
How to determine whether there is damage from envy. Envious man

Have you often felt that someone was jealous of you, and that this envy was poisoning the lives of both you and him? There are as many as eight signs by which you can understand whether this is so - and the sooner the better...

Envious people bring misfortune to others and torment themselves." - William Penn

Imagine that you have reached the goal you set out to achieve for many years, or, let’s say, you have achieved success in some difficult matter... and suddenly discovered that someone from your immediate circle is not at all proud of your success, and does not rejoice at it - on the contrary, he or she is jealous of what you managed to achieve. Envy is a rather vile feeling, and it can sometimes turn even the closest people into enemies simply because your achievements or success have touched some secret strings in the depths of their soul.

Psychologist Stephen Stosny believes that envy “forces us to replay fictitious grievances in our heads over and over again, and the longer you do this, the less related to reality they have. All strong emotions carry with them the illusion of conviction, and envy convinces us that this distorted perception of the world is true.”

Every person has experienced this unpleasant feeling at least once in their life, and most likely it happened much more often. But coping with your own envy is one thing, but dealing with someone else’s is completely different. After all, we have at least some control over our feelings, but how can we influence how others feel about us? And therefore, the sooner you can recognize the signs that someone is jealous of you, the sooner you can start thinking about what to do about such a situation.

So, here are eight signs that someone is jealous of you:

1. False praise

When someone is jealous of you, it may not become noticeable right away. Moreover, while communicating with you, they may even give you compliments (sincere, or full of sarcasm and oozing with passive aggression). But in any case, they will praise you only in your presence - and as soon as you leave their company, not a trace of their admiration remains.

If you ask them a direct question, then, most likely, they will pretend that they do not envy you at all, and do not understand what you are talking about at all. How to resist this? One way is to sincerely praise them for their own successes and congratulate them when something good happens in their lives. This will help them see you as a sincere and honest person, and perhaps make them less jealous.

Clinical psychologist and MD Leon F. Seltzer writes the following on this subject: “I’m certainly not saying that you should question all compliments and praise, but when people start praising you from whom you did not expect it, it is worth considering whether they are doing it for some hidden purpose. This way, you minimize the possibility of accepting compliments at face value that turn out to be false with a toxic lining.”

2. They try to downplay your accomplishments.

No matter what you have achieved, and how much work you had to put in to achieve this goal, your envious people will in any case claim that you were just lucky and that you did not work so hard to achieve success. Their arguments most often seem more or less rational... but they can also be rude and insulting.

“The people who envy you the most are the ones who need what you have the most.”, says successful businessman Faruk Radwan.

Don't get hooked by them! If you start arguing with them, especially in a raised voice, they will only continue to try to trample your success into the dirt. Be humble, but don't deny your accomplishments. If you start boasting left and right, then their envy will definitely not go away, but will only become stronger.

3. They inflate and extol their own successes to the skies.

From time to time, those who envy you try to make you jealous by inflating their successes and achievements to incredible proportions, even if they do not deserve it at all. They are especially likely to do this when you are celebrating your own success. In general, such people may well announce their own engagement during your wedding - declaring that their wedding will be twice as big.

But why do they so frantically wave their success in front of you from side to side, like a matador’s rag in front of a bull?

Because, quite possibly, they are not nearly as successful as they want to show... or, for example, less successful than you. As the famous writer Bob Bly writes about this, “There will always be people around you filled with negative thoughts - not only about those they envy (you), but also about themselves, as well as about their own inability to achieve the goals they have set for themselves (for example, acquiring own business, or, let’s say, get really rich).”

And although such behavior cannot but irritate, I still advise you not to be openly and openly indignant at it - this will only provoke envious people, and they will finally become convinced that their obvious or imaginary success somehow offends you. Instead, sincerely and wholeheartedly congratulate them and rejoice with them. Show them an example of the correct and healthy reaction to other people's successes - and, who knows, maybe this will help them change their behavior for the better.

4. They imitate you

Someone who is jealous of you may simultaneously want to be better than you, and to become just like you - in every way. They may well begin to imitate the way you speak, or the way you dress, in hopes of feeling better about themselves, or being as successful as you. Instead of resenting it, try to encourage them to find their own style and path to their goals, and if they follow your advice, support them along the way. Show them that you don't have to be you to be something, and that they can achieve much more if they are themselves.

5. They try to beat you (and everyone else) at anything.

Envious people try to compete with you in everything - primarily because they want to be successful in comparison with you at least in some way, or, as clinical psychologist Melanie Greenberg writes, they “either unsure of themselves, or arrogant, and want to prove their superiority to you.”

And although you undoubtedly have the desire from time to time to show such people where their place really is and leave them behind to swallow the dust of the road, it is better to refuse if further competition does not benefit either you or them, or refuse altogether participate in these useless cockroach races. If they want to argue with you about who will get married first, buy a car, or, say, have children, just tell them: “This is not a competition, and enough of that.” The sooner you refuse to play their games, the sooner they will give up and stop trying to beat you at them.

6. They celebrate your failures.

Those who envy you usually rejoice at every mistake you make or a scolding from your superiors at work. And although they rarely show their joy openly, in their thoughts they organize ritual dances of joy around the fire after each time you fall into a muddy puddle. How to resist this? Accept your mistakes and failures with honor and dignity! You can always remind envious people that they learn from mistakes and that they are a normal part of life. And if they fail to upset you, they will never get the pleasure they expected from the situation.

7. They gossip behind your back.

Envious people will always find a way to spread bad rumors about you behind your back. This in itself is disgusting, even if you do not take into account the content of such rumors and rumors. The best way to deal with such a situation is to call the person who is behaving this way for a frank conversation.

As writer James Clear puts it, “...the negativity we feel from other people is like a wall. And if you concentrate on it, you will certainly crash into it. You just can't break through a wall made of negative emotions, anger and self-doubt. And your mind chooses exactly the path to which your attention is directed. Criticism and negativity won't stop you from eventually reaching the finish line, but it can definitely make your journey that much longer."

Since envious people rarely engage in open confrontation, a serious conversation about their actions may well make them rethink their behavior, or even realize how petty they are behaving and give up their envy.

8. They hate you

If there is someone around you who hates you for no apparent reason, they may just be jealous of you. We often perceive such envy the hardest, because in general we want to be loved, and we do not like other people’s hatred, especially groundless ones. We often feel the desire to prove to such people that we are more than worthy, to be, if not loved, then at least respected... but it is not a fact that we will be able to do this. And if all your efforts to please this person have not led to any results... perhaps it's time to cut him out of your life. You don’t need this negativity at all, besides, your mere presence nearby makes such people increase their hatred towards you. The best way to correct this situation is to get rid of this person, at least until this senseless and causeless hatred burns out in him.

A few final thoughts...

Dealing with other people's envy (and envious people) may not be so easy. Often, having heard their scoffing, you may want to simply send them to hell, without really choosing words. But is it always worth doing this? Dealing with other people's envy in a more positive and in a healthy way, you end up helping not only yourself, but also the person with whom you are having a problem. After all, he may well turn out not to be the kind of bastard you imagine, but just a person with low self-esteem... So, wouldn’t it be better, instead of throwing insults at him at every meeting, to help him cope with this problem, at the same time saving him from tendencies to envy other people? Well, knowing the signs of an envious person, you can do this much faster and easier.

One of the first signs of envy: creates a feeling of being watched. They want to know as much as possible and in as much detail as possible about your personal life. This process is a kind of experience of events that an envious person would like to live through himself, but for some reason cannot. So he follows your ups and downs, rejoices at your failures and gnashes his teeth at every success. Most likely, the envious person would like to change his life, but does not know how to do it.

In the speech of such a person, comparisons between your life and his often slip through. In most cases, the envious person tries to point out that he is doing better than yours, or that you are doing something wrong. A person is trying to assert himself at the expense of you in his own eyes and in the eyes of others. As an example, he can ridicule one of your possible failures and offer some supposedly obvious and simple way out of the situation, which the envious person would successfully use.

You will never hear approval addressed to you, and for all your ideas and good luck there will be criticism. An envious person will try to dissuade you from favorable outcome events, lead you astray and kill the optimist in you. After all, when a person believes in his success, he can achieve something and gain valuable experience, positive emotions and anything else. Your achievements can also be simply ignored, but rest assured, the envious person will not lose sight of your failures.

A peculiar sign of envy is some “protection” from what is happening to you. Frequent phrases like “I wouldn’t allow myself to do that” or “I wouldn’t do that in my life.” In turn, you are confident that you are acting correctly and are not doing anything abnormal. Refusal and denial of what you want does not indicate that there is no desire. Much can be said, but the fact of envy remains.

Envy is very clearly expressed when a loved one. When you get close the envious person begins to try to make you look unflattering, points out your shortcomings and your strengths, as if trying to take your place. Quite often, envy forces you to buy things or do things that are associated with the person you envy.

Envy is a low human feeling that belittles his dignity. It is usually caused by lack of confidence in oneself and one's abilities. But there is always the opportunity to change yourself and avoid it. All the best to you, loyal and reliable friends, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Incredible facts

Do you think that you someonejealous? Look out for the following signs.

Almost every person has experienced envy at some point in their life.

This is a natural emotion that is sometimes difficult to avoid.

Essentially, envy is the fear that we may lose something or someone. For this reason, we try to do everything possible to prevent loss.

And although we can control our emotions, we cannot control the emotions of another person.

When someone is jealous of you, this person tries to get into your soul and control you, since it is difficult for him to manage his emotions.

Here are 8 main signs that you have black envy, and how you can fix it.

Feelings of envy

1. False praise

The person who is jealous of you is often the first to compliment you. However, as soon as you leave his field of vision, he rolls his eyes or belittles you in front of others.

Such a person would rather pretend that he is not jealous than tell you what he thinks to your face.

One way to turn envy against yourself is give a person a sincere compliment when he succeeds at something. This will let him know that you are a sincere person and will help him cope with negative feelings.

2. They downplay your successes.

No matter how hard you work or how much success you achieve, envious people will always convince you that this is just an accident. They will do everything possible to prove that your merits did not require any effort on your part.

Since they have nothing to be proud of, they take pleasure in convincing others that your successes are insignificant.

If you react to this behavior, the person may talk even worse about you. Stay humble but firm in your achievements. If you brag, you will be even more envied.

3. They brag about their successes.

An envious person tends to boast about his achievements, exaggerating them. Moreover, most often he begins to advertise his successes at moments of your triumph. These are the people who can announce their engagement at your wedding.

You must understand that There are always people who are full of negativity not only towards others, but also towards themselves and your abilities.

If you get upset, they will feel entitled to continue the behavior. Instead sincerely praise their achievements. Someone else's example - best way change someone's behavior.

How to get rid of envy

4. They imitate you

Anyone who envies you wants to be better than you, but at the same time the same as you. He may imitate your way of speaking and dressing to make himself feel better.

Instead of getting upset, motivate them to find their own path. Encourage them when they do something different.

Show them that they don't have to be like you to be the best, that they can be themselves.

5. They compete with you

Envious people are often competitive because they want to be the only ones to reap the rewards of success because either insecure or arrogant and want to prove their superiority.

Although you may have a burning desire to put them in their place, give up unhealthy competition and do not participate in it. Not playing this game will make them less likely to want to continue.

6. They rejoice in your failures.

An envious person will secretly be happy when you make mistakes, when you are reprimanded or corrected at work or in school f. Although they may not show it, they often enjoy your failures.

Accept your mistakes with dignity. You can always remind them that mistakes are part of life. If you don't get upset, they won't get the pleasure they expect..

7. They gossip behind your back.

Envious people will always find a reason to slander you behind your back. They may say nasty and hurtful things about you.

In this case It's best to talk to them openly. Since envious people rarely confront anyone openly, having a serious conversation about what they are doing will make them think about their behavior or stop.

8. They hate you

If there is a person who hates you for some unknown reason Most likely, he is jealous of you. This can be difficult to come to terms with, since it is unpleasant for any of us to think that someone hates us for no reason.

How to recognize envy? Distinctive features, by which you can determine that the people around you envy you, and even worse, they wish you bad things. It turns out that envy has symptoms by which you can easily identify the envious person.

Transparent hints

Envy is an ugly feeling, especially when those people you considered close friends are jealous. Psychologists say that this is a normal feeling, however, it should be positive, be an example for others to follow, grow up, and achieve some heights.

It's a pity when envy leads to destruction. In this case, it is important to beware of people who envy you “in black”.

  1. Copying appearance, gestures, habits.
  2. Frequent changes in mood in communication.
  3. Confession of envy in a comic form.
  4. Lack of praise, compliments from an envious person, but criticism - first of all.
  5. An unnatural smile, emotions when a person listens to your achievements and looks indifferent.

Envious people are often energy vampires, and therefore, after talking with them, you feel overwhelmed, because there is an energy exchange - a game with one goal.

It is important to minimize communication with such people, because they enjoy seeing other people’s failures. To test a person, it is enough to tell him about personal success and look at the reaction - sparking positive emotions are difficult to confuse with something else.

Attention! Pay attention to your friends when you appear in a chic new thing. Anyone who consciously does not say anything about this is obviously jealous.

The envy of colleagues is defined in jokes, ridicule, friends - how they listen to you, how they react.

It is important not to forget about your own envy, this is a sinful feeling that needs to be gotten rid of. Envy is a meaningless feeling - after all, in everyone’s life there are sorrows, ups, downs, joys. And if you don’t notice anything, then your life will pass you by!

This is a dangerous feeling that prevents you from building normal, adequate relationships with other people. A woman can experience envy for any reason - family, children, work, appearance, material wealth, hobbies, etc.

An envious woman can harm her rival and set up insidious traps to upset the life of the one who is luckier (according to her). Such people need to be feared and beware in life.

You need to stop telling such a person about your plans for the future, achievements, family joys. Be kind - do not respond to anger with anger, learn to abstract yourself, do not show negative feelings towards it. After all, this is an unhappy person who harms himself.

How to get rid of envy?

Envy can eat a person from the inside; in the Bible it is a mortal sin. What to do - how to stop being envious and give advice to your loved one on how to get rid of this feeling.

  1. There is no need to feed envy - for every envious thought, find an excuse on your part, figure out why everything turned out differently for me and what needs to be done to become better in this matter (family, money, vacation, clothes).
  2. It is better to think about your qualities and achievements, strive upward, find those wonderful qualities in yourself that others do not have.
  3. It is important to get rid of the concept of “should”, the world does not always meet our expectations, we need to accept this fact and move on with our lives, enjoying what we have.
  4. It is necessary to learn to wish people well, to sincerely express feelings, and not to envy.
  5. Compliment people, look for only the good in everyone.
  6. Don’t stop developing and moving forward - towards what you want and inspire.

Attention! There cannot be two identical paths in life - everyone has their own path in life and a mission that needs to be fulfilled. So why envy another by taking over his obligations.

Think about what you envy and what you will do if it appears to you. I want a car, but can you drive it? I want to go up to the 3rd floor, can you clean it, and can you afford to pay the utilities? Or maybe you want 5 children like your neighbor, but you hardly know what to do with them.

In this matter, it is important to understand one thing - develop personally, achieve the desired heights, and do not lie on the bed, envying everyone. And if you become the object of envy, then limit communication with such a person, do not bring negativity into your life.

If you are envied, think about why - maybe you deliberately cause this feeling, you cannot fight back others. You need to develop your own core; you should not adapt to the opinions and assessments of others.

Learn to live together, grow personally, take care of each other and be happy!

Contents of the article:

A friend's envy is irritation life successes friends, when everything works out for her ( good family, work, men adore), but not everything works out for her. This is self-pity for not being so lucky in life. Such jealousy often leads to discord and breakdown of relationships, and can sometimes lead to a tragic outcome.

Why are people envious?

Before talking about female envy, you should understand what kind of envy it is. psychological phenomenon- envy? Why does it occur, and can it be overcome?

Even in ancient times, Democritus said that “envy creates discord among people.” So this is a destructive beginning in human relationships. For example, two people are friends with school years. For one, everything he does comes out easily. The student is lazy, doesn’t like to study, but is called to the blackboard and answers in such a way that the teacher sets an example. And another person spends the whole evening poring over a problem, but cannot find a solution.

And, for example, a friend’s envy arises that “everything is so easy for her, but I can’t do it.” It’s good if envy is not black, from which, as the Tajik poet Nuriddin Jami (1414–1492) noted, “can blind the mind.” For example, an envious person, out of jealousy, does dirty tricks on a friend, can slander him behind his back, but when they meet, he smiles affectionately and confesses his friendship.

Such envy is condemned by the Church and is considered a sin. In Orthodoxy it is equated with pride. Tame your pride, only then can you be considered a true person. This is one of the main ideas of Christian doctrine.

In contrast to “black” envy, there is “white” envy. When they sincerely rejoice at the successes of others, without wishing any nasty things on them. Let’s say it could be pride in one’s state, when at some sports competitions the country's team wins medals.

Psychologists believe that envy is inherent in people, and consider it as a psychological phenomenon that carries a destructive principle. After all, envious people often want to possess what does not belong to them. This is in material terms, but in spiritual terms - they are simply not able to possess what nature did not give them. For example, outstanding physical or mental abilities.

In her work Envy and Gratitude, psychoanalyst Melanie Klein (1882-1960) notes: “An envious person feels bad at the sight of pleasure. He feels good only when others suffer. Therefore, all attempts to satisfy envy are futile.” Since there is always a reason to be jealous of the success of another. After all, apples in someone else's garden are always tastier than in your own.

The German sociologist Helmut Schöck (1922-1993) comprehensively explored all aspects of envy in his work “Envy: A Theory.” social behavior" In its development, this negative feeling goes through three stages. It starts with rivalry - who is the best, then there is annoyance that he (she) succeeds, but I do not.

At the last stage, the understanding comes that you need to admit your “defeat”. And black envy appears, slander begins against one’s friend, which, as a rule, leads to a break in relations.

Envy is reflected in literature. Soviet writer Yuri Olesha, in his novel “Envy,” wrote about the destructive beginning of this feeling in Soviet society. This is not better quality dedicated to the novel by the English writer L. Hartley “Justice is Present”.

A lot of bad things have been said about envy, but... Nobel laureate on literature, public figure and the philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) stood up for it, saying that it is the “foundation of democracy”, as it drives the progress of society.

Important to know! Envy is a disgusting property of the soul, often leading to hatred, intrigues and treachery. That's why she was always condemned by society.

The main reasons for girlfriend envy

Envy between friends is a common manifestation of women's feelings. If only because every woman wants to look “no worse than others.” Let’s say a friend has an elegant dress, I want one too. It’s good if this does not affect friendly communication. Otherwise, it is a sign of growing alienation leading to a complete cessation of the relationship.

Signs of a friend's envy can be different, not all of them characterize the envious woman from the bad side. Let's take a closer look at what factors lead to envy. These could be:

  • Successful family. Everything is going well with my friend: a caring husband, children doing well at school or college. IN family life complete prosperity. There is something to envy, especially if your personal life is not very good. It’s good when, looking at your girlfriend, you want to change your life for the better. In this case, they talk about “white” envy. But it often happens that an envious feeling becomes “black”, and a bad feeling arises in the soul: out of jealousy, you want to denigrate your friend. In such cases, gossip begins, they say, she only tries to look happy in public, but this happens at home...
  • Happy appearance. Women are sensitive to their appearance and your friends. Let's say a friend is beautiful and has a great figure, all men pay attention to her, always compliment her, this makes her always in a good mood. But men don’t fall for her, it makes her nervous and causes her to be in a bad mood. The girl begins to worry and be jealous of her best friend.
  • Love. We were friends inseparable. But then they met a young man with whom they both fell in love. He chose one of them. In most cases, a girlfriend whose feelings were rejected cannot come to terms with this. Friendship comes to an end. “Deceived and abandoned” begins to envy. The envy of an ex-girlfriend can go so far that she sees her best friend as a rival who screwed her over with her marriage. This, in her opinion, is not only worthy of condemnation, it is necessary to actively act. Gossip and intrigues begin. Two bosom “soulmates” in the recent past become irreconcilable enemies for life.
  • Prestigious job. My friend has a decent income; she can afford, say, a cafe or restaurant. And she often invites her not-so-successful friend with her. She begins to envy, because she is short on money and does not allow herself anything extra. It is good if such envy, without far-reaching consequences, does not develop into hostility and alienation, ending in a break in relations.
  • Extraordinary abilities. The girl is a bright personality. Whatever she undertakes, she does it quickly and well. Let's say she sings and dances talentedly or is an excellent athlete. But her best friend does not have such talents. Because of envy, quarrels and showdowns can occur. Russian playwright Yakov Knyazhnin (1740-1791) once aptly noted that envious people are sad because of the well-being of others.
  • Envy at the instigation. Suppose a girl does not have her own firm, established opinion, but she is instigated because of dislike for the “upstart”. For example, look how lucky your girlfriend is, and all because she knows how to approach the boss, where she needs to smile and praise. You’re a big rogue, but you’re not like that, quiet and meek, you can’t do that, that’s why they don’t notice you, although you deserve more. After listening to such selfish speeches, the girl begins to envy her bosom friend and plots against her.
  • Bad childhood. My parents lived poorly and always envied those who lived well. Tales about rich people who only cry in TV series left a mark on my soul. The girl has grown up, studies or works, she has friends, but she perceives any of their success painfully. She envies her girlfriends, not trying at all to achieve well-being in life through hard work. Black envy destroys the soul and leads to an unhappy life; her friends turn away from her.
  • Career growth. Let's say good friends work together. At work they compete to see who achieves the best position. The boss gave preference to one, she quickly got promoted, while the other continues to vegetate in her humble post. This situation causes a feeling of envy. My friend's well-being begins to depress me. There is a breakdown in the relationship.
  • Self-love. When a woman is proud, she is jealous of other people's success. Even if she achieved it close friend. And it makes no sense that a friend has a talent, say, to write poetry, but she doesn’t. The main thing is that they pay more attention to her and she always has to be in the shadow of her glory. This is a blow to pride that is hard to bear. This is how envy arises, which “knows no days off.”
  • Malice. To a woman who is naturally evil, people seem bad. They always do the wrong thing. Even when everything works out well for them. Jealousy flares up towards such people, it gives no rest and pours out a stream of abuse towards successful person. The evil girl has friends, but gets along with them for the time being. Since envy of them breaks through feigned friendliness, which ultimately leads to the breakdown of friendly relations.

Important to know! There is always a spirit of envy in women's groups. They are full of idle fiction, rumors and gossip.

How to recognize a friend's envy?

To determine your friend's envy, you should pay attention to her behavior. Suppose, while talking, she vigorously expresses joy over your success, argues emotionally and for a long time about this, which leaves an unpleasant impression.

TO external signs The envy of your best friend should include the following nuances in communication:

Important to know! There is an expression that “envy is by-product success." If a friend is jealous of you, it means that she considers herself inferior in many respects, not very successful in life. Sooner or later, such black envy will manifest itself in bad actions, and the friendship will come to an end.

What are the consequences of envy?

The consequences of a friend's envy can be very serious, this is the case when the relationship is completely broken and former girlfriends become enemies for life. Let's say a woman is successfully making her career, her friend is jealous of her and speaks poorly of her behind her back. If the character of a “careerist” is proud and tough, she does not forgive the meanness of her best friend and stops communicating with her.

Envy does not always lead to the extreme that you have to sort things out almost with fists. The quarrel can be long-lasting, but over time the emotions subside, the discord is forgotten and the girlfriends begin to be friends again. This can happen if both are gentle in character, know how to give in and forgive mistakes. Qualities that are available to few people, and therefore very valuable in communication.

Envy can give a positive boost to friendships when one admires the accomplishments of one's acquaintances. For example, a girl has achieved significant success in sports, a friend envies her achievements and tries to imitate her. Such envy cannot be called “black”, which is destructive to relationships.

Important to know! Alexander Rosenbaum sings that envy “cripples souls, poisons thoughts, alters dreams.” This is the worst thing she can bring to a best friend relationship.

What to do if your girlfriend is jealous?

What should you do to avoid unnecessary stress when your best friends are jealous? And is it possible to restore a relationship if a girlfriend turns out to be envious, or is it better to break up and forget about friendship with her as about the unsuccessful days of your life?

Every prudent woman should decide these issues herself, based on her own life experience. But it doesn’t hurt to listen to a reasonable word either. In such cases, you should adhere to following rules:

  • Frank conversation. It’s worth having a heart-to-heart talk and finding out all the “controversial” issues that sow misunderstandings between you. Only openness and honesty can return the former cloudless relationship. Let’s say your friend is jealous that you have a boyfriend and she doesn’t, so she often gets nervous and accuses you of not spending enough time with her, but “you keep disappearing with your boyfriend.” This is deeply personal, it’s not up to her to decide who you need, but if you don’t want to lose your friend, you should treat her words with sympathy, console her and tactfully convince her that everything will work out well for her too.
  • Psychological support . Let's say she's jealous of your appearance or can't afford the same dress. There is no need to rudely mock her, so as not to hurt her pride, but rather praise her. Let's say that she looks very good today, and this outfit suits her. Only a careful attitude towards your friend’s feelings will help maintain a good relationship, not overshadowed by envy.
  • Never please! If you feel that your friend is unhappy, you don’t need to fawn on her or try to “shadow” the unpleasant topic. This will only strengthen her conviction that you are to blame for her. And your “fault” is that she is jealous of, say, your happy family relations which she doesn't have.
  • No need to humiliate. It often happens that in female friendships (in male friendships too) there is a leader and a follower. The latter gets the role of listening to advice and instructions. You should never mock your friend’s successes, saying that there is nothing worthwhile in them. Humiliation is fraught with envy, thoroughly saturated with hidden malice towards a “superior” friend. An offended soul is often envious.
  • Don't use "forbidden" topics. For example, don't talk too much about your boyfriend so that men pay attention to you. This can cause a friend to feel jealous and jealous of such conversations, which will lead to hostile relationships.

Important to know! If you have tried all the ways to establish contact with a friend who suddenly began to envy you, but nothing worthwhile has come of it, you should end your relationship with her.

How to recognize a friend's envy - watch the video:

True friendship presupposes honesty and openness, when both parties have equal rights in their relationships and do not think at all about which of them owes “more or less” to the other. This is the “salt” of true relationships between real friends. Only in this case you won’t have to talk about the envy of your close friend.