk Anna Sergeevna
date of birth 01/09/1990,
living at the address:
st. 50 years of Victory 18-73
phone 000-01-20

Anna Kharchuk has been studying at school No. 196 since the first grade under a 12-year education program. During her studies, she established herself as a student with average abilities. The average grade is 5-6.

Completes homework regularly.

Anna has quite developed academic skills. Vocabulary, the literacy level corresponds to the age norm. Prevails oral speech over writing. Occasionally gets distracted in class intermediate level mastering educational material, is interested in the humanities, loves reading books. Anna knows how to plan educational work, highlight the main thing in educational material and systematize it.

No missed lessons good reason does not have.

In class conflict situations does not create, but strives to be the center of attention of others. Anna shows interest in school and class activities and takes part in them. Visits preparatory courses in the College of Communications.

Anna is being brought up in a complete, prosperous family. All conditions have been created for the child to develop as a person.

Director of secondary school No. 192

Cl. supervisor


Characteristics for a 4th grade student:

Ivanov D. (11 years old)

Student 4 "a" class Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. Bobruisk, 08/05/98. born, living at the address: st. house apt.

Dmitry has been studying at secondary school No. for the third year. Grades 1-2 studied at secondary school no. The second class was duplicated.
Parents create conditions for the child's development. They constantly provide assistance in preparing homework. The boy is always well-groomed and prepared for school.

D. easily and quickly establishes contact, shows interest, willingly carries out instructions, and asks questions in case of misunderstanding.

The child experiences constant difficulties in learning, cannot cope with the educational material, and does not keep up with the general pace of the class.

Performance: extremely low; often feels sleepy in class and complains headache. By the end of the lesson, the number of errors increases. Doesn't always understand the teacher's requirements.

Attention not stable enough, quickly depleted.

Memory capacity does not correspond to conventionally accepted age standards.

Reading technique low. Reading unfamiliar words complex structure– syllabic. He answers questions in monosyllables and does not give detailed answers. Cannot cope with tasks of increased difficulty. Doesn't have time to write assignments from dictation. He does not have time to complete tests together with the whole class and constantly needs individual help.

The teacher used various types assistance to overcome the identified difficulties, the most effective was the simplification and individualization of tasks (without time restrictions).

Learning ability: low, does not use enough help. Can perform a simple task according to a sample, however, knowledge transfer is difficult.

Thinking: visually effective. A psychological examination revealed a low level of verbal-logical and visual-figurative thinking. Experiences difficulties in establishing logical connections and generalizations.

Stock general ideas appropriate for age.

Disadvantages of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech are noted. The boy is being brought up in a bilingual environment.
Extract from the protocol of a psychological study using the Wechsler method dated 02/28/06.

The child is emotionally stable and very friendly. There are no comments regarding behavior at school. Relationships with peers are smooth.

Criticality: adequate (rejoices in approval, waits for it; corrects behavior in accordance with the remark).

In order to provide comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical support for the child, D. is sent to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

4th grade teacher

per student of ___ grade

Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. ___”, _________

Full name,

Year of birth

The student has been studying at school No.__ since ___ year.

During his studies he showed poor abilities in many disciplines school curriculum, due to the fact that the teenager has absolutely no desire to learn. The student does not prepare homework; he works in class only when it is necessary to urgently correct unsatisfactory grades, and then only with repeated reminders from the teacher. It is almost impossible to convince a teenager of the need for systematic work, since he does not respond to all the teacher’s comments. He is systematically late for classes, citing poor health, and leaves classes whenever he pleases. He doesn’t carry school supplies, explaining that he’s forgetful. The teenager's health is unsatisfactory and he is often sick.

Repeated conversations with the student, with the student’s mother, discussion of behavior at crime prevention councils, meetings with the director positive results they don't give it. The teenager is registered with the school due to absenteeism without a valid reason.

Emotionally labile, tense, anxious, exhausted, rigid, irritable. The student repeatedly attended conversations with school psychologist. Relationships with peers are superficial. Good-natured, ready to help a friend. Self-esteem is inadequate, does not notice the ridicule of classmates, and uncritically assesses one’s status in the team. He is indifferent to the social life of the class. Participation in school and class events is mediocre. He spends his free time from classes with friends, despite repeated conversations and offers to organize employment after classes.

The student is brought up in full family, parents are divorced. Mother is a candidate of sciences and works as a teacher at a university. The relationship with the mother is conflictual. The mother regularly visits school when called by the class teacher and the principal. The family was visited at home, where they have everything necessary for successful education and upbringing.

per student of ___ grade

Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. __”, _____

Full name,

Year of birth

The student has been studying at school No.___ since the first grade.

During his studies, he showed weak abilities in many disciplines of the school curriculum, due to the fact that the teenager has absolutely no desire to learn. The student does not prepare homework; he works in class only when it is necessary to urgently correct unsatisfactory grades, and then only with repeated reminders from the teacher. Misses school without a good reason. He doesn’t carry school supplies, explaining that he’s forgetful. The state of health is satisfactory.

Repeated conversations with the student, with the student’s mother, and discussions of behavior at crime prevention councils and meetings with the director do not give positive results. The teenager is registered with the school.

At school the Student does not show aggression, there are no conflicts with teachers, and he is on friendly terms with his classmates. The student repeatedly attended discussions with the school psychologist. He is indifferent to the social life of the class. Participation in school and class events is mediocre. He spends his free time from classes with friends, despite repeated conversations and offers to organize employment after classes.

The student is brought up in a complete family. The mother regularly visits school when called by the class teacher and administration. The family was visited at home, where they have everything necessary for successful education and upbringing.



student of ___ class MAOU "Secondary School No. __",


Entered school on __.__.20__, studying under the “Perspective” program. Before entering school, he attended the School of Personality Development.

Lives in a complete, prosperous family. ______'s mother works as a teacher in kindergarten, tries to keep abreast of all his son’s school affairs, constantly comes to school.

Homework is often completed partially, under the supervision of the mother. ______ does not write homework in his diary; his mother uses the “Electronic Diary” service. Assignments in the Russian language come down to copying text; ______ does not complete grammatical assignments.

It is characterized by behavior that does not correspond to age norms and is a serious obstacle to the child’s full inclusion in educational activities. During lessons, ______ does not work orally and does not complete written assignments. He cannot sit still, disturbs the children around him, and does not follow the work in the class. He does extraneous things: chews erasers, breaks pens, tears covers on textbooks, plays with toys that he brings from home, rocks on a chair. Constantly violates discipline: he puts his feet on the desk, he can shout in class, knock on the desk, lie on chairs, crawl on the floor. He does not respond to teachers’ comments and refuses to comply with demands. Conversations with him yield no results.

The peculiarity of ______'s behavior affects his academic performance. ______ performs only verification and control work that it considers important. With verification and tests Can't cope with Russian language and mathematics.

Russian language. Spelling skills have not been developed. When copying, he makes a lot of mistakes. Doesn't complete grammar tasks. Does not complete written work in class. He can only write dictations individually, as he cannot keep up with the pace of the class. Writes dictations poorly: uses both written and printed letters, makes many mistakes, skips and replaces letters. Writes only with a simple pencil, does not use a pen. Doesn't write expositions or essays. The material covered was not mastered.

Mathematics. The addition table has been partially mastered, the multiplication table has not been mastered. In this regard, it is difficult to perform calculations. Can't solve problems. Doesn’t make an effort to read the task thoroughly or understand its content. Rarely works in class and cannot cope with tests. Does not complete tasks requiring mental actions. Knowledge gaps are not being closed.

Reading. Reading technique meets standards. ______ doesn’t read in class. According to his mother, ______ learns some poems by heart at home, but the boy refuses to recite them at school during class or to the teacher after school. Does not retell the text, does not answer questions about the content of the text orally. ______ completed the written final work on reading satisfactorily.

The world around us. Doesn't work in class. Completes written assignments at home. Copes well with tests and checks.

Technology and fine art. In technology and labor lessons, ______ does not always work; he only completes feasible tasks. If the work does not work out, then ______ crumples it, tears it up, throws it on the floor and does not try to do it again.

Physical training. During lessons, he often does not comply with the teacher’s requirements, violates discipline, does not study, and does not follow safety precautions.

Music. Shows no interest in the lesson. Doesn't work in class, doesn't fulfill the teacher's demands.

English language. Often violates discipline and refuses to comply with the teacher's demands. Receives grades in the subject for homework.

He is happy about satisfactory grades and crosses out or erases the bad grades in his diary.

Behavioral disorders also affect ______ relationships with classmates. Communicates with individual children in the class. Despite inappropriate behavior, children ______ They don’t reject him, they take him into their games. During the game, he may not control his actions, hit, push, or use obscene language.

During breaks he constantly violates discipline. Realizes the wrongness of his actions, but next time he does the same.

Conversations with the mother about her son’s behavior problems were held several times. The joint efforts of school and family do not bring positive results. The child requires more help and attention from the teacher for learning, control and education than a teacher can provide in a general education class.

Class teacher ______________


Basic requirements that must be met by the student's characteristics:
the student’s characteristics should reflect his individual psychological characteristics, manifested by him in the learning process and behavior;
divide students according to the level of predominance of certain characteristics;
show the attitude of the teacher to the student;
characteristics for the student should be drawn up according to standard scheme;
should be easily “readable” and understandable for teachers who are not familiar with the students being characterized;
The characterization process should not be labor-intensive.

The text of the characteristic consists of four parts:

1. Personal details of the person for whom the reference is being made (placed in the center of the sheet or in a column on the right).
2. Information about activities or studies (from what year he has been working or studying, where, attitude to work, study, level of professionalism, educational achievements and mastery of skills, or knowledge of educational material).
3. Assessment of business and moral qualities: information about encouragement (discipline): relationships in the team.
4. Conclusions: an indication of where the characteristic is submitted.

Examples of Student Characteristics.

Characteristics of Pyotr Vasilievich Ivanov
19.. year of birth
student...-A class, high school No.. city……

Ivanov Petr has been studying at school No. ... in the city ..... since the first grade. Has established himself as a (diligent, disciplined, hardworking, attentive) student. Knows educational material at a good level. Studies (to the full extent of his abilities, not to the full extent of his abilities, needs constant supervision, does not show interest in studying, studies poorly). Has voluntary (visual, auditory, mechanical, mixed) memory, (beautifully, well, quickly, slowly) works (remembers) educational material). Detects (logical, imaginative, concrete, creative) thinking. Has the ability to study (specify subjects). At work (lessons) always (attentive, active, indifferent, does homework, helps friends). Has good general development. Reads a lot.

Performing public assignments refers to (conscientiously, carefully, carelessly). Was elected to (specify public position). Actively participated (in the public life of the school (class, in the work of student self-government, in cultural events, in sports life). Was a participant in (school, city, regional) olympiads/competitions/tournaments and was awarded (diploma, certificate of honor, medal).

(Modest, cheerful, comradely, restrained, balanced, reasonable, disciplined, independent, susceptible to the influence of others). Rules of conduct (always complies, does not always comply, complies at the request of the teacher, ignores, has a violation of discipline, is prone to illegal behavior). He is respected among teachers. Has authority among his comrades. He has many friends and maintains friendly relations with many colleagues.

Parents pay proper attention to raising their son (they do not pay attention, they neglect upbringing, they are a bad influence).


Characteristics of Irina Anatolievna Petrova
19.. year of birth,
students of ...-A class, secondary school No. .. of the city ......

Irina Petrova has proven herself to be a diligent, disciplined, hardworking student.
Has logical thinking, has the ability to study mathematics, literature, history.
Performs public assignments conscientiously. She took part in the regional Olympiad in mathematics, where she took… a place, she is fond of chess.
Reads science fiction and historical literature with interest.
In his free time, he writes poems, sings, and bakes cakes.
Irina is respected among teachers.
He has authority among his comrades and maintains friendly relations with many students.

School Principal: (Signature)

per student...A class
Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No...."
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich,
...year of birth,
Living at:...

Studies: he studies well, slightly above average, is almost not interested in studies, reads little, has no specific academic interests.

Behavior: frequent violations of discipline; conflicts with teachers arise very rarely, but with fellow students often;

Has very high motor activity, restlessness.

Social activity is of average intensity, as are organizational skills and initiative. The student occupies an intermediate position between leaders and followers.

Communication at school: in terms of popularity in the class, the middle position, but there are no enemies. He is extremely sociable, constantly tries to be in public, in the thick of things, looking for new experiences and acquaintances.

Lack of shyness. Responsive. Differs in independent judgments.

Personal characteristics: not anxious, self-confident, self-esteem is high and not inflated, ambitious, rather arouses the sympathy of the teacher who filled out the card.

Communication in the family: lives in a friendly family, relationships with parents are trusting, he is given greater independence, but they try not to weaken control over behavior. There are no conflicts in the relationship between the teacher and parents.

School principal, (Class teacher) number (signature)


Sometimes characteristics require filling out individual card student.

Psychological and pedagogical card of the student

"Psychological and pedagogical map of the student" uses the method of expert assessments in graphical form (the expert is the class teacher). This map allows you to create a “graphic” characteristic of a student.
This card is recommended for filling out and drawing up for each student at the end of certain periods of study, to identify the primary tasks in the process of teaching and educating the student, as well as to help a new teacher (in case of a change in class teacher) in working with the class:
If a student is studying in an eleven-year program, then it is recommended to draw up a “Psychological and Pedagogical Student Card” in grades 4, 8 and 10.
The map looks something like this.

  1. Student's name.
  2. Date of birth.
  3. State of health.
    • Psychological characteristics disadvantaged student. (Increased nervousness, low performance, fatigue, depression, increased excitability, inexplicable outbursts of anger, increased aggressiveness in behavior with peers, negativity towards teachers, refusal to make contact).
  4. Parents (full name, year of birth, place of work, education).
  5. Family conditions.
  6. Family relationships.
    • A prosperous family (parents lead a healthy lifestyle, take raising their children seriously, the emotional atmosphere of the family of a student at risk is positive, parents are aware of all the child’s school events).
    • Dysfunctional family (parents shy away from raising children, harsh treatment of the child, there are no uniform demands from parents, parents lead an unhealthy lifestyle, abuse alcohol, are not involved in raising children, are not interested in school performance and the interests of the child, there is a dysfunctional emotional atmosphere in the family) .
    • The nature of the relationship between parents and child (mutual respect, dictate of parents, excessive guardianship, giving complete freedom to the child).
  7. Organization of work and rest of the child (assignments and responsibilities in the family, adherence to the daily routine, assistance and control in the implementation homework, weekends, organization summer holiday).
  8. Educational activities:
    • student's performance in subjects;
    • attitude towards learning: positive, negative.
    • student's intellectual capabilities: high, average, low.
  9. Class position:
    • Position of a student with bad behavior in a team: leader, follower. Who in the class is he friends with?
    • Manner and style of communication with others.
  10. Attitude towards social activities and socially useful work. (Willingly carries out assignments, approaches responsibly, without interest, refuses, takes active part in school events, is indifferent to school events, refuses to participate)
  11. Hobbies (activities in free time, visiting clubs and interest groups at school and preschool educational institutions).
  12. Child's self-esteem:
    • level of self-esteem: adequate, overestimated, underestimated.
  13. Attitude towards public opinion:
    • strives to correct shortcomings, take into account comments, wants to become better;
    • understands criticism, agrees with it, but does not correct itself;
    • does not pay attention to criticism, does not want to change behavior;
    • opposes comments, argues sharply, and does not demonstratively change his behavior.
  14. Pathological attractions of the student deviant behavior: smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs.

15. Is registered at the dispensary, at the IDN, at the High School and about what.