
Psychological counseling as a type of psychological assistance to business entities. Psychological support

Psychological assistance

Psychological assistance- region practical application psychology, focused on increasing the socio-psychological competence of people and providing psychological assistance, both as an individual and as a group or organization. This is direct work with people aimed at solving various types of problems. psychological problems associated with difficulties in interpersonal relationships, as well as deep-seated personal problems.

Types of psychological assistance

  • Psychoprophylaxis (prevention).
  • Psychological education (in counseling, in psychoprophylaxis - lectures, seminars).
  • Psychodiagnostics (identification of problems and other psychological indicators).
  • Psychological counseling (psychological assistance to people who are within the psychological norm in adaptation, development and expansion of personal potential).
  • Psychotherapy (aimed at solving deep-seated personal problems and profound transformation of personality), can be clinical and non-clinical.
  • Psychiatry ( medical appearance help, the use of medications, or humanistic psychiatry, which views a person not as a patient, but as a person with a different worldview, uses medications to a limited extent, and therefore follows the psychotherapeutic path).
  • Psychocorrection (restoration of the norm, both from the point of view emotional state, and in terms of personality traits).

The types of psychological assistance cannot be strictly separated. There are areas of overlap. The criterion is who provides assistance (difference in education), with whom the specialist works with a client or patient (the norm criterion is adaptation), what helps (use medicines, psychotherapeutic, counseling techniques)

Specifics of the object of psychological assistance

Voluntary consent, uniqueness, variability. Requirements for a psychologist providing psychological assistance are empathy, congruence, and communication.

Principles of psychological assistance (ethical)

As in many professions, in the work of a psychologist, when providing psychological assistance, there are some principles and requirements, the implementation of which is mandatory. The existence of different ethical codes for the activities of professional psychologists in different countries and psychological communities is due to the fact that there are no clear and simple answers to the ethical and moral problems that arise in psychological practice. These principles are necessary to ensure that the provision of psychological assistance is not only more effective and meaningful, but also socially acceptable. Numerous works on this topic discuss various difficult situations, in particular - how a consultant should behave if during a consultation he learns that his client is planning or has committed an antisocial act, if he sees signs of beatings or other violence on the child’s body, if parents want to find out something about their secretive child -teenager, as well as many others. In some countries, such as the USA, non-compliance professional principles and requirements, can lead to the deprivation of a psychologist’s diploma, rights to practice and offer his professional services, etc.

Among the most important ethical principles of psychological assistance (according to Yu. Aleshina), the following are traditionally distinguished:


  • Aleshina Yu. E. Individual and family psychological counseling. - 2nd ed. - M.: Independent company "Class", 2000. - 208 p. - (Library of psychology and psychotherapy).
  • Abramova G. S. Practical psychology. Textbook for high school. - Moscow: Academic project, 2005.

See also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Psychodermatology
  • Psychological typologies

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    psychological assistance- see psychological help. Brief psychological dictionary. Rostov-on-Don: “PHOENIX”. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 ... Great psychological encyclopedia

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Psychological support and care are the essence of strokes, without which we suffocate and get sick. The ladder shows what level of support we live on. Internal or external support no longer matters.

Types of psychological support.

Transactional psychologists following Eric Berne There are several types of psychological support or stroking that we give, receive, accept or reject throughout our lives.

I recently held the second webinar in the series, in which the participants and I discussed in detail the profile of strokes, how to work with it, and how to attract support into your life.

On it we looked at the types of support - these psychological strokes that people provide to themselves and each other.

STROKING is “psychological oxygen” that gives meaning and value to our lives.

There are 4 pairs of support types in total:


Positive strokes are those that cause pleasant, positive emotions.

Negative- on the contrary, they cause negative emotions in us.


Unconditional strokes are strokes for who we are. For example, “you are good”, “I am a cheerful person”.

Conditional strokes are strokes for what we do. For example, “You did a great job cleaning your room today.”


Domestic- the strokes we give to ourselves. For example, “I wrote a great article about stroking.”

Social- the strokes we give to others. For example, “It’s great that you subscribed to my newsletter.”


Physical- stroking, including physical contact. For example, pat yourself on the head right now.

Psychological - stroking, confirming my physical existence without physical contact. For example, praise or blame.

The ladder of stroking, which rung do you live on?

Depending on the types of strokes and their combinations, as well as according to the principle: “the higher, the more valuable the support is for psychological health” highlight a ladder of strokes, which reflects what field of strokes you are in now .

At what level of psychological support are you?

So, there are 5 levels of quality of recognition on the ladder of stroking. The higher, the more valuable it is for support and recognition.

1. No stroking- this is complete indifference. Complete absence support. I hope that you are not at this stage, since it is close to isolation, loneliness and rejection of you as an individual.

2. Negative unconditional- stroking for negative characteristics yourself. Example: "You are an unwanted child."

3. Negative conditionals- stroking for negative characteristics of what you do. Example: “You are often late for work.”

4. Positive conditionals- stroking for positive characteristics of what you do. Example: “You study hard.”

5. Positive unconditional- stroking for positive characteristics yourself. Example: "You are a good person."

Psychological Workshop

Undoubtedly, in the psychological maintenance of personal health, positive strokes (praise) are more important than negative ones (criticism), and unconditional ones are more valuable than conditional ones.

It is also important Who gives us support and recognition.

Answer the workshop questions sequentially in the comments:

What 2 steps were you on between the ages of 1 and 7 years? Give examples. Who exactly gave you these strokes then?

Which 2 steps of the Ladder did you live on during your adolescence and youth? Who exactly supported you and how, give examples.

Which 2 steps of the Stroking Ladder are you on now? Who are these people whose recognition you depend on?

From which step of the Ladder of Support do you stroke yours? What prevents you from climbing 1 or even 2 steps higher?

From what step do you stroke the people around you: children, parents, co-workers, friends and partners? How does the way you give support now relate to the kind of recognition you received as a child?

Share the Stroking Ladder with your friends!

Write in the comments , answers to questions from the Psychological Workshop and to the question: “How is the Ladder of Strokes in your life related to your feeling of happiness and well-being?”

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Stressful situations are a completely common and familiar phenomenon for humans. At work, management puts pressure on me, loading me with tons of tasks or forcing me to work overtime. Something is not going well in my studies; deadlines for coursework and essays are pressing. Disagreements or misunderstandings may arise in the family, the husband/wife or parents begin to sort things out, which invariably leads to conflict.

All these stresses and hassles are shaking nervous system human, resulting in the emergence of various complexes, psychological problems and pathologies. To prevent their development or correct already acquired deviations from the norm, there are many types of psychological assistance.

What does this kind of help look like?

Any external intervention in the human psyche is aimed at stabilizing his state of mind, at correcting possible behavioral disorders or to identify and subsequently eradicate personal problems.

Psychological assistance can be provided at a domestic or professional level, it all depends on the severity of the problem. If it’s troubles at work or, for example, a quarrel with friends, then even a simple layman who is not a specialist in psychology can help his neighbor by simply listening to him, showing sympathy and understanding. For a long time this function in the Middle Ages and in modern times, before psychology was formed as a science, it was performed by priests. The principle of confession allowed parishioners to perform psycho-emotional relief, stabilizing state of mind, providing some type of socio-psychological assistance.

In some cases, simple verbal support and sympathy are not enough. When a person is mentally ill, when there has been deformation and splitting of his personality, when he is no longer able to think adequately, psychiatry comes to the rescue, combining counseling and drug therapy.

Variety of psychological assistance

Depending on the tactics used during treatment and the severity of the situation, there are different types psychological assistance. One type can be applied to a patient in order to eliminate his speech and internal barriers, thereby helping him in to a greater extent Unleash your potential.

Another type is aimed at restoring the patient’s emotional balance, which has been disturbed, for example, due to nervous exhaustion. For different problem conditions and situations, the principle of individual meetings or group trainings can be used.

Why do you need help?

Most often, people turn to psychologists when something in their life stops going according to plan, when relationships with loved ones deteriorate, when problems arise with work. There are many reasons, but they all lead to one thing - an imbalance in mental balance.

If the picture is not clinical, then regular counseling is sufficient to achieve results. A positive result in this case is overcoming difficulties in communication, removing internal pressures that prevent one from engaging in fruitful work.

An improvement in the patient's condition is usually observed when he begins to understand that he will be listened to carefully and understood, and will also be able to help and relieve mental anxiety. Even then the person feels relief. However, one session is rarely enough; on average, counseling takes from 2 to 15 sessions, which should be conducted by a specialist qualified as a psychologist.

Diagnosis of the patient's condition

Before determining the methods by which treatment will be carried out, the specialist needs to understand the depth of the problem and, in general, whether it actually exists. At the end of the 19th century, for the first time, attempts were made to determine the state of mental functions by measuring the level of perception, reaction speed, and so on.

In the 1920s, a famous Swiss psychologist went further in diagnosing mental disorders, developing a special system of spots later named after him. These “blots” are still used by specialists in providing many types of psychological assistance, as they are in an effective way determine the personality characteristics of a particular patient.

For diagnosis, various tests and questionnaires are often used, which are completed by the patient under the supervision of a doctor, but without his direct participation. It is also impossible to find out the full picture of the disease without ordinary conversations and observations. They often provide the most valuable information, but it can take several months to collect.

Psychological counseling

In most cases, without suffering from serious disorders mental health, people still turn to psychologists for help, feeling internal discomfort. Psychological counseling as a type of psychological assistance, first of all, sets itself more important tasks than simply listening to the patient and the accompanying assent.

The main goal is to show a person in what course he can lead his life, to realize and, perhaps, rethink his intentions, attitude towards life, to highlight his goal and the meaning for which he lives. In this case, it is impossible to help with medications, so the psychologist must be not only a specialist in psychology, but also in philosophy and sociology.

Family counseling

Psychological counseling can work successfully not only within an individual, but also within an entire family. When disagreements arise between husband and wife that they cannot resolve, then psychology helps them. Couple counseling consists of 3 stages.

At the first session, the specialist gets acquainted with the content of the problem, collects general information, chooses the most preferable type of psychological assistance to the family. At the next stage, he listens to opinions about the problem and ways to solve it from both spouses, testing and solving projective tasks are carried out. The third stage is the most important and long, it can take several weeks depending on the depth of the problem. At this time, the psychologist tries to solve the problem using different approaches that require the participation of both spouses. His goal is at this stage- show the couple how important it is to hear each other and accept each other’s point of view loved one.

Psychotherapy. What's the point?

Psychotherapy is a systematic influence on the human psyche in order to eliminate it internal problems related to his attitude to society and to himself. The term “psychotherapy” was coined by the English physician Daniel Tuke back in the 19th century and denoted the influence of the soul on the body after influence from a doctor.

Now there is no clear definition of this term, but the task and means of this type of psychological assistance are clear: it is improving the patient’s quality of life by establishing deep and trusting relationships for further use therapeutic techniques, including medications. There is also clinical psychotherapy, which focuses on biological changes in the body and their impact on the human psyche.

Behavioral and cognitive therapy

One of the most popular branches of psychotherapy is behavioral, or, in other words, the purpose of this technique is to change deviant behavior to the level of the norm, as well as in the development of new individual models of behavior that are useful in everyday life and professional activities.

Behavioral therapy does an excellent job of releasing fears and phobias, so it can be considered as a type of psychological help for children. In the case of adult patients, very positive result from therapy is observed even with severe and long-term addiction: drugs, alcohol.

Cognitive therapy differs from behavioral therapy primarily in that it does not focus much on the patient’s behavior. Special attention given to his thoughts and feelings in order to direct them in a direction in which a person can think more realistically. This type of psychological assistance has been successfully used to treat patients with depression or clinical perfectionism. The direction of their thoughts (“I have no future” or “it’s all or nothing”) changes in a more positive and realistic direction.

General conclusion

The psyche is the most important and at the same time the most fragile complex of mental processes, without which human existence is impossible. Severe stress and anxiety due to problems in relationships with loved ones, friends, or an influx of difficulties at work can shake this complex.

If this happens, then there is no shame in seeking help from a specialist. Modern psychology and psychiatry offer a huge range of psychological approaches in treating patients, from simple calming conversations to complete change life course in a positive direction. What type of psychological help is suitable can only be decided by a professional psychologist, but you need to be sure that hopeless situations do not exist.

Sometimes, instead of unsuccessfully trying to cope with problems, it is better to turn to a qualified specialist for psychological help. Many of us associate psychological help with a couch and a psychotherapist from American films. In fact, there are different types of psychological assistance.

In general, the types of psychological assistance cannot be clearly differentiated, because in some cases they may overlap. But there is several criteria, which help to identify the main types of psychological assistance. These criteria include:

  • specialist providing assistance: works with people, mental state which does not go beyond the norm, he has a humanitarian education; a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist have a medical education, they work with people whose mental state is outside the normal range;
  • who the specialist works with: the client’s mental state does not go beyond the psychological norm, the patient’s does not;
  • methods of assistance used: psychotherapy, counseling, use of medications, etc.

All these criteria are interconnected: so, a psychologist works only with clients and medical supplies has no right to prescribe, since he does not have a medical education.

Let's take a closer look at the different types of psychological help. Let's start with psychoprophylaxis and psychological education. These types of psychological assistance, strictly speaking, are not aimed at helping as such, but at warning of situations in which this help may be needed.

Psychoprophylaxis- this is the prevention of psychosomatic and psychogenic diseases. Psychological education is closely related to psychoprophylaxis and psychological counseling. The goal of psychological education is to form in people a correct understanding of psychological assistance and the activities of psychologists.

It is no secret that many people do not want to go to a psychologist, believing that he only helps mentally ill people with serious problems. The task of psychological education is to break this stereotype, so that people are not afraid to ask for help and did not worsen their psychological problems.

The following types of psychological help vary depending on the severity of the psychological problems. So, psychological counseling- this is helping people who are within the psychological norm. In this case, the psychologist’s task is to help the client solve the problem (in this case, the psychologist is forbidden to give advice, he must push the client to self-acceptance decision, whatever it may be).

Psychotherapy aimed at solving more serious problems. It includes many areas, from hypnosis and psychodrama to art therapy and fairy tale therapy, which can be classified according to different signs. Psychiatry can be clinical or non-clinical.

The concept of “psychotherapy” is quite vague. Thus, according to the order of the Ministry of Health, a psychotherapist is a doctor, the person with the highest medical education who have received appropriate training. In Europe, psychotherapists are traditionally called psychologists who specialize in specific psychotherapeutic practice.

But psychiatry absolutely applies to clinical medicine. The psychiatrist deals not with clients, but with patients (although so-called humanistic psychiatry views patients as people with a different worldview and borders on psychotherapy). Psychotherapists have the right to prescribe medication.

Psychocorrection ( psychological correction) is aimed at restoring the norm in terms of personality traits and emotional state. Sometimes, as a separate type of psychological assistance, psychological training, which are special exercises. The training can be used both for direct psychological assistance and for diagnosis.

As you can see, it is difficult to classify types of psychological assistance: the line between them is quite thin. But they are all based on certain ethical principles, which good specialist must definitely adhere to. They can be briefly described by the well-known phrase “do no harm.”

It is important not to be afraid to seek psychological help: Problems that seem insignificant to us can one day lead our lives to a dead end. You should not be afraid of psychotherapists, thinking that they only work with schizophrenics. Depression, for example, is not just a bad mood; often this disorder requires medication.

Take care of yours mental health the same way you take care of your physical: There is no shame in seeking help from a specialist.

In accordance with the orientation of assistance and its nature in science, several models of assistance to a person are distinguished: pedagogical, diagnostic, social, medical model. The concept of “psychological assistance” reflects a certain area of ​​socio-psychological practice, the field of activity in which is a variety of issues, difficulties and problems related to to the everyday mental life of a person. In this sense, psychological assistance is an area and method of activity of a professional psychologist, designed to assist a person and community in solving a wide range of problems generated by a person’s mental life in society. The scientific literature notes that the content of psychological assistance includes a wide range of theories and practices, ranging from methods such as in-depth interviews to socio-psychological training. Their goal is diagnostic, correctional, therapeutic, educational, professional and other assistance to a person.

The actual psychological model of psychological counseling is described as follows: the causes of personal problems or troubles in life lie either in inadequate interaction with oneself and with other people, or in the personal characteristics of people in communication. This model examines disharmony in relationships between people and intrasubjective tension, to overcome which the consultant relies on both scientific knowledge and the laws of human existence. This model is used in the work of psychologists-consultants and psychotherapists.

Psychological assistance is classified according to different indicators:

    By duration:

- Urgent - necessary for complex mental conditions, the possibility of suicide, cases of violence, and in situations of acute grief. This type most often falls under the purview of emergency psychological services and a helpline. - Long lasting - useful when difficult life situations, psychological crises, and conflicts arise.

    By direction:

- Personality-oriented , aimed directly at the client, at his request for help. The determining factor here is the client’s activity in the counseling process. Its cognitive capabilities are being expanded and social ways problem resolution.

- Problem-oriented - response to an existing or predicted unfavorable situation for a person. In these cases, the decisive factor is the solution of typical problems that arise in people who are very different from each other in character and attitudes.

    By spatial organization:

- Contact , when the conversation takes place face to face between the client and the psychologist.

- Ddistant , which is divided into telephone, virtual via the Internet and written and allows for the absence of direct contact.

    Performing functions as a consultant:

- Diagnostic is making a diagnosis, drawing up a psychological portrait of the client.

- Control room - referral to a specific specialist: psychotherapist, psychiatrist, etc.

- Information - rapid penetration into the problem, accuracy in determining and understanding its essence, informing a person about effective consequences. -Corrective - elimination of symptoms or causes of maladjustment, when significant deviations are suspected and a person’s internal problems are detected.

Advisory - optimal resolution of the “working” issues of everyday life, the so-called “normative” difficulties.

Therapeutic - the process of treating disorders and conflicts that affect deep layers of personality using psychological means.

    By number of participants:

ANDindividual (when for personal, social or public reasons the group form is not possible).

Group (the emphasis is on a developmental, training program or, if necessary, social support for a group of participants).

    By consultant intervention:

Directive - indicating, giving advice on how to live, moralizing.

Non-directive - “following” the client.

Various methods and psychotechnical techniques together constitute the technology of psychological assistance. Without them, the relationship between the consultant and his client can easily collapse, and psychological assistance itself can turn into a simple expression of sympathy or moralizing.

Questions and assignments for section 1

    What types of assistance are provided to a person in everyday life?

    Define psychological assistance.

    Name the classification of psychological assistance taking into account the performance of professional duties of a consultant.

    - Give the correct answer:

Problem-oriented psychological help is -

A) referral to a specific specialist;

B) response to an existing or predicted unfavorable situation for a person;

IN) making a diagnosis, drawing up a psychological portrait of the client.

    On what basis are classifications of psychological assistance to humans created?

      Directions of psychological assistance

It is generally accepted that the content of psychological assistance is to provide emotional, semantic and existential support to a person or community in situations of difficulties arising in the process of personal and social existence.

Psychological assistance may include:

    psychodiagnostics (communication of objective psychological information to the client; the psychologist is responsible for the accuracy and form of the message),

    psychological correction (organized influence on the client in order to change the indicators of his activity and in accordance with the age norm of mental development; an individual correction program is developed),

    psychological counseling (help mentally healthy people in achieving their personal development goals),

    psychotherapy (the active influence of a psychotherapist on the client’s personality with the aim of restoring or reconstructing the mental reality of the individual).

Modern researchers have noted that the basis of psychological assistance is the general ability for self-organization characteristic of different levels of existence of living things.

The following areas are identified, as well as the main areas and situations where psychological assistance is provided to a person:

1). Mental (and spiritual) development of a person (overcoming an inferiority complex, satisfying emotional needs in acquiring personal identity, helping with emotional trauma and developing stable moral standards, etc.).

2). Existential and personal problems of a person (age-related, professional and personal crises, problems of identification and alienation, struggle for personal and social status, etc.).

3). Family assistance (premarital counseling, family and marital psychotherapy, psychological assistance to single people, divorced people, support for remarriage).

4). Prevention of mental and personal health (traditional preventive and ongoing care for mental and physical illness, mental suffering, alcoholism, conflict resolution, etc.).

5). Psychological assistance to a dying person and grief psychotherapy (a poorly developed and almost completely absent area of ​​psychological activity in Russia).

6). Problems of old age (lifestyle changes due to retirement, relationships with adult children, inevitable lack of emotional contacts, summing up and understanding the results of life).

7). Problems of personal and group identity, general mental state (places of detention, hospitals, barracks, college campuses).

8). Psychological assistance and support in crisis situations (sudden death, suicide attempt, rape, betrayal, loss of love, etc.).

9). School counseling (preparing a child for school, issues of adaptation in the classroom, learning difficulties, interaction between family and school).

10). Professional counseling (choice of profession, professional self-determination, job satisfaction).

11). Psychological assistance related to cross-cultural issues: problems in adaptation, overcoming ethnic prejudices and stereotypes among emigrants, support for consultants in working with ethnic minorities.

12). Management consulting (improving management practices, increasing individual productivity and the efficiency of the organization as a whole, humanitarian expertise, consultations on structural changes in the organization, providing psychological support in situations of innovation).

In general, the set of problems where psychological help is in demand is diverse and multifaceted. Problem area covers the area of ​​interpersonal relationships, emotional intrapersonal (both deep-seated and situational) conflicts and experiences, socialization situations (choosing a profession, starting a family), issues of personalization (age-related and existential), that is, the entire spectrum of the emotional and semantic life of a person as a social being, endowed with psyche.

Questions and assignments for section 2