
Heart points on the body. Projection zones of internal organs on the human body according to Ogulov - get to know yourself better! Acupuncture points on the hand

The book Atlas of projection zones and health schemes (author Ogulov A.T., Gureeva O.E., Reshetnikova K.A.)

Location of internal organs

Somatic arrangement of sensory pathways in the anterior and posterior columns of the spinal cord

Circles of interaction in old Russian medicine

On the face and neck (according to A. Ogulov)

projection zones internal organs on the front surface of a person (according to A. Ogulov)

Projection zones of internal organs on the back surface of a person (according to A. Ogulov)

Projection zones of internal organs

Projection zones of internal organs on the hands

Projection zones of internal organs and skeleton

on the left hands and foot (according to Su-jok)

Projection zones of internal organs

on the iris

Representation of organ systems

on the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid

Projection zones of internal organs on the heart

Projection zones of internal organs on the lips

Projection zones of internal organs

on the auricle

Projection zones of internal organs in the tongue

Projection zones of internal organs on the teeth

Projection zones of internal organs on the large intestine

Large intestine (internal structure)

Projection zones of internal organs on the spinal column

Projection zones of internal organs

on the genitals

Diseases arising from the lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements

Psychological aspects of the localization of moles on the panorama of the face

Integral Healing System (IHV)

The relationship of internal organs with musical instruments

Table of the development of diseases (TRZ)

Living pyramid of the origin of the disease (according to M. Fomin)

Stages of homotoxicosis

Healing According to Hering's Law

Health levels (according to D. Vithoulkas)


The atlas shows diagrams of various internal organs with their projection on the human body, mucous membranes and on the organs themselves. In this paper, the interconnections of the nervous system, psyche and internal organs are given. Schemes of health, causes of diseases are outlined. Here you will see the ways of recovery and A complex approach to their implementation from the point of view of alternative medicine using the reserve forces of the body itself, which are unlimited in humans.

The material is presented on the basis of knowledge and practical work in official medicine and twenty years of experience in complementary medicine. The purpose of this work is to combine these two medicines into a single structure for the quick and correct restoration of the human body.

The Atlas will be useful for visceral therapists, teachers of the Professional Association of Visceral Therapists, doctors, massage therapists, chiropractors and everyone who wants to be healthy.

I express my deep gratitude to our wise ancestors, who could make a diagnosis based on complaints, skin, voice, body odor, psyche, gait. And most importantly - to heal people from the point of view of the whole organism using its own reserves, which are colossal in humans.

I bow low and express my deep gratitude to my beloved teachers: Ogulov A.T., Osintseva T.S., Neumyvakin I.P., Maksimov G.N., Zhdanov V.G. and all who give wisdom and knowledge. I wish all people peace, happiness, joy and all the blessings of the earth!

Olga Gureeva

Olga Evgenievna

doctor of naturopathy, neurologist, psychologist, hirudotherapeutist, apitherapist, cosmetologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Manuology, chief physician of the Olga Gureeva Training and Health Center, manager of the professional association of visceral therapists in the Udmurt Republic.

Author of the book "The Big Secret of a Little Leech", a participant in a number of TV programs "Point of View" - Izhevsk, a speaker on webinars on the topic "Rejuvenation". “Beauty and harmony”, “Health without drugs”, “Nutrition and water regime of a person”, “ mental health and removal of emotional stress”, etc.

Healing and sobering up people.

Application of 3 principles of healing: spiritual, mental, physical.

Combining the basic principles of alternative medicine and traditional folk practices. Use in the treatment and prevention of methods of endoecological rehabilitation.


Conducting lectures

In ancient Chinese medicine, there is a special way to treat a fairly wide range of diseases. This method is called acupuncture. It is the introduction of needles into special points that are located throughout the human body.

Acupuncture and acupressure

Along with acupuncture, another medical method is used, which is called acupressure. In this method, the impact is carried out on the same active points. The difference is that a needle is not inserted into these zones, but pressure is applied with the index and thumb fingers.

The effects of the two related exposures are quite similar. They can normalize the functional failures of the body, contribute to a speedy recovery, relieve stress, eliminate its consequences, and even help in the fight against excess weight.

Official medicine does not deny the effectiveness of acupuncture and acupressure, but the mechanism of these processes is not fully understood.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture

In schools in Asia, Chinese acupuncture, points and treatment methods are taught as a subject. In order to master its techniques, special education and the status of a medical worker are not required. It will be sufficient to learn the simple skills of this method of healing, and at any time you can independently help yourself in various painful conditions. You will also need to remember where the main acupuncture points are located on the human body.

Chinese medicine claims that acupuncture can cure almost all diseases. There is currently no evidence of a cure with acupuncture. severe conditions a person, such as cancer, but nevertheless, for other ailments, such therapy is very effective.

Acupuncture can cure diseases of organs and systems. It also brings the affected nervous system into a state of stability. To perform manipulations, strictly sterile needles are placed on the acupuncture points, which excludes the ingress of infections into the human body. But aseptic instruments alone will not be enough. It is important to have sufficient knowledge and skills to be able to make life easier for yourself and other people with the help of ancient Chinese way healing.

How to find acupuncture points?

To date, there are thousands of acupuncture points on the human body, but only an experienced specialist can remember each of them. This knowledge comes only after many years of practice. But do not think that this science is available only to the elite. For those who are just starting to practice this method Chinese medicine, it is important to know the most important acupuncture points.

The location of these active zones on the human body has been studied for centuries, and now there is a fairly clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to detect them. According to the doctrine, acupuncture points are located on 14 meridians.

Each of them has its own special name and has its own scope. Influencing them in a special way, you can achieve various effects on the state of health.

Do all points work the same way?

All acupuncture points on the human body can be divided into the following main groups.

  • Harmonizing. They are located at the start and end points of the meridians. Impact on them helps to restore the balance of all organs and systems of the human body.
  • Stimulating acupuncture points are found on the meridians in the singular. If you influence them correctly, you can activate the energy reserves of a person to fight the disease.
  • Soothing. They are necessary to bring the nervous system into a state of harmony. According to many patients, the effects on these points bring the most pleasant sensations.
  • Each internal organ has its own point of alarm. If you skillfully influence it, then the pain in this organ calms down, and it functions normally.
  • Special human acupuncture points require special exposure. Manipulations in these areas are carried out characteristic method. Each of the points is able to help with a specific disease.

Alarm points and diagnostics

There are such acupuncture points on the human body, which are called “mo-points”. Each organ has its own area of ​​concern. When this part of the body experiences dysfunction, the point associated with it begins to disturb the person. If one studies this theory well, diseases can be recognized in this way. For example, as acupuncture describes, points on the back, or rather, the lumbar region, begin to disturb during kidney disease, and discomfort at a point on the abdomen indicates a stomach disease.

Location of acupuncture points on the palms

Palms from the point of view of Chinese medicine are a complete projection of our body. On the inside of our hands there are many points that are responsible for the work of the internal organs and parts of the body. Their location is quite concentrated, so you need to make a very precise impact. This is for a true professional. The contact surface of the needle is very small, as are the acupuncture points on the arm. Therefore, this particular tool is ideal for influencing the active zones of the palms.

The figure shows the hands of a person from the point of view of acupuncture.

According to this image, the zones responsible for the functioning of the mammary glands are located at the wrist. A little lower and towards the center of the palm is the heart area, and to the left and right along the edges are the lung areas. Below are the areas of the digestive organs: stomach, liver and gallbladder, pancreas, all areas of the intestine. Fingers are a kind of projection of the limbs. The index and middle fingers are responsible for the legs, and the thumb and little finger are the hands. At the base of the middle finger and along its length to the middle phalanx are the zones of the genitourinary system. Below are the areas of language receptors, the cervical region and the brain.

These are the main acupuncture points on the human hand. Skillfully acting on them, you can stimulate the work of all organs and systems of the body. Acupuncture in these areas requires professional precision, as all areas are quite close to each other. Quite a lot of experience is needed to act purposefully on any organ.

Points on the feet

The feet of a person are also places of concentration of acupuncture points. In the figure below, all zones are clearly visible.

At the ends of the toes are the areas of the frontal sinuses.

Further on the fingers are projections of the sense organs: eyes, ears and nose, as well as areas of the brain. At the base of the thumb is a very important point for reducing blood pressure. Below the thumb are projections of the esophagus and parathyroid gland. Under the other phalanges are the zones of the trapezius muscle, heart, lungs and kidneys. Below the center of the foot are the zones of the digestive tract. At the base of the heel is a point, the impact on which will help relieve sleep disturbance. Below it are the zones of the reproductive system and the region of the sciatic nerve.

Thus, it is very clearly seen that the acupuncture points of a person are located on the feet rather concentrated. Precise and directed action can alleviate any disease. Everyone knows the legendary foot massage. It serves not only as an excellent way for relaxation, but also as a wellness and restorative procedure.

Dots on the back

There is a list of the most common active zones that can be stimulated on their own without having special skills in such sciences as Chinese acupuncture.

The points described below are worth remembering and trying to put the skills into practice.

  • Between the 3rd and 4th thoracic vertebrae there is a zone that will help eliminate fatigue and help cure diseases of the respiratory system. Numerous cases of the use of stimulation of this acupuncture point for the growth of children and even adults are also known.
  • Between the 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae on both sides at a distance of 3-4 cm there are paired points that need to be stimulated in case of spleen disease. It also helps to overcome fears and worries.
  • At the level of the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae, on both sides, at a distance of 3-4 cm, there are points, by acting on which, you can increase blood flow and normalize men's health. It also has a positive effect on kidney function, improves hearing and reduces body fatigue.
  • In the region of the 2nd sacral vertebra there is an active zone, stimulating which, one can cure gynecological ailments, help with diseases of the joints and paralysis of the limbs.

The above active zones are quite often used in such a method of healing as acupuncture. Points on the back can be massaged on their own and effectively alleviate the condition with their own hands.

Acupuncture points for headaches

If you suffer from headaches of a different nature and origin, then this is very tiring for the body. Pharmacy funds in the form of tablets and powders have only a temporary effect. A migraine is especially debilitating. This type of headache is periodic in nature, waves of unpleasant sensations either roll in or recede a little.

It is especially difficult for pregnant women. During this period, admission medicines undesirable, as it can provoke dangerous consequences in mother and fetus. Acupuncture can help with this and other headaches.

The figure below illustrates the main acupuncture points on the head.

Impact on them will help save you from migraines and pain of another origin. These points are located in the following areas:

  • in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples, where you can feel the hole with your finger;
  • on the outer side of the eyebrow, symmetrically to the temporal point;
  • on the outer corner of the eye, under the superciliary point; when exposed to this zone, massaging movements should be excluded; manipulations here should be carried out in the form of light pressure;
  • On the inner edges of the eyebrows at the bridge of the nose; this point is also called the "third eye";
  • In front of the auricle, above the tragus; there you can feel a small depression;
  • in the hole between the inner corner of the eye and the nose; this point is also not allowed to be massaged, only slightly pressed;
  • near temporal bone above the edge of the ear on the scalp.

These active zones in acupuncture work very effectively. However, only them in the treatment of migraines should not be limited. The following acupuncture points on the hand for headaches will be very useful.

  • On the hand between the first and second metacarpal bones. This point is symmetrical and is found on both limbs. To influence it, the brush is placed on a hard horizontal surface and the points on the right and left hands are massaged alternately.
  • In a depression on the forearm between the radius and ulna, three fingers above the crease at the wrist.
  • On the outer side of the fold formed by the bend in the elbow joint.

Coping with the most severe headache will help alternate exposure to these three main points. Acupuncture does not limit the treatment of migraines to upper limb acupuncture. There are also active zones on the legs, the impact on which can eliminate headaches:

  • on the back of the foot 2 cm higher along the line between the first and second fingers;
  • on the second toe, at a distance of about 2 mm from the base of the nail plate;
  • between the fourth finger and the little finger 1 cm higher towards the ankle;
  • on the thumb, 3 mm higher from the base of the nail with an offset towards the second finger;
  • on the line of the outer edge of the little finger between the base of the phalanx and the metatarsus.

By applying acupuncture and acupressure techniques to these areas, you can help alleviate headache pain. However, such places are located not only on the head and limbs. There are also acupuncture points on the human body, which will cope with debilitating migraines no less effectively than the above active centers. They are located in the following locations:

  • along the anterior abdominal wall, 2 cm below the navel; it is very important to influence this active center correctly, and for this the patient must take a supine position and relax the press as much as possible;
  • on the midline in the epigastric depression below the xiphoid process on the anterior surface of the abdomen.

It seems incredible, but all these points scattered throughout the human body can help with headaches.

Acupuncture for weight loss

It's hard to believe, but acupuncture and acupuncture points can help people who are overweight. Quite often it happens that fat people who want to lose weight do not help diets and sports. Doctors advise to examine the body for the presence of metabolic disorders and concomitant diseases.

Acupuncture has proven itself well in the fight against excess weight. For this purpose, doctors use two main methods. The first of them is wearing a special needle at a point on the ear. Thus, the contact is long, and the result is impressive. The second method is based on the introduction of needles into special active centers on the human body. The duration of such a procedure depends on how many kilograms the patient wants to lose weight.

There are special acupuncture points, acting on which, you can effectively reduce appetite.

The whole secret is that as a result of the simulation of these active points, "happiness hormones" endorphins are produced, and a person completely forgets about food for a while. A nice bonus to losing weight is a great mood, which is always lowered during diets.

In order to find these points, you need to know some of the units of measurement used in acupuncture. Most often, acupuncturists use the concept of "cun". This is a unit of length equal to one phalanx or the diameter of the thumb. Having learned this rule, you can quite easily find any acupuncture point on your body. For convenience, also remember that the four fingers of the hand, folded together, with the exception of the thumb, make up three cun.

The active centers of the body responsible for losing weight can be found as follows.

  • The most effective point, called Kuan-Yuan, is located at a distance of 3 cun below the navel. It is necessary to act on it under certain conditions: manipulations are carried out on an empty stomach in the supine position. Massaging movements should be light and smooth. This point is responsible for the feeling of hunger.
  • The Lau Gong point is located in the center of the palm and is responsible for the activity of the stomach and intestines. By massaging it strictly clockwise to the center of the hand, you can effectively reduce your appetite.
  • A point called Zu-San-Li is located under the kneecap. You need to put your palm on it, and with your ring finger you will find a recess. This point must be massaged for 20 minutes.

In order to normalize the weight, you will need to remember these three main points. Acupuncture also indicates several more active centers, stimulating which, you will always be in perfect shape.

  • The Shao-Shan point, which is located near the thumbnail. It needs to be massaged for several minutes a day.
  • At the junction of the shoulders and neck on the back is the Jian-Jing point. It will also be enough for her to devote a few minutes a day for a good result.
  • It is not recommended to act on the Tian-Shu point, which is located slightly below the navel, for more than one minute.
  • The Lou Gu point can be found on the outside of the thigh at the back, rising from the ankle 6 cun.
  • In the center between the elbow and shoulder joint on the outside of the arm is the Yu-Pe point. It is connected with the saturation center. It is worth stimulating it for 30 seconds, periodically changing hands.

Thus, by combining rational nutrition and acupuncture, you are able to effectively normalize weight and at the same time have a great mood.

Applying the methods of Chinese traditional medicine, you can painlessly and effectively relieve discomfort, normalize the work of all organs and systems of the human body, eliminate the effects of stress and improve emotional background. With the help of acupuncture, you can lose extra pounds, restore the harmony of the body and spirit.

Point for pain in the head. It is located between the thumb at the index finger at the intersection of the bones. Then the thumb will lie approximately in the middle of the life line, the index finger on the back of the palm (you can vice versa. Here you need to press hard. In the event that it hurts, then the point has been found. Three to four active presses and you can not go for a pill.

Dot helps lower blood pressure, normalize many other things. Consciousness will become clear and vision sharper. The ringing in your ears will disappear.
Knowledgeable people claim that this healing method is used in military medicine. And in this area, treatment is very different from the simple one that we are all used to. There medicine is extreme. In military conditions, you need to do everything as quickly as possible - quickly cure, quickly put on your feet, quickly stop the bleeding.
This magic from the point of view of medicine is located on the middle finger on the back side, on the small pillow. This point is quite painful. We'll have to be patient.
Keep should be relatively short - just one minute. But it will seem like a long time. After that, any pain disappears. Pain disappears even in the spine.

Force activation point. Attention! Only if you bring together the tips of all fingers, it will be in the hole in the center of the palm. Only if you feel lethargy, loss of strength, apathy, drowsiness, massage this point.

heat point. It is located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the middle finger. Impact on the point helps to warm up, stimulates metabolism, relieves anxiety. It can be massaged in exciting situations, before an exam or an important meeting.

heart point. It is located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the little finger. Helps with palpitations.

point of sexuality. This is a stomata located at a distance of 3 mm. Up from the beginning of the growth of the nail of the ring finger. Only if you lose interest in opposite sex or sexuality has decreased, you need to unblock the energy flows going through the meridian of the ring finger.

Many modern people have already begun to pay attention to the fact that massage or rubbing certain areas on the skin can relieve pain or improve health.

Chinese medicine calls points on the body biologically active and important, because each of them is responsible for certain bodies and systems! Knowing how to use this knowledge, you can easily improve and strengthen your own body, learn how to easily cope with any disease.

Chinese medicine: points on the human body

To begin with, it does not hurt to understand the basics of traditional Chinese medicine in order to understand what such points are in general.

In the human body, in addition to the blood flow and blood vessels, there are other vital channels that cannot be seen or felt in any way. These channels are called meridians - this is a closed system that provides our body with the necessary energy. Like the circles of blood circulation, the meridians have a well-marked and static place inside our body, and each of these energy channels is responsible for the function of the internal organ.

So, there is a meridian through which life-giving energy enters the heart muscle, and meridians through which the liver functions, reproductive system and other organs.

There are a lot of such invisible channels in our body: there are small and separate energy channels that circulate only in a certain area of ​​the human body, and there are those that practically wrap around the entire body. These largest channels are called the main meridians of the human body.

Active points under our skin are nothing but zones located on such energy highways. They are not too deep under the epidermis, and therefore they are also used to activate them. acupressure, and acupuncture, and even rubbing.

Although these points are located almost everywhere, throughout our body, but most of all they are concentrated in specific areas - on the auricles, on the feet and hands.

These reflex zones are the most important and most important for health. Although it is impossible, of course, to say that others are quite insignificant. So, if you have a dysfunction of a particular organ or internal system, you can restore it thanks to frequent and regular massage or acupuncture of the necessary points. These reflex zones are located along the entire length of the required meridian.

All that is needed is to find out which energy depot is responsible for the health of the desired organ.

For example, if your heart is naughty and you often suffer from pain in the chest area, then you can massage the heart meridian, which runs from the armpit area to the tip of the little finger on both hands. It is located on the inside of the arm and has nine of the most active points.

However, if you are not very well versed in the structure of the main meridians and cannot massage, then you can remember that the active points of each organ are also located on the surface of our feet and palms. Therefore, without much difficulty, you can massage them yourself or go to the chiropractor's office, where you will be given a course of skin punctures at the right points to get to them and activate them.

Acupressure is an alternative to skin punctures and acupuncture. This is a local massage of the necessary point, which can be carried out independently, right at home.

How is acupressure performed?

  1. First of all, lie down on the sofa or on the bed;
  2. Relax your whole body, try to calm down completely;
  3. Nothing should distract you, it is better that there are no extraneous noises;
  4. To make it easier to relax - close your eyelids and breathe calmly and measuredly;
  5. Bend your fingers right hand into a weak fist, leaving only the index finger outside;
  6. With the pad of this finger, find the necessary reflex zone on your body;
  7. Press on it, trying to make the tip of your finger sink into the skin;
  8. Do not overdo it: there should be no pain and discomfort;
  9. Without lifting your finger from the desired active point, massage it in a circular motion;
  10. The procedure should last at least a couple of minutes, ideally 4-5 minutes;
  11. It is important that during acupressure the fingertip never come off the required point;
  12. At the end of the massage, slowly and gently lift your index finger and gently rub the place where it was;
  13. The effect after acupressure is achieved quite quickly.

You can do acupressure at home at any time, as well as treat any system or organ in this way. All you have to do is get to the correct reflex zone, and these points are not too deep under the surface of the skin, so this is not a big deal.

Also in this way you can massage the surface of your feet and palms, earlobes. To do this, take a comfortable sitting position and massage the desired points using the method described above. It is not at all necessary to know the location of each zone: many beginner practitioners simply carefully knead the entire surface of the foot or palms, trying to touch each biologically active point.

Chinese medicine: points on the hand and their meaning

In the event that the ailment took you by surprise, you can quickly get rid of it by regularly conducting acupressure sessions with your own hands. Look at the image and calculate the location of the required reflex zone: the figure shows all the important points that are located under the skin of the hands:

Active points on the hands: Chinese medicine

Acupressure can quickly get rid of any kind of pain, if you correctly interpret the place of its localization.

  • So, if you are bothered by a headache or migraine, carefully knead the reflex zone responsible for the brain, as well as for the spine and neck, since most often a headache is a signal that not enough oxygen is supplied to the brain cells.
  • For stomach problems, use acupressure of the gastric zone, located in the area under the median fold of the palm, and do not forget about the pancreas and spleen.
  • With urolithiasis or cystitis, the activation of the points of the bladder, ureter and kidneys is excellent.
  • And if you are often plagued by diseases of the reproductive system or inflammation, then use acupressure of the zones responsible for the health of the ovaries (testicles) and uterus (prostate gland).

It is worth noting that the reflex zones on our palms are mirrored - this is shown in the figure. Therefore, it is important to take this into account when performing their massage.

Acupressure devices

In Thai wellness massage, special wooden sticks are used to activate biological points on the feet and palms - these massagers are somewhat reminiscent of Chinese chopsticks, but have a wider handle and are rounded at the bottom.

If you are often going to resort to acupressure, then it will not be superfluous to get hold of such a Thai stick for massaging the reflex zones. It is much more convenient for her to wield than with the pad of her index finger. But the massage is performed according to the same scheme that has already been given above.

At home, for healing acupressure, you can also use improvised means - for example, chopsticks that do not have a point, or even an unsharpened wooden pencil.

If you doubt your ability and want to get the maximum benefit from therapeutic acupressure, then it would not be superfluous to turn to a true professional who has all the intricacies of this procedure and is fluent in ancient Chinese techniques.

It is worth noting that in traditional Chinese medicine, such a massage is usually performed with the hands, using only the thumb and forefinger. But for therapeutic acupuncture, special needles and newfangled electrical appliances can be used. The latter, by the way, have long established themselves in manual therapy.

Chinese medicine: acupuncture point and its activation

During an acupuncture session, a professional specialist pierces certain areas on the skin in order to reach the active biological point with a needle. Moreover, such punctures are most often not painful and do not cause discomfort in the patient.

Classical acupuncture does not involve the use of small charges of electricity or any waves: the master simply activates the reflex zones, driving a long needle into the skin to the required depth and leaving it there for a while.

The modern world of manual technologies widely uses special devices for healing acupuncture: they consist of a special needle with a long wire connected to the unit, and in the process of puncture, a small electric charge is supplied through the wire inside the needle, which activates the reflex point.

In this case, the master acts in turn, working through each zone separately. While classical acupuncture involves all the necessary zones at once.

In the process of acupuncture punctures, not only those points that are located on the skin of the palms or hands are activated. Depending on the disease and its localization, the master decides which zones need to be involved.

Also, often with Chinese acupuncture, punctures are used in the course of suitable meridians. For this reason, needles can be left on the back, on the legs, and on other areas of the body where the energy depot is located.

Naturally, no one conducts healing sessions of acupuncture at home. For this you need to contact specialized clinic or a chiropractor's office.

It is forbidden to engage in amateur activities in this matter, not only because an inexperienced practitioner can bring an infection due to skin punctures, but also because such original acupuncture can harm the reflex points themselves.

Only an experienced specialist knows to what depth and exactly where it is necessary to perform a puncture. An ordinary person will not be able to find a point for a puncture and perform it correctly, even if he studies a visual aid.

Acupressure in China and other countries of the world

In Chinese traditional medicine, it is customary to combine such acupressure along with other techniques to promote health and get rid of diseases. Massage of reflex zones is also included in the treated therapeutic variety of qigong, where other healing techniques are often used.

To achieve the maximum result from the activation of vital points, it is best to combine this practice with traditional Chinese gymnastics or qigong strengthening exercises, as well as regularly cleanse the body of the accumulation of negative energy. The feng shui diet, oriental meditations and gentle physical activity, which are suitable even for people of retirement age, help a lot with this.

We can say that China is far from the only country where acupressure is widely used. Its healing power is known to the Indian people, the Thais, and many others.

So, Indian acupressure is included in an extensive health program, which includes a whole range of ancient techniques for health and body strengthening. At the same time, such acupressure of the feet is called Padabhyanga: the specialist first rubs the patient's feet with a complex mixture of natural oils, and then carefully works out each reflex zone with his fingers.

Of course, all these ancient teachings of the Eastern peoples for health are still popular today, because modern medicine has more than once agreed that acupuncture and acupressure bring tangible benefits to the human body and these techniques are really effective.

And although European countries came to such conclusions not so long ago, Chinese medicine used points on the body for healing in those days when even writing was just beginning to emerge. For this reason, Chinese reflex massage is the most trusted on the planet.

One of the ancient methods of treatment and healing of the body is acupressure. This practice has become widespread in such eastern countries as China, Korea, Japan, and Mongolia. Many centuries ago, healers of the East drew attention to special places on the body, the impact on which can significantly improve the functioning of internal systems and organs. Later, ideas about them found their scientific confirmation in the studies of scientists. In the process of experimental research, acupuncture points located on the human body were identified, and the basics of their massage were developed.

Today, the treatment of various diseases based on massage effects on bioactive points on the body is a widespread practice in official and traditional medicine. It is based on the following principles:

  • implementation of an integrated approach;
  • thoroughness and slowness in treatment;
  • individual approach to each person.

Knowing where the healing points are located on the human body, and the competent use of their healing properties, helps to get rid of both symptomatic pain (for example, toothache, menstrual pain) and overcome more serious problems. So, knowing how the massage points are located on the back, it is possible, as a result of applying a course of acupressure, to get rid of problems with the lower back that have tormented for years.

The technique of acupressure is quite simple and does not require the use of special equipment and expensive materials. Massage can be used as independent means pre-medical care, and in combination with other methods of treatment. Let us consider in more detail what is acupressure, what is its principle of action and features of application.

Chinese acupressure is one of the types of influence on acupuncture points on the human body.

Acupuncture is a therapeutic method based on the impact on special points located in different areas and associated with the work of internal organs and systems. It has been scientifically proven that the mechanical impact during the massage of active points helps to release endorphins. These are hormones, the effect of which on the body has a pronounced analgesic effect. Thus, by acting on active points on the body, we "start" the process of self-healing of the body.

Chinese medicine offers several ways to influence points on the body - it can be either a manual (acupressure) massage or the use of acupuncture.

However, in order to properly act on the points to get rid of various diseases, the application of the acupuncture method should be performed exclusively by a qualified specialist who is educated in the field of medicine and physiotherapy. But acupressure, or, as it is also called, is a type of reflexology that is quite affordable for use at home with a sufficient level of preparedness.

The influence on the healing points is carried out with the help of the fingers. This allows you to activate the work of neuroreceptors in subcutaneous tissue which, in turn, send an annoying signal to the brain. The reaction to such an irritant when exposed to Chinese points is either a complete cessation pain symptom, or its minimization.

An interesting fact: there are more than 750 acupuncture zones on the human body (in another way they are also called “health points”). Chinese medicine knows various points on the human body, or acupressure zones, through which you can overcome health problems and improve the general condition of the body. There are even so-called points of longevity, and it is quite possible that the possession of information about their location explains the secret of longevity of the inhabitants of the East. In addition to the “zone” of longevity, there is also a “point of youth” on the human body, as well as many others, the features of which we will consider below.

However, before trying the healing possibilities of reflexology, you should know that this method of influencing points on the body has a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with.

Contraindications to acupressure

Chinese point or acupuncture massage is a safe, however, rather serious method of influencing the body.

As a rule, the main indications for the procedure are pains of various kinds: “female”, back pain, as well as chronic diseases, general fatigue of the body. Energy points on the human body, located in different parts of the body, function in such a way that a rash impact they can be seriously harmed. Therefore, we note that Chinese technique massage, acupuncture, is contraindicated in conditions and symptoms such as:

  • tumors or suspected tumors;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • colds or other conditions accompanied by fever;
  • cardiovascular diseases, as well as previous strokes or heart attacks;
  • mental disorders;
  • age younger than 1 or older than 70 years;
  • second half of pregnancy in women.

You should be careful when acting on, which led to a significant deterioration in well-being. In this case, you should not hesitate and self-medicate, but it is better to immediately seek medical help.

A doctor's consultation is also necessary regarding the use of this method in the first half of pregnancy and during menstruation in women.

How to find the right acupuncture points - location map

Chinese acupressure is based on the impact on special acupuncture points, which, as we have already found out, in in large numbers located almost throughout the body. It is thanks to this type of impact, such as pressing on a specific acupuncture, that this massage is called point (acupuncture).

In order to understand how to do acupressure, you need to know what is the scheme according to which the acupuncture of the human body is located.

In general, there are main places where acupuncture points are located on the human body. These include:

  • on the back;
  • on the fingers and toes;
  • on hands;
  • on the chest;
  • on the neck;
  • on the face.

This is interesting: many years of research experience has even made it possible to create a special atlas that clearly and in detail illustrates the places where acupuncture points are located on the human body.

A detailed layout of each acupuncture point on the body allows you to successfully use this method of oriental medicine, for example, during the acupuncture procedure, but for everyone who does not plan to use acupuncture, but simply wants to master the skills of self-massage, it will be enough to know how the main points are located. Therefore, before doing acupressure, you should remember the location of the desired channels of influence, for example, by studying a photo or picture with their schematic location.

Points for massage have features due to which there is a healing effect on the body:

  • low level of electroskin resistance;
  • high electrical potential;
  • high skin temperature;
  • increased level of pain sensitivity;
  • high rate of metabolic processes due to accelerated absorption of oxygen.

All this ensures the high efficiency of acupressure, but the types of this procedure may differ and depend on which places are affected. So, it can be, for example, acupressure of the chest, or a type of exposure in which active acupuncture points on the hands and feet are stimulated.

This is interesting: the impact on special zones on the arm allows you to activate the centers responsible for the internal organs, which makes this type of massage useful for complex therapy various diseases.

Let us consider in more detail the location of important points on which Chinese acupuncture and modern acupuncture are based.

Active points on the feet

Foot acupuncture is designed in such a way that there are points on the feet that are responsible for important human organs: the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, bladder, thyroid gland. In addition, massage on the points of the foot allows you to get rid of pain in the back and lower back.

Having examined the biologically active acupuncture points on the feet in the diagram, you can see which of them are responsible for what. In the scheme of correspondence of points on the foot to the internal organs, one can see the connection between their correct stimulation and the corresponding beneficial result.

Let's list the main acupuncture points on the foot.

  • On the second finger, slightly above the nail;
  • At the base of the last finger (located on the outside, in a small depression);
  • On the first finger, closer to the second, slightly above the base, there is a tai chun point.

Dot tai chun- This is a channel of the liver, its stimulation allows you to overcome the symptoms of exacerbation of chronic diseases and helps to cleanse this organ.

  • Between the first and second fingers, located on outside feet;
  • On the side of the inside of the foot, close to the lower leg, in the depression at the highest point of the arch.

So, according to acupuncture, important acupuncture points are located on the foot, by acting on which you can alleviate the condition in diseases of various internal organs, and, as evidenced by foot acupuncture, improve the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular system, and the supporting apparatus. To do this, it is enough to regularly do acupuncture foot massage, which is performed by massaging the above points on the sole.

Active points on the hands

On the hands and on the palm, important acupuncture points are symmetrically located, which allow you to get rid of migraine attacks in a short time:

  • at the junction of the index and thumb (in a small depression);
  • in the depression between the radius and ulna on the forearm;
  • on the folds of the elbow joints.

These zones are "responsible" not only for good health a person in the event of a headache, but also help get rid of other health problems.

So, for example, acupuncture highlights points on the hands, which are actively used in acupuncture to solve diseases such as diseases of the lungs, digestive system, heart, liver, and legs. The points on the hands responsible for these organs are located on the hand, while such points can be found on all fingers, from the thumb to the little finger.

To achieve a healing effect, the areas are massaged alternately on both hands.

General strengthening points

Consider also the main zones, which, according to Oriental medicine, are able to have a general strengthening effect on the body.

  • Point Nei Guan- This is a zone located on the inside of the forearm, in the middle area. In order to determine exactly where the nei guan is located, it is necessary to attach four fingers of the hand folded together to the forearm at the level of the wrist crease. The nei guan point is responsible for the operation of the pericardial canal. Knowing where the nei guan point is located, one can have a calming effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. To do this, slowly and deeply pressing on it, perform the massage procedure;

  • Point Wei Zhong located in the popliteal fold, in its very center. It is easy to determine the Wei Zhong point in a sitting position (legs bent at the knees) or lying on your stomach. Chinese experts say that the wei zhong point is the bladder canal, respectively, its stimulation helps with problems of the genitourinary system;

  • Shenmen point- located near the left edge of the wrist crease on the hand. The Shen Men point is the channel of the heart, which is responsible for the task of healing it in various diseases. Its stimulation is also practiced in oriental medicine in the treatment of mental illness;

  • Shen Shu Point also responsible for the functioning of the kidneys and excretory system. Massage of this point, located on the back, or rather, on the spine, helps with kidney diseases and related side problems, such as dizziness, weakness, chills, dry mouth, fever. Thus, knowing where Shen Shu is located is useful for everyone who suffers from acute or chronic kidney diseases;

  • Point Yin Ling Quan is located on the inside of the knee and, according to the general interpretation, is responsible for the work of the spleen. At the same time, the acupuncture zones responsible for the work of this organ perform many functions. Massage performed on this area allows you to get rid of pain, dizziness, diseases gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. Also, the impact on this area on the legs will help get rid of pain in the knee joints.

  • Point Shen Men also refers to general strengthening, and it is located on the ears - at the top of the triangular dimples on the auricles. Her massage helps to increase the efficiency of the body, overcome depression, apathy, improve immunity. Also, acupressure Shen Men is used in the fight against tobacco addiction;

  • On the crown of a person, in its very center, if you draw a conditional vertical and horizontal line, there is bai hui point, or Baihui. In this place, all the channels of the body are actually connected, and therefore the list of possibilities that a properly performed massage has is very wide;

  • "Canal of Youth" or san yin chiao. The name speaks for itself - her massage provides beauty and youthfulness. appearance. If you want to know how to find the place where the San Yin Jiao point is located, you should put four fingers on the bone on the inside of the lower leg. Where the fourth finger will be, and there will be its location. Armed with this information and proper massage skills, women can not only improve the appearance of their skin and hair, but also normalize the menstrual cycle, the functioning of the nervous system, reduce the appearance of the first wrinkles, and even prevent the onset of premature menopause.

So, if you want to achieve longevity, you should definitely know that the impact on these points is the secret of good health and longevity of many Eastern sages.

Other useful points on the body

In addition to those discussed above, there are other active points on the body, the massage effect on which helps to improve well-being and the general condition of the body. These can be, for example, points of longevity, so named due to the fact that their stimulation has an active effect on the work of many organs and systems at once.

Longevity points can be located in different places of our body, for example, Tzu-san-li- the point of longevity on the knee, the impact on which is widely used in acupuncture.

Many areas located on the head (for example, in the center of the forehead, above the bridge of the nose, or symmetrical areas located at the inner edges of the eyebrows) help even in cases where medicines are powerless.

It has a beneficial effect on the entire body, since the ears also have projections on all human organs.

In addition to the fact that there are acupuncture points for various diseases, relaxing, there are those that help women look younger and more beautiful. So, among the secret methods of oriental beauties, you can find a point or point even with menopause.

So, Chinese acupressure or acupuncture massage is a special technique that has been used for many years to improve well-being and treat various diseases. - a safe method of non-drug treatment, however, a doctor's consultation before starting the course is still mandatory.

In ancient Chinese medicine, there are many ways to treat various diseases. But for this you should know what points are not on the human body. It is acupuncture that helps to get rid of toothache, smoking and much more. You can use acupuncture to influence them or massage with your fingers and pressure.

Indications and contraindications

Moxa is also justified by other complaints and diseases. Moxa is not intended to be used in the face, in the head it is now considered as being overtaken. Acupuncture is an important branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine which is used in conjunction with medicinal plants, diets, therapeutic exercises, massage, health habits and other recommendations. However, given the great effectiveness he has on his own, in the West, he tends to use acupuncture as the only treatment or as the main method, and very often as a way to eliminate annoying symptoms, but not the causes of the disease.

Such treatment helps a person to recover faster and put his body in order, they are able to relieve stress and even contribute to weight loss.

Points on the human body must be studied in order to know some tricks. You can learn these simple skills to change your life for the better forever.

Acupuncture is now integrated into Western health sciences and taught in some universities, although it is still considered a marginal technique in the practice of Western medicine. It is professionally and professionally practiced by people trained in Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, although given the ease of use of some very effective points, it can be used regularly on yourself or those close to you in initial treatment or at home for many ailments.

Eye point

In acupuncture, many utensils can be used to act on points, such as stainless steel filiform needles, sharp or blunt objects, fingernails or fingertips, magnets, laser ray, electrical stimulation, moxa cylinders with suction cups, needles that are illuminated with cotton soaked in alcohol or injection of substances at the points.

With the help of Chinese medicine, you can get rid of almost all diseases. Naturally, cancers cannot be removed with acupuncture, but other diseases can be completely eliminated. You just need to have sufficient skills and knowledge to make life easier for others and yourself.

Search for acupuncture points

It is necessary to know only the most important and main points of acupuncture, because all of them cannot be studied. Each point has its own action, so the effect of their stimulation may be different. They are located in special places, which are called meridians. There are 14 of them in total. Points are divided into several main groups.

For its good use, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the theories of Yin and Yang, namely the "Five Movements", from the organs and bowels and meridians through which vital energy circulates. With this knowledge, and based on the correct diagnosis of the disease or the syndromes that generate it, it is possible to make a selection of glasses that can help correct the imbalance.

However, there are some points that, due to their position, their special characteristics, or their effectiveness in treatment, have traditionally been the most common and are still the most important in the practice of acupuncture. These are the points that are at the beginning or end of each main meridian that enters or leaves life energy. They correspond to one of the five movements, so you can influence them with this methodology for greater effect. In case of excess, reassure the child: if there is an excess of function or the meridian can act in the same meridian, but at the point corresponding to the child in the wheel of 5 movements.

Harmonizing points restore the balance of the human body and its systems. They can help a person's energy reserves move in the correct sequence, bring the nervous system into harmony and get rid of stress. Each organ inside a person reacts to anxiety differently. If you influence these points, then the organs begin to work in normal mode.

For example, you can change the change in the liver by influencing the wooden points of other meridians. Title and correspondence. In case of deficiency, they are moxanes. The point is chosen according to the meridian that is causing the problem. It is there that energy arises and begins to grow. - Location: located between the fingers and the metacarpus or metatarsus. - Usage: to reduce temperature. - Technique.

The energy starts running and fills the meridian. - Location: in the metacarpus or in the metatarsal bone. - Usage: joint pain, feeling of heaviness of the body. - Technique: puncture, compression or electrical stimulation. Use: diseases of the organs, analgesia when used in the Yang meridians. - Technique: puncture, compression or electrical stimulation. In the meridians, Yin is toned, in Yang they are dissipated. It is also believed that there is another additional point in the meridian of the stomach.

Alarm points

Each organ includes an area of ​​concern. That is why the organs cause a certain concern to a person. The back and lower back begin to hurt when a person has problems with the kidneys and genitourinary system Well, the stomach hurts from the gastrointestinal tract. Noise in the ears comes from exposure to a specific point on a person's leg.

Points of 12 main meridians: under the elbows and knees. - Gobernador: in the dorsal region. - Concept: in the abdomen. - Additional spleen: in the coastal area. - additional stomach: in the area of ​​the stomach. Use: diseases of the organs corresponding to the meridian itself or diseases of the meridian in a pair. The point is chosen in accordance with the meridian that causes the problem or is associated with it in the direction of the energy circulation, and not in the opposite direction.

On the bladder meridian, on the back. Use: treatment of diseases of the relevant organs, both yin organs and internal organs. - Technique: puncture, compression or electrical stimulation. The puncture is made obliquely with an inclination of 45 degrees. Tone or dispersion according to any imbalance.

Point "Close Gorge"

Such a point is a bit like a gorge, hence its name. It is located on the outside of the human palm, between the thumb and forefinger near the tendons. Massage and impact on this point helps to quickly get rid of headaches, runny nose, allergic reactions, relieves stress and can increase the immunity of the whole organism. However, pregnant women should not make an impact on her, because contractions and premature birth may begin.

They are points that connect directly from the front of the body with the energy of the corresponding organs. - If the organ is affected by pain, pain occurs with the pressure of its alarm point. - There are 12 alarm points, one for each main meridian.

What are the meridians

There are 8 points in which the unusual meridians intersect with the 12 main ones. They are so important that many acupuncturists can treat most diseases using only these eight points. Under the knees or elbows. Use: Treatment of diseases that correspond to unusual meridians or senses of the areas through which they pass. They also serve to move energy from one meridian to another as needed. - Technique: puncture, compression or electrical stimulation. They are used by acting at a different point on each side rather than on two symmetrical equals.

Three Mile Point

This point is responsible for the digestive system. It is four fingers wide below the knee, on the outside. If a person arches their ankle, they can clearly feel the muscle in the calf. Impact on it helps to quickly recover own forces, get rid of fatigue. If the stomach hurts, pressing on it helps to get rid of pain and restore the digestive system.

These are the points where you can act on the vital energy of the most important fluids or tissues of the body. Use: treatment of diseases of tissues, fluids or related organs, both excessive and insufficient. Systemic points of stimulation.

These are the points where the vital energy of the six Yang intestines is concentrated. Use: serves to stimulate the vital energy of the six Yang organs. Lower merge points. These are all meridian points through which other or more meridians pass.

Use: They serve to treat diseases of the meridian and those with which they intersect with it, as well as the joint sensations of both. Although there are different opinions and depending on the teacher, you can add a few more points. Another very practical way to place it is to ask the patient to bend the leg upward, in this way the tibialis anterior is tightened and we can see the part where it stands out more, that's where the point is.

Point "Inner way"

This point quickly relieves motion sickness and nausea. You need to turn your palm inward towards yourself and measure about three fingers on your wrist. The point will help get rid of nausea, relieve stress and anxiety, pregnant women can eliminate toxicosis.

For handling moisture and vacuum mismatches. When abdominal pain, severe abdominal pain, indigestion, eating disorders, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, paralysis, headaches, hypertension, or in cases where the patient has fatigue, depression, fatigue, anxiety, weakness, thinness and lethargy presented.

Technique. Methods that can be used at this point are vertical insertion and cauterization.

It is indicated for pain in the chest area and the center of the abdomen. Pain in the hypochondrium and epigastrium, wrist, menstrual cramps, dizziness, red eyes, nausea, indigestion, vomiting, fever without sweating, coma, insomnia, memory loss, anxiety, apathy, sadness, tension in the upper limbs, stiff neck, hypertension , jaundice, angina pectoris, hypothyroidism, epilepsy, apoplexy, anal prolapse.

Point "Gate of the Spirit"

This point helps to get rid of insomnia. It is located inside the palm, from below near the little finger. Impact on this place relieves sleepless nights, relieves overexcitation and obsessive thoughts, a person quickly calms down and begins to feel good.

Eye point

This point is able to cure various eye diseases. It is located slightly above the lacrimal stream, there is a kind of notch.

It is also used when the patient presents anxiety, despondency, palpitations, hysteria, mental disorders. This is known to be the point that calms the heart and relaxes the chest. Technique You can insert vertically or apply cautery.

This is the point of intersection with the main meridians of the kidneys and liver, as well as the connection point of Luo 3 meridians of Yin foot. Among its effects are toning and stimulating the function of the spleen, secreting the liver, supporting the kidneys, transforming moisture and improving fluid circulation.

This acupuncture point can be treated with the scattering method, except when there is a feeling of tension, noise in the lower abdomen, fatigue, pain in the limbs, diarrhea, digestive disorders, nausea, weakness in the lower limbs, urinary disorders, menstrual irregularities, infertility , difficult childbirth, abortion, retained placenta, genital pain, ulceration and foreign body in the lower abdomen, amenorrhea, impaired libido, loss of sperm, removal of stones.

Point "Full opening"

This point helps various diseases respiratory organs, with a runny nose and problems of the nasal sinuses. It is located on the bend of the joint near the nostril.

Point "Abode of the sky"

In case of lung diseases and difficulty breathing, exposure to this point can significantly help and get rid of many problems. You need to measure three fingers at the bottom of the armpit, and then move a little towards the shoulder.

It is in the small gap that we find between the index and the thumb, on the radial side of the second metacarpal. This is the "Yuan" point, the point from which we access the original Qi. The effect of stimulating this point is to disperse the wind, open the surface, eliminate pain, stabilize defensive energies, permeabilize the meridian system, and strengthen and distribute lung qi. Speaking of its energy functions, it is an absorption point to be pierced when attacked.

Recommended for the following cases. For external wind sickness, colds with fever, chills, stiff neck, cough, paralysis, paresis, toothache. For headaches and conditions such as headaches, headache, migraine, neuralgia. Highly recommended for pain and contractures.

Hidden white point

If a person has problems with the circulatory system and blood circulation, then it is worth acting on the lower corners of the nail of the right foot of the big toe.

Points on the foot

Human feet also focus acupuncture active points. The toes contain the frontal sinus areas, as well as ear acupuncture, beauty points, and more. An atlas of points implies a close concentration of points in certain places. It is with their help that you can get rid of numerous diseases of the whole body and gain health.

In cases where sweat is not observed, the dispersion method is used, and also in the presence of large sweat, the toning method is used. Only at the edge of the radius will you find a small depression indicating the exact point. If we advise the patient to reach out and place his hand, also stretched to fit the creases of the fingers, we can find this acupuncture point with the tip of our index finger.

The method of influencing the points of longevity on the human body

This is the connection point of the Luo meridian, which connects to the main colon meridian. We will achieve the resolution of the lungs, the dispersion of the wind, as well as the restitution and harmonization of the vessel of the Concept. Reduction and regulation of lung qi, surface opening and re-opening of fluid pathways, distribution of defensive energy and mucus transformation.

Foot massage allows you to achieve real relaxation, as well as strengthen all organs in a person. A huge number of points are concentrated on the leg, which can affect almost all internal organs. It seems incredible to many that the points that are on the human body can have a truly magical effect, but this is true.

Points for weight loss

Acupuncture points can help those people who are overweight to get rid of it. Very often, overweight people simply do not see the effects of sports and numerous diets. Doctors recommend to general examination to detect metabolic disorders and a variety of diseases.

However, acupuncture and methods of influencing the points give tangible results, and in the shortest amount of time. You can wear a special needle in your ear for a certain amount of time, as well as constantly go for acupuncture to lose weight to the desired weight.

Also, some points on the leg and on the palm can reduce a person’s appetite, he begins to eat much less, and eventually loses weight.

It turns out that the impact on these points qualitatively produces a special hormone of happiness, a person constantly soars in the clouds and does not even remember about food. He also has a constantly excellent mood, he smiles, begins to feel self-confidence and attracts the attention of others.

Acupuncture for smoking

Chinese treatments from nicotine addiction with the help of acupuncture give amazing results. After much research, a treatment was developed, which today is considered the most optimal of all possible. Changes in the human brain are corrected, as well as individual characteristics each person.

With this approach, for the treatment of smoking, acupuncture of certain points and the impact on them are performed, and it also helps clients get rid of cravings for cigarettes in case of nervous disorders, psychological dependence is also reduced and completely eliminated over time. The doctor takes into account certain diseases of the patient, allergic reactions, bronchitis, asthma or angina pectoris. The doctor can provide an impact on additional points to get rid of the patient's concomitant diseases. Only then will the treatment be as effective as possible and bring results.

The golden needle is considered the best solution in the treatment of nicotine addiction. The needle should be placed behind the ear, and it can be either right or left. The treatment is carried out after abstinence from smoking for eight hours. Even long-term smokers get rid of addiction, without unbearable torment. Moreover, the treatment subsequently does not provoke weight gain, because many are afraid of this.

General strengthening points

It is these points that should be mentioned separately. There are three of them in the body of each person.

The longevity point is located under the knee on the outside of the leg. You need to put your palm on the kneecap, and the ring finger will point to this point. When exposed to it, you can get rid of stress and anxiety, strengthen the state of the whole organism, eliminate insomnia and headaches.
A good interval is located between two toes on the foot first and second. When exposed to a point, a person gets rid of neurosis, diseases of the digestive system and urogenital, female disorders and the menstrual cycle.

The closed valley is located between the first and second fingers on the human hand. When the point is stimulated, the head stops hurting, migraine, nervous disorders, nasopharynx or tinnitus disappear.

If you apply the ancient Chinese methods, you can cure almost all diseases of the body. You can also bring your body and psychological state into harmony.

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Acupuncture is old method traditional Chinese medicine - treatment by inserting needles into specific points located on the human body. Acupressure is a related method to acupuncture. It uses the same active points as in acupuncture, but instead of needles, they act with the thumbs and forefingers. The effect of such exposure is similar to the effect of acupuncture, which allows you to heal functional disorders and speed up recovery, as well as eliminate the effects of stress. However, the mechanism of action of acupuncture and acupressure has not yet been fully elucidated.

In Chinese schools, acupressure is a subject. The use of acupressure does not require special medical education. Anyone who knows the simple and understandable laws of acupressure can help themselves. However, there is no reliable evidence that acupressure or acupuncture has helped cure cancer and other serious organic diseases.

Acupressure relieves and eliminates organ dysfunctions and nervous disorders. By pressing with your fingers, it is impossible to introduce an infection into the body.

Today, more than a thousand acupressure points are known, and that's not all. Even the most experienced specialist is not able to know all points equally well. For a non-specialist, it is enough to be able to use the main points.

Point types

The placement of the main points on the body is well known. All known acupuncture and acupressure points lie on 14 so-called meridians, studied since antiquity and each with its own name and its own scope.

Harmonizing points are located at the beginning and end of the meridians. The impact on them contributes to the harmonization of the work of all organs controlled by this meridian.
Stimulating points are located on each meridian only one. Impact on them activates the energy reserves of the body.

Calming points balance the functions of the nervous system. Their stimulation causes especially pleasant sensations. Each internal organ has its own alarm point. Proper acupressure of these points reduces suffering, soothes pain.
special points. They are used according to certain rules for the treatment of specific diseases.

Alarm points, or "mo-points". Each organ of the human body is associated with certain acupressure points. The disorder of the work of each organ affects the state of the point associated with it, which often facilitates the correct diagnosis. For example, in diseases of the stomach, pain is observed at a point on the abdomen, in diseases of the kidneys - at a point on the lower back.

Pressure on these points, produced in the early stages of the disease, can normalize the state of the organ. This is a general rule: if pain is felt at some point with light pressure, it should be massaged. As long-term practice shows, acupressure does not give harmful consequences and complications.

Some alarm points are shown in fig. 12.

1. Headache.
2. Toothache.
3. Cough.
4. Blood pressure.
5. Stomach.
6. Blood pressure.
7. Frigidity.
8. Fear.
9. Rheumatism.
10. Cervical osteochondrosis.
11. Joint pain.
12. Heart.
13. Intervertebral discs.

Basic rules for acupressure

For acupressure, choose the right time, make sure that you are not disturbed by relatives, phone calls and other distractions, sit or lie down, calm down, relax.

The area to be massaged is about a centimeter in diameter. More precisely, the site of impact is determined subjectively, by the sensation of pain or the irradiation of pain to other parts of the body.

Having prepared for the procedure, lightly place your index finger on the corresponding point on the skin and, gradually increasing the pressure, massage this point with rotational movements in a clockwise direction. The duration of acupressure for one point is from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.

The therapeutic effect may appear immediately or after a while. Acupressure can be repeated several times a day.

Accordingly, the acupressure effect on these points helps to relieve suffering and promotes healing.

Below is a description of some of the points associated with the most common ailments, and recommendations are given for conducting acupressure effects on these points.

Weight loss, appetite suppression.Yu-be points (Fig. 3).
Effect: soothing, depresses the centers of appetite and metabolism.
Impact: in case of excessive appetite, press for 30 seconds on both sides.

Dots against fear"divine composure" (Fig. 4).
Effect: harmonizing.
Impact: light pressure on both sides simultaneously up to 5 minutes.

Nervousness.Points "divine composure" (Fig. 4).
Effect: harmonizing.
Impact: light pressure simultaneously on both sides up to 5 minutes.

Asthma (shortness of breath).Point "chaba-ex" (Fig. 5).
Effect: special.

Cough.Point "chaba-ex" (Fig. 5).
Effect: special point.
Impact: light pressure up to 1 minute, can be repeated at any time.

Withdrawal from nicotine.Point "chaba-ex" (Fig. 5).
Effect: special point.
Impact: if you want to smoke - intense short-term pressure to the point of pain. Immediately after that, take additional therapeutic agents from hypotension.

Eye pain, blinking.Tie-li points (Fig. 6).
Effect: soothing.
Impact: massaging the eye orbit with circular movements. Observe the sequence of points shown in the figure.

Damage to the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region.Points "ka-te" (Fig. 7).
Effect: special.
Impact: strong pressure with the tips thumbs up to 3 min.

Thirst.Point "yang-sen" (in a centimeter from the tip of the tongue on the mucous membrane of the tongue).
Effect: soothing.
Impact: press the front teeth 20 times in 1 minute. The “yang-sen” point is unique; no other point with the same effect on the mucous membranes could be found.

Pain in the gallbladder.Points "chu-san" (Fig. 8).
Effect: soothing.
Impact: light pressure, always on both sides, continue until a sensitive impact. Effective prophylactically.

Pain in the joints.Points "yin-chao" (Fig. 9).
Effect: harmonizing.
Impact: at chronic disease- strong pressure, with acute - light, to a sensitive effect. Usually 1 time per day.

Violations in the cervical vertebrae. Tension of the neck muscles.Fei-yang points (Fig. 10).
Effect: harmonizing.
Impact: hold the point between the thumb and forefinger and press lightly at first, and then harder. Repeat if necessary.

Pain in the region of the heart.Points "cha-ti", "cha-fu-li" (Fig. 11).
Effect: soothing.
Impact: light pressure lying in a calm state.

Hypertension.Points "yang-si" (Fig. 12).
Effect: harmonizing.
Impact: light pressure in a calm state up to 5 minutes. Such procedures should be continued for several weeks, 1 time per day.

Headaches in forehead.Points "sin-san" (Fig. 13).
Effect: soothing.
Impact: light pressure with closed eyes always simultaneously from both sides.

Headaches (migraine).Point "ho-ku" (Fig. 14).
Effect: soothing.
Impact: you need to take a point between the thumb and forefinger and lightly press rhythmically for up to 5 minutes.

Pain in the occiput.Points "chen-chi" (Fig. 15).
Effect: special points.
Impact: strong rhythmic pressure, you can also use two fingers, always at the same time on both points.

Difficulty breathing (lung stimulation).Points "tu-li" (Fig. 16).
Effect: stimulating.
Impact: light and short-term pressure is always on both points at the same time, can be repeated.

Vaginismus.Points "tu-li" (Fig. 16).
Effect: stimulating.
Impact: slight pressure at rest.

Disorders of the stomach and intestines (colic).Points "touch-shen" (Fig. 17).
Effect: harmonizing.
Impact: only with light pressure, but long enough and in the prone position.

Disorder of menstruation.Fertilization point (Fig. 18).
Effect: harmonizing.
Effects: repeated light pressure during menstruation. Continue until the effect.

Fatigue.Point "biao-san" (Fig. 19).
Effect: special point.
Impact: strong pressure. Valid for 1 hour. May repeat.

Inflammation of the canals of the maxillary cavities.C-By points (Fig. 20).
Effect: special points.
Impact: moderate pressure with eyes closed. 64 clicks (8 series of 8 clicks).

Unfortunately the illustration for points 21 to 27 has been lost. Anyone who has an idea about the location of points 21 to 27 - please unsubscribe in the comments or give a link to the illustration.

Pain in the ears.Yun-ya points (Fig. 21).
Effect: harmonizing.
Impact: light pressure only near the affected ear.

Seasickness.Points "bi-yin-san" (Fig. 22).
The effect is stimulating.
Impact: pressure of medium strength in the "foot to foot" position. Repeat as needed.

Rheumatic pains.Points "triple heater" (Fig. 23).
Effect: soothing pressure for up to 7 minutes, changing hands. Chronic pain. Points "triple heater" (Fig. 23).
Impact: slight prolonged pressure lying at rest. Each time you should choose a point located on the side where it hurts.

Sleep disorder.Points "ho-u-san" (Fig. 24).
Effect: special.
Impact: slight pressure in the supine position. The effect comes faster when exposed to the right than when exposed to the left.

Sharp pain.Point "ho-ba" (Fig. 25).
Effect: special.
Impact: strong pressure with the thumbnail, the rhythm is 10 seconds.

Toothache.Point "ho-ba" (Fig. 25).
Impact: strong pressure with the nail of the index finger.

Fainting.Point "tseng-tszei" (Fig. 26).
Effect: harmonizing.
Impact: strong short-term pressure. "

Sweating.Points "bru-mae" (Fig. 27).
Effect: special. Impact: light pressure up to 3 minutes. On the right side, the effect comes faster.

Sexual disorders in men (weak erection).Points "lo-si-mue" (Fig. 28).
Effect: special.
Impact: slight pressure in a calm state. It is desirable that the impact is produced by a partner.

Impotence. Frigidity.Point "qing-be" (Fig. 29).
Effect: special.
Impact: alternately light and strong pressure in the supine position. It is desirable that the impact is produced by a partner.

Vegetative dystonia.Points "ha-u-ha" (Fig. 30).
Effect: special.
Influence: pressure of average force in the morning and in the evening, several courses with long breaks. Additionally, fluid intake is recommended.

climacteric disorders.Point "Jen-May" (Fig. 31).
Effect: harmonizing.
Action: slight pressure in the morning at rest.

Projections of the internal organs are located on the skin, muscles, bones, periosteum, ligaments. Representations on the skin can be manifested by swelling, itching, redness, psoriatic plaques, skin rashes, etc. Thyroid disorders, stomach, gallbladder, liver, heart, pancreas, lungs, kidneys, etc. - all have their manifestations on the human body. Find out which zones are responsible for what!

The founder and researcher of the direction - visceral therapy - abdominal massage - massage of internal organs through the front wall of the abdomen. Professional start in the field visceral therapy since 1985.

It has more than 20,000 of its students and followers in many countries of the world.

President of the Professional Association of Visceral Therapists.

CEO Educational and health center Forerunner.

Projections of the internal organs are located on the skin, muscles, bones, periosteum, ligaments.

Representations on the skin can be shown swelling, itching, redness, psoriatic plaques, skin rashes, etc.

On the muscles, the projections are expressed by seals, nodules, increased sensitivity and soreness.

Projections on the periosteum also appear pain, hypersensitivity or inflammation.

On the vessels, representations are expressed by soreness along the vessel, swelling of the intima of the vessel, and induration.

Projections of the internal organs from the side of the abdomen

  1. Thyroid disorders. The representation is located in the jugular notch along the periosteum. Soreness in this area indicates a violation of the blood circulation of the thyroid gland.
  2. Stomach (greater curvature). Projection on the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the neck. It is manifested by soreness, increased muscle tone.
  3. The area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the clavicle on the left. Manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle.
  4. angina syndrome. The region of the middle of the sternum. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.
  5. Pancreas. The representation is located on the left side in the supraclavicular region, closer to the neck. It is manifested by soreness and compaction of the muscles of this area. When kneading, it often radiates to the region of the left arm, heart, apex of the lung, and throat.
  6. Decreased immunity. The projection is located in the middle of the sternum, in the area of ​​its intersection with the line passing through the nipple line. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.
  7. Heart failure. Representation under the left clavicle in the region of the subclavian muscle above the first rib. It is manifested by muscle soreness during palpation examination.
  8. spleen capsule. Representation on a group of muscles in the region of the left shoulder. Manifested by deep pain of the joint and articular bag.
  9. Valvular disorders of the heart. Projected to the right on the pectoralis major muscle, laterally to the area of ​​the left shoulder joint. There is pain on palpation.
  10. Disruption of the blood supply to the shoulder joint.
  11. Ischemia of the heart. The representation is located anterior to the axial line, in the region of the serratus anterior. In pathology - pain in the periosteum and muscles. A. It is located on the 1st lateral line of the chest, the level of the 4th intercostal space on the muscles and periosteum of the ribs.
  12. Heart rhythm. It is projected onto the left side of the chest, the area of ​​intersection of the mid-clavicular-nipple line and the intercostal space of the 4th and 5th ribs. It is manifested by pain in this area and a violation of the heart rhythm.
  13. Spleen parenchyma. The representation runs along the costal arch to the left of the xiphoid process to the lateral axial line. It is manifested by soreness of the ribs and cartilaginous formations of the costal arch.
  14. Stomach (greater curvature). The representation is located on the skin of the outer part of the shoulder area. Manifested by rough skin (“goosebumps”), pigmentation (in case of fungal infection).
  15. Pancreas. It is projected onto the lateral surface of 8-10 ribs and intercostal muscles along the left lateral axial line, as well as on the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall at the level of the dividing line of the first and second segments, if the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process is divided into three equal parts (the origin of the segments is from the navel). Manifested by pain sensitivity of muscle structures in these areas.
  16. Left kidney. Its representation is located on the lower third of the inner surface of the left shoulder. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area and the periosteum of the humerus.
  17. (A, E) - ovaries, (B, D) - tubes, C - uterus (women); (A, E) - testicles, (B, C, D) - prostate (men). They are located on the periosteum of the pubic bone. It is manifested by its soreness during palpation examination.
  18. Descending colon. Its representation is located on the left brachioradialis muscle in the upper third of the forearm and on the anterior outer surface internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles on the left. Pathology is manifested by muscle soreness during palpation examination.
  19. Radial nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). The representation is located along the radial nerve of the forearm of the left hand. The stronger the infringement (ishimization) in the cervical spine, the lower the soreness of the nerve fiber passage area extends towards the hand.
  20. Parenchyma of the left kidney. Its representative zone is located along the periosteum of the iliac crest on the left. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research.
  21. Median nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). The representation is located along the median nerve of the forearm of the left hand. The higher the degree of its infringement (ishimization) in the cervical spine, the lower the soreness of the nerve passage area extends to the hand.
  22. Ulnar nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). The representation is located along the ulnar nerve of the forearm of the left hand. The stronger the degree of infringement (ishimization) of the roots of nerve fibers in the cervical spine, the lower the pain in the region of nerve passage extends down the forearm to the hand.
  23. Area of ​​the forearm with representative areas of six organs. It is located on the first third of the forearm of the left hand along the periosteum of the inner surface of the distal radius. It is manifested by pain in the representative parts of the organs.
  24. Left lung. The representation is located on the basis of the thumb and the phalanges themselves, that is, in the region of the short muscle and muscles of the short flexor of the thumb of the left hand, joints and nail plate
  25. The representation is located in the upper outer part of the left thigh, above the femur, above the region of the greater trochanter. It is manifested by pain of the articular bag and stiffness of the joint.
  26. Uterus, prostate. The information zone is located on the inner-upper part of the thigh, closer to the inguinal fold, along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery. It is manifested by soreness along the vessels of this area and the muscles of this area during palpation examination, as well as various skin disorders, including papillomatosis.
  27. Circulatory disorders of the left leg, arthrosis hip joint. The representative zone is located on the inner upper third of the left thigh. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the femur and adjacent muscles of this area.
  28. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. The representation is located on the middle-outer-lateral surface of the left thigh, from the region of the greater trochanter towards the knee joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the tibia and the muscles covering it.
  29. Sexual disorders. The representative zone is located on the upper anterointernal part of the left thigh, from the inguinal fold, to the front along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery. It is manifested by pain along the vessels and muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  30. The zone is located on the inner side of the tibial collateral ligament along the muscles of the inner posterior surface of the left thigh upward towards the perineum. It is manifested by soreness of the ligament and the place of its attachment, as well as along the muscles of the inner back surface of the left thigh.
  31. Tail and body of the pancreas. The representation is located on the lower third of the left thigh in the region of the wide medial muscle. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  32. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. The representative region is located on the inner surface of the head of the tibia of the left leg along the periosteum. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.
  33. Stomach (greater curvature). The information zone is located in the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface, or, more precisely, the anterior tibial muscle of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  34. Violation of the blood supply to the left leg. The representative region is located along the anterior inner surface of the left lower leg in the upper third, along the tibia along the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  35. The bottom of the gallbladder. The information zone is located in the upper third from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  36. Bulb duodenum. The information area is located in the lower part of the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface, or, more precisely, the anterior tibial muscle of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  37. The body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the second third of the area extending from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  38. Gallbladder duct. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  39. Arthrosis of the left ankle joint. The representative zone is located along the anterior lateral outer and inner line of the joint space. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the left ankle joint during palpation examination.
  40. Disorder of the left kidney. The representative area is the back of the left foot, in the area of ​​​​the short extensor fingers in the gap between the extensors of the fourth finger and the little finger. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles, ligamentous apparatus and periosteum of the bones of the foot in this area.
  41. Bladder, left side. The representation is the nail plate of the little finger and the finger itself. In pathology, the nail is affected by fungi, sometimes you can see various manifestations of disorders on the skin of the finger, the joint becomes painful on palpation.
  42. Gallbladder. Nail plates of the third and fourth toes of the left foot. In pathology, the nails are affected by fungi, sometimes there is a violation of the skin, the joints of the fingers become painful on palpation.
  43. Stomach (greater curvature). The representation is the nail plate of the second toe of the left foot, sometimes the toe itself. With a deep pathology of the stomach, the nail is affected by fungi, the joints of the finger become painful on palpation.
  44. Pancreas. The representation is the nail plate of the big toe of the left foot, sometimes the toe itself. In pathology, the nail is affected by fungi, the joint becomes painful on palpation, and its deformation is observed.
  45. Sex organs. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the lower leg of the right and left legs, along the inner surface of the tibia, to the inner ankle. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination. On the right - the right appendage in women, in men - the right testicle and the right lobe of the prostate gland. On the left - the left appendage in women, in men - the left testicle and the left lobe of the prostate gland.
  46. Arthrosis of the ankle joint. The representative zone is located along the inner lateral line of the joint space of the left and right ankle joints. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.
  47. Bladder. The representation is the inner part of the heel region of the foot under the medial malleolus of the left and right legs. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.
  48. Liver. The representation is the nail plate of the big toe of the right foot, sometimes the toe itself. In pathology, the nail is affected by fungi, the joint becomes painful on palpation, and sometimes its deformation is observed.
  49. Corns (stone in the gallbladder). Specific outgrowth of the skin on the outer lateral surface of the big toe of the right foot. It is formed during the thickening of bile and the formation of stones in the gallbladder.
  50. Stomach (small curvature). The representation is the nail plate of the second toe of the right foot, and sometimes the toe itself. With a deep pathology of the stomach, the nail is affected by fungi, the joints of the finger become painful on palpation.
  51. Gallbladder. Nail plates of the third and fourth toes of the right foot. In the pathology of the bladder, the nails are affected by fungi, the skin is prone to various fungal infections, the joints of the fingers often become painful on palpation.
  52. Right side of the bladder. The representation is the nail plate of the little finger and the toe itself on the right foot. In the pathology of the bladder, the nail and skin of the finger are susceptible to fungal attack, the joint becomes painful on palpation.
  53. Right kidney. The representative area is the back of the right foot, in the area of ​​​​the short extensor fingers in the gap between the extensors of the fourth finger and the little finger. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles, ligamentous apparatus and periosteum of the bones of the foot in this area.
  54. Arthrosis of the right ankle joint. The representative zone is located along the anterior lateral outer and inner line of the joint space. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the right ankle joint during palpation examination.
  55. bile ducts. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  56. The body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the second third from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  57. Bulb of the duodenum. The information area is located in the lower part of the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface, or, more precisely, the anterior tibial muscle of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  58. The bottom of the gallbladder. The information zone is located in the upper third from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  59. Circulation of the right leg. The representative region is located along the anterior inner surface of the right lower leg in the upper third, along the tibia along the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  60. Stomach (small curvature). The information zone is located in the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface, or, more precisely, the anterior tibial muscle of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  61. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. The representative region is located on the inner surface of the head of the tibia of the right leg along the periosteum. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.
  62. Head and body of the pancreas. The representation is located on the lower third of the right thigh in the region of the wide medial muscle of the thigh. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  63. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. The zone is located on the inner side of the tibial collateral ligament along the muscles of the inner posterior surface of the right thigh upward towards the perineum. It is manifested by soreness of the ligament and the place of its attachment along the representative zone.
  64. Violation of blood circulation of the right leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. The representative zone is located on the inner upper third of the right thigh. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the femur and adjacent muscles of this area.
  65. Sexual disorders. The representative zone is located on the upper anteromedial part of the right thigh, from the inguinal fold to the front along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery. It is manifested by pain along the vessels and muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  66. Uterus, prostate. The information zone is located on the inner-upper part of the right thigh, closer to the inguinal fold, along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery, manifested by pain along the vessels of this area and muscles during their palpation examination, as well as various skin manifestations including papillomatosis.
  67. The representation is located on the middle lateral-lateral surface of the right thigh, from the region of the greater trochanter towards the knee joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the tibia and the muscles of its covering.
  68. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. The representation is located in the upper outer region of the right thigh, above the femur, above the region of the greater trochanter. It is manifested by pain in this area and stiffness of the joint.
  69. Right lung. The representation is located in the base of the thumb and its joints, that is, in the region of the short muscle and muscles of the short flexor of the thumb of the left hand. With the pathology of the lung, the base of the finger is painful, a venous pattern appears on it, the joints are deformed, the nail plate is deformed.
  70. Site of functional weakening of organs. It is located on the first third of the forearm of the right hand, along the periosteum of the inner surface of the distal radius. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum in the representative parts of the organs.
  71. Radial nerve (radicular infringement in the cervical region). The representation is located along the radial nerve of the forearm of the right hand. The higher the degree of infringement (ishimization) in the cervical spine, the lower the pain in the area of ​​passage of the nerve fiber extends towards the hand.
  72. Parenchyma of the right kidney. Its representative zone is located along the periosteum of the right iliac crest. It is manifested by pain in this area during palpation examination.
  73. Ileocecal angle of the intestine. The representative zone is located on the anterior wall of the abdomen on the right below the navel, on the line passing from the navel to the iliac crest. With stenosis of the ileocecal valve, reflected pain occurs in the region of the heart and stomach. There is also a violation of soreness and density of the covering tissues of this area during palpation examination.
  74. Ascending colon. Its representation is located on the right brachioradialis muscle in the upper third of the forearm and the anterior outer surface of the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles on the right. It is shown by their morbidity at a palpation research.
  75. Ulnar nerve (radicular infringement of the cervical region). The representation is located along the ulnar nerve of the forearm of the right hand. The higher the degree of infringement (ishimization) of the nerve fiber roots in the cervical spine, the lower the soreness of the nerve passage area extends to the hand.
  76. Median nerve (radicular infringement of the cervical region). The representation is located along the median nerve of the forearm of the right hand. The higher the degree of its infringement (ishimization) in the cervical spine, the lower the soreness of the nerve passage area extends to the hand.
  77. Violation of the circulation of the small pelvis. The representation is located between the second and third segments of the abdomen between the navel and the pubic bone. Manifested by pain with pressure during the study of the abdomen.
  78. Small intestine. The representation is located around the navel in the umbilical region. In disorders, it is manifested by pain during palpation examination.
  79. Disorder of the right kidney. Its representation is located on the lower third of the inner surface of the right shoulder. Soreness of the muscles of this area and the periosteum of the bone is manifested.
  80. Stomach (small curvature). The representation is located on the skin of the outer part of the right shoulder region. Manifested by rough skin (“goosebumps”), pigmentation (in case of fungal infection).
  81. Gallbladder. Representation on the anterior wall of the abdomen on the right in the hypochondrium. It is manifested by pain, both during palpation and without it, when affected by fungi, pigmentation appears on the area.
  82. The parenchyma of the liver. The representation runs along the costal arch to the right of the xiphoid process to the lateral axial line. Manifested by soreness of the ribs and cartilaginous formations of the costal arch
  83. Automatic breathing. It is projected onto the right side of the chest, the area of ​​intersection of the mid-clavicular-nipple line of the intercostal space between the fourth and fifth ribs. It is manifested by soreness of this area, in case of injury - a violation of automatic breathing.
  84. Violation of the circulation of the right shoulder joint (ischemia of the cervical spine). It is projected onto the anterior surface of the articular capsule of the head of the left shoulder joint. Manifested by pain in this area.
  85. Gastritis, stomach. Representation on the xiphoid process. In pathology - pain in the periosteum. Sometimes the chronicle is manifested by the appearance of moles and papillomas in this area.
  86. Liver capsule. Representation on the deltoid muscle, in the region of the right shoulder. Manifested by deep pain in the area of ​​the joint and articular bag when the capsule is stretched.
  87. Respiratory failure. Representation under the right clavicle in the region of the subclavian muscle, above the first rib. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  88. gallbladder. The representation is located on the right side in the supraclavicular region. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area.
  89. Bulb of the duodenum. The area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the clavicle on the right. Manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle.
  90. Stomach (small curvature). Projection on the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the right, manifested by pain, increased tone.

Projections of the internal organs from the back

1. Violations in the skeletal system. The representation is located on the spinous surface of the 7th cervical vertebra (C7). It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination, uncomfortable sensations.

2. The head of the pancreas. The representation is located under the base of the skull on the right. Manifested by muscle tension in this area, pain on palpation:

3. Basilar insufficiency. Representation on the lateral processes of the first cervical vertebra (C1, along the lateral axial line on the right or left. It is manifested by pain during palpation examination. The resulting root infringement causes a violation of the blood supply to the head area.

4. top pole right kidney. Its representation is on the neck, at the level of the lateral processes on the right (C1-C2). It is manifested by soreness in this area. Soreness correlates with the functional state of the right kidney.

5. Lower pole of the right kidney. The representation is located on the muscles located on the lateral axial line on the right in the region of the vertebrae of the cervical spine (C5-C6).

6. Ureter of the right kidney. It is located deep in the supraspinatus muscle on the right side. Manifested by increased muscle tension, soreness.

7. The bottom of the gallbladder. It is located at the level of the vertebra (Th2), from the spinous to the right. It is manifested by increased muscle tone in the muscles of this area and pain during palpation.

8. Right side of the transverse colon. Represented by a site on the trapezius muscle on the right. It is manifested by soreness and increased muscle tone.

9. Duct of the gallbladder. It is located at the level of the vertebra (Th4), from the spinous spine on the right. It is manifested by increased muscle tone in this area and pain during palpation.

10. Representation of the right mammary gland. It is located on the infraspinatus muscle to the outer edge of the right scapula. Manifests with pain various violations in the mammary gland.

11. Liver capsule, scapulohumeral periarthritis, cervical osteochondrosis. The representation is located on the right shoulder in the region of the deltoid muscle. It is manifested by soreness and impaired blood circulation in the shoulder joint.

12. Energy imbalance in the lung. It is located in the center of the scapula on the region of the abdominal muscle and periosteum. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness in this area. When this area is traumatized, the automatism of breathing is disturbed.

13. Right kidney with bladder. It is located in the region of the small round muscle and the armpit. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area, the growth of papillomas, pigmentation.

14. Right lobe of the liver. The representation is located along the large rhomboid muscle between the spinous spine and the medial edge of the scapula, at the level of the spinous (Th4-Th6). Shows pain sensitivity.

15. Right kidney. The representation is located on the area of ​​the muscles of the paravertebral region on the right at the level of the vertebrae (Th7-Thl0). It is manifested by soreness and discomfort, radicular infringement.

16. Right kidney. The zone of representation is located on the area of ​​the muscles of the paravertebral region on the right at the level (Thl 1-L2). It is manifested by soreness of the back muscles of this part of the body, their increased tone.

17. Right adrenal gland. The representation is located paravertebral on the right at the level of Th 11 with the transition to the costal arch to the lateral axial line.

18. Violation of the blood circulation of the pelvic organs. The zone indicating the disorder is located on the outer side of the shoulder, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact between the muscles of the triceps and biceps, which manifests itself in pathology with pain on palpation, sometimes aching pain.

19. Ascending colon. It is located medially in the upper part of the lumbar region at the level of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen and the latissimus dorsi muscle. It is manifested by soreness, increased muscle tone.

20. Small intestine on the right.

21. Inflammation elbow joint. The representation is located in the area of ​​the condyle of the elbow joint. At the first stages of the disease, it is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the condyle.

22. Parenchyma of the right kidney. It is located at the top of the iliac crest on the right side of the body. Manifested painful sensations when touching the area and palpation.

23. Head and body of the pancreas. The representation is located on the skin of the forearm on the back surface closer to the elbow. Pathology is manifested by various disorders in the skin (dryness, roughness, psoriasis plaques).

24. Ascending colon. Representation on the muscles of the forearm in the upper outer part, on the brachioradialis muscle. It is manifested by pain on palpation, sometimes aching pain in this area.

25. Bladder (right half). Representation on the gluteus maximus muscle in the area of ​​its attachment to the ilium. Manifested by pain on palpation, increased tone.

26. Small intestine. Projection on the spinous spine L3-L4 and paravertebral muscles of this area. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle groups.

27. Small intestine (right side). The representation is located in the region of the large gluteal line, below the region of the sacral joint. It manifests itself in pathology or functional disorders by pain on palpation of this area.

28. Right ovary in women and right testicle in men.

29. Articular disorder of the right hip joint. The representation is located above the region of the greater trochanter of the femur, the region of the small and middle gluteal muscles. Pathology is manifested by pain in the joint and muscle representation.

30. Sexual organ ( right part). The representation is located under the gluteus maximus on the right side of the sacrum. It is manifested by soreness of the zone, lumbar pain.

31. Right lung. Representation on the thumb of the right hand (phalanx, nail plate, base of the thumb). There is a violation of deformation, change in shape, soreness.

32. Ascending colon. Representation on the index finger of the right hand. There is a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse streaks, mycoses), sometimes soreness of its joints.

33. Nervous system. Information zone on the middle and ring fingers. Manifested by deformation of the nail plates (longitudinal or transverse mottling, mycoses). Pain in the joints of the fingers.

34. Small intestine. Representation on the little finger of the right hand. There is a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse mottling, mycosis), sometimes pain in the joints.

35. Infringement of the sciatic nerve. The information zone is located in the center of the right gluteal region and along the posterior outer surface of the thigh and lower leg. It is manifested by soreness along the nerve.

36. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. The representative zone is located on the lateral outer surface of the thigh. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.

37. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. The representative zone is located from the tibial collateral ligament along the posterior-medial surface of the thigh upwards. It is manifested by soreness of the ligament and muscles in proportion to the pathological condition of the joint.

38. Right kidney. The information zone is located on the lower third of the back of the thigh. In pathology, it is manifested by pain during palpation examination.

39. Ligament apparatus of the right knee joint. The representation is located on the posterior surface of the knee joint, above and longer than the fold of the joint. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness in this area, especially in the area of ​​​​attachment of the cruciate ligaments.

40. Ureter of the right kidney. The representative zone runs along the back surface of the lower leg, along the midline of the gastrocnemius muscle to the place of its attachment with the Achilles tendon. In functional disorders, it is manifested by soreness of the muscles located along this line.

41. The bottom of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the upper third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.

42. The body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the middle third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.

43. Ducts of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.

44. Pathology of the right ankle joint (arthrosis). The representative zone is located along the inner lateral line of the joint space of the right ankle joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.

45. Tendovaginitis. The representative zone is the region of the Achilles tendon. With inflammation, it is characterized by pain during palpation of its study.

46. ​​Large intestine. The representative office is outer part heel region of the foot under the medial malleolus of the left and right legs. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.

47. Pathology of the left ankle joint (arthrosis). The representative zone is located along the inner lateral line of the joint space of the left ankle joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.

48. Duct of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness.

49. Body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the middle third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.

50. The bottom of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the upper third of the area from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.

51. Ureter of the left kidney. The representative zone runs along the back surface of the left leg, along the midline of the gastrocnemius muscle to the place of its attachment with the Achilles tendon. In functional disorders, it is manifested by soreness of the muscles located along this line.

52. Ligament apparatus of the left knee joint. The representation is located on the back surface of the left knee joint, above and below the joint bend line. In pathology, this area is manifested by soreness, especially in the area of ​​​​attachment of the cruciate ligaments.

53. Left kidney. The information zone is located on the lower third of the back surface of the left thigh. In pathology, it is manifested by pain during palpation examination.

54. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. The representative zone is located from the tibial collateral ligament along the posteromedial surface of the left thigh upwards. It is manifested by the pain of this ligament and muscles in proportion to the pathological state of the joint.

55. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. The representative zone is located on the lateral outer surface of the left thigh. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.

56. Sexual organ (left side). The representation is located under the gluteus maximus on the left side of the cross. It is manifested by soreness of the zone, lumbar pain.

57. Infringement of the sciatic nerve. The information zone is located in the center of the left gluteal region and along the posterior outer surface of the thigh and lower leg. It is manifested by soreness along the nerve.

58. Small intestine ( left-hand side). The representation is located in the region of the large gluteal line, below the region of the sacral joint. It manifests itself in pathology or functional disorders by pain during palpation examination of this area.

59. Heart, small intestine. Representation on the little finger of the left hand. There is a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse mottling, mycosis), sometimes pain in the joints.

60. Nervous system. Information zone on the middle and ring fingers. It is manifested by deformation of the nail plates (longitudinal or transverse streaks, mycoses), pain in the joints of the fingers.

61. Large intestine. Representation on the index finger of the left hand. There is a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse streaks, mycosis), sometimes soreness of its joints.

62. Left lung. Representation on the thumb of the left hand (phalanx, nail plate, base of the thumb). There is a violation of the deformation of the terminal phalanx, pain.

63. Heart disorders. Representation on the distal head of the ulna and its lower third of the posterior surface. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research.

64. Articular disorder of the left hip joint. The representation is located above the region of the greater trochanter of the left femur, the region of the small and middle gluteal muscles. Pathology is manifested by pain in the joint and muscle representation.

65. Left ovary in women and left testicle in men. The representative zone is located in the region of the gluteus maximus line on the gluteus maximus muscle, towards the superior iliac spine. Manifested by pain on palpation.

66. Disorder of the genital organs. The representative zone is projected onto the spinous process of the L5 vertebra. Palpation examination revealed soreness of the periosteum and drowning of the vertebra forward.

67. Small intestine. Projection on the spinous spine of L3-4 and paravertebral mice of this area. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle groups.

68. Left half of the bladder. Representation on the gluteus maximus muscle in the area of ​​its attachment to the ilium. Manifested by pain on palpation, increased muscle tone.

69. Body and tail of the pancreas. The representation is located on the skin of the forearm of the left hand, on the back surface closer to the elbow. Pathology is manifested by various disorders in the skin (dryness, roughness, plaques).

70. Descending colon. Representation on the muscles of the forearm of the left hand in the upper outer part, on the brachioradialis muscle. The pathology of the intestine is manifested by pain during palpation examination of the forearm, sometimes aching pain in this area.

71. Heart disorders. The representation is located in the area of ​​the condyle of the elbow joint. Manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the condyle.

72. Parenchyma of the left kidney. It is located at the top of the iliac crest on the left side of the body. It is manifested by painful sensations when palpation touches this area.

73. Small intestine on the left. It is located medially in the lower part of the lumbar region at the level of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen. It is manifested by soreness, increased muscle tone.

74. Large intestine on the left. It is located medially to the left in the upper part of the lumbar region at the level of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen and the latissimus dorsi muscle. Manifested by pain, increased muscle tone.

75. Stomach. It is projected on the spinous processes of the spine Th 11-12 and L1-2 and the paravertebral muscles of this area. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum and sometimes by the sinking of the Th 11 joint relative to the axis of the spine inward.

76. Violation of the circulation of the pelvic organs on the left. The zone indicating the disorder is located on the outer side of the shoulder, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact between the muscles of the triceps and biceps. It is manifested by pain during palpation examination, with deep pathology, aching pain in this area.

77. Left adrenal gland. The representation is located in the paravertebral areas on the left at the level of Th 11 with the transition to the costal arch to the lateral axial line. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research.

78. Pancreas. The representation is located on the region of the dentate muscles and the periosteum of the ribs along the left lateral axial line at the level of the 7th and 8th ribs, as well as on the paravertebral spinous processes of the spine at the level of Th 11-L2. There is a disorder of pain during palpation examination of these areas.

79. Left kidney. The zone of representation is located in the lumbar muscles of the paravertebral spinous spine on the left at the level of Th 12 and lateral processes L1-L2. It is manifested by soreness of the interested muscles of the back of this area, increased tone.

80. Left kidney. The representation is located in the muscles of the paravertebral region on the right at the level of the vertebrae (Th7-Th9). It is manifested by soreness and discomfort, radicular infringement, crunching of the joints of this area during manual manipulations.

81. Left kidney with bladder. The back area on the left on the small round muscle and armpit. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area, with infection of the kidney - by the growth of papillomas, pigmentation.

82. Energy center of the heart. It is located in the center of the scapula on the region of the abdominal muscle and periosteum. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness of this area, with traumatization of this area, the automatism of the heartbeat is disturbed.

83. Capsule of the spleen, scapulohumeral periarthritis. The representation is located on the left shoulder in the region of the deltoid muscle. It is manifested by soreness and impaired blood circulation in the shoulder joint.

84. Mammary gland. It is located on the infraspinatus muscle to the outer edge of the left shoulder blade. It is manifested by pain in various disorders in the mammary gland.

85. A. - heart failure. It is located on the supraspinatus muscle, medially above the spine of the left scapula. Manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation;

B. - valvular disorders of the heart. It is located between the spine and the spine of the left scapula, closer to the inner edge of the upper third of the scapula, on the small and large rhomboid muscles. Manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation;

S. - ischemia, angina pectoris. It is located on the muscle layer between the spine and the spine of the left shoulder blade closer to its medial edge, at the level of the second third of the spine of the left shoulder blade, on the rhomboid muscle, manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation;

D. - violation of the heart rhythm. It is located on the muscle layer between the spine and the spine of the left scapula, at the level of the first lower third of the medial spine of the scapula, on the large rhomboid muscle. Manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation.

E. - ischemia. It is located on the muscles of the paravertebral region on the left, running from the lumbar region to the lower edge of the left shoulder blade.

86. The left part of the colon. The representation is located on the trapezius muscle on the left. Pathology is manifested by pain on palpation and increased muscle tone.

87. Left ureter. It is located deep in the supraspinatus muscle on the left side. Manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation.

88. Lower pole of the left kidney. The representation is located on the muscles located on the lateral axial line on the left in the region of the vertebrae of the cervical spine (C5-C6).

89. Upper pole of the left kidney. Its representation is on the neck, at the level of the lateral processes on the left (C1-C2). It is manifested by soreness in this area. Soreness correlates with the functional state of the kidney.

90. Basilar insufficiency. It is located on the lateral processes of the first cervical vertebra (C1), along the lateral axial line on the right or left. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research. The resulting radicular infringement causes a violation of the blood circulation of the basilar region.

91. Tail part and body of the pancreas. The representation is located under the base of the skull on the left. Manifested by muscle tension in this area, pain on palpation.

92. Subluxation at the base of the skull. It is located on the spinous process of the second cervical vertebra (C2). It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.

93. Lymphatic and renal imbalance.

WHY STARVE? ONE DAY OF FASTING REJUVENATES FOR 3 MONTHS. During evolution, mankind had to starve so many times that the body developed a perfect mechanism of protection from starvation. Starting from the third day of fasting, only 100-200 grams of your own fat per day is enough to fully provide the body with energy. The reserves of trace elements and salts in the body are sufficient for several months of existence. The record of fasting, recorded by medicine, is more than 250 days, and with improved health. As a rule, in the absence of food in extreme conditions, the cause of death of people is not the lack of food, but psychological stress. “On the fourth day of fasting, hunger disappears, and there is a feeling that you are flying.” “I need fasting as much as my eyes, it opens my eyes to spiritual world”(M. Gandhi.) Recently, one-day fasts have become popular. Of course, compared with prolonged fasting, their effect is weaker. However, under certain conditions, the effect of even one-day fasting once a week can increase dramatically. For this, one-day fasting must be repeated. Professor of Medicine Koda Mitsuo, known for his research on fasting, says: “If you fast at the end of each week and carefully come out of fasting, you will get the effect of a long fast. In six months or a year, you will become healthy beyond recognition. Therapeutic starvation is highly appreciated by many doctors and enjoys hidden popularity among specialists, as well as entrepreneurs. Here is what doctors say about one-day weekly fasting: If one-day fasting once a week is continued for a year, it will improve the constitution of a person and save him from diseases. Fatigue of the internal organs is largely removed by one-day fasting. There are many cases where a mild degree of diabetes was cured only by allowing the pancreas to rest for several days of fasting. ONE DAY OF FASTING REJUVENATES THE BODY FOR THREE MONTHS. It turned out that Hippocrates, Avicenna, Paracelsus and other doctors treated patients with the help of fasting in ancient times. At present, there is already a lot of scientific evidence that reveals the mechanism therapeutic effect fasting, which stimulates metabolism, rejuvenates the body and prevents aging. The most amazing thing is that after such therapeutic fasting you look like after SPA treatments. We do not know what is the matter, but the body is clearly cleansed both externally and internally. By the way, if you have already decided to treat diseases with hunger, then in no case do not take any medicine. You can only drink water - often and in small portions. By the way, short-term fasting, in addition to cleansing and significantly improving the appearance, has another unexpected effect. It consists in increasing the power of imagination and the ability to create. For example, John Lennon, one of the legendary Beatles, practiced meditation and was fond of fasting. It is possible that his creative insights in the musical field were the result of not only talent and hard work, but also the periodic rejection of daily bread. T.Toyo, a former member of the House of Commons of the Japanese Parliament, strongly recommended weekly one-day fasts to all doubters as a way of healing and activating thinking. He repeatedly emphasized that this is not just a diet, because thanks to fasting, the head works better and ideas constantly arise. METABOLISM EVEN INCREASES DURING SHORT-TERM FASTING. It seems to people that they will suffer from unbearable hunger and will not be able to think normally if they do not eat every 2-3 hours. Imagine for a second the consequences from an evolutionary standpoint, if that were true. Considering that regular periods of fasting and even full-scale hunger strikes were part of the daily life of primitive man, do you think we would have survived to this day if we could not function normally, when obtaining food was most critical? Our body has developed very efficient mechanisms to maintain a certain level of sugar in the blood, even under extreme conditions, because. task is a high priority. If you were forced to fast for 24 hours and then run for 90 minutes at 70-75% of your maximum oxygen intake, your blood sugar levels after running would be the same as if you ran fed. In order for the blood sugar level to drop to a level that affects your mental activity, at least 3 days or 84 hours of fasting must pass; and then this is temporary, tk. the brain adapts to use ketone bodies for energy. During 48 hours of fasting or severe calorie restriction, blood sugar is maintained at a normal level and does not affect your cognitive abilities in any way. The belief that skipping meals or intermittent fasting causes "fasting mode" is absurd and preposterous. Why are we susceptible to myths? Countless studies on the topic show the first signs of a decrease in metabolism in response to fasting after 60 hours (-8% of resting metabolic rate). Other studies point to the stability of the metabolism up to 72-96 hours (George Cahill made a huge contribution to this topic). 36 hour fasting did not reveal any changes in the metabolism of the subjects. Moreover, food generally does not have a serious effect on metabolism. It may sound paradoxical, but in fact, metabolism even increases during short-term fasting. Studies have shown an increase of 3.6-10% after 36-48 hours (Mansell PI, et al, and Zauner C, et al). And that makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. Epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenaline/norepinephrine) sharpen our minds and make us do things. Just what is needed to motivate us to search for food, hunt for prey, thereby increasing the chances of survival. In a certain period, after several days without food, this mechanism becomes not beneficial for survival, and rather does more harm than good; instead, the energy conservation mechanism becomes more beneficial. But in any case, the metabolism increases during short-term fasting (up to 60 hours). STARVING WAS PRACTICED NOT ONLY TO RESTORE HEALTH AND PRESERVE YOUTH, BUT ALSO FOR SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT. The profound influence of fasting on consciousness and the possibility of using this method for spiritual development is confirmed by the fact that in almost all known cultures, religions, directions of spiritual development there are references to it. All the famous patriarchs of antiquity were starving. - Moses starved on the sacred mountain several times for 40 days and divine revelations and truths were revealed to him. - Christ fasted for 40 days before bringing the new religion to the masses. There are references in the scriptures that Christ fasted for 40 days in several of his various incarnations. - The Buddha fasted for 40 days shortly before his enlightenment, when the path to liberation was opened to him. - Mohammed and Ali, the founders of the two branches of Islam, also practiced fasting for 40 days. - Mahavir, the founder of Jainism, observed a fast for 12 years and during this period repeatedly experienced himself by starvation. - The founder of the healing direction of Reiki Japanese Mikao Usui fasted for 21 days on the mountain, in a place of power. After that, he became a conductor of healing life-giving energy. Accordingly, in most religions and spiritual movements, fasting is prescribed for purification and development of fortitude. In Christianity, there is a fasting system that prescribes certain restrictions and recommendations in nutrition. In fact, this is a way to switch to healthier food. Also during periods of fasting, it is recommended 2 days a week on Wednesdays and Fridays, complete abstinence from food, that is, hunger for water. In addition, true Christians are encouraged to fast for certain weeks during the entire fast. Jesus Christ called on his apostles to fast for the purification of soul and body, calling the body “the temple of the soul”. Islam also has prescriptions for fasting. The most devout Muslims these days are starving dry. In ancient traditions and cultures, fasting was widely used to prepare for various rituals. In many tribes, there was a ritual of the transition of a young man into a man in the form of initiation. To do this, the young man was subjected to a series of tests. One of the main tests was solitude and hunger, in some traditions quite a long time. Warriors and hunters made objects of power in the form of amulets. In order for the item to really have power, the warriors cleansed themselves with the help of fasting. The use of fasting in shamanic cultures was mandatory. Shamans retired for several days from places of power in nature and used only water. During this period, many truths were revealed to the shaman, he got the opportunity to negotiate with the forces of nature, acquired the gift of foresight, could predict the events that awaited the tribe, weather changes, dangers, surprises. There is a practice in the shamanic tradition called "seeking visions". It consists in the fact that the subject retires to a secluded place of power in nature, preferably in the mountains or in the forest. He stays there from 1 to 3 days, consumes only water. Being in solitude under the open sky, a person learns to feel the forces of nature more, to communicate with them. The basis of this process is the development of mindfulness. It is important to be attentive to all surrounding signs, to internal processes. Fasting as a method of cleansing the body and developing the will and spirit is used in such ancient systems as qigong and yoga. It is known that Paul Bragg He also regularly practiced yoga and purifying pranayamas, but emphasized that his flexibility of body, clarity of mind and freshness of breath were primarily due to the effects of fasting. SCIENTISTS FIND OUT WHY EXACTLY STARTING PROLONGES LIFE LIFE. Back in the middle of the last century, it became clear that fasting significantly increases the life expectancy of a variety of living creatures - from unicellular yeast to primates, but the cause of this phenomenon at the cellular level remained unknown. A study by American biologists shows that the key lies in the changes in mitochondrial function provoked by starvation. Scientists from Harvard, Cornell and the US National Institutes of Health, led by Harvard Associate Professor David Sinclair, have identified two enzymes that mobilize mitochondria, often referred to as "energy factories", during difficult times for cells. This allows prolonging the life of the cell and delaying its death. Mitochondrion is a cellular organelle that provides cellular respiration, as a result of which energy is released or accumulated in the easily used form of adenazine triphosphate (ATP). In an article published in the latest issue of the journal Cell, scientists showed that fasting leads to the activation of a protein that promotes saturation of mitochondria with molecules of the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), one of the main energy carriers in the cell. It is the abundance of NAD, according to researchers, that makes it possible to fully use the “youth enzymes” of mitochondria encoded by SIRT3 and SIRT4 - instead of the natural extinction of organelle activity, which inevitably leads to the death of the entire cell, mitochondria not only restore their performance, but begin to work better than when whatever. The increased return with which mitochondria begin to produce energy can significantly slow down the aging process of cells, practically turning off natural mechanism suicide of old cells. Moreover, the activation of mitochondria is able to temporarily compensate for the loss of all other sources of life in the cell. Even if its core turns out to be completely inoperable, making further preservation of the vital unit meaningless, the mechanism of cellular suicide refuses to start. How exactly mitochondria block cell death, scientists do not yet know. STARVING AND ATHEROSCLEROSIS. One of characteristic symptoms atherosclerosis - sluggish inflammation in the walls of arteries, which is accompanied by accumulation immune cells macrophages. As scientists write in the journal Cell Metabolism, in such macrophages the waste processing mechanism is corrupted. The biomolecules in the cell gradually fail and must be replaced. Instead, newly synthesized molecules come, but the old ones also need to be put somewhere. To do this, there are special “self-digestion” systems in the cell - they break down a variety of molecular debris. The researchers believe that if you activate the garbage collection system in the cells, then the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis will greatly decrease. Of course, this opens up a wide field of activity for pharmacists. But, according to scientists, we can try on our own to bring the waste-processing enzyme systems to life - with the help of fasting. Restrictions in food, a low-calorie diet will force the cells to look for additional energy resources, and they may turn out to be deposits of molecular debris inside the cells. STARTING FOR SLIMMING. If you competently and efficiently prepare for daily fasting, and do them consistently and systematically every week, then you can achieve good results for weight loss. American experts say that even 1 day of fasting per month can be very beneficial for health. Scientists conducted a study that showed that people who abstain from food every first Monday of the month have a 40% reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease. And in patients with asthma, the number of attacks decreases. According to experts, the mild stress that the body experiences during moderate fasting has a positive effect on immunity and reduces the likelihood of cancer. Some experts even say that it is not necessary to starve all day: you can skip breakfast or dinner. A prerequisite - if you have already decided to starve, then do it regularly and drink water during this process. Fasting is that necessary chance, the opportunity that we give our body for self-recovery. The complete cessation of food intake allows the body to direct all its forces to the processes of removing waste and restoring the functions of all organs and systems. The body does everything itself, and we do not even fully know all the mechanisms by which this happens. Therefore, the concept - fasting treatment - does not reflect the essence of what is happening to us. You just stop eating and the body does the rest. In this regard, it becomes clear all the universality of this method of recovery, in which the entire body is involved and the limitations that are associated with the inability of the body to fully restore lost functions in advanced diseases. HEADACHE DURING FASTING. Headache is often observed during therapeutic starvation. In this case, the pain is concentrated in the occipital region and is of a pressing or arching nature. Often the pain is very strong and even analgesics do not relieve it. Usually the goal of therapeutic fasting is to cleanse the body of toxins. The ancients spoke about this. “Eat for six days, fast for one,” they advised. Fasting, which is mentioned in the Bible, is not only a tribute to the Divine principle, but also a way to improve the body. After a winter of doing nothing, plentiful meals - Great Lent. The body is cleansed. The body is healthy. Ease, spiritual clarity, inner purity appear. Man representing the crown evolutionary process received the most perfect adaptive mechanism. When the body does not receive food from the outside, it switches to its own resources. “Their own” carbohydrates, proteins, fats, all obsolete old cells, painfully altered tissue, as well as tumors, edema, adhesions, toxins go into the “energy furnace” - all that the body does not need. During hunger, the body is cleansed of toxic substances that accumulate in it as a result of illness, medication, alcohol, tobacco, and malnutrition. Along with stimulation life processes the opposite process occurs - relaxation, rest of the most important systems and organs of our body

The scheme brought to your attention allows you to diagnose your condition with high accuracy using extracts of turpentine baths.
It is necessary, having completely immersed in the bath, with the exception of the head and upper part of the neck, to feel in which part of the skin (there may be several) the most severe tingling or burning prevails. The degree of this burning sensation will indicate how strongly this or that disease develops in the body.

Then compare your data with the proposed scheme and determine the nature of your disease so that the future recovery of the body is carried out according to the established cause.

For a more complete assessment of health, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for using extracts of turpentine baths.

Wish you good health and good mood!

Diagnostic projection zones of internal organs on the head and neck.

1. Rectum. 2. Sieve. 3. Liver. 4. Small intestine. 5. Descending part of the colon. 6. Left adrenal gland. 7. Area of ​​the pelvis of the left kidney. 8. Upper pole of the left kidney. 9. Left lobe of the liver. 10. The body of the gallbladder. 11. Left side of the transverse colon. 12. Pancreas. 13. Bile-excretory ducts of the liver and gallbladder. 14. Left kidney. 15. Cardiac pathologies. 16. Ureter of the left kidney. 17. Left lobe of the liver. 18. Left mammary gland. 19. Left lung. 20. Heart disorders. 21. Bronchus of the left lung. 22. Diaphragm, costal arch. 23. Lesser curvature of the stomach. 24. Bulb of duodenum. 25. Adrenal gland of the left kidney. 26. Left inguinal fold, pupart ligament. 27. Left ovary in women, left testicle in men. 28. Left mammary gland. 29. Pubic symphysis. 30. Left kidney. 31. Stomach large curvature. 32. The left appendage with the ovary, the left lobe of the prostate gland with the testis. 33. Bladder. 34. The pelvis of the left kidney. 35. Pancreas. 36. Left lobe of the thyroid gland. 37. Left ureter. 38 and 41. The pyloric part of the stomach. 39. Uterus, prostate lobes. perineum. 40. Right mammary gland. 42. Right ureter. 43. Gallbladder. 44. Right lobe of the thyroid gland. 45. The pelvis of the right kidney. 46. ​​Gynecology, right appendage with ovary, right lobe of the prostate gland with testis. 47. Stomach less curvature. 46. ​​Right kidney. 49. Right ovary in women, right testicle in men. 50. Lymphatic system of the iliac region. 51. Adrenal gland of the right kidney. 52. Small intestine. 53. Greater curvature of the stomach. 54 . Hormonal system. 55. Signs of scleroderma. 56. Small intestine. 57. xiphoid process. 5V. Lesser curvature of the stomach. 59. Greater curvature of the stomach. 60. Ureter of the right kidney, bladder. 61. Bronchus of the right lung. 62. Right mammary gland. 63. Right lobe of the liver. 64. Ureter of the right kidney. 65. Right lung. 66. Right kidney. 67. Stones, sand, congestion in the kidney structures. 68. Right side of the transverse colon. 69. Infection of the kidney. 70. Right kidney. 71. Body of the gallbladder with ducts. 72. Right lobe of the liver. 73. The pelvis of the right kidney. 74. Right adrenal gland. 75. Ascending colon (ileocecal angle). 76. Transverse colon. 77. Appendix. 76. Stomach. 79. Bladder. 60. Genital organs.

The schemes are patented and are the intellectual property of A.T. Ogulov

1. Thyroid disorders. 2. Stomach (greater curvature). 3. Bulb of the duodenum. 4. Angina syndrome. 5. Pancreas. 6. Reduced immunity. 7. Heart failure. 8. Capsule of the spleen, scapulohumeral periarthritis. 9. Valvular disorders of the heart. 10. Violation of the blood supply to the shoulder joint. 11. Ischemia of the heart. 12. Heart rate. 13. Parenchyma of the spleen. 14. Stomach, 15. Pancreas. 16. Left kidney. 17. Zones: A, E-ovaries, B, D-tubes, C-uterus (F.); A, E - testicles, B, C, D - prostate (M.). 18. Descending colon. 19. Radial nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). 20. Parenchyma of the left kidney. 21. Median nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). 22. Radial nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). 23. Area of ​​functional weakening of organs. 24. Left lung. 25. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. 26. Uterus, prostate. 27. Violation of blood circulation of the left leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. 28. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. 29. Sexual disorders. 30. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. 31. Tail part and body of the pancreas. 32. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. 33. Stomach (greater curvature). 34. Violation of the blood supply to the left leg. 35. The bottom of the gallbladder. 36. Bulb of the duodenum. 37. Body of the gallbladder. 38. Duct of the gallbladder. 39. Arthrosis of the left ankle joint. 40. Disorder of the left kidney. 41. Bladder. 42. Gallbladder. 43. Stomach (greater curvature). 44. Pancreas. 45. Genital organs. 46. ​​Arthrosis of the ankle joint. 47. Bladder. 48. Liver. 49. Natopysh (stone in the gallbladder). 50. Stomach (small curvature). 51. Gallbladder. 52. The right half of the bladder. 53. Right kidney. 54. Arthrosis of the right ankle joint. 55. Bile ducts. 56. Body of the gallbladder. 57. Bulb of the duodenum. 58. The bottom of the gallbladder. 59. Blood circulation of the right leg. 60. Stomach (small curvature). 61. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. 62. Head and body of the pancreas. 63. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. 64. Violation of blood circulation in the right leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. 65. Sexual disorders. 66. Uterus, prostate. 67.68. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. 69. Right lung. 70. Area of ​​functional weakening of organs. 71. Radial nerve (radicular ischemia of the cervical region). 72. Parenchyma of the right kidney. 73.74. Ascending colon. 75. Ulnar nerve (radicular ischemia of the cervical region). 76. Median nerve (radicular ischemia of the cervical region). 77. Violation of the blood circulation of the small pelvis. 78. Small intestine. 79. Disorders of the right kidney. 80. Stomach (small curvature). 81. Gallbladder. 82. Liver parenchyma. 83. Automatic breathing. 84. Violation of blood circulation of the right shoulder joint. 85. Gastritis, stomach. 86. Liver capsule. 87. Respiratory failure. 88. Gallbladder. 89. Bulb of the duodenum. 90. Stomach (small curvature).

Diagnostic projection zones of internal organs on the body.

The schemes are patented and are the intellectual property of A.T. Ogulov

1. Violations in the skeletal system. 2. The head of the pancreas. 3. Basilar insufficiency. 4. Upper pole of the right kidney. 5. Lower pole of the right kidney. 6. Ureter of the right kidney. 7. The bottom of the gallbladder. 8. Right side of the transverse colon. 9. Duct of the gallbladder. 10. Representation of the right mammary gland. 11. Liver capsule, scapulohumeral periarthritis. 12. Energy imbalance in the lung. 13. Right kidney with bladder. 14. Right lobe of the liver. 15, 16. Right kidney. 17. Right adrenal gland. 18. Violation of blood circulation of the pelvic organs on the right. 19. Ascending colon. 20. Small intestine on the right. 21. Inflammation of the elbow joint. 22. Parenchyma of the kidney. 23. Head and body of the pancreas. 24. Ascending colon. 25. Bladder (right half). 26. Small intestine. 27. Small intestine (right side). 28. Right ovary in women and right testicle in men. 29. Ligaments of the right hip joint. 30. Sexual organ (right side). 31. Right lung. 32. Ascending colon. 33. Nervous system. 34. Small intestine. 35. Infringement of the sciatic nerve. 36. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. 37. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. 38. Right kidney. 39. Ligament apparatus of the right knee joint. 40. Right ureter. 41. The bottom of the gallbladder. 42. The body of the gallbladder. 43. Ducts of the gallbladder. 44. Ligaments of the right ankle joint. 45. Tendovaginitis. 46. ​​Large intestine. 47. Ligaments of the left ankle joint. 48. Duct of the gallbladder. 49. Body of the gallbladder. 50. The bottom of the gallbladder. 51. Ureter of the left kidney. 52. Ligament apparatus of the left knee joint. 53. Left kidney. 54. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. 55. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. 56. Sexual organ (left side). 57. Infringement of the sciatic nerve. 58. Small intestine (left side). 59. Heart, small intestine. 60. Nervous system. 61. Descending colon. 62. Left lung. 63. Heart disorders. 64. Ligaments of the left hip joint. 65. Left ovary in women and left testicle in men. 66. Disorder of the genital organs. 67. Small intestine. 68. Left half of the bladder. 69. Body and tail of the pancreas. 70. Descending colon. 71. Heart disorders. 72. Parenchyma of the left kidney. 73. Small intestine on the left. 74. Large intestine on the left. 75. Stomach. 76. Violation of the circulation of the pelvic organs on the left. 77. Left adrenal gland. 78. Pancreas. 79.80. Left kidney. 81. Left kidney with bladder. 82. Energy center of the heart. 83. Capsule of the spleen, scapulohumeral periarthritis. 84. Mammary gland. 85. A - heart failure, B - valvular disorders of the heart, C - ischemia, angina pectoris, D - cardiac arrhythmia. 86. The left part of the colon. 87. Left ureter. 88. Lower pole of the left kidney. 89. Upper pole of the left kidney. 90. Basilar insufficiency. 91. Tail part and body of the pancreas. 92. Subluxation at the base of the skull. 93. Lymphatic and renal imbalance.

Scheme of location on the trunk and extremities of some Zakharyin-Ged zones, in which reflected pain may appear in a number of diseases of the internal organs:

1 - lungs and bronchi
2 - hearts
3 - intestines
4 - bladder
5 - ureter
6 - kidneys
7 and 8 - liver
9 - stomach, pancreas
10 - genitourinary system

The Zakharyin-Ged zones are certain areas of the skin in which, with a disease of the internal organs, reflected pain often appears, as well as pain and temperature hyperesthesia.
For the first time, the diagnostic value of these zones was estimated by G. A. Zakharyin (1889), and a detailed description was given by G. Ged in (1893 - 1896). The boundaries of these zones correspond, according to G. Ged, to dermatomes - the radicular distribution of skin sensitivity. The emergence of the Zakharyin-Ged zones is associated with the irradiation of stimuli received from the affected internal organ and carried through the nerve fibers coming from it to special centers in which these fibers terminate. The excitation of the spinal centers that arises in this way is manifested by the projection of pain (and hyperesthesia) into those skin areas that are innervated by the roots corresponding to these centers.
So, for example, a disease of the rectum causes irritation in the vegetative fibers ending in the region of the II-IV sacral segments of the spinal cord; irritation of the gray matter of these segments is manifested by the projection of pain (and hyperesthesia) into the skin areas innervated by II-IV sacral roots, i.e., in the perineum.
The question of the mechanism of the formation of the Zakharyin-Ged zones cannot be considered definitively resolved. Apparently, in addition to the spinal mechanisms, the higher levels of the central nervous system, including the cerebral cortex, as well as axon-reflex mechanisms, play an important role here.
To identify the Zakharyin-Ged zones and to establish their boundaries, several methods are used:

1. The researcher slightly pinches between the thumb and forefinger and slightly lifts up the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the area under study; in the absence of pathology of the corresponding internal organ, this manipulation is painless, in the presence of pathology, more or less strong pain.
2. A light prick is applied with a pin, they enter the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Zakharyin-Ged zones, corresponding to the affected internal organ, and this causes pain sensation.
3. They touch the skin in the area of ​​​​the Zakharyin-Ged zones with a warm wet sponge or a test tube filled with warm water, if there is a pathology of the corresponding organ, pain and burning are noted.

Relationships between internal organs and segments of skin innervation were established: lung - III-IV cervical, as well as II-V thoracic segments; heart - III-V cervical, I-VIII chest, mainly on the left, sometimes on both sides; esophagus - mainly V, as well as VI - VIII chest; mammary gland - IV and V chest; stomach, pancreas - VII - IX chest, usually on both sides; intestines - IX - XII chest on both sides or only on the left; liver - III - IV cervical, VIII - X chest on the right, gallbladder - mainly VIII and IX chest, as well as V - VII chest; kidney - mainly X thoracic, as well as XI and XII thoracic, I lumbar; ureter - XI and XII chest, I lumbar; testicles - X chest; epididymis - XI and XII chest; bladder - XI and XII thoracic, I lumbar, and III - IV sacral; prostate - X and XI chest, as well as I - III and V sacral; ovary - X chest; fallopian tube - XI and XII chest; cervix - XI and XII chest and I - IV sacral; body of the uterus - X thoracic, I lumbar.
The Zakharyin-Ged zones in case of diseases of the internal organs were also found in the head area. Pain in the fronto-nasal region - damage to the lungs, maybe the heart (V-VI thoracic segments); in the temporal region - correspond to the defeat of the tops of the lungs, stomach, liver, aortic mouth (corresponding spinal zones: III and IV cervical segments); pain in the mid-orbital region - damage to the lungs, heart, ascending aorta (II, III, IV thoracic segments); in the fronto-temporal region - damage to the lower lobes of the lungs, heart, cardial part of the stomach (VII thoracic segment); pain in the parietal region - damage to the pylorus and upper intestine (IX thoracic segment); pain in the occipital region - damage to the liver, colon, ovaries, testicles, fallopian tubes, uterus, bladder (X, XI, XII thoracic segments).
By establishing pain zones and hyperesthesia, and comparing their boundaries with the above diagram of Zakharyin-Ged zones, one can make an assumption about which internal organ is affected in this case. However, the testimony of the patient is subjective. And hyperesthesia of the same zones can occur in diseases various bodies. Great difficulties are caused by the so-called generalization of visceral irritations, noted by G. Ged and often violating the severity of his scheme: pain as a result of a disease of a given internal organ can, under certain conditions, be localized in a zone corresponding to a completely different organ. In this regard, the method is purely auxiliary.
Of considerable interest are attempts to use the Zakharyin-Ged zones not only for diagnostic purposes, but also for therapy purposes by influencing the state of the corresponding internal organs from these zones - reflexology.