
Transcranial electromagnetic stimulation. Transcranial magnetic stimulation: features of the use of diagnostic and treatment methods

Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the brain is a safe therapeutic and diagnostic method effects on nerve cells. The procedure is non-invasive and painless, applicable to a wide range of neurological, psychiatric and ophthalmic diseases in both adult and pediatric practice: from the treatment of drug-resistant depression to Parkinson's disease and cerebral palsy. The technique has absolute and relative contraindications.

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    Method Essence

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the brain (TMS) is one of the methods of electromagnetic influence on neurons. For more than a century, neuroscience has used electrical stimulation of the brain to treat certain types of mental and neurological disorders. But this method has significant drawbacks - the need to use general anesthesia, the impossibility of influencing strictly on certain areas, Negative consequences in the form of memory loss. In the 80s. XX century in medical practice the use of a “softer” electromagnetic effect on the brain, TKMS, began to be used, which makes it possible to localize the treatment area and reduce side effects.

    The principle of transcranial magnetic stimulation of the brain

    The action of TKMS is based on the ability of a magnetic field to penetrate through bone and muscle structures without changing its characteristics and excite brain tissue. The magnetic field leads to the appearance of an electric potential, which propagates along the conductive paths of the central nervous system. The evoked motor response is recorded in an electromyograph, the electrodes of which are attached to the patient's skin over various muscles, and displayed on a computer monitor. A quantitative measurement of electrophysiological characteristics is also carried out:

    • Degree of excitability nerve cells at the point of stimulation magnetic field.
    • The speed of propagation of excitation.
    • Maximum excitability and the nature of peripheral activation.
    • Uniformity of impulse movement.

    TKMS serves as a diagnostic neurological diseases and for their treatment.

    Magnetic stimulators consist of 3 main parts: Capacitors high voltage for energy storage, magnetic coils and their cooling unit. The development of this method of influencing the brain long time restrained by the need to create an electromagnetic field of high intensity (more than 3.5 kV), since hard-to-excitable neurons require a large number of energy. Coils (coils) are made with different inner and outer diameters, the number of turns, round or conical, in the form of a spiral, double or single. Small coils induce a magnetic field in shallow layers below the surface of the skin. Large coils effectively stimulate the deep structures of the brain. Double coils ("eights" and angled) are used for local stimulation.

    Types of coils and the magnetic field they create

    An alternating magnetic field is used to treat and diagnose diseases. Up to 10,000 cycles of microsecond pulses are produced in one session. The strength of the magnetic field decreases rapidly as the distance to the tissues increases, so it only penetrates a few centimeters into the patient's brain. 2 types of stimulation are used: high-frequency (over 3 Hz), stimulating nervous activity, and low-frequency (up to 3 Hz), which reduces it. With the help of the latter, you can temporarily suspend the activity of certain parts of the brain. The effect of this type of therapy is not due to the magnetic field itself, but to the electric currents that occur in the neurons of the brain. The advantages of TKMS are the absence surgical intervention and painlessness.

    AT clinical research The following effects from the application of this method are noted:

    • reduction of vegetative instability;
    • normalization of blood pressure;
    • increased levels of endorphins;
    • sleep improvement;
    • reduced anxiety;
    • reduction of muscle tension;
    • increased stress resistance;
    • memory improvement;
    • normalization of muscle tone in case of paralysis;
    • analgesic effect;
    • sensitivity improvement.

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the brain is a relatively "young" method of diagnosis and treatment. The exact relationship between the parameters of magnetic impulses and processes in the nervous system has not yet been reliably determined. Also, the mechanism of the magnetic field at the cellular level is not known.

    Application in the diagnosis of diseases

    Diagnosis of cerebral, spinal and peripheral nerve pathways is performed using an electromyograph. TKMS is used to assess changes in the following characteristics:

    • motor response peripheral nerves with lesions of the nervous system, accompanied by a violation of the myelin sheath of the CNS pathways (multiple sclerosis, leukoencephalitis, optomyelitis, disseminated encephalomyelitis, Guienne-Barré syndrome, tumor, vascular diseases other);
    • excitability of the motor areas of the brain;
    • duration of radicular delay in radiculopathies;
    • optic nerve defects;
    • asymmetry of the center of speech;
    • neuroplastic processes in the brain (its change due to acquired experience or the ability to recover from damage).


    The method is also used for the following purposes:

    • diagnosis of epilepsy;
    • stimulation of the phrenic nerve in pulmonology;
    • stimulation of other peripheral nerves to study the motor response;
    • study of the mechanism of development of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system;
    • prediction of recovery after spinal (trauma, myelitis) or hemispheric (strokes, tumors, injuries) disease.

    Indications for treatment

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation has a wide range of applications in the treatment of various diseases in children and adults.

    Neurological diseases:

    • lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system (vascular and reflex);
    • consequences of an acute violation cerebral circulation;
    • neuropathy;
    • migraine;
    • Parkinson's disease;
    • Alzheimer's disease;
    • spinocerebellar degeneration;
    • spasticity of skeletal muscle tissue;
    • radiculopathy;
    • astheno-neurotic syndrome;
    • convulsive seizures;
    • encephalopathy resulting from a slowly progressive circulatory disorder.

    Psychiatric diseases:

  • depression and anxiety-depressive conditions;
  • schizophrenia;
  • auditory hallucinations;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • panic attacks;
  • manic syndromes and others.
  • Ophthalmology - atrophy of the optic nerve. Narcology - treatment of withdrawal symptoms in drug addiction.

    As a rehabilitation therapy, TKMS is used in the following cases:

    • after trauma and surgery for diseases of the head and spinal cord;
    • after injuries accompanied by compression of the nerves with paresis or paralysis of the limbs;
    • with disease or damage to the trigeminal and facial nerve.

    In children, TMMS is used for the following disorders:

    • attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity;
    • residual encephalopathy with delayed speech development;
    • autistic deviations;
    • children's cerebral paralysis.

    Contraindications and side effects

    To absolute contraindications for the procedure of transcranial magnetic therapy include:

    • the patient has metal implants (including ear implants), brain stimulators inside the skull;
    • pregnancy;
    • the presence of devices for regulating the rhythm of the heart or other organs;
    • insulin pumps in patients with diabetes;
    • surgery to treat a cerebral aneurysm.

    Relative contraindications are the following conditions:

    • epilepsy or convulsions in the history of the patient or among the next of kin;
    • brain injury;
    • brain surgery in the patient's history;
    • the presence of epileptogenic foci in the brain caused by tumors, bleeding, impaired blood supply to brain tissues or encephalitis;
    • taking medications that affect the excitability of the cerebral cortex;
    • abrupt cessation of drug or alcohol use in alcoholism;
    • cardiovascular decompensation or high intracranial pressure, in which the possible development of convulsions can lead to serious complications.

    The procedure of transcranial magnetic therapy is well tolerated by patients, but in rare cases the following side effects may occur:

    • moderate headache or drowsiness (5-12% of patients);
    • the appearance of a convulsive attack (isolated cases), which most often occur when high frequency therapy more than 10 Hz;
    • adverse events in emotional sphere with joint treatment with neuroprotective drugs (neuroleptics, tranquilizers, sedatives).

    How is the procedure carried out?

    The procedure for transcranial brain stimulation itself is simple: the patient is seated on a chair or laid on a couch, a coil is brought to the head (or spine), in which a magnetic field is created, and the patient's brain or spinal cord is acted upon for several minutes.

    Carrying out the procedure

    Before treatment, the doctor conducts diagnostics to find out how the patient reacts to the device. Details of the magnetic impact (stimulation zone, duration of the procedure, magnetic field strength) are selected individually depending on what disease is detected in the patient and on its characteristics. Testing is also carried out on different stages therapy, since the patient's response to the impact of the device may change over time.

    Most often, the procedure lasts 15-20 minutes, depending on the severity of the disease. Total duration one course is 15-30 sessions. When current pulses pass through the coil, clicks are heard. The procedure does not cause any discomfort.

    Features of treatment

    In patients with acute cerebrovascular accident, treatment with a low-frequency magnetic field is the most effective. The therapy is carried out at 1 Hz for a week on the unaffected side of the brain. As a result, the motor activity of the paralyzed limbs is restored, even if this could not be done using other neurorehabilitation techniques.

    Treatment of depression with the use of TKMS is also not carried out in all cases, but when it is ineffective. conservative therapy. Improvement effect. emotional background, according to the subjective sensations of patients, occurs after 10-14 sessions.

    In spinal cord injury due to multiple sclerosis, a low-frequency magnetic field is applied, which is directed to the chest area. Intensive therapy held once a month throughout the year. This allows you to remove hypertonicity in the muscles of the limbs and restore their normal motor activity. Additionally, an analgesic effect is observed.

    In the rehabilitation period after a stroke, to restore the cognitive functions and memory of patients, a favorable effect is achieved from the use of high-frequency TCMS (up to 20 Hz). This technique, in combination with the learning process, accelerates the recovery of lost skills in patients. Since the strongest effect persists for 0.5-1 hour after exposure to a magnetic field, it is recommended to exercise immediately after TKMS.

    TKMS in pediatrics

    In children, transcranial magnetic stimulation is used from the age of 3, since at a younger age it is difficult to achieve immobility of the patient during the session. The course usually includes 10-20 procedures, which are carried out for children every six months. Before treatment, it is necessary to make an electroencephalogram (no later than 6 months).

    The main characteristics of the motor response in children under the influence of a magnetic field differ from those in adults. They begin to meet these parameters only by the age of 12-14 years. In young children, the activity of neurons in the spinal cord exhibits variability. In this regard, the diagnosis of diseases using TKMS in childhood has its own characteristics and limitations.

    In autism and attention deficit disorder in children, a low-frequency (1 Hz) method of influencing the brain is used. The best result is achieved with a simultaneous lesson with a psychologist and a speech therapist. TKMS allows to achieve the following effects in patients suffering from autism disorders:

    • improved assimilation new information in the learning process;
    • reduction of irritation and stereotyped behavior;
    • memory improvement;
    • reduction of excessive excitement;
    • the appearance of phrasal speech and complex sentences;
    • increased interest in the environment and cognitive activity.

    Depressive disorders in adolescents are treated with high-frequency TCMS (10 Hz). The course of therapy is 5-7 days. It allows you to achieve not only getting rid of depression, but also improving long-term and working memory. High-frequency exposure (8-13 Hz) reduces speech disorders and increases the motor activity of the limbs, improves conduction nerve impulses by auditory and visual pathways in children with negative consequences after viral encephalitis associated with the Epstein-Barr virus.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is new method diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the nervous system, which allows external stimulation of the cerebral cortex using short magnetic pulses.

From the TMS apparatus, a short-term electrical impulse is applied to the coil (stimulating electrode) - a magnetic field is formed, which painlessly acts through the skin and bones of the skull on the cerebral cortex, causing weak electric currents in nerve cells.

Diagnostics: stimulation of the motor areas of the cerebral cortex is carried out with single impulses, eventually obtaining information about the excitability of the neurons of the cerebral cortex; the presence of damage to the motor pathways, the state of the processes of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex.

Treatment: rhythmic stimulation is carried out to improve the transmission of impulses between neurons for activation in depressive, asthenic conditions or to reduce increased excitability in anxiety or panic conditions.

The action of TMS on the receptors of nerve cells is similar to the action of antidepressants - it stimulates the production of endorphin - the “hormone of happiness”, serotonin. Vegetative instability decreases, normalizes blood pressure, sleep and mood improve, anxiety decreases, fear and muscle tension decrease, resistance to stress increases, memory improves, a person becomes more energetic and active.

Every impulse carries the energy so often lacking modern people against the background of psycho-emotional overstrain. Regeneration is faster in places where the pathways of the nervous system were disturbed - with the consequences of strokes, when after stimulation there is an increase in the strength of the muscles of the limbs with paralysis and paresis, a decrease in spasticity, an improvement in sensitivity, and a decrease in pain.

How is stimulation performed? It is a painless and easily tolerated procedure. An electromagnetic coil (coil) is applied to the surface of the body (it can be the head, cervical or lumbar region, limbs). The coil generates electromagnetic impulses for 15-30 minutes, which are felt in the form of a light “current run”. The procedure is performed by a neurologist.

Before treatment, TMS is diagnosed to select an individual treatment protocol.

The course of treatment - from 10 to 15-20 procedures.

Session duration - 30-40 minutes.

The procedure is well tolerated, including by children.

Indications for transcranial magnetic stimulation:

Depression and anxiety-depressive conditions;

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy 1-2 tbsp. with astheno-neurotic syndrome;

Headaches, tension;

Panic attacks;

Vegetative dystonia;

Parkinson's disease.

Acute circulatory disorders of the spinal cord or brain (ischemic, hemorrhagic stroke);

The recovery period after injuries and surgical treatment of the brain and spinal cord, accompanied by paresis or paralysis, as well as speech disorders (aphasia, dysarthria).

In children - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, residual encephalopathy with delayed speech development, autism, spasticity in cerebral palsy;

Stimulation of peripheral nerves and plexuses: in trauma, compression of nerves with peripheral paresis or paralysis;

Stimulation of the trigeminal and facial nerves with their diseases and injuries - leads to faster and more full recovery facial expressions and sensitivity of the face, reducing pain.

Contraindications for transcranial magnetic stimulation:


The patient has large metal objects in the body. Dental metal prostheses are acceptable;

Presence of a pacemaker or electronic implants;

Epilepsy or seizures in history;

Surgery for a cerebral aneurysm.

Navigational magnetic stimulation of the brain.

Navigational brain stimulation technology allows you to find the area on the cerebral cortex (using MRI or evoked potentials) responsible for controlling the suffering function (speech, movement, etc.) and determine the state of its activity. The coordinates of this zone are used as a target for directed magnetic stimulation with a power of up to 2 T (tesla). Depending on the task of therapy, stimulation can be activating or inhibitory. As a result of therapy, the metabolic state of the centers of the brain corresponding to a specific pathology is normalized. The method is used alone or as a component of restorative treatment. A special effect was noted in patients undergoing a course of neurorehabilitation of motor, speech, intellectual and mnestic disorders.

There are several types of practices that stimulate brain activity and wide range tasks: from increasing overall brain activity to treating pathologies that are difficult to correct with other therapies. So, deep brain stimulation is carried out mainly due to the transcranial method of magnetic exposure. Binaural brain stimulation involves the creation of a specific sound effect using stereo headphones. The use of drugs and food additives“turns on” the brain by activating the chemical connection between neurons.

In almost any brain stimulation center, which is often organized not for adults, but to accelerate the development of the child’s potential and to correct its development, several methods are offered at once, for example:

  • Thomasis therapy is a method of simulating space by changing the perception of sound and speech,
  • micropolarization,
  • "interactive metronome"
  • cerebellar stimulation,
  • audiovisual brain stimulation, etc.

Standing apart in the general row is epidural stimulation of the spinal cord, which is used as a method of relieving chronic pain syndrome and features pelvic organs. At the same time, the “spinal issue” can also be solved with the help of transcranial electromagnetic influence.

TMS - transcranial magnetic stimulation

The technique of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) allows using the device to stimulate the area of ​​the cerebral cortex, using short magnetic pulses for this. The purpose of such a non-invasive (“without direct invasion”) impact is diagnostic examination and treatment upon confirmation of conditions:

  • depression,
  • auditory hallucinations,
  • spasticity (the effect of increased muscle tone, accompanied by limb resistance to passive movements),
  • obsessive-compulsive disorders,
  • motor disorders,
  • various pain syndromes
  • parkinson's disease,
  • degenerative hereditary diseases, etc.

More about the essence of the method

The combination of electromagnetic and chemical reactions provide activity to the brain by linking the neural network into single system. However, in some pathologies, part of the network elements “drops out” of the system - difficulties arise in the transmission of not only chemical, but also electrical signals. An external electromagnetic field is capable of activating processes, but for this it is necessary to provide a complex effect of complex electromagnetic fields in certain areas neural networks. To solve this problem, a technique was developed in which deep brain stimulation made it possible to restore the previous indicators of brain activity in problem areas.

Deep brain stimulation is achieved due to the influence of an alternating magnetic field, which, penetrating to a given depth of the nervous tissue, generates an electric field with the effect of depolarization of neuron membranes. As a result, action potentials arise and propagate along the nerve pathways. The imposition of an impulse in the projection of the motor cortex (at the cortical level) makes it possible to obtain a VMO - an evoked motor response. When an impulse is applied in the areas of the lumbar or cervical thickening of the spinal cord (segmental level), the assessment is made on the basis of the calculation of the time of the central motor conduction.

Development of hardware systems for electromagnetic brain stimulation

Each year, a particular hardware system based on the principle of transcranial electrical brain stimulation (TES) is registered and certified as an effective technique for the treatment of new diseases and conditions. AT different countries the world creates new devices.

Risks and contraindications

The procedure of magnetic stimulation of the brain as a whole is considered by experts as safe, which, however, does not exclude contraindications. Transcranial magnetic stimulation includes a ban on the use of:

  • during pregnancy
  • in the presence of a pacemaker,
  • with cerebral aneurysm,
  • in the case of placing metal objects near the magnetic field and directly in the zone of its action.

Despite the use of TMS in the treatment of epilepsy, the developers warn of the possible initiation of a seizure during the procedure. Potentially fainting is possible, but their probability is extremely low. For the entire period of the procedures, 16 cases of syncope and induced seizures are mentioned. However, a detailed analysis of nine incidents that occurred after the publication of safety regulations (in 1998) suggests that half of them were due to non-compliance with safety measures.

Rarely, during the procedure, there are side effects in the form of discomfort or pain due to exposure to the scalp. If incompatible EEG electrodes are used, they may become hot, sometimes causing burns. There is also potential risk spoil your hearing with a loud clicking sound that occurs when the coil is deformed in operating mode. But this risk can be easily avoided by protecting the hearing organs before the procedure.

Deep brain stimulation belongs to the category of hardware methods, however, results comparable to hardware methods in a number of areas make it possible to obtain and oral administration drugs that expand the possibilities of brain stimulation at home.

Stimulant oral medications

A significant advantage of drug stimulation over high-tech equipment is its low cost and availability. Even schoolchildren and students can buy such “activators” of the brain on the Internet, which is important for them during the entire time of study, but especially during exams and sessions. The principle of this influence differs from the principle of action of TMS.

Both compositions created "in vitro" and natural complexes of plant-animal origin can act as active elements. The latter on the market are represented by many different food supplements and dietary supplements, the most effective of which include HeadBooster, BrainRush, Optimentis. They represent the top three leaders in their segment. This is also evidenced by customer reviews confirming after taking the course:

  • memory recovery,
  • improved coordination,
  • acceleration of thought processes.

An additional advantage of the use of such activators is the indirect change in mood. In particular, the effect of getting rid of fear and anxiety is declared as one of the features of HeadBooster. In addition to the “chemical” conditionality of this effect, there is also a psychological explanation: acquiring the ability to solve complex problems and discovering new opportunities, a person perceives what is happening around him calmer and more confidently.

Binaural stimulation - an underestimated danger

under binaural stimulation, broad sense, it is customary to understand any stereo effect - the supply of an audio signal to two ears at the same time. In a narrow sense, this is the stereo perception of monotonous artificially generated sound signals, the purpose of which is to create "pure" binaural rhythms in the brain.

The physical side of the issue is reduced to the description of the synchronization of the work of both hemispheres of the brain, which is achieved by superimposing two sound close-frequency oscillations. The beat frequency is equal to the frequency difference. A similar effect occurs only if the frequency difference does not exceed 25 Hz. For example, if a monotonous sound with a frequency of 300 Hz is fed into the left ear, and right ear- a sound with a frequency of 310 Hz, then the listener perceives a beat of a rhythm with a frequency of 10 Hz. This "sound" is born by the brain itself (the source is the upper olive located in the brain stem) as a derivative of the addition of electromagnetic waves of synchronously working hemispheres. After transferring this activity to the cortex, it is clearly recorded using the EEG. Receptivity to binaural beats is greatly enhanced by the use of background "white noise", which is often introduced in psychoacoustic programs to create sound perception thresholds and as a dampening component.

Synchronization of wave oscillations is characteristic of hypnotic and meditation practices. In addition, the artificial "multi-layered" imposition of binaural rhythms makes it possible to form a given pattern of wave oscillations and, at the same time, the corresponding state of consciousness.

All this increases the interest of the public in the use of binaural stimulation at home to solve problems of a non-medical nature. However, the practice of creating a binaural effect can have unpredictable consequences and lead to a number of disorders of various body systems, which is regularly recorded even in specially equipped sound therapy rooms. In this sense, home use of oral stimulant drugs such as HeadBooster, BrainRush, Optimentis (when following the recommendations for use) has a much more predictable effect and expected result.

AT recent times more and more new treatments are emerging. Each of them allows with minimal complications for the body to cure serious pathologies. One of these methods is transcranial electrical stimulation. What is this method, when is it used and what are its contraindications?

What is transcranial electrical stimulation?

This is new technique selective activation of the protective mechanisms of the brain using rectangular pulse currents of short duration, about 4 ms, and low frequency, from 50 to 200 Hz.

Pulse currents of low frequency pass through the CSF space and selectively irritate the endogenous opioid system of the brain stem, provoke the release of beta-endorphin and enkephalin from neurons of the brain stem. Their content becomes more than three times more. Opioid peptides do not allow for impulses from the focus of pain at the level back horns spinal cord. But transcranial electrical stimulation - what does it treat?

A bit of history

As early as the beginning of the 19th century, the first studies of the effects of stimulating currents on the brain began. The first such studies were carried out by a physiologist from France Leduc, and after that Russian scientists joined. Significant results in those days, alas, no one was able to achieve.

In the early 80s, a Russian scientist Lebedev, while conducting his research, slightly changed the parameters of the currents and chose the best localization of the electrodes that act on the brain. In the course of all the studies, he was able to obtain accurate data and recorded that it is possible to have an analgesic effect in humans using a pulsed current frequency of 77 Hz if the sensors are installed in the fronto-occipital region. If all the set parameters are observed, then the analgesic effect can be maintained for almost 12 hours after the procedure. Currently, it is precisely these currents that are used when transcranial electrical stimulation is used.

Therapeutic action

Transcranial electrical stimulation is currently used with the same indicators that were established more than 35 years ago - the frequency of currents is 77 Hz, the pulse duration is about 4 ms, and the current strength is 300 mA. It is these numbers that allow you to activate the opioid structures of the brain and release beta-endorphins. This effect makes it possible to stop pain, as well as significantly reduce the dose of drugs required for anesthesia during operations.

In addition to analgesia, transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) also has the following therapeutic effects:

In addition, transcranial electrical stimulation has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of pathological addictions: it removes symptoms of craving for drugs and alcoholic beverages by stimulating the opiate system. Because of this, the body does not require regular intake. drugs and alcohol.

Also, transcranial electrical stimulation showed very good results in the recovery of the patient after severe burns. Having an analgesic effect on the body, it eliminates vasospasm caused by stress in the area where the tissues are affected, and also improves blood flow. In parallel, the production of somatotropic hormone is stimulated in the brain, which increases the synthesis of endogenous protein, which helps to accelerate the processes of repair and tissue regeneration.

It was also observed that after the procedure in children school age adaptation to learning is better, especially in children with hyperactivity syndrome. Memory and perception of information are significantly improved.

Positive aspects of TPP

Brain stimulation with current pulses has many advantages:

  • With transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) of the brain, no drugs are provided, it is carried out using weak current pulses through electrodes placed on the scalp in a certain area.
  • TES therapy is therapeutic effect, which selectively activates the defense mechanisms of the body of the brain and causes the strongest and serotonin. It is due to the increase in these substances in the brain and in circulatory system a therapeutic effect occurs.
  • This method is not the only one, but TES has been very carefully developed, so it is considered the best and most effective, especially when compared with electronarcosis, electrosleep or electroanalgesia.
  • This procedure is used in the treatment of both adults and children, it showed especially good results in the treatment of cerebral palsy in children.
  • This treatment method does not side effects, and he has very few contraindications.
  • Thanks to recent developments, the procedure can now be carried out directly at home using miniature devices such as Alfaria.
  • Patients tolerate the procedure quite well.
  • She does not cause discomfort.
  • Pain relief quickly discomfort in joints and muscles.
  • Psycho-emotional balance is restored.
  • Great for relapse prevention.
  • Helps cleanse the liver and restore function internal organs.

When is electrical stimulation of the brain indicated?

Transcranial electrical stimulation has the following indications:

What is transcranial electrical stimulation, what it treats, is understandable, but it is worth remembering that any method of therapy has not only indications, but also contraindications, this procedure is no exception.

Transcranial electrical stimulation has the following contraindications:

  • Skin injury or injury at electrode attachment sites.
  • Epilepsy and convulsions.
  • Acute kidney failure, hypertensive crisis.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Patients with pacemakers.

Now you need to figure out how this procedure is carried out.

How is TPP carried out and on what apparatus?

A few years ago, the procedure could only be carried out within the walls of a medical institution under the supervision of a doctor, but now, thanks to modern developments, a new device has appeared - the Alfariya transcranial electrical stimulation apparatus.

The principle of operation of this device is based on the stimulation of recovery normal operation other biorhythms, an increase in the concentration of serotonin, acetylcholine, met-enkephalin and beta-endorphins.

The operation of the device is based on precision technology, thanks to which it is possible to generate the most complex sequence of current pulses.

The transcranial electrical stimulation device is an excellent alternative medicines especially in cases where long-term treatment is required. During the procedure, the patient feels pleasant relaxation, lightness throughout the body and clarity of thought. The device is easy to use, therefore it is recommended for both medical institutions as well as for home use.

It is used in various pathologies, including in gynecology.

TES of the brain in obstetrics and gynecology

It is no longer a secret to anyone that the impact of current on the human brain can cure a large number of diseases. Transcranial electrical stimulation in gynecology is indicated for the treatment of pathologies of the reproductive system in women:

  • With violations of the female genital area, for example, dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes genital organs in women, such as subacute adnexitis and colpitis.
  • With urinary incontinence.
  • With miscarriage.
  • To enhance orgasm.
  • To reduce the diameter of the vagina, which was stretched during labor.

But this method of therapy is allowed to be used in the treatment of not only adults, but also children. So, transcranial electrical stimulation is used for children with speech disorders and other conditions.

The use of electrical stimulation in children

Recently, cases of parents who complain about the speech of their child have become more frequent. Speech is the hardest mental process, a form of the highest nervous activity. The second signaling system in a person develops throughout his life and reflects his mental activity.

In the implementation of speech, different cortical speech zones are involved: auditory, motor, visual. In the left hemisphere in the temple area, the perception and differentiation of auditory stimuli takes place, in other words, the process of speech recognition takes place. And the lower frontal gyrus, located in the left hemisphere, plays the role of a speech statement, in the visual area, graphic written speech is recognized.

Transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain allows you to influence the right areas and solve speech problems in a child. According to the reviews of many parents who have already been able to try therapy on their baby, after the first course of therapy, which is 8-12 sessions, they noticed that the child's speech improved significantly. Few people after this undergo a second course, several sessions with a specialist - and everything is getting better very quickly.

Also, transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain gave very good results in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. Thanks to this kind of procedure in children with such a diagnosis:

  • When exposed to electrodes on the parietal and frontal areas, muscle tone normalizes, and the volume of active and passive movements increases.
  • The impact on the temporal and frontal cortex allows you to cause the activation of higher cognitive and speech functions.
  • Impact on the temples and the back of the head can improve auditory and visual functions.
  • By acting on the temple and parietal region, the number of seizures can be significantly reduced.

But it is worth remembering that the attending doctor, who has been observing a child with such a serious pathology for a long time, should prescribe the procedure. Only he can say in which case it is allowed to apply the procedure, and when it can harm, because she has contraindications, which are described above, but each baby may have its own individual characteristics.

TES in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction

Transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain, the reviews of many patients confirm this, perfectly helps to fight alcohol and drug addiction. But only a specialist should carry out the procedure, using modern devices.

In the treatment of addiction, the main thing is to minimize the natural consequences that occur when you abruptly stop taking drugs and alcoholic beverages. very frightens patients, besides, psychological discomfort is additionally added. Also, many addicts addiction patients are additionally identified with other neurological disorders.

TES therapy allows not only to remove withdrawal syndrome and normalize the work of some internal organs, but also improve psychological condition. In addition, there is no getting used to the procedure. The positive effect can be noticed already after the first session, and over time it only increases.

Transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain, the testimonies of patients testify to this, normalizes the mechanisms of vascular regulation, removes all signs of hypertension and depression. But experts believe that the main effect of therapy is the complete disappearance of cravings for drugs and alcohol. If applied this procedure course, you can greatly increase the comfort of therapy, minimize the risk of relapse and return to addiction.

In addition, it has been proven by many patients that, thanks to therapy, wounds on the skin and mucous membranes of internal organs heal very quickly. Many patients who have been addicted to drugs or alcohol for a long time have ulcerative disorders in the stomach and duodenum. Thanks to the pulsed effects, regeneration is very fast, which means that the quality of life of the patient improves significantly, he can avoid serious consequences with his health in the future.

If to speak in simple terms, TES-therapy not only relieves addiction, but also heals all the wounds that were inflicted by it. Used in the treatment of patients who have been abusing drugs or alcohol for a long time, it provides a number of benefits:

  • Significantly improves social adaptation.
  • Eases withdrawal symptoms.
  • Reduces the pain of "withdrawal", which was caused by the fact that the body does not receive the desired drug or alcohol.
  • Restores the psychological state.
  • It normalizes blood pressure.
  • Promotes rapid tissue regeneration.
  • Eliminates itching on skin any origin.
  • It has an anti-allergic effect.
  • Removes inflammatory processes.
  • It has an immunostimulating effect.
  • Eliminates all signs of depression and alleviates stress.

How is the procedure carried out?

Conduct electrical stimulation in a comfortable environment for the patient, he can take a sitting or lying position. In the first session, the patient is introduced to how the therapy is carried out and he adapts to it. The doctor selects a certain amount of current for each, the holding time is no more than 20 minutes. During the procedure, the doctor closely monitors the patient to see how he tolerates the therapy. He needs it in order to appreciate clinical effect and in the future to choose the optimal value for the operation of the equipment.

Already from the second session, the duration of the procedure is extended by 2 times, it is carried out every day or every other day. If the patient has a strong withdrawal syndrome, then in this case the doctor may recommend undergoing therapy twice a day, but always with an interval of at least 10 hours.

After the session, the patient should rest for half an hour. To achieve the maximum effect, you need to go through at least 12 sessions. You can repeat the course after 2-3 weeks.


Summing up from the above, we can say for sure that the effect of transcranial electrical stimulation, the reviews of many patients confirm this, is maximum. Those who have already tried the procedure on themselves say that it is aimed at one thing, and in the end it allows you to cure other diseases in addition. Thus, using the example of an alcohol-dependent patient, one can say for sure that thanks to TES-therapy, a person not only gets rid of addiction, but also restores his body after a heavy binge. There are no relapses after treatment, life changes completely in better side, the same happens with those who were addicted to drugs.

Also, electrical stimulation with small currents to certain areas of the brain in a child can improve speech and even alleviate cerebral palsy symptoms. But it is worth remembering that only correctly prescribed treatment can give the desired result, so it is better to carry out therapy under the supervision of a doctor. Although at present there are such devices that allow you to conduct such sessions at home, it is better to do the first procedures together with a specialist who will explain all the details of the procedure.

A method based on the fact that a time-varying magnetic field is capable of creating a current in the brain tissue.

This is a new non-drug technique that allows, without direct intervention in the body, to locally (pointwise) stimulate individual parts of the brain.

The work of the transcranial magnetic TMS stimulation is based on the fact that the impulse produces a powerful but short magnetic field, it passes through the skin and bones of the skull (hence the prefix "trans"), acting directly on the brain to a depth of about 2 cm.

This procedure is absolutely painless, practically does not cause side effects, and is indicated, among other things, for the treatment of children.

How is a transcranial magnetic stimulation session performed?

An electromagnetic coil (coil) is brought to the surface of the body (head). During the session, the coil generates magnetic impulses that act precisely on a specific area of ​​the brain. (The previously popular electrical stimulation could not make it possible to act on the brain so precisely, since, due to the resistance of the bones of the skull, the impulses could deviate and weaken). This is not characteristic of magnetic impulses, because TMS can be dosed very accurately and stimulate exactly the right part of the brain.

Diagnosis by TMS applies when movement disorders any origin.

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Paresis, paralysis in acute phase or during recovery
  • Traumatic brain and spinal injuries
  • At different types tremor (trembling), including for the differentiation of Parkinson's disease
  • cerebral palsy (infantile cerebral palsy), ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and many others. others

What are the contraindications for TMS?

  • Pregnancy (at any time)
  • Installed pacemaker
  • History of neurosurgical operations (on the brain)
  • Metal plates in the body (Metal dental implants and dentures are acceptable)
  • Cerebral aneurysm