
Computer operator (electronic computers). Telecommunications specialist

For the vast majority of people, work and building a career are among their priority life goals. Times move on, and attitudes towards many professions also change. From this article you will learn what the importance of the work of an operator is for society in the 21st century and the features of this profession. You can also find out when people first started working in this specialty, and how their job responsibilities have changed over time.

Operator: description of profession

There are several subtypes of profession operator. Firstly, an operator of electronic computers, or, more simply, computers. This profession appeared simultaneously with the invention of the first computer systems.

Now people in this profession are called PC (personal computer) operators. This means that the selection criteria for this profession include a mandatory requirement - knowledge of the basics of ICT (information and communication technologies). Simply put, an operator is a person who knows basic programs like the Microsoft Office software package and additional ones, for example, "1C Accounting". It is noteworthy that anyone can master these programs if they have the desire, because there are no age restrictions for using a computer.

The importance of the PC operator profession

Specialists of this category are responsible for a number of important decisions in any company and often their work turns out to be many times more important than the work of a manager at the enterprise. An operator is a person who must manage internal documents of the company, be able to provide them to various divisions of the company in a timely manner, maintain reports in electronic form, and much more. In general, the role of an operator in a company or organization depends on what it does. A popular misconception is that an operator works exclusively in front of a computer. In fact, this is far from the case. The operator works with any office equipment, be it a fax or a printer. An important skill for an operator is searching and processing information from the Internet, but anyone who has ever looked for information in other sources - books, newspapers, films - can cope with this. The operator is important to the company from the point of view of the “information transmission channel”. It is the operator’s responsibility to provide an accessible and visual representation of certain data in the form of graphs, tables, and diagrams.

Telecommunications operator

Telecom operator is a profession that may seem very similar to the one described above, but there are significant differences that need to be identified. An operator is a profession that arose in its true sense a long time ago, when people began to actively exchange information, it was just that in those days this profession was called differently. Nowadays, the role of the operator is becoming more significant, the number of job responsibilities, because the number of communication channels is growing, and the volume of information that needs to be processed is growing. The telecom operator must be able to provide clients with information transmitter services - otherwise, postal services. Of course, the telecom operator must be fluent in email tools. Processing financial transfers, disseminating information to other organizations (advertising, newsletters) and much more are the responsibilities of the operator.

Pros of the profession

The operator profession provides excellent opportunities for internal development. As part of this profession, you master the latest and classic information technologies that can be useful to you in any other job. By acquiring useful computer skills, you become a valuable asset in the job market. Moreover, you always work with information, and this can simplify everyday affairs; you will spend less time outside of work on creating electronic documents, searching for information on the Internet, and the like. An operator is a person who, having once mastered one “package of technologies,” should not stop there. Nowadays, it is impossible to remain outside of information and technology, so acquiring some skills will certainly entail an interest in others. This, in turn, can allow you to not only significantly reduce your computer time at home, but also help you save! Many services that are sold by various information centers, copy centers and other institutions can be carried out by you! By mastering a package of standard programs, you can significantly reduce your costs for such services.

Cons of the profession

Of course, any profession has its downsides. Similarly, the operator is not an ideal field for work. You must be prepared to spend a lot of time working at the computer. For some this may be a serious limitation. After a day of work, your eyes get tired, your muscles become numb, and your body feels tired. However, these consequences can be prevented if, for example, you take a walk in the park or just walk down the street during your lunch break during the working day. A person who spends most of his time in front of a monitor should definitely do eye exercises.

The profession of a 1C operator was formed as a specialization in the activity of a PC operator (personal computer operator). It originated in the mid-90s with active development and implementation of 1C company software products.

Today there are many versions of 1C programs, they are designed to solve wide range accounting and management automation tasks facing dynamically developing modern enterprises: these are 1C: Accounting 8 PROF, 1C: Enterprise 8, Trade and customer relationship management, Accounting and tax accounting, Salary and personnel management, Trade and warehouse accounting, Integrated automation and etc.

The introduction of new configurations of 1C programs makes it possible to improve the activities of companies and increase their profitability.

1C operators work in organizations and enterprises in all sectors of the economy.

The work of a 1C operator today is very promising, in demand and well paid by the employer.

Type and class of profession

The profession 1C operator belongs to the “Man-Sign” type, the subject of work is an activity based on working with numbers, tables, texts, formulas, etc.

An additional type of profession is “Human-Technology”, since the activity is carried out using a personal computer and office equipment.

By the nature of the work, the profession belongs to the performing (algorithmic) class, since it is aimed at working according to a given algorithm, model, in compliance with existing rules, regulations, instructions, and standards.

A 1C operator is a technical performer who prepares data on various electronic media using 1C software products, whose main responsibilities include:

    entering primary documentation into the 1C database, entering digital and other types of data;

    accounting of commodity turnover: receipt, consumption, movement of goods, reconciliation of balances;

    generation of reports on the movement of inventory, receipt of materials, consumption of materials;

    issuing a set of documents for shipment;

    compilation of price lists;

    bringing goods into the warehouse;

    preparation of reports, etc.

Requirements for the knowledge and skills of a specialist

The 1C operator must know:

    1C software products

    basics of documentation

    basics of economics, accounting, management and tax accounting, personnel work.

    labor legislation

    pricing basics

    tax rules.

A 1C operator must be able to:

    prepare trade and warehouse documents, such as invoices, invoices, requisitions, invoices and other documentation;

    carry out inventory of goods in the warehouse;

    form various shapes reporting;

    create reports on balances, on mutual settlements with clients, trade and cash reports;

    work with the Windows operating system;

    work with modern office equipment.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

The main professionally important qualities of a 1C operator are:

    developed abstract logical thinking;

    high level of development of technical and mathematical abilities;

    high level of development of concentration and stability of attention;

    a penchant for accounting and analytical work;

    a penchant for working with digital information;

    developed fine motor skills hands and fingers;

    patience, perseverance;

    ability long time perform monotonous work without compromising quality.

Working conditions

For persons with disabilities musculoskeletal system The 1C operator position optimally matches the physical characteristics. Activities are carried out mainly in a sitting position using a computer. A typical working day for a 1C operator takes place under standard conditions, in an office or office.

Particular attention must be paid to a specialized work environment and a workplace tailored to the needs of the employee. The technical conditions for ensuring activities, taking into account the characteristics of persons with limited mobility, include:

    a workplace adapted for a disabled person;

    personal computer with necessary software 1C, as well as with access to the Internet;

  • regulatory and local acts - necessary economic and legal literature.

The functional and planning structure of the building in which the organization is located should be logically simple and compact.

At the entrance to the building, ramps, strong and reliable railings must be installed, and the outer door must open inward to avoid traumatic consequences. The width of door openings must correspond to the ergonomic characteristics of standard wheelchair, which corresponds to 0.9 m. The use of doors on swinging hinges and “turntable” doors on the paths of movement of disabled people is not allowed. The most convenient doors to use are automatic sliding doors. When placing an employee on the second and subsequent floors, an elevator must be provided.

The working area for specialists with limited mobility must be at least 4.2 m2.

The surface of the desktop used by a specialist in work should be at a height of no more than 0.8 m above the floor level. Work chair for disabled people who do not use it when moving wheelchair, must be equipped with a device for changing the position of the seat in height and inclination, an adjustable footrest, and in some cases - a special seat that provides compensation for the effort when standing up.

The work of a 1C operator is full-time; remuneration is carried out in accordance with the salary according to the staffing table. Dressing style in the workplace is formal and business casual.

Medical contraindications

The main contraindication to the profession of 1C operator for persons with limited mobility is the inability to perform this labor activity in accordance with the medical report issued in accordance with the procedure established federal laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation.

TO medical contraindications, preventing the 1C operator from working include:

    traumatic brain injury;

    upper limb amputation;

    severe and moderate forms of cerebral palsy with damage to the functions of the upper limbs;

    hand deformities in childhood cerebral palsy V severe forms hemiparesis and bilateral hemiplegia;

    abnormal development of the fingers, in case of obstacles to working on the keyboard of a personal computer;

    speech disorders in cerebral palsy;

    mental and nervous diseases(severe and moderate forms of polio);

    impaired coordination of movements of the hands and fingers, hand tremors, in case of obstacles to working on the keyboard of a personal computer;

    severe forms neurological symptoms with cerebral palsy;

    mental disorders and behavioral disorders (with moderate and severe persistent or often exacerbating painful manifestations);

    organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders;

    schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders;

    mental retardation;


    severe visual impairment

    hearing impairment

Paths to obtaining a profession

The professional training required to work as a 1C operator is carried out in the system of initial professional and additional vocational education, V curriculum which provide training on basic 1C products.

The profession of an operator of electronic computers with the study of 1C software products can be obtained in economics and finance colleges, commercial schools, training centers, etc.

Conditions for training disabled people with musculoskeletal system disorders have been created in Moscow in such educational institutions, How:

    Technological College No. 24;

    Economics and Technology College No. 22;

    Financial College No. 35;

    Moscow Industrial and Economic College;

    Small Business College No. 4;

    College of Services No. 10;

    College of Entrepreneurship No. 11;

    Construction College No. 12;

    Polytechnic College No. 8 named after. N.F. Pavlova;

    Moscow rehabilitation center for the disabled, technical school;

    Technological College No. 14;

    College of Entrepreneurship No. 15;

    Small Business College No. 48;

    Technological College No. 49;

    Moscow Social Pedagogical College.

Centers for additional vocational training also carry out distance learning everyone and are issued a 1C certificate upon completion of the courses.

    Training center "1C-Rarus";

    Training center "Specialist";

    Training center "RG-Soft" and many others.

Ways to obtain a profession in the regions of the Russian Federation

Areas of application of professional knowledge

Today, the profession of 1C operator is in great demand on the Moscow labor market. Exists a large number of organizations and enterprises in various fields economies in need of such specialists. The high demand for 1C operators is explained, first of all, by the need to prepare reports for government agencies about the financial and economic activities of an enterprise or organization in the 1C program. Most often, full-time positions of 1C operators are introduced in large and medium-sized companies with large turnover. In other organizations, the functions of 1C operators are assigned to administrators, office managers, secretaries, accountants, etc.

A 1C operator has a chance to find a job in:

    retail chains and individual stores;

    Online stores;

    wholesale trading companies;

    wholesale centers;

    large warehouses;

    distribution companies;

    industrial enterprises;

    logistics companies;

    companies providing various services to legal entities and individuals;

    government agencies;

    software production and sales companies;

    organizations providing mobile and Internet communication services;

    construction companies;

    real estate agencies, etc.

Career prospects

Based on his knowledge and skills, a 1C operator has the opportunity to build a career in several directions: trade, warehouse or accounting, administrative and economic work, external economic activity, information technology and others.

Obtaining higher professional education opens up opportunities for a vertical career.

Often, 1C operators are given the opportunity to work on remote employment conditions (home work, fulfilling orders on a contractual basis).

* This work is not a scientific work, is not a final qualification work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information intended for use as a source of material for self-preparation of educational works.

Communication is one of the most advanced means of business and personal communication between people. Telephone operators, based on the nature of the work performed, are divided into local (urban, rural, intra-industrial) telephone operators. Long-distance telephone operators are highly qualified workers. Telephone operators are also available help desk city ​​telephone network. The development of telephone communications is moving along the path of automation of telephone exchanges. The number of automatic telephone exchanges (ATS) is growing every year. But such a promising direction in improving communications does not exclude the need to have a significant number of specially trained telephone operators at long-distance telephone exchanges. This is due to the fact that on long-distance lines the so-called custom system of servicing subscribers (persons who have pre-paid for the right to telephone conversations and made the corresponding order) is used. This system has its own conveniences for subscribers and is being developed along with the PBX system. Among the main requirements for the profession are comprehensive literacy, good command of Russian and native languages, basic terms of one of the foreign languages, high level of speech culture, impeccable hearing, attentiveness and composure, quick reaction. There are ancient professions, for example, mason, cook, weaver, and there are young ones that even a hundred years ago seemed unusual and mysterious to people. The latter also includes the profession of telephonist-informant. Today the telephone is a familiar attribute of our everyday life. The telephone service of large cities has a help desk, the main employees of which are telephone operators and informants. At any time of the day or night, you can dial “09”, and the telephone operators of the help center will tell you the required telephone number. Telephone operators work in a large, bright hall, where a certain temperature regime is maintained, and workplaces are protected from direct sun rays. To reduce production noise, the walls and ceiling of the hall are covered with sound-absorbing materials, and the floors are covered with carpets. The telephone operator sits at an individual table equipped with cells where cards with telephone numbers are located in a certain order. In front of it is mounted a panel with a signal light and toggle switches, with the help of which they communicate with the subscriber, switching him to a conversation with a senior telephone operator or with a telephone operator who gives information about the telephone numbers of city residents. To keep the telephone operator-informant's hands free while working, a specially designed micro telephone is attached to her head using a headband. When calling a subscriber, the telephone operator automatically connects to him, calls his work number, listens to the question, clarifies it if necessary, and then calls the subscriber from memory or from a card, having found the required phone number in the card file. At the workplace of telephone operators of the information service there are all kinds of reference books, guides, diagrams, albums, schedules, programs. Huge reference material is placed in a specialized card index, consisting of several sections. One of them contains all the data about industry, the other - about universities, technical colleges and schools, the third - about cultural institutions, etc. Several times a year the card index is checked and updated with new information: about new streets and shops, studios and post offices, about new routes of urban transport. The work of each telephone operator-informant is subject to selective control: her answers during the working day are recorded on tape and then analyzed. The main indicators of successful work are the number of items issued, their correctness, and the speed of orientation in reference materials, customer service culture. When errors or negligence are discovered in the work, the tape recording is shown to the telephone operator who committed the defect and the shortcomings are pointed out. The work of telephone operators at the 09 help desk and the information service differs significantly. In the first case, it is more intense, but less diverse and complex, and does not require a special search. The telephone operator must correctly understand the question, find or remember the required telephone number in the file cabinet as quickly as possible and name it clearly, without errors. To give information, a top-class telephone operator needs approximately 18 seconds. The work of a telephone operator in the “09” service is intense and relatively monotonous, requiring concentration of attention in conditions of interference, speed of reaction, and perseverance. The work of an information service telephone operator is less intense and more varied. She has the opportunity to demonstrate her erudition, initiative, and ability to quickly navigate various issues. Telephone operators of both services experience the greatest workload throughout the entire shift. auditory analyzer. Good memory- reliable assistant informant. Mainly verbal and logical material is remembered: numbers, dates. The most experienced telephone informants, without looking in directories, from memory can give dozens of all kinds of information, addresses, and telephone numbers. If a person has the necessary knowledge, endurance, perseverance, and concentration, he will be satisfied with his work. The work of telephone operators working on electronic machines is relatively monotonous and somewhat stressful. A significant concentration of attention, perseverance, and readiness to react under conditions of relative time pressure are required, since a strictly defined time is allotted for issuing certificates. Some monotony at work can cause a feeling of fatigue. Help desk workers show a lot of resourcefulness and ingenuity. The modest work of telephone operators-informants, unnoticeable at first glance, brings great benefit people, helps them live and work. Literature: Nikolay Levshov “Let’s keep in touch!” ; Publishing house "Knowledge"; Moscow 1990..

The profession of alarm clock man (or knocker-up) existed in Great Britain during the Industrial Revolution. Usually it was a boy or, conversely, old man, and even a woman, who knocked on the windows of factory workers so that they would not be late for their shift. Sometimes a special stick was used for this, and sometimes the “alarm clock” simply threw small pebbles at the windows or shot dry peas from a tube.

Such people received little, a few pence a week. And the employers were both the workers themselves (they left a sign on the windows or doors that they needed to be woken up) and the owners of the factories (and you still complain about your social package?). The profession disappeared in the 20s of the last century, when mechanical alarm clocks appeared.


A cigar factory worker whose job it was to entertain the workers by reading to them or telling them stories interesting information to diversify monotonous work. The profession appeared in Cuba, but gained the greatest popularity in New York. True, the lecturers were quickly replaced by radio, since the factory owners did not like the fact that they read communist political manifestos and texts about the benefits of the trade union movement to the workers.


Before the appearance modern system Air defense forces used acoustic mirrors to detect enemy aircraft by engine noise. With their help, special people tried to hear if enemy aircraft were approaching. For example, during the First World War, a whole network of concrete acoustic mirrors was installed on the coast of England. Some of them have survived to this day.

rat catcher

Cities have always suffered from hordes of rats that spoil food and carry various diseases. Therefore, in European capitals (London, Paris, Prague) and some major cities There were squads of rat catchers who destroyed animals using special noose loops. This work was profitable, but dangerous, since the rat catcher could be bitten. And wandering around sewers and garbage dumps was not very pleasant.


Before the advent of machines in bowling clubs, the task of collecting and setting pins was performed by boys, which is why the second name of the profession is pinboy. Being a pinboy was considered a pretty prestigious job. For each game the boy earned 5 pence. The profession disappeared completely when Gottfried Schmidt invented the mechanical pinspotter in 1936.


Today, a computer is a powerful computing machine, but initially it was a living person, most often a young girl, who in the office was engaged in calculations, calculations, and typing. And she probably played solitaire!

Ice cutter and ice transporter

The predecessors of modern refrigerators - ice cabinets - required constant replacement of ice, which was usually taken from a river or lake. The ice crusher crushed the ice, and the delivery man on a bicycle delivered it to homes. People posted signs on their houses to let the delivery man know how much ice they needed. The profession disappeared when refrigerators, accessible to the majority of the population, became widespread in the 1940s.

Telephone operator

In the days of landline telephones, which our generation still had, the profession of “distribution station operator” was common. Mostly girls worked at the stations. They were usually addressed like this: “Girl!” Later, telephone operators worked only to connect long-distance calls. Do you remember Vysotsky’s song “Zero-Seven”?


To the glorious good times(and that's what we mean now), before the selfie was invented, people's portraits were transferred to a silver-plated copper plate. The process was labor-intensive and complex, and disappeared with the advent of photography's predecessor, the wet colloidal process, in 1851.