
Pedagogical diagnostics from birth to school material. Diagnostic tasks for the senior group of kindergarten according to sections of the program from birth to school

Educational field “Social and communicative development”

1.Has an idea of ​​the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, at home, and on the street.

2. Knows how to communicate calmly, without shouting.

3. Shows basic rules politeness (knows how to say hello, goodbye, goodgive for help).

4. Seeks to supportmaintain cleanliness and order in the group, treattoys, books, personal items, etc.

5. Treats employees with respect kindergarten, their work; when reminded, knows their names and patronymics.

6. Shows interest in his small homeland and has primaryideas about her.

7. Uses basic behavioral skillstime to eat and wash.

8. Able to dress and undress independentlyappear in a certain sequence.

9. Shows a desire to participate infeasible work.

10. Shows a desire to participate in plant caremi in a corner of nature and on the site with the help of an adult.

11. Positive attitudeto the work of adults,has an idearesearch on labor actions and labor results.

12. Familiar with rules of behavior in nature.

13. Has primary ideas about safe behavior on the roads.

14. Familiar with the source dangers indoors and outdoors.

Legend:High-B, Medium-C, Low-L




Mid year

End of the year


Educational area « Cognitive development»

1. Able to focus attention on objects and phenomena of the subject-spatial development environment.

2. Able to group and classify familiar objects into severalsensory features: size, shape, color.

3. Recognizes the name of shapes (round, triangular, rectangular) from a hintcoal and square).

4. Can select objects by color and size.

5. Has ideas about understandable professions, the labor actions of people in these professions, the results of their work (educator,assistant teacher, music director, doctor, salesman, cook,driver, builder).

6. Able to distinguish between the number of objects (one - many).

7. Distinguishes contrasting objectssizes and denotes them through speech ( big house- small house,big matryoshka - small matryoshka, big balls - smallballs, etc.).

8. Able to distinguish objects by shape and name them (cube,brick, ball, etc.).

9. Distinguishes between parts own body(head,face, arms, legs, back).

10. Cannavigate the surrounding space (roomgroup and section of the kindergarten).

11. Has ideas aboutdomestic and wild animals, their young, especiallyty of their behavior and nutrition.

12. Watches the birds flying to the site (crow, pigeon, tit, sparrow, bullfinch, etc.), feeds them in winter.

13. Able to distinguish and name appearance: vegetables (cucumber, pomidor, carrots, turnips, etc.), fruits (apple, pear, peaches, etc.), berries(raspberries, currants, etc.).

14. Familiar with indoor plants (ficus, geranium, etc.), has knowledgethe idea that plants need soil, water and air to grow.

15. Has ideas about characteristic features following each otherthe seasons of the year and the changes that occur in connection with thisin the life and activities of adults and children.

16. Has an understanding of the rules of behavior in nature (do not tear unnecessarilythese plants, do not break tree branches, do not touch animals, etc.).

Legend: High-B, Medium-C, Low-N




Mid year

End of the year


Educational field "Speech development"

In everyday life, in independent games, it can be through speechinteract and establish contacts with each other.

Independently examines pictures, books, sets of objects.

Listens to the teacher's stories about funmany cases from life.

Knows the names and purposes of clothing items,shoes, hats, dishes, furniture, types of transport.

Distinguishes and names essential details and parts of objects, some materials and their properties, place - position.

Clearly about pronounces vowels in words (a, u, i, o, e) and some consonant sounds: p - b - t - d - k - g; f - v; t - s - z - c.

Able to clearly pronounce words and short phrases,speak calmly, with natural intonations.

Soglasov combines adjectives with nouns in gender, number, and case.

Upot combines nouns with prepositions (in, on, under, for, about).

Uses singular and singular nouns in speechplural, denoting animals and their young.

Conducts a dialogue with the teacher: listens and understandsthis question, answers it clearly, speaks at a normal pace,without interrupting the adult speaking.

Able to listen to new fairy tales, stories, poems, followsfollows the development of the action, empathizes with the heroes of the work.

Repeats the most interesting, expressive passages from the work read Denia.

Can, with the help of a teacher, stage and dramatizelarge excerpts from folk tales.

Reads nursery rhymes and short poems by heart.





Mid year

End of the year

Permyakov Dima

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

1. Depicts individual objects.

2. Depicts subjects that are simple in composition and uncomplicated in content.

3. Selects colors that match the depicted objects.

4. Uses pencils and markers correctly.

5. Uses brushes and paints correctly.

6. Knows the names of colors (red, blue, green, yellowyellow, white, black), distinguishes shades (pink, blue, gray ry).

7. Arranges images throughout the sheet.

8. Able to separate small lumps from a large piece of plasticine.

9. Knows how to roll out plasticine with straight movements of the palms.

10. Knows how to roll out plasticine in a circular motion palms.

11. Sculpts various objects consisting of 1-3 parts, using a variety of sculpting techniques.

12.Knows, names and correctly uses parts of building materials.

13. Knows how to place bricks and plates vertically.

14. Changes buildings, adding on, or replaces some parts with others.

Legend: High-B, Medium-C, Low-N




Mid year

End of the year


Educational area

"Physical development"

1.Able to distinguish and name sensory organs (eyes, mouth,nose, ears), has an idea of ​​their role in the body and how tospeech and care for them.

2.Has an idea of ​​healthy and unhealthy foods; about vegetables and fruits,dairy products beneficial to human health.

3. Has an idea that morning exercises, games, fiPhysical exercises cause a good mood.

4.Has an idea that with the help of sleepstrength is restored.

5. Has an idea of ​​the need for hardening.




Mid year

End of the year



program “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”, ed.

N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.



program “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”, ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.


Notes: to the beginning and to the end academic year the child performs the same tasks

Educational area "Cognition"

Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Subject and social environment

Evaluation criteria

What is being studied?

Children’s knowledge about types of transport, objects that facilitate human work in everyday life, and objects that create comfort

1. Didactic game “Types of transport” (classification of types of transport: passenger, cargo,

special purpose transport).

Subject pictures: trolleybus, bus, tram, truck, dump truck, ambulance, police car, fire truck and others.

2. Didactic game “Find a Pair”.

Subject pictures: broom, vacuum cleaner, knife, blender, washboard, washing machine, typewriter, computer and others

1. The child looks at pictures from various types transport.

Assignment: arrange the pictures by type of transport (passenger, truck, special vehicles).

2. The child looks at the pictures and compares them.

Tasks: compare objects and name those that make a person’s work easier in everyday life and create comfort; arrange all the pictures in pairs (broom and vacuum cleaner, washboard and washing machine, etc.)

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child distinguishes and names types of transport, objects that make people’s work easier in everyday life, and easily copes with tasks without the help of a teacher.

2 points - the child makes 1-2 mistakes when classifying types of transport and objects that facilitate people’s work in everyday life. Requires additional instructions.

1 point - the child requires additional explanations, makes more than 3 mistakes, has difficulty in generalizing

What is being studied?

Children’s knowledge about size, color, shape, “weight”, the material from which the object is made, and the ability to describe it

Didactic games, exercises, questions

1. Didactic game “Do you know?”

Material: objects and subject pictures: balls different sizes made from various materials (plastic, rubber); wooden or plastic pyramids of various sizes, metal and glass objects.

2. Didactic game “Describe familiar objects.”

Material: the same pictures or objects as in paragraph 1

1. The child looks at objects and pictures,

answers questions:

What size is the rubber ball? Wooden pyramid?

Name the color of all the rings of the pyramid.

What is heavier: a plastic ball or a rubber one? Why? (You can continue the series up to 6 questions.)

2. The child thinks of any object and describes it so that the teacher can understand what object he is talking about.

Task: you must name the color, shape, size of the object, its “weight” (heavy or light) and the material from which the hidden object is made

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child accurately determines the size, color, shape, “weight”, material from which objects are made, and based on this describes them.

2 points - the child, answering the questions of task 1, makes no more than two mistakes, identifies significant features and characterizes the object with a little help from an adult.

1 point - knowledge about the properties and qualities of an object is scattered and unsystematic. The child makes more than 3 mistakes in the first task, but cannot complete task 2

What is being studied?

Knowledge about the properties and qualities of various materials

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Didactic game “What is what?” Material: objects of different quality: rubber, tennis, football balls; glass glass, plastic; porcelain mug; plastic, wooden cubes; plastic and metal spoons; paper napkins, cloth napkins.


Didactic game “Compare objects”

The child holds objects in his hands, examining them.


1. Combine objects made of glass, plastic, rubber, etc.

2. Describe a wooden spoon, naming the properties and qualities of the material from which it is made (hard or soft, fragile or durable, surface temperature warm or cold, etc.). Then the teacher asks to characterize another 2-3 items using the same algorithm.

Evaluation criteria

3. Compare a metal spoon with a wooden nesting doll (cold metal - warm wood), a glass glass with a metal mug and others.

3 points - the child classifies objects without errors and identifies the materials from which they are made. Independently characterizes the properties and qualities of these materials: surface structure, hardness - softness, fragility - strength, shine, ringing, surface temperature.

2 points - when determining the materials from which objects are made, makes 1-2 mistakes. Requires additional explanations when determining the properties and qualities of these materials, and allows for inaccuracies.

1 point - the child cannot classify objects independently and makes many mistakes

What is being studied?

Knowledge about the professions of builders, farmers, transport workers, communications workers, and the clothing industry

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Didactic game “Guess the profession.”

Material: subject pictures depicting people of different professions: cook (cook), builder, plasterer-painter, fashion designer, hairdresser, carpenter, pilot, fireman, policeman, machinist, driver, captain, grain grower, etc.

Pictures depicting the attributes of different professions and the results of the work of people of various professions

The child carefully examines the pictures and lists known professions, correlates the attributes (tools) and the results of labor.

Sample questions conversations:

1. What is this person's profession?

2. What tools (attributes) do people in this profession need?

3. What do people in this profession do?

4. Unite builders.

5. What professions can people be called farmers?

3 points - the child names the professions of builders, farmers, transport workers, communications workers, and the clothing industry, and masters the technique of generalization. Accurately correlates attributes (tools) and results of labor.

2 points - the child lists the names

professions from pictures. Generalizing the professions of builders, farmers, workers in transport, communications, and the clothing industry, he makes mistakes.

1 point - the child does not name all professions, does not know how to generalize

What is being studied?

Knowledge about some branches of the military

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Didactic game “Who needs what?”

Material: subject pictures depicting a border guard, sailor, pilot, submariner, tanker, infantryman; pictures depicting equipment, weapons for military professions

Sample questions:

1. Name who is shown in the pictures? (Military.)

2. Using pictures, remember and name the types of troops you know.

3.What military equipment does a tanker (pilot), etc. need?

4. What are the military for? And others

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child distinguishes between types of troops and answers all questions correctly.

2 points - correctly names 2-3 military professions and can talk about them.

1 point - the child names 1-2 military professions; finds it difficult to select and name military equipment, talk about the profession

What is being studied?

Knowledge about yourself, your hometown; country


Sample questions:

1. Give your home address.

2. Who do you live with?

3. Do you have a grandmother(s), what is her name?

4. What kind of grandparent are you? (Who are you to them?) Etc.

5. Name the city in which you live.

6. What is the name of our country?

7. Can you name the main city of the country?

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child knows his relatives; correctly names home address (street, house, apartment), can name the entrance and floor. Knows the name hometown, country, its main city.

2 points - the child knows all his relatives, makes inaccuracies when giving his home address, and correctly names the city in which he lives. Makes mistakes or finds it difficult to name the country or the main city of the country.

1 point - the child knows and names relatives, does not know the home address, does not immediately name the city in which he lives (or does not know at all). Doesn’t name the country or the main city of the country

What is being studied?

Knowledge of some rules traffic

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Didactic exercise “School of Pedestrian Sciences”.

Material: subject picture depicting a street, sidewalk, traffic lights; subject pictures of signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground passage”, “Overground passage”

The child looks at the story picture and answers the questions:

1. What do you call people walking down the street?

2. How to walk down the street correctly?

3. Name the signs with which a pedestrian can determine the place where they can cross the street.

The child looks at object pictures.

Tell us about the meaning of permissive and prohibitive traffic light signals

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child knows that people cross the street in a strictly defined place, names the signs, knows the traffic lights, and shows interest in learning the rules of the road.

2 points - the child knows the rules for crossing the street, the meaning of traffic lights, and has difficulty naming the signs.

1 point - the child finds it difficult to determine where to cross the street, but knows the traffic lights, does not express interest in learning the rules of the road

High level- 18-21 points,

average level – 11-17 points,

low level – 7-10 points.

Educational field Cognition:

“Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Getting to know nature »

What is being studied?

Knowledge about wintering birds (tit, sparrow, crow, bullfinch, jackdaw, magpie)

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Didactic game "Who flies to the feeder."

Material: illustration depicting a feeder (with slots) against the backdrop of a winter landscape; cards with images of wintering and migratory birds.

Or the Didactic Game “The Fourth Odd One”.

Material: cards depicting 5-6 wintering birds and 2-3 migratory birds (tit, crow, starling, magpie; jackdaw, bullfinch, swallow, sparrow)

1. The child examines the picture and clarifies the season depicted.


What do you call birds that stay for the winter? (Wintering.)

Find and place wintering birds on the feeder.

- Tell me what birds flew to the feeder.

2. The child looks at the picture


Which bird is the odd one out and why?

Name the wintering birds shown in the picture

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child, without the help of an adult, finds and names 5-6 wintering birds.

2 points - the child independently finds and names 3-4 wintering birds.

1 point - the child names 1-2 birds, finds it difficult to classify birds (wintering and migratory)

What is being studied?

Knowledge of plants and methods of their propagation

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Didactic game “Whose fruits?”

Material: cards with images of trees (spruce, oak, maple, birch, pine); pictures with the fruits of these trees (fir cone, acorn, maple lionfish, birch catkin, pine cone); indoor plants or illustrations thereof (chlorophytum, balsam, violet)

1. The child picks up each tree

the desired picture with fruits.


Name what trees you recognize.

Find the fruit of each tree in the pictures.

2. The child examines indoor plants. Calls them.


You see one violet on the table, what should you do to have many violets? Remember the methods of plant propagation known to you (cuttings, mustaches, etc.)

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child independently selects fruits from the trees. Names correctly indoor plants and methods of their propagation.

2 points - names trees, has ideas about propagation methods, but makes mistakes when selecting fruits and methods of propagating indoor plants.

1 point - correctly names 1-2 trees, finds it difficult to relate them to seeds. Has no idea about plant propagation methods

What is being studied?

Ideas about the transition of substances from solid to liquid and vice versa

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Didactic game “What would happen if..?”

Material: illustrations of summer and winter, which depict water in different states (puddle, river, snow, ice slide, etc.)

The child looks at the pictures. Questions:

Which picture shows water?

Is there water in the winter picture?

Why did you decide this? Explain.

Can we see ice in the summer?


Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child has an idea of ​​the transition of substances from solid to liquid and vice versa, draws reasonable conclusions, and answers questions correctly.

2 points - the child has an idea of ​​the transition of substances from solid to liquid and vice versa, but finds it difficult to draw conclusions.

1 point - the child has no idea about the transition of substances from solid to liquid and vice versa

What is being studied?

General awareness of the role of man in nature

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Didactic game “What is good, what is bad.”

Material: a disk with an arrow in the center (like a dial), in the middle of which there is an image of nature, and on the edges there are signs symbolizing the positive (bird feeder, birdhouse, tree planting, etc.) and negative (broken branch, butterfly net etc.) human behavior in nature

The child, moving the arrow, talks about man’s help to nature and his harmful effects to nature

Evaluation criterion

3 points - the child analyzes human behavior in nature, draws conclusions about patterns and relationships in nature.

2 points - the child has an idea

about the correct human behavior in nature cannot always explain the harm,

which man causes to nature.

1 point - the child does not show interest and independence when completing the task, finds it difficult to draw conclusions about patterns and relationships in nature

What is being studied?

Knowledge of herbaceous plants (plantain, nettle, burdock)

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Didactic game "What's extra."

Material: cards with images of plants (plantain, nettle, burdock, birch)

The child looks at cards with pictures of plants and answers the questions:

What are these plants called?

Which plant is the odd one out and why? (The child removes the picture.)

How can you name all plants in one word? (Herbaceous.)

Birch is... (tree).

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child names the plants shown, correctly selects the extra card, explains his choice using the general word “herbaceous”.

2 points - the child correctly names 2 types of herbaceous plants, but does not know the general word (herbaceous). Explains that birch is a tree.

1 point - the child correctly names only one herbaceous plant, does not single out an extra plant, does not know general words (tree, herbaceous plants)

What is being studied?

Knowledge about wild animals and their habits. (Squirrel, fox, hare, bear, wolf)

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Didactic game “Settled the Forest”.

Material: forest illustration; cards with images of wild animals (squirrel, fox, hare, bear, wolf)

The child looks at the pictures.


What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (Wild animals.)

Look, the forest is empty, let's populate it with animals. Tell us what you know about each of them.

The child one by one “populates” animals in the forest, answering the teacher’s questions about their life in the forest and habits.

What does a squirrel eat? (Mushrooms, nuts.)

What helps her move deftly through the trees? What helps her escape from her enemies? What protects you from the cold? (Winter coat, fluffy tail.)

What does a hare eat? How does he escape from his enemies? (Confuses the tracks, changes color.)

What helps him withstand the cold?

Why are wolves and foxes called predators? What helps them hunt animals?

How do wolves behave when hunting?

(Wolves gather in packs, hunt together at night, and can chase prey for a long time.)

How does a fox hunt? (The fox sneaks up unnoticed, lies in wait, covers his tracks.)

What does a bear eat? What do bears do in winter? (They hibernate.) What helps the bear not eat all winter? (Fat reserve.)

What other animals hibernate? (Hedgehogs.) What does a hedgehog eat? How does he escape from enemies and what helps him in this? (Curls up into a ball, needles.)

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child completes the task with interest and correctly answers all the teacher’s questions about the life of wild animals.

2 points - the child has an understanding of the habits of wild animals, but not everything

questions can be answered.

1 point - the child has a very weak understanding of the habits of wild animals

High level - 16-18 points;

Intermediate level- 10-15 points;

Low level- 6-9 points.

Formation of vocabulary, coherent speech

What is being studied?

1. Ability to independently compose stories based on examples personal experience, according to a plot picture, according to a set of pictures.

2. The ability to write endings to fairy tales.

3. The ability to consistently, without significant omissions, retell small

literary works

Didactic games, exercises, questions

1. Offer your child story pictures from the “Family” series.

2. Fairy tales by J. Rodari “The Dog Who Couldn’t Bark” and “The Magic Drum”.

3. Fairy tale by K. D. Ushinsky “Bishka” or any literary work, unknown to the child

1. Questions about the content of the picture:

Who is shown in the picture, strangers or relatives?

How can you call them together, in one word?

Name the family members shown in the picture.

What is the family doing in this picture, working or relaxing?

Assignment: tell us about your family, name the names of family members, profession (adults) and children’s activities, what responsibilities and what work family members do at home.

2. The child is introduced to the main part of the fairy tale, and he comes up with different endings.

3. The child listens and retells the story

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child writes a story about

family from personal experience, using complex sentences different types. Comes up with endings to unfamiliar literary works. Consistently retells a literary work without assistance

adult, expressively conveying dialogues characters, characteristics of the characters. Uses direct and indirect speech.

2 points - tells based on a plot picture, rarely using

complex sentences. With the help of additional examples from the teacher, the child selects the ending. Retells a literary text based on illustrations. Does not use direct or indirect speech.

1 point - the child finds it difficult to tell from the picture and from personal experience. Finds it difficult to come up with endings to fairy tales, even with the help of a teacher. Makes significant omissions when retelling, demonstrates individual episodes

Grammatical structure of speech

What is being studied?

1. The ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns, select several adjectives for a noun.

2. The ability to replace a word with another with a similar meaning

Didactic games, exercises, questions

1. Exercise “Which one?” Which? Which?"

Material: subject pictures

lemon, apple, Christmas tree and others.

2. Game “How to say it differently?”

The child looks at the pictures, names objects and answers questions:

Lemon - which one? (Yellow, juicy, sour.)

Apple - what kind? (Red, round, tasty.)

Christmas tree - what? (Tall, green, prickly.)

Assignment: The same thing can be said in different but similar words. Such words are called close in meaning or “buddy” words. Come up with “buddy” words for the following words:

1. Blizzard (blizzard, blizzard, blizzard).

2. Funny (funny, amusing, comical).

3. Sad (cheerful, sad).

4. Hurry (hurry)

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child matches all nouns without difficulty

2-3 or more adjectives, replaces a word with another with a similar meaning.

2 points - the child finds it difficult to select adjectives, names no more than one adjective for each noun. In the selection of synonyms, additional instructions (examples) are required; no more than 1-2 synonyms are selected.

1 point - the child cannot choose the correct adjectives and synonyms for given words

Sound culture speeches

What is being studied?

The ability to determine the place of sound in a word

Didactic games, exercises, questions

1. Didactic game “Determine the place of the sound in the word.”

Material: subject pictures depicting a boy, watermelon, rowan, tank, apricot, etc. (or any others, but so that the same sound is at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word).

2. Didactic game “Choose a word with a given sound”

1. The child looks at object pictures and arranges them so that in one pile there are words with the sound [a] at the beginning, in the other - with the sound [a] in the middle of the word.

Why are there extra pictures left? (The child must say that there is a picture left with the image of a rowan tree, since the sound [a] is neither at the beginning of the word nor in the middle.)


Think of a word for any given sound, for example: sound [m].

Come up with a word so that the given sound is in the middle (at the end) of the word

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child determines the place of a sound in a word without errors.

2 points - the child identifies the place of a sound at the beginning of a word without errors, but makes mistakes when identifying a sound in the middle or at the end of a word.

1 point - the child makes a large number of mistakes

High level - 8-9 points;

Average level - 5-7 points;

Low level – 3-4 points

Educational area “Cognition”: Formation of elementary mathematical representations

What is being studied?

Didactic games, exercises, questions

    Didactic exercise “Say how much.”

Material: subject pictures or small counting material: nesting dolls, soldiers, vegetables, flowers, etc. The number of each group of objects is different (for example, 6 nesting dolls, 7 flowers, 9 soldiers, 10 butterflies).

2. Didactic exercise

“Tell me what the item is.”

Material: you can use the material from the first task, just arrange (arrange) the pictures one by one (butterfly, soldier, flower, etc.)

1. The child counts the number of objects in any group.


Count the soldiers. How many are there in total?

Count the butterflies. How many are there? Etc.

2. The child examines object pictures (objects) and determines what number the soldier is, what number the butterfly is? Etc.

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child correctly counts (counts out) objects within 10. Correctly uses cardinal and ordinal numbers. Understands and correctly answers the questions “How much?”, “Which one?”.

2 points - the child correctly counts (counts out) objects within 10. Uses cardinal numerals correctly. Understands the question “How much?” and answers it correctly. Makes mistakes when answering the question “Which is which?”

1 point - the child makes mistakes when counting (counting out) objects

What is being studied?

The ability to compare adjacent numbers within 10, to equalize an unequal number of objects

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Didactic exercise “Let it be equal.” Material: fine counting material.

Two groups of objects are arranged so that one has one less of them. For example: 6 soldiers and 7 nesting dolls. Task: count groups of objects.

How many soldiers are there in total?

How many nesting dolls?

Who is more (less)?

How long?

Make sure they are equal.

How else can you do this?

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child can compare, determine which number is greater (less) than another; equalize unequal groups of objects in two ways (removing and adding a unit).

2 points - the child can compare, determine which number is greater (less) than another. Finds it difficult to immediately equalize groups of objects (does this after additional instructions) or equalizes them, but only in one way.

1 point – the child counts correctly, but finds it difficult to determine which number is less (greater) than the other. Cannot equalize objects

What is being studied?

Ability to compare objects of different sizes

Didactic games, exercises, questions

1. Didactic game “Build a Soldier.”

Material: flat soldiers (7-10 pieces) of different heights.

2. Didactic exercise. “Compare the ribbons.”

Material: ribbons of different lengths and widths, 7-10 pieces


What do you see on the table?

Look, are all the soldiers the same?

How are they different?


Line up the soldiers in descending (ascending) order, using the words “highest”, “smaller”, “even lower”, “lowest”.

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child completed the task independently without making a single mistake. Correctly places objects in ascending (descending) order of size (length, width, height).

2 points - correctly places objects in ascending order of size and height, makes mistakes when arranging ribbons. Uses the technique of superimposition and application when performing a task.

1 point - the child requires additional instructions and assistance from an adult when performing exercises. Allows large number errors

What is being studied?

Knowledge about the shape of objects

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Didactic game “What is where?”

Material: set of geometric shapes - circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle. Subject pictures: ball, balloon, pyramid, clown hat, cube, button, lollipop, melon, road sign (triangular), square clock, square box, envelope, flag, book, oval tray


Look at everything geometric shapes and pictures.

What geometric shapes do you see?

Name them.

How are circles and ovals different from other shapes?

Match the picture with the geometric figure.

Arrange the shapes in a row, under each of them put a picture of a similar shape

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child independently correlates objects by shape, names geometric shapes and arranges them according to the appropriate criteria.

2 points - the child knows all geometric shapes. Makes 1-2 mistakes when matching objects.

1 point - the child does not know all geometric shapes, finds it difficult to complete the task of matching object pictures with the shape

What is being studied?

The ability to determine the location of an object in relation to oneself and other people

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Game “Stand where I say”

The child moves in a given direction. For example: two steps forward, one step left, three steps back, two steps right.


What do you see to your right (left)?

What do you see in front (behind) of you?

Take a doll (dog) and place it in front of you, behind you; to the right of Katya; right

from myself, etc.

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child correctly completed all the teacher’s tasks.

2 points - the child makes mistakes when determining right and left in relation to other people.

1 point - the child only knows the direction forward and backward. Completes all other tasks with errors and uncertainty

What is being studied?

Knowledge of the days of the week, the sequence of parts of the day

Didactic games, exercises, questions

    Didactic game “Our Day”.

Material: plot pictures showing different types children's activities that follow each other throughout the day: making the bed, gymnastics, washing, breakfast, class, etc.

    Didactic exercise “Name your neighbors”

    The child looks at the pictures

depicting different types of children’s activities that follow each other throughout the day: making the bed, gymnastics, washing, breakfast, exercise, etc.

Assignment: put the pictures in order, starting in the morning. Name morning, day, evening, night in one word. (Day.)

2. Questions:

If yesterday was Sunday, what day of the week is today?

What day of the week follows Thursday? Etc.

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child completed the task, did not make a single mistake, and answered all the teacher’s questions correctly.

2 points - the child accurately arranged the pictures according to the time of day, but found it difficult to name a generalizing word. Makes 1-2 mistakes when answering questions about the days of the week.

1 point - the child did not cope with the tasks even after leading questions

What is being studied?

The ability to establish dependencies between the whole set and its parts.

Didactic games, exercises, questions

Diagnostic game “Part and Whole”.

Material: three kinds of toys different quantities(dolls, bears, cars) or circles in blue, yellow and red colors

The child looks at groups of toys (dolls, bears and cars), combines them into one group and names them. Questions and tasks:

Count the number of parts of the Toy Group.

How many are there? (Three.)

What are these parts? (The first part is dolls, the second part is bears, the third is cars.)

Count the number of toys for each part.

What more?

So which part is bigger?

Which part has fewer toys?

What can you say about this part of the toys? (She is the smallest.)

Evaluation criteria

3 points - the child identifies the component parts of a group of objects, compares the parts based on counting, understands that the whole group of objects is larger than each part (the part is smaller than the whole).

2 points - the child finds it difficult to name all the toys (figures) in one group. Knowledge about the whole set and its parts is insufficiently formed.

After additional instructions from an adult, the child understands what parts of a whole are, determines the number of parts of a group of objects, and compares them. Names the largest, smallest part.

1 point - the child does not understand the meaning of the set and its parts. After additional explanations from an adult, fails to complete tasks

High level – 18-21 points; average level - 11-17 points; low level - 7-10


Diagnostic tasks

Introduction to art

Assignment: “In the artist’s workshop.” Individual conversation with each child.

    How does the child perceive the content of the picture and its means of expression?

    What subjects do you like and why?

    What visual materials were used?

Material: paintings of various genres, applied, folk and decorative arts, painting, bookgraphics, various means artistic expression (paints, brush, palette, etc.).

Visual activities

Exercise: a drawing on the theme “Summer” or the teacher analyzes several of the child’s works (decorative patterns, subject and plot drawings).


The task is carried out according to subgroups (4 children) : according to the fairy tale “Teremok”, sculpt one of the animals (hare, fox, bear, wolf) in accordance with the plotvolume (sculpt characters for your composition). For example, a hare, a plate, a table. Combine the works of several children into a single composition.


Assignment: collective application “Aquarium”.

Uses scissors correctly and uses a variety of cutting techniques. Depicts objects and simple compositions.

Evaluation criteria:

2 points - does it independently, if there is difficulty, seeks help from an adult

“Cognition” Development of productive (constructive) activity.



Collective construction "Let's build a city."

Construction according to samples, each child chooses what he will build and where it will be

nahoto work on its construction.

Evaluation criteria:

3 points - does everything independently,

2 points - does it independently, if there is difficulty, seeks help from adults,

1 point - in to a greater extent does not cope with the proposed tasks.

Manual labor

Assignment: “Toy Store.” Made from a sheet of paper folded in half. Bending the sheet into different directions, make toys usingadditional materials: confetti, strips of paper.

3 points - does everything independently,

2 points - does it independently, if there is difficulty, seeks help from an adult

1 point - largely unable to cope with the proposed tasks.

Educational field “Socialization”: Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities

Evaluation criteria:

3 points - does everything on his own

2 points - does it independently, if there is difficulty, seeks help from adults,1 point - to a large extent fails to cope with the proposed tasks.

Features of monitoring by sections

Educational area "Cognition": FEMP

To determine the level of FEMP, the teacher conducts observations of freedom

When completing tasks for children of the senior and preparatory groups, it is necessary to pay special attentionattention to:

    the ability to contemplate objects, phenomena (peer, listen);

    the ability to select pairs or groups of objects that match a given characteristic;

    the ability to identify several qualities of objects in the process of perception, to compare objects according toshape, size, structure, color;

    knowledge of the colors of the spectrum;

    the ability to highlight characteristic details, beautiful combinations of colors and shades;

    the ability to distinguish colors by lightness and saturation, and name them correctly;

    the ability to name colors by object (raspberry, lemon);

    ability to classify objects according to general qualities and characteristic features;

    the ability to include hand movements on the object when examining objects.

The result obtained during the observation is entered into the tables.

The final stage carrying out diagnostics for this section, points will be calculateddetermined by each child individually.

Educational field “Communication” Speech development

The teacher conducts observations and conversation with the child in an interesting, intonationally expressive manner.form. Observation can be carried out either individually or with a subgroup of children, depending on the complexity of the task.

To check the level of speech development of primary and secondary children preschool age useVisual objects, pictures, toys are used, and a time period of no more than 15 minutes is observed.

For children of older preschool age, tasks can be offered without the use of visual aids, but with familiar words and precise wording of questions. Survey time periodshould not exceed 30 minutes.

At the end of the observations, points are calculated; the counting mechanism is individual for each age group.

Educational field “Cognition” Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Subject and social environment

The teacher conducts observations of freedomthrough play and joint activities of children, and also invites them to complete a number of tasks. Questsperformed both individually and in small groups. The results of completing tasks are entered into theblitz, in the columns corresponding to the task.

Educational field “Socialization”: Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities;

Educational area “Health” Education of cultural and hygienic skills

The research is carried out through observation.The result is entered into the

Educational field "Socialization": Play activity

When filling out this section, the teacher not only observes the child, but also specially organizes games with the children.The result is entered into theblitz, in the corresponding columns.

Educational field "Labor"

Knowledge and skills of students in the following areas: “Self-service”, “Householdlabor" and "Labor in nature". are identified as a result of observations of the child. “Manual labor” - in accordance with the tasks set out below and as a result of observations of the child.

Knowledge of students in the areas of "Formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of every person” and “Cultivation of a value attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results” are identified in the section: Educational area “Cognition” Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Subject and social environment.

Educational field "Artistic creativity"

frontal exercises. In certain areas of the section, the teacher analyzes past workchild (for example: drawing, appliqué).

Educational area “Cognition” Development of productive (constructive) activity.

To monitor this section, the teacher conducts individual and subgroup conversations with children,frontal exercises. The teacher can analyze past workchild in the section “Designing from paper and natural materials”

List of used literature.

    Golitsyna N.S. Forward planning in kindergarten. Second junior group. Implementation of FGT in preschool educational institutions. - M.: Publishing house “Scriptorium 2003”, 2011.

    Golitsyna N.S. Long-term planning in kindergarten. Middle group. Implementation of FGT in preschool educational institutions. - M.: Publishing house “Scriptorium 2003”, 2011.

    Golitsyna N.S. Long-term planning in kindergarten. Senior group. Implementation of FGT in preschool educational institutions. - M.: Publishing house “Scriptorium 2003”, 2011.

    Golitsyna N.S. Long-term planning in kindergarten. Preparatory group. Implementation of FGT in preschool educational institutions. - M.: Publishing house “Scriptorium 2003”, 2011.

    Diagnostics for the "Program of education and training in kindergarten": ed. M.A. Vasilyeva" Publisher: Krasnoyarsk 2009

    Kolesnikova E.V. Demonstration material on mathematics for children 3-4 years old. Methodical manual to demonstration material on mathematics for children 3-4 years old. Ed. Yu.N. Stalskaya. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2010.

    Kolesnikova E.V. Demonstration material on mathematics for children 4-5 years old. Methodological guide to demonstration material in mathematics for children 4-5 years old. Ed. Yu.N. Stalskaya. - M.: TC Sfera, 2006.

    Kolesnikova E.V. Demonstration material on mathematics for children 5-6 years old. Methodological guide to demonstration material in mathematics for children 5-6 years old. Ed. Yu.N. Stalskaya. - M.: TC Sfera, 2007.

    FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Basic general education program preschool education. Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2011.

    Education and training program in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. - 5th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008.

Toolkit of diagnostic tasks for the program “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva in the preparatory group.

Educational area “Cognition. FEMP"

Subject. Quantity and counting.

Target: knowledge of forward and backward counting within 10, knowledge of counting within 20, ability to determine relationships between numbers, knowledge of the composition of numbers within 10, ability to solve simple addition and subtraction problems, ability to use the signs “+”, “-”, “ =".

D/i “Put it into pieces”

On the table is a table of two shelves and handouts.

Exercise. Place 7 squirrels on the top shelf and 6 bunnies on the bottom shelf.

Question. How many squirrels and how many bunnies, who are more (less) and how much more (less).

D/i “Assemble a train”(trailers and a locomotive are laid out on the table).

Exercise. Examples are printed on the trailers. Solve the examples on each trailer and then place them in order.

D/game “Collect a bouquet of carnations and roses”

Exercise. Collect a bouquet of 8 flowers.

Question. How many carnations are in a bouquet? How many roses are in the bouquet? How many flowers are in the bouquet? How else can you put together a bouquet so that it contains 8 flowers?

Subject. Magnitude.

Target: the ability to divide an object into 2 - 8 equal parts by bending (paper, fabric), the ability to measure length, width, height using a conventional measure, the ability to measure weight by weighing on the palms, the ability to measure volume using a conventional measure.

D/exercise “Fold into equal parts”

On the table in front of the child are squares and rectangles made of paper.

Exercise: fold the square into 4 equal parts, fold the rectangle into 2 equal parts.

Question. How many and what shapes are made from a square and a rectangle.

D/game “Measure the height of a five-story building”

There is a conventional measure on the table: the height of one floor is a segment.

Exercise: determine the height of a five-story building.

D/I “Which cube is heavier?

There are cubes on the table different materials.

Exercise: determine which cube is heavy and which is light.

Subject. Form.

Target: make models of geometric shapes from parts, the ability to make geometric shapes from sticks, determine the number of angles, sides, the ability to group shapes according to characteristics, the ability to combine objects into groups, in the formation of sets.

D/i “Fold the figure” On the table are flat geometric ones cut into 2 - 4 equal parts.

Exercise: attach parts to each other and get whole figures, name them, determine how many they made up the figures.

D/i “Fold from sticks”

There are counting sticks on the table.

Exercise: make a triangle out of sticks;

lay out a square or rectangle from sticks;

name how many sides and angles the figures have.

D/i “Group the shapes”

There are sets of figures in an envelope on the table.

Exercise: Take out the pieces and lay them out in front of you.

Group shapes by shape;

group shapes by color;

group shapes by size.

D/i “Assemble correctly”

On the table is a table with pictures of different vegetables and fruits.

Exercise: call: “What is drawn? What shape? What color? How can you group these items? How many groups will there be?

Subject. Orientation in space.

Target: determine the ability to navigate in space.

Game "Journey"

In the group room, directions are indicated by arrows on the floor. different colors.

Exercise: the child should go where the red arrow points, then turn where the blue arrow points, etc., then walk three steps and find the toy there.

Subject. Time orientation.

Target: determine knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months, parts of the day.

Word game “Name the next day”

The teacher names the day of the week.

Exercise: name the next day of the week.

Game "What time of year?"

On the table is a set of plot pictures depicting the seasons.

Exercise: name the seasons and arrange the pictures in the correct order.

Word game “Name the next month of the year”

The teacher names the month of the year.

Exercise: name the next month of the year.