
Russian as a foreign language for preschoolers. Entertaining game tasks in the Russian language Tasks for preschoolers in the Russian language

Mullagalieva Liliya Kasimovna
“Features of teaching Russian to preschoolers in the national kindergarten.”

Target: reveal the main possible directions in teaching Russian to preschool children.


identify opportunities preschoolers in the field of learning the Russian language.

reveal the main goals and objectives teaching Russian to preschool children.

reveal the main methods teaching Russian to preschoolers.

It is known that the opportunities of an early age in mastering foreign language speech are truly unique. Also K. D. Ushinsky wrote:"A child learns to speak a foreign language like this in a few months language, as he cannot get used to it in a few years.”

In accordance with the law of the Republic of Tatarstan “On state languages ​​of the Republic of Tajikistan and other languages in the Republic of Tatarstan" (No. 44 dated July 27, 2004, by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, "The education program and teaching in kindergarten» (Kazan, "Heather", 2000, in preschool institutions, starting from 4 years of age, is carried out education second state language: For Russian- speaking children - Tatar language, for children - Tatars - Russian.

Russian language training carried out in middle, high and preparatory school groups kindergarten.

It should be borne in mind that in order to realize great positive opportunities preschoolers in teaching the Russian language work must be built on the basis of a clearly thought-out methodological system that takes into account age characteristics of children 4-6 years old.

In progress training children must learn to perceive and understand Russian listening and speaking Russians within the range of topics accessible to them, learned words, grammatical forms, syntactic structures and simple examples of coherent speech.

Basic form teaching Russian is an activity. The main goal of the classes is to stimulate children’s speech activity, stimulate conversational speech, and achieve correctness. Russian speech.

Planning work on teaching Russian to children, the teacher must take into account the specifics Russian- Tatar bilingualism, speech situation in the group, in families, level of understanding by children Russian language. Each lesson provides a comprehensive solution to speech problems, where, regardless of the topic and specific tasks, at the same time is underway work on phonetic, lexical, grammatical aspects language, coherent speech skills are formed.

The structure of the lesson can be next:

Organizing time;

Vocabulary - consolidation of words learned in the previous lesson, introduction of new vocabulary;

Phonetics - articulation of sounds Russian language, pronunciation of sounds in Russian words, games and exercises to consolidate sounds;

Coherent speech - examining plot pictures, conversation and composing stories according to the model given by the teacher; writing descriptive stories; stories about personal life events, retellings of works of art;

Grammar - games and exercises for mastering grammatical forms (gender, number, case) Russian language;

Games and exercises to reinforce the topic; memorizing poems and rhymes; telling tales, etc.

All basic methods training are reinforced in the classroom with appropriate visual examples - showing objects, pictures, toys, dummies, etc. To Russian the word entered the child’s memory without translation into native language, it is necessary to connect not only vision and hearing (name of objects, but also touch (touch the object, smell (smell, taste. Visual education helps conscious and lasting assimilation Russian language for children. Demonstration of objects in nature or their images in a painting makes the lesson lively and interesting.

The focus of the teacher’s attention should constantly be on the formation and improvement of children’s skills and habits of correct Russian pronunciation, eliminating existing shortcomings. Each lesson should include a 2-3 minute phonetic exercise aimed at developing children's phonemic hearing and developing pronunciation skills. This exercise can be done in the form of games. "Echo", "Watch", "Chain" and others recommended by the program.

To reinforce new words, a variety of game exercises and situations are widely used in each lesson. (For example, the game “Let’s arrange furniture for the doll” (fixing the names of furniture items). There is a doll on the teacher’s table, children's furniture, car. Educator: “Children, our doll Masha has moved to a new apartment. She bought herself new furniture. The furniture was brought by car. Let's help Masha unload the furniture" (calls the children one by one and invites them to find the right thing in the car). An effective method of enriching children's vocabulary - games - dramatization based on the plots of poems, Russian folk tales, works Russian writers, which contribute consolidation of new vocabulary, development of the ability to build dialogue and coherent texts. Even silent, inactive children want to participate in such games. Children also easily learn vocabulary and grammar by dramatizing these tales in Russian language.

In class education the lexical side of speech is built primarily based on visibility: toys, pictures, images of actions, gestures, facial expressions. Vocabulary includes vocabulary on topics that are well known to children in their everyday lives ( "Games and Toys", "Family", "House", "Animals" etc.) The selected vocabulary is specific. Basically, children learn the names of objects in the material world, the names of typical actions and signs of objects that are already familiar to them in their native language. language. Vocabulary is introduced gradually in large thematic groups and practiced in various games. Words are not introduced in isolation, but in combination with other words or in a meaningful situation in the game.

Education grammar presents certain difficulties. Mastery of grammatical skills is built on the basis of speech patterns using the principle of analogy with the native language tongue. The child must understand that any language is built according to its own laws, which must be observed in order for the statement to be understandable. To do this, you can use specially designed grammar games, fairy tales, stories and poems. It is important to adhere to the stages of speech skills and abilities. The child perceives new things linguistic phenomenon, reproduces under the guidance of a teacher, includes this linguistic appearance in your speech during games, tasks, speech exercises.

Work on Russian language teaching We also spend time during our free time.

With the aim of: continue to develop interest in what is being studied language and the desire to speak it; consolidate those skills and abilities Russian colloquial speech which children received in class; carry out individual work with children; introduce some new words and expressions in a natural situation. Great opportunities for this are provided by receiving children, morning exercises, washing, dressing, games, dramatizations, and walks.

Work with parents is carried out in the form of birth. meetings, consultations, master classes, thematic weeks, open days, open viewings. During the year, parents take an active part in preparing holidays and various events. There are parent corners for parents, where there is information on questions of interest. Russian language teaching.

A frequent question that arises among parents of future first-graders: is their 6-7 year old child ready for school? And if you’re not ready, then how can you adjust the necessary knowledge, abilities, skills, and what developmental tasks should you work on with your son or daughter at home? Some parents will entrust the solution to this problem to a kindergarten or preparatory group at school, while others will take on this difficult work on their own. And, of course, the latter will win. Neither a school nor a kindergarten will be able to take into account the individual characteristics of each child. And nowhere, except at home, will the most comfortable, relaxed environment, so necessary for the development of the baby, be created.

How to print task cards

On any image you like, right-click and in the window that opens, select “save picture as”, then select where you want to save the card, for example, the desktop of your computer. The card is saved, you can open it as a regular image on your PC and print it to make it more convenient for you to study with your child.

Continuing the topic of the development of children 6-7 years old. Experts have identified three components of a 6-7 year old child’s readiness for school: physiological, psychological and cognitive.

  1. Physiological aspect. The developmental characteristics and readiness of the child to attend school are determined by the doctor. Of course, in case of severe health problems, nothing can be done; you will have to study in correctional classes or schools. If a child is prone to frequent colds, then parents can try to correct this with the help of hardening.
  2. Psychological aspect. Age-appropriate memory, speech, thinking. A child must be able to communicate with peers, calmly respond to comments, respect adults, know what is bad and what is good, and strive to acquire new knowledge.
  3. Cognitive aspect. There are several groups of knowledge and skills that a future first-grader should have.
  • Attention. The child must be able to work according to a model, perform tasks for attentiveness, as well as search for similarities and differences.

Attention is one of the most significant ways of understanding the world. By the age of 7, voluntary attention is formed. If this does not happen, then the child needs help, otherwise problems may arise with concentration in lessons.

Tasks for the development of attention in children 6-7 years old

Task 1. “Parts of the body”. Parent and child sit opposite each other. The parent points to his body part and pronounces its name, the child repeats. Next, the adult does a trick: he shows, for example, an eye, and says that it is an elbow. The child must notice the catch and correctly indicate the part of the body.

Task 2. “Find the differences.” One of the most popular games. You should discuss in advance how many differences there are in the selected picture. It is convenient to use a pencil to mark the found elements. If the child cannot find all the differences, you need to tell him what to pay attention to.

For example, in the following picture you need to find at least 10 differences.

Task 3. “Find the way”. The child is asked to answer a question, for example: “Which path should the bus take for the children to get to school?”

  • Mathematics and logical thinking. The child must be able to count from 1 to 10 in forward and reverse order, know the arithmetic signs “+”, “-”, “=”. Also find patterns, group objects according to one characteristic, continue logical series, compose a story with a logical conclusion, find an extra object, that is, analyze, synthesize, compare, classify and prove.

Child's assignment: count the tens

Child's assignment: compare numbers, put “greater than”, “less than”, “equal” signs

Mathematics is a fundamental factor in intellectual development. Logical thinking is at its core. It, in turn, develops the ability to use logical techniques, as well as build cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions based on them. That’s why it’s so important to start developing logic in preschool age.

Quests for smart people

Tasks and games to develop logic for children 6-7 years old

Developmental task No. 1. Draw numbers up to 10 on a blank sheet of paper, draw the number “7” three times and draw the number “2” three times. Invite your child to color all the numbers 7 blue and the numbers 2 green. After completion, ask the question: “Which numbers are greater? How long?" Such tasks develop the ability to analyze, generalize and compare. Similarly, you can ask your child to count tennis, handball, basketball and soccer balls, and name which ones are larger or smaller.

Developing logical thinking task No. 2. Find an extra vehicle. The child classifies objects according to one criterion: a bus, a scooter and a car run on fuel. But, of course, you first need to introduce a 6-7 year old child to the topic “transport”, tell and show what types of transport there are and who drives them.

Developmental task No. 3 . The children are given the task: “There are as many red notebooks on the shelf as there are blue ones. The number of green and red notebooks is the same. How many notebooks are there on the shelf if there are 3 green ones? This task develops the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare and organize one’s actions.

Developmental task No. 4. You can invite your child to answer trick questions. Children really like these kinds of puzzles. They help develop imagination.

On 1 leg Masha weighs 20 kg, how much will she weigh on 2 legs?

What is lighter: a kilogram of fluff or stones?

How many candies are in an empty bag?

What kind of dishes won't you eat anything from?

There were 5 apples and 3 bananas growing on a birch tree. How many apples are left if all the bananas fell?

At this age, children easily solve problems with hidden meaning, for example: “The wolf invited piglets, little goats and little red riding hood to his birthday party. Count how many delicious guests the wolf invited to his birthday party? (you will be surprised how a 6-7 year old child will quickly answer “11 guests” to this problem).

  • Memory. You need to be able to recite a poem by heart, retell a short text, and memorize 10 pictures.

At the age of 6-7 years, voluntary memory is formed, which is necessary for acquiring a large amount of new knowledge at school. Together with figurative memory, verbal-logical memory develops, that is, what was understood is well remembered. Parents can help develop memory and prepare for school with the help of properly selected tasks.

Tasks for the development of memory in children 6-7 years old

Exercise 1. “Remember and repeat.” An adult says any words and asks them to repeat them. The number of words gradually increases.

Task 2. The child is asked to remember what is shown in the picture. Next, the picture is turned over and questions are asked: “How many people are shown in the picture? What do children play with? What is grandma doing? What's hanging on the wall? What is mom holding? Does daddy have a mustache or a beard?”

Task 3. Playing with objects. Arrange toys and objects in a chaotic order. After the child remembers their location, ask them to turn away. At this point, remove something and ask: “What has changed?” This game involves not only memory, but also attention.

  • Fine motor skills. The child must be able to hold a pen correctly, paint over objects without going beyond the contours, use scissors and make appliqués. The development of fine motor skills is directly related to the development of speech and thinking.

To develop fine motor skills, you can use finger exercises. The child is asked to repeat the actions of the adult. The parent puts his fists on the table, thumbs out to the sides.

“Two friends met at the old well” - the thumbs “hug” each other in turn.

“Suddenly there’s a loud noise somewhere” - fingers tapping on the table.

“Friends fled to their homes” - the fingers hid in a fist.

“They won’t walk in the mountains anymore” - you need to press the thumb of one hand on the joints of the other hand.

This hand exercise is mainly aimed at the thumb, and as you know, massaging it has a positive effect on brain function. Therefore, this gymnastics can be performed before classes.

  • Speech. The child must make sentences from the given words and a story based on the picture, distinguish sounds and letters.

Speech development tasks.

Task 1. Game “Opposites”. The parent names the words, the child needs to come up with a word that has the opposite meaning, for example, good - bad, open - close, high - low.

Task 2. Game “If we were artists.” A parent and a child draw a small village house. Then he invites him to complete the drawing of objects that have the sounds “r” or “r” in the word.

  • The world. The child needs to know basic facts about surrounding objects and phenomena. For example, know colors, animals, birds, seasons, names and place of work of parents, address. Children gain such knowledge by reading books, while walking, during classes with their parents and in kindergarten.

Before you start classes, you need to remember a few rules. Firstly, you should not force your child to study, you need to interest him and then he himself will call you to the table. Secondly, classes should not last long, since a 6-7 year old child cannot maintain attention for longer than 25 minutes. And thirdly, at this age the main activity is still play. A child learns by playing. Therefore, most tasks should be presented in a playful way.

Video “Logic tests for children”

Here is the complete archive of the free electronic magazine Korablik.

Preschoolers are characterized by curiosity and desire. Boring primers and dry presentation of material pushes children away from further development. The presented magazine was created for a variety of activities with the child, as an aid for parents and educators. Bright pictures and interesting exercises are suitable for children who are getting ready to go to school. Cognitive tasks allow you to saturate your developing mind with useful knowledge without interrupting the gameplay.

The electronic magazine “Korablik” has carefully selected tasks aimed at the comprehensive development of the child. The collected exercises activate the child’s logical thinking and allow him to apply existing knowledge in practice. Each edition contains exciting exercises that every preschooler will enjoy. Convenient presentation of material promotes rapid memorization of new knowledge.

The fascinating magazine has collected useful material on its pages that can lay the necessary foundation for further learning. Together with interesting exercises, the child will develop in the right direction, train his mind and increase his potential.

Brief content of the Korablik magazine by numbers:

Preparing your hand for writing, mathematics, the world around you.

Mathematics, logic, the world around us.

Preparing the hand for writing, thinking.

Mathematics, preparing your hand for writing.

Preparing the hand for writing, mathematics, logical thinking.

Ship No. 6 (download/view in JPEG format)

Development of hand motor skills, mathematics, thinking.

Logic, thinking, memory development.

Ship No. 9 (download/view in JPEG format)

Preparing the hand for writing, developing speech.

Fundamentals of labor education, logical thinking.

Mathematical concepts, hand motor skills.

Logical thinking, the world around us.

Development of attention, mathematics, logical thinking.

Preparing the hand for writing, mathematical concepts.

Speech development, mathematics, the world around us.

Understanding the environment, preparing the hand for writing.

Mathematics, development of hand motor skills.

Classes to develop speech by writing sentences and stories.

The world around us, nursery rhymes.

Mathematics for kids: classification.

We develop attention and fine motor skills of children's hands.

We compare objects and develop children's attention.

We develop attention, ingenuity, fine motor skills, and look for patterns.

We learn to observe, compare and generalize.

We compare objects according to their internal characteristics and solve logical problems.

We teach children the classification of objects.

Classes to develop the intellectual abilities of children 5-6 years old.

Literacy classes for children 5-6 years old.

Articulation gymnastics.

Games and exercises on the topic “Man and his health.”

The world around us, environmental education, speech development.

Tasks for the development of thinking in children.

Lessons with letters and syllables.

Children's first steps into mathematics.

Complexes of developmental exercises.

Physical education classes for the development of motor creativity of preschool children.

Mathematics for preschoolers.

Complexes of developmental activities to prepare children of senior preschool age for school.

We teach children safe behavior, classes on the topic “Winter”.

Lessons on the topic “Winter”.

Math classes for preschoolers.

Tasks for the development of speech in preschool children.

Classes on teaching children to read.

Classes to teach children 4-5 years old to read through play.

Classes on teaching reading to children 4-5 years old.

Classes on teaching reading to middle preschool age.

Cards-tasks in mathematics 1st grade.

Lessons on the theme “Autumn”.

Mathematics, writing.

Exercises for developing memory, exercises for developing attention.

Lesson notes for teaching children 4-5 years old to read and write; exercises for developing attention and thinking.

Developmental exercises for preschoolers.

We develop hand motor skills, develop attention, thinking, mathematics for preschoolers, classes on speech development.

Literacy classes, speech development classes.

Riddle games, developing hand motor skills, math problems.

Unconventional methods of improving children's health, developing logical thinking (lotto), solving crossword puzzles.

Tasks for the development of thinking, tasks for teaching children to read and write, tasks for preparing a child for learning to write.

Cut-out pictures, crosswords.

Intellectual readiness for school: lessons 1-10.

Intellectual readiness for school: lessons 11-21.

Intellectual readiness for school: lessons 22-32.

Games and tasks to develop a child's attention, thinking, and memory.

Tasks for preparing your hand for writing (we draw in cells).

Exercises and problems in mathematics for primary grades.

Open lesson on the Russian language in the preparatory group.

According to the method of S. Egorova. Teaching the Russian language in national preschool institutions. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Teacher Zyryanova Natalya Afanasyevna

Subject Parts of the day

Target Teach children to distinguish parts of the day

Tasks.Teach children to ask each other questions.

Summarize and consolidate the learned material about ways to indicate the time of a part of the day.

bring children closer to the natural form of communication in Russian

Learning words morning day evening night

Speech skills situational statements

Materials for the lesson story pictures, magic chest and handout pictures

Progress of the lesson

Game: Wind-up dolls play Day and night.

Guys, look today we have some guests coming to say hello. Hello, good morning!

Who is on duty today? Please come to the board and tell me who is not in the group today?

Today we have a Russian language lesson. We will speak Russian.

Let's listen to the children's conversation on the topic of today and yesterday. Today I came to kindergarten with my mother. Yesterday we played.

Listen to the riddles "I look out the window, a black cat is walking"

"By the evening he runs away and comes to life in the morning"

Today we will talk about parts of the day. The word day consists of four parts

Let's call it all together: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

After the night the whole day ends, again the morning begins a new day.

Let's play a game: Say it quickly. I’ll name one part of the day and you guys name all the others that follow it to make the day “Day”, what’s next?

"Evening" and: t: d;

In the morning we say “Good morning!”, and in the evening “Good night”

Game: Determine the time of day to develop attention

On your cards there is an image of the moon and the sun

The sun is shining in the sky (show the sun on the cards)

Dark-dark sky (show an image of the moon, etc.)

Children playing outside?

When do you sleep at home?

Fizminutka: Anna Vanna our squad Anna Vanna our squad

Wants to see piglets Wants to see piglets

It's time to bathe the piglets It's time to feed the piglets

After come after come

Magic chest: What kind of chest do I have?

Game: I have a beautiful chest, here are the pictures. Whoever I call will come up, take the picture out of the chest and name what is drawn there. Listen carefully.

I put the pictures

In a multi-colored chest

Feel free to approach Masha

Take out the picture and name it

Working with paintings "Our kindergarten"

Here's a kindergarten. This is a corner of nature. Flowers grow here. A bird lives in a cage. Fish swim in the water. Today the children are on duty, they work in a corner of nature. There are flowers on the window. The girl waters them. Two boys feed the fish. And this is a girl, she feeds the bird. The teacher helps the girl. Children love animals. They take care of them, look after them. This is an aquarium. Fish live here. They are beautiful red. The fish swim fast.

We answer the questions What is this? Watering can, aquarium

Who is this? boy, children, teacher, bird

What is the boy doing?

What is the girl doing?

Where is the bird sitting?

Where do the fish swim?

What flower? Beautiful little

What bird? Cheerful little one

Whose? Whose cage is this? Whose corner of nature is this?

Who does the teacher help? Who has a watering can? How many birds? How many fish?

Physical exercise: Hands clapping

One two Three

Foot stomped

one two Three.

Turned to the right

Turned left

One, two, head up

Three, four shoulders wider

Five, six, sit down quietly.

Game: Now we will check how you remember the new words. I will say (sakhalyy) words to whomever I go, he will say in Russian this word o5olor children o5o garden (sarsyard) who liked what? Well done, all the children did well.

The issue of teaching the Russian language to foreign migrants is, in our opinion, not only a matter of cultural and linguistic adaptation of the latter, but, first of all, a matter of socialization of this new and vast group of people in our society.

Children occupy a special place in this group. We are not afraid to say that almost everything in the lives of these children: the formation of personal qualities and interests in the process of communication, and the success of studying in a Russian-language school, and the availability of further education and professional growth in the future, depends on the degree of their mastery of the state language of our country.

In our opinion, as a specialist working with preschool children, the problem is not only that these children do not speak Russian. They also have poor command of their national language.

We are faced with a paradoxical phenomenon when a small child has practically no native language. The child has not fully mastered the national language for free communication in it, but he masters the new one, Russian, in two language environments: Russian-speaking - in the kindergarten group, and “Russian-national” - at home and in his diaspora.

In fact, by teaching a child the language within the walls of a kindergarten, where he spends most of his time, “immersing” him in a Russian-speaking environment, we teach him not only to solve everyday communicative problems, but also to think in Russian.

Toporkova Elena Mikhailovna,
teacher-speech therapist 1st quarter categories,
GBOU kindergarten No. 2464 South-Western Administrative District of Moscow