
Prayer for prosperity by Joseph Murphy. Joseph Murphy Method

Joseph Murphy (May 20, 1898 – December 16, 1981) was a writer, philosopher, and teacher.

Murphy has lectured and trained hundreds of thousands of people around the world for over 50 years on the power of the subconscious mind.

Joseph Murphy was born in Ballydehob, Ireland. He was educated in England and Ireland. After receiving a degree in chemistry, he emigrated to the USA.

Murphy's most popular book is The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, in which he describes in simple terms how a person can use his thoughts to change circumstances and achieve certain goals in life. The book has been translated into 17 languages.

Joseph Murphy hosted a daily radio program and is the author of more than 30 books: “The Miraculous Power to Get Infinite Wealth,” “The Amazing Laws of the Cosmic Mind,” “Discover the Divine Power Within You.” As a rule, his books are full of stories about how a person who applied his method of persuasion and imagination achieved the desired results.

Books (11)

Collection of books

Murphy led the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles for 28 years, where his lectures were attended by approximately 1,300 to 1,500 people each Sunday. Also long time There was also his daily radio program, which was very popular throughout that time.

Live life to the fullest

A decent and happy life. Isn’t this what all people on the planet strive for? But are we doing anything to get one step closer to our cherished goal?

Many people tend to blame circumstances, others, fate, and God for their failures. In fact, everything depends only on us. Yes, there are things that are beyond our control: the movement of the planets, the change of seasons, the tides and currents in the oceans, the rising and setting of the sun. We cannot change another person's thoughts either, but we can change ourselves. Each of us has unlimited power that can replace negative beliefs with positive ones and thus give us the key to a new life.

How to become confident and increase self-esteem

The world-renowned author, in How to Become Confident and Raise Self-Esteem, shows how prayer can help you program your mind to overcome negative feelings about yourself and rebuild self-esteem, and with it, self-confidence.

The Magic of Extrasensory Perception

The book “The Magic of Extrasensory Perception” tells how, with the help of extrasensory perception, people managed to save their loved ones, prevent various troubles in their own lives, and miraculously heal incurable diseases and much more.

She will teach you to face any problems, difficulties, trials and provide you with special techniques and techniques to make your psychic abilities work for you.

Control your destiny

In the West at one time this book became famous as a bestseller. It presents to a wide circle of readers the opportunity to master a power that evokes awe, is capable of working miracles and at the same time is completely accessible to every reasonable person, since it is not outside, but inside each of us.

Learn from Dr. Murphy to manage the resources of your personal psyche - and then for the rest of your life, excellent health, true prosperity, and true happiness will become your inseparable companions.

Miraculous power to obtain endless wealth

The book is intended for people who want to become rich. You live to lead a fulfilled and happy life, and have the necessary tools to do what you want, when you want.

Money should have free circulation in your life.

The power of your subconscious

The book provides numerous simple techniques for influencing the subconscious.

When used correctly, the subconscious mind will tell a person how to find the right solution to the problems that have arisen, develop high moral qualities, and free himself from bad habits.

The miraculous power of the Universe

Try, using the mental and spiritual formulas offered in this book, to establish conscious contact with Cosmic energy - the power of the Infinite - and allow it to operate in your business and your family life.

The results can be amazing!

Reader comments

Claudia/ 02/08/2019 Hello. I have read all the comments. So many good reviews about Joseph Murphy's books. Yes, I also read the book The Power of Your Subconscious. Yes, it is very easy to read and much becomes clear. But there is one thing. Nowhere in the Bible is it written that glory should be given to man. One God, the Creator of the universe and our Creator. Only he is worthy of Glory. You have made an idol out of a man. And for this God's punishment will come. God said not to make idols for yourself. Yes, I agree that books are good and can help people change. But YOU forgot that there is a God who sees everything and every person is like an open book. He knows our every thought. If you trusted the Lord Jesus Christ, He would completely change your life. I want to say that God is written with a capital G. You don’t understand that this is Almighty God and everything is under His control. Out of His love, He is patient with us people and waits for each of us to understand that it is only through His great mercy that life on earth can still be extended. I certainly would like some of you to start reading the Bible. There are definitely answers to all questions there. God bless you all. Love and blessings.

Vladimir/ 01/24/2019 It seemed to me that Joseph Murphy proceeds from his understanding of the Bible and faith, and, for example, John Kehoe from modern physical theories. Therefore, Kehoe sounds more modern.

Sveta/ 07/12/2018 Very good books... Just super

Natalia/ 05/1/2018 What an abyss of knowledge! It's simply unreal how simply the author reveals
what the "churchists" have filled their brains with
Indeed, thanks to his explanations, a thoughtful person, who sincerely wishes goodness for himself, learns to live easily, freely, purely, honestly, and gains full health and clarity through love for himself and his neighbor.

Vladimir/ 03/13/2018 Joseph Murphy is a wonderful person! Here they asked about the book “Healing by Prayer”, you can find it in the group “UmFitness. Self-development practices.” VKontakte. There is also the book “Miracle Power to Obtain Infinite Wealth” in good quality. Scroll on the wall.

OLGA/ 03/04/2018 I have read many books by Joseph Murphy. And everything I read, I applied. It worked. Believe me. Good books. And what they write about demons and evil spirits, you will attach more to yourself with your thoughts about them.

Mavzuna/ 04/08/2017 I read J. Murphy’s books simply by chance. But I didn’t think that his methods worked. It can be compared to a miracle or a magic wand. Murphy’s books are like a mother to me who wants the best for her child. Thank you, Murphy, I hope you can hear me.

Guest guest/ 03/9/2017 I’ve read so many books that I simply can’t count them. And the only ones that have had a significant impact on my life are the books of Joseph Murphy. They raised me to a higher level both materially and spiritually, and in my personal life. I think with gratitude about this man who never tired of talking and writing about these truths that change the life of any person for the better. He lived and worked for the benefit of people and his books are something eternal. I re-read it periodically, at least a couple of pages a day - it’s an inspiring read! I advise everyone to read, apply and get results!

Alla/ 12/9/2016 If you want to understand not only yours, but also the lives of people close and dear to you, then feel free to read Joseph Murphy’s books. I recommend starting with the book "Control Your Destiny." This is a masterpiece. You need to read it thoughtfully, re-read it to someone... but if you hear Him, then consider that you have been born again. From this moment on, your life will never be the same. Joseph Murphy, you are alive in your books.


Zoya/ 08/2/2016 I discovered Joseph Murphy for myself and my friends. I love his books, I have them as desk books; if necessary, they are always at hand. I recommend it.

Natalia/ 07/05/2016 You get peace, tranquility and hope from reading Joseph’s scientific prayers every day....this is for those who have emotional pain....dreaming and making dreams come true is the next step...I came to this site to read Joseph’s books ...

Rahima/ 03/22/2016 Joseph, hello! Whenever I pick up your books, I always thank you!!! You left such a mark shining in all the brilliance of the radiant Royal splendor!!! I wish you the highest blessings in the dimension where you are!!! I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH AND I ADORATE YOU!!! YOU ARE ABLE TO DO SO MUCH, MUCH, MUCH FOR PEOPLE!! ! PRAISE!!! The best applause for you!!! All your books are a masterpiece! Indescribably beautiful books!!! I feel like
my applause and my letter have reached you.

With this book, Dr. Joseph Murphy strives to bring to readers proven methods that help people around the world. On specific examples from life you will learn how useful prayer can be in solving a variety of problems, overcoming adversity, sorrow and depression. For a wide range of readers.

Chapter two. Methods of Prayer

If you try to analyze prayer, you will find that there are a lot various methods. We will not discuss in this book the formal rituals of prayer used in religious services. They occupy an important place in corporate worship. We move immediately to consider techniques of personal prayer for use in everyday life and in helping others.

Prayer is a clearly formulated idea of ​​what we want to achieve. In all kinds of circumstances different people An absolutely diverse approach is required, but in any case it is necessary to clearly formulate for what, for the health of whom and in the name of what purpose each specific prayer is said.


The simplest and most obvious way to express any idea is to visualize it, that is, to see it in the mind's eye as vividly as if it were happening in real life. real life. We are able to see with the naked eye only what already exists in the external world. Likewise, everything that we can imagine in our mind's eye already exists in the invisible realm of our Spirit. Any picture in our head is the quintessence of the sought after and the manifestation of the invisible. And everything that we picture in our imagination is as real as any part of our body. An idea, an image, a thought is quite real and sooner or later will appear before us as phenomena of the external world, unless we change the mental picture that has already formed in our head.

In other words, the process of thinking forms images in our heads, which, in turn, are projected on the screen of space as something visible, happening, real and given to us in sensations. The builder mentally imagines what the building he wants to build will look like. The images and thoughts in his head become something like a model according to which the house will be built - be it beautiful or ugly, a skyscraper or a squat shack. The mental image in his head emerges as clearly as if it were drawn on paper. And then the contractor, together with his employees, purchases all the necessary building materials, and construction continues until the building appears in the same form in which it was already mentally pictured by the architect.

Visualization is necessary before public speaking

Every Sunday before the sermon, I conduct a visualization session: I slow down my train of thought so that my subconscious has time to discern mental images; then I mentally imagine the entire auditorium, men and women, decorously sitting in their places, and I see that they are all filled with the Life-giving Spirit. I see them all shining, happy, and most importantly free.

It all starts with an idea born in my imagination, which I calmly hold within myself in the form of a mental picture. At these moments, I seem to hear the voices of people who loudly exclaim: “I am healed!”, “I feel great!”, “I experienced instant healing!”, “I am completely transformed!” and so on. This continues in me for ten minutes or more. And during this time, I feel that all these people are the tabernacles of God's Spirit in which His Kingdom is realized, and that their bodies and souls are saturated with God's Love... Therefore, they are all virtuous, pure, filled with peace and perfect. I continue to look at this picture until I actually hear the imaginary voices of the crowd praising God; then I stop looking at her and go up to the pulpit. And almost every Sunday one of these people comes up to me and says that his prayer was answered.

Imaginary cinema

According to the Chinese, “any picture is worth a thousand words.” As the father of American psychology, William James, emphasized, our subconscious is capable of turning any mental picture into reality if there is faith behind it. “Act as if I am and I will.”

Some time ago I lived in the Midwest and lectured in several states, but I really wanted to have a permanent job. One evening at a hotel in Spokane, Washington, I lay down on the sofa, completely relaxed, turned off my attention; and gradually a picture appeared in my imagination of me speaking before a large congregation and greeting them with the words: “I am glad that I am here. I have been praying for a long time to serve in such a wonderful church.” Before my inner gaze, I saw a full hall of people and felt the reality of everything that was happening. I was an actor playing a role in this imaginary movie, and I was glad that this picture reached my subconscious, which would be able to bring it to life. In the morning after waking up, grace and extraordinary joy descended on me. And a few days later I received a telegram with an offer to lead a church in one of the eastern states, which I did and happily served in this place for several years.

The technique described here appealed to many parishioners and acquired the name “imaginary cinema.” I receive many letters from radio listeners who have enjoyed my lectures and Sunday conversations on the air. These people have repeatedly told me how, using this technique, they were able to achieve a miraculous effect when selling their real estate. For those who are putting their house or other real estate up for sale, I tell them to first make sure in their souls that their price is fair, and then imagine how the Eternal Mind brings to them a buyer who really wants to buy this property, will love this house and happily will live in it.

After all this is done, I tell them to calm down, lie down, relax, forget about everything and fall into slumber - a state in which any mental activity kept to a minimum; and then I tell them to visualize the cash receipt for this property, hold it in their hands, thank the buyer and go to bed with the feeling that all this happened not in dreams, but in reality. You need to act as if all this is happening in reality. With the help of deep brain biocurrents, the buyer and seller will find each other and conclude the necessary deal. A mental picture will certainly come true if there is faith behind it.

Bode method

Charles Baudet is a professor at the Rousseau Institute in France, a brilliant psychotherapist and scientific director New School healing in Nancy. Back in 1910, he taught that the best way to influence the subconscious is to plunge into a state of semi-sleep, in which all mental activity is reduced to a minimum; and then, without fuss, being deeply immersed in oneself, with just one effort of the mind, convey the idea to the subconscious. Here is his recipe: “The easiest way to do this (feed the subconscious) is to concentrate the idea that we want to instill in ourselves in the form of one capacious phrase that can immediately fit into memory, and repeat it again and again, like a spell.”

Bode emphasized the fact that when we enter a “sleep-like state” (intermediate between wakefulness and sleep itself), any effort is reduced to a minimum, and we can focus on our own good with ease and without strain. This condition occurs when we experience drowsiness.

As experience shows, the subconscious mind readily accepts any idea, command or mental picture that is perceived by consciousness as a fact, and will work out all received commands to the smallest detail, right down to the most distant consequences that flow from them. The subconscious is completely subordinate to the conscious mind and does only what it tells. With utmost accuracy, the subconscious reproduces and ultimately presents to us everything that our conscious mind has put into it.

Practical application of the Bode method

One lady from our course last year waged a long and stubborn family battle over an inheritance. The husband bequeathed all his property to her, and his sons and daughters stubbornly tried to challenge this. She was told in detail how to use the Bode method, and this is what she did. The woman sat down in a chair, completely relaxed and fell into a doze. Then, as she was instructed, she distilled the idea of ​​what she needed into five words that immediately burned into her memory: “Let the will of God be done.” For her, the meaning of these words was as follows: the Eternal Reason, with the help of Its Law (subconscious), will direct the Will of God to the good conclusion of this whole matter. She repeated this procedure every evening for ten days. Each time, falling into a doze, the woman slowly and feelingly repeated to herself: “Let it be done according to the will of God.” And then grace descended on her, all her worries were forgotten, she plunged into a deep, healthy sleep.

On the morning of the eleventh day, the woman woke up with a feeling of well-being and confidence that everything was already it's done. And on the same day, her lawyer called her and said that the lawyer for the other side and his clients were ready to resolve the issues peacefully. An agreement was drawn up that took into account the interests of all parties, and the legal proceedings were completely abandoned.

Prayer while asleep

Once we enter a state of sleep, all our activities are reduced to a minimum. While we are half asleep, consciousness becomes largely suppressed. And this happens because the contents of the subconscious “come out” into reality immediately before sleep and immediately after waking up. In such a state, we are no longer dominated by pessimism and skepticism, which kills all our desires and prevents the subconscious from recognizing what we are trying to put into it.

Prayer while dozing will help get rid of bad habits

Accept comfortable position, relax and lie still. Fall into a doze and, while in this state, repeat in a low voice over and over again, like a spell: “I have completely gotten rid of this habit, I am absolutely sober and calm.” Repeat this phrase to yourself slowly and with deep feeling for five to ten minutes in the mornings and evenings. With each new repetition, its emotional charge increases. If you suddenly want to smoke or drink, repeat this formula out loud several times. In this way, you will push your subconscious mind to accept this idea, and only then will complete healing occur.

Solving complex problems while you sleep

During the conversation, one young man asked me how he could find the will of his father, who had died. According to his sister, his father himself told her that he had drawn up a document in which none of them were left out. All the young man’s attempts to find him ended in nothing. And I told him in the evening before going to bed to make a corresponding request to his subconscious. He formulated his request as follows: “Now I will convey this request to the subconscious. It knows where the will is. The subconscious will show it to me.” He then concentrated his request into a single word: “Answer.”

The young man repeated this prayer over and over again, like a spell. For several nights in a row, he lulled himself to sleep by uttering the word “answer” over and over again. And a couple of nights later he had a rather vivid, realistic dream. He saw the name and address of a certain bank. The young man went there and discovered a bank safe there registered in his father's name. This was the answer to his prayer.

Biblical Method of Prayer

“...whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be done for you.”(Mark 11:24). Note the difference in grammatical tenses. The divinely inspired author tells us to believe and accept as a fact that our desire has already been fulfilled and has come true, and in the future its fulfillment will only follow.

Success this method is based on the firm conviction that any thought, idea, image or picture is a fait accompli for the psyche, and if we want something to exist in the spiritual realm, we simply need to imagine that it exists in reality.

Two or three cherished words are a code that contains clear and specific instructions on how to use the creative power of thought and instill in the subconscious exactly what we want. Any of your thoughts, ideas, plans or intentions as such are no less real than your hand or heart. By praying according to the biblical method, you will completely erase from your consciousness the very idea that there are circumstances that could interfere with the implementation of your plans, or that your business could take a bad turn. You are planting a seed in your mind, and if you leave it alone, there will be tangible results.

She lost her ring

I am writing this chapter while sitting at a beautiful wishing well in Rancho Santa Fe, California, about 100 miles south of Los Angeles. One of the ladies visiting here lost a precious diamond. She went horseback riding, and when she returned, she discovered the loss. At my prompting, she prayed as follows: “The Primordial Mind knows where the ring is. Nothing is lost unless I myself mentally come to terms with this loss, because all events first happen in my head. I know that the Eternal Mind will now show me where the ring is. I see it on my finger, I feel that it is right there, and I know that it is mine. I believe that I have it. I accept it with all my soul, for my thought is as real as this ring.”

She repeated these phrases to herself for several minutes, and then she had a powerful desire to ride again along one of those paths along which she had ridden. And suddenly the horse stopped in the very place where the ring lay. This indicates that all animals, including horses, have a subconscious mind. The ways of the subconscious are inscrutable. This case clearly demonstrates how the law of faith works and what good fruits follow from it.

Why prayer sometimes doesn't help

Failure to achieve the desired result occurs due to skepticism regarding the laws of nature. If you plant a seed in the soil, it will sprout. If we stop hoping, and just get nervous and angry, then with our own hands we will deprive this seed of the opportunity to grow - the idea that was planted in the soul will never give the desired success. Our doubts and fears are thoughts that are opposite to our desires. If we do not resist them, then the original reasoning will very quickly lose all its charge, and then completely crumble into dust. All this negativity should be driven away from ourselves as far as possible, because with such thoughts we will come to the complete opposite of what we pray for. The very law of faith, as it is interpreted in the Bible, is pleasure and joy in anticipation of the fact that all our desires will somehow come true.

Prayer of thanksgiving

The best way to convey your requests to God is through praise and thanksgiving. This simple method of prayer sometimes brings extraordinary results. A grateful heart is always in the closest connection with the creative forces of the Universe, and countless blessings are poured out on us on the feedback principle. This is how a fairly universal law works, operating on the principle: “As it comes around, so it will respond.”

A father promises his son that he will buy him a car by the time he graduates from college; Having not yet received the promised gift, the guy is grateful and happy, as if he really already had a car. He knows that his father will definitely fulfill his promise, and is full of gratitude and joy, although, objectively speaking, he has not yet received any car. However, mentally the guy has already received it with gratitude and joy in his soul.

How many times has it happened that you went into a store and wanted to buy a coat or a hat, even if the store didn’t have exactly what you needed? But you specifically indicated what exactly you wanted to buy, and you paid money for it, and the seller promised you that the ordered item would be sent to your home. You thanked him and left. At the same time, you were absolutely sure that in the near future you would receive the goods you ordered, because you trusted the store seller and were convinced of his integrity. So how much more should we trust the Eternal Creator and the Creative Law, who will endure forever and responds with absolute devotion to our trust and faith in Him!

It helped Mr. Bankrot

Purely for the sake of example, I will tell you about Mr. Bankrot - how he applied this method and got excellent results. He said: “The bills are growing, I’m out of work, I have three children and no money. What should I do?" A solution has been found. For about three weeks in a row, Bankrot repeated the same phrase every day: “Thank you, Father, for feeding us well.” He repeated this phrase in a peaceful and benign tone until his Soul was filled with a feeling of gratitude. It seemed to him as if he was turning directly to the Eternal, although, of course, he knew that it was impossible to see God. He saw Him with the inner eye of spiritual perception, because he understood that the mental image of wealth was primary in relation to money, work and food, which he lacked so much.

His mental perception was the basis of wealth, without any prerequisites for it. He repeated again and again: “Thank you, Father,” until his soul and heart grew to full acceptance of this thought. And if he was again seized by fear, and thoughts of need, poverty and grief settled in his head, he said every time: “Thank you, Father.” Our hero understood perfectly well that if he kept this in his soul feeling of gratitude, then reprograms himself to the idea of ​​wealth, which is what ultimately happened.

Mr. Bankrot was walking down the street and met his former employer, whom he had not seen for more than 20 years. He offered him a very profitable position and gave him 500 dollars in advance, as if on loan. Now Bankrot is the vice president of the corporation where he works. And recently he told me: “I will never forget what a miracle the prayer “Thank You, Father” did for me. It was something extraordinary!”

How did he do it?

All material things certainly have their origin in the Invisible or in the Spirit; the entire creation clearly demonstrates how any mental images and ideas in the Spirit of God take on one form or another in accordance with the Creative Law. There is only one Method of Creation, and with the help of our own thoughts we bring into action this Creative Law. We can use it consciously or unconsciously, however Always Let's use the Creative Law. Everything that now prevents us from living is a consequence of habitual thoughts. As soon as we realize that the conditions and circumstances of our life in themselves are in no way the real cause of our troubles, that these are just the consequences of our previous thinking errors, we will radically change our thinking and will perceive our ideal as an already accomplished reality. When we mentally and emotionally reconnect with our ideal within ourselves, we will change and external manifestations in accordance with the mental images living inside us, and thus we will change our world.

Affirmative method

The effectiveness of the affirmative (or affirmative) method depends on how skillfully our statements (or affirmations) are composed and to what extent they are specific. For example, a boy adds three plus three and writes the number seven on the board. The teacher proves to him with his fingers that three plus three equals six, so the boy rewrites the number accordingly. Likewise, when we affirm the Truth about a person, we must relate our words to the Source of Truth, regardless of persons. The effectiveness of an affirmative prayer depends on the faith and intelligence of the person saying it.

How I was healed using the affirmative method acute cholecystitis

The author decided to use this method on his sister, who had to be operated on in connection with the removal of stones in gallbladder diagnosed based on the results of a clinical examination. Geographically, we are separated by more than ten thousand kilometers, but in the Spirit there is neither time nor space. It is simultaneously present at all points.

When you pray for someone's healing, you are no longer thinking about what their symptoms are, or about their physical self at all, but envisioning the sick person as pure Spirit and the personification of His inherent healing power, harmony, perfection and beauty . I prayed like this:

This is a prayer for healing for my sister Kate. She abides in peace and grace, in calmness, spiritual harmony and serenity. Her mind and Spirit are the Mind and Spirit of God. For the same Creative Mind that once created her body is now transforming every cell, every nerve, all her tissues, muscles and bones into God’s Most Perfect Creation. Gradually, all wrong mental attitudes collapse and go somewhere, and all the healing power, harmony, perfection and beauty inherent in the Spirit shines through in every atom of her being. And now she is ready to accept into herself this Life-giving Spirit, which washes her like a river, so that she, as of old, would remain in complete health, peace of mind and grace. All distorted and ugly mental images are now washed away from her by the Endless Ocean of Love and Grace, truly so.

I said this several times a day, and by the end of the second week, my sister underwent an examination, which showed that things were clearly getting better, and there were no stones. x-ray was not found.

Approve- this means to declare “truly so,” and if you persistently perceive your statement as an already accomplished fact, despite all evidence to the contrary, your prayer will be heard. Your thoughts can only be affirmative, because even if you deny something, you are actually only confirming the existence of what you are denying. Repeat this phrase over and over again with full understanding of what you are saying and why, until a state of consciousness occurs in which your Soul perceives what is said as a fact. Affirm the Truth until you feel a satisfying reaction from the subconscious.

Justification prayer

The essence of this method is clear from its name. The founder of this method is Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby from Maine. Dr. Quimby was a pioneer of spiritual healing and psychotherapy. He lived and worked in Belfast, Maine, about a century ago. He diligently studied hypnosis for about seven years to learn how our minds work, but then abandoned hypnosis in favor of spiritual healing. They achieved the most remarkable results in prayer therapy for any so-called incurable diseases. A book called "The Quimby Manuscripts"(Quimby's Manuscripts), edited by Horatio Dresser, is probably in your library. This book contains newspaper reports about the most amazing results achieved by Quimby in prayer therapy for patients. Quimby repeated many of the healing miracles recorded in the Bible. As was his custom, Quimby asked those suffering from tuberculosis and other malignant diseases to trust him to plead their case before the Supreme Tribunal, which is God. He assured that if they had even a grain of faith and trust in him, then he would certainly prove that they were innocent.

In short, the justification method is a chain of reasoning with the goal of convincing oneself that the patient is a victim of prejudices and unfounded fears, and that his illness is caused only by an incorrect, distorted mental attitude, which caused a malfunction in his body. And this false belief in some external forces and external reasons has now manifested itself in the form of a disease. But one can be cured of this disease if one understands how the Creative Law operates and understands that there is only One First Cause - the Spirit of Life or God. And the Spirit cannot be sick, annoyed or sad; The spirit cannot be out of spirit. The Spirit hovers wherever it wants, no restrictions weigh on Him, He is not susceptible to illness.

The basis of all healing is the healing of faith. Understand that since the Eternal Mind created the body and all its organs, He knows how to heal it, He can do it and is doing it now while you pray. Speaking in an imaginary courtroom, you prove that illness is an eclipse of the Spirit, and that its root is pathological thought patterns thoroughly saturated with illness. From wherever possible, you are gaining more and more evidence that all the organs of the body were originally created by the Power of the Life-Living Spirit, and He has a perfect pattern for every cell, every nerve and every piece of tissue. Then, in an imaginary courtroom, you announce a verdict in favor of your patient. You free the sick person from his illness through faith and spiritual sensitivity. The testimony of your mind and soul is overwhelming; The Spirit is One, and what you perceive as a fact will be embodied in an event that happens to another person. For He is One for all individual people.

She won this Court

Recently, one of our radio listeners in Los Angeles prayed for her mother, who was at that time in New York and who suffered a coronary thrombosis. She prayed like this:

God is the only Spirit and the only Power, the only Reality of Life, the Almighty Living Spirit. This Presence and this Power is where my mother is now. God is her Life, and that Life is her life now. An organic disease is just, like a shadow on a screen, a reflection of her mental life. In order to change the image on the screen, you need to change the film reel. My brain is that same reel, and now I am projecting into my brain a beautiful image of the fullness of being, peace of mind and health that I ask for for my mother. And so the Eternal Healing Spirit - the same one who once created my mother’s body with all its organs - is now working so that every atom and every cell of her being is filled with His Grace. And the doctors treat her, guided and guided by God, and everyone who touches mom is guided by the Guardian Angel. I know that illness has no absolute reality; if she had it, there would be no one who could be healed. My ally is the Eternal Source of Love and Life, and therefore I firmly know and openly proclaim that from now on my mother’s body is the embodiment of goodness, health and love. For there is no force in the world that could challenge the Almighty. Now my mother is overshadowed by the Life-Giving Spirit of God. This is amazing!

A few days later, her mother made a most amazing recovery, much to the amazement of the doctor, who praised her for her faith in God. The daughter’s justification prayer brought a very concrete result in spiritual terms and set in motion the Creative Law, which lives in the Soul and which immediately began to work in the mother’s subconscious. And this manifested itself in the form of physical health and peace of mind. There is only One Soul in the world, and what was perceived by the daughter as a fait accompli immediately translated into the real recovery of her mother.

Absolute Prayer

Anyone who practices this type of prayer therapy pronounces the patient's name, for example, John Jones. Then silently, to himself, he reflects on God, on His properties and attributes - God is the Supreme Bliss, Limitless Love, Eternal Intelligence, Supreme Grace, Limitless Wisdom, Absolute Harmony, Indescribable Beauty and Divine Perfection. Silently meditating in this direction, he retunes his consciousness to a higher spiritual wave, while feeling how the Infinite Ocean of God's Love dissolves everything that is not Himself in the soul and body of John Jones, for whom he is praying. He feels that all the Power and Love of God is now concentrated on John Jones, and everything that worries or annoys him now completely dissolves in the Spirit of the Eternal Ocean of God’s Love.

Modern ultrasound therapy

Absolute prayer can be likened to ultrasound, healing effect which was recently demonstrated to me by an eminent physician in Los Angeles. It has an ultrasonic device that emits sound waves oscillating at tremendous speed and directs them to any part of the body. These sound waves can be controlled, and the doctor told me of amazing results in dissolving gouty tophi and salt deposits in the joints, treating and healing other painful diseases. By Meditating on the Properties and Attributes of God, We Grow in the Spirit and actually generate spiritual electronic waves peace of mind, health and grace. Instant healing is most often achieved by absolute prayer.

The lame woman began to walk

Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, whom we have previously described, relied almost exclusively on the method of absolute prayer in the last years of his healing career. He was indeed the first psychoanalyst and the father of psychosomatic medicine. He had the gift of clairvoyance and immediately understood the cause of the patient’s suffering and pain. Quimby told the patient where the pain was and what was causing the pain. In order to heal him, Quimby said: “I must go to Him who sent me, and I will contemplate your Divine Perfection. If I succeed, you will be healed." The phrase “I must go to Him who sent me” is taken from the Bible: “...I will not be with you for a long time, and I will go to Him who sent Me; You will seek Me and will not find me; and where I am, there you cannot come.”(John 7:33–34). The extraordinary meaning of this phrase will become clear from what follows.

Quimby was called to a certain woman - lame, elderly and practically bedridden. According to Quimby, this woman's illness was due to the fact that she was a prisoner of a dogmatic faith so narrow and limited that she could neither stand nor move. She lived in a tomb of fear and ignorance, and she also took the Bible too literally, and it scared her.

Seeing this, Quimby said: “In this grave the Spirit and Power of God is trying to break the locks, break the bonds and rise from the dead.” When this woman asked someone to explain to her this or that passage from the Bible, in response they gave her a stone; she was hungry for the bread of life. Dr. Quimby diagnosed her illness as stupefied and inert, due to nervousness and fear arising from her inability to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures she was reading. This manifested itself as heaviness and lethargy throughout the body, which could result in paralysis.

And then Quimby asked the woman what it meant “I will not be with you for a long time, and then I will go to Him who sent Me.”. She replied, “That means Jesus has gone to heaven.” Quimby explained what this really means. He told her that "I won't be with her for long" is his explanation of her symptoms, feelings and their causes; that is, that for now he still feels sympathy and compassion for her, but for a long time he will remain in this mental state he won't be able to. And then he will need "to go to Him who sent him", that is, to the Spirit of God, which is present in each of us.

And then Quimby mentally switched gears and imagined how the Divine Ideal - that is The Energy of Life, Reason, Harmony and the Power of God could be embodied in this patient. That’s why he said to the woman: “And where I am, you cannot come there, because you are locked in your narrow, meager faith; and I am in good health.” This prayer and interpretation caused her an instant shock, and a revolution took place in her soul. She threw away her crutches and walked! By her own mistake, she ended up in the grave, and returning her to life or to the right path was tantamount to resurrection from the dead. “In a conversation with her, I mentioned the resurrection of Christ and connected this with her inner Christ or health; it made a strong impression on her." (Quimby Manuscripts).

Mandatory prayer

“You set an intention, and it will come true for you, and light will shine on your ways.”

(Job 22:28)

Our word gains power from the faith and feeling that stands behind it. When we understand that the Power that moves the world does so on our behalf and is behind our words, then confidence and courage increase in us. We are not trying to force the Force, and therefore, there is no place for any kind of mental struggle, coercion, violence and torment.

One young girl tried commanding prayer on young man, who constantly called her, demanded visits and kept watch near work. She couldn't get rid of him. The girl said this: “I let go of ______with God. He is now where he should be at all times. I'm free and he's free. Now I release this word into the Ocean of the Eternal Soul, which is the Soul of the Most High... The Eternal Soul is the only Power that exists in this universe, and She will make it come true. I made a decision and it will come true. So be it." According to her, the guy disappeared and she never saw him again, “as if the earth had swallowed him up.”

How the pastor got the car

Not long ago, a young pastor who was struggling to make ends meet told me amazing story. He read the above Bible verse: “You set an intention, and it will happen for you...”- and decided this: “I have been given all the cars that there are in the world. All of them are God's ideas revealed into the world. I decree that, by Right of Equity, the Eternal Soul will provide me with a car ideal for my work. I completely trust the Subconscious. It knows how to do it in its own way.”

However, the most interesting thing came later. Members of his brotherhood secretly collected the required amount and, at the end of the service, presented him with a brand new car. They said: “We have a surprise for you!” But the pastor was not at all surprised, because he knew that the ways of the Subconscious are inscrutable. The Eternal Reason prompted them and commanded them to fulfill what the pastor perceived in his soul as an accomplished fact.

It's impossible to know which one exactly your prayer will be answered. Under no circumstances should you say: “I don’t have the money to buy a car, so I’ll do without it.” You need to decide what you want, and the Eternal Soul will fulfill it.

I want to tell you about one prayer that can miraculously change your life. Its effect is very strong, it always works.

The results will be amazing.
After reading this prayer, real miracles will begin to happen in your life - wonderful events that are now difficult for you to even imagine. Distant relatives may appear who want to transfer part of their real estate to you, an offer may appear for new job with an incredibly high salary, or just some person decides to give you a gift that will change your life.

The prayer should be read in the morning and evening, while you are not yet fully awake or have not yet fallen asleep. Read for about a month (although results may appear earlier).
Prayer from the book “The Magical Power of the Mind” by Joseph Murphy

“God's gifts are my gifts. I take advantage of every moment of this day,
to praise the Lord. Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me. Divine love flows from me, blessing everyone,
who gets into my circle. Divine love is healing me now. I will fear no evil, because God is with me.
I am always surrounded by a sacred aura of Divine love and power.
I affirm, feel, know and believe strongly and positively that
that the spells of Divine love and vigilance guide,
healing and caring for all my family members and those I love.
I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate Divine love,
peace and goodwill to all people, wherever they may be.
There is peace at the center of my being, it is the peace of God.
In this silence I feel His strength,
the guidance and love of His Holy Presence.
I am Divinely guided in all my paths.
I am a clear channel for Divine love, truth and beauty.
I feel His river of peace flowing through me.
I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God.
God's ways are my ways. The words I say end up there
where do I send them? I rejoice and give thanks, realizing
that I will receive an answer to my prayer. And so it is.”

Read this prayer sincerely, with feeling. And you will definitely get amazing results. This prayer is universal. Suitable for anyone and will help improve their life.
I recommend that you make a copy of this text and keep it next to your bed at all times. Every morning or every evening before going to bed, do not be lazy, read these words. It is advisable that you read them thoughtfully, imagining that they have very great power.
Dr. Joseph Murphy - amazing person- world famous writer and lecturer, vice president of the International Federation of New Thought. His name is included in the list of two thousand people who have achieved extraordinary heights in their field, he has degrees in pharmacology, chemistry and religion.
In his books, Dr. Murphy recommends the use of prayer and meditation, which have proven to be effective. With the help of scientific prayer, you can connect to the channel of Divine Abundance and receive from the Universe everything you need. The only thing you need is the sincerity of your intention.

Prayers from the book “The Magical Power of the Mind” by Joseph Murphy

This prayer is from the book The Magical Power of the Mind by Joseph Murphy.
It will help change everyone's life for the better.
Read it better in the morning and in the evening before bed a whole month, although results may appear much sooner.
Like anyone.
But you need to read it sincerely, then life will improve and your wishes will come true.
Good luck, my dear friends!

Effective Prayer for Prosperity

“God's gifts are my gifts. I take every moment of this day to praise
Gentlemen. Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me. Divine
love flows from me, blessing everyone who comes into my environment.
Divine love is healing me now. I will fear no evil because God
with me. I am always surrounded by a sacred aura of Divine love and power.
I affirm, feel, know and believe strongly and positively that
the spells of Divine love and vigilance to guide, heal and care
about all the members of my family and those I love.
I forgive everyone and
I sincerely radiate Divine love, peace and goodwill to everyone
people wherever they are. There is peace at the center of my being, it is peace
God. In this silence I feel His strength, guidance and love
Holy Presence. I am Divinely guided on all paths
mine. I am a clear channel for Divine love, truth and beauty. I
I feel His river of peace flowing through me. I know that everything is mine
problems dissolve in the mind of God. God's ways are my ways. Words,
that I say go where I send them. I rejoice and exalt
gratitude, knowing that I will receive an answer to my prayer. And so it is.”

Listen to the prayer, learn it by heart.

With the help of scientific prayer, you can connect to the channel of Divine Abundance and receive from the Universe everything you need. The only thing you need is the sincerity of your intention.

With the help of scientific prayers, you can attract ANY material benefits - from real estate to the necessary amounts of money - for a vacation, to buy the necessary things or just for life. Money ALWAYS comes in the right amount.

When you have formed your most cherished desire, choose a prayer that we will read before visualization (prayers from the books of Joseph Murphy)

You need to read the prayer in a relaxed, half-asleep state, when your subconscious is most receptive. Best time– in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. If there is not enough time in the morning, then only in the evening - but be sure to do it regularly, every evening. If possible, read more often - in the morning and during the day - this will speed up the process.

The wish comes true within a month. It happens earlier, it happens later. Again, it all depends on your faith.

We must read the prayer for 15 minutes before going to bed. And so on for 2 weeks.


Read all these prayers each 2 times:

I was born for success. The Infinite that is within me knows no failure. Divine law rules my life. Divine peace fills my soul. Divine love saturates my mind. Infinite Intelligence guides me. I am thriving, moving forward, growing mentally, spiritually and financially. I know that these truths are sinking into my subconscious mind and will continue to develop.

“I know that God cares about my prosperity. Now I lead a life of abundance. I have everything that contributes to well-being, progress and peace. Every day I cultivate the fruits of the Lord's spirit within me. I am calm, balanced, sincere and peaceful. I am one with the Source of life. All my needs are immediately satisfied. Now I direct all “empty vessels” to God. Everything that belongs to Him is mine.”

I become aware of the presence of the Source within me and come into contact with my thoughts. I offer my gratitude to the Lord for the fact that now the entrance to Infinite riches is wide open in front of me and they are freely flowing to me. Every day I become richer spiritually, mentally and financially. Money is God's idea circulating in my life and there is always enough of it

Joseph Murphy's Prayers to Attract Wealth and Abundance

God is the constant source that satisfies all my needs every moment of my life!

The Holy Spirit is my instant and constant attitude. It takes the form of food, clothing, money, friends and everything that I need right here and now. I affirm this and know that now I am receiving Divine riches.

I absolutely believe in God and all good things. I know that I can handle any situation at any time because God is the immediate source providing me with everything necessary ideas in the best possible way and in the most the right time. Divine riches flow into my life like a stream and they are always in abundance. As I repeat these truths, I feel my mind being tuned to receive benefits from the Divine inexhaustible source!

God sends me prosperity in all my paths and I now accept his gifts!

Joseph Murphy's Prayer for Wishes

All my desires are conscious, I know that they exist in the invisible world. Now I ask that they be fulfilled and that I am ready to accept this gift. I rely on the will of the Creative Power that is within me. She is the source of all blessings and miracles. I feel how my desire is imprinted in the subconscious, in order to then come true in reality, because everything we think about sooner or later happens in reality. This is the principle of our consciousness.

I feel that what I asked for will certainly come true, and therefore I am absolutely calm. There is a strong confidence in the heart that the desire will soon come true. My whole being is full of joyful excitement. I am at peace, for the Lord is peace and tranquility. Thank You, my Heavenly Father. So be it.

Prayer to find a good job

“Infinite Intelligence knows all my talents and opens a new door for my self-expression in the Divine order. I follow the path that the Lord clearly and definitely tells me.”

How to use scientific prayer correctly?

From the beginning of reading prayers until the results are obtained, it takes from several days to several months.

To speed up getting results, imagine the end result as clearly as possible.

Get rid of fears, sincerely believe that the Universe has a powerful force and is able to solve your problem in the best possible way.

If you have time, read the prayer as often as possible. The more, the better, the faster you will get the result.

Let's figure out what scientific prayer is?

Scientific Prayer- this is conscious contact with the Higher Mind, part of which is located in you. Your prayer should be based on the premise that you are a part of the Universe that helps you get what you desire. You must understand that scientific prayer is not tears and prayers, but a conscious appeal to Cosmic, Divine energy. This, to some extent, is a conversation with God in a freer form.

Prayer for Abundant Life

Repeat the following words and it will help you solve your problems:

“I know that to prosper means to grow spiritually. God is present now in my mind, body and my actions. Divine ideas constantly arise within me, bringing me health and wealth.

I am in awe as I feel God quickening every atom of my being. I know that He is encouraging, supporting and strengthening me now. My body is a perfect form, filled with energy and strength.

My business is a Divine activity and it is running successfully and efficiently. I feel an inner integrity functioning in my body, mind and my affairs. I offer my gratitude to God and enjoy a life of abundance.”

The following prayer, used daily, will bring you many amazing results:

“I know that I am modeling and creating my own destiny. My faith in God is my destiny; it means an unfailing belief in goodness. I live in joyful anticipation of a miracle; only the best comes to me. I know what harvest I will reap in the future, because all my thoughts are Divine thoughts, and God is present in them. My thoughts are the seeds of goodness, truth and beauty. I now sow thoughts of love, peace, joy, success and goodwill in the garden of my mind. This is the Divine Garden and it will yield a bountiful harvest. The glory and beauty of the Lord will be manifested in my life. I'm happy and successful. Thank You, Father."

Prayer for business success and wealth

Now I am sending an image of success and prosperity to my deep mind, which is the law. I now personify myself with the Infinite Source of wealth. I listen to the calm, small voice of God within me. This inner voice directs all my activities. I know and believe that there are new and better ways to run my business. Infinite Intelligence will suggest them to me.
I am growing in wisdom and understanding. My business is a Divine business. The Divine wisdom within me gives me the ways and means by which all my affairs are handled properly.
The words of faith that I now speak open all the necessary doors and roads for my success and prosperity. I know that the Lord will make everything that concerns me perfect. I am on the right path because I am a son (daughter) of God.

If you don’t forget, you will get SIGNIFICANT results within a month.

Healing Prayers

The healing Divine presence now goes to work transforming, healing, restoring and directing all the processes of my body according to His wisdom and Divine nature. My entire body is cleansed and activated by the life-affirming energy of God. A divine purification is taking place in my mind and body. The joy of the Lord is my constant strength. Every part of my body is healthy and I give thanks for that. Amen.

The healing power of God is now flowing through me, healing my body. The Infinite healing Presence created me. It knows how to heal, knows all the processes and functions of my body. I declare that the Holy Spirit is now moving through me, sustaining and restoring my entire being in accordance with the principle of wholeness, beauty and perfection.

prayer for marriage

“I know that my desire to get married and be happy is the voice of God within me, urging me to lead a fulfilled and happy life. I know that now I and the Infinite are one. I know and believe that there is a man who is waiting for me. I know that I can make him happy and provide him with a quiet life. I can be a huge boon to him. I will cherish, love and inspire him to do great things. There will be mutual love, freedom and respect between us. These words go further and are implemented where they are sent.” I have written down this request in my subconscious mind and I affirm that it is being fulfilled, completed and realized in my deeper mind. Whenever I think about marriage, I will remind myself that the Infinite Intelligence of my subconscious is putting it into action in Divine order."


“I know that benefits are coming to me at this moment. I believe with all my heart that I can receive harmony, health, peace and joy. I know and believe that these seed thoughts will sprout in my life and bear fruit.”

I am a sower - whatever I sow, that is what I will reap. I sow Godly thoughts. These beautiful seeds will bring peace, success and goodwill.

From this very moment I begin to put seeds into the Bank of the Almighty (my subconscious mind) - thoughts of peace, self-confidence and calmness. I believe and accept the fact that my desire is a seed planted in the subconscious. By feeling its reality, I make it real. I know that grain grows in darkness; so my desire will grow in the darkness of my subconscious mind. After a short time, like a grain, it will come out of the ground and be realized as a condition, circumstance or event.

Infinite Intelligence guides me. I pray for that which is true, honorable, just, amiable and worthy of praise. I think about these concepts and Higher Power remains in my thoughts about virtue.

Also for clear facial skin.

My skin is a blanket of Divine love, there is not a spot on it, it is fresher than the skin of a baby and the radiance of youth and beauty saturates my entire being.

He talks in front of the mirror for about 5 minutes.


Joseph Murphy: scientific prayers wish fulfillers

Friends, have you heard that Joseph Murphy wrote scientific prayers that help make wishes come true?

Perhaps you have read his books, or glimpsed articles with examples of these prayers?

But chances are, if you're new to learning how the power of thought works, this is the first time you've heard about them.

Today I will tell you what kind of person he is, what is the meaning of his scientific prayers and how to use them.

I immediately want to get ahead of all events and say that Joseph Murphy’s prayers are created for all occasions. They are written for both men and women. Absolutely for any area of ​​life: love, family, wealth, money, business, home, health, self-confidence, favorite thing, and so on and so forth.

Joseph Murphy is very interesting person, philosopher, writer, positive thinking researcher.

He has written more than 30 books on psychological self-help and self-improvement.

It was Joseph Murphy who created the term - scientific prayers for all occasions.

In his books, he told people how to fulfill their desires and popularized effective scientific prayers that bear fruit for many people who use them.

What is the difference between religious prayers and Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers?

Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers do not require affiliation with any religion, but require faith in oneself and the possibilities of the Universe.

They do not contain requests.

we already have what we ask for.

You shouldn’t ask and wait, because your wish will be fulfilled, one way or another.

It's enough to just believe. Believe in its fulfillment.

We tend to doubt and wait for guarantees. Majority religious people When saying a prayer, they look for its confirmation.

But everything is simple. The guarantee is our inner strength. Our inner confidence that we will get everything we want, that our desire will come true.

Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers should not be memorized; they are free dialogues with the universe and your inner strength.

Murphy's Scientific Prayers: How to Pray?

The main thing that Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers consist of is positive affirmations.

Like the affirmations that I told you about in previous articles, they are powerful tools in changing the reality around you.

All your thoughts leave a mark on your brain cells, which then, in reality, manifests itself in a certain way.

Your friends are complaining about life, your boss is always talking about the crisis and lack of money, the news is just full of bad events. If you pass all this through yourself, your consciousness, then reality will become the same.

So what should we do?

All you need to do is turn negative thoughts into positive ones. The more often you think about good things, the more good things will be in your life.

As Mother Teresa said: “ don't invite me to a rally against the war. Call me when you go to a peace rally". Just try to think in this way.

To this end, Joseph Murphy has formulated scientific prayers for all occasions.

You just need to print them out and read them every day. Or better yet, twice a day, after waking up and before going to bed. At a time when you are most relaxed.

On topic:

You need to devote 10-15 minutes to prayers.

Try reading them for at least a month. Read, remember, feel them, pass them through yourself. It is very important with what emotions you pronounce them, what energy you put into them. Concentrate on prayer, forget about doubts and fears.

If you wish, you can rewrite the prayer in your own hand. This way it will become clearer to you.

Believe me, changes will not keep you waiting.

And if you want to fulfill your desire as quickly as possible, come to my free master class, where I will share practical recommendations and I'll tell you

Joseph Murphy's Scientific Prayers for All Occasions

Prayer for wealth and success in business

I realized where the eternal source of all wealth is, which never runs out.

I am guided in all my paths by Divine power, and I accept all new ideas.
Infinite intelligence constantly reveals to me best ways serving my neighbors. He guides me and directs me to create products that will be a blessing and support to humanity.

I attract the best people to run your business.

I am a powerful magnet and attract fabulous wealth by providing people with products and service systems top quality. I am constantly attuned to higher intelligence and the true essence of wealth. The highest Divine power always guides my plans and goals, and all my achievements are based on the truth that God guides and guides me in all my undertakings.

I am in a peaceful state internally and externally all the time. I'm a huge success. I am one with God, and God always succeeds. I also always succeed. And now I'm succeeding.

I quickly grasp the essence of all the details of my business.

I radiate love and goodwill to all people around me and all employees. I fill my mind and heart with Divine love, strength and energy. All those who are connected with me are the spiritual links of my growth, wealth and prosperity.

I do everything for the glory of God. I'm becoming a rich man!

Prayer for Healing

I will restore your health and I will heal your wounds, said the Lord.

I know that with God all things are possible.

I believe in this and accept it with all my heart.
I know that the Higher Power within me turns darkness into light.

Now I contemplate God abiding in me. I say a prayer for healing of my mind and body.

I come into contact with the life, love, truth and beauty that is within me. I tune in to Divine love.

I know that harmony, health and peace now fill me.

Since I live and act, affirming ideal health, it becomes reality. Now I imagine a mental picture and feel the reality of my perfect body.

A feeling of calm fills me. Thank You, Father.

Prayer of Divine Love

Divine love surrounds me.
Divine peace fills my soul.
Divine light shows me the way.
Divine guidance is now mine.
Divine beauty fills my heart.
God favors me in everything!

Prayer in difficult situations

God's gifts are my gifts. I take every moment of this day to praise the Lord.
Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me. Divine love emanates from me, blessing everyone who comes into my environment. Divine love is healing me now.

I will fear no evil, because God is with me. I am always surrounded by a sacred aura of Divine love and power.

I affirm, feel, know and believe strongly and positively that the spells of Divine love and vigilance guide, heal and care for all members of my family and those I love.

I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate Divine love, peace and goodwill to all people, wherever they are.
There is peace at the center of my being, it is the peace of God.

In this silence I feel His strength, the guidance and the love of His Holy Presence.
I am Divinely guided in all my paths.

I am a clear channel for Divine love, truth and beauty.
I feel His river of peace flowing through me. I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God. God's ways are my ways. The words I speak go where I send them.

I rejoice and give thanks, knowing that my prayer will be answered. And so it is.

Prayer for peace of mind

Divine calm and incomparable peace fill my mind and soul.

I am completely calm, because every minute my thoughts are full of peace, harmony and goodness.

I fill my mind with thoughts of peace, harmony and goodness. The Lord is my Shepherd, the river of His calmness fills me with peace. Now I can go to sleep, for I am confident that I am in His safety and blessing.

Today is God's day. I choose harmony, peace, perfect health, Divine law and order, Divine love, beauty, abundance, security and inspiration. By affirming these truths in my life, I know that I am activating the abilities of my subconscious mind that cause me to demonstrate all of these qualities. I know that God can give me everything I want. Thank you, Lord, that this is so.

Prayer for peace and harmony in daily life

In my world everything is calm and full of harmony, for God is in me. My mind is balanced, serene and calm.

In the atmosphere of goodwill that surrounds me, I feel deep, inexhaustible strength and liberation from all fears. Now I realize the love and beauty of the Divine Presence, and I throw away everything false.

I see God in all people. I abide in God, so I know that all my problems are solved. My life is the life of God.

My peace is the deep, unchanging peace of God.

To overcome pessimism and make a wish come true

The infinite wisdom that brought this desire into my heart guides and guides me always and will show me the best path to fulfill my desires. I know that the deep insight of my subconscious will overcome and realize all my thoughts, feelings and ideas. Harmony, balance and spiritual peace reign in me and around me.

Prayer for fulfillment of desires

Write down your deepest wish by hand.

Write this prayer below.

Read the prayer after waking up and before going to bed for 15 minutes for 2 weeks. Any wish that does not harm anyone will come true:

All my desires are conscious, I know that they exist in the invisible world.

Now I ask that they be fulfilled and that I am ready to accept this gift.

I rely on the will of the Creative Power that is within me. She is the source of all blessings and miracles.
I feel how my desire is imprinted in the subconscious, in order to then come true in reality, because everything we think about sooner or later happens in reality. This is the principle of our consciousness.

I feel that what I asked for will certainly come true, and therefore I am absolutely calm.

There is a strong confidence in the heart that the desire will soon come true. My whole being is full of joyful excitement.

I am at peace, for the Lord is peace and tranquility.
Thank You, my Heavenly Father. So be it.

Prayer to attract an ideal spouse

I know that God and I are one now.

In it I live, move and abide. God is life, and it is the life of all men and women.
We are all sons and daughters of the same Father. I know and believe that there is a person who wants to love and cherish me.

I know that I can create his happiness and peace. He loves my ideals, and I love his ideals. He doesn't want to change me, and I don't want to change him either. There is mutual love, freedom and respect between us. There is only one mind, and now in that mind I recognize this person.

I am now connecting with the strengths and personal qualities that I admire in my husband. I am one with him in my mind. We know and love each other in the Divine mind.

I see God in him, and he sees God in me. Having become acquainted with it within myself, I must also become acquainted with it from the outside, since this is the law of my own mind.
These words reach the one to whom they are sent.

I know that now it is fulfilled, completed and realized in God. Thank you, Father.

This prayer must be read at the end - after all:

Prayer to Strengthen Faith

My creative word gives me confidence that prayer will be answered. When I speak a word of healing, success or prosperity, it will be fulfilled.

My word has power because it and the Almighty are one. The words I speak are always constructive and creative. When I pray they are full of life, love and feeling.

I know that the more faith I have behind a spoken word, the more power that word has.

Trust the power within you.

Choose those Joseph Murphy scientific prayers that suit you best and start reading them daily. And you will look at the reality around you in a completely different way. Life will begin to bring you situations and people that will help you solve your problems. You will begin to see opportunities, not problems.
The power within you will help you fulfill any desire and get the life you dream of.

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