
Healing the body according to the Chinese method. Chinese gymnastics: for health, for longevity, for weight loss

Eastern medicine today is poorly received by Westerners because it is difficult for us to imagine the various channels that, according to Eastern medicine, entangle our body, but have no anatomical confirmation. But Chinese medicine capable of performing miracles.

Once upon a time, healers believed that the kidneys contained the roots of all internal organs and that kidneys- this is the basis of life. However, the healers had in mind not just the kidney organs in the modern sense, but the kidneys with the adrenal glands and the gonads, which are associated with the intrasecretory and regulatory activities of the body.

How to improve kidney health

In Chinese medicine, there is a diagnosis of “empty kidneys.” It can manifest itself differently in each person: one person will have lower back pain and urination problems, problems in the genital area, another will have pain in the knees, a third will have gray hair, a fourth will have hearing impairment, a fifth will have superficial shortness of breath. or other symptoms.

But why do all these diseases arise, why do our kidneys weaken? The ancient Chinese identified 3 main reasons.

  1. Stressful conditions
    They significantly weaken the function nervous system and adrenal glands.
  2. Hypothermia
    The kidneys cannot tolerate it. Cold significantly weakens their function and because of this, joint pain, the urge to urinate at night, pain in the back, fatigue, a feeling of heat in the chest, anxiety, headaches, and insomnia appear.
  3. Promiscuity
    The fact is that the gonads are directly connected to the kidneys, and sexual excesses lead, as a rule, to such common symptoms as back pain, aching bones, dulled vision, tinnitus, weakened memory, and decreased performance.

IN oriental medicine To improve the health of the kidneys and prevent diseases, certain work with the kidneys was practiced.

IN Everyday life a person always uses the lower back. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen it and increase flexibility. And the technique of strengthening the lower back and kidney health.

Clench your hands into fists, not too tightly, but not too weakly, so that the pads of the four fingers are in the center of the palm, and thumb- on top of them. Try to give the back of your hand a flat shape.

Place your hands back sides brushes opposite the kidneys, aligning the middle with them external parties palms on both sides (from the ming-men point, which in Chinese is “the gate of life”), left with left, right with right.

Then, with a movement directed towards the spine, move the kidneys together, loosen and spread your arms. Repeat the exercise 81 times until a feeling of intense heat appears at the Ming Men point.

What is the secret of this exercise? While rubbing, you should imagine that your kidneys are uniting into one. Without this, the exercise will have no effect.

It is important to remember that you should not stop while rubbing, even if you are tired. It is imperative to complete 81 movements to the end.

Why is it necessary to repeat the exercise exactly 81 times? In Chinese traditional medicine Allegories were always used. There is a legend that one monk went in search of the true canons and went through 81 caves, each of which contained an unclean spirit.

In fact, these caves symbolize 81 acupuncture point(channel Bladder the longest, has 67 points). In addition, in Chinese medicine there is the concept of “eighty-one difficult to pass.” It represents 81 intractable diseases. The number of rubbings in this exercise is determined by these considerations.

Do this exercise regularly and kidney disease you won't be afraid. Use the secret of ancient oriental medicine!

Why do we get tired? Because we sit and don't move. And when we sit, stagnation of the channels occurs. Chinese doctors say that when we have no problems with the patency of meridians and channels, then we have no problems with blood circulation and we feel good.

We have six channels on hand.

  • The thumb is the channel of the lungs,
  • the index finger is the large intestine,
  • the middle finger is the pericardial canal,
  • the ring finger is a triple heater,
  • The little finger is the channel of the heart
  • and the back of the hands is the back.

A simple method of self-help for problems with the heart and cervical vertebrae:

Extend your arms slightly forward.

Imagine that you are holding a glass in each rune.

And, keeping your hands in this position, begin to rotate both wrists inward. Make an inward movement 150 times and observe your sensations during the rotation. And then the same outward movement, also 150 times. This needs to be done every day. You will notice immediate relief in cervical spine and your shoulders will stop hurting. If you can't rotate your arms well or at all, this indicates that you have heart problems and problems with your stool.

You can also tap quite firmly on a point just above the inner bend of the elbow on one and the other hand (also 150 times).

If you are in pain, again this indicates heart problems.

If you sit for a long time and feel that your back is stiff, then tap the backs of your hands against each other.

The back of the hands is connected to the back and this tapping will bring relief.

There are also six meridians on our feet:

  • 3 on the outside and 3 inside legs.
  • The middle (lateral) line on the outside of the leg is the gallbladder canal,
  • the front part is the stomach
  • and the back of the leg is the bladder.

Meridians on the inside of the leg:

  • inside (lateral) - liver,
  • closer to the front - the spleen,
  • and along the back of the leg are the kidneys.

To improve blood circulation in the legs, sit down with your legs slightly raised and begin to rotate the ankles of both legs, first to the left, then to the right (also 150 times in one direction and 150 times in the other).

You can do these wrist and ankle rotations, which improve blood circulation, in the morning when you wake up but have not yet gotten out of bed.


Simple methods help avoid the most terrible diseases. Be healthy! published

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P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Method one

The proposed technique is intended for patients suffering from chronic diseases and diseases of unknown etymology, who are able to move normally during the period of improvement, and can also be used healthy people. The technique is based on fast walking, and static exercises in a sitting position play a supporting role.

The main principle of the technique is to walk with a fast, cheerful and light gait, to move more energetically than usual. However, the optimal speed and distance should be selected based on individual physical capabilities, determine for yourself the most appropriate intensity of the exercise, focusing on such sensations as elation, bodily and psychological comfort, and weakening of the symptoms of the disease. It should be remembered that aches in the lower back and legs and mild fatigue are normal consequences exercises.

A mandatory element of the technique is taking a sitting position before and after walking. You need to sit still, calmly, trying not to think about outsiders. To do this, you can take any sitting position, stay straight and natural. While doing this exercise, imagine a golden glow appearing around your navel. However, you should not focus too much on this image. The optimal duration of execution is from 1–2 to 15 minutes.

Data modern science indicate that fast walking helps to intensify the activity of the cardiovascular system. vascular system, improves the functioning of the respiratory system, lowers cholesterol in the blood, and prevents high blood pressure.

Combination brisk walking and sitting quietly is a prerequisite for getting rid of many diseases.

It is recommended to exercise 1-2 times a day for 30 minutes. Walking should be uniform and rhythmic. While moving, you should not be distracted and think about extraneous things; you should focus on maintaining a calm and relaxed state. As you feel better, it is advisable to gradually increase the pace and duration of walking. Remember that achieving success is only possible with constant active training.

Method two

In summer, the “heat” is outside, and the “cold and moisture” are inside. When a person suffers from heat, he should eat ginger. Eating ginger gives a laxative effect, resulting in the elimination of “coldness” from the surface of the abdomen. Ginger promotes cooling and flushes out harmful substances. In winter, the “cold” is outside, and the “heat” is inside, which often leads to such manifestations of “heat” as sore throat, cough and chest fever, colds, constipation. “Heat” accumulates on the surface of the abdomen. Frequent consumption of radish promotes digestion and the passage of qi, eliminates “heat” and removes harmful substances.

There are many different ways to use radish and ginger.

Method three

This technique is indicated for various colds, but is not recommended for patients with low blood pressure, low content blood sugar and insufficient blood supply to the brain, people over 80 years of age suffering from other serious diseases.

Using this technique, you can significantly shorten the period of illness without any medications. Experience shows that this is an effective weapon against lingering flu, which is difficult to treat with other means.

The following recipe is recommended: “eat only water” for 24 hours (in severe cases - for 36 or 48 hours). In other words, when you feel hungry, you should drink warm boiled water. Water neutralizes the acidic environment in the stomach, which helps cleanse the body and heal it. You can drink 1–1.5 liters of water during the day. You should not take food or nutritional fluids during this time.

Method four

Foot baths help strengthen the lumbar region and kidneys, improve hearing and vision, psychological condition. The effect appears after about a month.

For a foot bath you will need 100 g of raw ginger (in pieces), 100 g of yellowwood, 50 g of green tea, 250 g of rice vinegar.

Fill the mixture with water to the top of the container, put on fire and boil until the water evaporates by half. First, keep your feet above the steam. When the water has cooled somewhat, dip your feet into the warm broth up to your ankles. Perform the procedure daily in the evenings, using the same decoction for 1-3 days, and then prepare a new one.

Method five

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that verbosity harms qi, so one should avoid empty talk and speak to the point. Chaotic thinking process harms the spleen. Eating and drinking too much damages the intestines and stomach, so you need to eat in moderation.

Abuse of tobacco and alcohol also causes great harm.

Anger destroys the liver. If a person loves to eat, he will not be healthy. Compliance with measures in the six areas listed, the desire for self-improvement, and a conscious attitude towards these issues is a real path to prolonging life, reliable way getting rid of diseases.

Method six

This method is effective for sudden deafness, which is a consequence of yin deficiency in the liver and kidneys, but has no effect for deafness caused by persistent changes in the auditory organ.

In a new thermos, put 50 g of jasmine tea and ground black pepper, and close the stopper tightly. Then open the plug, place sore ear to the neck and imagine that you hear a sound inside the thermos.

The duration and frequency of the procedure are determined arbitrarily.

Note: do not pour liquid into the thermos, after completing the procedure, close the thermos with a stopper, change the contents of the thermos every six months.

Method seven

The buds are the “pre-heavenly root.” The following exercise strengthens qi and “replenishes” the kidneys, helps maintain teeth and has a beneficial effect on the brain. Men who make it a habit to do this exercise will receive a lot of benefits.

Key this method sounds like this: “When you walk big and small, close your mouth tightly, you will live to be 99 years old.”

1) while urinating, clench your teeth, inhale and hold your breath (do not hold it back by force). Stand on your toes, lift your heels off the floor. After finishing urination, immediately retract your anus for 1 minute; breathing should be normal, teeth should not be clenched;

2) during defecation, close your mouth, raise your tongue to the upper palate, moderately clenched teeth.

Method eight

This technique was created specifically for women who often suffer from stagnation in the liver, qi obstruction, and impaired functioning of the vascular system. With the help of regular exercises using this method (the only contraindication is pregnancy and only for the first exercise), women can improve their health and maintain excellent health. appearance.

1. Pat yourself on the sides of your chest for 3-5 minutes.

2. Close your eyes and focus on the area oral cavity under the tongue. When saliva fills your mouth, swallow it and mentally guide it to the center of your feet.

Method nine

This technique helps improve the appearance, moisturize the skin, eliminate wrinkles and age spots. It gives effect within a month.

1. Using the tips of all ten fingers, lightly tapping the head, walk from the crown to the neck. Do the exercise for 2-3 minutes.

2. For 1–3 minutes, rub your face with your hands, pressing your palms tightly, away from lower jaw to the forehead (in no case vice versa).

3. For 2-3 minutes, wipe your face from your cheeks to your neck (down diagonally).

4. After performing the above movements, apply the juice of the fruit that you like best on your face.

The technique can be applied once a day, in the morning or evening.

Method ten

The exercise is intended for those suffering from heart disease, accompanied by neurasthenia, insomnia and forgetfulness, and can also be recommended to relieve mental fatigue.

The exercise consists of clapping your palms together (as in applause), and louder sound, all the better. In this case, you should clap so that your palms do not hurt too much. You can start with a ten-minute duration, gradually increasing the time you perform the exercise. The number of classes during the day is not limited. Despite its simplicity, the exercise has deep meaning. Rhythmic clapping of palms helps to effectively “cleanse” the three manual yin and yang meridians, eliminate interference in the functioning of the heart meridian, and reveal intellectual abilities.

The exercise takes effect within a month.

Eastern traditions with a long history are revered all over the world. The experience and knowledge of the great sages have proven their effectiveness beyond time, tradition and religion. Chinese gymnastics is very popular.

A powerful healing system improves health and prolongs youth. It fills with energy, strengthens the body and spirit. Eastern gymnastics relieves muscle tension and improves the condition of joints.

By performing simple exercises, you can prevent many problems with the body and slow down the aging process.

In China, qigong is considered one of the most ancient gymnastics. It dates back to the 3rd century AD. The name comes from the term "Qi" meaning vital energy. Chinese scientists have proven that with age, qi energy dries up and this process begins after 30 years. Energy charging renews and improves the circulation of energy, making its flow continuous.

An effective technique aimed at strengthening and healing the body. At home, it is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in folk and traditional medicine. The body literally blossoms and becomes younger. Many people enjoy a slow pace of exercise. Gymnastics is especially useful for older people, for whom it allows them to prolong their youth.

Chinese for beginners breathing exercises will be quite complex, they will need some time to master the technique of performing it.

Qigong is usually divided into five directions: combat, healing, philosophical, general and author's. Each of them has its own characteristics and three degrees of mastery.

Mastering gymnastics consists of training a special breathing technique, relaxing the mind and body, training postures and releasing emotions. Correct execution of exercises will strengthen spiritual and physical strength, restore the body and have a beneficial effect on the person himself.

Regular exercise will help you get rid of excess weight, shorten the period of exacerbation of the disease, slow down the aging process, improve mood and prevent the development chronic diseases. Qigong will allow you to better understand your body and teach you how to control it.

Efficiency directly depends on correct execution. All exercises should be performed measuredly and without haste.

Classes are individually selected for each person by an experienced instructor. You need to do them every day for thirty minutes. You shouldn't overdo it either, because chronic fatigue will negatively affect health.

Qigong therapy helps with the following diseases:

  • colitis, ulcers;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • inflammation genitourinary system;
  • problems with the spine;
  • depression and neurotic disorders.

The system includes alternating breathing exercises with gymnastics. They need to be performed to calm and soothing music. The importance of music is important because it has a positive effect on the psyche. Anxiety and anxiety go away along with physical weakness.

Execution Rules

It is important to maintain the sequence of elements and not change their places. Breathing must be controlled. It should not be intermittent or abrupt. Inhalations and exhalations are shallow bottom belly. The back should be as straight as possible. In order for the chi energy to spread throughout the body, movements must be light, smooth and relaxed.

It is best to practice outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Clothes should be comfortable and made from natural fabrics. Not recommended water procedures one hour before the start of classes. Eating should be no earlier than thirty minutes after the complex.

Basic exercises

"Raise of Hand"

Helps with disorders of the digestive system, harmonizes energy status and cleanses the body of negativity. It is performed standing.

Inhale and slowly raise your arms to shoulder level. Then they exhale and lower their arms, rounding them as if holding a large ball. The left hand is turned away from you, a shallow breath is taken and raised above the head. At this time the brush is lowered right hand, and the hands should stretch the invisible thread. Change hands and repeat the exercise.

"Chest expansion"

Take the starting position - stand on slightly bent legs, back straight.

Inhale and lift upper limbs to shoulder level, spread them apart. Focus on chest. Exhale, bring your palms together. Take the starting position and repeat the exercise.


Legs bend and lean forward. The arms are pulled back and the knees are straightened. Execute Roundabout Circulation feet.

Wushu: features, basic practice (exercises for beginners)

The advantage of this gymnastics is high efficiency and positive effects on the body. At the same time, it is very simple to implement. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, joints, muscles and circulatory system.

With regular implementation of the complex, they increase protective functions body, the aging process slows down, a person gets to know his body better. With its help you can achieve peace and tranquility.

This gymnastics is most useful for people with overweight, in adulthood and for those who are constantly in stressful situations.

The Wushu school has many directions and movements, each of which has its own secrets and features. To choose best option you need to carefully read each of them. The most popular area of ​​Wushu is the training of Shaolin monks.

Execution Rules

The exercises will be most effective if performed in a relaxed state. Each element is executed 9 times. You need to exercise an hour after a meal or half an hour before it. During one day you can do no more than 3 approaches. You can relieve muscle tension with a simple relaxing massage.


Stretching the pectoral muscles

The arms are bent at the elbows, which are in line with the shoulders. Palms are down and index fingers look at each other. On the count of one or two, the elbows move back and return to the starting position. Then they jerk back with their hands. The elements are alternated and each repeated 2 times.

Development of the shoulder joint

The left hand is lowered down and the right hand is raised up. On the count of one or two, the hands are pulled back. Change position and repeat the movement. You need to do 10 repetitions on each hand.

Warming up the shoulder muscles

Make 20 circular rotations forward and backward with your hands.

Taichi: features, basic practice

This type of gymnastics is ideal for beginners. Measured and smooth movements resemble a dance. The simplicity and ease of the complex made it popular among older people.

The effectiveness of exercise for improving the health of the body has been proven. They allow you to get rid of excess weight and restore the slimness and lightness of your body. Therefore, tai chi exercises are often used for weight loss.

At home, the technique is used for the rehabilitation of patients after injuries and serious illnesses. Absolutely all people can practice, regardless of age and gender: small children, women and men, elderly ladies and gentlemen.

Execution Rules

This Chinese exercise is performed using muscles and visualization of all actions. All movements should be smooth without sudden jerks. Breathing must be controlled so that it is rhythmic and slow. Emotions must also be under control.

It is best to exercise in the first half of the day, and ideally at dawn. Don't set yourself up for instant results. It will take some time to see the first changes. But with regular exercise, the results will last for a long time.

Basic exercises

Until the basic skills of tai chi are mastered, it is better to perform gymnastics under the guidance of an experienced instructor. This will avoid many of the mistakes that beginners make. But if you want, you can master the basic exercises yourself.


It is performed while standing. Feet are shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees and try to distribute the body weight evenly over both feet. Fix the position, take a breath, slowly raise your arms in front of you to shoulder level. The arms are bent and unbent.


They stand straight. Slowly bend back. One hand is raised and the palm is at forehead level, and the second is opposite it from below. Inhale and sharply release with a raised hand.

"Embrace of the Moon"

Take the starting position and rise on the toes of your right foot, and rest your heel on the ankle of your left foot. The arms are extended forward and rounded as if they were covering a rounded surface.

This element is performed while inhaling. Afterwards, change legs and repeat the movement.

Jianfei: features, basic practice (exercises for beginners)

Eastern culture is fraught with many secrets. Jianfei gymnastics lifts the curtain of secrecy a little. She gives youth, beauty and longevity. Her results are amazing. With the help of three simple exercises You can radically change your inner world and physical condition.

Regular exercise can literally melt fat. For overweight people, performing the Jianfei complex allows them to tighten their body and give it correct forms. Gymnastics will normalize metabolism, reduce appetite and normalize emotional condition. This ensures sustainable weight loss.

Execution Rules

Classes must be regular. Only in this case can you count on effective result. If dizziness occurs, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of exercise. It is not necessary to do all the exercises at once. They can be done throughout the day.

Basic exercises


Eliminates fatigue, ensures calm and vigor, improves immunity.

Sit on the floor or chair in the Buddha pose. Keep your back straight, chin and shoulders should be lowered. The palms of both hands are placed on the thighs. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and steadily for 5 minutes. During breathing, the stomach and chest should not move.

Then breathe the same amount until complete relaxation. In the last 5 minutes, without controlling the process, a person achieves peace and complete peace. After finishing the exercise, you need to sit for a while without opening your eyes.


To improve metabolism and normalize weight, do this exercise.

You need to sit on a stable chair with your legs apart so that your calves are perpendicular to your thighs. Elbows rest on knees. The right palm is clenched into a fist and covered with the palm of the left hand. The body must accept comfortable position. You need to close your eyes and rest your fist on your forehead. Next comes the respiratory part.

Slowly and smoothly inhale air first through the mouth and then through the nose and direct the air to the abdominal area. Then they stop and concentrate on their internal state. Breathing should be abdominal, not thoracic, only in this case the exercise will be performed correctly.


Due to the ability of exercise to satisfy hunger, it can be used to replace an evening meal.

You need to lie on your back, relax and raise your legs with your knees slightly bent. The feet should rest on the floor. The palm of one hand is on the chest, and the second on the stomach. The stomach is pulled in and inhaled slowly. Hold your breath for about 2 seconds and then exhale, drawing in your chest and inflating your stomach. You can help yourself with your palms. The movements of the chest and abdomen should resemble a wave.

For many people, Chinese gymnastics helps get rid of psychological problems. Fans of Chinese charging have good health and beautiful appearance. They are physically developed and much more resilient physically and mentally.

If a person develops a disease, this means that the balance between the elements of Yin and Yang is disturbed. Traditional Chinese medicine experts are confident of this.

In the arsenal of Chinese medicine there are 2 simple and extremely effective ways for kidney treatment and weight loss. These exercises also heal the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and diseases of the genitourinary system in general.

These exercises will help you restore your health and fill yourself with energy!

1 exercise: "The golden rooster stands on one leg"

Close your eyes, lower your arms freely along your body, lift one leg and stand in this position for several minutes.

An indispensable condition is not to open your eyes.

In this case, vision will not help you maintain balance, which mobilizes the brain to restore equilibrium and balance in internal organs, in order to hold general equilibrium bodies.

The channels of the six most important internal organs run along the soles of our feet. When you try to maintain balance on one leg, the weakened channels may even begin to hurt, but at the same time they will be trained, which in turn will have a beneficial effect on the organ to which the channel belongs. and on the part of the body in which this organ manifests itself.

Stage 1 of mastering the exercise - the first 3 weeks

We perform the exercise for 3-4 minutes while standing on one leg. Then we change legs and stand on the second leg for 3-4 minutes.

Stage 2 of mastering the exercise

We raise our leg higher. We stand for 5-10 minutes on each leg.

Gives a positive effect when:

a) diseases of the thyroid gland (progress is most noticeable if the source of the problem is the hypothalamus and pituitary gland);

b) gouty phenomena, radiculitis;

c) manifestations of osteochondrosis;

d) with symptoms of cerebellar atrophy;

e) attacks of dizziness, noise in the ear, hearing loss, problems with maintaining balance (Meniere's disease);

f) diabetes;

g) stress and emotional breakdowns.

h) diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system;

And the “Golden Rooster” stand also improves immunity!

Exercise 2: Taoist walking on your knees

There are points on the knees whose stimulation is useful for internal pathologies. Taoist walking treats kidney and liver diseases, and Chinese medicine generally considers this practice effective for all ills! This exercise activates the flow of energy in all internal organs. Treats the stomach, gallbladder, pancreas and diseases of the genitourinary system in general.

What are the advantages of “knee” walking compared to other loads? First of all - accessibility and absence of contraindications! The result will be noticeable even if you spend a quarter of an hour on this exercise every day!

No special equipment is required, just a soft blanket on the floor. You need to move slowly (but without supporting your hands!) on your knees! If at first knee joints If they respond with pain to an unusual load, you should add another soft blanket or learn to walk on the mattress. The muscles will be trained - the pain will disappear, walking on your knees will become easier.

It's amazing that Taoist practice helps improve vision! In the knee area there are active points that stimulate the proper functioning of the organs of vision, liver, and kidneys.