
"The smartest." Intellectual game for older preschoolers

"The smartest high school student"

(for students in grades 9 – 11).



1.Development of students' intellectual abilities.

2.Development of cognitive activity and curiosity of students.

3. Cultivate interest in the subjects studied at school.

Progress of the game

1.Self-introduction of the game participants.

2.Acquaintance with the conditions of the game.


Qualifying round (First game).

6 students participating


1. Operetta dance?

a) break c) lambada

b) shake d) can-can

2. Dog breed?

a) schnitzel b) cumin

b) bourbon d) spitz

3. The scientist who discovered the law of universal gravitation?

a) A. Ampere c) I. Newton

b) Sh. Coulomb d) W. Kelvin

4.The scientist who first designed a rocket for interplanetary communications?

a) A. Ampere c) K. E. Tsiolkovsky

b) I. Newton d) A. S. Popov

5.English physicist who created the doctrine of the electric field?

a) I. Newton c) A. Einstein

b) M. Faraday d) M. V. Lomonosov

6. Non-conducting substance electric current?

a) conductor b) semiconductor

b) electrolyte d) dielectric

7. Particles that make up the nucleus of an atom?

a) protons, neutrons, electrons c) protons, electrons

b) protons, neutrons d) electrons, neutrons

8.A device used to detect electric charge?

a) thermostat b) barometer

b) electroscope d) voltmeter

9. Inventor of the first steam engine?

a) D. Watt c) S. P. Korolev

b) S. Carnot d) A. Einstein

10. The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is?

a) 90⁰ c) 180⁰

b) 60⁰ d) 360⁰

11.Which great scientist made his discovery in a dream? What was the discovery?

a) A. Einstein (Special theory of relativity)

b) D.I. Mendeleev (Periodic Law)

c).M. Faraday (Theory electromagnetic field)

d) E. Rutherford (Planetary model of the structure of the atomic nucleus)

12. The annual path of the Sun through the 12 zodiac constellations?

a) zenith c) opposition

b) nadir d) ecliptic

13. A device for measuring the height of rise by changes in atmospheric pressure?

a) pressure gauge b) barometer

b) tonometer d) altimeter

a) Uranus c) Neptune

b) Jupiter d) Saturn

15. On the National Flag of which state does the sun appear?

a) Vatican c) Kazakhstan

b) Russia d) Sweden

16.What oriental sweet is made from sunflower seeds?

a) halva c) marshmallow

b) hominy d) soufflé

Based on the results of the answers, 4 players advance to the semi-finals

Semi-final (second game)

Based on the results of the codebreaker, we determine the order of participation of the semi-finalists in the game.


1: A, B, C 3: F, G, I 5: N, O, P 7: U, F, X 9: Ш, ы, b, b

2: G, D, E 4: K, L, M 6: R, S, T 8: C, H, W 10: E, S, Z

Task: Using a decipherer, insert the corresponding letters into the cells and get a word meaning military rank. (9 letters)

Whoever completes the task first is the first to start the second game

The second game involves participants. Within 1 minute you need to answer as many questions as possible.

The following categories of questions are offered:

Physics and mathematics



Favorite cartoons

Biology and Chemistry


1).Law connecting the dependence of current, voltage and resistance?

2).Who discovered the phenomenon of natural radioactivity?

3) Do we pay for travel or transportation when traveling by taxi and by plane?

4) Unit of force?

5) Why does a dog stick out its tongue in hot weather?

6) Why “can’t you pick up a hedgehog with your bare hands”?

7) What is the side of the square if its perimeter is 100 cm?

8) What does it mean: solve an equation?

1).In what village did Gogol’s Solokha live?

2).The name of the owner of the dog named Mu-Mu?

3).How many stories does “Belkin’s Tales” by A. S. Pushkin consist of?

4).Which of the heroes of M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin “lived - trembled and died - trembled”?

5).To whom is A.S. Pushkin’s poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment...” dedicated?

6).What time in life, according to L.N. Tolstoy, is the happiest and most carefree time?

1).At what time of day does the breeze blow from land to sea?

2)The capital of Romania?

3) In which lake in Kazakhstan is one part fresh and the other salty?

4)Which country has the deepest lake in the world?

5) The highest continent in the world?

1)Which of Winnie the Pooh’s friends had a rug at the entrance to their home with the inscription “Wipe your feet!”?

2) In which cartoon does the wolf dance “Dance of the Little Swans”?

3) Who did Winnie the Pooh go to visit with in the morning?

4)What is the name of Shrek's beloved wife?

5) “There is nothing better in the world than wandering around the world with friends...”. What cartoon is this song from?

6) Little mice always rush to help... ?

1) The lightest element of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table that is part of atmospheric air?

2) Which plant leaf should be applied to the site of a bee sting to relieve swelling and pain?

3) Diseases of which system can it alleviate? domestic cat?

4) What medicine is made from reindeer antlers?

5) Name the antiseptic - an oxidizing agent that accumulates in seaweed.

6) What dress can you sunbathe in? Why?

1)Capital of the 2008 Summer Olympics?

2)Which Scandinavian country's hockey players won twice Olympic Games Oh?

3) In what sports game is there a “Golden Puck” prize?

4) Number of players in the volleyball team?

5) In what sport does the “Todes” element exist?

6) Heavyweight wrestling - wrestling...

The 3 participants with the most points advance to the finals.

Final (third game)

Based on the results of the decipherer, we determine the order of answers of the game participants.

Assignment: Section of physics that studies light phenomena (6 letters)

The first person to answer correctly is given the right to choose a red cell and category, the second - a blue cell, the third - a yellow cell and a gray cell - category general issues.

Conditions: If a participant guesses his cell and answers the question correctly, he receives 2 points. If he opens an opponent's cell and answers the question correctly, then gets 3 points. If you open a category of general questions, you get 1 point.

Suggested categories from sections of physics.

« Mechanics", "Nuclear Physics", "Electricity and Magnetism", "General Issues"

Red cells – Mechanics section

Mechanics questions.

1. If other bodies do not act on the body or their action is compensated, then how does the body behave?

2. Unit of measurement of body speed in the SI system?

3. Complete the sentence: “Uneven movement is a movement in which the body...”

4.What is the difference between a traveled path and a movement?

Blue cells – Section “Nuclear Physics”

Nuclear Physics Questions

1.Does the rate of radioactive decay depend on the temperature of the sample?

2. Complete the sentence: “A thermonuclear reaction is the reaction of the fusion of light nuclei with...”

3.M.Sklodovskaya - Curie and P.Curie discovered…

4.Name the bombarding particles that cause fission of uranium nuclei.

Yellow cells – Section “Electricity and Magnetism”

Questions on electricity and magnetism.

1.How do opposite poles of magnets interact?

2. The current strength in the circuit is directly proportional to the applied voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor. This statement is the law...

3. Does the resistance of a conductor depend on the type of substance from which it is made?

4.When connecting conductors in parallel, the total resistance of the circuit... (increases? Decreases?)

Gray cells – General questions section

1. If the Archimedean force acting on a body is greater than the force of gravity, then how will the body behave in a liquid?

2.Why does ice float on the surface of water?

3.Why can’t you extinguish burning oil with water?

4.Which direction and why do the passengers of a bus turning left deviate?

We count the points and summarize the game.

Grid of cells for the final. (1 second)

Cell grid for the final

Amelchukova Nadezhda Ivanovna, first category physics teacher. High school named after Bazylbek Akhmetov. Novo-Odesskoe village, Ulan district, East Kazakhstan region.

Mind game for high school students. Scenario

Game for high school students "The Smartest"

Target: Development of general intellectual skills on material that complements school curriculum, with the formation of self-development skills.
1. Teach to master the acquired amount of knowledge, applying it in non-standard situations.
2. Develop interdisciplinary connections.
3. Instill self-development skills, emphasizing speech culture, analytical need, logical thinking.
4. Develop self-control skills of your psychophysical activity.
5. Instill interest in academic subjects through cognitive activity.

Participants in the game: the leader is the teacher, the players are a team of high school students (grades 9-11).

Progress of the game:

Round 1 – general questions for students; based on the results of the first round, 6 students advance to the second.
Round 2 – each student chooses two categories. Within 1 minute you need to answer more questions. Based on the results of the second round, three finalists are determined.
Final - questions from categories pre-selected by students are painted in three colors, the answer to your question - 2 points, the answer to your opponent - 3 points, general questions - 1 point. - The most “sunny” geometric figure?(Beam)
- The biggest bear? (Polar bear)
- The most travel bag? (Backpack)
- What are the best swimming shoes? (Fins)
- The sharpest heel? (Stiletto heel)
- The most heavenly color? (Blue)
- The most children's theater? (Puppet theater)
- The most toothy ballet? (“The Nutcracker”)
- Most geometric headdress? (Top hat, cocked hat)
- The most dishonest headdress? (Bowler)
- The most crying character in ancient Russian literature? (Yaroslavna. Yaroslavna’s cry)
- The most famous song of Solovyov-Sedoy? (“Moscow Evenings”)
- The most peaceful result of the fight? (Draw)
- The most children's swimming device? (Inflatable ring)
- The largest sporting event? (Olympics)
- The most long distance in athletics? (Marathon - 42 km 195 m)
- The most “sporty” female name? (Olympics)
- The very first school textbook? (ABC book)
- The southernmost continent? (Antarctica)
- The most ballet skirt? (Tutu) Zoology:
1. The largest class of animals (insects)
2. A hollow jelly-like sac with a mouth opening and tentacles around it is a type...(coelenterates)
3. Representatives of which class of mollusks do not have a head (bivalves)
4. Breathes through lungs and skin (frog)
5. The largest cell in animals (ovum, ostrich egg)
6. Most large mammal(blue whale)
7. Archeopteryx is a transitional form between reptiles and ... (birds)
8. What class of animals feeds their young with milk (mammals)
9. Which teeth are more developed in rodents (incisors)
10. How many sections does the complex stomach of ruminant artiodactyls have (4)
11. How do bats navigate in flight (ultrasound)
12. Asexual method of reproduction of hydras (budding)
13. With whom does the hermit crab (anemone) enter into symbiosis?
14. “Jaws” is a film about... (sharks)
15. Skin devoid of glands, covered with horny scales in representatives of the class ... (reptiles)

(Surprise) Tales:
1. What was the name of the owner of Sivka-Burka? (Ivanushka the Fool)
2. Which pet helped the girl complete her stepmother’s tasks in the fairy tale “Little Khavroshechka”? (cow)
3. Author of the fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio” (A. Tolstoy)
4. Who helped return private property in the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut” (Rooster)
5. How did Balda manage to carry away his horse? (mounted a horse)
6. What wild animal helped hunt gems and gold? (Squirrel)
7. What payment did Balda ask for the work? (Three clicks to the forehead)
8. To which island did the wave carry the barrel with the queen and Guidon? (Buyan Island)
9. How many fairy tales did A.S. write? Pushkin? (5 tales)
10. The name of the girl who was carried into a magical land by the hurricane? (Ellie)
11. The first woman to fly? (Baba Yaga)
12. Who ate the wrong sandwich? (Uncle Fedor)
13. Once upon a time he was a strange wooden toy (Cheburashka)
14. Name a fairy-tale character who goes out of his way? (Frog Princess)
15. What fairytale headdress can’t be drawn? (Invisibility hat)

1. Why are algae considered lower plants? (Do not have tissues or organs).
2. Plants that have two cotyledons, a taproot system, and reticulate venation are classified as... (Dicotyledons).
3. These mushrooms help to look for pigs (truffles);
4. How do bacteria differ from unicellular algae? (Do not have a nucleus or chloroplasts).
5. A shoot of a plant bearing flowers (inflorescence);
6. Mycology is the science... (about mushrooms).
7. Transfer of pollen from the stamens to the stigma of the pistil (pollination)
8. Fusion of sperm with egg (fertilization)
9. What plant organ is the tuber (underground shoot)
10. Rod-shaped bacteria (bacillus)
11. Life form of a plant with one strong perennial stem (tree)
12. Apricot, dried in halves (dried apricots);
13. Groundnut (peanut);
14. Mycorrhiza is a symbiosis of a plant and ... (fungus)
15. Cell formed as a result of the fusion of gametes (zygote)

1. Longest parallel (equator)
2. A huge block of ice in the ocean (iceberg)
3. Huge waves in the ocean generated above the epicenter of an earthquake (tsunami)
4. What is the name of a winding road in the mountains? (Serpentine)
5. Which continent has no rivers? (In Antarctica)
6. What is the longest river in the world? (Nile)
7. A device for determining the sides of the horizon? (Compass)
8. What is the name of the Chukchi dwelling? Yaranga
9. What connects the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean? (Panama Canal)
10. Who are cannibals? (Cannibal people)
11. This mountain is called the top of the world (Everest)
12. What is the second name of Everest? (Jamalungma)
13. Does it come in North and South? (America)
14. What is pumice, which we use to wipe off dirt from our feet and hands? (Frozen lava)
15. Which element predominates in the Earth's core? (Liquid iron)

1. Is it possible to navigate on the lunar surface using a compass?/ No
2. How long will a match burn on the moon? / Not how much
3. What is the closest planet to the sun? /Mercury
4. What is the farthest planet from the sun? /Pluto
5. Smallest planet solar system? / Pluto
6. The largest planet in the solar system? / Jupiter
7. What does the word “Comet” mean? /"Hairy"
8. Which star is closest to earth? / Sun
9. What form does any liquid take in zero gravity? / Ball
10. Who is the planet Venus named after? / In honor of the Roman goddess of love and beauty
11. Who is the planet Neptune named after? / In honor of the Roman god - patron of the sea
12. Who is the planet Mars named after? / In honor of the Roman god of war
13. What is a galaxy? /Cluster of millions of stars
14. What is the name of our galaxy? /Milky Way
15. Where did craters appear on the Moon? /From collisions with meteorites

1. Which insect was responsible for the plague epidemic of 1348-1350? Flea
2. What beetle did the ancient Egyptians call sacred? Scarab
3. Who will be born three times before becoming an adult? Butterfly
4. What do grasshoppers sing about? Rub their feet on the wings
5. Why is the stag beetle called that? Because of its branchy horns
6. Peacock's eye, satin, moth, linden hawkmoth, cabbage, mourning, Apollo. Who is this? Butterflies.
7. Where is the taste organ in butterflies? At my feet
8. Where does silk come from? From silkworm cocoons.
9. What are the fastest insects? Cockroaches
10. Do ants prepare food for the winter? Yes
11. What insect is called “Gnawer” in Hebrew? Mole
12. What kinds of ants exist? Sugar, honey or chocolate? Honey
13. Ladybug predatory or herbivorous insect? Predatory
14. Carrier of dysentery. Fly.
15. What insects are called Prussians? Red cockroaches

1. Reference star (polar)
2. The sixth planet from the Sun, the second largest (Saturn)
3. Cosmic body with a tail? (comet)
4. Between which planets is the ring of asteroids located? (Mars and Jupiter)
5. The central body of the solar system? (sun)
6. Who was the first to propose a modern model of the solar system? (Copernicus)
7. Smallest planet? (Pluto)
8. A planet in the Solar System whose proper rotation is opposite to the direction of its revolution around the Sun and is closer to it. (Venus)
9. The closest planet to the Sun? (Mercury)
10. A strip of stars crossing the solar system (milky way)
11. The only satellite of the Earth? (moon)
12. Which planet was initially mistaken for a comet? (Uranus)
13. “Fiery Planet” (Mars)
14. What was the name of the first self-propelled vehicle for studying the surface of planets? (Rover)
15. The first cosmonaut to go into outer space? (Leonov)

History of Russia:
1. Was the territory of the modern Moscow region inhabited by the Drevlyans or Vyatichi? (Vyatichi.)
2. Author of the first edition of The Tale of Bygone Years. Nestor.
4. Name the prince who proclaimed Kyiv the capital of the ancient Russian state. Oleg.
5. In the waters of which river did Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich baptize Russian people in 988? (In the waters of the Dnieper
6. In what century was the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus' celebrated? (In the 20th, or more precisely in 1998.)
7. Did the Russians or the Mongols win the Battle of the Kalka River? (Mongols
8. What was the name of the Russian Tsar, the son of the boyar Fyodor Godunov? (Boris Godunov.)
9. Ruler of the Russian state, with young brothers Ivan and Peter. (Sophia.)
10. Name the state whose troops were defeated by the Russians near Poltava? (Sweden
11. What was the name of the son of Peter the Great, who, by order of his father, was thrown into the Peter and Paul Fortress? (Alexey.)
12. How did the first guards regiments of Peter I begin to be called, in accordance with the names of two villages near Moscow? (Semyonovsky and Preobrazhensky.)
13. Which Russian scientist wrote an ode in 1741 in honor of the accession to the throne of Elizabeth Petrovna? ​​(Mikhail Lomonosov.)
14. Who was Paul I related to Catherine II? (Son.)
15. Which emperor replaced Nicholas I on the Russian throne? (Alexander II.)

1. What name aquarium fish identical to the name of the chemical element.
2. Which one chemical element was discovered in seaweed ash leaching products?
3. What metal can “suffer from the plague”?
4. The lack of which element in the human body leads to dental caries? Fluorine
5. What chemical element was used to poison Napoleon? Arsenic
6. What chemical element is seaweed - kelp - rich in? Iodine
7. Which metal has bactericidal properties? Silver
8. For what diseases does the doctor prescribe bromine? Nervous
9. What acid is found in the human stomach? Solyanaya
10. Which animal is involved in the discovery of iodine? Cat
11. Which organ contains the most bromine? Brain
12. Which halogen is concentrated in thyroid gland? Iodine
13. The name of which edible mushroom includes the name of a chemical element? Borovik
14. A chemical element that is part of the name of the green pigment of plants. Chlorine.
15. Chemical element whose name is the same as the name of a pine forest?

1. The air shell of the Earth
2. Depth of vessel immersion in water
3. What a body has if it can do work
4. Force unit
5. Liquid density measuring device
6. Mass measuring device
7. Physical quantity equal to the ratio of body mass to its volume
8. The scientist who first measured atmospheric pressure
9. Does steam or water at 100 C have more internal energy?
10. When leaving the water, the animals shake themselves. On what law of physics is their release from water based?

1. What geometric figure is decorated with diamonds? (Ring.)
2. Which car emblem is represented by four rings? (“Audi.”)
3. What geometric shapes are friendly with the sun? (Rays.)
4. What geometric figure is needed to punish children? (Corner.)
5. At what angle does the soldier turn at the command “circle”? (At 180°.)
6. What form does the presidential office take in the US White House? (Oval Office.)
7. What arc entered the history of the 20th century? (Kursk Bulge.)
8. A geographic cone is... (volcano).
9. Which one mathematical figure worn on men's heads? (Cylinder.)
10. A polyhedron from Egypt is... (pyramid).
11. The deceptive financial polyhedron is... (pyramid).
12. What is the name of the perpendicular to the rails? (Sleeper.)
13. Pentagon – a polygon with how many angles (5)
14. What polygon is the shape of any snowflake based on? (6)
15. Name the “geometric” type of poplar. (Pyramid poplar.) Auditory Analyzer – Gavrilova A.
1. In what part auditory analyzer Where is the organ of Corti located? (Snail)
2. Which bone is connected to the eardrum (hammer)
3. Inflammation of the middle ear (Otitis)
4. Which part of the auditory analyzer serves to ventilate the tympanic cavity and maintain pressure equal to atmospheric pressure? (Auditory (Eustachian) tube)
5. In what units is the energy level in sound measured? (decibels)
6. What level of noise is painful and can cause damage? eardrum(About 140 dB)
7. Why does a person’s hearing become dull with age? ( Auditory ossicles lose mobility)
8. What are they called? auditory receptors, transforming sound waves into electrical signals? (hair cells)
9. Safe sound level (about 85 dB)

“The Great Patriotic War” (Bolynov A.)
1. Hour, day, year and place of the invasion of Hitler’s troops into the territory of the USSR - 4 o’clock in the morning on June 22, 1941 in Brest.
2. Author of the painting “Defenders” Brest Fortress" - P.A. Krivonogov.
3. What winter was the most terrible for Leningraders during the Great Patriotic War? Patriotic War? - Winter 1941–42.
4.Who hoisted the Red Banner of Victory over the Reichstag? - Soviet reconnaissance fighters M. Egorov and M. Kantaria.
5. What event happened in the summer of 1943, in which the Nazis lost about 350 tanks and 3.5 thousand killed? - Kursk tank battle near Prokhorovka.
6. The battle during which a turning point occurred in the Great Patriotic War. - Battle of Stalingrad in the winter of 1942-43.
7. The best legendary medium tank of the Great Patriotic War. - Tank T-34.
8. In what year was the second front opened? - Summer of 1944.
9. Who was in command? Soviet troops during the Berlin operation in 1945? - Marshal K. Zhukov.

Battle of Kulikovo – Akimcheva
1. Who commanded the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo?
2. Where are the heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo Peresvet and Oslyabya buried? (Simonovsky Monastery)
3. Who blessed the Russian army for this difficult feat? (Sergius of Radonezh)
4. To whom did Dmitry Donskoy give his horse and signs of power before the Battle of Kulikovo?
(To his favorite, governor Mikhail Andreevich Brenko.)

5. How did the duel between Peresvet and Chelubey end? (both died)
6. Which city began to be called the main city of Rus' after the victory of Dmitry Donskoy? (Moscow)
7. Who led the ambush regiment at the Battle of Kulikovo? (Voevoda Dmitry Bobrok and Prince Vladimir Serpukhovskoy)
8. Who was Alexander Peresvet? (monk)
9. How long did the Battle of Kulikovo last? (4 hours)

Crimean War – Nechaev V.
1. Who were the opponents in Crimean War(The war was between Russian Empire and a coalition of countries - England, France, Turkey and Sardinia)
2. Name the last battle in the history of the sailing fleet. Who commanded the Russian squadron? Battle of Sinop. P.S. Nakhimov
3. Near what city in Crimea did the Anglo-French landing take place in 1854? Evpatoria
4. Name the military engineer - the hero of the defense of Sevastopol. E.I. Totleben
5. Who led the defense of Sevastopol? V.A. Kornilov, P.S. Nakhimov, V.I. Istomin
6. Why was the Russian fleet scuttled in the Sevastopol Bay on the eve of the siege? The Russian fleet was scuttled to block the enemy's entrance to the bay
7. What was the name of the height that dominated Sevastopol, the capture of which by the enemy made the defense of the city impossible? . Malakhov Kurgan
8. How long did the defense of Sevastopol last? . 11 months
9. Name the famous writer - participant in the defense of Sevastopol. L.N. Tolstoy

Anatomy (Aniskin Ilya):
1. Name the organ: it consists of lobes, its shape resembles a cone with a rounded top, the outside is covered with pleura, and inside there is spongy tissue (Lungs).
2. It consists of excess tissue fluid, proteins, particles of dead cells and microorganisms. What is this? (Lymph)
3. Vessels through which blood returns to the heart in the systemic circulation (Superior and inferior vena cava)
4. Located behind the peritoneum, behind the stomach and extends transversely from the duodenum to the spleen. What is this? (pancreas)
5. What was your education? humoral system regulation of the body? (endocrine glands)
6. A cylindrical cord with a very narrow cavity - a central channel. What is this? (spinal cord)
7. The section of the brain in which the main centers are located that ensure the functioning of the entire nervous system. (Cerebral cortex)
8. Photosensitive cells that perceive color (cones)
9. Which part of the human body includes the talus ( lower limb– between the tibia and the bones of the foot)
Geography of Russia (Chendylov Ivan):
1. The level above which snow does not melt, accumulates and turns into ice (Snow Line)
2. Which Russian mountains have the largest set of natural zones? (Caucasian)
3. Treeless natural area with vegetation of mosses, lichens and creeping shrubs (tundra)
4. In which mountains are the peaks Pai-Er, Telpos-Iz, Narodnaya, Pavdinsky Kamen, Yamantau (Ural)
5. What is Vasyugan famous for (swamps)
6. What force formed the “Ram’s foreheads” and “curly rocks” (glacier)
7. Continue the expression “Whoever has not seen Baikal has... (hasn’t been to Siberia)
8. Ice on the river according to Yakut (Taryn)
9. What are hydrolacolites? (dome-shaped hill with an ice core inside)

General theme
1. What day was considered the first day of the year before Peter the first introduced a new calendar? (September 1)
2. Which scientist studied the protective properties of blood (I.I. Mechnikov).
3. Which one blood cell pushes the nucleus out early stages development? (Erythrocyte)
4. Lack of which vitamins can damage vision (A and C)
5. What you can't do with with open eyes? (Sneeze)
6. In what year was Eugene Onegin born? (1795)
7. What was Tatyana Larina’s middle name? (Dmitrievna)
8. “I need peace, I need it absolutely at all costs, save only your honor.” Whose words are these? (Napoleon)
9. Kogo A.S. Pushkin called “our first university”? (M. Lomonosova)

Let's joke - Eliseeva A.
1.Which number has as many numbers as there are letters in its name? (100)
2. Guests came to your place, and in the refrigerator there was a bottle of lemonade, a bag of pineapple juice and a bottle mineral water. What will you open first? (fridge)
3. From birth everyone is dumb and crooked. They will stand in a row and start talking! (letters)
4.On the table are a ruler, a pencil, a compass and an eraser. You need to draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where do you start? (take a piece of paper)
5.What can you take in left hand, but not on the right? (right hand)
6. The night watchman died during the day. Will they give him a pension? (no - he's dead)
7. What horse doesn’t eat oats? (chess)
8. What little horse needs to be placed between two pronouns to make the name of a country? (pony-japan)
9. George Washington, Sherlock Holmes, William Shakespeare, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Napoleon Bonaparte, Nero - who is the “odd one” on this list? (Sherlock is a fictional character)

CSKA – Zhilyakov
1. The history of the CSKA football club began in (1911)
2. What was the name of the club in 1911-1923 (Society of Ski Lovers (OLLS).
3. What is significant about 2004-2005 for CSKA (they won the UEFA Cup)
4. Who was the top scorer in the 2008/09 UEFA Cup (Wagner Love)
5. Who was awarded the title of Best Young Player, “Top Five” Prize in 2005 (-Igor Akinfeev.)
6. “Coach of the Year” according to UEFA in 2005 Valery Gazaev
7. What was the name of the prize established by the Komsomolskoe Znamya newspaper, awarded to the team that scored the most points during the USSR Championship, playing on foreign fields. In 1991, awarded to CSKA. (To an aggressive guest)
8. According to 2006 data, CSKA took 2nd place in terms of the number of fans, who is in 1st place? (Spartacus)
9. What is the name of the prize that CSKA fans award their idols at the end of each season (golden horseshoe)

Intellectual game "The smartest"

  • Checking the general level of erudition of students;

  • Activation cognitive activity students;

  • Fostering a sense of cohesion and collectivism.

Rules of the game:
In the first round, 6 participants start the game. The presenter asks them 10 mandatory questions. The correct answer is 10 points. The four players with the most points advance to the second round.

Before the start of the second round, competitors play a game of "codebreaker" to determine the order in which they will start in the quarterfinals. In this round, participants are offered four categories of knowledge with seven questions each. The three players with the most points advance to the semi-finals.

The semi-final starts with the participant with the fewest points. He is the first to choose one of the three proposed categories of knowledge. There are five questions in each category.

The participant with the most points advances to the finals.

The finalist answers five questions from the “My Profession” category, thereby finally confirming the title “The Smartest”.
First round questions:
1 participant:

  1. What are dried grapes called? (raisin)

  2. What is a swarm? (bee family)

  3. What is the name of the tree that has a white sundress and a green hairstyle? (birch)

  4. Name the country where the most people live large number people? (China)

  5. What was the name of the ruler of Ancient Egypt? (Pharaoh)

  6. Finish the proverb: “If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but found him…. (take care)

  7. What is a solid base called? human body? (skeleton)

  8. Where is it grown? service dogs? (in the nursery)

  9. What is the name of the ancient game that involves moving pieces around cells? (chess)

  10. What is the name of the artistic image? human face? (portrait).

2nd participant:

1. What do you call a passionate lover of singing and music? (music lover)

2. What mountains did Hannibal, and later Suvorov, conquer? (Alps)

3. Who is the founder of Moscow State University? (Lomonosov)

4. Airplane garage? (hangar)

5. Goddess of beauty in Ancient Greece? (Aphrodite)

6. The air envelope of our planet? (atmosphere)

7. Which name means “victory” in Greek? (Victoria)

8. What word did Kai make out of ice floes? (eternity)

9. “Tears” of the Baltic Sea? (amber)

10. What chemical element is wood? (boron)
3rd participant:

  1. Smallest continent? (Australia)

  2. What is the name of the camping pot? (bowler)

  3. Who was often burned at the stake in the middle of the century? (witches)

  4. Highest mountain peak? (Everest)

  5. What is the name of a fast sports boat? (kayak)

  6. Biggest island? (Greenland)

  7. What is the name of the place where the river begins? (source)

  8. What is gasoline made from? (from oil)

  9. What is the name of the key decoration? (keychain)

  10. Riddle: “The spring is jumping, the green back”? (grasshopper)

4th participant:

  1. What time of day do scorpions hunt? (at night)

  2. On which peninsula is the city of Seoul located? (in Korean)

  3. How many kilograms is a pound equal? (16)

  4. What is the name of the type of coal? best quality? (anthracite)

  5. Under what tsar did billiards appear in Russia? (under Peter 1)

  6. What is the name of the capital of the largest populated country in Asia? (Beijing)

  7. That half the world doesn't see this, but we now see it every day? (snow)

  8. Which layer of the atmosphere is the lowest? (troposphere)

  9. Name at least one of the three lakes on the globe, which are usually called seas? (Caspian, Aral, Dead)

  10. What is the name of the current Prime Minister? (Putin)

5th participant:

  1. A specialist with higher technical education? (engineer)

  2. A brilliant scientist who became famous thanks to an apple? (Newton)

  3. An animal whose strength is used to measure engine power? (horse)

  4. Where and when were canned food invented? (in France, 19th century)

  5. Russian wrestling based on defense techniques? (sambo)

  6. Another name for a computer? (computer)

  7. Name the first Russian Tsar? (Ivan the Terrible)

  8. Target shooting room? (shooting gallery)

  9. Without this rodent, would it be much more difficult to conduct a dialogue with a computer? (mouse)

  10. What sport did the Klitschko brothers make famous? (boxing)

6th participant:

  1. A big fan of other people's secrets on the Internet? (hacker)

  2. Moving part of an electric motor? (rotor)

  3. A device that marks short periods of time with blows? (metronome)

  4. Is the country the birthplace of football? (England)

  5. A subcompact racing car without a body? (kart)

  6. What do you call a spider that has entangled the whole world with its web? (Internet)

  7. A steel furnace named after its inventor? (open hearth)

  8. What is the name of a book that talks about the very, the, the most? (Guinness Book of Records)

  9. A device that allows you to connect a computer to a telephone line? (modem)

  10. Author of the book "The Mysterious Island"? (Jules Verne)

Knowledge area "Space"

  1. What do you call a person who studies the life of stars and planets? (astronomer)

  2. When did the first man go into space? (April 12, 1961 – Yu.A. Gagarin)

  3. How many planets move around the sun? (9)

  4. What is a space rock that falls to Earth called? (meteorite)

  5. Name the first female astronauts? (Savitskaya, Tereshkova)

  6. Which terrestrial planet is closest to Earth? (Venus)

  7. Name the star closest to us? (Sun)

Knowledge area "History"

  1. What are the 5th-17th centuries called in historical science? (average)

  2. Which pharaoh built the largest pyramid? (Cheops)

  3. How much was Judas paid for his betrayal? (30 pieces of silver)

  4. Which famous scientist was the teacher of A. Makedonsky? (Aristotle)

  5. What is the name of the stone figure with the body of a lion and the head of a man? (Sphinx)

  6. The name of which prince is associated with the first chronicle mention of Moscow? (Yuri Dolgoruky)

  7. Part of the armor that protects the head? (helmet)

Knowledge area "Sports"

1. Where did the Olympic Games begin? (in Greece)

2. The birthplace of chess? (India)

3. How long is the marathon distance? (42.195 m)

4. Which sport develops appetite the most? (swimming)

5. What is a football referee called? (arbitrator)

6. Continue the proverb: “If the team wins, then the team loses, then... (captain)

7. What is a penalty kick called? (penalty)

Field of knowledge "Music"

  1. Which note is the seasoning note in food? (salt)

  2. What is the name of the main song of the country? (Hymn)

  3. The leader of which group was Viktor Tsoi? ("Movie")

  4. Which great composer began his concert career at the age of six? (Mozart)

  5. What is the name of a musical group of four performers? (quartet)

  6. The name of this legendary group translates as “beetles.” About whom we're talking about? (The Beatles group)

  7. Name the world's first violinist who played at a concert without notes? (Paganini)

Area of ​​knowledge “Beyond the distance of centuries”

  1. The city to which the epithets “golden-domed” and “white-stone” refer? (Moscow)

  2. Nickname of Prince Yaroslav, son of Saint Vladimir? (Wise)

  3. New faith adopted by Russia in 998? (Christianity)

  4. The legendary prince who built the city of Ladoga on the lake? (Rurik)

  5. The popular name for the holiday on Midsummer's Day, July 7? (Ivan Kupala)

Knowledge Area “Assorted Questions”

  1. Name the smallest bird? (hummingbird)

  2. What is the highest ocean wave called? (tsunami)

  3. What are the most common shoes in Russia in the 18th century? (bast shoes)

  4. What is the name of the largest piece of sculpture in New York City? (Statue of Liberty)

  5. What is the largest mammal? (blue whale)

"Olympic mosaic"

  1. What is the main symbol of the Olympic Games? (Olympic flame)

  2. What were the winners of games awarded in Ancient Greece? (wreath of laurel leaves)

  3. Mascot of the Olympic Games in Moscow? (Misha bear)

  4. Three-time Olympic champion in figure skating, partner of A. Zaitsev? (I. Rodnina)

  5. An athlete who has won a competition? (champion)


  1. Is crossmeisel used for planar marking? (No)

  2. Name the tool used for filing? (file, needle file)

  3. What connection is the riveting used for? (for one-piece)

  4. Can the die be used on both sides? (Yes)

  5. List the metalworking operations used in the manufacture of a hammer? (marking, filing)

Game participants:

  1. Volkov Rafael

  2. Demchenko Vladimir

  3. Kirillov Alexander

  4. Grebenkin Alexey

  5. Melnik Artyom

  6. Tupitsyn Pavel

Winner games "The Smartest": Volkov Rafael

Intellectual game "The smartest"

The purpose of holding an extracurricular event in physics in the form of the intellectual game “The Smartest” is aimed at developing an idea of ​​the material unity of the world, manifested in the unity of the nature of physical objects and phenomena through identifying knowledge and skills in the subject, implementing interdisciplinary connections, increasing cognitive interest, expanding general erudition and development logical thinking students, their initiative, activity, communication, tolerance, nurturing love for their native land and pride in it. The game can be held within the framework of the subject week of physical and mathematical disciplines, classroom hours, as well as school-wide. This event is aimed at grades 10-11, with the obligatory participation of younger students as spectators. This contributes to the development of interest in the study of physics. Anyone can take part in the game.

The questions and tasks of the game correspond to the general education curriculum in physics, but also presuppose the presence of a sum of knowledge acquired outside the framework of the subject program, including knowledge in other subjects of the natural science cycle. Many questions require a logical solution.

The intellectual game “The Smartest” is a universal form of extracurricular activities By academic disciplines. The purpose of the game is largely aimed at identifying the general erudition of students.

The game took place in several rounds.

The first round is a warm-up. The questions are designed in such a way that students can demonstrate general level knowledge and your intelligence.

The second round consisted of questions on general course physicists

The third round is dedicated to outstanding people of the Donetsk region, specifically questions are drawn up on knowledge of the history of astronautics and fellow cosmonauts.

The last fourth course is held for two participants who have reached the finals. In the tasks of the fourth round, it is necessary to explain what physical phenomena are discussed in sayings, proverbs or signs. 1

In addition, a competition was held among the spectators. The students were shown interesting physics experiments that they had to explain. The winners received sweet prizes. The work presents a video of the entertaining experiences, but when holding an event at school, they can be carried out by the students themselves.

Borisova Vera Nikolaevna, 13.10.2018

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Development content

Intellectual game "The smartest"

Leading: Dear friends! Today we are summing up the results of the physics week that took place at our school. And the last event will be the competition “The Smartest”. Now I invite participants to come to me. Each of you must draw a number under which he will compete. (Participants draw numbers and take their seats.)

Leading: Now I will introduce the participants to the rules of the competition.

Stage 1 – warm-up: each participant will be asked 5 questions on general topics. Points will be calculated, but they will be taken into account if several participants in the final score the same number of points.

Stage 2 – each participant will be asked 10 questions from various sections of physics. If a participant finds it difficult to answer, he can ask for help from the audience or the help of a friend (but no more than once). The competitor chooses whether to accept the hint or not. For a hint, half a point is deducted. Each correct answer is worth one point.

Stage 3 is dedicated to outstanding people of our region. Participants will be asked questions, and those participants who know the answer will answer them. After this competition, the two participants with the most points remain.

Stage 4 – will be announced to participants who have reached the finals of the competition.

So, let's start warming up.

The presenter says the correct answer or not and the general the sum of correct answers of each participant.

Questions for the first participant:

1.Where is the longest wall in the world? (China)

2.What has two ends but no beginning? (Scissors)

3.Which river is the longest in the world? (Nile)

4. Who founded Nobel Prize? (Alfred Nobel)

5. Who was the first to fly into space? (Yuri Gagarin)

Questions for the second participant:

1. Name of the first female astronaut? (V. Tereshkova)

2. Which sea is the warmest? (Red)

3. What is the name of the deepest place in the world's oceans? (Mariana Trench)

4. Which bird is the smallest in the world? (Hummingbird)

5. Which house does not have a roof? ( Snail House).

Questions for the third participant:

1. What word is always spelled incorrectly? (Wrong)

2.What hears everything and says nothing? (Ear)

3. What do graphite and diamond have in common? (Composed of carbon)

4. Which forest has no leaves? (Khvoin).

5. Where do rivers flow without water? (On the map).

Questions for the fourth participant

1. Which bird is the largest? (Ostrich).

2. What is a snowflake made of? (Ice crystals).

3. What is it: not a tree, but with leaves? (Book).

4. Which iron is heavier: rusty or regular? (Rusty).

5. What does a molecule consist of? (From atoms).

Questions for the fifth participant

1. What does frost consist of? (Water condensate).

2. What is a “shooting star”? (Meteorite)

3. What area of ​​the Earth is covered with water? (71%).

4. What is the name of the temperature scale used in everyday life? (Celsius)

5.Can a thermos keep things cold? (Yes).

Leading: So, the first stage of our competition has ended. Now we move on to questions on physics. I remind you that each participant will be asked 10 questions. If a participant in the competition does not know the answers, he can resort to the help of the audience or the help of a friend. The participant in the competition decides whether to accept the hint or not. If the hint is accepted, only half a point is counted for the answer.

Questions for the first participant:

1. How many colors does a rainbow consist of? (Seven)

2. Why is it easier to swim in the sea than in a river? (density sea ​​water more)

3. Which is heavier: 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of feathers? (Equal).

3. Which is stronger: the Earth to the Moon or the Moon to the Earth? (Equal).

4. What is the measure of inertia of bodies? (Weight).

5. In what units is force measured? (Newton).

6. Potatoes boiled in salt water become salty due to what phenomenon? (Diffusion).

7. What surrounds the nucleus of an atom? (Electrons).

8. Current unit (Ampere).

9. The prefix “kilo” means . (Thousand).

10.Unit of time (Second).

So, the first participant has the correct….answers.

Questions for the second participant:

1. In what units is mass measured? (kg).

2. In which sea can you not drown? (Dead).

3. Does friction force act on a cabinet standing in the room? (Yes)

4.What does the word “physics” mean? (Nature).

5.What does the prefix “centi” mean? (100).

6. Why is it easy to skate on ice and not possible on thick, smooth glass? (When sliding on ice, it melts, acting as a lubricant).

7.Voltage unit? (Volt).

8.What is the direction of gravity always? (Vertical down).

9.How do two identical poles of a magnet interact? (Push off).

10. Melting temperature of ice? (0 0 WITH).

So, the second participant answered correctly... questions.

Questions for the third participant:

1.Unit of weight? (Newton).

2. When a strong force of attraction to the Sun acts on us - in New Year's Eve or on the morning of January 1 ? (January 1, in the morning we are closer to the Sun).

3.What does the prefix “Mega” mean? ( Million).

4.Is boiling water always hot? (No. High in the mountains, the boiling point of water is less than 100 0 WITH).

5.The device for measuring force is called (Dynamometer)

6.How do two unlike charges interact? (Attracted).

7.What color will you get if you mix all the colors of the rainbow? (White).

8.Why between the rails railway do they make gaps? (To avoid deformation of the railway, since metal expands when heated).

9.Which ice is more slippery: absolutely smooth or rough? (Rough)

10. Without what force is movement impossible? (Friction).

So, the third participant answered correctly... questions.

Questions for the fourth participant:

1.Unit of work? (Joule).

2.Power wires are sagging. How does this sagging change in severe frosts? (Decreases).

3. In a state of weightlessness, what force is zero? (Weight).

4.What device is used to determine the mass of bodies? (Scales).

5.What does the prefix “deci” mean? (Ten).

6. How do we explain the ebb and flow of the World Ocean? ( The attraction of the Earth to the Moon).

7. In what bodies does elastic force arise? (In deformed ones).

8.What is the speed of light in vacuum? (300000 km / With ).

9. Thanks to what phenomenon do we smell? ? (Diffusion).

10.What particles make up the nucleus of an atom? (Protons and neutrons).

The fourth participant answered correctly... questions

Questions for the fifth participant.

1.In what units is energy measured? (Joule).

2.What does the word “atom” mean? (Indivisible).

3.What does the prefix “micro” mean? (Part per million).

4.What device measures time? (Watch).

5. Why does the frost become less in winter if it's snowing? (When a liquid turns into solid heat is released).

6.What do we pay for in a taxi: travel or transportation? (Path).

7.What physical quantity is a measure of the interaction of bodies? (Strength).

8.Why is it difficult to sew with a rusty needle? ? (Frictional force increases due to uneven surface).

9. How do salt and sugar crystals differ from each other? (Molecules).

10.What does the prefix “millie” mean? (thousandth part).

Leading: The last participant in our competition answered correctly... questions. And we move on to the next, third round of our game.

Our Donetsk region is famous for many famous people. Among them are not only workers, scientists, outstanding researchers, but also conquerors

space. The next round of our competition is dedicated to outstanding people of the Donetsk region. In this round, questions are asked to all participants in turn; if any of the participants does not answer the question, then it goes to the next participant.

So, questions to the participants:

1.How many astronauts are there Heroes Soviet Union grew up on our land (Three)

2.What are their last names? (Georgy Beregovoy, Alexander Volkov and Leonid Kizim).

3.Which of these cosmonauts became a Hero of the Soviet Union even before flying into space? (Georgy Beregovoi became a Hero of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War).

4.Which cosmonaut had the call sign “Donbass-1” during the flight? (At Alexey Volkov)

5.Which of the astronauts, our fellow countrymen, was in space the longest? (Leonid Kizim - total time in space - almost 375 days).

6. In which city in our country is the cosmonautics hall open in the museum? (Yenakievo, this hall houses about 600 exhibits donated by Georgy Beregov and his family)

7. In which city of the Donetsk People's Republic was a memorial sign to the world's first dynasty of cosmonauts unveiled? (Gorlovka, a memorial sign to the Volkov dynasty was unveiled, since Alexei Volkov’s son Sergei also became an astronaut)

8.What is the name of the oldest earthling who has been in space? (Georgy Beregovoy flew into space at the age of 47)

9.Which of the astronauts, our fellow countrymen, were members of international space crews? (Alexey Volkov flew twice with

international space crews - French and Austrian, Leonid Kizim flew as part of the Soviet-Indian international crew)

10.Which astronaut spent the most time in outer space (Alexey Volkov - spent more than 10 hours in outer space).

Leading: While the jury is preparing to sum up the results and announce who reached the finals of the competition, we will hold a competition among the audience. Now you will watch some interesting physical experiments. Explain what physical laws explain these experiments.

The jury speaks (the scores of all participants and the names of the two finalists are announced).

Leading: Let's move on to the last competition. Now each finalist will be read sayings, proverbs, and signs associated with various natural phenomena. Their task is to say what physical phenomenon we are talking about.

So, I turn to the first participant. What natural phenomena are we talking about in the following sayings?

1. As it comes around, so it will respond (Reflection of sound).

2.Mow your hair while there is dew (Dew acts as a lubricant, less friction force).

4. A fly in the ointment will spoil a barrel of honey (Diffusion)

Explain the expression:

5. If you move a stone, it will become easier (The static friction force is greater than the sliding friction force).

Guess the riddles:

6. A golden bird flies into the house in the evening - it lights up the whole house (Light bulb).

7. I keep hot, I keep cold. I’ll replace both the stove and the refrigerator for you during your camping trip. ( Thermos).

Correct... answers.

Questions for the second participant: What physical phenomena are discussed in the following sayings?

1. An uncaught fish always seems bigger (Due to the refraction of light, objects in water appear larger.)

2. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. (Gravity is directed vertically downward).

3. Strike while the iron is hot (Hot iron is soft and more easily deformed.)

4. Things went like clockwork. (Oil acts as a lubricant. There is much less friction)

Explain the sign:

Guess the riddles

6. Without legs and without wings, it flies quickly, you can’t catch it (Time)

7. A steeplejack stands on the roof and catches news for us (Antenna).

The second participant gave correct answers to... questions.

The jury sums up the results of the competition and announces the name of the winner.

Intellectual game in biology

"The smartest young biologist"

Ametova E.B.,

biology teacher at the Oryol School - kindergarten»


    activation and development of thinking, creating a situation of success and a feeling of joy from mental work;

    broadening the horizons of students;

    nurturing love for nature and respect for it;

    fostering a culture of behavior.

Teacher: The goal of the game is to deepen knowledge of biology. To start the game, we must invite participants. Let's invite the participants of the game with friendly applause

A game is a game, and, as in every game, there are winners and losers. And it doesn’t matter who is luckier today. The main thing is that an atmosphere of kindness and mutual support reigns in this room. May everyone have good luck!

Event plan

Round 1. “The World of Crosswords”

Round 2. “Marathon”

1. Musculoskeletal system

2. Circulatory system

3. Immune system

4. Respiratory system

5. Pi schdigestion system

6. Leather

7. Excretory system

8. Endocrine system


Round 3. “Favorite bioscience”

The game is designed for 9 participants in the fight for the title of the smartest 9th grade biologist. After each round, the number of participants decreases (elimination depends on the number of points scored). Three participants compete in the final third round.

Round 1. “The World of Crosswords”

All participants pull out envelopes with the task of guessing the words (all words begin with the same letter, each participant has their own letter). You have 5 minutes to guess. If participants score the same number of points, they are asked additional questions.

1st participant. Letter "D"

1. Founder of evolutionary teaching.(Darwin)

2. Short process of a neuron.(Dendrite)

3. The tissue that makes up the bulk of the tooth.(Dentine)

4. The actual skin.(Dermis)

5. Dense forest vegetation with a tangle of vines, often impenetrable.(Jungle)

6. The muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity in the body of mammals.(Diaphragm)

7. The process of absorption of oxygen by organisms and the release of carbon dioxide.(Breath)

8. Plant of the Pumpkin family. (Melon)

9. Method of bacterial propagation.(Division)

10 The beetle is a pest of grain crops.(Weevil)

2nd participant. Letter "K"

1. A bird that can hang motionless in the air and fly in the opposite direction - tail first.(Hummingbird)

2. Which animal has been the cause of Australia's national disaster for several centuries?(Rabbit)

3. What is the name of the species of spider in which the female eats the male after mating?(Karakurt)

4. What is the largest reptile living on Earth today?(Crocodile)

5. Long jump animal champion?(Kangaroo)

6. The layer of cells due to which the wood thickens?(Cambium)

7. A bear that eats eucalyptus leaves.(Koala)

8. What do plants breathe?(Oxygen)

9. The most poisonous snake.(Cobra)

10. What is the name of an animal whose paws are turned out?(Mole)

3rd participant. Letter "L"

1. Founder of modern taxonomy of plants and animals.(Linnaeus)

2. Modified limbs of secondary aquatic animals.(Flippers)

3. Paired air breathing organ.(Lungs)

4. The natural phenomenon of leaves falling from plants.(Leaf fall)

5. Yellowish liquid, which chemical composition similar to blood plasma.(Lymph)

6. Type of vegetation in which main role trees and bushes play.(Forest)

7. Which seaweed is called seaweed?(kelp)

8. The simplest magnifying device.(Magnifying glass)

9. The longest plant.(Liana)

10. Lateral vegetative organ of plants.(Sheet)

4th participant. Letter "M"

1. Extinct mammal of the Elephantidae family.(Mammoth)

2. The middle era in the geological history of the Earth.(Mesozoic)

3. Protein of muscle contractile fibers. (Myosin)

5. Vegetative body of the fungus.(Mycelium)

6. Seasonal migrations of birds.(Migrations)

7. Which animal can lift a load weighing three times its body weight?(Ant)

8. Contractile organs of movement of animals and humans.(Muscles)

9. Poisonous mushroom.(Amanita)

10. Organelle that provides the cell with energy.(Mitochondria)

5th participant. Letter "N"

1. What is the name of the part of the ship from the human organ?(Nose)

2. The scientist who discovered double fertilization in flowering plants.(Navashin)

3. American ostrich.(Nandu)

4. Nerve cell.(Neuron)

5. Deposition of eggs by fish followed by fertilization.(Spawning)

6. Substance contained in plants of the Tobacco genus.(Nicotine)

7. This Central American native is often mistaken for a rat. Although in fact it is a swamp beaver. Name it.(Nutria)

8. A substance for which insects pollinate flowers.(Nectar)

9. Organ of locomotion of gastropods.(Leg)

10. Representative of odd-toed ungulates with one horn.(Rhinoceros)

6th participant. Letter "O"

1. Any living body.(Organism)

2. Bone cells.(Osteocytes)

3. The collection of sepals and petals in a flower.(Perianth)

5. Permanent structural components cells. (Organelles)

6. Part of an organism that performs one or more specific functions.(Organ)

7. The process of fusion of male and female reproductive cells.(Fertilization)

8. Another name for olive.(Olive)

9. The process of transferring pollen from the stamen to the stigma.(Pollination)

10. What kind of wood are matches made from?(Aspen)

7th participant. Letter "P"

1. An organ of higher plants that has a stem, leaves, and buds.(Escape)

3. The largest human gland.(Liver)

4. The part of the stamen in which pollen is produced.(Anther)

5. Colored substances that make up cells.(Pigment)

6. Organs of movement of fish.(fins)

7. An organ in mammals that connects the embryo with the mother’s body.


8. What “yarn” is not on sale?(Webs)

9. What do birds have that other animals don’t?(Feathers)

10. A painting depicting nature.(Scenery)

8th participant. Letter "C"

1. The science of creating new varieties of plants and animal breeds.(Selection)

2. The set of conditions in which organisms exist.(Wednesday)

3. Irreversible end of life. (Death)

4. Male reproductive cell.(Sperm)

5. Another name for octopus.(Octopus)

6. What is the name of a group of flowers arranged in a certain order?(Inflorescence)

7. What is the name of the stem of cereals?(Straw)

8. Which bird has the biggest egg?? (Ostrich)

9. The plant from which sugar is obtained.(Beet)

10. The axial part of the plant shoot.(Stem)

9th participant. Letter "T"

1. A scientist who made great contributions to the study of the process of photosynthesis.(Timiryazev)

2. Thyroid hormone.(Thyroxine)

3. A set of cells that are similar in structure, origin, and functions.(Textile)

4. Blood coagulates with the help of formed elements - ...(platelets)

5. Another name for tomato.(Tomato)

6. Organ respiratory system person.(Trachea)

7. Algae body. (Thallus)

8. Ancestor of the bull.(Tour)

9. A room or vessel for keeping small animals.(Terrarium)

10. A flower whose homeland is considered to be Holland.(Tulip)

Additional questions

1.What happens if the feathers waterfowl will oil or fuel oil get in?

Answer: Feathers and down will stick together, water will easily penetrate the skin, and the birds will die from chilling.

2.On Latin The name of this insect is “Cricket-mole”. What it can’t do: it digs the ground, and runs, and jumps, and swims, and flies, and even sings. Who is this?

Answer: Medvedka.

3. Who appears earlier in the spring – bats or flying insects.

Answer: Bats appear after the flight of the insects on which they feed.

4. Why, when a horse gets scared of something, does it start to snort?

Answer: She has a very acute sense of smell and, snorting, clears her nose in order to quickly determine what and from what direction she is being threatened.

5. Can an ostrich call itself a bird?

Answer: No, he cannot speak.

6. One lady from Houston (USA) brought her parrot to the veterinarian, who was constantly coughing. What advice did the doctor give her?

Answer:Quit smoking

7. Which people in the Ancient East were fed only boiled meat, what were they clearly not happy about?

Answer:Those sentenced to death because the body without fiber quickly becomes polluted and poisoned.

8. Why were settlers forced to bring bumblebees to Australia along with clover?

Answer:Bees have a short proboscis and cannot pollinate it.

9. What plant is not eaten raw, but when cooked is thrown away?

Answer: Laurel

Round 2. “Marathon”

Each of the participants who took part in this round receives 9 questions about human organ systems, which must be answered quickly. If there is no answer, say “Next”

1st participant.

1. The exit of the articular head from the articular fossa. (Dislocation)

2. Formed elements of blood that supply the body’s cells with oxygen. (Red blood cells)

3. What disease is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus? (AIDS)

5. Digestive enzyme contained in human saliva. (Amylase)

6. The process of evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, preventing overheating of the body. (Sweating)

7. Indicate the amount of secondary urine that a person produces per day. (1.5 l)

8. Gland that produces the hormone insulin. (Pancreas)

2 th participant.

1. First cervical vertebra. (Atlant)

2. A disease that occurs when blood clotting is impaired. (Hemophilia)

3. The process of absorption and digestion of foreign microorganisms by leukocytes. (Phagocytosis)

4. A breathing tube formed from cartilaginous half-rings. (Trachea)

5. Vermiform appendix of the large intestine. (Appendix)

6. What vitamin is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. (VitaminD)

7. Hollow sac-like organ of the urinary system. (Bladder)

8. Glands that produce the hormone adrenaline. (Adrenal glands)

3 th participant.

1. Lateral curvature of the spine. (Scoliosis)

2. The most important organ in circulatory system. (Heart)

3. The body's ability to protect its own integrity, biological individuality and genetic constancy internal environment. (Immunity)

4. Breathing movements. (Inhale, exhale)

5. What acid is included in the composition gastric juice? (Hydrochloric acid)

6. A disease of the scalp caused by lice. (Pediculosis)

7. Structural and functional unit of the kidney. (Nephron)

8. Gland that produces growth hormone. (Pituitary)

4 th participant.

1. How many vertebrae are there in the human spine? (33-34)

2. The most major artery in the human body. (Aorta)

3. Introduction of a vaccine into the body, which results in cellular immunity. (Graft)

4. Cartilaginous tubes that enter the lungs and branch repeatedly. (Bronchi)

5. The most expanded part of the digestive canal, which looks like a curved bag. (Stomach)

6. Leather derivatives. (Hair, nails)

7. The end product of metabolism in human kidneys. (Urine)

8. Indicate the gland whose function is affected by the presence of iodine in the human body. (Thyroid)

5 th participant.

1. The most long bone in the human body. (femoral)

2. Phases of the cardiac cycle. (Systole, diastole)

3. Reaction immune system for the appearance in the body of any compounds foreign to the body. (Immune response)

4. Common infectious disease respiratory system, the causative agent of which is Koch's bacillus. (Tuberculosis)

5. Organ digestive system which produces bile. (Liver)

6. Dark skin pigment. (Melanin)

7. The first stage of urine formation. (Filtration)

8. Biologically active substances, which produce endocrine glands. (Hormones)

6 th participant.

1. How many ribs does a person have? (24)

2. What is saturated blood called? carbon dioxide? (Venous)

3. The type of immunity that is present in the human body from the day of birth. (Congenital)

4. Pulmonary vesicles that provide gas exchange. (Alveoli)

5. What part of the intestine is on average equal to the width of 12 fingers put together? ( Duodenum)

6. A condition in which the body temperature is below 35°. (Hypothermia)

7. Inflammatory infectious disease bladder. (Cystitis)

8. Another name for the human thymus gland. (thymus)


3 players with the largest number points received in the 2nd round. To determine the order of players' answers in the third round, a "breaker" competition is first held. "Breaker" is a task in which players are asked to guess a word encrypted using an alphanumeric code, where each letter is replaced by the corresponding number according to the system . The letters “Ё”, “И”, “Ъ” are not used in the decipherer. The sooner the player completed the task, the earlier he will answer questions in the third round; the participant is given the right to choose a gaming console.

Decryptor key :











Object of study of biology and other natural sciences








Answer: NATURE

Round 3. “Favorite bioscience”

The three players identified their "special topics" before the game, and tried to learn as much information about them as possible. The "breaker" determines the order of players in the third round. After this, questions on special topics of players and on the topic “general questions” are placed in a chaotic order on a field of 36 cells (6x6). For a short time, the entire field is open to players so that they remember their own and other people's cells, then the field closes again. Cells are opened one by one by players. When answering a question on a “general” topic, a player receives 1 point, when answering a question from his own special topic - 2 points, when answering a question from an opponent’s topic - 3 points. The first to answer the questions is the player standing behind the red remote control - his cells on the scoreboard. The second has the color , the third has (). General questions cells are light in color.

Scoreboard with cells





































A total of 9 questions are asked to each player. The player with the most points wins. The game can be ended ahead of schedule if, even theoretically, no one has a chance to beat the leader. If after 9 rounds of questions one leader has not decided, questions continue to be asked. After each round of questions, it is checked whether the leader has been determined. The game can also end if the winner is determined in advance. The maximum number of “circles” of questions is 12, that is, it ends with a situation where the entire field with cells is open. If the winner is not determined when the scoreboard is fully open, an additional competition is held, described above.

Special topics of participants


1. What's that creak, what's that crunch? What kind of bush is this?

How can I be without crunch if I... (Cabbage)

2. Striped balls came to us from melons. (Watermelon)

3. In the summer in the garden - fresh, green,

And in winter, in a barrel - yellow, salty.

Well done, guess what their names are? (Cucumbers)

4. Even though I’m called sugar, I didn’t get wet from the rains.

Large, round, sweet in taste.

Did you recognize it? I... (Beets)

5. A girl sits in a dungeon - her braid is on the street. (Carrot)

6. The golden sieve is full of black houses;

How many black houses, so many white residents. (Sunflower)

7. Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats,

Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)

8. It’s not fire, but it burns. (Nettle)

9. On a green fragile leg

The ball grew by the path,

A little breeze rustled and scattered this ball. (Dandelion)

10. It blooms from under the snow and welcomes spring before anyone else. (Snowdrop)

Algology (Algae)

1. What is another name for the seaweed seaweed? (Kelp)

2. Which sea is named after algae? (Sargasso)

3. What is the name of the colonial algae of fresh water bodies? (Volvox)

4. What is the name of a freshwater algae whose cells are arranged in a row and form a thread? (Ulotrix)

5. What is the name of the body of algae? (Thallus)

6. Which multicellular filamentous algae has a ribbon-like chloroplast shape, spirally twisted, and the nucleus is supported by strands of cytoplasm? (Spirogyra)

7. Which algae was the first to go into space? (Chlorella)

8. What organelles of Chlamydomonas are used for the movement of algae? (Flagella)

9. What phenomenon causes mass reproduction of green unicellular algae in a pond? (“Blooming” of water)

Ornithology (Birds)

1. Which bird and fruit have the same name? (Kiwi)

2. What bird is found in Africa, Antarctica, and near the equator in the Galapagos Islands? (Penguin)

3. Which bird has the most sharp vision? (Vulture)

4. What is another name for sea gulls? (Martyns)

5. Which bird is the fastest? (Peregrine Falcon)

6. The largest predator among birds. (Condor)

7. Which bird’s chicks do not know their mother? (Cuckoo)

8. Which seabird is the largest? (Albatross)

9. Which bird has bird's milk? (Pigeon)

Mammaliology (Mammals)

1. What animal’s baby drinks 2 tons of milk per day? (Blue whale)

2. What is the name of the bamboo bear? (Panda)

3. What is the largest animal in the cat family? (Tiger)

4. What is the name of a leopard with black coloring? (Panther)

5. The smallest mammal in the world. (Lesser Toothless)

6. Which animal is the fastest? (Cheetah)

7. Who is considered the ancestor of the dog? (Wolf)

8. Which animal is considered sacred in India? (Cow)

9. Which animal eats only eucalyptus? (Koala)

Entomology (Insects)

1. How many pairs of legs do insects have? (3)

2. What are the respiratory organs of insects? (Trachea)

3. The largest beetle on the territory of Ukraine? (stag beetle)

4. What is the name of the butterfly larva? (Caterpillar)

5. What are male bees called? (Drones)

6. What are the names of the holes through which insects breathe? (spiracles)

7. What is the name of the exoskeleton of insects? (Chitin)

8. Which insect carries the disease malaria? (Mosquito)

9. Silk thread is obtained from the cocoon of which insect? (Silkworm)

Ichthyology (Pisces)

1. What are the respiratory organs of fish? (Gills)

2. What is another name for the spiny shark? (Katran)

3. How many chambers does a fish's heart have? (2)

4. What is the name of a fish larva that looks like an adult fish? (Malek)

5. What is another name for anchovy? (Anchovy)

6. Which fish and river have the same name? (Amur)

7. What is the name of the air sac in the body of fish? (Swim Bladder)

8. The most big fish on earth? (Whale shark)

9. Which river fish has no scales? (Som)

Arachnology (Spiders)

1. What is the body cover of spiders called? (Cuticle)

2. How many pairs of walking legs do spiders have? (4)

3. What is the name of the protective formation around spider eggs? (Cocoon)

4. Which spider’s female eats the male after fertilization? (Black Widow)

5. What is the name of the group of ticks that feed on the blood of humans and animals? (Ixodidae)

6. What spider can live underwater? (Serebryanka)

7. Which animal has leg movements similar to those of a scythe? (Haymaker)

8. What nervous system disease is caused by the pasture tick? (Encephalitis)

9. How many body parts does a spider have? (2)