
Human sense organs are interesting facts briefly. Interesting and little-known facts about language

Interesting facts about the work of the human body, which you will not find in standard anatomy textbooks. ......

From Masterweb

08.04.2017 04:55

Science tried to unravel the secrets human body for thousands of years. The information collected is so rich that it is simply unrealistic to fit everything into a regular anatomy textbook. That is why there is a huge amount of interesting data about the work of our body that we are not even aware of.

Facts about brain function

The average person's brain is capable of perceiving written speech at a thousand words per minute.
To function adequately, our brain needs the same amount of energy as a regular incandescent light bulb.
Intelligence is strongly connected with dreams: why more intelligent person, the more often he dreams.
The structure of neural connections in the human brain resembles the structure of the Universe. There is even a theory that our brain is modeled “in the image and likeness” of the Universe.
Pain receptors are located throughout the body, but not in the brain; the brain itself is not capable of feeling pain, it only processes receptor signals and sends impulses.

About 80% of the brain is fluid

The feeling of falling in love causes the brain to produce a cocktail of hormones and neurotransmitters, reminiscent of amphetamines. This results in increased heart rate, loss of appetite and sleep, and a feeling of euphoria.
If the human brain were computerized, such a computer would be capable of performing 38 thousand trillion operations per second. The most powerful supercomputer is capable of only thousandths of such indicators.
The brain perceives loneliness as physical pain. Just as we instinctively avoid pain, we are running from loneliness.

Crying releases stress from the brain, allowing it to calm down the flight-or-fight response. Tears ease feelings of anger, sadness and fear, so crying is really useful.

Facts about the senses

Human fingers are so sensitive that even if they were the size of the Earth, we could feel the difference between a car and a house.
There is a certain condition in which the senses become “mixed.” Synesthesia leads to the fact that irritation certain body feelings lead to a reaction from another sensory system. For example, synestats can not only hear words, but also taste them.

In addition to the historically familiar five senses (vision, touch, smell, hearing and taste), people have more than 10 other senses that are familiar and necessary to us, such as balance, temperature, pain, thirst, hunger and so on.
Good hearing requires constant production of earwax. Earwax It is also produced in large quantities when we are scared.

Facts about vision

The human eye is so sensitive that if the Earth were flat, we could notice a burning candle at night from a distance of 60 kilometers.

The human body is bioluminescent and glows in the dark. The light emitted by the body is too weak to be visible to the human eye.
Our eyes are able to perceive ultraviolet light. This ability is blocked by the lens. People who had their lenses removed or replaced were able to perceive ultraviolet light after surgery.

Some people, mostly women, are able to perceive more colors than everyone else. Most of us have three types of color receptors, but there are those who have four or even five types, which allows them to see many more colors.
To focus, our eye muscles strain about a hundred thousand times a day. To warm up your leg muscles like this, you need to walk about a hundred kilometers.

Facts about the circulatory system

When we blush inner shell The stomach also turns red.

We need to breathe so often not because we need to inhale oxygen, but because we need to get rid of the accumulated oxygen in the blood. carbon dioxide. If the body could get rid of CO
in another way, one breath per minute would be enough for us.
For every additional kilogram of weight, whether muscle or fat, the body creates about 20 kilometers of new blood vessels.
In one day, blood travels through vessels a distance of 20 thousand kilometers. This is the distance from Moscow to Vladivostok and back.

Every person on the planet has some gold. True, it is found in our blood and is only 0.2 milligrams. To fuse an 8 gram coin, it is necessary to bleed 40 thousand people.
But there is enough iron in our blood to fuse half an iron coin, that is, weighing 4 grams.

Cell Structure Facts

The recess of the navel is home to a huge number of bacteria, which create an entire ecosystem there, which is not inferior in diversity and richness to the tropical forest.
An average sized adult human is made up of 7 octillion atoms, that's 7 × 10
. For example, in our galaxy we managed to count about 300 billion 3 × 10 stars

We are made of the same atoms that were formed during the Big Bang, that is, almost 14 billion years ago.
Human DNA is almost half the same as banana DNA.

The egg is the largest cell in human body, and the sperm is the smallest cell.
One sperm carries 37.5 megabytes of information (male DNA) necessary to conceive an embryo. It turns out that as a result of sexual intercourse, a man leaves about one and a half thousand terabytes of genetic information.
The body produces 25 million new cells per second.

About 90% of our body is made up of non-human cells, mostly fungal cells and bacteria.

Facts about the skeleton and muscular system

Our muscles are very strong. Usually their strength and power are limited for the sake of self-defense. This limitation can be lifted during an adrenaline rush, when people are able to lift large stones and cars, and run great distances. If the self-defense mechanism were not working, such force would lead to damage to the tendons and the muscles themselves.
Frowning is much harder than smiling. A smile is annoying 17 facial muscles, and a gloomy face - 43.

Newborn babies have a third more bones than adults. A baby has 300 bones, an adult has 94 fewer.
Of the 206 bones in our skeleton, 54 are located in the feet.

Human bone is as strong as granite. A piece of bone the size of a matchbox can support a weight of nine tons.
Man is the best long-distance runner in the entire animal kingdom. No four-legged animal can run as long as a human.
The hardest and strong bone in the human body - the lower jaw.

The strongest and densest muscle is the tongue.
You need to use more than two hundred muscles to take one step in a straight line on a flat road.

Hair facts

Humans have as much hair as chimpanzees, we just don't need most of it, so it has become thin and light.
Men's hair is almost twice as thick as women's. Representatives of the Negroid race have thicker hair than representatives of the Caucasian race. Blondes have more hair than brunettes, but they are much thinner.

A person loses about a hundred hairs a day. Moreover, the average duration of growth and “life” of one hair is 7 years.
Hair decomposes the slowest. They are practically non-degradable.


The tongue is a muscular organ located in oral cavity. Its length is 9 cm, width 5 cm and weight 50 g. The tongue is formed by muscles connected to the base lower jaw and allowing him to perform many movements, such as folding, rotating (up to 40 times per minute kiss), etc.

The functions of language are varied. Thanks to its mobility (on average up to 80 movements per minute), it helps to chew and soak food, mix saliva with food, cleanse teeth with solid food particles and push chewed food into the esophagus. Without language, human speech is impossible.


The tongue also helps distinguish taste sensations. There are 4000 small tubercles on it various shapestaste buds, divided into categories. Each tubercle is equipped with approximately 50 fibers that transmit information through nervous system into the brain. When the product contains 0.5% sugar, a sensation of sweetness occurs, with 0.25% salt - salty, with 0.002% bitter - a sensation of bitterness, and to create a sensation of sour, 0.001% acid is enough.

A ray of light will be reflected from some object, will fall on the cornea, for a moment - and then rush further, and through the hole-pupil will make its way into the eye-house. Then, following the order, it hits the retina. A round house with one window, It is tightly closed all around, There is no porch, no door, Is the path now at the end of the light? No, the nerve comes from the eye, transmits the signal to the brain, After that, the eye will immediately see everything around. The round house is very fragile! The walls are thin and delicate…

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Ears are the organs of hearing in vertebrates and humans. The ear picks up sounds that are transmitted through the outer ear canal 24-30 mm long are directed to the eardrum. Eardrum, auditory ossicles and liquid inner ear is a sound-conducting device that transmits sound vibrations. Auditory nerve, auditory pathways and centers in the brain perceive these vibrations. A person is able to distinguish more...

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A person perceives sounds in a wide range - from low tones (humming) to high tones (squeaking). The pitch of a sound is determined by the frequency, which is measured in hertz - by the number of vibrations sound wave, completed in 1 s. As the frequency increases, the pitch of the sound increases, i.e. the higher the frequency, the higher the sound, and vice versa, the lower the frequency, the lower the sound. Young people...

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Balance receptors are located inside 2 interconnected structures - the semicircular canals and the vestibule. These structures, which form the vestibular apparatus, are adjacent to the cochlea and are also filled with fluid. 3 semicircular canals located at right angles to each other perceive movements of the head and body. At the base of each canal there are sensitive hair cells covered with a jelly-like cap - the cupula. At…

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The sense of touch provides the brain with information about external environment. The organs of touch (receptors) are scattered over the entire surface of the body. Receptors - sensitive nerve endings - perceive actions external stimuli– touch, pressure, vibration, pain, cold and heat. We feel that the fur is soft and the sandpaper is rough, we feel the pressure of heavy objects, the pain of an injection, the heat of a flame and the cold of ice water...

Photos from open sources

Over the course of 70 years of life, a person eats on average about 50 tons of various products, of which approximately 2 tons of meat, 7 tons of bread, 5 tons of potatoes, 5,000 chicken eggs and 500 kilograms of salt. We eat from the first minute of life and die very quickly without food. Taste is the only one of the 5 human senses on which our life directly depends.

Tasty food for us is the food that gives us a pleasant feeling. Nobody likes bland and tasteless food. Each process of food consumption is not only recharging our body with energy, it is also the active work of the organ of taste, the senses, without which every delicacy would be equally bland.

But how many people know that taste can be deceived, or that we feel more than 5 tastes? If not, then study a selection of 10 interesting facts about one of the 5 most important human feelings.

1. We feel taste thanks to the brain

Cranial nerves and taste buds send food molecules to the olfactory nerve, which is located in the nose. These molecules in turn send an impulse to the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves, which then, after two stages of processing, pass to the part of the cerebral cortex that is involved in the full awareness of the perception of taste.

2. We all have different numbers of taste buds.

Our tongue is covered with thousands of these tiny tubercles, but their exact number varies from person to person. On average, this figure can reach from 2 to 100 thousand.

3. Scientists can turn tastes on and off

In one of the scientific journals, scientists published an article stating that they can drown out the brain neurons responsible for the proper functioning of the taste buds.

4. During an air flight, many people want to try something spicy.

When we are on an airplane or in a noisy place, it is better to eat spicy or salty foods as it prevents the sense of taste from becoming dull. But don’t worry and stock up on salted nuts or chili peppers: flight attendants who know the taste characteristics of a person will themselves offer the plane’s passengers tongue-saving dishes.

5. Sweet food is a kind of pain reliever

Scientists say that the craving for desserts and other delicious things comes from the very instinct of self-preservation, since they dull pain and, therefore, help us feel better.

6. The smell of ham can add saltiness to dishes.

It has been proven that ham is a product that causes a phenomenon called phantom odor. It causes people to perceive nearby foods as saltier than they actually are.

7. The sense of taste depends on the sense of smell.

From a physiological point of view, most taste is just a smell traveling through the olfactory receptors of the brain. This means that the inability to smell a pleasant aroma due to cigarette smoke or a cold can affect these receptors and deprive us of the pleasure of tasting.

8. People who are picky eaters can actually be super foodies.

It was found that every 25th person has an excess number of taste buds and receptors. Thus, picky eaters may turn out to be superheroes of sorts, with heightened taste sensitivity.

9. Sweet foods pump up our brains

Next research, conducted by one scientific journal, proved that sugar activates areas of the brain responsible for memory and for retaining information.

10. Taste preferences can be inherited

Some of our taste preferences are inherited, and this was proven by geneticists back in 1931.

In addition, our taste perception can be deceived by providing false information. For example, expensive wine may seem tastier than it actually is just because we know that expensive wine a priori should taste better.

Our emotional state also affects taste buds. While in depressed state food will have an unexpressed taste for us, so during such a period it will be difficult to get true pleasure from eating even the most delicious dishes.

And with the help of a magical red berry from West Africa, eaten before the sour product, an impossibly sour lemon will seem like sugar candy within an hour.

This is our organ – mysterious and not yet fully understood.

The muscular organ located in our mouth performs a considerable number of different functions for the body, therefore interesting facts about language people will always be relevant to reading.

  1. Babies use their tongue to suck mother's milk. Some babies have a slightly larger organ standard sizes. However, it does not prevent them from simultaneously performing sucking and swallowing actions. At the same time, children have time to inhale air.
  2. The human tongue has the ability to distinguish 4 different tastes: bitter, sweet, sour and salty.. On its surface there are special papillae, the sensitivity of which helps people enjoy food. These taste receptors are located in the area soft palate and in certain places of the pharynx.
  3. The total number of taste buds affects the feeling of hunger. The fact is that people who have a small number of such receptors are forced to eat more often, since they do not sense the characteristics of food and drinks. This circumstance causes obesity.
  4. The organ of taste plays important role in digestion. Everything we absorb dissolves in our mouth. The glands of the papillae are activated, which produce the right amount of saliva for different foods. The tongue is also involved in mixing food and pushing it into the pharynx.
  5. The color of the tongue indicates human health. IN in good condition the organ has a pale pink color. White plaque indicates the presence of a disease. A yellowish color of the taste organ occurs in people suffering from gastrointestinal problems.
  6. A huge amount lives on the surface of the tongue anaerobic bacteria . They provoke the occurrence unpleasant odor from the mouth. One of the most effective tools to combat them is toothbrush, which is used to treat the tongue daily during cleaning.
  7. The tongue can heal faster than others. The tongue is better equipped with blood vessels than other organs. A small wound or ulcer as a result of biting appears there very often. With the necessary care and treatment, everything heals in about 1-2 weeks.
  8. Some people experience a taste disorder called dysgeusia.. It appears in diabetes, anemia, dysfunction endocrine glands etc. People with this disease feel metallic taste and burning in the mouth. They like to try unusual substances: clay, lime, chalk.
  9. 20% women better than men distinguish sweet taste. Ladies are also 10% more sensitive to acidic foods. This fact explained by the physiology of the body. They have more taste buds, which is why the majority of the female population of the Earth loves candy, cakes and other sweets.
  10. Smoking negatively affects the functioning of taste buds. A yellow-gray coating gradually forms on the tongue of a person who abuses cigarettes. It has a dense structure that is difficult to remove.
  11. The tongue is the most mobile and flexible muscle in the human body.. She is capable of receiving different shapes and is secured on one side only. At rest, this part of the body completely fills the oral cavity. However, his muscles are not the strongest in the body.
  12. Some people can roll their tongue into a tube. Scientists believe that this skill is due to genetics or exposure to environment. However, it is not at all necessary that the abilities of their parents will be passed on to their children. Scientists are still working to explain this phenomenon.
  13. Every person's tongue print is unique.. This is due to the fact that all people have differences in its structure. Each of us has our own location of taste buds, grooves and other elements of this organ. It is believed that in the near future there will be a special tool for taking a tongue print.
  14. Fans of tongue piercings do not understand what consequences await them. Mostly teenagers like to do this, who then suffer from diseases of the oral cavity, which is caused by constant injury to the gums.


  15. The first tongue transplant operation was performed in the 21st century.. The reason for the doctors' intervention was malignant tumor, which did not allow the organ to function normally. The operation lasted 14 hours and was ultimately successful.

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The tongue is a very useful organ and not only for chatting. It turns out that our muscular organ, which is located in the mouth (and the tongue is exactly that), can surprise us with some facts about itself.

What is language?

The tongue is a muscular organ that consists of 16 muscles, covered with a mucous membrane. When a person sleeps, his tongue is still in constant motion, and blood vessels penetrate its entire thickness.

What's on the tongue?

Our tongue is able to distinguish tastes, thanks to which we can enjoy food, and taste buds help it in this: filiform ones are responsible for tactile receptors and touch; mushroom-shaped help to distinguish salty taste; leaf-shaped - sour. Also on the tongue there are ridge-shaped papillae, which are responsible for taste.

Newborn's tongue

The tongue is simply a vital organ for a baby, because with its help babies can suck milk. By the way, it’s interesting that newborns can do something that no adult can do: they can suck, swallow and breathe at the same time.

How do we distinguish tastes?

The tongue contains taste buds that send a signal to the brain as soon as food hits them. Thanks to this collaboration between the tongue and the brain, we taste food. Women, by the way, are luckier than men. They have more papillae, which allows them to distinguish more shades of taste.

Feeling hungry

It turns out that the more papillae on the surface of the tongue, the less often a person is visited by the feeling of hunger. If there are few papillae, then a person constantly wants to eat due to the fact that he does not perceive the taste of food well.

Language protects us from danger

It is thanks to the ability to sense tastes that our tongue helps us to be selective in the choice of food, rejecting what is expired and unfit for consumption, protecting us from poisoning.

The tongue is involved in digestion

As soon as solid food reaches our tongue, the glands of the papillae begin to dissolve it.

Tongue is an indicator of health

The color of the tongue can say a lot about a person's health. A pink, coat-free tongue indicates well-being in the digestive system.