
List of documents for re-passing the ISE. Everything about what documents are needed for ITU again and how to pass the medical examination again

Every year the number of people unable to lead a full life increases. Disorders of the body's functionality due to diseases, trauma or congenital defects that caused limitation of life activity, the need for social protection - all this gives a person the status of “disabled”. Confirmation of the patient's condition is carried out by the medical and social service (MSEC). Disability documents, which are reviewed by representatives of the commission, certify a person’s right to register disability.

What is disability

A condition in which a person is unable to exercise mental, mental or physical activity fully is called disability. This term is used not only in the medical field, but also in the legal field, because the patient’s disability is determined special bodies in accordance with the law.

A medical and social expert commission determines a person’s condition. The procedure called obtaining disability is based on the assessment of the following criteria:

  • type of dysfunction in the human body;
  • degree of severity of the violation;
  • class of human activity;
  • the degree of limitation of the class of life activities;
  • criteria for establishing disability and disability groups.

List of diseases that give the right to apply to MSEC

The patient’s opinion alone that he needs to be registered as a disability is not enough. Exists specific list pathological conditions, on the basis of which the commission determines the patient’s status. Generalized groups of persistent changes in the functionality of the body include:

  • psychosomatic functions;
  • speech and language functions;
  • functionality of the senses;
  • motor functions;
  • metabolic state;
  • internal secretion;
  • functions of hematopoiesis and cardiovascular system;
  • the functioning of the respiratory, digestive and excretory systems;
  • state of the immune system;
  • birth defects (if any).

These disorders manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent. Fluctuations in indicators of changes in functionality range from minor to pronounced.

Life classes

Obtaining disability requires an assessment of a person’s vital activity and the severity of changes, taking into account the patient. When a disability is granted, the following indicators are determined:

  1. Assessing self-care ability involves determining how much time a person spends each day on daily activities without assistance. May fluctuate from partial use aids to complete dependence on outside help.
  2. Analysis of the ability to move independently takes into account the partial need for additional technical structures or complete dependence on outsiders.
  3. Indicators of the ability to navigate space, terrain, and one’s own thoughts vary from independence to absolute inability to such orientation and the need for help from third parties.
  4. Assessment of ability to communicate is based on determining the need to use technical means or nonverbal factors of linguistic speech.
  5. The ability to control behavior ranges from partial self-correction of behavioral reactions to the absolute inability to be responsible for it independently.
  6. The analysis of learning ability includes the possibility of attending general education or specialized educational institutions, as well as the lack of opportunity for independent learning.
  7. Assessment of the ability to work is based on determining the conditions necessary for the work process of a particular patient, the intensity of the load, and the volume of tasks performed. Otherwise, the inability to work independently is confirmed.

Disability groups

In the case when a minor patient is given the status of a disabled person, his category is called “disabled child”. Persons over 18 years of age are divided into 3 main groups. The first disability group is given to a person in the following cases:

  • there is a pronounced dysfunction of the body of a persistent nature;
  • the presence of criteria for absolute inability in one or more classes of life activity;
  • the patient needs social care and rehabilitation.

The second group is assigned to persons who meet the following criteria:

  • there is a pronounced impairment of body functions of a persistent nature;
  • the presence of intermediate criteria for disability in one or more classes of life activity;
  • a person needs social protection and recovery after illness.

The third group of disability is based on the following indicators, which are taken into account by the medical and social expert commission:

  • observed moderate impairment body functions;
  • the presence of initial criteria for disability in one class of life activity;
  • social protection and rehabilitation are required.

Duration of disability assignment

Persons who have received group 1 disability must submit disability documents to MSEC next time after 2 years. For representatives of other groups, status review is carried out annually. “Disabled child” is issued for 1, 2 years or until reaching adulthood.

After the period has passed, it is necessary to undergo an examination at the ITU to confirm or refute the state of health. Confirmation of the group may leave the patient in the same category, or may determine the need to transfer him to another.

Permanent disability

Lifelong (indefinite) disability can be established on the basis of the presence of tumor processes of a malignant or benign nature, incurable diseases from nervous system, mental pathologies, irreversible changes in the brain, progressive systemic diseases, limb defects, deafness and blindness.

The following population groups have the right to obtain permanent disability:

  • men over 60 years of age and women over 55 years of age (regardless of group);
  • men who must have their next review after age 60 (regardless of group);
  • women who turn 55 years old before the next renewal (regardless of the group);
  • military personnel who received injuries, wounds and defects during their service (regardless of the group).


In the case of the first determination of disability, the patient asks the question: “What documents must be submitted to MSEC for disability?” Let's consider this issue in more detail.

The pension authority or the social security department issues a referral to the commission. Hospitals and clinics issue such a document only after diagnosing the disease, carrying out treatment and rehabilitation. Referrals issued by other authorities must be confirmed by relevant instructions from health care facilities.

A refusal to give a person a referral to MSEC must be documented so that the patient can independently contact the bureau.

List of documents that are mandatory to determine the working capacity of a particular person:

  • copy of passport or birth certificate (depending on age);
  • in the case of an application by a representative of the patient - a document confirming his identity;
  • an application for the specified purpose of conducting an examination;
  • referral to MSEC issued by a health care facility or other authority;
  • documents on the education received;
  • production or pedagogical characteristics;
  • upon re-application, a certificate of disability;
  • individual rehabilitation card;
  • other documents upon request.

A copy of the passport must be confirmed by the original document. A copy of the work record book should be certified by the personnel department where the patient works. The medical record must include extracts from hospital treatment, results of examinations, tests, and x-ray images. Previous inspections by specialists must be officially certified with seals and signatures. In the presence of pathologies from musculoskeletal system A description of the x-ray taken immediately before contacting MSEC is mandatory.

More precisely, the medical registrar of a particular bureau will answer the question of what documents you need to submit to MSEC for disability.

Progress of the examination

Commission specialists conduct comprehensive examination a person who applied to establish incapacity for work, analyzing his psychological, somatic, social and professional state. In some cases, additional examinations are carried out directly during the examination. The patient may refuse these activities, which is recorded in the documentation. In this case, the decision is made based on the available facts.

The examination is carried out in an office located geographically at the applicant’s place of residence or registration. If a person is unable to attend the commission, it is possible to conduct it at home, in a hospital, or in the absence of the patient (solely based on available documents).

The establishment of a disability group is confirmed by a corresponding certificate issued by the commission with signatures and seals. An individual rehabilitation card is also filled out, which includes the following information:

  • term of assignment of disability;
  • passport details;
  • intensity and volume of the recommended work regime;
  • the timing of the required hospitalization during the rehabilitation period;
  • consultations with specialists before the next re-examination.

Composition of MSEC

The general commission includes a therapist, a surgeon, a neurologist, a representative of the social security agency, a trade union representative and a registrar.

The commission, which has a narrow focus, consists of two specialists in the field in which the specialization takes place, a doctor of related specialization, representatives of social protection and the trade union, and a registrar.

The following areas of narrow-profile commissions are distinguished:

  • psychiatry;
  • phthisiology;
  • ophthalmology;
  • cardiorheumatology;
  • oncology;
  • traumatology;
  • occupational pathology.

Refusal to receive disability

If the citizen has not been declared incapable of work, he is given a certificate documenting this decision. With this document, the applicant can contact a higher bureau to reconsider his question.

To appeal, all the same documents are submitted, adding to them a refusal to assign disability and a personal statement. This must be done within a month after receiving the first decision of the commission. The issue is considered and a decision is made no later than 30 days from the date of filing the appeal.


The commission's decision is binding and requires the fulfillment of the obligations of public services to the applicant. It can be appealed in court on the grounds established by law instructions.

Passing this examination is not easy. You should start with the fact that to begin the process you need a complete package of documents.

The legislation clearly regulates the procedure and conditions for granting disability. Those who apply for disability for the first time have to deal with a lot of incomprehensible nuances, moments that make a person fall into apathy or panic.

In particular, basis for receiving disability is the presence of confirmation of three facts:

  1. Impaired health status due to a persistent disorder in the functioning of the body, in particular, this can be various types of injuries, diseases that have developed during life or are congenital.
  2. Obtaining disability is due to the need to obtain social protection (pensions or benefits), including rehabilitation.
  3. The presence of limited life activity, both complete and partial loss of the ability to self-care, control one’s actions and behavior, communicate, learn to work.

Moreover, it is important to note that receiving disability possible only if available two of the above signs, since one of them may not be enough.

Only the medical and social examination, which represents the main or federal bureau.

Direction for examination is issued by medical institutions, regardless of property rights, as well as by pension or social protection authorities. It is important to understand that a person can independently contact ITU Bureau, if one of the organizations previously refused to issue him a referral.

At the same time, passing the examination provides for the establishment one of three degrees of disability, namely:

  1. First degree is assigned as confirmation that a person’s health condition is impaired, which means that it is more difficult for him to perform his functional duties and meet qualification requirements. Also, such people are not able to continue working due to the intensity, severity and volume of the work performed.
  2. Second degree is established in case of health impairment, when a person has the opportunity to continue his work activity with the use of auxiliary force - technical means and other persons.
  3. Third group assigned to those who have confirmed complete loss of ability to work and such persons have contraindications to continue labor activity.

Obtaining the status of “disability” requires strict compliance with all provisions of the law. Regulation in this matter is carried out through the Federal Law on the social protection of disabled people in Russia, as well as the PP on the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled.

applications in form 088/у-06.

To apply for disability, you must submit following documents:

  1. Original passport along with its copy.
  2. Application in form 088/u-06, which is attached to all documents on the day of their submission to the commission.
  3. Referral to the ITU commission.
  4. A copy of the work book, with mandatory certification from the HR department of the organization where the person works.
  5. It is important for the worker to provide information that confirms the nature and working conditions at the enterprise.
  6. Students must submit a reference from a university or educational institution.
  7. Documents – originals and copies from medical institutions, according to which violations of the functioning of the body’s organs are confirmed or refuted.
  8. Certificate of pension insurance.
  9. If the commission is repeated, you must provide a copy of the previously issued certificate of disability and an individual rehabilitation program.

Registration of disability is a painstaking process that requires a huge amount of patience and, of course, time.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to collect the necessary documents, it is important to assert your rights. In some cases, those applying for disability are faced with reluctance on the part of health workers to provide assistance and assistance in a difficult matter, despite the fact that this is their direct responsibility. However, due to the fact that this is required by health conditions, it is important to overcome all obstacles.

Before registering for disability, the applicant undergoes a medical examination, according to which the diagnosis is confirmed, and the presence of a disease that prevents him from living and working fully is substantiated.

The first action that must be taken by an applicant for status is to visit his attending physician, who is obliged to record all complaints in the outpatient record and issue a referral to specialized specialists so that the person undergoes a full examination.

The doctor gives the patient a corresponding form, which contains notes on which specialists need to be visited, as well as what examinations to undergo. It is important to note that the results of some examinations are valid for only two weeks. In some cases, it may be necessary to undergo an examination in a hospital setting.

The attending physician also draws up a package of documents for further passage by the ITU commission. If the doctor refuses to issue the appropriate referral, a written refusal must be issued citing the reasons for the refusal. Only in this case is a person allowed to apply independently to the ITU commission. If the doctor refuses to write a documented refusal, the person has the right to appeal to the judicial authorities.

The documents that are drawn up by the attending physician are called messengers. They should record the state of health at the time of application, test results, as well as the necessary funds for rehabilitation. In particular, to rehabilitation means include a wheelchair, special orthopedic shoes, diapers or walkers, hearing aid or Spa treatment And so on. In addition, a referral form for passing the ITU commission is issued, which is certified by the seal of the hospital or medical institution, and also has the signature of three doctors.

Once the date for the commission is set, you must have all the necessary documents, in particular:

  1. Referral from the attending physician to undergo a medical examination. A person assigned to the pension provision or official protection authorities can issue the appropriate referral. According to the procedure for registering disability, the patient has the right to apply to the regional office of the ITU, independently, subject to the procedure for such application.
  2. A copy and original of a passport or other document that proves your identity.
  3. For the working category of the population, a copy certified by the personnel department is required stating that the person actually works. For the non-working category of the population, it is necessary to submit an appropriate document that confirms the absence of a permanent place of work.
  4. SNILS - copy and original.
  5. Sick leave.
  6. Medical documents and certificates.

After collection necessary documentation It is very important to come to the ITU regional office on time. As a rule, the waiting period for admission to the office is one month from the date of submission of documents.

The ITU commission is attended by a patient who needs to receive disability status, as well as three specialists. They can examine the patient and, if necessary, ask questions related to the patient’s health and financial condition. The commission may also be interested in living conditions, social skills, education, characteristics from the place of work, etc.

All questions and answers during the meeting are recorded in the minutes, after which a vote is taken. If there are disagreements, an additional examination may be prescribed.

The process of registering disability takes place in stages. It takes at least 7-10 days to collect documents and undergo the examination. The decision to assign disability is made on the day of the examination.

If the commission is satisfied with everything, a disability group is assigned, which is documented with the appropriate certificate and development individual system rehabilitation.

In fact, registration of disability should not take more than two and a half months, taking into account all the nuances and problems.

It takes up to four months for children to be assigned disabled status. At the same time, an ITU examination is also carried out, which is referred by the attending physician.

At the ITU office The following documents must be provided:

  1. A doctor's note.
  2. Outpatient card.
  3. Registration.
  4. Identification documents of the parent or guardian.
  5. Identification documents of the child.

Children are not assigned any degree of disability, that is, there are no degrees of severity.

When passing the commission, situations may arise when the patient receives a refusal. In this case, the patient has the right to appeal the decision. It is important to comply deadlines for appeal– no later than one month from the date of such decision.

IN statement indicated:

  1. Full name of the bureau to which the application is sent.
  2. Applicant details.
  3. Statement of the essence, indicating the composition of the commission.
  4. Request for re-examination.

The application is reviewed within three days. If the answer is positive, a new examination is scheduled within 30 days after consideration of the application.

Re-examination occurs annually, since the ITU commission annually examines persons who have been assigned the status of a disabled person.

Passage order re-examination involves three types:

  1. For the first group of disabled people – once every two years.
  2. For the second and third groups of disabled people, re-examination is carried out once a year.
  3. For children once during the prescribed period.

It is absolutely impossible to skip the re-examination procedure, as a person may lose the right to be considered disabled. When undergoing re-examination, there is every chance of getting a category change if doctors consider that the person is getting better or his health condition has worsened. If the state of health is satisfactory, a person may lose his disability status.

For re-examination must be provided:

  1. Outpatient card.
  2. Identity documents.
  3. Documents confirming disability.
  4. SNILS.
  5. Certificates of education, work, etc.
  6. Conclusion of specialists issued earlier.

Registration of disability is a painstaking task that requires a lot of patience and effort, but if you are not afraid of difficulties and know your rights and all the registration rules, the procedure will pass almost unhindered, allowing you to receive additional benefits and payments.

The rules for passing the ITU are described in the following video:

Is your child about to apply for disability? Do not worry. It's hard the first time. In order not to wastelessly rush around the offices with a sick child, find out how to prepare for the MSE (medical and social examination). This will help you navigate a complex and unclear situation. Then you will act more confidently. Avoid errors during registration.

A similar question arises when they find out that a child is recommended to receive disabled status. If the doctor you are seeing has given such advice, then the child requires additional medical and social care.

It is not necessary to register a child's disability. Parents facing a dilemma should understand that sometimes rehabilitation is necessary. The characteristics of the disease should be taken into account.

If you begin to enroll a child who is lagging behind in development in a child care facility under the guise of being healthy, you can cause him more harm. Caregivers and teachers working with children must know and take into account the characteristics of the child.

When thinking about whether to register, be guided primarily by the interests and health of the baby.

What does the design give?

  • Additional treatment options.
  • Material support.
  • Individual approach to the child from teachers (if necessary).
  • Benefits for those caring for the baby.
  • Free medical and technical equipment.
  • If the above is not necessary, disability does not need to be registered. You have the right.

A family raising a disabled person can count on benefits, allowances, and a pension.

Payments come in two levels:

  • Federal - paid from the country's budget and are equal in all regions:
    • pension in the amount of - RUB 10,376.86. (2015);
    • payment of compensation to parents caring for the child - RUB 5,500
    • other assistants - 1,200 rub.(monthly);
    • EDV (monthly) - RUR 2,123.92.
  • Regional- monthly - 2,000 rub.

A disabled child has the right:

  • Study at home individually if there are medical indications.
  • Get your second secondary education for free professional education.
  • Receive free food in educational institutions (once a day).
  • For simplified certification (Unified State Examination) or exemption. Knowledge is assessed based on current scores.
  • Enter higher education institutions without competition(if you successfully pass the entrance exams).
  • For service in social institutions from 3 years.
  • For free travel in general urban transport.
  • Discounts on train travel and intercity transport (in the region).
  • Receive medical care without waiting in line.
  • For free medical care under state guarantee.
  • Receive additional medications necessary for life.

Parents have benefits:

  • One of the parents, husband or wife, with 20 and 15 years of work experience, respectively can receive a pension with 55/50.
  • Registered family, has the right to appropriate improvement of living conditions.
  • One of the parents additionally has the right to 4 paid days off, for child care (every month). You can divide the weekend between spouses.
  • Accompanying a child has a 50% discount on travel in trains, city and intercity transport (in the region).
  • If a parent is forced to devote 120 days a year to the child (stay with him in the hospital), then has the right to receive temporary benefits (up to 15 years).
  • The family pays 50% of the cost of utilities.

Parents must receive a referral to undergo an examination at the medical institution at their place of residence (not necessarily their registration).

The doctor with whom the child is registered must write a referral. After collecting the documents, get it certified by the head physician of the clinic.

The following are added to the referral to ITU: test results; hospital discharges; conclusions of diagnostic examinations.

In the relevant (according to ITU) office, registration is completed and a day and place are assigned where the examination will be carried out.

In some cases, the referral may be given by authorities involved in pension provision or social protection of the population. It is necessary to have therapeutic, preventive, rehabilitation and diagnostic reports. Referrals can be given by doctors not only from public medical institutions, but also from private ones.

A registered patient consults a specialized doctor. He will give you the list you need.

When sending to the ITU commission, you must have:

  • Statement from the child's representative.
  • Referral from a specialist in the disease profile.
  • An outpatient card with recommendations from other specialists and a general opinion from a pediatrician (or psychiatrist).
  • List of treatment received and rehabilitation measures taken.
  • Test results and a stamp confirming the completion of fluorography.
  • Characteristics from an educational or educational institution (kindergarten, school).
  • Passport or birth certificate of the child.

This is a general list of documents required to pass the examination. Additional information may be required regarding your illness. The doctor giving the referral will tell you about them.

An educational institution is not required to give a description of a child’s mental behavior, even when contacted by parents. You need to take a request. Get it from your referring doctor or psychiatrist.

Upon presentation of the request, the teacher will write a description. The teacher draws up a document for which he is responsible. The document will be endorsed by the school director and certified with two seals (square and round).

You should not be afraid of revealing a secret about your child’s illness at school. If he behaves normally and does not differ in any way in appearance, he will not suffer. Teachers do not have the right to disclose information about the health status of their students. Otherwise, you can complain to the director or higher authorities.

There is a provision (list of diseases) that gives unlimited status (up to 18 years). It is assigned no later than 2 years from the date the child was first recognized as disabled. This register includes patients diagnosed with Down syndrome, schizophrenia, etc. Other diseases not included in the list are considered by the ITU on a general basis.

There is no list of diseases according to which a child is assigned a disability. This is determined by the specialist with whom you are registered. For the status of a disabled person, substantiated evidence of the child’s inferior existence and development is necessary. The issue of granting disability is an individual one.

The category “childhood disability” does not have groups or degrees. This status is given until the age of 18. Afterwards, the issue of extending disability for the senior category is decided. The examination rules do not differ much for a child and an adult.

Due to the lack of a list of diseases that fall under the category of disability, parents cannot obtain a referral to ITU in the usual way. The baby's appearance and behavior do not always indicate serious pathology. The manifestation of the disease is sometimes seen by parents, not doctors. IN similar cases they are denied a referral to undergo an examination.

When visiting doctors, do not hesitate to talk about your child’s inappropriate behavior: inability to communicate, lack of socialization, developmental delay. Say that the child cannot be left unattended. About his inability or lack of understanding of specific things that indicate that he is not like his peers.

Until the child receives a passport (up to almost 15 years), testing, visiting a psychiatrist, and PMPK must be carried out in your presence. These conclusions play an important role in assessing the patient’s condition.

The procedure for obtaining disability by a child

  1. Get expert opinions. A specialized doctor, when making a referral to ITU, will write a list of those who need to be examined. The package of documents includes the results of recent tests required for your illness. You have the right to go through everything without queuing.
  2. There is no need to explain the reason for your visit in every office. All specialists know their functions when preparing a referral to ITU. Indicate only the presence of symptoms in their profile, if any.
  3. After visiting the specialists, take the documents to your local pediatrician. He will write a stage-by-stage epicrisis, i.e. a history of the course of the disease and the development of the child from birth. Indicate the complaints with which they contacted the clinic, availability of vaccinations, and receipt of rehabilitation procedures.
  4. For some diseases (Down syndrome, Williams syndrome), it is necessary to contact a psychiatrist at a psychoneurological dispensary (PND) with all documents.
  5. Having collected extracts, conclusions and recommendations, you return to the specialized doctor. The presence of the child is not necessary for further paperwork. This stage can take from one to three weeks. Having assured the direction from the head physician and the presence of all seals,
  6. go register your documents. Where will the place and day of the ITU be announced? Have your passport with you. Before starting all stages of collecting documents, do not forget to purchase forms (form) for ITU

. The form and outpatient card are presented to specialists for marks with stamps. You can buy it at stationery stores or at the clinic itself.

For how long is disability established?

The history of the disease can improve, worsen, or be persistently severe. Therefore, for the same disease, the timing of recertification may be different. There is also no list of diseases that give the right to disability. Everything is decided by the ITU commission. The duration of a disabled child’s status depends on the patient’s condition, the manifestation of symptoms, adaptation to society, developmental delays, mental disorders sustainable nature, availability concomitant diseases

etc. Each case is special and has individual manifestations and symptoms. Based on this, the period of disability is determined.

There is a list of diseases for which disability is given up to 18 years of age (for example, Down syndrome, Williams syndrome, schizophrenia). Children with such diseases are observed until the age of 4, after which they are given the status of a disabled child until the age of 18.

There is no need to undergo recertification after a year or two.

After passing the examination, you receive a certificate (pink). It indicates the date of the next certification. This could be a year, two or indefinitely.

You can get all this by contacting a specialized doctor for a certificate and writing an application. The social security service must provide everything you need.Question: Is it possible to obtain an ITU conclusion at home if the child is in serious condition? Yes you can. In severe cases, you can invite specialists to your home and obtain the necessary conclusion. The law provides for certification cases:

  • in the ITU office;
  • in hospital;
  • Houses.

Question: How long does it take to collect all the documents?Question: Is it possible to obtain an ITU conclusion at home if the child is in serious condition? It is better to start 1.5 - 2 months before the examination. It is not necessary earlier, because these results of specialists and tests must be fresh. You must try to get everything done before the appointed day of the ITU (if repeated). Otherwise, you will have to apply for your pension again. Payments should not be interrupted. Question: Is it possible to purchase a wheelchair for free?Question: Is it possible to obtain an ITU conclusion at home if the child is in serious condition? Can. To receive a stroller for free, this must be reflected in the IPR. When passing the ITU, ask to indicate it in the document. Discuss the option you need. Contact the social security authorities, write an application and receive a stroller. If a suitable option is not available, you can buy the one you need. Part of the money spent will be reimbursed to you. Question: Why make 2 copies of documents?Question: Is it possible to obtain an ITU conclusion at home if the child is in serious condition? One copy is filed in outpatient card. The second one remains in your hands (may be needed for presentation in the hospital to compare results). The originals are included in the package of documents sent to ITU. Be careful not to confuse.

Reasons for filing an application

If a child is so sick that he has developed stable signs that distinguish him from his peers and do not give him the opportunity to fully exist, parents or guardians have to think about the admissibility of registering a disability.

Indeed, not every situation can be assessed by the Federal Bureau of ITU VTEK as meeting the requirements for obtaining disability. Here are the established criteria:

  1. The disease has a clear form that can be diagnosed, but it is difficult to treat, or treatment only relieves symptoms without causing an improvement in the general condition.
  2. Against the background of the disease, irreversible deterioration in well-being has occurred; complete or partial loss of the functioning of certain organs and systems of the body is possible.
  3. The child has partially or completely lost the ability to self-care.

How related characteristics, the important ones will be:

  • duration of the disease;
  • systematic pain;
  • emotional depression;
  • personality degradation;
  • sociopathy;
  • presence of phobias and fears.

Individual signs or their combination allow an application to the bureau for examination. However, external indicators will not be enough.

The main reason is documentary evidence an emerging or ongoing condition, without which the examination procedure will be useless. In addition, a referral for a medical and social examination of children will be required. Step-by-step preparation package of required documentation takes a leading place in the survey process.

The work of the institution is regulated by numerous legislative acts and standards, which does not allow the use of local arbitrariness on the part of survey participants. Particularly significant are the guarantees of protection for minors, which approved by Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation:

  • under No. 1013n, dated December 23, 2009;
  • under No. 906n, dated November 17, 2009;
  • under No. 1031n, dated November 24, 2010.

In addition to the listed unified forms, direct work with minor patients is based on the Order of the Ministry of Social Development, which stipulates the forms and methods of rehabilitation of disabled children, which came into force on March 16, 2009, No. 116n.

They occupy a significant place Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 247, dated April 7, 2008, No. 95 dated February 20, 2006.

It’s worth starting with an understanding of the fact of what happened, with an awareness of the complexity of the situation and responsibility for the minor, whose representative is the parent.

An appeal is permissible in three instances, provided that the previous one refused to recognize the rights to registration. They are addressed in stages:

  • ITU city and district offices;
  • regional and regional bureaus;
  • federal bureau

If you need to have your child examined, go to the district or city office at your place of residence. If you are not satisfied with the result, move on to the regional one. The final authority is the federal bureau, which has the right to overturn the decision of lower structures and whose decisions are not disputed.

But contacting ITU does not occur at the will of the parents. Only an authorized organization from among:

  • medical, treatment-and-prophylactic, medical-pedagogical institution;
  • establishment of a pension fund;
  • social institution.

Mostly, citizens receive a referral from a local pediatrician or from a hospital where the child is undergoing treatment or rehabilitation. Contact the person providing medical care for the minor with your request.

First, you will be prescribed an examination using a standard form at a clinic with specialists. In this case, they give you a list of doctors who need to be avoided. If the referral is prepared at the hospital– specialists conduct examinations directly in the hospital.

The doctors’ testimony will be entered into a card, from which the authorized person of the medical or social institution will make an extract of the information in Form No. 088/u-06.

Based on the diagnosis of specialists, the general picture of the disease is revealed, the multiplicity or singularity of indications requiring examination by members of the commission is considered. The medical examination is carried out in depth, taking into account the criteria established by the ITU.

If a referral is refused, the medical (social) institution issues a certificate with a reasoned statement stating the reasons for the refusal. Based on this extract, it is possible to independently apply to the disability commission for children.

You can find out the address of the office in your locality:

  • in the institution that issued (did not issue) the referral;
  • on the official website of the bureau.

The first visit is limited to submitting documentation and registering for an examination. Upon reception, an authorized person:

  1. Will accept documents and set a date for passing the commission. The period should not exceed 5 days from the date of submission of documents.
  2. He will check the documents, point out missing certificates, acts, conclusions and demand that they supplement the documentation package. It should take no more than 10 days to collect them.
  3. If there is a queue, they will make an appointment for a later date, but it should not exceed 30 days. In this case, it is necessary to notify representatives of the need to put on a queue. The appointment date is set immediately upon registration.

After a month, the referral becomes invalid and the procedure must begin again. If the deadline is missed due to the fault of the parents, this may negatively affect the attitude towards the issue of interest on the part of the members of the commission and the head of the clinic that issued the referral.

All events held at the ITU office are free of charge.. You have no right to demand payment for any services.

For the examination, you will need to collect certificates of individual completion of rehabilitation (IPR). They gather in hospitals rehabilitation centers, places of sanatorium-resort treatment.

Based on them, it is concluded that all possible forms treatments that have not produced the desired results in improving health. Without them, they may send the child to undergo medical procedures and refuse to recognize him as disabled.

When re-examination is required, it is required and issued in a standard form, which presents a list of activities established for the disabled person. It is framed a special column where notes on the completion of the program are entered.

If the child is studying at a school, technical school, college, etc., his characteristics will be required from educational institution. It is compiled for schoolchildren class teacher and is certified by the director’s signature and seal. It is compiled similarly in secondary specialized educational institutions.

The characterization should be based on such characteristics of the minor that indicate his academic performance, behavior and social adaptability in the context of prevailing norms or pathologies.

The information given in the characteristics is considered by the commission as an application to the holistic picture of the disease, revealing its ability to function independently in society.

For university students under 18 years of age, the examination often ends in a negative decision. The reason becomes high level adaptability required for studying at a university.

The collection of documents of minors is carried out by their legal representatives; minors have the right to perform certain actions themselves. Required documents include:

  1. Passport the applicant, who is the representative, passport or birth certificate of the subject.
  2. Statement, filled out by the representative at the initial appointment, directly at the office premises, according to the provided sample.
  3. Form No. 088/у-06, issued by a children's clinic or other authorized institution, which plays the role of a referral for examination.
  4. Medical records from the clinic, medical records from medical institutions.
  5. IPR certificates from institutions where the child underwent rehabilitation. Upon re-examination, it is issued in the form of a card, which must contain marks of completion.
  6. Characteristics from school(educational institution), for students.
  7. Psychologist's report. Examination by a medical-psychological commission - conclusion.
  8. SNILS.

If a minor works, they are additionally provided with:

  1. Education documents.
  2. Production characteristics, certificate of working conditions.
  3. A copy of the work book.

In case of injury at work, he presents:

  1. An act registering an industrial accident involving the subject.
  2. An extract from the medical history.

When re-examined, citizens present a certificate of disability issued during the previous examination.

If you do not have enough evidence from doctors about your child’s illness, you have the right to additionally collect expert opinions, on your own initiative and by independently financing their services.

The examination takes place at a local - city or district bureau. A sick child comes with his parents in person. If it is not possible to transport it, examination at home is possible. In this case, the representative stipulates this possibility when collecting documentation. This nuance should be included in the direction.

By decision of the commission, the examination can be carried out in a hospital where the patient is located. There is also an absentee form of recognition of disability if the characteristics are obvious, as follows from the submitted documentation, and the child is not transportable.

It should be noted that some conditions require not only a hospital stay, but also tie the patient to the device, preventing the presence of strangers, including close relatives and doctors not directly involved in monitoring the patient.

During a personal visit at the stage of submitting an application and providing a package of documents for ITU for a child, a parent or guardian can come up independently, if the presence of the child is not specifically agreed upon.

On the date specified upon registration, you will need to bring your child for examination. When it is carried out, a commission of several specialists sits in one office, and the decision to recognize a child as disabled is made collectively.

Often the teenager’s parents are asked to wait outside the door, which is not always legal.

If you are the parent of a teenager who can independently answer doctors’ questions and move independently, remember that until the teenager reaches 18 years of age, you have the right to be present during the examination.

Minors are always examined in front of their parents. Representatives, acting in the interests of the child, have the right to ask any questions and insist on the protection of legal rights.

The decision to grant disabled status is made by voting. All materials from the meeting regarding the patient’s condition are documented in a protocol. Based on it, an extract is made, which becomes the basis:

  • recognition of a minor as disabled;
  • refusal of recognition.

In case of refusal, parents or guardians have the right:

  • appeal the refusal to the regional ITU bureau;
  • go to court.

A certificate of disability is issued within three days after a positive decision by the ITU. It has the legal force of a document that provides its owner with certain legally required guarantees.

The certificate is issued in person, against signature. Minors are not allowed to receive the document. This procedure is completed by their parents or guardians.

Once received, it is transferred to the pension fund for calculation of pension benefits. Together with the certificate of disability, a certificate of assignment of IPR is issued for further rehabilitation.

There are practically no deadlines for determining disability. A certificate issued within 3 days confirms the status of a disabled person; no additional actions are required for this. P The pension fund of the Russian Federation assigns a pension benefit to a minor from the day the commission recognized him as disabled.

Other benefits and social guarantees entitled to a person by law begin to apply at the request of the representative. He has the right to submit it immediately upon receipt of the disability certificate.

Children's medical disability social expertise is established in accordance with the group, which implies a difference in the duration of the disabled status. In particular:

  • first group – for 2 years;
  • second, third – for 1 year;
  • special diseases included in the List – for an indefinite period.

The category of permanent diseases includes irreversible disorders, as a rule, in relation to unpaired organs, with loss of vision, hearing, and severe morphological and organic disorders.

In this case, disability is established before reaching adulthood, which will subsequently require re-examination.

Based on the requirements that came into force on 20.20.06, in case of cancer or acute forms of leukemia, the status of a disabled child is assigned for 5 years.

Many parents are concerned that they are, to a certain extent, erasing the future prospects of their children by registering as disabled. Others, having made false conclusions that it is impossible to obtain disability, retreat. And still others act, finding the right path and opening access to social programs that support the child.

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The process of registering a disability cannot be called pleasant and easy. In our country, people have to confirm for a long time with various certificates even such obvious things as disability of the first or second group.

But you have to overcome the barrier of your own inferiority and document the assignment of disability in order to be entitled to preferential benefits in the future. medical services, increased pension and additional social benefits. To save time and nerves, you need to know the basic nuances of registering a disability.

Disability is usually called a persistent, long-term or permanent impairment of socialization and ability to work, which is caused by a congenital or acquired disease, injury or injury.

The right to be assigned a disability is given by severe violations physical health. But not all sick people are entitled to this status and receive the corresponding benefits.

Official registration of disability is available only when the disease is a serious obstacle to work activity. This term includes legal and social concepts. Official assignment of the status of a disabled person may entail a change in working conditions or termination of work, as well as the appointment of a state social security V various forms.

Russian Ministry Healthcare has established certain criteria and classifications on which the recognition of a person as disabled is based. Some suffer from serious illnesses and believe that they are entitled to Social Security disability benefits, but do not take any action to officially prove this. But personal opinion alone is not enough.

The main criterion is the presence of persistent pathology that limits the normal life activities (work activities, independent movement) of people.

A person can be advised to register a disability by a medical specialist who realistically assesses the patient’s health and capabilities. For example, the reason for obtaining the above status is a stroke. The disability group will depend on the severity of the disease and its consequences.

Reason for appointment medical examination will become:

  • Loss of ability to work.
  • Restriction of certain body functions (speech, movement).

Some people associatively believe that myocardial infarction is always a reason for assigning a disability group. But this is not the case if the patient has fully recovered and can continue working. True, a lot here depends on the type of occupation. If it is associated with excessive physical activity, this fact will be taken into account when conducting a medical and social examination.

The assignment of disability for cancer is a controversial issue. For example, skin cancer is not such a serious illness, since it does not interfere with the continuation of work. The only diseases for which a lifelong disability group is given are tumors of the brain and spinal cord, leukemia.

As for amputation of limbs, there are some nuances here too. When determining a person's eligibility for disability benefits, factors such as:

  • Condition of the stump.
  • Cause of limb loss.
  • Age.
  • Profession.
  • What part of the limb was amputated?

Serious visual impairment or complete loss of vision necessarily entails the assignment of disability. The group will depend on the degree of visual impairment.

Mental disorders belong to a separate category of diseases, upon diagnosis of which a person receives a disability group:

  • Mild forms of mental disorders are the first group.
  • Seizures and dementia are the second group.
  • The patient is unable to assess himself adequately and lead a normal life - the first group is assigned.

To obtain the status of a disabled person, a person must apply to the bureau for a medical and social examination at his place of registration. The patient can do this on the direction of a doctor or at his own discretion.

Required documents

You will need to provide the following documents:

  • Passport and its copy.
  • Medical record from the clinic.
  • Completed application.
  • Referral for examination.
  • Sick leave, if available.
  • Extracts of medical examinations performed.
  • A copy of the work record book or employment contract.
  • Certificates of injury or chronic diseases, if any.

The entire package of documents is submitted to the bureau, after which you can expect an invitation for examination.

A bedridden patient is examined a little differently. He does not have the opportunity to come for an examination, so relatives can agree with the doctor to conduct an examination in an inpatient setting. There is an option to register disability in absentia by obtaining a power of attorney to perform such actions from the disabled person.

Procedure and procedure

The medical and social examination usually involves three representatives from the bureau. On the appointed day, the person is invited to the bureau. The examination itself includes:

  • Study of medical documents.
  • Examination of the patient.
  • Analysis of various (domestic, social, labor) living conditions of a citizen.

Based on the data received, experts render their verdict. To be assigned a disability, the following conditions must be met:

  • Limitation of life activity;
  • Need for rehabilitation;
  • Persistent pathological disorder of body functions.

A person can receive a disability group even if only two of the above conditions are met.

When conducting an examination, it is mandatory to keep a protocol. In some cases, a citizen is recognized as incapacitated without being assigned a disability. The commission's conclusions are documented in the form of a report, which is given to the patient.

If a person is recognized as disabled, he must be assigned an individual rehabilitation program and issued the appropriate certificates. These documents are necessary for applying to the pension fund and social security authorities.

The result will be a disability pension and preferential payments.


The process of registering disability takes place in several stages. Collecting documents and going through medical specialists takes approximately 7-10 days.

The examination can be scheduled no later than one month after the documents are submitted. However, there is always a possibility that additional examinations and supporting documents will be required. The decision to assign disability must be made on the day of the examination. If the outcome is positive, the necessary certificates and documents are issued within three days.

Registration of disability should not take more than two and a half months, taking into account all the nuances and possible problems.

It will take three to four months for a child to be assigned a disability. A medical and social examination is also carried out, to which the child’s attending physician must refer.

If we're talking about about a child with Down syndrome, you will need to obtain a genetic examination report. A corresponding entry is made in the outpatient card. The following documents must be submitted to the bureau:

  • A certificate certified by a clinic doctor.
  • Outpatient card from a medical institution for children.
  • Registration information.
  • Identity documents of the guardian or parents.
  • Application completed according to the form.
  • Passport or birth certificate of the child.

When assigning disability, a specific group is not assigned. The child is registered as disabled without any degree of severity. If we are talking about Down syndrome, disability is assigned for a period of eighteen years without the need for a re-examination.

Conditions for registering disability

Assignment of disability is carried out upon fulfillment of certain conditions depending on the group.

First group:

  • Loss of ability to work.
  • Lack of self-service capabilities.
  • The need for the constant presence of an assistant.

Second group:

  • Persistent disturbances of the vital functions of the body.
  • Lack of normal working capacity (inability to engage in work activities for a long time).
  • The need to provide specific working conditions.

Third group:

  • The creation of special working conditions is required.
  • Admission to previous work activities is prohibited due to the fact that harm to others may be caused.
  • Inability to work at the previous place of work and engage in one’s professional activities.

Russian Federation as an identity document;

  • Consent to the processing of personal data.
  • A referral for a medical and social examination issued by a medical institution (Form No. 088/u-06) or a Certificate from the medical commission of a medical and preventive institution, in case of refusal of a referral for a medical and social examination;
  • Additional documents
  1. Certificate of disability upon re-examination;
  2. Certificate of results of determining the degree of UPT as a percentage during re-examination;
  3. Conclusion of the medical commission of a medical institution on the need for medical rehabilitation;

List of documents required for MSEC when registering disability

If you are not working, take a photocopy of your work record book, from which your lack of employment will be clearly visible. What documents are needed for VTEK again, besides the following:

  1. Certificate of education: certificate or diploma.

    The document most recently received will be relevant.

  2. For pupils or students – a certificate from the place of study and a pedagogical reference.
  3. If you call the ambulance service, keep the coupons and file them with certificates from medical institutions. The procedure for re-passing the ITU is practically no different from the previous examination.

    The main thing is to stand your ground and explain that sustainable improvements have not occurred. Naturally, experts will look for the possibility of removing disability, but they need to prove their position not only by listing their physical suffering and infirmity, but also rely on the documents provided.

    Medical and social examination

    The conclusion of the military medical commission on the causal relationship of injuries (injuries, wounds, concussions), diseases - to establish the causes: “military injury”, “the disease was acquired during military service”, “the disease was acquired during the performance of military service duties (official duties) in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant", a radiation-related disease received during the performance of military service duties (official duties) in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant", a disease (trauma, mutilation, contusion, wound) received during the performance of military service duties (official duties ), is associated with direct participation in the actions of special risk units.”

    Documents for MSE (medical and social examination)

    Where to begin? Over the course of a year (two), you completed the appointments that were prescribed to you. The main one was prescribed in a special certificate card, which included the implementation of the plan for completing the rehabilitation program (IPRI).

    Make sure that this form is filled out and that there are completion marks in the special column. Make sure you have enough doctor visits.

    If you have been to an appointment less than 4 times during the year, make up for this deficiency. It would be advisable to go to the hospital and undergo a course of treatment.

    After this, contact your local doctor, providing an extract from the medical history obtained in the hospital and presenting a certificate of disability, which indicates the date of the return visit. As before, you will be assigned a commission at the clinic.

    Re-examination of disability. medical and social examination

    The local pediatrician or a specialist in your disease will prepare an extract and submit it to the head of the clinic department. On the appointed day, you will have to come up for a preliminary examination by a medical commission at the clinic, where a referral in form No. 088/u-06 will be prepared and issued.

    You should not wait for the appointed date; it is advisable to approach the ITU commission in advance. No later than 5 days before the scheduled date, go to the ITU office at your place of residence and submit the documents.


    They will confirm the date of your examination, or assign another day and make an entry in the registration log. Approach the commission on the appointed day. What documents are needed for VTEK to register disability? The preparation and provision of documentation is determined by the regulations.


    If there is improvement:

  • transfer to another group is allowed;
  • removal of disability.

The decision-making depends on the members of the ITU commission, whose activities are based on legislative provisions and are regulated by them. Legislative documents The Government Decree regulated actions on social support this social group:

  • PP No. 247, dated April 7, 2008;
  • PP No. 95 dated February 20, 2006;
  • Federal Law No. 181-FZ dated November 24, 1995;
  • Federal Law No. 125-FZ dated July 24, 1998

The list reflecting the types and types of diseases and their correspondence to disability groups was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1013n dated December 23, 2009.

And diseases that provide indefinite pension coverage by decision of the ITU are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 247, dated April 7, 2008.

You can receive such confirmation if, in addition to the examination prescribed by the clinic, you additionally, on your own initiative and pay for it, undergo:

  • computed tomography;
  • other types of diagnostics available to identify your pathology.

Please attach to these documents:

  • certificate of disability;
  • IPRI certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • photocopy of passport.

You must have the original passport with you. If you are working, please provide:

  • certificate from the place of work;
  • income certificate;
  • a copy of the work book.

The certificate must reflect the nature and working conditions.

If a disabled person of group 3 works on a rotational basis in the regions of the far north in physically difficult work, it is unlikely that he will retain his disabled status.

What documents are needed for MSE when re-applying?

Certificate of injury (wounds, injuries, contusions), illness during military service, including in active units, issued by medical institutions, the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Archive of the Military Medical Museum, the Russian State Military Archive - for reasons “military” trauma”, “the disease was acquired during military service”, “the disease was acquired during the performance of military service duties (official duties) in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”, “a radiation-related disease was acquired during the performance of military service duties (official duties) in connection with “accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant,” a disease (trauma, mutilation, concussion, wound) received during the performance of military service (official duties) is associated with direct participation in the actions of special risk units.”

What documents are needed for MSE if the child is returning?

To establish permanent disability of an employee of internal affairs bodies, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities Russian Federation: Statement from an employee regarding his referral to ITU. Referral for medical and social examination, issued medical organization federal executive body in the field of internal affairs. Certificate of illness with a conclusion of unfitness or limited fitness for military service due to military injury. A copy of the order of dismissal due to illness.

To determine the disability group (category “disabled child”), 1. Application from the citizen (or his legal representative); 2.

Passport or other identification document; citizens over 14 years of age have a passport (for persons under 14 years of age: birth certificate and passport of one of the parents or guardians). 3. Referral for medical and social examination of a medical institution (Form 088\у-06); or Certificate from the medical commission in cases of refusal to refer a citizen to medical examination; or Court ruling.

Medical documents (outpatient card, hospital extracts, R-images, etc.). 5. A copy of the work book, certified by the personnel department for working (original work book for non-working) citizens.

6. Education documents. 7. Information about the nature and conditions of work (for workers) - production characteristics. 8.

Medical documents (outpatient card, hospital extracts, R-images, etc.).5. Information about the nature and conditions of work (for workers) – production characteristics.6.

Conclusion of the medical commission of the health care facility on the need for medical rehabilitation.7. Victim Rehabilitation Program (RPP) with notes on its implementation during re-examination. Documents required in accordance with regulatory legal acts to provide public services for conducting medical and social examination “Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services for conducting medical and social examination”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 29, 2014 No. 59n (Extract) 1.
Form No. 088/u-06) or Certificate from the medical commission of a medical institution, in case of refusal to send for a medical and social examination.

  • A document confirming the authority of the legal representative (parents or guardian) of the citizen and a document certifying his identity;
  • Application from a citizen (or his legal representative);
  • Passport or other identification document; for citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 14, a passport (for citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 14: birth certificate);
Additional documents:
  1. Individual rehabilitation program (IRP) with notes on its implementation during re-examination.
  2. Discharge summaries from hospitals (clinics);
  3. Outpatient card, medical record;
  4. All examination results in medical institutions (clinics); incl.

Last update: 04/20/2019

Registration of disability gives the right to receive a special pension, as well as various benefits. However, to be able to use them, you must go through certain bureaucratic procedures. We will talk further about what documents are required to obtain disability and where to apply for them.

Documents for registration of disability

Original and photocopy of passport - for adults, birth certificate - for children

Instead of a passport, another identification document may also be provided:

  • diplomatic passport;
  • service passport;
  • seafarer's identity card;
  • military personnel identification card;
  • military ID of a serviceman;
  • temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation if the passport is being replaced.

If a foreigner wants to apply for a disability group, he must provide his national passport, documents confirming his temporary residence permit or residence permit, as well as a refugee certificate or a forced migrant certificate.

A copy of the employment document certified by the employer

If the employer is on vacation, a business trip, etc., a copy can be certified by an official authorized by the employer to perform such actions. When certifying copies, each sheet must be signed and stamped, which is located by the manager or in the human resources department. On the last page it is necessary to put the inscription “Correct” indicating the position, surname and initials, signature of the person who certified the document, as well as the date. If you want to register for a disability group unemployed person, it provides the original work book, since all unemployed people have it in their hands.

Certificate of income (sometimes required)
Outpatient card

It will be given to you by the attending physician, who will conduct the initial examination.

Extracts from hospitals and their photocopies confirming disturbances in the functioning of organs

These can be extracts from hospitals where the person was treated, x-rays, conclusions of narrow specialists from medical institutions (both public and private), ambulance call cards, epicrises, tests confirming health problems.

Referral to ITU in form 088/у-06

After the examination, the decision to issue a referral is made by a medical commission, and in some cases - by specially authorized persons from social security or a pension fund. If a competent person believes that there is no reason to issue you a referral, you have the right to independently apply for an MSE (medical and social examination). You should contact them with a certificate of refusal to issue Form 088/u-06, which must be requested from the attending physician, as well as the documents specified in this list. Plus, you will have to write a statement to the head of the ITU bureau. If a child needs to be diagnosed with a disability, the application must be filled out by his legal representative (parent or guardian).

In case of refusal to issue a referral or even a certificate confirming the refusal, you can also contact the head physician of the hospital with a written application addressed to him.

Application to ITU

Written by the applicant for disability or his representative. This is the same application described above, which you will also apply to the ITU if your referral is denied. It is required as an attachment to the package of documents, even if a referral is given. This expresses the person’s voluntary desire to undergo examination.

Production characteristics from work (study)

It should reflect not only the qualities of the person as an employee, but also the conditions in which he works, their harmfulness to the body, etc.

Certificate of employment or document confirming that the person is not working
Sick leave

If the employee is on sick leave.

Act on industrial injury form N - 1 or o occupational disease or the conclusion of a military medical commission

These documents are provided if the deterioration in health is related to work or military service. If the injury occurred at work, the manager forms a commission that conducts an investigation. Based on the results of the investigation, a report is issued, that is, you can get it at work.

Step-by-step algorithm for registering disability

Step 1. Go to your local clinic for an examination by your attending physician. He carries out an examination and decides whether there are sufficient grounds for referral to ITU. The final decision is made medical commission(VC), however, the doctors who are part of it express their subjective opinion in this way and do not essentially bear any responsibility for it. Therefore, if you do not receive a referral, you can apply to the head physician or request a written certificate of refusal to issue a referral from the doctor and go with it to the ITU.

For persons without a fixed place of residence, referrals are issued by social security authorities.

IN Pension Fund it is received by those who have documents confirming that the deterioration in health occurred due to an injury received during the work process.

Step 2. With a folder of the documents listed above, go to ITU. It is carried out by ITU bureaus, whose structure is multi-level.

The examination is carried out by a panel of specialists, whose actions are recorded. Upon completion, a decision is made in the form of an act, which is adopted by a majority vote. You will receive a certificate confirming the fact of disability, which is an extract from this act.

If the specialists were unable to make a decision due to the need for additional examinations, then you will be given a referral to the ITU of the next level (main or federal, depending on where you were examined).

What to do if you do not agree with the ITU decision

There are two options:

Appeal the decision to the ITU main office

The solution is the most profitable in terms of saving money and time. You write an application for examination either at the branch, from where it will be transferred to the main bureau within three days, or directly submit it to a higher authority. Within a month, the validity of the decision will be checked and you will be invited for a new examination. The examination is free of charge.

Appeal the decision in court

In this case, you will need to spend money on a lawyer, plus wait for the proceedings to begin in your case, because the courts are often overloaded with lawsuits. The judge is not an expert doctor, which means that he will still have to involve the same experts from the main bureau to make a decision on the claim.

Which ITU to contact: at your place of registration or place of residence

Many people wonder how to get disability if they are registered in another city. According to paragraph 20 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled,” a medical and social examination of a citizen is carried out in the bureau at the place of residence (at the place of stay, at the location of the pension file of a disabled person who has left for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation).

It seems to be clearly stated that the examination may not necessarily be carried out at the place of registration, but even here there are some nuances...

The fact is that in the regions there are orders of local leaders of the Chief Experts on ITU, which specific clinics issuing forms 0-88/u are assigned to certain ITU bureaus that serve them. Example No. 1

. Patient Gorovenko N.I. issued a Referral to MTU at clinic No. 8 in Ivanovo and was sent to undergo examination ONLY at MTU Bureau No. 4 (another bureau will not accept him, since this would be a violation of the local order of the chief expert on the distribution of supervision zones).

  • Let us assume that Gorovenko N.I. registered in Ivanovo, but lives in Moscow. He has two options for getting tested:
  • Go to Ivanovo, go to the clinic, get a referral and get examined in Ivanovo.

Stay in Moscow, register at the clinic (if necessary, apply to the head physician), where an outpatient card will be created for him, and receive a referral to undergo medical examination in Moscow.

But Gorovenko N.I. It will not be possible to get a referral to Ivanovo, but to undergo an examination in Moscow and vice versa.

How to apply for disability for a bedridden patient

  • If the patient does not move and his transportation is not desirable, the patient or his legal representative, during an examination by a doctor in the clinic, can raise the issue of conducting MSE at home. HF issues a corresponding certificate, which is an addition to form 088/u-06. It is submitted to the ITU along with other documents. A decision is made directly at the ITU bureau where exactly the examination will be carried out:
  • at the patient's home;
  • in the hospital where treatment is carried out;

in absentia, without the presence of the patient.

Registration of disability for a child: important points

But there are a few points that parents still need to know:

  1. a disability group is not established for children; they are assigned the status of “disabled child”;
  2. in practice, there are situations when doctors refuse to give a referral for medical examination, citing the fact that until the child is 3 years old, it is difficult to draw conclusions about the nature of the disorders in the body. You have the right to challenge their inaction by applying to the head physician to issue a referral to medical examination.

Important! When undergoing examination, parents of a young child must mandatory be present in the office. When a child aged 14 to 18 years undergoes MSA, experts often ask the parents to wait outside the door, but keep in mind that you have every right to be present at this procedure, since you are the legal representative until the child reaches 18 years of age. This means that he can not only be present, but also ask any questions, and also answer the questions posed instead of the child.

List of diseases for which disability is given

The same disease in one case may be sufficient grounds for a person to be recognized as disabled, in another case the assignment of disability may be refused. This is explained by the fact that the disability group is assigned not depending on the diagnosis, but depending on the nature of the disease, its impact on the ability to care for oneself, etc. That is, as such, there is no list of diseases for which patients are assigned a disability. Each situation requires an objective assessment by the ITU, after which an appropriate decision is made.

But there is still a list of diseases for which a person receives permanent disability, that is, defects, injuries, health problems are so obvious that they do not even require regular re-examination:

Malignant tumors
  • with metastases and relapses after treatment;
  • with metastases without detection primary focus if treatment is ineffective;
  • severe general condition after palliative treatment;
  • incurability of the disease with pronounced symptoms of intoxication, cachexia and tumor disintegration
Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues If intoxication and severe general condition are observed
Inoperable benign neoplasms brain and spinal cord With steadfastness pronounced violations motor, speech, visual functions(severe hemiparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, triplegia, tetraplegia) and severe liquorodynamic disorders.
Absence of the larynx after its surgical removal ____________
Congenital and acquired dementia
  • severe dementia;
  • severe mental retardation;
  • mental retardation is profound.
Diseases of the nervous system with a chronic progressive course, with persistent severe impairment of motor, speech, and visual functions
  • hemiparesis;
  • paraparesis;
  • triparesis;
  • tetraparesis;
  • hemiplegia;
  • paraplegia;
  • triplegia;
  • tetraplegia;
  • ataxia;
  • total aphasia.
Progressive neuromuscular diseases
  • Hereditary (pseudohypertrophic Duchenne muscular dystrophy, spinal amyotrophy of Werdnig-Hoffmann).
  • Diseases with impaired bulbar functions, muscle atrophy, impaired motor functions and (or) violation of bulbar functions.
Severe forms of neurodegenerative brain diseases Parkinsonism plus
Diseases related to vision
  • complete blindness in both eyes if treatment is ineffective;
  • decrease in visual acuity in both eyes and in the better-seeing eye to 0.03 with correction;
  • concentric narrowing of the visual field of both eyes up to 10 degrees as a result of persistent and irreversible changes.
Total deafblindness ___________
Congenital deafness with impossibility of hearing endoprosthetics Cochlear implantation
Diseases characterized by high blood pressure With severe complications from:
  • central nervous system (with persistent severe impairment of motor, speech, visual functions);
  • heart muscles (accompanied by circulatory failure of IIB - III degree and coronary insufficiency of III - IV functional class);
  • kidneys (chronic renal failure stage IIB - III).
Cardiac ischemia With coronary insufficiency III - IV functional class angina and persistent circulatory disorders IIB - III degree.
Diseases of the respiratory system with a progressive course Accompanied by a stand respiratory failure II - III degrees, in combination with circulatory failure IIB - III degrees.
Cirrhosis of the liver With hepatosplenomegaly and portal hypertension III degree
Unremovable fecal fistulas, stomas ____________
Severe contracture or ankylosis large joints upper and lower extremities in a functionally disadvantageous position

If endoprosthetics is not possible

End stage chronic renal failure ____________
Unremovable urinary fistulas, stomas ____________
Congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system With severe persistent impairment of the function of support and movement with the impossibility of correction.
Consequences of traumatic injury to the brain (spinal cord) With persistent severe impairments:
  • motor, speech, visual functions (severe hemiparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, triplegia, tetraplegia, ataxia, total aphasia);
  • severe dysfunction of the pelvic organs.
Defects of the upper and lower extremities
  • amputation area shoulder joint, disarticulation of the shoulder, shoulder stump, forearm, absence of the hand, absence of all phalanges of four fingers of the hand, excluding the first, absence of three fingers of the hand, including the first.
  • defects and deformations lower limb: amputation area hip joint, disarticulation of the thigh, thigh stump, lower leg, absence of the foot.

It is possible to become disabled due to illnesses other than those on this list, but not in every case. In addition, you will have to undergo regular re-examination. Let's look at the most common health problems due to which patients want to apply for disability.


Disability after a stroke can be assigned depending on:

  • Severity of the disease;
  • Type of stroke - ischemic (“age-related”, about 80% of cases) or hemorrhagic (rupture of cerebral vessels);
  • The degree of damage to vital organs;
  • Dynamics of recovery;
  • General well-being.

As a rule, if, as a result of a stroke, coordination of movements, speech, or part of the brain cannot be restored, the ITU bureau assigns a disability in the direction of HF.

Heart attack

After a heart attack, not all patients become disabled. ITU mainly evaluates the patient’s condition with an eye to the possibility of returning to his previous job. They study the production characteristics in detail to assess the conditions in which the patient worked. If they were associated with serious physical or psychological stress, then returning to them is unacceptable, and in such cases the ITU assigns a disability group.

Vision problems

A person who is blind or has low vision is unable to perform many vital functions. When passing the ITU, the following may become visually disabled:

  • Group 1 – people who are blind in both eyes or with visual acuity of no more than 0.04;
  • group 2 – with visual acuity from 0.05 to 0.1;
  • Group 3 – people with low vision medium degree And acute vision from 0.1 to 0.3.

Postponement of the operation

The operation itself is not grounds for recognizing a person as disabled. Quite the contrary, in many cases it is performed to improve a person’s health. For example, if you had your appendicitis removed, no one will recognize you as disabled after the operation. But if, for example, amputation of an arm or leg took place, or does not occur after the operation positive dynamics recovery, then the decision on disability is made at the discretion of the ITU Bureau. That is, the condition of each patient is assessed during MSA on an individual basis - no general rules there is no assignment of disability after operations.

Deadline for establishing disability

Disability can be established urgently or indefinitely. Permanent disability is provided for those diseases listed above.

In other cases, disability must be “confirmed” after a certain period of time.

To confirm your disability, you must undergo an examination. The procedure is exactly the same as when obtaining status for the first time, only you still need to add a certificate of disability and IPR to the documents ( individual program rehabilitation), which is issued along with the certificate.

By the way, disability is considered established from the day the application and documents for passing the ITU are submitted to the relevant bureau, and not from the day the decision is made. This is important when calculating pensions.

How to get a disability pension

Registration of a disability pension is possible only after passing the ITU and receiving a positive decision. That is, you must have an extract from the act in your hands, which contains information about the establishment of the disability group.

Disability pensions are divided into three types:

  • insurance;
  • social;
  • state

The table will help you figure out who can apply for which of them and how to apply for it.

Types of pensions
Insurance Social State
Who can receive Persons who have work experience, regardless of its duration All citizens who have not acquired the right to a labor pension:
  • Disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, including from childhood;
  • disabled children.
Certain categories of disabled people:
  • military personnel;
  • astronauts;
  • citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters;
  • WWII participants;
  • citizens marked with the sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad”.
Where to go Pension Fund Department _________ _________
What documents will be needed Standard package + documents confirming the duration of the insurance period Standard package Standard package, and also depending on the profession:
  • documents confirming the terms of completion and containing the grounds for dismissal from military service;
  • documents on recognition as disabled as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • documents on recognition as disabled as a result of other radiation and man-made disasters.

The applicant can submit documents in person at the Pension Fund or MFC offices, and if it is not possible to appear in person, use the online submission option, send them by mail or transfer them through a legal representative.

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