
How to reduce calves on girls legs with exercises? We correct the shape of the legs, get rid of full calves.

Many women are concerned appearance their legs. The calves are sometimes too massive. The muscles in the calves become enlarged due to swelling, excessive physical training. Sometimes they remain large when a girl has lost weight. As a result, the calves not only look too large, making the appearance unfeminine and rude, but also visually shorten the legs. This problem needs to be addressed because your calves can become so large that you simply won’t be able to wear your favorite jeans again. Yes, and in “mini” legs will look ridiculous. How to reduce calves on your legs? Let's consider the most effective exercises and preventive measures. You will need to change your menu, watch your habits and constantly exercise. Your legs will begin to change right before your eyes, and very soon you will forget about big calves.

How to prevent enlarged calves on your legs? Simple tips
First of all you will need to do general recommendations. This is the only way you can control the increase in your calves, create good conditions to reduce volumes.
  1. Shoes. Avoid uncomfortable shoes, high heels, or platform shoes. It is advisable not to wear high-laced shoes, which interfere with blood circulation and cause swelling. Your shoes should certainly be comfortable: their task is not to squeeze, but to gently fit your feet.
  2. Nutrition. Keep an eye on your menu. Don't eat a lot of sweets and fatty foods, don't salt your food too much and don't add spices. Temporarily eliminate all smoked and spicy foods from your diet. Stop drinking water three hours before bed.
  3. Pose. If you have a habit of sitting in a chair or on a sofa with your legs bent, you need to forget about it. You interfere with blood circulation, your legs swell. As a result, the calves become large and the legs become disproportionate.
  4. Bike. Fans of cycling will have to give up their hobby for some time. You will develop your calf muscles too much in this way; exercise will not be able to cope with the volume. Don't ride a bike for at least 3-4 months until you see clear results from the exercise. If you need a bicycle, reduce your travel time by at least half. Otherwise, your big calves will stay with you.
  5. Walks. A golden mean is needed here. There is no point in giving up walking at all - your calves may “sag” and your leg will lose its shape and elasticity. In addition, walks on fresh air good for overall health and improves body tone. The best option– walk for about half an hour, no more.
  6. Aerobics. Do regular aerobics, train with a jump rope. A good option is step aerobics.
  7. Losing weight. If you are losing weight, but your calves do not lose volume, try to slightly reduce the rate of weight loss during training. Otherwise, exercise will still not help eliminate the problem: you will lose weight quickly, and your calves will “dry out” more slowly.
  8. Fitness. When you are already concerned about the size of your calves, you need to stop doing leg exercises on machines. Otherwise, the muscles will continue to grow.
  9. Measure. Keep it in moderation and don’t forget about common sense, reducing the volume of your calves. Please note that the legs should not resemble sticks and should have the same volume along the entire length. A beautiful feminine leg is distinguished by graceful lines and a slight increase in volume above the knee. Too much skinny legs they look long-legged, reminiscent of the legs of a teenage girl. When doing exercises, doing special exercises to reduce calves on your legs, know how to stop in time. Your legs should be harmonious and feminine, look natural.
Follow the tips: this way you will be able to naturally reduce the volume of your calves and increase the effectiveness of the exercises.

How to reduce calves on your legs? Let's do exercises!
Do a variety of exercises, exercise regularly, and gradually increase your stretching. Exactly like this purposeful work over your body will help you really reduce your calves noticeably. Don't forget about exercise. It is very important to perform them constantly, without long breaks or missing days.

  1. Warm up your muscles first. Before each lesson, you need to run in one place for about 2-3 minutes. Best option– do it on tiptoes. Also sit down a few times.
  2. Do some stretching. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Try to stand in one line. Feel your whole body. Slowly bend your body forward, bending at the waist. Touch the floor with your hands. Lower your head as low as possible. Imagine that you are bending in half, and be sure to watch the muscles of your calves: they should tense, stretch. Then straighten up just as calmly.
  3. Ballet exercise. One can truly envy the beauty of ballerinas' legs. A simple ballet exercise will help you reduce calves on your legs at home. Stand up straight. The feet should be parallel to the shoulders. Squat carefully and slowly. You only need to bend your knees, and tense your hip muscles. Focus on your feet first. After sitting down like this 10-15 times, repeat the exercise, but this time focusing on your toes, slightly lifting yourself up on them.
  4. Take a jump rope and start jumping, noting the time on the clock. Jump on two legs for about 10 minutes. Then you need to jump on one leg for at least 5 minutes. When you are just getting used to exercise, you can limit yourself to 6 minutes on two legs, and 3 minutes of jumping on each leg separately. Increase the time gradually.
  5. Stretching to reduce the size of your calves. Stand up straight. You can lean your back a little on the wall for stability, but you can’t put any emphasis on your back. Place your entire body weight on one leg. The other leg needs to be bent at the knee. Take your foot with both hands and begin to gradually stretch the bent leg and straighten it. Try to create an angle of about 90 degrees between your legs. Pull your leg gently, but firmly enough - your calf muscles should tighten well. It is usually not possible to immediately achieve the desired angle, but with each session the stretching becomes better. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  6. Perform rolls. Stand on your heels and quickly take 15-20 steps, and then immediately roll onto your toes and continue walking on them, also about 20 times. Repeat the exercise at least 2 times.
  7. Warm up. As a warm-up, you need to run in place for about 2 minutes. It's better to do this on tiptoe. Then quickly tiptoe for about 20 small steps, standing in one line and raising your arms. Watch your calf muscles: they should be tense.
  8. Swing your legs. Before this exercise, place a chair nearby. You may need the backrest as a support point. Place your feet parallel to your shoulders and extend one leg forward. Pull the toe well so that all the muscles tense. Swing back quickly while holding onto the back of the chair. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  9. Squats again. Before the end of the workout, do squats again.
  10. Lunges forward. Lunging with your feet forward will help reduce your calves. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Make sharp lunges with your feet forward, one at a time. After lunging, be sure to fix your body position and feel how the muscles in your legs tense.
  11. Massage. After class, be sure to sit down, completely relax, stretching your legs. Massage your calves and massage them with a dry towel. You will increase blood flow, increasing the effectiveness of your workouts.
Do exercises every day. They should take you about an hour and a half. Gradually increase the load, remember that training should not harm your health. Follow the plan and don't skip exercises to achieve the best results. Your calves on your legs will begin to shrink before your eyes.

There are several ways to reduce calves in girls: liposuction, drying, weight loss. The optimal option is selected individually, based on the woman’s desires. To achieve a quick result in the fight against calf muscle volume, it is recommended to use several methods at once.

How to remove fat from calves

Many women who are impressed by thinness want to always be slim, fit and beautiful. To achieve this result, they go on diets, exhaust themselves with long daily workouts, intense physical activity, and actively play sports several days a week. At the same time overweight goes away, but the problem of thick calf areas, which cannot be reduced instantly, remains unresolved. What to do in this case?

The lower leg is always under heavy load, subcutaneous fat acts as a protective barrier, so female body consumes it very slowly. How to reduce calves in this case? Experts recommend doing gymnastics, running fast several times a month, jumping, giving up carbohydrates and limiting vegetable fats in your diet. Walking, regular walks, squats, and their comprehensive strengthening will help reduce large shins.

The main ways to make your calves thinner:

  • sports, a set of specially designed exercises;
  • drying, stretching;
  • liposuction;
  • massage.

Before choosing the appropriate method that will allow you to achieve thin calves, it is necessary to establish the cause of fullness. These could be:

  • regular swelling of the limbs;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • gait;
  • accumulated fat.

How to reduce inflated calves

Pumped calf muscles – no less serious problem, which occurs due to excessive stress on the legs (you can pump up the calf muscles if you allocate minimal time for stretching). How to reduce calves if they are overly pumped:

  • Exercise 1: sitting on the floor, tilt your legs towards your toes, pull your toes towards you, then away from you. Hold them in each position for one minute. Perform 3 approaches - this way you can reduce the volume of the problem area by 1 - 2 centimeters.
  • Exercise 2: In a standing position, bend one leg, put the other one slightly forward, pull the toe towards you, bend towards the straight leg, stand in this position for 30 seconds, then change legs. This exercise will help reduce the problem area after 5-6 sessions.

You can reduce inflated calves if:

  • reduce the load on your legs;
  • exclude long-term performance of the same type of exercises;
  • Replace running with walking;
  • Before each workout, stretch your muscles well;
  • periodically resort to drying.

How to quickly lose weight in your calves

If the calf muscles appear thick due to the accumulation of excess fat, it is recommended to go on a diet to reduce them. In addition, it is recommended to exclude fatty and spicy foods from the diet, foods containing carbohydrates, vegetable fats, climb the stairs every day, and control the amount of water you drink per day. A set of specially selected exercises that can be performed at home will also help you quickly lose weight in your calves.

Exercises for calves

Pay attention to the beautiful legs of ballet dancers or gymnasts - their calf muscles do not contain anything superfluous and can be considered the standard of beauty and perfection. The following exercises to reduce your calves will help you quickly solve the problem:

  • you need to stand up straight, spread your legs hip-width apart, take a deep breath, and as you exhale rise on your toes (at first it is recommended to perform this exercise for the calves 20 times, over time the number of repetitions can be increased to 30 to reduce problem area a few centimeters);
  • Having taken the same position, spread your feet to the sides, transfer your body weight to one leg, bend the other at the knee, inhale, rise onto your toes, do the exercise alternately on each leg at least 15 times.

Calf stretch

How to remove calves on legs using this method? To begin with, as experienced trainers advise, you need to thoroughly warm up your muscles to prepare them for intense exercise. Otherwise, you may get injured or sprained. It is recommended to perform the following exercises daily:

  • exercise 1: stand facing the wall, take a step back with one leg, fix the heel, roll the body forward so that the knee moves towards the wall, hold the position for thirty seconds, repeat with the other leg;
  • exercise 2: sit on the floor, stretch your legs, bend over, straighten your back, lean on your hands from behind, fix the pose for thirty seconds (this stretching of the calves will help relax tight muscles and make them more flexible).

Drying the calf muscles

How to reduce calves this way? It is necessary to change the mode of water consumption and nutrition. It should not be forgotten that drying calf muscles– this is not losing weight, but getting rid of subcutaneous fat with preservation muscle mass. Fats and carbohydrates, which are deposited in the form of liquid, creating unnecessary volume, should be excluded from the diet. The fewer carbohydrates a person consumes, the faster fat is burned. To improve the effect, it is important to use various aids And vitamin complexes.

Calf liposuction

Before reducing your calves in this way, you need to evaluate all its pros and cons. What is calf liposuction? This surgery, during which the shape of the calf muscles is corrected, allowing you to quickly reduce their volume without grueling training. It involves preliminary liquefying subcutaneous fat with a special solution and removing it from the body. Disadvantages of liposuction:

  • the need to use anesthesia, which will help facilitate the operation and reduce pain;
  • the presence of a number of contraindications;
  • long recovery period;
  • high cost of the procedure.

This method of reducing the calf muscles helps to relax the tight muscles and makes them flexible. Massage of calves is carried out for 15 – 20 minutes. It has a strengthening, restorative effect, normalizes blood circulation, prevents swelling, relieves fatigue and a feeling of heaviness. Before reducing the volume of the calf muscles by resorting to massage, you must first consult with a specialist.

Video: how to lose weight in your calves

The information you can get from the videos below will help you get skinny legs in a short time. A set of exercises and general rules which are recommended to be followed will be useful to all women who at least look perfect. If you follow these recommendations, you can achieve excellent results in one to two months.

Exercises for losing weight on calves

How to lose weight in the lower leg

How to reduce calf size

Too large calves on the legs can upset any girl. This is not only difficulty in choosing boots, but also a feeling of insecurity due to the inharmonious silhouette of the legs. Thick, overly muscular or swollen shins do not look very attractive and can make their owner feel complex. But don’t worry, because knowing how to reduce calves on your legs, you can solve this issue.

How to quickly reduce calves?

  • First of all, we must try to establish as accurately as possible the cause of excessively voluminous shins, the most common of which are:
  • Swelling of the extremities, which is accompanied varicose veins veins It may appear as a result of high tissue looseness, accompanied by an unpleasant burning sensation and pain. Some diseases can also cause swelling.
  • The innate body structure is the so-called hypersthenic build. Signs: predominance of muscle mass, broad bone, stocky figure.
  • The presence of fat deposits in the legs, which can become pronounced if you lose weight in the waist and hips.
  • Heavily pumped muscles. Most often, this phenomenon occurs among athletes, professional ballerinas, those who are passionate about running, and of course, excessive occupation fitness.
  • Once the reason for the strong development of the calves has been established, you can begin to select a method for eliminating this defect.
  • If the issue is excess fat deposits, then you should use the following methods, namely:
  • Regularly apply a variety of wraps using cling film, which will provide a soft warming effect on the shin. Consequently, the process burns fat cells much faster, and also removes harmful toxins from the skin.
  • The benefits come from following special low-calorie diets with a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats.
  • Every day you need to perform a simple set of physical exercises aimed at working out problem areas. At the same time, blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer is significantly improved. It is important that the exercises are performed daily, and long repetitions are encouraged.
  • Special massagers that have a rough applicator - plastic or wooden - will also help you get rid of fat deposits (you must act carefully to avoid bruising).

How to reduce the size of calves?

In women, calves can become enlarged as a result of excessive training, resulting in excess muscle mass. It is important to remember that this can happen both due to frequent exercise and as a result of daily diet too present large number proteins that are necessary for muscle growth.

To prevent further increase in volumes, it is necessary to special attention review your own diet for proteins. It is useful to temporarily reduce the amount of consumption of legumes, cheese, cottage cheese, milk and meat dishes. Thanks to this, it will be possible to significantly slow down the growth of muscle mass.

If you can’t avoid straining your calves, then you should try to at least reduce this load to the necessary minimum - for example, use elevators, avoid walking for a while hiking trips and cycling.

In case of training in gym, it is necessary to create a training program in such a way that there is minimal impact on the calves.

To reduce your calves, you can use a special set of exercises:

  1. Plie is one of the most popular exercises among professional ballerinas. You need to stand straight, place your feet parallel to your shoulders, and do squats. It is important that the muscles of the thighs are tensed, while the knees bend as much as possible. When performing the first 20 squats, support is placed on the entire foot, and for the next 20 repetitions you need to rise on your toes. When performing this exercise, you must be very careful, as there is a risk of serious injury.
  2. Jackknife - you need to sit on your buttocks and straighten your legs completely. Just like when doing stretches, you need to lean forward and stretch your arms, while trying to touch your feet with your fingers. You need to stay in this position for at least 1.5 minutes and perform up to 15 repetitions.
  3. Jump rope is a great way to help shrink your calves. Just 15 minutes on this sports equipment will be enough. Thanks to jumping, energy consumption accelerates, therefore, all the extra calories are spent, and the calves also begin to “dry out.”
  4. Rolls - this exercise is aimed at stretching the lower leg. You need to stand on your heels and march 30 times, while you must clearly feel your calves. Then sharp rolls from heels to toes are performed and you have to march again. There is 1 such roll per approach. At least 4 approaches are performed.
  5. You need to stand straight, with your feet slightly wider than your pelvis. First, the weight is transferred to the left leg, and the right leg rises and bends at the knee. Inhale and lift the left foot onto the toe. You need to perform 15 repetitions for each leg and gradually continue to increase the load.
  6. Lunges are a lighter option. In this case, you need to work not so as not to pump up the thigh muscles, but to reduce the size of your calves. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and perform a lunge, making sure that the heel of the second leg does not leave the floor. After a few seconds, return to the starting position.
  7. You need to stand straight, your legs are hip-width apart, your feet are parallel to each other. As you inhale, you need to rise up, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. To begin with, 20 repetitions are performed, and over time it is increased to 30.
  8. Lifting on toes - can be performed in several variations, so you can choose a more suitable option for yourself. You need to stand up straight, transfer your body weight to your right leg, and bend your left leg at the knee. Now you need to rise on your toes (at least 15 times). Then the exercise is performed for the 2nd leg. You can choose a more difficult option - stand not on the floor, but on a step or step.
  9. You need to kneel to avoid bruising, you should use a mat. Your hands are free, in front, your back is straight. Now you need to alternately sit down first in one direction, then in the other, while it is important to try to press your thigh as tightly as possible to the floor. At least 20 repetitions are performed.
  10. Batman - take a chair, holding the back, you need to stand next to it, your feet are parallel to each other. The right leg is extended forward, straining the toe, and a sharp swing forward is performed. For each leg you need to perform about 20 repetitions.

Thick calves: how to reduce?

In order to reduce the size of your calves and make them more graceful, just one exercise will not be enough, because you also need to pay special attention to your diet. Of course, they have not yet come up with a special diet aimed at losing weight in the calves, but you can use comprehensive weight loss, thanks to which the legs will gradually become smaller.

Nutrition should be balanced, and you should not overeat before bed. You should also avoid eating too salty and fatty foods. If severe swelling is a concern, before going to bed it is recommended to place your feet on a small hill (you can take a small pillow) and keep them in this position for at least 15 minutes. Throughout the day, you should try to periodically raise your legs. In this case, not only will the swelling quickly go away, the calves will shrink, but you will also feel general relief.

To relax your legs after training and consolidate the results achieved, you should do a light massage. Thanks to such a pleasant procedure, after the first session you will not feel so much muscle pain.

Bulk calves can ruin even very slender legs. But it is quite possible to overcome this problem. To do this, it is recommended to use special exercises, review your diet and, if necessary, get rid of swelling in your legs.

The topic of our article today is fat on calves. Yes, unfortunately, this also happens. It looks very unpleasant, the calves can look like a large hanging mass.

IN in good condition, calf muscle and shin - a thin place on the leg, especially where the foot attaches to the shin. In this place, in the normal condition of the leg, you can practically clasp the entire leg with your hand; there is little left to reach the full circumference, 3-4 centimeters, depending on the thickness of the bone and the majority of the fingers. Of course, a balance of 8 centimeters can be considered the norm, if you have small hands and pumped up legs, everything is individual.

A leg with a fat fold is easy to recognize. In this situation, the ankle takes the form of a “rectangle”. Don't understand? Now I'll try to explain. Normally, the ankle looks like, let’s say, a “baseball bat”, that is, on top there is a muscle, above there is a knee, below there is a place where the lower leg and foot are attached, it is usually thin.

In the presence of fat deposits on the legs in the thinnest place - fat fold, which spoils the appearance quite well, and also the calf muscle itself has a lumpy surface (with cellulite) or too smooth, but voluminous. Again, normally, the calf muscle is uneven, it is visually separated from the bone itself, it has veins running along the leg, that is, relief. Fat deposits “smooth out” the relief, it becomes “like a pillow.”

Do you want your hands to be beautiful and graceful? Then read an entertaining article about.

Are you on a diet? Then this diet is for you! Effective diet grapefruit+egg read

Losing weight through exercise is effective, but takes a lot of time. Most women are more accustomed to trying different diets. There are no specific diets for reducing shins, so you can lose weight according to the system that is most effective for you. The only thing is that you should not resort to using a mono-diet or a diet with a minimum number of calories. Enlarged calves can also be due to swelling; to prevent this from happening, reduce your intake of salt and canned foods.

Exercises to burn fat from calves

  • Jump ropebest way quickly remove fat not only from the legs and calves, but also in general
    disperse the blood in the legs and body. Many athletes use a jump rope as a good warm-up exercise machine. Do as many jumps as you can. To keep track of the quantity, you don’t have to constantly count in your head; you can purchase a special jump rope with a counter, which we sell. Do at least 4-5 approaches. Can't start jumping rope? Practice, friends, just practice, do more, try, and you will succeed!
  • Gymnastic platforms which are widely used in fitness clubs - a great way to remove body fat and cellulite on the lower legs. Use gymnastic platforms or any other specific exercise equipment for your legs at home or in the gym and soon you will achieve results and the fat will recede.
  • Squats- a good way to improve the condition of your legs. But this exercise is often used to develop the upper legs, buttocks and thighs. But despite this, squats can also be used to train your calves, because they are also involved in the process.
  • Balancing pads and discs. These exercise machines help burn fat; they are used not only for the legs, but also for other parts of the body, such as the sides, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. Do as many exercises as possible that work as many muscles as possible.
  • Aerobics or dancing and attend classes several times a week. Such exercises will not only help strengthen your calves, but will also bring your figure into ideal shape. You will also learn to move gracefully and beautifully.
  • High heel can make your legs more graceful. Only a very high heel is not needed, the optimal height is seven centimeters.

How to remove fat from calves video

Effective physical activity that pumps up your calves

  • Frequent cycling.
  • Active exercises on an exercise bike.
  • Strength training equipment (lifting, lifting with weights).
  • Systematic jogging.
  • Step aerobics, beloved by many.

In any case, if your calves are too pumped, all this should be abandoned immediately (unless, of course, you are a professional cyclist or a step aerobics coach). All strength exercises minimize. And turn to stretching exercises. That is, we move on to calanetics, Pilates, bodyflex, yoga, finally. And we are working to stretch the pumped calf muscles as much as possible.

How to reduce pumped calves

Many athletes, as well as those who independently engage in sports “for themselves,” are faced with another problem – over-pumped calves. Pumped calves appear from regular loads on the legs and when allocating minimal time to stretching. Despite the fact that “drying” the muscles has a great effect on the volume of the figure, its plasticity is best emphasized by stretching the muscles. This is why professional trainers and athletes spend some time stretching all muscles after each workout. In this case, we are interested in the calves - and the results can be seen in just a week.

  • Sitting on the floor, bring your legs together and bend toward your toes. You need to pull your toes first towards you, and then away from you. You should linger in each position for half a minute or a minute and breathe deeply, as oxygen allows muscle fibers to function and stretch better.
  • Standing straight, bend one leg and place the other straight slightly forward, with the toe pulled towards you. Bend toward your straight leg, grasping your pointed toe. You also need to stand in this position for at least 30 seconds and then change legs.

More and more often you can see girls rushing to the gym in the hope of not only getting their body in order, but also to correct certain parts of the body. Large calves are a common problem among women.

Calf muscles– the most powerful group of muscles that are constantly at work in our daily activities. Every time we walk or run, these guys are working to keep us upright and balanced. In this article we will figure out why our calves are not ideal, and also look at simple and at the same time very effective exercises that will help you get toned and slender legs. Let's get started!

The calf muscle can be of two types:

1. Thick calves. Full calves in girls are the result of several reasons:

hereditary factor. If it just so happens that everyone in your family line is the owner of strong, fleshy calves, then you are most likely no exception! It is very difficult to bring such calves into the desired state; it requires a lot of time and effort. But if you set out to eliminate the problem, then the first and main solution is a set of exercises designed for the problem area.

fat deposition. The peculiarity of fat accumulation in a certain part of the body depends not only on genetic predisposition. If the fat content in your body exceeds 25% - 30%, then this is another reason for the fullness of the calves; fat begins to be deposited there too.
According to the latest scientific research psychological factor and the presence of diseases also affect fat distribution.

Owners of thick calves should be patient and step by step perform all the fitness exercises that promote blood circulation in this area. This helps displace the hated fat.

2. Pumped calves. Girls with pumped calf muscles are professional athletes who daily load their calf muscles with strength training and short-distance running.

To solve the problem in this case, you should try to avoid any stress on the calf muscle. Give preference to cross-country instead of sprint. Any elevation during training, long walking, step aerobics, intense cardio training are the enemies of your goal.

Stretching is the first solution to the problem

Stretching is the first answer to the question: “How to remove calves?” Remember what people who do gymnastics or yoga look like. Slender figures with chiseled legs - all this thanks to daily muscle stretching exercises.

Before you begin stretching exercises, the muscles need to be warmed up, otherwise you can get seriously injured. If you are working out at home, then to warm up you can do a light run in place or jump rope for a few minutes. If you train in the gym, then stretching is also performed after warming up the muscles, and after training it is advisable to do a short stretch as well. cool down or self-massage to relieve muscle tension.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly lower your body. Grasp the tips of your toes with both hands and bring your head as far as you can toward your shin. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Perform 5 approaches. This exercise targets the back of the thigh and calves.

Pressing the body to the leg

Get on your knees, stretch your left leg forward, pull your foot towards you. Press your body against your extended leg as far as your muscle stretch allows. Extend your arms parallel. Hold the position for up to 15 seconds. Do the same exercise with your right leg. Perform up to 5 approaches. The posterior thigh muscles and outer side calves

Lifting on your toes

Get on all fours. Without lifting your hands from the floor, lift your pelvis, standing on your toes. Without changing your posture, gradually, without sudden movements, lower yourself onto your foot. Hold this position for up to 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise up to 5 times. The calf muscle works completely.


Stand up straight and lunge forward with your right leg. Raise your hands up. Move your body forward, stretching your arms as far as possible. Hold this position for up to 1 minute. Repeat 5 sets. The lower leg muscles and gluteal muscles are involved.

Pressing your knees to your chest

Lie on the floor, bend your right leg, clasp your knee with your hands, leaving your left leg on the floor. Extend your feet away from you and press your knee as close to your chest as possible. Hold this position for up to 1 minute. Place your hands under your right thigh and extend your leg, pulling both feet towards you. Bend your leg and extend it again with your foot facing you. Repeat up to 5 times. Repeat the same exercise for your left leg. The muscles of the back and front of the thigh and the muscles of the lower leg work.

Leg abduction

Stand up straight. Take your left leg back and up, lower your hands to the floor to maintain balance. Press your torso against your leg as far as you can. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Repeat 5 sets. The muscles of the back of the thigh and lower leg work.

After stretching, give your calf muscles a short massage to relieve tension.

Remember! Perform stretching exercises until mild pain appears, especially if you have just started exercising. Excessive muscle tension can not only lead to severe pain, but it will also discourage you from continuing to pursue your goal!

A set of exercises at home

Not only aerobic exercise and stretching, but also various exercises for the problem muscle group will help make your calves thin.

There are many exercises for losing weight from the calves, let's look at the most common ones that can be performed both at home and on the street.

Jumping rope is the easiest type of exercise to perform that involves the calf muscles. When jumping, keep your back straight, use only your hands, and land on your toes. Jump rope starting from 5 minutes, eventually reaching a 30-minute workout.

Jump rope, landing on your toes, not your entire foot! This way, you soften the impact force upon contact with the floor. Jumping rope has contraindications, consult your doctor before starting exercise.

Alternating rise on toes

Place your feet wider than your shoulders, bend your knees, and point your toes out. Rise onto your toes alternately, first with your right foot, then with your left. Repeat up to 20 approaches. Internal calf muscles are involved.


Stand straight, bend your left leg at the knee, use your hands to help maintain balance. Rise up onto the toe of your right foot and lower onto your foot. Repeat until your muscles are tired at a fast pace. Repeat up to 20 approaches. Do the same exercise with your left leg. The lower leg muscle group works.

Calf raise #1

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist, feet apart. Rise onto your toes and lower onto your feet at maximum speed until your muscles fatigue. Perform up to 20 repetitions. This exercise involves inner side shins.

Calf raise #2

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, but turn your feet inward. Rise onto your toes and lower onto your feet at a fast pace until your muscles fail. Perform up to 20 repetitions. This exercise works the outer calves.

In addition to the above exercises, step aerobics is a good element for losing weight not only in the lower leg, but also in the entire body.

The video shows the basic elements of step, which can easily be performed at home:

Exercises for the gym

Leg press

This exercise uses a leg press machine. Place your feet in the machine so that only your toes are on the platform. To avoid injuring your knees, keep them slightly bent. The body and legs form a right angle.

We press the platform with our toes, the heels rise slightly. Use the platform only, no weight. Do the exercise with high speed until the muscles fail, this is how fat is burned and existing muscles dry out.

The feet can be placed straight, turned inward or away from you, this changes the area of ​​​​load on the calf muscles.

Take dumbbells of minimal weight, stand on any step 5-7 cm high with your toes, heels on the floor. Rise onto your toes and lower onto your heels at maximum speed, as in the previous exercise.

Below is a video with a more complete set of calf exercises suitable for the gym:

Each person has his own genetics and his own level of physical fitness, so everyone needs an individual approach to finding a set of exercises for losing weight in calves. Don't expect results in a very short period of time, especially in a week!

The average indicators are such that by doing stretching and the presented exercises 2-3 times a week, you can achieve the first successes after 3-4 months!

Exercises for losing weight over pumped calves

Any girl wants to have a toned, beautiful figure and very often it turns out that along with “pumping up” the necessary area, other, undesirable parts of the body also gain growth. For girls with large muscle volume in the calf muscle, intense strength training aimed primarily at the legs should be avoided.

Any elevation in the training complex, step aerobics and even wearing shoes with heels can lead to even greater enlargement of the lower leg. Avoid protein foods as much as possible, since protein is the main building element of muscle.

Besides stretching exercises Given above, there are several exercises that will help reduce over-pumped calf muscles.

Most effective way- This is jogging on a flat surface over long distances. With this type of running, the so-called slow muscle fibers, which have low frequency abbreviations. They have weak growth under prolonged loads.

When running, lower your leg onto your entire foot, do not run on your toes! So, you can damage the ligaments and tendons of the foot.

Elliptical trainer

This is an effective cardio machine that simulates running. Program the machine for minimum resistance and maximum execution time. Exercises on the elliptical for 30 minutes at least 4 times a week will bring the desired result.

This is a great workout for all muscle groups. Regular swimming will not only preserve fit shape, but will also improve blood circulation in all parts of the body and help lose weight in the right areas.

Exercise bike

An important element in your training is exercise on exercise bikes and cycling. Choose to ride on a flat surface, without weights. A light bike ride will not only lift your mood and improve your well-being, but will also help you acquire slender legs.

The most important rule The problem of getting rid of large calves is to follow all stages of the program:

  • Start your workout by warming up your muscles;
  • Move on to stretching and then a small set of exercises;
  • Finish your workout with self-massage of the calf muscle.

In addition to a set of exercises and exceptions for professional training, an important rule for reducing the size of the calf muscles is balanced diet, add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, give up fatty and floury foods. Diet in combination with physical exercise- a sure way to make your calves thinner.

Whatever calves you have - thick or thin, remember that every girl is unique in her own way and that part of the body that you consider problematic may actually be your advantage!