
A 7-year-old girl has yellow discharge. Various secretions from the genital tract in newborn girls and girls

Article last updated: 04/12/2018

Discharge from the genital tract occurs not only in adult women, but also in children. Vaginal discharge in newborn girls can even be bloody. For adolescents during the formation of menstrual function, white discharge is characteristic. But whites can be one of the symptoms of inflammation of the genital tract or an unfavorable state of the body. If you ignore this symptom, then it is fraught in the future gynecological diseases and even infertility. Therefore, mothers should monitor the discharge of their daughters and contact a pediatric gynecologist in time.


The body of a newly born girl is influenced by maternal hormones. In the ovaries, uterus, cervix, vagina, mammary glands, changes occur similar to those that are characteristic of puberty. Therefore, mucous secretions appear. The composition and amount of secretions normally depends on the total physical condition body, especially nervous system, psychogenic factors and the hormonal status of women.

In 3% of newborns, bloody or muco-bloody leucorrhoea is possible. This is a reaction to a sharp drop in the level of sex hormones after birth. But inflammatory diseases of the vagina in young girls are rare - the protective effect of maternal estrogens affects.

The period of childhood takes a period of time from 2 - 3 weeks of a girl's life to 7 - 8 years.

The reproductive system does not function at this time and there should be no discharge. But right now, inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva are most common. There are reasons for this:

1. Immaturity of the immune system.

2. Anatomical features child's body:

  • the vulva is covered with delicate, vulnerable skin that is susceptible to infections;
  • the vagina is short, folded, close to the anus and urethra;
  • labia minora are poorly expressed, the entrance to the vagina is poorly covered;
  • renewal of the surface layers of the epithelium of the vagina is slow, it is poor in glycogen - a source of lactic acid;
  • Vaginal pH is alkaline or neutral;
  • instead of Doderlein's sticks, as in adult women, cocci predominate there.

Therefore, discharge in a girl of 4-5 years old most often speaks of inflammation of the vagina.

Discharge from the genital tract in a 12-year-old girl

Puberty takes time from 8 years to 15.

Inflammation of the vulva and vagina is rare. The course of the infection is mild. The girls make no complaints, except for bad-smelling leucorrhoea. This indicates the beginning of hormonal changes in the body of girls and the maturation of immunity.

But during this period, thrush is more likely to worry. From the onset of puberty, leucorrhea may appear due to inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Discharge in adolescent girls may be caused by vegetovascular dystonia. Develop due to sharp hormonal fluctuations. In addition to whiter, girls usually complain of increased fatigue, irritability, poor appetite and dream.

The appearance of white discharge in girls indicates the beginning of puberty. Such leucorrhoea is not plentiful, may be with a yellow tint, odorless.

Brown discharge in girls

They have this color due to the admixture of blood. They talk about the imminent start of menstruation.

But here the mother should be extremely careful, because brown discharge can occur with inflammatory diseases, injuries of the genital organs, a foreign body in the vagina.

You should pay attention to the time of appearance and duration of coffee secretions. If they precede menstrual flow or continue for several days after, this is a variant of the norm. If their appearance does not depend on the phase of the cycle, the child should be shown to a specialist.

Green discharge in girls

Yellow-green discharge from a girl indicates an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina. Green color whiter indicates the presence in the secretions of leukocytes in in large numbers, as well as microbes and their metabolic products. Into the vagina purulent inflammation. Such discharge is characteristic of gonorrhea, thrush, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis and other bacterial infections.

Discharge from the genital tract in adolescent girls

From 15 to 18 years, the reproductive system finishes its maturation. The menstrual cycle becomes regular. The egg begins to mature. Normal discharge change during menstrual cycle and depend on its phase:

  • light transparent scarce in the first 2 weeks after menstruation;
  • during ovulation, more abundant mucous membranes, transparent stretching;
  • two weeks before menstruation, they are light white or with a yellowish tint, reminiscent of cream in consistency.

Discharge in white girls

White discharge in girls may be the norm if:

Brown discharge in girls

They talk about the formation of the menstrual cycle and the imminent onset of menstruation. If you already have menstruation, then such discharge can be 2 days before and after menstruation. In the middle of the cycle due to sharp hormonal surges.

But if they last four days or more, you should consult a doctor. This may indicate hormonal disorders, trauma, a foreign body, or an inflammatory process in the reproductive organs.

  1. Postponed general infectious diseases. Influenza, SARS, tonsillitis, otitis media weaken the immune system and contribute to the development of inflammatory processes in the genitals. In a girl, discharge may appear on the background of stress, malnutrition, lack of sleep, intoxication, diseases of the heart, lungs, nervous system, and intestines. Often vulvovaginitis in girls is combined with pyelonephritis, anemia, asthenia, metabolic disorders, tuberculosis.
  2. Allergy. Against the background of atopic, discharge is abundant, liquid, mucous, transparent.
  3. With endocrine diseases. When thrush develops, with hyperthyroidism, the girl has abundant light liquid discharge.
  4. Children's infections: scarlet fever, diphtheria. In diphtheria, the vagina may be primarily affected. Discharges are mucopurulent with films. If a girl of 3 years old has a mucous membrane of the vagina and labia covered with gray films, when they are removed, a bleeding erosive surface is exposed, then it is worth being examined for diphtheria.
  5. For STIs: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, herpes, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis. Girls at the age of 3, as a rule, become infected from their mother, the infection enters their body even in utero, during childbirth, if the mother of an STI patient violates the rules of personal hygiene: through unwashed hands after the toilet, common washcloths, towels. Sexual transmission is possible in a girl who is sexually active. In gonorrhea, thick, green-yellow purulent discharge, crusts form on the skin when they dry; with trichomoniasis, leucorrhoea is whitish with a greenish tinge, badly smelling, plentiful; with chlamydia, leucorrhoea is not abundant, mucous, less often with pus; with myco-ureaplasma infection, the discharge is serous-purulent.
  6. Violation of the rules of personal hygiene, dirty hands, improper washing or lack of it, bathing in polluted reservoirs entails the appearance of leucorrhea caused by staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, E. coli, enterococcus, gardnerella. With stretching, thick yellow discharge, stains remain on the linen, resembling starch stains. Yellow-green discharge occurs in a girl with inflammation caused by Escherichia coli.
  7. Helminthiases and enterobiasis. lay eggs on the skin of the perineum, enter intestinal bacteria into the vagina. This causes itching, burning, provokes the child to scratch the genitals with dirty hands and even masturbate, which leads to the addition of a secondary infection and the appearance of discharge in girls.
  8. Foreign body and genital trauma. Pieces of toilet paper, threads from clothes, small objects (pins, caps) children aged 4 years and older can accidentally enter the vagina during the game and forget about it. Foreign objects cause inflammation, profuse, bloody with pus, leucorrhoea smelling of rot. They are difficult to treat while foreign body will not be removed.
  9. antibiotic treatment, excessive cleanliness with constant use of soap for washing, excessive consumption of sweets and insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits can provoke thrush. At the same time, cheesy sour discharges appear. White or green in color.
  10. Early onset of sexual activity.
  11. ATrare habits: alcohol, smoking.

Leucorrhea with inflammation of the uterus and appendages often occur in adolescents who are sexually active. In girls at the age of 6, adnexitis is rare and, as a rule, is combined with acute appendicitis or other surgical pathology: cholecystitis,

Vaginal discharge is not only in adult women, but also in little girls. Already from the neonatal period, physiological secretions appear from the child's genital tract. Vaginal leucorrhea in girls is divided into 2 groups: physiological and pathological.

Physiological secretions(normally present) are light, have a mucous character and may be with filamentous inclusions.

Pathological leucorrhoea is most often abundant, with an admixture of blood and pus, have bad smell. And in most cases, they are accompanied by inflammatory diseases of the vulva - vulvitis and vagina - vaginitis. These pathologies are most common in girls. early age. The acidic environment of the female genital tract is a barrier to all kinds of infections. In the girl's vagina, the environment is alkaline, containing a small amount of lactobacilli, which perform a protective function. And therefore, any decrease in immunity due to any disease can provoke vulvovaginitis.

Causes of discharge in girls

  • Very often in the background past illnesses respiratory tract bacterial vulvovaginitis occurs.
  • With frequent use of antibiotics and dysbacteriosis, the microflora of the vagina is disturbed and bacterial vaginosis develops.
  • Frequent use in the treatment of antibiotics contributes to the pathological growth of fungal flora and, as a result, fungal (mycotic) vulvovaginitis.
  • Many childhood infections can be accompanied by the development of vulvovaginitis.
  • Cases of vulvovaginitis, in which the causative agents are ureaplasma, chlamydia, virus, mycoplasmas, have become more frequent. The reason for this is the prevalence of all these infections among the adult female population. In this case, infection can occur already in the prenatal period. Infection is also possible during childbirth and through the household.
  • Often, vulvovaginitis is accompanied by allergic manifestations. In this case, the resulting atopic vulvovaginitis is protracted and with frequent exacerbations.
  • Fungal vulvovaginitis often indicates diabetes.
  • Inflammation of the vagina can be traumatic. Small objects can get into the child's vagina during the game and damage the mucous membrane.
  • Worms (most often pinworms) can be the cause of inflammation of the external genitalia.
  • Little girls can carry the infection with dirty hands.

Symptoms of "bad" discharge

  1. The main manifestations inflammatory process are itching, hyperemia of the vulva and pathological discharge from the vagina. The nature of the discharge directly depends on the causes of the disease.
  2. If there is a foreign body in the genital tract, the discharge will be with an unpleasant odor and even streaks of blood.
  3. Trichomonas infection is characterized by profuse frothy discharge and reddening of the genital tract.
  4. If the inflammation is caused by a fungal infection, there are curdled discharge accompanied by itching.
  5. If the discharge is not abundant, but there is redness and severe itching, then this may indicate a helminthic invasion.
  6. Herpetic vulvovaginitis is characterized by vesicles and sores on the external genitalia. There is hyperemia and soreness in the vulva. At atypical course diseases appear meager discharge from the vagina and redness. If the mother has symptoms of herpes or the child frequent colds and herpetic eruptions on the face, a targeted examination is recommended.
  7. With bacterial vulvovaginitis, yellowish discharge appears, accompanied by itching and redness.
  8. Infections of ureaplasma, chlamydia and mycoplasma nature are characterized by slight secretions of a mucous nature. However, it can lead to exacerbations of the disease. urinary tract and kidneys.
  9. With allergic vulvovaginitis, slight discharge and characteristic thinning of the mucosa are observed.
  10. If the microflora in the vagina is disturbed, and bacterial vaginosis occurs, milky or grayish liquid discharge appears, exhaling the smell of rotten fish.


  • To identify the cause of inflammation, a bacterial culture of the vaginal flora is performed.
  • With help PCR method(polymerase chain reaction), RIF (immunofluorescence reaction) can detect mycoplasmas, chlamydia and ureaplasma.
  • The isolation of the herpes virus occurs from the lesion. The presence of antibodies in the blood is also determined.
  • Be sure to do a stool test
  • When the intestinal microflora changes, a fecal analysis is done.
  • If there is a foreign body in the vagina and in order to exclude tumor formations, the walls of the vagina are examined using a special apparatus - a vaginoscope.


  1. The specialist appoints a general or local drug treatment only after determining the cause of vulvovaginitis (causative agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics). For this, an individual approach is used, which takes into account the age of the child, the presence of chronic diseases, etc. The treatment uses antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral drugs.
  2. Eliminates mechanical irritants of the genital tract.
  3. With concomitant helminthiases, the underlying disease is first treated not only in the child, but also in all members of his family.
  4. Allergens are completely excluded.
  5. If the child is obese or

Far from the last role in the health of the reproductive system of a woman is played by vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). By the color, quantity and consistency of vaginal discharge, one can judge the presence of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, hormonal imbalance or the presence in the body infectious agent. In addition, by the nature of whites, one can determine the readiness for conception, but this only applies to a mature female body.

Are there normal discharges in girls? This question arises for every mother who first encountered her daughter's soiled panties. The concern of parents for their child in this case is quite due, since discharge from a girl can be a sign of an inflammatory disease that requires immediate treatment. In what cases do you need to see a doctor, and what kind of discharge in girls is considered normal?

What should be the discharge of a girl in the norm?

As it turned out, in the presence of leucorrhoea, girls have nothing to worry about. Starting from birth, discharge in girls is nothing more than the result of the functioning of the reproductive system and the self-cleaning of the vagina from foreign microorganisms.

Normal discharge in a girl is mucous, clear or whitish in color, with threadlike or crumbly elements. For example, if bacteria predominate in the composition, vaginal discharge may turn yellow or yellow-green, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory-infectious process.

The composition of whites for girls includes:

  • epithelial cells lining the vagina;
  • mucus produced by the glands;
  • microorganisms for which the vagina is a habitat;
  • leukocytes, etc.

Discharge in girls after birth.

Already a week after birth, the girl's vagina stands out quite copious discharge, which may be muco-bloody or mucous in nature. In addition, there is a slight engorgement of the mammary glands, and when pressed, a thick liquid resembling colostrum can be released from the nipples. This condition is absolutely normal and is called a hormonal (sexual) crisis. These changes are a response to increased levels of the mother's hormones, which previously came through the placenta, and after birth entered the body of the girl with breast milk. As a rule, by the 4th week of life, as the supply of sex hormones from the mother decreases, the discharge from the girl completely stops. Treatment, as such, is not required, it is enough to maintain the girl's personal hygiene.

In the period from the 1st month to 7-8 years, there comes a time of hormonal "calm". Due to the low concentration of hormones, the amount of mucus produced by the glands is significantly reduced, as a result of which, the physiological secretions in girls stop. In this period young girls most susceptible to inflammatory diseases, due to the absence of lactic acid bacteria in the microflora of the vagina, which protect against infection and appear during puberty.

The nature of vaginal discharge in girls during puberty.

After a long pause, at about 7-8 years old, when a new stage in sexual development begins - the puberty period, leucorrhoea in girls resumes. This is due to the fact that serious changes are taking place in the body of a young lady. hormonal background that prepare immature reproductive system to the onset of the first menstruation (menarche). Physiological secretions in girls usually appear a year or two before menarche, and with the normalization of the menstrual cycle, they become cyclical. The discharge of a girl in the phase of puberty is mucous, plentiful, more viscous, without an unpleasant odor.

Pathological discharge from a girl. What is the reason?

As a rule, pathological discharge is spoken of in cases where the leucorrhea in girls becomes more abundant, acquires a yellow or greenish tint, and also has an unpleasant odor. Such discharge in girls occurs in the presence of vulvovaginitis or vulvitis - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. The pathological process is a consequence of the reproduction of those inhabiting the vulva pathogens, which is facilitated by the alkaline reaction of the vagina and the scarcity of the mucous secretion.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of pathological discharge in girls:

Weakened immunity. If there is an infection of bacterial or viral etiology, the child's body's defenses are spent on fighting pathogens, as a result of which conditionally pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply in the vagina. In addition, with a weakened immune system, bacteria can provoke an inflammatory process in the vagina. skin or intestines. With the deterioration of local immunity, the microflora of the vagina is disturbed and vaginal dysbacteriosis, or bacterial vaginosis, occurs.

The immune defense of the child's body is also reduced due to stress, hypothermia, and also as a result of malnutrition in which the child is not getting enough essential vitamins and micronutrients.

Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Improper washing, dirty hands in a child, swimming in contaminated water bodies can provoke the occurrence of pathological discharge in girls.

Worm invasion. In some situations, vulvovaginitis occurs against the background of enterobiasis, which is provoked by pinworms - small worms that affect the lower colon. They can crawl into the vagina, bringing intestinal flora into it, causing severe pain and itching. The presence of scratching in the area of ​​the perineum and external genitalia is the main sign of the presence of pinworms.

Infection that is sexually transmitted(chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasmas, herpes virus, etc.)

Allergic diseases. Allergic children who are prone to developing exudative diathesis, vulvovaginitis and atopic vulvitis occur.

Foreign body. Anyone can cause inflammation. foreign object that has been introduced into the vagina: toilet paper or cotton wool, threads from clothes, sand, etc. Some girls accidentally introduce small objects into the vagina - small toys, balls, hairpins, etc. Without the help of a gynecologist, it is almost impossible to remove a foreign body.

Violation metabolic processes (obesity, diabetes).

Genital injury.

Discharge in girls, depending on the cause:

  1. Bacterial vulvovaginitis: redness, itching, profuse yellow or greenish leucorrhoea yellow color.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis: discharge of gray or whitish color, creamy consistency. characteristic feature vaginosis - discharge with the smell of rotten fish.
  3. Fungal infection: itching, curdled whitish discharge.
  4. Trichomonas infection: discharge may be profuse, frothy, sometimes mucopurulent, with an unpleasant odor.
  5. Herpetic infection: the appearance of sores and vesicles on the genitals, the scarcity of secretions.
  6. Worm infestation: scanty discharge, severe itching.
  7. Allergic vulvovaginitis: dryness of the mucous membrane, mucous-watery discharge in a girl.
  8. Foreign body: discharge from a child becomes abundant, purulent, fetid.


When there are complaints or pathological symptoms in a girl, you should immediately contact a pediatric gynecologist. Self-medication can lead to difficulty in diagnosing the disease and exacerbating its course.

White or white discharge from the vagina often occurs in women and physiologically mature girls, but they can also appear in adolescents and newborn girls. These white discharge in girls can be both a physiological norm and a symptom of a disease of the genital organs in girls.

Therefore, you need to know how and when leucorrhea in girls is the norm, and when you need to be alert and consult a specialist.

This is especially important for profuse leucorrhea with various impurities (pus or blood) in adolescent girls, which are accompanied by abdominal pain. At this age, girls are distinguished by secrecy, and are afraid to admit this to their mother.

And yet it alarm symptom, which may be a sign of an inflammatory process, a fungal infection, endocrine pathology. The earlier the pathology is detected, the faster and easier you get rid of this unpleasant symptom.

Therefore, it is important to understand all the nuances of the appearance of whiter in girls of different ages.

When is vaginal discharge normal?

The physiological norm in girls is the appearance of mild thread-like mucous discharge from the vagina.

It may occur during the first month of life or during puberty in adolescents.

Sexual crisis in newborns

Discharge in newborn girls is associated with the appearance of a baby in the blood advanced level sex hormones that are released through breast milk. This is one of the signs of a sexual crisis during the period of adaptation of the crumbs.

Do not worry about the appearance of whitish discharge from the genital tract (leucorrhoea) in girls: in the absence of signs of inflammation of the genital tract and / or other “suspicious” symptoms (redness, rash, swelling) - there is no reason for concern.

But this applies only to the neonatal period, after which discharge from the genital tract in girls is normally absent until the onset of puberty (7-8 years, sometimes later).

Beli as a teenager

In adolescent girls, white discharge occurs when her hormonal levels change, often before the first menstruation.

The norm is a clear or whitish mucous discharge from the vagina, odorless, possibly with a small amount of thread-like or crumb-like inclusions.

Whites include:

  • epithelial cells that lines the uterus and vagina;
  • mucus produced by the sex glands;
  • bacteria of the microflora of the vagina;
  • leukocytes that play a protective role in the path of infection.

If the nature of the discharge changes - they become plentiful, their color and smell change - this is a reason for a visit to the doctor.

Quite often, discharge in adolescent girls is observed for a long time and this worries them.

You need to know that the establishment of menstrual function in a future woman is an extremely complex process that is regulated by dozens of hormones, the tuned work of the nervous system associated with the impulses of various parts of the brain and genetic features. Sometimes it’s enough just to talk to your mother or another close woman and all doubts and anxieties are dispelled by themselves.

Parents need to be very attentive to various changes in the condition of the girl after 7-8 years.

When various changes appear in the body, especially when it comes to "intimate" problems, the child is simply mentally not ready for these "adult" problems. Girls hide from their parents the appearance of leucorrhea, and even the early onset of menstruation, and withdraw into themselves. Often because of this, communication with peers suffers and social adaptation girls.

Today, in the period of computer technology, with the appearance of whiter, many girls neglect the conversation with their mother, hoping to find all the answers on the Internet. But there are many reasons for the appearance of white discharge in girls, and some of them cannot be eliminated without examination and consultation. pediatric gynecologist and/or endocrinologist.

Pathological discharge from the vagina

The appearance of white discharge in girls is not always the norm.

In children from one year to 7 years, leucorrhea is most often considered a sign hormonal disorders and / or inflammation in the vagina (vulvitis and vulvovaginitis).

It must be remembered that at this age, the absence of any vaginal discharge.

The main causes of pathological discharge from the vagina are:

Parents need to know that girls preschool age more susceptible to development infectious diseases genitals. This is due to the absence of lactic acid bacteria, which maintain an optimal balance between opportunistic and positive vaginal microflora.

Signs of abnormal vaginal discharge

Symptoms of "bad" discharge include:

  • the appearance of signs of an inflammatory process - itching, redness of the vulva and pathological discharge from the vagina (the nature of the discharge depends on the cause of the disease);
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor and streaks of blood;
  • abundant discharge of a foamy nature and redness of the genital tract with trichomonas infection;
  • curdled discharge with itching;
  • mild discharge, which is accompanied by severe redness with severe itching, may indicate a helminthic invasion;
  • the appearance of vesicles and sores on the external genital organs with pain and mild whiteness is characteristic of a herpes infection;
  • bacterial vaginosis is characterized by liquid secretions milky or grayish in color with the smell of rotten fish.

To clarify the presence of pathological discharge from the vagina, it is urgent to contact a pediatric gynecologist and conduct an examination.

pediatrician Sazonova Olga Ivanovna

Article read: 1 470

The birth of a daughter is always a pleasant and joyful event. The first tooth, the first step, the first cold, the first fall - each of these events will forever remain warm in the heart. loving mothers and dad. Being inexperienced, young parents are wary of any previously unknown changes that occur in their daughter's body. For example, the presence of vaginal discharge (whiter) in a girl is quite normal phenomenon, provided that they are transparent or whitish, and mucous, as in puberty, or bloody, which are observed in the first week after birth. Normally, discharge from the genital tract should not have an unpleasant odor or cause concern to the child.

As a rule, the appearance of yellow vaginal discharge in a girl, regardless of the age of the child, is very scary for parents who are trying their best to protect their child from various infections and diseases. It is possible to find out the cause of the girl's yellow discharge only with a comprehensive assessment of the child's health, history taking and certain laboratory tests.

Puberty is a possible cause of yellow discharge in a girl.

The appearance of yellowish discharge in a girl does not always indicate pathological process. In some cases yellowish discharge of the genital tract are observed in adolescent girls who have reached puberty. A cause for concern is the discharge, which has become grayish or greenish in color, has become thicker and smells of rotten fish. All these signs indicate the presence of vaginosis, which is most characteristic of girls aged 11-15 years. Bacterial vaginosis is a condition in which there is a violation of the microflora in the vagina. In this case, the cause of the disease may be frequent acute respiratory infections, hormonal imbalance in the body, poor nutrition, poor personal hygiene, metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes), etc.

The girl has yellow discharge. Maybe it's vulvovaginitis.

As a rule, the appearance of traces of yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor on the girl's panties indicates an inflammatory process. If such discharge is accompanied by redness of the vaginal mucosa, itching and pain when urinating, then we are talking about vulvovaginitis - an infectious and inflammatory disease.

Most often, girls under the age of 8 are ill, which is associated with the peculiarities of the microflora of the vagina in childhood. At a young age, before the onset of sexual development, the microflora of the girl's vagina does not contain lactic acid bacteria, the main function of which is to protect against infection. The absence of lactobacilli in combination with a weakened immune system or an allergic aggravated anamnesis - favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Vulvovaginitis with the appearance of yellow discharge in a girl is usually caused by streptococcus, enterococcus, fungal microorganisms, staphylococcus aureus, and also E. coli.

The main reasons for the development of vulvovaginitis and the occurrence of yellow discharge in girls:

1. Infection:

  • getting dirt and infection into the vagina (unwashed hands, sitting on the floor without underwear, swimming in a dirty pond);
  • helminthic invasions, namely, pinworms that crawl into the vagina (discharge is accompanied by itching in the perineum and around the anus, which intensifies at night).

2. Exposure to chemicals:

3. Mechanical damage vaginal mucosa:

  • inflammation in the vagina, as a result of irritation and diaper rash from swaddling;
  • a foreign body stuck in the vagina, which the child accidentally put into the vagina (in this case, the discharge acquires a dark yellow tint and a pronounced unpleasant odor).

The girl has yellow vaginal discharge. What to do?

The first thing to do if a girl has yellow discharge is to visit a pediatric gynecologist. Only a specialist is able to accurately determine the cause of the disease, to carry out all necessary research and prescribe effective treatment.

Some sources of information posted on the Internet, when a girl has yellow discharge, strongly recommend waiting a week, in the hope that the symptoms of the disease will disappear on their own. Under no circumstances should this be done! At the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In no case do not self-medicate! The use of herbal baths or other home remedies does not eliminate the cause of yellow discharge in girls, but only erases the symptoms of the disease, thereby complicating the diagnosis process.

Depending on the alleged cause of the yellow discharge in the girl, the pediatric gynecologist prescribes the appropriate research method:

  • if a foreign object is suspected in the vagina, a vaginoscopy is performed;
  • to determine the causative agent of urogenital infection (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.), its sensitivity to a particular antibiotic, a smear and sowing of the vaginal microflora are performed.

The girl has yellow discharge. What to treat?

The treatment plan for vulvovaginitis is determined individually after evaluating the results of the studies. Symptomatic therapy includes the use of powders and baths, in order to reduce itching and redness. The elimination of pathogenic microorganisms is carried out by prescribing antibiotic therapy, as well as the use of special suppositories and ointments for the sanitation of the vagina. To exclude the recurrence of the inflammatory process, with yellow discharge in girls, drugs are prescribed to strengthen the immune system, namely, complexes of vitamins and minerals. To restore the microflora of the vagina, eubiotics are used - preparations containing bifidus and lactobacilli.