
Oatmeal porridge with fruit recipe. Lose weight with taste: oatmeal with fruit

Step-by-step recipes preparing delicious and healthy oatmeal with various fruits

2017-10-11 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

1 gr.

5 gr.


18 gr.

108 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for oatmeal with fruit

In the recipe for regular oatmeal with fruit, the dish is prepared in water. But if you wish, you can take part or half of the milk. Banana and pear will be used as fruits; they are sweet, perfectly replace sugar and help reduce its amount, and go well with porridge.


  • 70 grams of oatmeal;
  • 300 grams of water;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt;
  • 10 grams of sugar;
  • 100 grams of banana;
  • 100 grams of pear.

Step-by-step recipe for oatmeal with fruit

Boil water, immediately add salt and a little sugar, add oatmeal.

After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the porridge for 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the type of cereal. If the flakes are small and soft, they cook faster. If the oatmeal is coarse and large, it will take more time.

At the very end, add it to the porridge. butter, stir, turn off, cover, let stand for 10 minutes.

Peel the banana, cut into small slices. Trim the flesh from the pear and discard the hard parts with the core. Cut the fruit into thin slices, similar in size to banana slices.

Divide the porridge into two plates and immediately, before it cools, place pieces of fruit on top. You can draw some kind of pattern.

If you don’t have a pear or banana, then you can safely use other fruits and even berries. Oatmeal with strawberries, raspberries, apples, apricots and peaches is very tasty.

Option 2: Quick recipe for oatmeal with fruit

IN quick recipe When making oatmeal with fruit, it is advisable to use flakes that do not require much preparation time. Typically the time ranges from 1 to 3 minutes. You should not take the product without cooking, such oatmeal is not very healthy.


  • 90 grams of oatmeal;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 10 grams of sugar;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 20 grams of butter.

How to quickly cook oatmeal with fruit

Pour milk and water into a saucepan, immediately add salt and sugar, and place on the stove. Bring to a boil.

Add oatmeal, stir, and let it boil.

Peel the bananas, cut into small cubes or slices, and add directly to the porridge. Bring to a boil again, cook for a minute and turn off.

Divide the porridge into portions, here it will turn out to be two large plates or three medium-sized ones.

Add a small piece of butter to each and you're done!

If steaming a banana is confusing, you can simply add it to a plate of cooked porridge. But after cooking, the fruit gives off a pleasant aroma and its sweetness to the dish, and it itself becomes even softer and tastier.

Option 3: Oatmeal with fruit and honey in milk

A recipe for a very healthy and tasty porridge that you can eat if you are not allergic to honey. Otherwise, it must be replaced with granulated sugar. The fruits used will be apple and tangerine.


  • 1 glass of oatmeal;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 0.3 tsp. salt;
  • 1 apple;
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • 2 tangerines.

How to cook

Pour milk and water into a saucepan for cooking porridge, place on the stove, and bring to a boil. Add salt and immediately add a piece of butter.

Add oatmeal and stir. Cook for as long as indicated on the product packaging. There is no need to make the fire high so that the milk does not evaporate.

After the specified time, turn off the stove, stir the porridge and cool to about 65 degrees. This is necessary so as not to destroy the vitamins in honey.

While the porridge is cooling, peel the tangerines, divide into small slices, and cut each into two parts. If you can see the seeds, you need to carefully remove them, trying not to squeeze out the juice.

Peel the apple, cut out the core and any excess. Cut the clean pulp into small and thin slices. It is better not to make large pieces, as the fruit is quite hard.

As soon as the porridge has cooled a little, add honey to it and stir vigorously.

After the honey has dissolved, add tangerines and apples. Now stir carefully so as not to mash the delicate pieces of citrus.

Divide the porridge into bowls and garnish with pieces of fruit.

You should not cook oatmeal with pure milk; it is better to always dilute it with water. Its amount can reach half. But here you need to take into account the fat content of the milk. If it is below 3%, then less liquid can be added. Selected product from 5% requires the addition of water.

Option 4: Oatmeal with baked fruit and cinnamon

A variant of a very tasty dish that is cooked in water. If it is not possible to bake fruit in the oven, you can use the microwave. You need to cook the apple halves at the highest power for 2-3 minutes. The exact time will depend on the variety.


  • 2 apples;
  • 100 grams of oatmeal;
  • 350 ml water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • 2 tsp. honey;
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon.

Step by step recipe

Cut apples in half. Carefully remove the core with seeds. You should get a kind of boat, but with a small notch. Immediately transfer the apples into the mold so that the juice does not spread or burn; you can lay a piece of foil and form small sides.

Place half a teaspoon of honey in each apple and sprinkle ground cinnamon on top.

Place the fruit in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees until soft. The exact time will depend on the variety.

Boil water, add salt, add granulated sugar and butter, add oatmeal. Prepare regular porridge.

Divide the finished dish into 4 small portions. Place half a baked apple in the center of each plate. The porridge can be additionally sprinkled with cinnamon or granulated sugar.

The same porridge can be prepared not only with baked apples, but also with pumpkin. Useful product It will be a wonderful addition to oatmeal, making the dish brighter and more interesting. Cut the pumpkin into pieces, lightly sprinkle with sugar, and bake in the oven until soft.

Option 5: Oatmeal with fruits and prunes

This version of porridge can be called medicinal, since the dish helps to cope with constipation, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and improve well-being. It can be given to children from eight months, but only if there is no allergy to the products used. Each component should be familiar to the child.


  • 1 tbsp. oatmeal;
  • 400 ml water;
  • 1 banana;
  • 50 grams of prunes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 25 grams of butter;
  • 1 apple;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook

Immediately rinse the prunes and pour warm water, leave for a few minutes to allow the fruit to swell.

Boil water, add salt, add oatmeal and granulated sugar, boil for a couple of minutes.

Cut the banana, add immediately to the porridge, cook together for another two minutes.

Squeeze the prunes, cut into small pieces, add to the total mass, stir. Now you can put a piece of butter and boil for a minute.

Divide the cooked porridge into bowls and let it sit for a couple of minutes.

Peel the apple, cut into small cubes or use a grater, sprinkle the porridge on top. If desired, you can add cinnamon to the dish.

Instead of apples, you can use apricots and kiwi in this recipe, but under no circumstances pears. This fruit promotes constipation and will suppress the effect of medicinal porridge.

Option 6: Oatmeal with fruits and nuts in caramel

The porridge will be cooked in a slow cooker, but the dish can also be cooked on the stove. This recipe features an incredible addition of caramel fruit.


  • 160 grams of rolled oats;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 1 apple;
  • 300 ml milk;
  • 1 banana;
  • 30 grams of walnuts;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • cinnamon, salt.

Step by step recipe

Pour rolled oats into a multicooker bowl, add water and milk, and add salt. Close, turn on the “Porridge” mode for 25 minutes.

Cut the apple and banana into small cubes.

Pour granulated sugar into a frying pan, add the recipe oil and immediately pour in 2 tablespoons of plain water. Melt everything together and cook the caramel over medium heat.

As soon as the sugar turns golden and a caramel aroma begins to emanate from the boiling syrup, add fruit, stir, cook over low heat for about five more minutes.

Add nuts to the pan, stir again and turn off.

Place oatmeal from the multicooker into plates, top with caramelized fruits and nuts, lightly sprinkle with cinnamon and serve immediately.

To prepare fruit, you can use any other caramel recipe as a basis; there are many options with milk, honey, various juices. It is also not necessary to use an apple and a banana; they can be replaced with other fruits.

It's no secret that this is a very healthy and inexpensive breakfast. What positive properties does it have? Is oatmeal with fruit harmful to our body? Let's talk about this in detail.


Contain large number fiber and beneficial microelements. Among them are vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, proteins, nickel, fluorine, calcium and many others. The uniqueness of this porridge with fruits and vegetables is that oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates that are transformed into glucose. Thanks to this, a person receives a huge supply of energy. The feeling of fullness after such a breakfast lasts up to 7 hours.

The benefits of oatmeal

Oatmeal with fruit is incredible. It is extremely easy to digest, and also, thanks to the complex carbohydrates contained in oats, high level Energy lasts all day. For those who want to lose weight, oatmeal with fruit will become an indispensable assistant in the fight against overweight. The thing is that oats cleanse the body and remove toxins. Thanks to this, not only will it go away overweight, but the condition of hair, skin and nails will also improve. If desired, you can add fresh vegetables and fruits. Porridges with this combination have much more useful vitamins and microelements.

It is believed that due to its easy digestion, people with impaired digestive functions can also indulge themselves in oatmeal. Unlike many other cereals, thanks to high content They contain fiber that helps strengthen and grow muscle mass.

By eating oatmeal for breakfast, you can significantly reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseases and blood clot formation. It should be noted that oat porridge is especially useful for schoolchildren and students. Due to the content of a huge amount of minerals, it helps improve mental activity and memory. Moreover, oatmeal with fruits and vegetables contains antioxidants and helps maintain youth and improve the condition of hair and nails.

Harm of oatmeal

Despite the huge number useful properties, porridge also has contraindications. Experts do not recommend eating oatmeal with fruit every day. The thing is that oats contain a large amount of phytin. Its excess harms the human body. It should be noted that daily consumption of oatmeal helps remove calcium from the bones. Doctors also prohibit people with gluten intolerance from eating oatmeal.

for breakfast

Porridge with fruits and vegetables is a delicious and balanced meal. It will normalize work gastrointestinal tract and get rid of extra pounds. To prepare oatmeal with fruit we will need:

6 tablespoons of oatmeal;

1 glass of milk;

1 teaspoon sugar;

Fruits to your taste.

To prepare oatmeal with fruit, you need to pour cereal and sugar into boiling milk. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Ready-made cereals need to be seasoned with butter and decorated with fruit. This porridge turns out to be incredibly tasty and healthy. Fruits, nuts, berries, honey and chocolate will perfectly complement an oatmeal breakfast.

How to choose oatmeal and not make a mistake

When choosing oatmeal you need to be careful. Nutritionists strongly recommend not purchasing options instant cooking. This product contains much less useful vitamins and microelements than a regular one. Try to purchase cereals that are sealed in transparent packaging. The flakes must be uniform in color and the packaging must not contain broken grains. It is also not recommended to purchase oatmeal that is packaged in cardboard packaging. This packaging does not protect the flakes from the moisture that they absorb so quickly.

Few people know, but the shelf life of cereals should be counted not from the packaging date, but from the manufacturing date, which is rarely indicated on the packaging. If the date is not indicated, then you should not take such porridge. If you have a predisposition to allergic reactions, then you need to approach the choice of oatmeal very seriously. Often flavors and dyes are added to such cereals. Information about additives can be found on the packaging.

To purchase delicious oatmeal, you need to choose packaging with the shortest shelf life. The more limited the shelf life, the less porridge sits on the counter. Oatmeal tends to age. The longer the porridge sits on the counter, the faster the taste of the cereal deteriorates. Old oatmeal has a distinct bitter taste. It is worth knowing that if after 15-20 minutes of cooking the flakes have not changed, then such porridge is not completely natural. Real organic oatmeal should not have any off-odors. Such flakes have a uniform natural color and a neutral taste.

Oatmeal for all occasions

Oatmeal with fruit is a very tasty and healthy treat. By eating it for breakfast, you significantly improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails, and also increase the efficiency of your gastrointestinal tract. They are used in many recipes, but cooking is not the only area of ​​their use. Surprisingly, oatmeal is useful in making masks and scrubs. You can often find healthy flakes in natural soaps.

Oatmeal is an incredibly valuable product. Be sure to buy yourself such a storehouse of vitamins and microelements and be healthy!

Oatmeal, miss! TOP 10 oatmeal recipes

Oatmeal is a favorite of Sherlock Holmes, his fellow Englishmen, as well as ballerinas and models. But seriously, this is one of the most useful options breakfast. to which nutritionists around the world sing its praises. Of course, after all, oatmeal, cooked in water in its own way simple recipe, is a real storehouse of minerals and vitamins.

It provides our body's daily need for magnesium by 48%, iron by 40%, vitamin B9 by 14%, vitamin B5 by 26%. A serving of oatmeal contains about 350 calories (without added milk or sugar).

What's behind these numbers? Excellent health, champion tone, perfect skin, beautiful complexion, thin waist... It is no coincidence that many stars, even during strict diets, do not forget about oatmeal. Top model Christy Turlington, actresses Aishwarya Rai, Demi Moore, Julia Roberts, Elizabeth Hurley, Kate Beckinsale, pop queen Madonna and other Hollywood divas start their mornings with humble oatmeal or muesli with oatmeal.

But you won’t last long on oatmeal alone. More precisely, on one version of it. But you can always diversify it: oatmeal can be prepared with milk, cream, yogurt, nuts, fresh, canned and dried fruits, berries. chocolate chips, maple syrup, honey. cinnamon and other spices.

There are also options that are less familiar to us, clearly not for breakfast: with smoked meats, fish, chicken. Top ten original recipes oatmeal from WomanJournal, you'll definitely find one you'll want to try. Oatmeal, miss!

50 g oatmeal

350 ml milk or water

1 tbsp. spoon of natural yogurt

How to make Miss Perfect oatmeal:

1. Place oatmeal in a saucepan, add milk or water (or a mixture of both in equal proportions), add a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 4-5 minutes, stirring to prevent the porridge from burning.

2. Porridge can be prepared in the microwave by mixing oats, milk or water and salt in a deep bowl suitable for microwave cooking. Place the bowl in the oven, turn on high temperature for 3-5 minutes, remove the porridge and let stand covered for another 2 minutes before eating.

3. Before serving, add honey to the porridge and pour over yogurt.

4. Miss Perfect oatmeal is ready.

Oatmeal with prunes and spices

1 cup whole oats

2.5 glasses of water

Large handful of mixed dried fruits

1/2 cup natural or soy milk

Honey or brown sugar to taste

Cinnamon, nutmeg to taste

How to cook oatmeal with prunes and spices :

1. Soak oats in water overnight along with washed dried fruits without seeds and stems.

2. Add cinnamon and nutmeg to the oats and dried fruits. Place over medium heat for 6 minutes, then add milk and cook for at least another 5 minutes.

3. Serve the porridge by adding honey or sprinkling with brown sugar. If desired, you can top it with milk.

4. Oatmeal with prunes and spices is ready.

Oatmeal with bananas and almonds

1/2 cup oatmeal

1 1/4 cups low-fat milk

1/2 cup natural yogurt

2 teaspoons almond flakes

1/4 banana, sliced

1 teaspoon blueberries

Maple syrup or honey to taste

How to cook Queen's Caprice oatmeal :

1. Boil oatmeal in milk until cooked.

2. Serve the porridge in a bowl, garnish with yogurt, banana, fresh blueberries, nut flakes, and top with maple syrup or honey. Serve with sliced ​​fruit if desired.

3. Queen's Caprice oatmeal is ready.

Oatmeal with meat and red wine

200 g minced beef

200 g minced pork or veal

1 large onion, finely chopped

Leeks to taste and desire

2 cups whole oats

1/2 glass red wine

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1/2 teaspoon savory

1/8 teaspoon thyme (thyme)

2 fresh tomatoes, smoked meat for garnish

Boiling water or meat broth

How to cook oatmeal with meat and red wine :

1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a bowl. Sprinkle the bottom of a heat-resistant dish with breadcrumbs, lay out the resulting mixture, pour in hot boiled water or meat broth until the liquid covers the porridge by 2–2.5 cm.

2. Simmer the porridge under the lid in a well-heated oven at 180 degrees for about 1 hour until ready.

3. Serve hot or cold with tomatoes and smoked meats.

4. Oatmeal with meat and red wine is ready.

Oatmeal "Winter Morning"

1 cup Hercules oatmeal

2 1/2 cups water

1/2 cup cold milk

1 tbsp. spoon of sugar

1 tbsp. spoon of raisins (kishmish)

Cinnamon to taste

How to cook oatmeal "Winter Morning" :

1. In a saucepan, combine oats, water, salt, sugar, sliced ​​bananas, sultanas and cinnamon. Put the porridge on the fire, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and cook, stirring, until the flakes have absorbed all the liquid.

2. Serve the porridge, pouring cold milk over each serving.

Oatmeal with zest and seeds

50 g whole oats or rolled oats

2 tbsp. tablespoons lemon or orange zest

1 tbsp. spoon of sunflower seeds

How to cook oatmeal with zest and seeds :

1. Cook oats in milk, stirring constantly. Remove the porridge from the heat 5-7 minutes after the milk has boiled.

2. Serve the porridge hot. When serving, garnish each serving with zest and seeds.

3. Oatmeal with zest and seeds is ready.

Thai oatmeal

1 cup whole oats

50 g chicken fillet

50 g fillet of any fish with white meat (hake, cod, etc.)

For the chicken marinade:

1/2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce

Ground black pepper to taste

1/8 tbsp. spoons of sugar

1/2 tbsp. spoons of sesame oil

For the fish marinade:

1 tbsp. spoon of white wine

For dressing the porridge:

1 tbsp. spoon of soy sauce

3/4 tbsp. spoons of sesame oil

Salt, ground black pepper to taste

Chili pepper, cut into rings

3–4 green onions

How to cook oatmeal in Thai style :

1. Place oats in a cooking pot, add water, bring to a boil and reduce heat to low.

2. Prepare marinades for chicken and fish, put each fillet in its marinade, leave to soak for 10 minutes.

3. Add the fillet to the porridge and cook over low heat until tender.

4. While the porridge is cooking, prepare a spicy dressing with chili pepper, sesame oil and soy sauce, seasoning it with salt and ground black pepper to taste.

5. Serve the porridge hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Oatmeal with blueberries and peaches

1/2 cup oatmeal

1 1/4 cups water or milk

4 waffle cones

2 teaspoons blueberries

1 fresh peach

1 tbsp. spoon of multifruit nectar

How to Make Oatmeal with Blueberries and Peaches :

1. Boil oatmeal in water or milk until tender. Pour fruit juice over the porridge.

2. Place the porridge on waffle cones, garnish with blueberries and peach slices.

3. Oatmeal with blueberries and peaches is ready.

Oatmeal "Tomatto"

1 cup oatmeal

1 large fresh tomato

2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped nuts

2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped onion

1 teaspoon mustard seeds

A pinch of ground chili pepper

A small piece of ginger root (about 1 cm)

How to cook oatmeal "Tomatto" :

1. Boil oatmeal in water until tender.

2. Heat a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, add the mustard seeds and fry them until they begin to crackle and “bounce”. Add chopped nuts, chopped onions, grated = ginger, ground chili pepper, salt, simmer for 2-3 minutes.

3. Add tomato, cut into cubes or small slices, to the spicy dressing and simmer for a few more minutes.

4. When the tomato becomes soft, add boiled oatmeal, mix well and simmer for another 2-3 minutes.

5. Serve the porridge hot, garnished with chopped parsley.

Oatmeal "Berry Blues"

1 cup oatmeal

3 1/2 cups soy milk

1/2 cup fresh or thawed strawberries

2 tbsp. tablespoons fresh or thawed blueberries

1 tbsp. spoon of chopped nuts

1 tbsp. spoon of peeled sunflower seeds

Cinnamon to taste

How to make Berry Blues oatmeal :

1. Boil oats in soy milk or a mixture of regular milk and water in equal proportions until tender. Approximate cooking time is 5 minutes.

2. Season the porridge with honey and cinnamon, add berries (cut strawberries into quarters if desired), seeds, and nuts.

Since ancient times, porridge in Rus' was considered the main, most favorite dish. Porridges were traditionally prepared with mushrooms, milk, meat, lard, vegetables, natural bee honey, raisins, and poppy seeds. Of the large number of various additives, butter, milk, and fruits, in terms of their value, can confidently be considered necessary components of real Russian porridges.

Porridge with fruit is a unique national dish due to the huge amount of vitamins and minerals that make up this simple dish. Consumption of these types of porridge according to vitamin composition Absolutely no worse than taking a daily multivitamin purchased at a pharmacy. The combination of useful components of Russian porridge and fruits contain a large amount of substances necessary for normal human life, such as magnesium, potassium, iron, fiber, vitamins A, C, B, PP, creatine. Unfortunately, modern people do not have the opportunity to try truly Russian porridge due to long-forgotten recipes. The porridge offered even in expensive restaurants sometimes does not correspond to the truly popular recipe.

It was considered the most beloved, popular porridge with fruit in Russia. In addition to the millet itself, it was necessary to add apricots, apples, pears, sugar, and butter to such porridge. To properly prepare millet porridge with the above fruits, you need to correctly calculate the amount of millet cereal and water. It is necessary to adhere to the exact proportion of the amount of water in which it is recommended to cook millet porridge; it should exceed the amount of cereal used by 6 times. Initially, the water needs to be boiled, after which the millet cereal is poured in, and the porridge is cooked until half cooked. Place the cereal in a sieve until the remaining water is completely removed. Cut the fruits prepared for porridge according to your taste. Place the semi-finished millet in pots, add the fruits you have prepared, sugar, and milk in small quantities. Place the porridge with fruit in the oven for about 30 minutes. This is exceptional delicious dish It is recommended to serve with butter.

Little children really love it prepared with the addition of fruits such as banana, apples, pears. Preparing porridge is quite simple, and the benefits will be great. Boil oatmeal in water for 5 minutes, add milk, continuing cooking for another 10 minutes. Then you need to add cottage cheese and butter to the baby porridge. Stirring thoroughly, cook for some more time. At the very end of cooking, add cooked finely chopped fruits and butter to the porridge. The result is a wonderfully tasty, healthy baby porridge.

Porridge with fruit is also prepared from, which cannot be called a particularly popular cereal today, and completely in vain. Pearl barley was especially highly valued during the time of Peter the Great. Forgotten recipes for preparing this fairly inexpensive cereal do not allow the frequent use of this wonderful food product. They prepare amazingly tasty, healthy pearl barley porridge along with raisins, oranges, apples, and candied fruits. First, you need to boil the amount of pearl barley you need in water, but first soak a glass of pearl barley in a liter of water overnight. While the cereal is boiling, turning into porridge, prepare raisins, candied fruits, and fresh fruit. Add fruits, candied fruits, and raisins to the almost cooked pearl barley porridge. Place in cake tins and bake in the oven. First, thoroughly grease the molds by sprinkling them with breadcrumbs. Place the already prepared pearl barley porridge with fruit by turning the cake pans over. The result is simply a unique, festive, unforgettable dish, real Russian pearl barley porridge, decorated with fruit. Beautiful, elegant, tasty, simple, inexpensive.

No semi-finished products will ever replace real, truly Russian, delicious porridge with fruits, prepared with your own hands, without adding harmful ingredients, food coloring, conservatives. Bon appetit!


Losing weight can be tasty and healthy if it is a diet of cereals and fruits. Lose extra pounds in the shortest possible time, without dreaming of an extra piece and without actually injuring the body. You need to stock up not on patience, but on grains!

The benefits of eating porridge

Not all of us are cereal lovers. One of the most ancient and respected dishes in our time, not everyone likes it, but for the sake of beauty and health, you can and should change your preferences. Porridge contains a set of substances necessary for the quality functioning of the whole body: complex carbohydrates, vegetable protein, minerals, dietary fiber, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, fiber. Each type of cereal is a component proper nutrition, benefits health and improves appearance.

They have a number of valuable properties:

  • Buckwheat is rich in vitamins B, C, PP, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, amino acids; it increases hemoglobin, is good for the liver, diabetes, and weak blood vessels.
  • Rice contains vitamins B, E, selenium, iodine, absorbent properties, it removes toxins, improves food digestion.
  • Oatmeal contains biotin, tryptophan (converts into serotonin - the hormone of joy), PP, B1, B2, phosphorus, magnesium, lowers cholesterol, is indicated for ulcers, obesity, and cleanses the skin.
  • Pearl barley is polished barley grains, which have no equal in phosphorus and protein content. A dish of beauties, because rich in lysine, which promotes collagen formation.
  • Barley groats contain barley kernels biologically active substances, enzymes, slows down the aging process, improves memory; it is low in calories, but nutritious, and is recommended for those suffering from constipation.
  • Millet includes a lot of potassium, iron, phosphoric acid, magnesium, vitamins A, group B, neutralizes ions heavy metals. Due to the presence of “millet sugar”, which burns body fat ideal diet food.
  • Wheat cereal contains zinc, which is responsible for healthy hair, nails and skin; this cereal is consumed during active sports.
  • Corn is rich in sodium, chromium, silicon, carotene, vitamins PP, A, E. Corn is nourishing, cleanses the intestines like oatmeal, breaks down fats, and is indispensable for cardiovascular diseases.

The listed advantages include affordability, environmental friendliness, and ease of preparation. The main thing for those who want to lose weight is that porridge reduces cravings for sweets, cleanses the body, eliminates waste and toxins, and therefore excess weight goes away. Thanks to fiber, which, once in the stomach, provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness, those losing weight will definitely not remain hungry. Diets do not last long, from 3 to 10 days, during which time they lose from 2 to 7 kg.

Disadvantages of cereal diets

It’s safe to lose weight on one porridge for about a week, no longer necessary! There is a list, albeit a small one, when a diet brings harm instead of the expected benefit. Oatmeal, egg and bulgur are allergens for gluten intolerant people. Constant consumption of cereals: pearl barley, semolina, oatmeal, wheat can provoke digestive disorders and reduce the intensity of absorption of nutrients from the intestines.

Gluten, which is in oatmeal, leaches calcium, and long-term consumption of rice complicates bowel movements. Semolina, wheat, and rice cereals contain a lot of starch, and it is often undesirable to eat them due to the fact that starch quickly becomes glucose, an excess of which in the blood causes diabetes.


No matter how safe a diet may seem, you should only go on it if you are sure that your health is normal in all respects. Chronic diseases, inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines, diabetes mellitus require medical supervision during suggested diets. People with low stomach acidity are not suitable for eating only millet, which takes a very long time to digest. Unrefined brown rice is incompatible with diseases such as pancreatitis and gastritis.

For women carrying and breastfeeding a child, mononutrition is not suitable due to the inability to provide the amount of substances required during these periods. You cannot lose weight with cereals more than once every 6 months. This menu is unbalanced and unable to for a long time provide a person with vital substances 100%. It is better to introduce them into your regular diet in doses of 150 - 250 g per day.

Basic rules for an effective porridge diet

To get the maximum benefit from a porridge diet, you need to know how to choose and prepare it. The basic rules are:

  1. When choosing cereals, preference is given to coarse, unprocessed, unpolished types. The explanation for this is simple: the shell of the grains stores greatest number valuable substances.
  2. Look at the expiration date, it must be marked, like any product.
  3. A couple of cloves of garlic will protect against pests when storing the opened package.
  4. Before cooking, the cereal is sorted out of debris and washed thoroughly until the water becomes clear.
  5. The less heat treatment, the more benefits remain. It is advisable to fill the cereal with water for 6 - 8 hours, so that it can then cook faster.

When on a diet, you must drink water half an hour before and an hour after meals. The liquid helps remove harmful and unnecessary things from the body and improve metabolic processes.

Meat, sausage, fish, potatoes, dairy products, chocolates, baked goods, sugar, butter, coffee, and alcohol are prohibited. It is advisable to give up fatty and sweet foods 3–4 days before starting the diet.

After finishing, it is not advisable to indulge in what was previously prohibited. Boiled poultry and low-fat dairy products will be a smooth and correct transition to your usual regimen.

Feeling severe weakness, dizziness, malaise - sure signs that such nutrition is not suitable. You need to immediately switch to more familiar products.

Diet options

  1. For those who want to lose weight, the priority remains variety and getting at least a little pleasure from food. There is a solution - a diet of cereals, vegetables and fruits. Most vegetables and fruits are a klondike of fully absorbable vitamins, microelements, antioxidants, water, fiber with a low calorie content. We cook any cereal (except semolina) in water for 10 days. Broccoli, celery, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, beans, carrots, asparagus (as a salad or separately), apples, pears, citrus fruits, melons, watermelons, apricots, peaches, pineapples - for dessert. Potatoes with pumpkin, grapes and bananas are least suitable: they contain a lot of sugar.
  2. The “Six Porridge” diet consists of daily consumption for a week of only porridge with water, without salt and sugar. Sequence: wheat, millet, oatmeal, rice, barley, pearl barley, last day - your choice. For a snack – vegetables and fruits in small portions. It takes 5 – 6 kg.
  3. The option with rice is designed for 3 days, during which you can perfectly cleanse the body and lose 5 kg. Parboiled white, brown and black rice are alternated or mixed. Black rice is here more for variety; also, after it, blood sugar rises more slowly. By choosing a menu for one day, you can arrange a fasting day for yourself. 1 tbsp. rice pour 2 tbsp. water overnight to remove the starch, rinse and boil in the morning.

    Nutrition calendar

    Day one

    Morning 100 g of rice with lemon zest, apple, cup of tea.

    Lunch: 100 g rice, 150 g lean vegetable soup with herbs, 1 cucumber.

    Dinner 100 g rice, 150 g soup.

    Day two

    Morning The same, instead of an apple you can eat grapefruit.

    Lunch 100 gr. season the rice vegetable oil, 150 gr. lean vegetable soup.

    Dinner 150 gr. rice with vegetables.

    Day three

    Morning 100 g of rice, orange.

    Lunch: 100 g rice, 100 g raw vegetables, 150 g soup, 150 g stewed mushrooms.

    Dinner 250 g rice, broccoli, 150 g vegetable soup.

  4. A week on buckwheat. Steam buckwheat with boiling water (1 tbsp to 2 tbsp of water for a grainy consistency, 3 tbsp for a soft consistency), eat in the desired amount about 6 times a day. Allowed are low-fat kefir and yogurt (natural), green apples, drink tea in moderation, and dried fruits if you can’t bear it.
  5. 4 days on corn gives a loss of up to 1 kg per day. A glass of soaked corn grits is poured with 3 tbsp. water, cook for 15 minutes.

First and second days: for breakfast, lunch and dinner - corn porridge, only 400 g. We eat cucumber, tomato, apple.