
Polysorb 1 tablespoon how many grams. Polysorb - instructions for use for children and adults, indications, dosage, analogues

Food or other allergies occur among children of all ages. Besides antihistamines Doctors definitely recommend taking enterosorbents. Among this group of drugs, Polysorb can be distinguished. The article will discuss the features of its use by children, as well as its main advantages and disadvantages.

general information

Polysorb belongs to the group of new generation enterosorbents. It has a wide spectrum of action and is used for poisoning, allergies or intoxication of the body. The advantage is that it can be used in the treatment of children from birth.

The therapeutic effect occurs within 10 minutes after administration. Polysorb does not contain any additives and is considered many times more effective than ordinary activated carbon. It does not have the ability to enter the systemic bloodstream or irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main component is colloidal silicon dioxide. It has high strength and hardness, is resistant to high acidity in the stomach and does not react with water. Available in the form of crystalline powder, without a specific color or odor. A suspension is prepared from it for oral administration. IN pharmacy chain comes in glass medical containers of 12 or 24 g or in disposable bags of 3 g.

How it works

Polysorb exhibits adsorbent, detoxification and adaptogenic properties. This drug has shown its effectiveness in preventing viral diseases and flu. This is due to the ability of silicon dioxide to absorb pathogens. In addition, it helps to reduce general intoxication, body temperature and speed up the patient’s recovery process.

Another property of this drug is the absorption of pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products, radioactive substances, and decay residues of heavy metal salts. The drug does not have the ability to be absorbed into the intestinal walls. It is excreted unchanged in the feces.

The sorption capacity of this preparation is 300 m 2 /g. Thanks to laboratory studies, it has been proven that the powder is able to absorb allergens better than drugs in tablet form.

Relief occurs within 5 minutes after taking the suspension. Polysorb has the ability to absorb excess cholesterol, lipids, urea or other metabolites of endogenous nature. It copes well with the first symptoms of allergies in young children. This pathology occurs very often, especially when introducing new foods into the diet.

The action of the drug is based on:

  • blocking food allergens;
  • neutralization of toxins;
  • removal from the body of chemicals that are formed as a result of a powerful immune reaction (immunoglobulins, histamines, etc.);
  • blocking the absorption of tissue breakdown products that are released through the intestinal wall;
  • decrease in bilirubin and creatinine levels.

What are the indications and contraindications for use?

This drug is used in the treatment of any disease that is accompanied by general intoxication of the body. Most often, Polysorb is prescribed to children for food related problems. Other indications include:

  1. Dysbacteriosis. It is used in the main treatment regimen and for the prevention of intestinal dysfunction, this is especially true for newborns.
  2. Intestinal infections which are accompanied by severe diarrhea.
  3. Toxic infections of different nature.
  4. Poisoning chemicals, drugs or alcoholic beverages.
  5. Sepsis V different manifestations, which is accompanied by increased intoxication of the body.
  6. Increased bilirubin in the blood. Very often, congenital jaundice occurs in newborn children; this remedy will cope perfectly with this problem.
  7. Accumulation of toxins in patients with acute renal failure.

Often this drug prescribed to people who work in hazardous working conditions (laboratories, chemical plants, etc.). Polysorb is also prescribed in complex therapy influenza, ARVI, various diseases skin(, eczema, etc.).

The main contraindications include:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenum during an exacerbation;
  • erosive formations in the intestines;
  • acute intestinal obstruction.

Polysorb for children infancy prescribed for diathesis. Dosage and treatment are carried out under strict medical supervision.

Instructions for use of Polysorb for children

Polysorb can be taken by children of any age: up to one year, 1, 2, 3 years and older. The powder is intended for preparing a suspension. It is prepared using clean boiled water. The dosage calculation for children depends on the patient’s weight and the severity of his disease. Polysorb should be diluted for children in half a glass of liquid (water, tea, compote or non-acidic juice) and drunk immediately.

Calculation daily dose for children is carried out based on weight:

  • from 0 to 10 kg, 1 g per day is prescribed;
  • from 10 to 30 kg - 1 g at a time;
  • from 30 to 40 kg - 2 g at a time.

For convenience: 1 teaspoon contains 1 g of powder, and a tablespoon contains 2.5-3 g. The suspension must be taken before meals or 1.5 hours after it. The prepared solution should be drunk immediately. It is best to use fresh each time. When treating food allergies, the drug is taken strictly before meals.

Your doctor should give recommendations on how to take Polysorb for children. The duration of treatment depends on the form of the disease:

  1. For food allergies I use Polysorb for acute or chronic forms three times a day for 2 weeks.
  2. Poisoning or infectious intestinal diseases- 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days;
  3. For chronic renal failure 4 times a day for at least 1 month.

Regarding this sorbent, there is no need to be afraid approximate dosage, since silicon dioxide cannot provoke an overdose.

Possible adverse reactions and special instructions

Adverse symptoms occur very rarely. It may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • allergy to the active component of Polysorb;
  • problems with bowel function (frequent constipation).

Long-term use of enterosorbent causes a lack of calcium, so during therapy it is necessary to prescribe drugs that compensate for its loss.

At simultaneous administration with other drugs, Polysorb significantly reduces their absorption.

Do not take the powder in dry form.

Opinion of doctors and patients about the drug

In general, the drug has only positive reviews from specialists and patients. Doctors speak only positively about Polysorb. Below are some expert opinions.

Polysorb is a unique sorbent. I prescribe it to children when various forms allergies, poisoning or prevention of ARVI. Easy to use, does not cause overdose or side symptoms.

Pigareva A.T., pediatric gastroenterologist

An excellent sorbent, I prescribe it for infants with dermatitis. I consider it one of the most effective enterosorbents. I think the only drawback is that small children have long-term use Constipation develops.

Gordeev A.V., pediatrician

Parents who have used the drug to treat their children leave only good reviews.

When introducing complementary foods, my daughter began to develop an allergy. In addition to antihistamines, our pediatrician prescribed Polysorb for 5 days. All symptoms quickly passed. The drug is very convenient in dosage; I diluted it in infant formula for feeding.

Angelica, 35 years old

  1. Carefully open the bottle and remove the required amount of powder. You should be careful when doing this, as it is very small and can get into your nose if inhaled.
  2. It is best to prepare the solution immediately before each dose.
  3. For treating children, it is best to buy the drug in powder form rather than disposable sachets. This way you can accurately measure the required dose.

Advantages and disadvantages

Polysorb has some advantages compared to other enterosorbents:

  • quickly absorbed and relieves allergy symptoms;
  • has a wide spectrum of action (from food allergies to severe poisoning);
  • affordable;
  • can be used to treat pregnant women and young children.

Patients do not note any disadvantages when using the drug.

How much does it cost and how to store it correctly

The average price of Polysorb is from 40 rubles per bottle of 12 g. The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

When dry, it should be stored in a dark place at room temperature for no more than 5 years from the date of production. Ready suspension should be refrigerated and used within 2 days.

What can be replaced

Among the analogues of Polysorb are:

  1. Enterosorb, which is considered one of the most effective. Its cost is about 120 rubles.
  2. . This drug should not be taken long time, as it develops severe vomiting. Its price starts from 200 rubles.
  3. helps preserve intestinal microflora, but with long-term treatment it causes constipation and hypervitaminosis. Price from 180 rubles.
  4. has pronounced detoxification and sorption effects, associated toxins are eliminated enterally. The cost starts from 250 rubles.

The decision on the advisability of replacing the main drug is made solely by the attending physician.

The child's body is in the process of formation and cannot always fight back bacteria, allergens and toxins. And at the same time, the child continuously learns about the world, managing to come into contact with a much larger number of harmful and toxic compounds than adults. This is why it is so often necessary to give Polysorb to children. The instructions for use even have a special section with detailed dosages for different ages.

You will learn:

When to give sorbent to a child?

The need to use sorbents is most often associated with food poisoning, and this is an absolutely correct approach. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea are direct indications for the use of Polysorb. However, it is worth considering that poisoning children's body Not only food products can: Most bacteria and viruses that cause colds are quite toxic. An adult feels their influence as a characteristic ache in the muscles and joints, and for children under one year old such poisoning can be fatal. Polysorb for children in such a situation is practically the only way to get rid of nausea and weakness.

Polysorb can be given to a child at a fever to reduce the negative effects of heat on the body. If we're talking about about ARVI, sore throat, pyelonephritis, bronchitis and any infectious diseases, the sorbent will be needed after acute phase- until complete recovery.

Allergic reactions, dermatitis and eczema are very painful for a child, and occur in many children. Polysorb for children in this situation becomes a real salvation: it binds allergens and toxins, facilitates the functioning of the liver, and most importantly, does not harm the baby’s health. Removing dangerous compounds from the body of an allergic person may take some time, and it is reasonable to give Polysorb in a course lasting 1 month or longer. This is especially true for seasonal reactions.

How to give Polysorb correctly?

Since Polysorb is non-toxic and does not contain auxiliary compounds, its overdose does not have too much effect on the child’s body. However, we should not forget that even the highest quality sorbent can capture and remove not only toxins, but also vitamins, beneficial compounds, and microelements. That is why instructions have been developed on how to take Polysorb, and in it you can find children’s and adult dosage, converted into grams, as well as teaspoons and tablespoons for convenience.

The instructions also provide answers to the most common questions, for example, at what age and how many times a day to give the drug, how to dilute it, whether Polysorb can be given to children in milk or added to infant formula, whether it is worth forcing a child to take the medicine and how to do it correctly persuade the child to drink the unpleasant suspension.

The brevity of the instructions, unfortunately, limits the amount of information, but we can consider all the issues in more detail. So, at what age should the drug be given and what is the dosage for children?

Polysorb for children under one year old

Polysorb is well tolerated and is approved for use by pregnant women and during lactation. Moreover, due to the absence of dyes and flavors, it is the safest for the treatment of asthmatics, children with liver and kidney diseases. The porous structure of silicon dioxide allows the most gentle binding of gases and toxins, without leading to constipation and even stimulating peristalsis in some cases.

The dose of Polysorb for children is calculated based on weight and ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 teaspoons per day.

There is absolutely no need to give such a volume of the drug once; it is optimal to divide the dose into 3-4 parts and drink the diluted powder in the morning, at lunch, at 6-7 pm and immediately at night. If we are talking about allergies, then the duration of use will be 14 days, and a single dose will be equal to approximately ¼ teaspoon per third glass of water or juice.

In case of one-time poisoning, the child is given a solution of 2 tablespoons of the drug in a full glass of water to drink. This will stop vomiting in 1-4 minutes and quickly absorb toxins. The second, third and subsequent receptions must be calculated based on their body weight.

Children 1-3 years old and older

Weight up to 10 kg is usually found in babies under one year old. Accordingly, the amount of sorbent for this age is minimal. Children weighing from 11 to 20-22 kg will need a larger daily amount of sorbent; only the dose for poisoning remains unchanged, which is important to give immediately. Treatment for viral infections, allergies and chronic diseases will require about 2 heaped teaspoons per day. The drug should be diluted separately for each dose.

The problem for 2-3 year old children in this case is not the doses, but the whims. It is difficult to force a three-year-old to drink a rather strange suspension, and the child does not yet understand the word “must”.

Jelly, juices with pulp and tender soufflés washed down with plenty of water come to the rescue. Reviews show that every child has a favorite dish that can be “seasoned” with Polysorb. It is even possible to use broths - if you dilute the drug in a liquid puree soup, the sorbent will be more pleasant and easier to drink.

Older children, weighing from 21 to 30 kg, can be shown a trick with insoluble “sugar” and add Polysorb to the compote. Nutrition at this age is already very varied, and the possibility of exchange arises: drink a tasteless sorbent in exchange for your favorite fruit. The dosage at one time will be about 60 ml, that is, about a heaping teaspoon per half glass of water.

Senior preschoolers and junior schoolchildren with a weight of 31 to 40 kg, about 75-100 ml of Polysorb are obtained at one time. The permitted options with juices are gradually being replaced by a more correct one - with water. Teenagers up to 60 kg already receive a level tablespoon, and those who have crossed the 60 kg mark are calculated as a single dose as a heaped tablespoon. If Polysorb is prescribed for cleansing, as a concomitant drug during long-term therapy or for intestinal infections, the doses calculated by the pediatrician should be considered priority. The instructions describe the basic treatment plan and the most average dosages.

Polysorb against intoxication

The variety of indications for the use of Polysorb in children may raise doubts in a hyper-responsible mother, however, if we summarize all the reasons for taking the sorbent, it turns out that the drug solves one problem: it fights intoxication.

It makes sense that the symptoms caused by bacteria and viruses are very different from those of food poisoning, since the toxic compounds are completely different and have different effects on a child's well-being. However, despite these differences, they remain toxins and have a similar structure. Which, in turn, is perfectly absorbed into the grains of silicon dioxide.

The mechanism of operation of the sorbent is the same with both liquid and gaseous poisons that enter the digestive tract or arise there during the life of pathogenic microorganisms. Such versatility allows the use of a drug approved from birth for the most various diseases.

Removing toxins and poisons allows the body to release strength to resist the disease, instead of expending energy to neutralize the poisoning. For a child, such savings are even more important than for an adult and allow them to overcome colds, allergies, rotaviruses and exacerbations of chronic diseases with minimal losses.

Polysorb – safe, highly effective pharmacological agent, belonging to the group of multifunctional inorganic sorbents, among which it is one of the leading drugs that absorb the maximum amount of toxic substances per unit mass. The instructions inform you on how to take Polysorb for relief different types intoxications in gastroenterological and dermatological diseases, renal and hepatic disorders, gynecological pathologies, purulent processes.

The adsorbent is produced in the form of a fine, odorless, white and very light powder. When mixed with water, it forms a colloidal medicinal suspension.

The therapeutic basis of the drug is silicon dioxide. You can purchase the medication in sachets containing 3 grams of the medicinal component, in plastic jars of 50, 12, 25 grams. Packages of 10 pieces are placed in a paper pack. Any form of pharmaceutical product must be accompanied by medical instructions.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

Enterosorbent has a cleansing, antiallergic, antimicrobial effect and eliminates the consequences of the activity of toxic substances (detoxification effect).

The drug captures and absorbs in the gastrointestinal tract substances that destroy the body of various origins, penetrating from the outside, seeping into the intestines from the lymph and blood, and secreted with digestive juices.

Silicon dioxide binds and holds molecules of different sizes and masses, excreting along with feces:

  • poisons formed during putrefactive processes in the digestive organs;
  • toxic biochemical compounds that get inside with food, water, air;
  • cells of harmful bacteria and the poisons they secrete;
  • excessive amounts of active medicinal substances, including those that accumulate in the blood and tissues;
  • toxic intermediate compounds formed during metabolic processes (excess bilirubin, indole, cholesterol, skatole, urea);
  • substances recognized by the immune system as genetically foreign;
  • radioactive isotopes, ethanol, heavy metal compounds.

Polysorb shows a pronounced effect of absorbing toxic substances and high sorption capacity, which is an indicator of the activity of the adsorbent. Polysorb has the second highest value, equal to 300 mg/g. For comparison, the highest indicator is 600 mg/g for Atoxil, 100 mg/g for Enterosgel, Smecta, 18 mg/g for Polyphepan.

Additional benefits:

  • stabilizes mast cell membranes, preventing and suppressing the development of an allergic-inflammatory reaction;
  • prevents necrosis of soft tissues during purulent processes, promotes the rejection of dead cells, removes poisons from tissue decay in the lesion, and has a healing effect;
  • neutralizes the harmful effects of oxidants;
  • preserves an array of microorganisms of normal intestinal flora;
  • influences immunological indicators, restoring the functions of the defenses;
  • does not interfere with parietal intestinal digestion;
  • does not damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, does not irritate the large intestine;
  • does not enter into a chemical reaction with toxic substances;
  • does not cause dehydration (dehydration);
  • does not lead to changes in blood parameters;
  • does not contain sugar, preservative or coloring elements, biochemical additives, does not change the acid-base environment.

Polysorb is not processed by enzymes, is not absorbed into the blood and is quickly removed from the body during bowel movements.

Why is the drug prescribed?

The advantage of the pharmaceutical drug is the ability to use it in the treatment of infants, nursing mothers, and pregnant patients.

Polysorb adsorbent (either as a single drug or as one of a group of medications) is required for the treatment of such pathological conditions as:

  • acute and chronic intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, colitis, enterocolitis);
  • acute poisoning with foods (including mushrooms), poisons (arsenic), potent pharmaceuticals (opiates, cardiac glycosides, alkaloids, barbiturates);
  • influenza, ARVI (to remove viral and bacterial toxins);
  • intoxication with chemical phosphorus and organochlorine compounds - pesticides, karbofos, hexochlorane;
  • allergic reactions to pollen, food, insect bites;
  • poisoning with drugs, alcohol - the medicine has been proven to alleviate withdrawal symptoms;
  • status asthmaticus;
  • frequent loose stool non-infectious nature;
  • poisoning of the body with toxins due to deep burns, purulent processes (phlegmon, abscess mastitis), blood poisoning;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • chronic hepatitis (including bacterial, toxic and viral), hepatocholecystitis, liver cirrhosis, excess bilirubin in the blood;
  • uremia (poisoning by decay products that remain in the blood), increased levels of nitrogenous substances in the blood when renal pathologies and poisoning;

In addition, Polysorb is actively used for diseases such as:

  • eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, soft tissues (externally);
  • bacterial lesions in gynecology - colpitis, cervicitis, vaginosis, candidiasis;
  • violations fat metabolism(atherosclerosis, obesity, abnormally high concentrations of lipids and lipoproteins).

It is advisable to periodically take the pharmaceutical product in standard dosages for those who work in hazardous industries or live in environmentally unfavorable areas.

Instructions for use of Polysorb for adults and children

Reception specifics:

  1. A full teaspoon of sorbent contains approximately 1 g of substance; a full tablespoon contains 3 g.
  2. To take the medication, you need to prepare an aqueous suspension, for which the required amount of adsorbent is poured into ¼-½ cup of boiled water.
  3. Standard water solution drink 45-60 minutes before or after a meal (about an hour), but if you are allergic to any food - immediately before a meal or with food.
  4. It is allowed to mix the sorbent with breast milk, formula, compote, filtered juice, mineral water, tea.
  5. During Polysorb therapy, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, which enhances and accelerates the process of eliminating poisons.

The duration of therapy is determined by the diagnosis and the degree of pathological manifestations.

Average dosages

The standard daily dosage of the drug for patients over 16 years of age is calculated taking into account the norm of 100–200 mg per 1 kilogram of weight, which is equal to approximately 6–12 grams of silicon dioxide. The maximum norm is 330 mg per 1 kg. The calculated amount is divided into 3-4 doses per day.

The maximum amount of silicon dioxide that a patient can receive in 24 hours is 20 grams, in very severe cases 24 grams.

The daily amount of medication for young patients is also calculated according to the child’s weight. In moderate to mild cases of the disease daily norm per kilogram of weight is 100 mg, for serious lesions - 150–200 mg. The calculated amount of powder is taken 3-4 times.

Example: a child weighing 30 kg can receive 3 grams (100 mg x 30) of Polysorb per day (about 3 spoons); if the condition is severe, the dose is increased by 6 teaspoons.

Average pediatric dosages

Child's weight, kgApproximate dose per day in grams
to 100,5 – 1,5
11 – 15 1 – 2
15 – 20 1,5 – 2,5
21 – 30 2,5 – 3,5
30 – 40 3,5 – 5
40 – 50 5 – 8
50 – 60 6 – 12

Features of treatment

Different diseases have their own characteristics of administration:

  1. In case of food poisoning, medications, poisons, or intestinal infections, start drinking Polysorb immediately. The medicinal mixture is drunk every hour for the first 5-6 hours at the rate of the highest daily dose according to the norm - 200-330 mg per kg of weight. For example, a patient weighing 70 kilograms per day needs to drink from 14 to 23 grams (70*200 or 70*330), which is determined by the severity of the manifestations. First, drink a suspension with 1–3 teaspoons of sorbent every hour. Then the remaining amount is divided 3-4 times. In the following days, the daily dose is reduced to the norm of 100–150 mg/kg (as required) with a dosage frequency of 4 times. If the condition is severe, in the first 24 hours, after an additional 4–6 hours, wash the stomach with an aqueous mixture at the rate of 2–4 tablespoons per liter of boiled water using a probe, while simultaneously giving the remedy orally. Treatment usually lasts up to 5 days with continuation, if necessary, for several more days.
  2. At severe forms diarrhea on 1 day, drink 3-4 g of powder up to 4 times a day, gradually reducing the dose. Within combination therapy for liver inflammation, the suspension is taken in an average daily dose in the first 7–12 days of illness.
  3. Acute allergic conditions, including Quincke's edema, require 3-4 single doses of 2-3 teaspoons of pharmaceutical preparation before the onset of therapeutic effect. At the same time, the intestines are washed, immediately doing an enema from the solution - 10 grams of powder per liter of boiled warm water, so that the sorbent binds and removes as many allergens as possible.
  4. Polysorb for allergies chronic form(atopic dermatitis, urticaria, food reactions, hay fever, status asthmaticus, increased levels of eosinophils in the blood), drink in standard doses for up to 7-14 days with repeated treatment after 2 weeks.
  5. In case of kidney failure, poisoning due to uremia, Polysorb is prescribed for a course of 20–30 days in standard average doses. After a 2-3 week break, use of the drug is repeated.
  6. To relieve a severe hangover for 3–5 days, drink 4–5 tablespoons of the medicine per day. In the first 12–18 hours, the daily amount of sorbent is divided so that the suspension is drunk every hour.
  7. For acne, psoriasis, eczema, dermatoses, the medicine is taken three times, 1-2 teaspoons for 14-20 days. Patients with high cholesterol are recommended to drink 2 g 3 times a day for 2 months.

How to correctly take Polysorb to cleanse the body? To neutralize allergens, remove bacterial poisons, protein breakdown products, toxic substances and completely carry out complete detoxification, you need a 2-week course of 3 tablespoons of enterosorbent mixed with the required amount of clean water.

Local application

Externally, an enterosorbing agent is used in combination treatment ulcers, small purulent wounds, burns to prevent necrosis. The average time for cleansing lesions from pus, microbial masses and dead tissue occurs 2–3 days earlier.

To improve the condition trophic ulcers After initial treatment of the lesion with a solution of chlorhexidine and drying, the ulcer is thickly sprinkled with Polysorb powder, applying a sterile breathable bandage. The procedure is carried out twice a day.

Purulent wounds are sprinkled with powder and a bandage slightly moistened in sterile water is applied on top, changing it after 3-4 hours.

For washing purulent foci, use 1–3% medicinal solution Polysorb, which is obtained by diluting 3-4 (for 1%) or 9-10 (for 3%) tablespoons of powder in a liter of sterile water. The affected areas are washed 5–6 times a day.

In order to get rid of purulent acne, acne, the sorbent is diluted to the thickness of sour cream, applied to painful areas for 10 minutes, without affecting the area around the eyes. After rinsing, treat the skin well with cream taking into account your skin type. Treatment is carried out 1–2 times a week, for dry irritated skin – once every 14–20 days.

During pregnancy and lactation

An enterosorbent agent is successfully used in normal dosages when awaiting childbirth, during breastfeeding, since silicon dioxide is not dangerous to the fetus or baby and does not affect the course of pregnancy.

Drug interactions

Polysobr slightly reduces therapeutic effect concomitantly taken pharmaceuticals. Therefore, it is desirable that the interval between taking the adsorbent and medications is 2 hours.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

The medication is not allowed to be used:

  • with bleeding and exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • if obstruction or arrest of intestinal motility is diagnosed;
  • externally - for clean, healing wounds;
  • with a special reaction to silicon dioxide.

Among the undesirable manifestations are possible:

  • constipation, burning in the epigastric region;
  • with long-term (more than 2-week) treatment, there is a deficiency of vitamins and calcium, so it is advisable to take for prevention vitamin complexes, dietary supplements, products with calcium and interrupt the course after 12–15 days of use;
  • when applied topically to ulcers and wounds in a thick layer, a crust forms, impeding air access to the lesion, so the dressings should be changed more often.
    There is no information about drug overdose.

Analogues of the drug Polisorb

Synonyms of Polysorb, that is, medicinal sorbents with the same active ingredient, have not been created.

Analogues - Enterosgel, Microcel, Lactofiltrum, Filtrum-sti, Enterodes, activated black or white carbon, Smecta, Polyphepan, neosmectin, Diosmectite. Your doctor will help you choose the most effective remedy.

Polysorb is a sorbent, the main property of which is the neutralization of toxic compounds in the intestines. Such compounds are formed as a result of intoxication, intolerance to certain foods and dysbacteriosis with indigestion. Like a sponge, sorbents absorb toxins and remove them from the body naturally. For different age groups There are specific features of using Polysorb. In particular, you need to follow a certain dosage regimen and dosage in children.

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    Properties of the drug

    Polysorb is an effective sorbent with antacid properties. When passing through the digestive system, the drug not only binds toxic substances, but also protects the mucous membranes of the stomach from the aggressive effects of allergens and toxins.

    The drug is able to bind and remove substances and compounds such as:

    • bacteria, fungi, viruses;
    • waste products of pathogenic microflora;
    • food allergens;
    • foreign antigens;
    • medications;
    • salts of heavy metals;
    • radionuclides;
    • alcohol and its products in the body;
    • bilirubin;
    • urea;
    • fat complexes.

    The product has a large sorption capacity. This means that it binds more toxins than other sorbents, for example Atoxil, Liferan, activated carbon.

    Polysorb - instructions for use of the drug

    Release form and composition

    The medicine is available in powder form for preparing a solution. The powder is sold in plastic jars of 50, 25 and 12 g and polymer bags of 3 g - this is a one-time dosage.

    The active ingredient of Polysorb is colloidal silicon dioxide. Besides it, the composition does not contain any compounds. The powder is white; when diluted in water, a colloidal solution resembling white flakes is formed.

    Indications for use

    Use Polysorb in childhood recommended for the treatment of the following conditions:

    • chronic and acute intoxication;
    • intestinal infection;
    • food poisoning;
    • intestinal dysbiosis;
    • indigestion;
    • acute drug poisoning;
    • all types of allergies, including food allergies;
    • increased levels of bilirubin and urea in the body against the background of kidney and liver diseases.

    In the instructions for use, the manufacturer also recommends taking Polysorb for influenza, respiratory viral infections, and colds. This measure allows you to avoid the negative impact of the pathogen on gastrointestinal tract

    , and also protect it from the aggressive effects of antibiotics.

    Dosage regimen in childhood

    Polysorb can be given even to newborns. Most often, it is prescribed to infants for intestinal infections, dysbiosis, rashes and poisoning, which manifests itself in nausea and vomiting, and stool disturbances.

    The drug should be diluted according to the dosages given below. The drug is diluted in half or a quarter glass of water, not stored, but given to the child to drink immediately.

    Polysorb should be given to the child an hour before meals or an hour and a half after meals.

    You must also maintain an hourly interval when using any other medications, otherwise Polysorb will simply adsorb the medication and not allow it to work. One heaped teaspoon contains one gram of powder.

    The dosage should be calculated based on the child’s body weight. To calculate, you need to divide the child's weight by ten. The resulting figure is the maximum single dosage. It is given to the baby three times a day.

    Calculation of dosage for a child

    The concentration of the ready-to-use drug depends on the amount of powder and the volume of water used for its preparation. For ease of calculation, the following table is provided:

    The regimen for children under 3 years of age is as follows: a single dosage is given five times during the day with an interval of 1 hour. Starting from the second day - 3-4 times a day.

    If Polysorb is used to eliminate food allergies, it should be taken immediately before meals or immediately after meals. The prepared solution cannot be stored in the refrigerator or any other place.

    Duration of treatment

    Therapy for allergic diseases, such as dermatitis, as well as chronic intoxication due to hepatitis and renal failure lasts for two weeks. Between courses they take a break of two weeks.


    In infants

    For children under one year of age, Polysorb is indicated to eliminate skin reaction for feeding - when adding new products to the child’s diet, mothers notice redness and peeling of the skin - a reaction reminiscent of an allergic one. This reaction is called diathesis. Polysorb will also be effective for digestive disorders if any of the products are not suitable for the child.

    For infants, you can dilute Polysorb in expressed milk right before use. Older children are allowed to dilute the drug in compote or mineral water without gas.

    A consultation with a pediatrician or neonatologist is first required if symptoms of the disorder are noticed in a newborn child.

    The use of the drug is not advisable on an ongoing basis, but only in cases where symptoms of allergy, disorder, or intoxication are noticed. For example: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, bloating, restlessness and bad dream The child has.

    For viral hepatitis

    Polysorb is used as part of complex therapy viral hepatitis in children. It reduces the duration of intoxication by a week, and icteric period- for two weeks. You need to start using the drug from the very first day of the disease, when symptoms appear.

    The time spent in hospital with viral hepatitis is reduced on average by a week if the sorbent is taken from the first day. The duration of treatment with sorbent lasts up to ten days.

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Medicine Polysorb MP(hereinafter Polysorb) is a universal active sorbent. Polysorb perfectly binds various toxic substances and microorganisms when passing through organs digestive system(stomach and intestines). This sorbent is universal because it is capable of binding and removing metabolic products, microbial toxins, food allergens, drugs, poisons, etc. from the human body.

To date drug Polysorb is produced under the official name "Polysorb MP", but the letters "MP" are often omitted for ease of pronunciation. Therefore, Polysorb and Polysorb MP are the same drug, which should be distinguished from Polysorb VP, which is a variant of the drug for use in veterinary medicine.

Polysorb has a huge sorption capacity, thanks to which it is able to bind three times more toxins compared to aluminum-magnesium silicates (Smecta), methylsilicic acids (Enterosgel, Sorbolong, Atoxil), lignins (Polyphepan, Lignosorb, Liferan) and activated carbon. Therefore, the scope of application of Polysorb is very wide. Since it perfectly relieves intoxication of any origin, it can be used as part of complex therapy for almost any pathology, including flu, colds, dermatoses, allergies, infections, etc.

Release forms, composition and dosages

To date, Polysorb is available in only one dosage formpowder for the preparation of suspension for oral administration . For ease of use, the powder is sold in plastic jars of 12, 25 and 50 g and in two-layer plastic bags of 3 g (single dosage for an adult). These packaging dosage options allow you to purchase the optimal amount of the drug.

Polysorb contains colloidal silicon dioxide as an active (actually sorbing) chemical substance. It does not contain any other components. Externally, Polysorb has the appearance of a powder colored White color with a slight bluish tint. There is no smell. When Polysorb is stirred in water, a white suspension forms.

Therapeutic effects and action

Polysorb is a sorbent of inorganic origin. According to its properties, the drug is not selective, that is, it is capable of sorbing various classes of substances. Due to its nonspecific activity, as well as high sorption capacity, Polysorb has the following main therapeutic effects:
1. Sorption action.
2. Detoxifying effect.

The actual detoxifying effect of Polysorb is due to its ability to bind a variety of substances, including toxins, and remove them out. That is, the basis of detoxification with the help of Polysorb is its sorption effect.

What is Polysorb capable of binding? The sorbent binds and removes chemical substances with toxic properties that came from the outside (exogenous) and formed in the body itself (endogenous). The drug is able to effectively bind and remove the following toxins:

  • pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi);
  • toxins released by pathogenic microorganisms;
  • foreign antigens;
  • food allergens;
  • medicines;
  • salts of heavy metals;
  • radionuclides;
  • alcohol and its breakdown products.
In addition to the toxic substances listed above, Polysorb perfectly binds metabolic products formed in the human body itself. Often, an excess of these metabolic products leads to the development of unpleasant symptoms of intoxication and various diseases. So, Polysorb is capable of removing the following endogenous substances, which are metabolic products:
  • bilirubin;
  • cholesterol;
  • lipid complexes;
  • biological substances that cause the development of endotoxemia.
The versatility of its binding ability allows Polysorb to be used to eliminate intoxication of almost any origin - from poisoning to severe pathologies. This sorbent is an excellent remedy that is included in the complex therapy of a huge number of diseases in Europe and the USA. The use of Polysorb can significantly reduce the amount and volume medicines necessary for high-quality therapy of many diseases.

Developed countries consider it necessary to use Polysorb even for common flu or colds, since the drug effectively binds toxins and relieves painful symptoms of intoxication (muscle pain, weakness, apathy, dizziness, etc.). The experience of French doctors has shown that the use of Polysorb in the treatment of colds, flu and acute respiratory viral infections reduces body temperature without taking antipyretic drugs, improves the subjective state, and also shortens the time required for recovery.

Indications for use

According to Russian standards and treatment protocols, indications for the use of Polysorb are the following conditions:
  • Any acute or chronic intoxication of adults or children, regardless of its cause.
  • Acute intestinal infections caused by various microorganisms.
  • Food poisoning, which is colloquially called “you ate something wrong.”
  • Purulent and inflammatory diseases that cause severe intoxication (for example, adnexitis, appendicitis, purulent wound, burn, etc.).
  • Acute poisoning with poisons and potent substances (for example, medicines, alcohol, salts of heavy metals, alkaloids, etc.).
  • Food allergies.
  • All types of allergies, including hay fever.
  • Increased concentration of bilirubin due to viral hepatitis or jaundice caused by other causes.
  • Increased concentration of nitrogenous products (urea, creatinine, uric acid) in chronic renal failure.
  • Prevention of poisoning in people working in hazardous industries or living in areas with poor environmental conditions.
In developed countries, it is also common to use Polysorb for influenza, colds or ARVI, both in adults and children. The sorbent is also successfully used in the complex therapy of various dermatoses, such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, etc.

In principle, you can simply remember that Polysorb is suitable for relieving intoxication of any origin, so it can be taken for various diseases, poisoning, and allergies.

Polysorb (Polysorb MP) - instructions for use

Polysorb is taken orally exclusively in the form of an aqueous suspension. To prepare it, stir the required amount of powder into 50–100 ml (1/4–1/2 cup) of water and drink quickly.

Adults take Polysorb in the amount of 100–200 mg per 1 kg of weight, which is from 6 to 12 g of powder, which is mixed in water. Adults can take the drug in a maximum daily dosage of no more than 20 g. Having calculated the daily amount of sorbent, this dosage is divided into 3 to 4 doses per day. To make it convenient to calculate the dosage, you need to know that a full teaspoon (“heaped”) of powder contains 1 g of the substance, and a heaped tablespoon contains 2.5–3 g. When scooping the powder into a spoon from a jar, you must do this carefully, so as not to form a cloud of dust from Polysorb.

Polysorb is always taken one hour before meals or other medications, or one and a half hours after. However, if the sorbent is taken to relieve food allergies, then it must be taken immediately before or during meals. Do not prepare a large volume of suspension and store it in the refrigerator until next appointment. It is always best to prepare the suspension immediately before use.

The duration of the course of use of Polysorb is determined by the severity of the pathology and the speed of normalization of the person’s condition. For example, for treatment acute intoxications(alcohol, food poisoning, flu, etc.) it is quite enough to take the sorbent for 3 to 5 days. But for the treatment of allergic pathologies (for example, dermatitis, etc.) or chronic intoxications (for example, chronic renal failure, hepatitis, etc.), it is necessary to conduct courses lasting 10 - 14 days. Moreover, such courses must be repeated every 2–3 weeks. A break between courses of sorbent use of less than 2 weeks cannot be taken.

Let's consider the rules for using Polysorb for the treatment of various diseases.

Acute poisoning or food infection (“ate something wrong”)

First of all, it is necessary to remove the maximum amount of toxins and poisons that have entered the body. To do this, it is necessary to lavage the stomach with a Polysorb suspension at a concentration of 1–2% (1–2 g of powder per 100 ml of water). After gastric lavage, another 6 g of Polysorb is given orally after 3–4 hours. The remaining 6 g of powder is divided into several doses so that for the entire time remaining in the current day, the person receives the sorbent every 1 - 1.5 hours. Polysorb should be taken with water, tea or Regidron to replenish fluid lost as a result of diarrhea.

If poisoning or food infection is severe, then gastric lavage is repeated at intervals of 4 to 6 hours, continuing the manipulation until the person’s condition begins to improve. Along with gastric lavage, Polysorb is given orally at a dose of 2–3 g, 2–3 times a day.

On the second day after the start of treatment for poisoning or food infection, Polysorb is taken 4 times a day, 3 g. Then, depending on the person’s condition, the sorbent is canceled or the course of use is extended for another 3 to 5 days.

Acute intestinal infections

On the first day of treatment for an acute intestinal infection, Polysorb is taken 2.5-3 g (a heaping tablespoon) every hour. In total, you need to take five such doses of 2.5-3 g (heaped tablespoon). On the second day of treatment, the drug is given 3 g 4 times a day. If after two days of therapy the person’s condition has returned to normal, then Polysorb can be discontinued. If the intoxication is not completely removed, then the course of use of the sorbent is continued for another 2–3 days.

Viral hepatitis

Polysorb as part of complex therapy for viral hepatitis can reduce the duration of intoxication by 6 days, and reduce the icteric period by 12 days. Accordingly, the length of hospital stay is reduced by approximately 1 week. Polysorb is used at the very beginning of the disease for 7–10 days, 4 g 3 times a day.

Acute allergies

Drug or food allergies should be treated by washing the stomach and intestines with a 1% suspension of Polysorb. To prepare it, take 10 g of powder per 1 liter of water. The intestines are washed with an enema with a Polysorb suspension. After this procedure, it is recommended to take the sorbent for 3-5 days, 2.5-3 g (heaped tablespoon) 3-4 times a day.

Chronic food allergy

Chronic food allergies require the use of Polysorb in courses lasting 7 - 14 days, 2.5-3 g (heaped tablespoon) 3 - 4 times a day. In this case, the suspension is drunk immediately before meals. Exactly the same courses are used in the complex treatment of urticaria, Quincke's edema, eosinophilia, hay fever, atopic dermatitis and other diseases of an allergic nature.

Chronic renal failure

To relieve intoxication caused by high concentrations of nitrogenous products (urea, creatinine, uric acid), Polysorb is used in long courses of 25–30 days, during which 3 g are taken 3–4 times a day. For renal failure, these courses are repeated every 2 to 3 weeks.

Alcoholism and drug addiction

Polysorb for alcoholism is used to relieve alcohol withdrawal (when leaving a binge). In this case, the powder is taken 4 g 3 times a day, for 5 – 10 days.


Treatment of developed atherosclerosis consists of a course of Polysorb 1.5 - 2.5 g 3 times a day for 1 - 1.5 months. Such courses of treatment are carried out continuously, maintaining an interval of 1 month between them.

Prevention of the development of atherosclerosis consists of using Polysorb 1.5 - 2 g 3 times a day for 1 month. These preventive courses are repeated with an interval of at least 1 month between them. It is especially important to conduct regular preventative courses for people who have high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Flu, ARVI, colds

Polysorb is used to treat these diseases in Europe and the USA. The fact is that toxic substances resulting from the flow of pathological process, are partially excreted into the intestinal lumen. When these toxins are bound by a sorbent, they cannot be absorbed back into the blood, thereby significantly reducing the burden on immune system. In principle, the removal and binding of toxins by Polysorb is so effective that some people do not even have to use an antipyretic for a cold, since the temperature normalizes on its own. So, Polysorb for the treatment of influenza, colds and acute respiratory viral infections is taken 2.5-3 g (a heaping tablespoon) 3 times a day, for 7 - 10 days. Moreover, for complex therapy of these diseases, it is best to use Polysorb, and not another sorbent, since it binds much more toxins (many times).

Purulent wounds, burns and ulcers

To treat these conditions, Polysorb is used externally to cleanse the wound and accelerate the healing process and restore tissue structure. To do this, during the presence of purulent and necrotic masses, Polysorb powder is poured into the wound, a sterile bandage is applied on top and it is lightly moistened with water. After 3–4 hours, the bandage is changed. Such dressings are applied until the wound is completely cleared of purulent and necrotic masses. After which you can apply bandages to the wound with Methyluracil or Levomekol ointment, which accelerate healing.

The use of Polysorb in long courses, that is, longer than 14 days, can lead to a deficiency of calcium and some vitamins, since the process of their absorption into the blood from the intestinal lumen is disrupted. In this case, it is necessary to take prophylactic multivitamin preparations and calcium or take a break between courses of up to 14 days of taking Polysorb MP for at least 2-3 weeks.

Polysorb for children - instructions for use

Polysorb can be given to children from birth. In most cases, the drug is used to treat various poisonings, food and intestinal infections, diathesis or allergy-like rashes, intestinal dysbiosis, which children suffer from very often. That is why we will consider in detail how to properly use Polysorb at home to treat these conditions in children.

When signs of intoxication develop (headache, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, etc.), the required amount of the drug is shaken in water (half or a quarter of a glass), and the child is given a fresh suspension to drink. Polysorb is given 1 hour before meals or other medications, or 1.5 hours after. For ease of dosing of the drug, the following ratios can be used:

  • 1 heaped teaspoon contains 1 g of powder;
  • 1 heaped tablespoon contains 2.5 – 3 g of powder.
The dosage of Polysorb for children is calculated individually based on body weight. A simple formula is used for this: divide the child's weight by 10 . The resulting figure will show the maximum permissible single dose of Polysorb. A single dose for a child can be used 3 to 4 times a day.

Table for calculating the daily dose of Polysorb MP depending on the patient’s body weight

Typically, children are given Polysorb according to the following scheme. A single dosage is given 5 times every hour, from the second and subsequent days - a single dosage is given 3-4 times a day.

Polysorb for infants

Polysorb for infants is mainly used for the treatment and prevention of diathesis, as well as to eliminate digestive disorders. The drug should be used only occasionally, that is, when problems occur. Polysorb MP binds predominantly harmful bacteria. This is due to the fact that the normal flora is “stronger” fixed between the intestinal villi. And pathogenic flora, especially when it multiplies abundantly, is located mainly in the intestinal lumen.

Polysorb is used from birth. For infants, it can be diluted in expressed milk immediately before use. For older children, you can dilute the powder in juice without pulp or compote, or mineral water before use.

Some experts recommend Enterosgel for infants, which can be given from 1 month. Enterosgel is a selective sorbent, and it will not disturb the already unstable and weak microflora of the child’s intestines.

How to take during pregnancy

Pregnant women can use Polysorb freely, since the drug does not have a negative effect on the health of the expectant mother and child. Only when using the sorbent for more than 14 days should you take additional multivitamins and calcium (only after examining a doctor and assessing test results, the doctor should prescribe them), since the sorbent binds and removes these necessary elements. Pregnant women should not take Polysorb for long courses.

Situationally, that is, occasionally, pregnant women and nursing mothers can use Polysorb for the treatment of poisoning, food and intestinal infections, and allergic reactions. Dosages for pregnant women are exactly the same as for adults. That is, women should drink 2–4 g of powder 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals and taking other medications. The duration of therapy is determined by the rate of disappearance of intoxication symptoms. Usually, using Polysorb for 10 to 14 days is sufficient.

Separately, it is worth noting the possibility of using Polysorb by pregnant women for the treatment and prevention of gestosis and toxicosis. To treat gestosis and toxicosis, women take 3 g powder 3 times a day for 10 to 14 days. To prevent gestosis and toxicosis, you can take Polysorb 2.5 - 3 g, 3 times a day, for two weeks. Prevention of gestosis and toxicosis can be carried out periodically, taking a break between courses of treatment for at least 3 weeks. After treating gestosis or toxicosis, it is reasonable to take a preventive course of Polysorb after 3 weeks to prevent re-development data of pregnancy complications.

Polysorb for allergies

Polysorb can be used to quickly relieve an acute allergic reaction to something, or to treat diseases of an allergic nature (for example, atopic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis).

At home, to quickly relieve an acute allergic reaction, it is reasonable to prepare a Polysorb suspension in the following ratio: dissolve 10 g of powder in 1 liter of water. Then this suspension is administered into the intestines as an enema so that the sorbent binds the maximum amount of allergens and toxins and removes them from the body. After this, the drug is taken orally at 2.5 - 3 g 3 times a day until the symptoms of an allergic reaction go away. This usually happens within 5 – 10 days. Polysorb is effective in the treatment of the following acute allergic reactions:

  • hives;
  • rash.
Heavy chronic diseases allergic nature, such as bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema require the use of Polysorb in courses lasting 10 - 21 days. In this case, you need to take 2.5 - 3 g of powder 3 times a day. Such courses of treatment and prevention are carried out periodically, with intervals between them of 1 - 2 months. At the same time, according to studies conducted in the USA, the use of Polysorb as part of complex therapy led to full recovery 96% of patients with atopic dermatitis, and 74% of patients with psoriasis. In people who did not fully recover, the course of the disease became much milder. Thus, people's psoriatic rash disappeared and secondary plaques stopped appearing, and existing lesions decreased in size. Papules and plaques became paler.

Acne appears due to a number of factors, among which digestive disorders are of great importance. Poor nutrition, dysbiosis, the accumulation of toxins in the intestines contributes to the appearance of acne. Therefore, as effective remedy, which can cleanse the intestines and the entire digestive tract of toxins and prevent their further absorption into the blood, Polysorb sorbent is used.

To treat pimples and acne, Polysorb is taken in a course of 3 g for 2 to 3 weeks, 3 times a day. As a result of this course of therapy, the number of rashes is significantly reduced, their severity and the intensity of the inflammatory process are reduced. After the course, take a break for 1 week, and repeat it again. That is, to get a good effect, you need to take two courses lasting 2 - 3 weeks, with a break between them of 1 week.

Polysorb can be used to treat acne not only internally, but also externally, making face masks from it.

Polysorb face mask

At home, Polysorb powder can be used to prepare an excellent cleansing face mask. This mask can be used to treat acne in conjunction with oral sorbent.

Cleansing masks should be done 1-2 times a week for oily or combination skin, and 1 time every 10 days for dry and normal skin. Such masks can be made regularly, over a long period of time.

So, to prepare the mask, take 1 g of Polysorb powder and add a tablespoon of water. Mix everything thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous creamy mass. Apply the resulting mass in a thin, even layer to the skin of the face and neck, leaving the area around the mouth and eyes untouched. Leave the mask on for 15 – 30 minutes, then rinse gently warm water. After the Polysorb cleansing mask, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Such cleansing masks from Polysorb, when used regularly, contribute to the complete disappearance of acne and rashes, eliminating greasy shine and acquisition good color faces.

Polysorb for weight loss - how to drink

Polysorb can be used to remove toxins and normalize digestion during weight loss. However, it is worth remembering that Polysorb can only help you lose weight if you yourself make an effort to do so. The drug itself will not turn a fat woman into a thin woman. You should know that a course of using the sorbent with the same menu will allow you to remove several extra kilograms (from 2 to 5 kg) by cleansing the intestines and improving the digestion process. But in combination with a diet, Polysorb can greatly help the matter, since it will accelerate the removal of fat cell breakdown products and will not allow them to be absorbed back into the blood. Women note that a diet with Polysorb allows them to achieve 1.5 times better results compared to food restriction alone. That is, if, only by following a diet, you manage to lose 5 kg, then the combination of diet + Polysorb allows you to lose 7 - 8 kg.

With the aim of weight loss Polysorb should be taken for 10 - 14 days. To do this, two teaspoons of powder are diluted in half a glass of water and taken twice a day. To improve results, it is recommended to follow any suitable diet. Then you can take a break for 1 week and repeat the 10-day course of taking the drug without following a diet, which will consolidate the achieved effect and help remove an additional 1 to 3 kg of weight.

Contraindications and side effects

Polysorb is contraindicated for use in the presence of the following conditions:
1. Exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
2. Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.
3. Intestinal atony.
4. Intolerance to Polysorb caused by individual factors.

The sorbent rarely causes adverse reactions. Constipation may sometimes become worse in people who are prone to it. This can be avoided by drinking more fluid – up to 3 liters per day.

Using Polysorb for long periods can lead to a deficiency of vitamins and calcium in the body, since the sorbent will bind and remove these necessary and beneficial substances. Therefore, to prevent vitamin deficiency and calcium deficiency, you should take appropriate medications or dietary supplements.


Today, Polysorb has only analogues on the domestic market - that is, drugs that also belong to the class of sorbents, but contain a different active substance.

So, the following drugs are sorbent analogues of Polysorb:

  • Powder for preparing Diosmectite suspension;
  • Powder for preparing Microcel suspension;
  • Powder for preparing Neosmectin suspension;
  • Powder for preparing Smecta suspension;
  • Powder for preparing Enterodez solution;
  • Powder for preparing Enterosorb solution;
  • Powder for the preparation of Enterumin suspension;
  • Lactofiltrum tablets;
  • Polyphepan tablets;
  • Filtrum-STI tablets;
  • Entegnin tablets;
  • Suspension Neosmectin;
  • Granules, paste and powder for preparing Lignosorb suspension;
  • Powder, granules and paste for preparing Polyphepan suspension;
  • Paste and gel for preparing Enterosgel suspension;
  • Granules for preparing suspension Enterosorbent SUMS-1.