
Stones for Scorpio: talisman by date of birth. Let's talk about who is suitable for wearing black onyx stone

Scorpio is one of the few signs who, more than anyone else, feel their originality and understand their purpose in life. These are bright and emotional natures. They have enormous willpower and a desire for development and self-improvement. Scorpio is an incredibly unique sign. Gifts for people born under this sign should also be unusual and unique. Scorpio will be happy to receive it as a gift. But for Scorpio, they must be exclusive, unusual, original.

The best stones according to the horoscope

Strength and power to the most mysterious sign of the Zodiac, Scorpio, is given by three planets at once - Mars, Pluto and Uranus, the total impact of which gives rise to a character with a steely will, enormous vitality and boundless belligerence. To contain such a hurricane of energy, representatives of this sign must have almost magical power. And this explains what gems Suitable for Scorpios are those endowed with pronounced magical properties. These include: alexandrite, bloodstone, topaz, pyrite and tourmaline.

Which stones to choose for Scorpio? Tourmaline is suitable for Scorpio men; it will help a man develop intuition, and will also give happy love. Tourmaline should be chosen red, either. Pyrite, a stone belonging to the element of fire, protects against diseases and attracts money. Hematite - protects against adverse effects, is the strongest talisman for men. A much larger number of gemstones are suitable for Scorpio women. You can see the main ones below.

Suitable stones for Scorpio

Pomegranate- a gemstone that has a scarlet or purplish-reddish tint. This stone is often endowed with magical properties; it is believed that it is capable of purifying the soul, mind, and mind. This stone is capable of increasing Scorpio’s attention, making thoughts and intentions clear and pure. Yellow or brown pomegranates can heal skin diseases, such as allergies. Pomegranates can help with migraines, weakness and sore throat. Garnet is considered a stone of love, it will the best gift for a loved one.

Ruby is able to give its owner strength and courage.

Coral gives a person strength, bestows wisdom and modesty. Is - for romantics, has a wonderful influence on the imagination.

Topaz- a stone capable of developing intuition, it has long been called the “stone of psychologists.” Topaz has many shades, which will certainly please Scorpio. Most often you will see blue or yellow topazes; green, bright blue and orange are less common. In ancient times, sailors always took this stone with them on long voyages, as it was believed that it was able to calm storms and calm the sea. Also topaz - stone for Scorpio can cure insomnia. Topaz can reveal to its owner the essence of things and develop the gift of foresight. In the lives of those born in November, golden topaz attracts friendship and love, gives beauty to women, and wisdom to men.

Malachite- a stone for Scorpio, which has several shades: from light green to rich dark. Quite an unusual stone. Able to change depending on the mood and feelings of its owner. It’s not for nothing that it’s called the “mirror of the soul.” Helps in travel, protects a person from dangers. In Ancient Egypt it was used as an amulet to protect against damage and the evil eye. Attracts money. It is the strongest talisman that protects children.

Aquamarine- a stone ideal for Scorpios. Characteristic properties are harmony and tranquility. The brighter the color of the stone, the higher its cost. In order for the abilities of a person born in late October - early November to be used only for “peaceful purposes,” gemstones for Scorpio must organize his energy and direct him in a constructive direction. And it is better not to use those minerals that are dissonant with the very nature of this sign. Thus, a Scorpio who does not tolerate any deception and never disdains “innocent” lies brings only failures and troubles.

Opal- an incredibly beautiful stone; jewelers recommend wearing it in a gold frame. Opal helps to reveal the talent of its owner, helps to achieve a goal, to achieve success. The stone has several colors: white, translucent, light blue, green, yellow, red, black. Opal can be used as a talisman stone for Scorpio, both for men and women.

Cornelian- one of the oldest stones. It has warm shades: yellow, orange, brown. In Ancient Egypt, this stone was considered miraculous, capable of curing many diseases. It was ground into powder and added to medicines. It is generally accepted that carnelian can relieve headaches, improve blood circulation, and help in the treatment of diseases thyroid gland. Works great on nervous system, improves skin color. Is talisman stone for Scorpio, attracting love into a person’s life. A talisman with this stone is able to regulate relationships, prevent quarrels, and lift your spirits.

Hematite- a stone for Scorpio, having a dark red or black color. The stone has several names: sanguine, bloodstone, iron kidney. Hematite is a stone suitable strong people. It should be worn in a silver frame. Hematite is considered the stone of magicians; many are attributed to it. healing properties. Hematite has the ability to accumulate energy. Under no circumstances should it be worn on a naked body; it can become hot. It is better to wear it in winter; it is able to heat up from the body and transfer the resulting heat to the owner of the stone. Bloodstone, a brown-black hematite, is the strongest amulet stone for Scorpios, it enhances their supernatural abilities and protects them from evil spirits. Since ancient times, it was believed that bloodstone could protect a soldier going to war from death.

Alexandrite- a very mysterious stone. Changes color depending on the lighting. Alexandrite is able to cleanse the blood and treat its diseases; it is named after Alexander II. Alexandrite, thanks to its amazing ability to change color, has long earned a reputation as a magical stone. And for good reason - it gives fantastic luck, material prosperity and longevity. True, only to those who are able to withstand its test of strength.

Apatite is a Scorpio stone that can treat many diseases and have a positive effect on thyroid function. Excellent effect on the nervous system. The stone is recommended for Scorpios, who often expose themselves to stress and have dangerous work. It is often chosen as a mascot by doctors, rescuers, military personnel, and police officers.

Jet- a stone that can protect its owner. Free him from insomnia and bad dreams. Gives the owner courage and luck in various areas of life. The color of the stone is black. Less common is brown jet, or jet with inclusions various colors. For example, blue.

Actinolite- a stone that contains various crystals consisting of silicon. Actinolite has a greenish tint. This color is explained by the presence of iron compounds in the stone. Emerald spar, stibolite, smaragdite are other names for the stone. This stone has a great effect on Scorpio’s health and well-being. Has a particular influence on cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system. It is a symbol of honesty, courage, love, decency and loyalty. This stone gives wisdom to a Scorpio person. Astrologers recommend wearing it to all those who dream of changing their own lives, starting over from scratch. This is a stone that brings change. for other zodiac signs are on our website.

Pyrite, a stone of the element of fire, is a symbol of reckless courage, ardent passion and iron health - one of the most effective money amulets. He is credited with the ability to protect against sudden death and diseases, including newborn children.

Tourmaline- a stone for Scorpio should be black or dark red. Black tourmaline sharpens intuition and evokes prophetic visions; It is dangerous to wear it for a long time. Red tourmaline is a good talisman for creatively gifted men, it brings them happy love, nourishes sexual energy, and helps artists achieve recognition.


Scorpion– the most mysterious sign of the zodiac. The element of this sign is water, and all representatives of this element are calm and outwardly unperturbed. But since the planets influencing Scorpio are Mars and Pluto, behind the external calm lies a lava of passions, experiences and unbridled aspirations.
Scorpio always knows what he wants. The essence of his nature is determination. The taste for life is tireless. Rebels under any coercion, rebellious to the point of anarchism if he is contradicted. Individualist, despiser public opinion and customs. Born under an inharmonious sky. His decisions are irrevocable. Armed for life, he knows how to defend himself, but is afraid to attack, thanks to his strong will and perseverance. Scorpio's influence on other signs is great. He penetrates the souls of others at one glance: he himself is distrustful, the secret is impenetrable and inaccessible. They are easily excited, capable of kindness, prone to magnetism and strong sexuality. In a sense, Scorpios are the most sexy sign Zodiac. In the worst case, this is expressed in perversions; in the best, sexual energy is sublimated into different kinds creativity.
Since two extremes coexist in Scorpio at the same time, dangerous black, red, blue and lilac stones of rich color are best suited for this sign. Scorpio does not tolerate delicate and light colors, especially yellow and golden-green, since in nature the season for these colors has ended. Scorpio has sufficient potential of its own to manage its energies, having at its disposal blue, red and black shimmering stones that will never harm it.

BELOMORIT. The name "belomorite" comes from the name of the White Sea, located in North Karelia, where this stone was first found. Technically, it is feldspar (albite) with iridescence in grey-blue, white and violet tones. The stone belongs to the opaque white moonstones. Belomorite has a bluish tint, is a very fragile stone, and breaks easily. It is difficult to make crafts from it because it is soft and flakes like mica. It is recommended for magicians who work in their sleep. This is a clairvoyant stone. Firstly, it is a remedy for insomnia. Secondly, it strengthens dreams, makes them clean, bright, and memorable. Belomorite is a talisman against dark forces, ill-wishers seeking to disrupt the course of life chosen by a person. Belomorite is a neat stone. He does not tolerate disorder, sloppiness, or excess trash in his owner's house. It should be purchased by everyone who does not enjoy household chores. The appearance of belomorite in a house will cause a person to have an irresistible desire to disassemble cabinets and desk drawers, get rid of unnecessary things, do general cleaning (or even repairs), and purchase the necessary things.
Belomorite will also help to restore order in the head of its owner: it will force him to logically comprehend the reasons for which troubles occur in his life; will require that a person urgently take care of his health, begin to improve in his professional field of activity, and do his job conscientiously.
Belomorite does not tolerate disorder in the owner’s personal life. If the owner of the stone is prone to frequent changes of partners, petty affairs, infidelity and a wild lifestyle, the stone will force him to make a choice and abandon his previous habits.
Wear it well in the ring on the little finger, cabochon cut with a treated inner surface, winter and autumn. You can purchase it any day.
The main deposit is located in North Karelia.

Pretty hard.

There are a lot of varieties of this mineral, the color range is very wide. Based on it, one can evaluate the influence of onyx on a person. Therefore, its different types may correspond different signs zodiac

But still, human civilization has accumulated enormous knowledge and observations. Summarizing all this, we can say with confidence that onyx is most suitable for people born under the signs: Virgo, Capricorn and Aries.

Thanks to the magical properties of onyx, those born under these signs become vessels that accumulate positive energy.

Things are going well for them. Luck in love affairs, health and optimism become their constant companions.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is age. Onyx gives preference to mature people who have managed to achieve something in this life. Now these people are looking for peace, tranquility, and reflecting on the meaning of life.

From the height of the years lived, one can accurately judge a person, whether his character, worldview, his achievements, and inclinations correspond to the description of the zodiac sign under which the person was born.

From the perspective of astrology, if we consider onyx - the signs of the zodiac, we can mention several more signs involved in the orbit of this mineral.

Raku black onyx is suitable,Leo And Scorpio sardonyx is a banded agate with white, black and brown stripes, which is one of the varieties of onyx.

By the way, if Virgo any type of onyx is ideal, thenCapricorn more black and white.

All signs need to be careful with black stones. Such a stone arouses in its owner a craving for enrichment, for the accumulation of material values, and a thirst for profit. But if you put this energy in the right direction, then enterprise and energy in business will be positive qualities personality.

Concentrates the power of three planets:Venus , Mars And Mercury .

Venus - This is the planet of feelings, love. Moreover, the love of money. She is responsible for the scale of life values.

Mars – these are desires, aggression, impulses, the desire for action.

Mercury – mind, intellect, reason, speech.

In order for the energy of onyx to be stable, it should be worn on the hand, on the middle finger. This applies to all signs that onyx favors. The best option– a silver ring with an inserted stone.

The best cut is round or oval. Onyx doesn't like gold. You can wear other jewelry with this stone (earrings, bracelets), they will have a beneficial effect on health.

There are no special prohibitions on wearing onyx by other zodiac signs. There is often a ban on wearing itGemini . Sometimes very categorical.

But don't go to extremes. Onyx will not harm the bearer of this zodiac sign, but there will be no benefit from such an amulet or talisman, due to their incompatibility.

Do you want to touch real onyx?

Then feel free to go to!

Under the influence of the planet Mars, people born under the sign of Scorpio have a strong-willed and purposeful character. The article lists the stones recommended for this sign. Find your talisman!

In the photo: gemstones from the Gem Lovers collection

If you are wondering which stone is suitable for the zodiac sign Scorpio, this article is for you. We have collected many sources with favorable stones for people born in different zodiac seasons, analyzed the information and prepared recommendations: talismans and suitable gemstones according to the horoscope.

Alexandrite for Scorpio

In the photo: alexandrite - the talisman of Scorpio

The royal gemstone alexandrite is a recognized talisman for people born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio. It was first discovered in the Urals in 1834 and named in honor of the then Tsarevich Alexander II, who celebrated his majority that year. This gem is so rare and expensive that finding a natural alexandrite of high jewelry quality is a great success.

Alexandrite is essentially a type of the mineral chrysoberyl. Distinctive feature This gem is recognized for its color changing effect - the ability to change color depending on the type of lighting: from bluish and greenish in daylight to violet-red in artificial light. In the East, it is accepted that alexandrite brings good luck, longevity and prosperity, and brings the emotional and rational components into balance.

Apatite for Scorpio

In the photo: apatite - the talisman of Scorpio

In nature, the mineral apatite is extremely rare in gem-quality crystals. Its name comes from the Greek "apathao", which means "I deceive". The fact is that the color palette of apatite is very diverse: yellowish, brownish, less often blue and green. In addition, when cut, apatite is similar to beryl, tourmaline, peridot and other gems. There is even a variety of jewelry apatite whose color resembles Paraiba tourmaline!

It is generally accepted that bluish and greenish apatites have a calming effect on a person, it is not for nothing that they call it “a stone that brings peace.” Apatite is considered a suitable stone for temperamental and strong-willed Scorpios, both men and women.

Ruby and Garnet for Scorpio

In the photo: hessonite garnet

Those born under the sign of Scorpio are under the protection of the planet Mars. Mars is a symbol of energy, action, strength and determination. Perhaps this is why the stones of Mars are blood-red rubies and garnets. Until the 18th century, these stones, along with red overcoats, were known under the word "lal".

Rubies are attributed to numerous medicinal properties and are associated with, including associated with love and passion. Ruby - the stone of Scorpio - encourages and inspires, kindles deep feelings. Red-colored garnets include varieties of pyrope, rhodolite and almandine.

Beryl for Scorpio

In the photo: beryls of different colors

Beryl is considered a reliable talisman for those born under the sign of Scorpio. The color variety of beryl is great: from colorless goshenite to rich emerald, this gem has high hardness and is beautiful when cut. For Scorpios, some authors consider the most suitable varieties of beryl to be of calm colors: blue and greenish aquamarine and pinkish morganite, as well as noble green beryl, which cool the passionate and ardent nature of Scorpio. Emeralds are more suitable for stubborn and headstrong Scorpios who are capable of taking risks.

Opal for Scorpio

In the photo: opal for Scorpios

Despite the fact that in traditional sources noble opal is not included in the lists of favorable stones for this zodiac sign, as well as among those not recommended, we found a mention of opal for Scorpios. With one single condition: the owner of this sign must be a person strong spirit, a passionate person, ready to take risks and go to the end in achieving her plans and truly capable of moving mountains. The opal should be bright, shimmering green, red, and blue.

Kunzite for Scorpio

In the photo: kunzite

Among the recommended auspicious stones for Scorpios, kunzite is mentioned, a type of spodumene mineral. Among astrology lovers, there is an opinion that kunzite has the ability to harmonize state of mind, reduce stress levels and counteract depressive moods. Pink spodumene is considered the stone of romantics: pastel pink and lilac are the colors of tenderness and elegance. The pink tint in kunzite makes this gem look like a pink diamond.

Topaz for Scorpio

In the photo: topaz for Scorpio

The traditional protective amulet for Scorpio is yellow topaz. They believe that this stone brings happiness to family life and love for this zodiac sign protects from dangers and losses. Imperial topaz gives rise to notes of optimism and attracts luck and joy to the dull everyday life of its owner. In addition, topaz is a stone of fidelity and decency. A man wearing topaz becomes wiser and more reasonable. Topaz yellow color mined in Brazil and some other countries.

In any case, topaz, regardless of color, is a favorable stone for those born under the sign of Scorpio.

Amethyst for Scorpio

In the photo: amethyst for the sign of Scorpio

Amethyst is recognized as a reliable talisman for Scorpios according to the horoscope. Amethyst imparts prudence and protects fanatical Scorpios from rash actions. In all cultures, amethyst was highly valued as a gem that reveals the most in a person. best qualities. In Ancient Egypt, it symbolized happiness and prosperity; in Europe, amethyst was used to express sincerity, and in the Indian tradition - kindness and good attitude. In addition to its positive properties, amethyst helps to awaken the power of the subconscious, or, as they say, to open the “third eye”. To do this, it is suggested to meditate with an amethyst or even just keep the stone under your pillow while sleeping.

Tourmaline for Scorpio

In the photo: verdelite - a type of tourmaline

It is generally accepted that tourmaline is perfect for people born under the sign of Scorpio. Among the many varieties of jewelry stones, tourmaline, according to legend, is one of the most powerful amulets and healing gem. Beliefs say that green tourmaline (verdelite) helps the owner cope with stressful situations and fatigue, as well as to recover, and pink tourmaline (rubellite) brings inspiration and a surge of creative energy to artists and architects. In addition, tourmalines are credited with anti-aging abilities.

If you are thinking about choosing a talisman, remember the main rule: you should like the gemstone. And even if it's not on the list suitable stones, listen to your inner voice! You can choose suitable gemstones for Scorpio in our catalog:


Dear Sirs! We bring to your attention the “Astromineralogy” section on our website.

Astromineralogy is the science of the energetic relationship between humans and minerals and metals. Astromineralogy is the connection between stones and zodiac signs.

In this section you will see articles that will help you, when purchasing jewelry inserts, better navigate the assortment based on your needs.


The constellation SCORPIO is under the influence of two planets - gloomy Pluto and red Mars, therefore in SCORPIO two extremes coexist at the same time. Based on the above, dangerous red, black, blue and lilac precious and semi-precious stones are best suited for SCORPIO, but do not forget about the “native” element of Water. SCORPIONS should take a closer look at the following stones: turquoise (green and blue-green), black pearls, corals (red, black and blue), opal (black and fire), blood red garnet, ruby ​​(dense red), black onyx , amethyst, malachite, obsidian.

ONYX. SCORPIO is a contradictory sign of love and death, greatly influencing others. Motto: "Song of love on the battlefield." SCORPIO has great resistance to life's difficulties. SCORPIO is dominated by two qualities of Mars: eroticism and aggressiveness. This Sign lives in full force with alternating successes and failures. Vital energy SCORPIO's have a big one. To balance the internal state, SCORPIO needs to wear jewelry with ONYX jewelry inserts. ONYX is the “stone of leaders,” which gives the ability to achieve a great goal and power over other people, clears the mind, helps defeat opponents, strengthens memory, protects against sudden death and attempts on life. The stone improves mood and gives cheerfulness. It evokes respect for its owner and cools excessive passion, helps concentrate energy and directs it into work.

RUBY. SCORPIO has a balanced mind and emotions. The vitality of SCORPIO, bestowed from birth, is enormous. SCORPIO can destroy himself with sad and angry thoughts and disregard for danger, and heal himself by gathering together strong will. SCORPIO was born under the most inharmonious and contradictory sky. SCORPIO is defined by hidden strength and asserts itself confidently and unquestioningly. Carries strong passions, sometimes dormant, but not dying. This character does not change. Satisfied with himself, despite the changes. SCORPIO does not allow defeats. Always knows what he wants. He rebels under any coercion and is disobedient if he is contradicted. An individualist who despises public opinion and customs. His decisions are irrevocable. RUBY will help SCORPIO to correctly distribute his forces to achieve his goals. RUBY is a stone of power, strength and violent energy associated with the karma of other people, strong and bright. Scarlet RUBY strengthens strength, drives away melancholy and protects the owner from evil spells.

POMEGRANATE. SCORPIO is a sensual nature, prone to excesses, including in love. SCORPIO was created for her. He is suspicious and jealous. The SCORPIO man is not inclined to show his feelings in public - he is rude, inattentive and even cruel. In private, he confesses his true attitude. A SCORPIO woman recognizes her chosen one with a sixth sense at first sight. He will have no choice but to submit to her charms, since she is an unusually passionate nature. GARNET will help SCORPIO to cope with his passion correctly. GARNET is a stone of fire, ardent and passionate love. GARNET is considered a symbol of heartfelt feelings, love and friendship; it is also called the stone of honesty. He is a talisman for lovers, he is given as a sign of friendship, memory and love. GARNET is a stone of love that can excite love passions and cheer the soul. It drives away sadness and brings joy to the owner.