
Small dogs that look like bears. Small dogs - breeds, photos, prices

Puppies of certain breeds look more like clumsy honey lovers than dogs, but their popularity does not suffer because of this.

  1. Newfoundland A large, long-haired breed with brown or black coloring. Staining is rarely allowed, but this is by no means considered “dirt” of the breed. The thick undercoat and webbing between the toes are distinctive features big, like a dog bear. Read also:
  2. Akita (Akita Inu). It is under the care of the Japanese canine organization for the preservation and protection of the country's original national breeds. Largest breed among Spitz-types it was bred as hunters. The location of the hair on the muzzle and the rounded shape of the eyes give puppies and adults of this breed a resemblance to bear cubs.
  3. Alaskan Malamute. One of the oldest species, bred by the Eskimos for harness work. The dog's wolf roots are expressed in rare barking, which is why they, like Siberian huskies, primarily growl. But despite this, in appearance these formidable cuties are more reminiscent of bears.
  4. Chow-chow. “Shaggy Lions” are watchdog companions related to the Spitz. One of the first primitive breeds
    evolution of wolves, but due to their short body and thick undercoat with long hair, they are more similar to teddy bears.
  5. Pomeranian Spitz. A decorative breed with a muzzle strongly reminiscent of a bear cub, but the small body of the Spitz breaks this association. This breed is often confused with the German Spitz, but their differences are quite significant.
  6. Poodle. A fluffy dog ​​with curly hair not only looks, but sometimes even behaves like a clumsy bear cub. Puppies of this breed are especially similar to them if they are not cut.
  7. Goldendoodle. It is so called due to its unusual coat, which was obtained by crossing a poodle with a golden retriever.
  8. Samoyed. White dog, thanks to her resemblance to a cute teddy bear, she became one of the Lately rise in popularity rankings among dogs as pets.
  9. Tibetan Mastiff. The largest dog in the world is very similar to a bear, not only in appearance, but also in the fact that behind its cute appearance hides a formidable beast.
  10. Caucasian Shepherd Dog. It is far from a small dog, but incredibly similar to a huge teddy bear. Even because of this similarity, the formidable guard looks far from cute.
  11. Akita mix, German Shepherd and corgi. A breed bred specifically to give the puppy a bear-like face. Metis changes a little with age - it outgrows and becomes more like a shepherd dog.
  12. American Keeshond cross Eskimo dog. They are handsome, seeming truly plush, their fur grows so unusually. The button eyes are barely visible in the fluffy undercoat, which makes this breed extremely amazing and cute.

Pomeranian Spitz, or Pomeranian, is the smallest representative of the Spitz, which appeared in Pomerania, a historical region in Germany. This small and very touching dog has a light character and a cheerful, playful disposition. She is very energetic and active, loves to walk and communicate with people. Does not require intensive care and special diet, a Spitz can give a lot of joy to both children and adults.

Recently, this dog, which looks like a soft toy, has become very popular: more and more people around the world are trying to get just such a breed. And some of its representatives have turned into real Internet stars! Let's get acquainted.

Today, the funny-haired Boo has more than 1.3 million fans and is already actively working to promote the book “Boo: The Life of the Cutest Dog in the World,” which contains a unique collection of his most striking and interesting photographs.

This is not the only Pomeranian who has made his breed famous on the Internet. 9 year old Shunsuke also became a real star and earned the title himself adorable dog Japan. This cute dog has his own account on Twitter, which has already collected 60 thousand subscribers.

Popularity came to Shunsuke when he appeared in a television show, after which soft toys, books and calendars with the image of the Spitz began to be sold in stores. Shunsuke is also very popular in China, where a real boom in this breed and its average price increased from 700 to 1000 yuan.

Animals are loved a large number of of people. It is accepted that some people prefer dogs, for others it is closer and more interesting than a cat. However, there is one breed that leaves no one indifferent - this pomeranian spitz bear type or just a mini bear that looks like a soft toy.

Those who want to purchase this magnificent dog are faced with the problem of what the breed is called. The dog - Bear - is a German Spitz, which can also be called a Miniature Spitz or simply a Pomeranian.

It is important to remember that the dwarf Spitz is a breed that was born artificially. In order to obtain it, German Spitz dogs were crossed with dogs of different ornamental breeds. This was done primarily to reduce the size of the animal. As a result, it was possible to obtain not only a dwarf appearance of the dog, but also significantly improve the appearance indicators:

  • The fur became shiny
  • The characteristic fluffiness of the breed has appeared
  • Managed to diversify the color

The breed was first discovered in the German province of Pomerania – hence the name of the breed. It is believed that the ancestors of Pomeranians were herding dogs - hence their excellent hearing, ability to train and incredible activity. At the end of the 19th century, the breed came to England, where the main work on breeding those cubs that are so popular and in demand today took place.

Character and appearance

The choice of dog is determined by several parameters:

  • Health indicators
  • Character
  • Appearance of the animal

Also, some breeders are guided by the origin and class of the dog. The Mini Spitz has a very unusual appearance - small, pointed ears, a slightly flattened muzzle and large, expressive eyes. The bear type is also characterized by thick fur, which adds volume and significance.

Breed standard for height adult dog is 22 cm, and the weight should not exceed 3.5 kg. The peculiarity of dogs of this breed is their fluffy tail. Naturally, the coat should be soft and shiny - this indicates the good health of the animal.

It is important to remember that a mini dog will not cause trouble in cleaning up its fur, just as it will not cause allergies to it - seasonal shedding does not exist. The color that a mini bear has can be very different - it can be white, red, black and even blue.

Characteristics make it possible to have a dog in a house where a large family lives. Pomeranians are created for communication, they are companions by their psychotype, calm and affectionate. They are distinguished not only by their playfulness and mobility, but also by the fact that they can adopt some of the habits of their owners. So the bear cub will be calm and imposing if he is in the same company. It does not require special care, which allows you to enjoy the dog’s company without experiencing negative emotions.

Accordingly, in the company of active and active people, the dog will grow up to be an energetic and loud member of the family, who will warn about changes at the first opportunity, be it other dogs near his home or guests who come to the apartment.

Experts say that the Spitz “does not know” that he is a dwarf dog, therefore he behaves as befits his ancestors. All basic instincts and behavior correspond to a guard dog, for example, on the street a bear cub will actively manifest itself as a protector if it suddenly approaches its owner stranger. That is why it is necessary to teach the dog to remain calm if there is no obvious threat.

Choosing a breed: who is a Spitz suitable for?

Mini dogs of the Spitz breed are distinguished by their infectious cheerfulness, they literally radiate positivity. That is why a bear is quite capable of becoming a true friend for a person, and if necessary, then a real cure for mental trauma and loneliness. Getting a Spitz is recommended for people who have difficulty communicating or cannot find friends. For lonely or elderly people, a dog will become an outlet that gives joy and sometimes the meaning of life.

It is important to remember that, despite its mini size, this dog loves walks and activity, so it should not be chosen by homebodies - the Spitz will not let you get bored. If there are health problems, primarily diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then it is best to think about choosing a different breed.

The Spitz gets along well with small children. You can get one if there are already other pets in the house - the bear cub will not show aggression towards them, on the contrary, the dog will have fun and be more active.

Maintenance and care: important nuances

It is important to remember: the bear-type Pomeranian is a dog that loves and knows how to bark loudly and loudly. She will do this often, so the nuance should be taken into account before the purchase. Proper maintenance means frequent grooming of the animal's fur.

However, the owner does not need to wash and comb the pet for days - it is enough to bathe it every few days and comb it using a soft brush.

  • The norm is considered to be grooming twice a week, with the exception of rainy weather, when after a walk you will need to carry out an unscheduled combing and washing procedure.

Concerning water procedures with shampoos, it is recommended not to use them often, since you can very easily dry out the skin of a Spitz, thereby causing irritation or increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

It is better to wash oranges no more than twice every 30 days. A problem that is typical for many long-haired or fluffy dogs is that the Pomeranian has no tangles at all. A small, almost toy dog ​​will not cause any problems in this matter.

You will only need to remove excess hair on the paws, between the claws, in the ears and under the tail. It is important during the grooming process not to damage the undercoat, as it is responsible for the fluffiness characteristic of the Spitz. You will also have to trim your claws regularly, albeit not so often - about once every week and a half. Eye rinsing and ear cleaning are also carried out no more than once a week.

When cleaning the ears, you can use a special lotion for dogs, while the eyes are washed with regular clean water. If suppuration or redness of the eyes becomes noticeable, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. Mini Pomeranians have practically no health problems; you just need to follow the feeding rules, since the breed is prone to obesity.

Nuances that are important to know

Feeding Pomeranians from the table with “human” food is unacceptable, since it can cause severe stomach problems, as well as bad smell from the mouth of an animal, inflammation of the pancreas or liver problems.

The dog is on natural food should receive a balanced course of vitamin supplementation, since a lack of microelements will immediately affect the condition of the coat and proper functioning internal organs. Often, a Spitz can relieve itself in a tray; this will require a special filler.

Scheduled vaccinations should be carried out regularly, as well as timely deworming. Training should be carried out from a very early age - you can start from 1 month.

  • Spitz perfectly grasps what they want to achieve from him - he is a good student, so rigor is not required. For those who live outside the city, you should remember - Pomeranian - domestic dog, unable to live on the street.

Thus, the bear-type Pomeranian is an excellent choice for animal lovers. Despite some nuances of his behavior, such as barking and mobility, he will create an atmosphere of joy and comfort in the house.

It will be cozy in the evenings with a white and fluffy little ball. Boredom and bad mood will instantly disappear, so the choice in favor of a Spitz is obvious.

Dogs that look a little like bear cubs are particularly attractive in the eyes of people. A bear dog can become a friend and faithful companion. Such pets are associated with teddy bears and have a special charm that attracts the attention of everyone around them.

Medium size bear dogs

Medium bear-like breeds have ancient history origin.

For your information! A dog that looks like a bear cub is not suitable for keeping in an apartment, but will feel great in a private home. Rich fur protects the animal from any cold weather.

Little bear puppy with fluffy fur

The “bearish” character has the following features:

  • devotion to the owner and his entire family;
  • good memory and intelligence;
  • stubbornness;
  • tendency to dominate.

The fluffy bear cub seems clumsy when moving, as the abundant fur makes steps difficult.

What is the name of a dog breed like a bear cub?

There are several large and medium-sized breeds that are popular.

Chow chow

The most famous bear dog is the Chow Chow. It was bred for specific purposes. The Chinese Bear Dog has a strong and powerful build, a wide chest and strong limbs. A healthy dog ​​reaches 20-32 kg in weight, as well as 46-56 cm in height. There are several different colors, with black, blue or brown being the most common.

Note! The Chinese call the dog a shaggy lion. The breed was bred to perform difficult work, but its charming appearance became the reason why people decide to get such a puppy simply as a loyal friend.

In appearance, the plush dog has long and coarse hair with a soft undercoat. A soft collar is formed in the neck area and on the paws. Due to the loose skin, there are small folds on the head, which makes the Chow Chow even more plush in appearance.

Large and fluffy Chow Chow with the most common color

For your information! The Chow Chow has a blue or purple tongue, which is almost immediately noticeable. Dog breeders attribute this to the fact that dogs are descendants of wolves or intermediate animals, which no longer exist in nature today.

In China, a legend was even created about this: a chow chow tried to lick a small piece of sky that had fallen to the ground. A similar dog, like a bear cub, is sold in specialized nurseries.

Pomeranian Spitz - a small bear dog

The Spitz is a very small dog; the breed is divided into several varieties. The first representatives of this group appeared a long time ago, but the current look was obtained as a result of long-term work by breeders.

These small dogs, similar to bear cubs, can have different colors, the rarest being black and white.

The characteristics of the breed are as follows:

  • dog grooming should be carried out exclusively by professionals, since unsuccessful grooming causes damage to the coat and the development of health problems;
  • the small dog is very active and loves attention from people, so it should not be left alone for a long time;
  • despite small sizes, Spitz tries to lead among animals. Therefore, you need to be as careful as possible while walking;
  • The plush coat does not shed much, but requires special care to maintain health.

When choosing this breed, you need to take into account that Spitz dogs love to bark for almost any reason. This moment causes many problems in education.

Alaskan Malamute

The Malamute is considered hardy and strong dog, which was bred for sleds. Despite this, the modern purpose is beautiful and true friend, life partner. Assertiveness and stubbornness are considered working qualities of the breed that need to be taken into account.

In my own way appearance The Malamute resembles a predatory wolf, but its lush fur associates it with a bear.

Note! Too thick fur allows the pet to withstand even very severe frost. During the shedding period, quite a lot of problems arise, since you have to actively use the brush.

Large paws allow you to move through the snow without drowning in it; their structure is a bit like a bear's.

The Alaskan Malamute runs through the snow with ease due to its endurance.

As an adult, the dog's weight is 34-38 kg, height is about 64 cm. The color can vary significantly, but in most cases it is represented by a combination of gray, black and white.

Many people want to have this bear dog at home because of its attractive appearance. However, difficulties in maintenance become the reason why some owners regret their choice. In most cases, this applies to living in an apartment.

Tibetan mastiff

This one is very unusual dog, similar to a bear, has an impressive appearance. It has impressive dimensions, long and shaggy hair, and a huge square muzzle. If the dog is alert, noticeable folds form on the forehead.

Many people pay attention to this breed because of its luxurious fur. It is thick, with abundant undercoat, and straight. Representatives of this breed can be found with the most different colors, most often black, brown and gold.

Note! Many dog ​​breeders choose mastiffs because of their peaceful nature. They very quickly become attached to their owner, while being very careful around other animals. Character is also associated with some stubbornness, self-sufficiency and self-confidence.

Tibetan Mastiff with an extremely rare color

Difficulties in purchasing a puppy arise due to the fact that the breed is expensive and rare. It was bred to live in difficult and harsh conditions with low temperatures. When little puppy grows up, he becomes a real big bear. If you want an animal like Paddington, then this breed is most suitable.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The name of this breed is on the lips of almost all dog breeders. Shepherd dogs look massive due to their thick fur and large size, weight reaches 70 kg, height 75 cm. A male can weigh about 110 kg. The length of the coat varies widely, the color is gray, fawn, brown.

When choosing a puppy of this breed, do not forget about the difficult nature. At proper education these dogs become willful, persistent and very brave. A wary attitude manifests itself towards strangers, so it is very important to early age carry out proper training in a timely manner.

For your information! The “Caucasian” should grow up to be a large guard dog. Prehistoric descendants were used by people to protect flocks of sheep from wolves. It is worth considering that dominance over other animals and even humans is in the blood.

Chow chow panda

Many people pay attention to this breed for a reason: decorative color panda wool A small dog almost immediately attracts the attention of others, which is why many novice dog breeders decide to buy one.

You should buy a puppy from a trusted nursery. It is important to ensure that all vaccinations are completed in a timely manner. It would also be a good idea to check your pedigree.

Akita Inu

This dog breed was developed in Japan. Despite the lack of fluffy fur, she looks like a small bear cub. The peculiarity of the Akita Inu is that these dogs Special attention paid by the emperors of ancient Japan.

Adult individuals reach a size of about 70 cm. The special charm is primarily associated with the unusual coat. Its length is only 5 cm, but it is very thick, has a coarse outer layer and a soft undercoat. In most cases the color is clear and free of blemishes. The most common colors are red and white.

Note! Temperament is primarily associated with Eastern restraint. Representatives of this breed do not create problems for their owners during walks, as they do not strive to be dominant. The dog is always friendly with his owner and the whole family.

A proud Akita Inu surveys the area from a snowy slope


Representatives of this breed are primarily associated with a combination of nobility and fearlessness. Their powerful build makes the dogs somewhat intimidating; many use them to guard their homes.

Despite their harsh appearance, mastiffs are very kind and sensitive, especially with children. With proper training, they will be a good companion for the whole family.

Bukovinian Shepherd Dog

This breed is quite large, the main purposes when breeding are security and protection. At proper nutrition The shepherd reaches a height of 75 cm and a weight of 80 kg.

A proud disposition and calm behavior are considered the main advantages of representatives of this breed. They have courage and, if necessary, can show their strength, but they themselves rarely initiate conflict.


One of the largest and most ancient breeds. At proper care healthy dogs can weigh about 70 kg, height at the withers is 70 cm.

Similarities with a bear:

  • ear shape;
  • abundant fur;
  • large build;
  • short muzzle;
  • coarse outer layer of wool;
  • predominantly dark in color.

Important! It is worth considering that molting continues almost all year round. The disadvantages also include constant salivation, the dog almost always has a dirty mouth, as well as a relatively short lifespan, the figure is 10 years.

Three Newfoundlands of different ages: two puppies and mother


This breed is characterized by the fact that representatives have very fluffy hair. The size of the individuals is relatively small, weighing 21 kg.

In the nursery you can find two types of breed - standard and mini. The fur of both representatives is lush and very pleasant to the touch.

Goldendoodle in puppyhood, the most common color

Samoyed or Arctic Spitz

Many people buy this dog “for the soul.” Fluffy and bright White wool attracts attention almost immediately. This breed is considered one of the most ancient.

The most problems arise with hair care. A dog of this breed has a proud disposition, but is very kind and sensitive, and almost immediately becomes attached to its owner.

Arctic Spitz is an obedient, non-aggressive dog

How to make a choice

With so much variety, it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. When deciding to buy a puppy, you need to consider:

  • dimensions;
  • coat type;
  • care recommendations;
  • predisposition to diseases;
  • disposition;
  • the dog’s preferences regarding spending time (degree of activity).

A very common situation occurs when a dog breed like a bear is adopted, popular all over the world, only because of its attractiveness. Subsequently, difficulties with maintenance give reason to think that at the time of selection it was necessary to study in more detail the information about the future pet.

Dogs that look like bears have their own unique charm. When choosing one of the above breeds, you need to take into account that you will have to carefully care for your pet’s fur, in some cases visiting professional salons for trimming. Many “bear cubs” grow to enormous sizes, so they are not always suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Small, very cute, similar to little bear The dog is a Pomeranian Spitz. Thanks to its unique appearance and interesting color of thick fur, this mini bear is one of most popular breeds among amateur dog breeders. Photos of this animal with its childishly naive eyes and touching muzzle cannot but evoke tenderness even in those people who are not particularly fond of dogs.

The first representatives of the breed

The ancestors of the miniature bear-type Spitz were also Spitz, but German. And the breed arose in England by crossing small breeds. According to some sources, the ancestors of these dogs lived in Pomerania. It was from there that they were brought to the shores of Foggy Albion. And it was the name of this province that became their family name.

Despite the fact that the popularity of the breed gained momentum just a few years ago, Pomeranians were bred a long time ago. The name was given to them by the province where these kids are from.

The funny appearance of the dog attracted the attention of the aristocracy and the rich, who always want to be on the crest of the wave. fashion trends and greedy for new items. As a result of this interest, breeders bred miniature “bear cubs” - descendants of German Spitz dogs. Finally, the breed called the Pomeranian Spitz with the prefix “bear type” appeared in the late 80s of the 20th century (1986).

Attractive appearance

While dog breeders were experimenting with the breed, they fought to reduce the animal’s height and weight. But then they decided that this was not enough - aristocracy and good looks wouldn’t hurt either. In the process of breed selection, attention was paid to 2 points:

  • miniaturization;
  • imparting “bearness”, that is, fluffiness of the coat and sophistication of colors.

The result was a cute descendant of the German Spitz - a little “bear” with a very lively character. His round-eyed face is full of charm. Small ears on a rounded head and a flattened muzzle make the animal look extremely teddy-bear-like. Pomeranian Spitz strong body, the fur literally stands on end, making the paws look very fluffy. The coat looks in such a way that the dog seems surrounded by a certain aura. Height and weight indicators of the bear-type Spitz:

  • height 22 cm (at the withers);
  • weight 3.5 kg.

There are representatives of the breed with slightly larger dimensions. But basically it's miniature dogs, and they “gain” size due to the richness of their wool. According to external data (the structure of the muzzle), three types of Pomeranian Spitz are distinguished:

  • bearish type;
  • fox type;
  • toy type.

Bear-type Spitz bears are very reminiscent of miniature bear cubs, both in the thickness of their fur and the shape of their heads, paws, and ears. They are extremely cute - funny and serious at the same time

In terms of structure, the “adult” state is achieved by “bears” by one year. At this age, you can determine the type of Pomeranian Spitz. The “bear cubs” have eyes close to the nose. Plump cheeks, densely covered with fluffy fur, form the “bear” appearance. “Fox cubs” have a correspondingly more elongated muzzle. Toys Pomeranian dogs“own” a flattened face and wide-set eyes. The color scheme of the fur of animals is very diverse:

  • two-flowered;
  • sable color;
  • pure black or with tan marks;
  • bluish fawn;
  • pure white;
  • cream;
  • orange;
  • chocolate.

Character of the orange

Pomeranian cubs, becoming attached to the owner, become his friend, not his subordinate. With prolonged communication, some dogs adopt the owner’s character traits, usually the most noticeable ones.

The Pomeranian Spitz itself is a very playful and cheerful animal. The dwarf descendants of the German Spitz have the finest hearing; it is extremely difficult to take them by surprise. They are able to quickly navigate almost any situation. This is a very active and mobile dog.

Pomeranians are smart, they are well brought up and are able to adapt to the rhythm of life and the behavior of the owner. For these dwarf “cubs” the truth is the following statement: a calm owner is a quiet dog, an active owner is a reactive dog. If you raise a puppy from its “young claws,” you can instill in it the desired qualities or develop those traits that seem more acceptable to the owner.

When raising a descendant of a German Spitz, one must not be rude or incontinent. Firmness does not mean anger at the dog or assault. The Pomeranian "bear cub" - although dwarf, is a predator. He must recognize the leadership of a person, love and respect the owner, and not be afraid of him. Of course, a timely reward for a job well done will please this emotional animal.

The Spitz is a very emotional, playful and active dog. You need to raise it based on the method of encouragement and praise, however, when forming bad habits, you can be strict - show that the animal’s behavior has upset you

Who is the Pomeranian “bear” good for?

The Pomeranian Spitz is a very friendly dog. If he was raised with other pets, he will not conflict. This dog is good for people leading an active lifestyle, and also for those who need an incentive to go for a walk, since these miniature descendants of German Spitz are extremely active and love to walk in both winter and summer.

The Dwarf Pomeranian is a very friendly animal, gets along well with children of any age, loves communication and needs human company almost constantly. It is suitable for those families in which someone is always at home. In this case he will become faithful companion and a friend to both children and adult family members.

Who shouldn't have a dwarf Pomeranian?

  • for those who love silence;
  • those who are rarely at home;
  • for those who are not ready to regularly remove wool;
  • for those who do not want to raise a dog.

The Miniature Spitz is a very sweet, but very vocal dog. They can bark both indoors and outdoors. In addition, the temperament of dwarf “bear cubs” is very cocky; they tend to bully serious large dogs. This cannot be allowed, because big dogs are not obliged to be kind to a lesser brother.

Dogs of this breed become strongly attached to their owner and feel sad in his absence. Therefore, a dog left alone can turn into a constantly howling and yapping lump. Firstly, it may cause nervous breakdown in the dog and lead to his illness, and secondly, it is unlikely to please the neighbors.

Before you get a Spitz, you need to really assess your strengths: can you give the dog enough attention and love? Since the animal is very active and inquisitive, it will suffer greatly when long absence the owner is near him

The fur of these dogs is thick, beautiful, and requires care, sometimes falling out in whole clumps. Wool needs to be brushed constantly, just like cleaning carpets or mopping floors. Character miniature dog not at all weak and pliable. These kids can show powerful qualities and claim leadership. When raising an animal you need firmness and patience. These dogs need to be looked after.

Basics of care and maintenance

Triad of care for Pomeranians:

  • bathing;
  • combing;
  • walks.

There is no need to bathe your baby too often - just 5 times a year is quite enough. However, if the “little bear” gets dirty from head to toe while walking along slushy paths, you should not refuse to swim. Specialized products are used for washing.

They are easy to purchase at any pet store. After bathing, you need to allow the dog to shake off its thick fur, and then dry the fur as much as possible with a towel.

Pomeranians are combed frequently and very carefully, as the hair can roll up, form tangles, and cause pain to the animal when moving. Just 15 minutes a day will save this handsome guy from this trouble.